
Writing Coach Teresa LeYung Ryan -- Resources for Writers

Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan here to encourage you to pursue more and more resources . . . by visiting this website and my blog on a regular basis to find other people who can help you polish your craft and further build your platform. If you are not in the vicinity of the events I blog about . . . please look at the names of the people who are referenced in my posts, go to their websites by clicking on the links I provide or your keying their names in a search engine. The people I blog about will lead you to their colleagues, and so on. More ways to build your platform? See the exercises in my workbook Build Your Writer's Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days (in print edition and Kindle e-book edition)



Teresa LeYung Ryan, writing-career-coach, manuscript consultant, author, speaker.

  • Join Women's National Book Association-San Francisco Chapter; you'll get to work on events with Writing Career Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan and her colleagues.  http://wnba-sfchapter.org/ 
  •  Check out California Writers Club  http://calwriters.org/  19 branches in California ! 

Order Teresa’s new workbook BUILD YOUR WRITER’S PLATFORM & FANBASE IN 2 2 DAYS:   Attract Agents, Editors, Publishers, Readers, and Media Attention NOW(available through Amazon.com and other booksellers). Go to Home page of this website.  $4.99 for ebook Kindle edition & $11.66 for print edition.

Click here for print edition. Click here for Kindle edition. "Reach out, not stress out."

Teresa’s novel Love Made of Heart: a Mother’s Mental Illness Forges Forgiveness in Daughter Ruby is used in college courses and archived at the San Francisco History Center.



Editors I recommend. They specialize in various genres. Please visit their websites, contact them and identify the right editor for your project. Tell them you saw their names on Coach Teresa's website.


Lynn Scott says: "As an editor I help writers, new and seasoned, transform their non-fiction manuscripts into polished page-turners."  Lynn's email address at Mindspring.com is: LynnScott


Vicki Weiland specializes in history, art, biographies. Take a look at “VICKI’S FOUR QUESTIONS” ©   http://vickiweiland.wordpress.com/


Mary E. Knippel, Editor,Writer, Creativity Mentor, Speaker and Workshop Facilitator. Mary conducts workshops in which participants discover their authentic selves, and encourages everyone to use Creativity as a healing tool. C reate a vision board for your career.  http://yourwritingmentor.com/


Lori Noack Arts Management--Lori is a dynamo Publications Specialist  http://www.linkedin.com/pub/lori-noack/15/ab/3a1

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http://lovemadeofheart.com/blog/  Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan's blog helps writers build their platforms and fanbases to attract agents, editors, publishers, readers, and media attention.  Subscribe.


Coach Teresa recommends FEMME: Women Healing the World   If you'd like to watch the trailer, please click here. Margie Yee Webb is a producer.
Coach Teresa recommends Martha Alderson's books and Plot Whisperer's blog 

Coach Teresa recommends Elisa Sasa Southard's book  http://breakthroughthenoise.com/


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http://www.scbwi.org/  Professional organization dedicated to serving the people who write, illustrate, or share a vital interest in children's literature.


www.wnba-sfchapter.org  San Francisco Chapter of Women's National Book Association (Teresa LeYung Ryan is a boardmember of this chapter)


www.Calwriters.com  This is the state website of California Writers Club (look for a branch near you)


http://www.jobhuntersbible.com Richard Bolles, What Color Is Your Parachute? books


http://artsinthevalley.wordpress.com/ Arts in the Valley, hosted by Kim McMillon, on 1480 KYOS in Merced, CA. Merced County has a vibrant arts community. Listen to Kim's shows, study her format before pitching yourself teo her  show. Arts in the Valley often has theme shows where topics of health, healing, women’s issues, and other topics of interest to our listeners are discussed.

www.BlockBusterPlots.com is the definitive website for writers looking for plot and scene development help. Martha Alderson is Teresa's plotting coach.
www.BreakThroughtheNoise.com   Tagline Coach Elisa Southard is the author of Break Through the Noise: 9 Tools to Propel Your Marketing Message. She and Teresa LeYung Ryan love to help writers promote themselves.

http://askmepc.com   Beautiful custom websites/blogs and training -  Remarkable Linda Lee is Teresa's cyberspace coach.

http://deborahgrossman.com/  Deborah Grossman brings a journalist's eye to any project. As an avid food and wine writer for publications such as Wine Enthusiast and the San Francisco Chronicle, she has developed relationships with food, hospitality, wine and spirits professional around the world.  She has served as editorial consultant for New Soul Cooking by Tanya Holland (Stewart, Tabori & Chang, 2003) and Cooking School Secrets for Real-World Chefs by Linda Carucci (Chronicle Books, 2005).

http://www.ci.pleasanton.ca.us/community/arts/civic-arts-literary.html   As the City of Pleasanton Poet Laureate, Deborah Grossman envisions continuing the “Century House Featured Poets” series, the Teen Poet Laureate program and other school programs. She plans to launch a “Celebrating Famous Poets” series. Deborah is the author of Goldie & Me; the book features poems by Deborah and her feisty mother who launched into her poetic renaissance at age 87.

http://MauiPhotoFestival.com  http://PracticeAloha.org  Barbara Santos  is the author of two cookbooks—The Maui Onion Cookbook (Celestial Arts) and Maui Tacos Cookbook (Pendulum Publishing) and her latest project—Practice Aloha. She is best known on Maui (where she lived for 15 years) for creating and coordinating major food events. Barbara was the co-director of the Maui Writers Conference for many years and is now the marketing director of the San Francisco Writers Conference and the San Francisco Writing for Change conference. She is founder of SANTOS!PR and a director of the Maui Photo Festival & Workshops.  

http://www.aeonix.com Pete Masterson, Publishing Consultant Aeonix Publishing Group

author of Book Design and Production: A Guide for Authors and Publishers

http://www.frompassiontopublicity.net/    Lin Lacombe, Publicity Expert and Book Advisor, Turning Books into Business


http://gailmdesign.com  Want a reliable and talented graphic and web designer? Gail Mazhari is a true professional.

http://dearjane.info  Rebecca Martin, founder of California based dear jane…, a career advisement company..., believes that people can succeed in landing the "perfect" job if they can first identify what is right for them.

www.rp-author.com/Adams   Luisa Adams is an award winning writer, educator, workshop leader, and Licensed Brain Gym® Consultant. She is the mother of five, grandmother of eight, and resides with her husband, Dave, in San Mateo, California when not living by the enchanted lake.

www.AliveHypnosis.com   Angie Choi has helped Teresa LeYung Ryan interpret dream symbols. They have also teamed up to deliver presentations to show how dreams not only work in our sleeping minds but also in our waking minds.

Moonflower Creations is a resource for Conscious Living, Spirituality, Metaphysics and the Sacred Feminine Mysteries. Marie Elena combines a thirty year background of study, practice and instruction in her classes and services.

 www.MCScala.com  Martha Clark Scala, MFT is the author of Feel Better in the Mourning: Give Grief a Voice, a psychotherapist, a presenter, and a real Listener.

www.thewritespot.us   Marlene Cullen's Writers Forum is a monthly series of literary workshops exploring many avenues of writing--Petaluma, CA

http://www.thewritespot.us/jumpstart.html  founded by Marlene Cullen--Jumpstart is a writing workshop where creative sparks are used for jumping-off points to encourage and inspire writing. Petaluma, CA

http://just-a-mom.us    Yolande Barial, columnist for Tracy Press, is the founder of Your Words Project: Speaking on Purpose and producer of spoken-words performances

http://www.thoniehevron.com   Thonie Hevron - author of By Force Or Fear  "Giving writers--and readers--an authentic cop experience."

http://www.namw.org The National Association of Memoir Writers (NAMW) invites memoir writers from all over the world to connect, learn, and get inspired.
www.cwgortner.com  Christopher Gortner is a brilliant historical novelist, teacher, speaker.

http://www.TheCourageToTrust.com    Have childhood betrayals stopped you from trusting wisely today? The Courage to Trust shows that trust is a choice and offers tools and stories to help you overcome old barriers to trust and intimacy. Book and workshops by Cynthia Wall, LCSW
http://www.womensmemoirs.com   Matilda Butler's website serves as a resource for women who are undertaking on their own or in a group to plan, write, and share their memoirs.

 www.editorforyou.com   Melanie Rigney says: “It's my privilege as an editor with more than 25 years of experience to help your manuscript sing.”
www.shelleysinger.com   Shelley Singer taught a class at U.C.Berkeley Ext.--that's where Teresa learned how to write an enticing query letter and the nuts-and-bolts of how to get published.

 www.habitualreader.com   the online fiction book club that features your reader profiles, book reviews, and favorite community bookstores.

www.writeradvice.com Writer Advice (an excellent resource and a "fun" place to go to; B. Lynn Goodwin is the editor)
www.holtuncensored.com   Pat Holt's website ! about books and the book industry written by Pat Holt, former Book Review Editor and Critic for The San Francisco Chronicle.

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http://www.kemblescott.com/   author Kemble Scott / journalist Scott James

http://www.media-alliance.org   Media Alliance is a 28 year-old media resource and advocacy center for media workers, non-profit organizations, and social justice activists. Our mission is excellence, ethics, diversity, and accountability in all aspects of the media in the interests of peace, justice, and social responsibility.
www.bookweb.org  American Booksellers Association (for lists of independent bookstores in the U.S., tradeshows, regional booksellers' organizations, and book festivals)
www.aar-online.org   Association of Authors' Representatives

 http://writing.shawguides.com   Directory of writers’ organizations and conferences.
www.nciba.com  Northern California Independent Booksellers Association
www.pnba.org  Pacific Northwest Booksellers Association
www.wnba-sfchapter.org   San Francisco Chapter of Women's National Book Association (Teresa LeYung Ryan is a boardmember of this chapter)
http://www.cwc-peninsula.org/ (Teresa LeYung Ryan is a past-president of this branch) The San Francisco/ Peninsula Branch of California Writers Club meets monthly to network, meet speakers, participate in open-microphone. Saturday programs (650) 615-8331. This branch sponsors the Jack London Writers' Conference .

www.stonesoup.com  for young writers and artists
www.southbaywriters.com The South Bay Branch of CWC meets once a month. This branch hosts the East of Eden Writers' Conference. Teresa LeYung Ryan and Elisa Southard presented at the 2004 conference.
www.marinwriters.com The Marin Branch of CWC meets on a Sunday once a month, usually at Book Passage in Corte Madera. This branch hosts the Writers Way Conference.

http://www.redwoodwriters.org   This branch sponsors the Redwood Writers Conference, monthly meetings, and many other fun events.

www.berkeleywritersclub.org The Berkeley Branch of CWC sponsors monthly meetings and other fun sessions.
www.santaclaracountylib.org/gilroy/GIwriting.html  Members of the Gilroy Writers Project meet once a month at the Gilroy Library, 7387 Rosanna Street (corner of 6th and Rosanna), Gilroy, CA (408)842-8208 ext. 3413
www.Calwriters.com   This is the state website of CWC (look for a branch near you)
www.wnba-books.org   Women's National Book Association
http://sfwriters.org/   The San Francisco Writers Conference. (Teresa LeYung Ryan and Elisa Southard have been presenters since 2004, and will be at the 2010 conference)
www.kensingtonbooks.com   Kensington Publishing Corp., New York (Teresa LeYung Ryan's editor is John Scognamiglio)
www.dystel.com  Dystel & Goderick Literary Management, NY (Teresa LeYung Ryan's agent is Stacey Glick)

www.aaww.org  The Asian American Writers' Workshop
http://marvel.loc.gov   Library of Congress

www.publishersweekly.com   Publishers Weekly
www.bookwire.com/bookwire   The Bookwire/PW Daily
www.barnesandnoble.com   Barnes & Noble Booksellers

www.bookpassage.com   Book Passage in Corte Madera and San Francisco, CA

www.booksinc.net   Books Inc. in California

http://bookshopwestportal.com/  BookShop West Portal, San Francisco, CA

www.borders.com  BORDERS Books & Music

www.copperfieldsbooks.com   Copperfield's Books in California
www.elliottbaybook.com   The Elliott Bay Book Company in Seattle, WA

www.keplers.com  Kepler’s Bookstore in Menlo Park, CA

www.laurelbookstore.com/  Laurel Book Store, Oakland, CA

www.powellbooks.com   Powell's Books in Oregon

 NCCBA - Google "Northern California Children's Booksellers Association" to get contact information.


Other Super Organizations:

http://www.jobhuntersbible.com Richard Bolles,  What Color Is Your Parachute? books

www.folusa.com  Friends of Libraries, USA

http://schoolibrary.org   California School Library Association

http://www.californiareads.org California Reading Association
www.chsa.org  Chinese Historical Society of America
www.aaastudies.org   Association for Asian American Studies

http://www.thework.com   What is The Work? The Work, founded by Byron Katie, is a simple yet powerful process of inquiry that teaches you to identify and question thoughts that cause all the suffering in the world. It's a way to understand what's hurting you, and to address your problems with clarity.
