Archive for the ‘Mental Health’ Category

12:25pm – 22:45 December 9;  21:08 December 11;  08:58-13:33 December 12, 2024 Aix-les-Bains, FRANCE

Dear Reader,


I wish you and everyone around you … peace, happiness, and Nature’s Beauty.

I am forever grateful to the people in my life who help me grow.

I am forever grateful to healers, medical, health professionals, caregivers, patients, researchers, authors, editors, publishers et al who make current information available in many languages.

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YouTube link to the interview with

Dr. Norman Doidge, M.D. about the BEAUTIFUL HUMAN BRAIN and HEALING

Chronic Pain; Parkinson’s and other Movement Disorders; Strokes; Autism; many more conditions

posted in 2015 by CANADA BROADCAST

Dr. Norman Doidge, M.D. | The Power of Thought

CBC News: The National    1.82M subscribers

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You know friends who have had . . . Strokes?  Chronic pain? Someone you care about suffering from symptoms of MS?  Cerebral Palsy?  Muscular Dystrophy?  Alzheimer’s?  Parkinson’s?  Head injury? Balance problems? Vision problems? Depression?

Our amazing brains!

Reviewing the chapter titles and the index sparks hope and motivation to ask physicians the right questions.

the book –

The Brain’s Way of Healing:  Remarkable Discoveries and Recoveries from the Frontiers of Neuroplasticity

by Norman Doidge, M.D.

Available, so far, in 22 languages:

The Brain’s Way of Healing is now available in over 100 countries, and 22 languages including translations from English into  Bulgarian, Chinese Traditional Characters, Chinese Simplified Characters, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Lithuanian, Polish,  Portuguese, Portuguese-Brazil,  Romanian, Russian,  Spanish,  Turkish and Ukrainian.

French edition book title:

GUERIR GRACE A LA NEUROPLASTICITE: Cerveau les fabuleux pouvoirs de guérison

English translation of French edition: HEALING WITH NEUROPLASTICITY:   Brain The Fabulous Healing Powers




Chapter 1 Physician Hurt, Then Heal Thyself

Michael Moskowitz Discovers That Chronic Pain Can Be Unlearned

Chapter 2 A Man Walks Off His Parkinsonian Symptoms

How Exercise Helps Fend Off Degenerative Disorders and Can Defer Dementia

Chapter 3 The Stages of Neuroplastic Healing

How and Why It Works

Chapter 4 Rewiring a Brain with Light

Using Light to Reawaken Dormant Neural Circuits

Chapter 5 Moshe Feldenkrais: Physicist, Black Belt, and Healer

Healing Serious Brain Problems Through Mental Awareness of Movement

Chapter 6 A Blind Man Learns to See

Using Feldenkrais, Buddhist, and Other Neuroplastic Methods

Chapter 7 A Device That Resets the Brain

Stimulating Neuromodulation to Reverse Symptoms

I. A Cane Against the Wall

II. Three Resets: Parkinson’s, Stroke, Multiple Sclerosis

III. The Cracked Potters

IV. How the Brain Balances Itself—with a Little Help

Chapter 8 A Bridge of Sound

The Special Connection Between Music and the Brain

I. A Dyslexic Boy Reverses His Misfortune

II. A Mother’s Voice

III. Rebuilding the Brain from the Bottom Up: Autism, Attention Deficits, and Sensory Processing Disorder

IV. Solving the Mystery at the Abbey: How Music Raises Our Spirits and Energy

Dr. Doidge’s books make for fascinating reads – our brains and the phenomenon of neuroplasticity -  thank you to all the patients who did not give up, their loved ones, their physicians who did not give up, and the dedicated neuroscientists . . .  for providing the stories.

Even if your physicians and healers have not read this book . . . YOU can arm yourselves with the information and ask them to make referrals. And, you can also ask friends to share their resources.

I cheer for you, friends & colleagues!  To those who write books, I cheer for your books too!  The subject matters in your books and Dr. Doidge’s books carry plenty of connections.

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Conversations with our own Brains about what we want for our Bodies.

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My father suffered from Parkinsonian Disorder.  The disease impacted the safety of his walking.

I felt a great sense of accomplishment (after reading Norman Doidge, M.D.’s book The Brain’s Way of Healing

… especially Chapter 2 “A Man Walks Off His Parkinsonian Symptoms”

and learning how to ask Papa’s neurologist the right questions)…

Questions that led Dr. White to  order “specific” physical therapy for Papa – therapy NOT for injuries like a broken leg from a skiing accident but therapy for movement disorders -  to help Papa reverse the Parkinson’s “shuffling” gait and “freezing” gait as well as improve posture. Thank you, Dr. White!

The Brain is smart. When one set of instructions “doesn’t connect” another set of instructions will. At one appointment with neurologist Dr. Luthra when she said to my father: “Let me see you walk.”

I offered information: “Dr. Luthra, when Papa is at a doorway to enter or leave a room, and, at elevators (lifts) … his legs lock … he can’t move. That’s dangerous when the elevator door closes and he cannot move. Or when his walker gets caught by a rug that is not properly secured to the floor.”

Dr. Luthra stepped out of her small office and stood in the hallway, facing Papa. She smiled, gestured for Papa to walk out of the room.  At the threshold, his legs wouldn’t cooperate. He lurched forward with his walker, but his legs couldn’t move.

Dr. Luthra: “Mr. Leung, keep one hand on your walker, raise your other arm.” She demonstrated. She raised her right arm straight up. She added: “Raising your arm tells your Brain that you want to move.”

Papa kept his left hand on his walker, he raised his right arm, then lowered it back to the walker

I watched with astonishment as he and his walker walked out the room with ease.

Later, Movement Disorder Physical Therapist Brenda taught Papa more tricks to help his Brain and his Body talk to each other, learn from each other.

If I hadn’t learned what I had learned from Dr. Norman Doidge, M.D.’s books and asked my father’s physicians the right questions, perhaps my father wouldn’t have received the level of attention from people who had the power to prescribe and deliver specific therapies, specific treatments… appropriate to Papa’s needs.

One day I was thinking out loud to my dear friend Sue R.  I said: “I wish there was a Chinese edition of Dr. Doidge’s book. Papa would benefit so much if he could read Chapter 2 himself.” Sue told me that Wen Hsu worked with publishers in Taiwan.

Fast forward….  Wen contacted the publisher in Taiwan who was translating  THE BRAIN’S WAY OF HEALING into Chinese. Wen wrote to the editor, explained to her/him about my father’s situation; the editor emailed Wen the “advance copy” of Chapter 2.  One of the happiest moments in my life was presenting Papa those pages – Chinese transalation of “A Man Walks Off His Parkinsonian Symptoms – How Exercise Helps Fend Off Degenerative Disorders and Can Defer Dementia”

Then, when the Chinese edition came out in print, Wen helped me order many copies of the book from the publisher in Taiwan.


Papa and his friends read this wonderful book in their native language.  I am forever grateful.

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Has it really been more than nine years ago when I published my October 21st, 2015 blog post

Through Dusky Pierce, I had found a remarkable book that has enriched my life, my papa’s, my friends’, Papa’s friends.

Please ask your librarians and booksellers to make this book available.

The book is The Brain’s Way of Healing: Remarkable Discoveries and Recoveries from the Frontiers of Neuroplasticity

by Norman Doidge, M.D.

Dr. Doidge’s first book:  The Brain That Changes Itself: Stories of Personal Triumph from the Frontiers of Brain Science

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Here is the YouTube link to Dr. Norman Doidge’s lecture in Melbourne, Australia

posted April 23, 2013  An astonishing new scientific discovery called neuroplasticity is overthrowing the centuries-old notion that the adult human brain is fixed and unchanging.  The Brain is, instead, able to change its own structure and function, even into old age.

Melbourne Conversations: Your Brain – How it can change, develop and improve

Melbourne Knowledge Week28K subscribers


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A thousand thanks to Michael J. Fox Foundation

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The UCSF Movement Disorders and Neuromodulation Center is a well-established, internationally recognized program. It is also one of the busiest deep brain stimulation implanting centers on the West Coast with a wide referral base.

The mission of the center is to provide state-of-the-art comprehensive multidisciplinary care to patients with movement disorders. They offer a variety of services that include comprehensive neurological evaluations, medication treatment and disease management, botulinum toxin injections, neurosurgical procedures including deep brain stimulation, and deep brain stimulation programming.

The medical staff includes neurologists, neurosurgeons, neuropsychologists, radiologists, and nurses who have specialized training in movement disorders and the problems associated with these conditions whose goal is to provide individualized comprehensive care.

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Thank you for reading my blog post:

The Extraordinary and Beautiful Ever-changing Brain, Healing Body to Improve Daily Life, Neuroplasticity

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For other posts related to “Neuroplasticity” … please look at the right side of my blog… under “Categories” please click on “Beautiful Brain Neuroplasticity”

delicious soup from Madame Cornet in Aix-les-Bains


I wish you and everyone around you – vibrant health, peace and happiness.


Teresa Jade LeYung

Author / Blogger / Story-Theme Consultant / Photo Historian for

short short movies of Paris, FRANCE; Portland, Oregon USA; Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA 2024  goes to Teresa Jade LeYung’s Blog on Wellness, Story Themes, Archetypes

Love Made Of Heart ®




2024 November 8

Selamat pagi, Everyone!

from blogger / photo historian / author / story-theme consultant Teresa Jade LeYung who is visiting magnificent Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA.


WHO:  Telur Pecah founding curator Phillip Wong with a new generation of young curators – Danielle Lin, Jakob van Klang, Eng Jun Yi (Qing Hong), and Luqman Rosnan – and 198 artists!

WHAT:  Telur Pecah 4.0 Contemporary ART EXHIBITION in Kuala Lumpur

features five unique components, more than 500 artworks!

WHEN:   10 October 2024 – 10 November 2024;

Closing Celebration on November 10, 2024

WHERE:   GMBB Creative Community Mall

No. 2, Jalan Robertson, Kuala Lumpur,  Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur, 50150 MALAYSIA

Free admission


Telur Pecah 4.0 closing celebration on November 10, 2024


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Magic happens when a person shows up at the right place at the right time.  On November 7, 2024 while looking for yummy eats near Jalan Pudu in the Bukit Bintang neighborhood in Kuala Lumpur … the colorful art on the glass doors of GMBB hooked my attention. So, I entered … says:

GMBB is a creative community mall in Bukit Bintang, Kuala Lumpur… that aspires to be an enterprising hub for Malaysian creatives, artists and artisans to do more together.


The following day when my sister – children’s advocate and author  MARIA KAWAH LEUNG (LITTLE HEROES OF BAY STREET) – visited me, it was my turn to invite her to enter the world of GMBB. When I said to her “I haven’t gone to the other floors…” she replied “Let’s go.”

Terima kasih to the artist (one of the ambassadors at the art exhibition) who invited us to experience “TELUR PECAH 4.0″ on level 3A and level 5…  and introduced us to founding curator Phillip Wong!

Since 2021, Telur Pecah has been about making art accessible to everyone, breaking creative, cultural, and economic boundaries.


Telur Pecah 4.0

Phillip Wong’s mission:  Inspire innovation, cultivate creativity -  Telur Pecah is about making art accessible to everyone, breaking creative, cultural, and economic boundaries


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Telur Pecah 4.0 Founding Curator Phillip Wong chats with children’s advocate and author Maria Kawah Leung – photo by LeYung


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Telur Pecah 4.0 Contemporary ART EXHIBITION at GMBB Kuala Lumpur


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children’s book author and children’s advocate Maria Kawah Leung at Telur Pecah 4.0 Exhibition, more than 500 artworks created by 198 artists! – photo by LeYung says:

” … presented by GMBB and led by founding curator Phillip Wong, this year’s edition celebrates Malaysia’s diversity in creativity, medium and culture. Together with a new generation of young curators – Danielle Lin, Jakob van Klang, Eng Jun Yi (Qing Hong), and Luqman Rosnan, this year’s exhibition features five unique components:

Simfoni Surealis, curated by Danielle Lin
The Culture Journey, curated by Eng Jun Yi
Futures of Anthropocene, curated by Jakob van Klang
Alti-Media, curated by Luqman Rosnan
Inspire Innovation Cultivate Creativity, curated by Phillip Wong
Together, they aim to create an extraordinary experience for this year’s Telur Pecah.

Terima kasih to art curator Danielle Lin for updating

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Telur Pecah 4.0  takes visitors on a journey through artistic interpretations expressed in a wide range of visual styles and mediums

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Children’s advocate and author Maria Kawah Leung enchanted by the artworks at Telur Pecah 4.0 Exhibition  – photo by LeYung  says:

An exhibition in Kuala Lumpur, Telur Pecah 4.0, is set to take visitors on a journey through artistic interpretations expressed in a wide range of visual styles and mediums.

Telur Pecah’s founding curator Phillip Wong said the fourth edition of the exhibition at the GMBB shopping centre serves as a platform for artists to showcase their work.

The exhibition’s thought-provoking themes – Altimedia, Futures of Anthropocene, Simfoni Surealis, and The Culture Journey – each offer a perspective on the world, as seen through the eyes of the artists, to convey meaningful messages.

“I’ve invited four curators, Danielle Lin Shannon, Eng Jun Yi, Jakob van Klang and Luqman Rosnan, to curate the thematic sections,” said Wong.

“This gives them exposure to various aspects of organising an exhibition, such as administration and marketing, offering them skills beyond being just artists.

“I also hope the public can see the different elements that curators bring out,” he said, adding that this year’s exhibition included over 500 artworks by 198 artists.

“This year, we have expanded the exhibition across two levels of the mall.

“While the thematic exhibition takes place at Level 5, the Inspire Innovation Cultivate Creativity exhibition on Level 4 features artworks from special needs and disabled artists, besides pieces by university art students and children as young as three,” he said.

Six international artists are also represented.

GMBB general manager Lim Ying Hui, who officiated the launch said, “Telur Pecah has come a long way since its inaugural exhibition in 2021.

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Heroes of Telur Pecah 4.0 and founding curator Phillip Wong cheered by children’s advocate Maria Kawah Leung, author of Little Heroes of Bay Street – photo by LeYung


GMBB Kuala Lumpur presents Telur Pecah 4.0 art exhibition

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Thank you for reading my blog post “Malaysia – Telur Pecah is about making art accessible to everyone, breaking creative, cultural, and economic boundaries”

More about educator, children’s advocate and author MARIA KAWAH LEUNG’s delightfully illustrated children’s book LITTLE HEROES OF BAY STREET: AND HOW THEY STAY STRONG IN AN UNHAPPY HOME


My next post shall be about The Museum of Picture Book Art.

Wishing everyone gentle rain, nourishing eats, song in your heart, and happy thoughts!


Teresa Jade LeYung

Author / Blogger / Story-Theme Consultant / Photo Historian for

short short movies of Paris, FRANCE; Portland, Oregon USA; Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA 2024  goes to Teresa Jade LeYung’s Blog on Wellness, Story Themes, Archetypes

Love Made Of Heart ®

2024 October 1, 14:02-23:04 Kuala Lumpur time


Happy Anniversary!

Mother-Daughter Novel LOVE MADE OF HEART debuted in October 2002, now twenty-two years old!

Ten thousand people to thank!  Please accept my gratitude.

book cover of LOVE MADE OF HEART, written by Teresa LeYung-Ryan (Teresa Jade LeYung)

The book Love Made of Heart  was:

*  a 2002 nominee of the Asian American Literary Awards

*  recommended by the California School Library Association

*  recommended by the California Reading Association

*  used by teachers who taught Women in Psychology, First-Year Composition college course, Advanced Composition English-as-a-Second-Language classes

*  read by students at Stanford University, U.C. Berkeley, San Francisco State University, City College of San Francisco, City College of Sacramento, Lowell High School, and many other wonderful institutions

*  available at public libraries

*  and still is… archived at the San Francisco History Center

*  read by thousands of readers, many of whom I never got the chance to thank in person … I thank everyone now and always.


Teresa Jade LeYung (formerlyTeresa LeYung-Ryan) uses her novel Love Made of Heart to:

*  celebrate the courage of immigrants

*  encourage adult children of mentally ill parents to speak openly about the stigmas

*  help survivors of family violence find their own voices


About the book and the folks who helped me craft her and helped her thrive in the publishing world:,-a-Mother,-a-Journey-Through-Mental-Illness.html


Reviews and Interviews:


Readers who posted their reviews on Amazon:


Love Made of Heart is listed in Wikipedia when you search: “Chinese Immigration to the United States”

Autobiographies and novels:

  • Maxine Hong Kingston, The Woman Warrior: Memoirs of a Girlhood Among Ghosts, Vintage 1989 (Neuausgabe), ISBN 0679721886
  • Amy Tan, The Joy Luck Club, Putnam Adult 1989, ISBN 0399134204
  • Laurence Yep, Dragonwings. Golden Mountain Chronicles. 1903, (HarperTrophy) 1977, ISBN 0064400859
  • Teresa LeYung Ryan, Love Made of Heart, Kensington Publishing Corporation (Neuausgabe), ISBN 0758202172

“Teresa LeYung Ryan is so proud that her work is included in the same list as the works of Maxine Hong Kingston, Amy Tan, and Laurence Yep, especially when Maxine Hong Kingston’s The Woman Warrior inspired Teresa to begin writing Love Made of Heart.”


Again, Everyone, please accept my gratitude.



Teresa Jade LeYung


Published author, blogger, lover of Paris, FRANCE, photo historian, story-theme consultant Teresa Jade LeYung says:

“I wish you and everyone you care about … vibrant health and happiness always!”


Writing Coach Teresa Jade LeYung says:
“I love helping writers identify the themes in their manuscripts to hook readers, and, build and fortify their platforms before and after publication. Reach out, not stress out.”

Love Made Of Heart ®



September 28, 2024, 22:55  Teresa Jade LeYung says:

“Author and Illustrator Maria Kawah Leung uses her children’s book to help communities help families all over the world.”

Happy fourth anniversary to:

Educator, Children’s Book Author and Illustrator, Children’s Advocate MARIA KAWAH LEUNG and Happy Dog and Mia, and their duo-language (English and Chinese), delightfully illustrated children’s book entitled:



Happy Anniversary to children's book author Maria Kawah Leung and Happy Dog and Mia!


MARIA KAWAH LEUNG shows how a girl named Mia and her loyal companion Happy Dog (he’s much much more than a stuffed animal) use their imagination to cope in an environment they have no control over – domestic violence.

Together, they learn that friends do not have to always like the same things, and, that love means protecting and comforting each other. 

Maria Kawah Leung’s messages help everyone – “When you’re scared or sad, talk to grown-ups you trust.”  and  “It’s not a child’s job to make parents happy.”

Maria Kawah Leung says: “Domestic Violence Awareness is about helping the Families.”


Happy Anniversary to children's book author Maria Kawah Leung and Happy Dog and Mia!


author Maria Kawah Leung reading her delightfully illustrated children’s book

LITTLE HEROES OF BAY STREET:  And How They Stay Strong In An Unhappy Home   13 minutes

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How to get out of Domestic Violence (GET HELP NOW!)

Jamie Ong interviews children’s book author Maria Kawah Leung

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To watch the 39-minute interview – author Maria Kawah Leung in conversation with Kim McMillon, Ph.D.

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LITTLE HEROES OF BAY STREET is endorsed by Hannah Yeoh who is a Member of Parliament in Malaysia.

Story Time with Hannah Yeoh: LITTLE HEROES OF BAY STREET  20 minutes

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Happy Anniversary to children's book author Maria Kawah Leung and Happy Dog and Mia!


author Maria Kawah Leung’s facebook page:


To see my other blog posts that reference Maria Kawah Leung



Teresa Jade LeYung


Published author, blogger, lover of Paris, FRANCE, photo historian, Writing Coach Teresa Jade LeYung says:

“I wish for all children everywhere – gentle, kindhearted, easy-going, safety conscious, open-minded guardians/caregivers/teachers, nature’s healing, love and laughter.  Thank you, dear Educator, Children’s Book Author and Illustrator, Children’s Advocate MARIA KAWAH LEUNG and Happy Dog and Mia, and your duo-language (English and Chinese), delightfully illustrated children’s book entitled:  LITTLE HEROES OF BAY STREET: AND HOW THEY STAY STRONG IN AN UNHAPPY HOME.


Writing Coach Teresa Jade LeYung says:
“I love helping writers identify the themes in their manuscripts to hook readers, and, build and fortify their platforms before and after publication. Reach out, not stress out.”

Love Made Of Heart ®


2024 August 10, updated August 15, 16

Blog post updated September 9, 2024 by Teresa Jade LeYung, 2018 alumna of A PLACE OF HER OWN

Cynthia Tom, founding director of A PLACE OF HER OWN, says:

Join our Closing Celebration on September 15, 2024 from 12pm-3pm as we lift and are lifted by the collective and individual strength from our PLACE artists! They have wholeheartedly embraced the full spectrum of emotions, from discomfort to joy, fostering new connections and personal growth — all for you to witness in real time through this found-object based art exhibition.

Our close friend and dear supporter of PLACE, Ravi Chandra MD also wrote a great piece about the show titled, “Intergenerational Trauma and Ancestral Pattern Shifting” on Psychology Today you must check out when you have the chance!

That being said, come to our final festivities, invite your friends and family and be inspired with this exhibition one last time!

Sept 15, 2024 Closing Celebration: Gallery 12– 3pm
Location: J-SEI Cultural Center, 1285 66th St, Emeryville, CA 94608 USA

Artists include: Ahran Lee, Amy Lam, AVOTCJA, Christina Yu, Christine Yang, Cueponcaxochitl Moreno Sandoval, Cynthia Tom, Deborah Santana, Emily Yamauchi, Frances Cachapero, Irene Wibawa, Jazz Diaz, Julie Lee Andersen, Katie Quan, Manon Wada with Sanié Bokhari, Martha Zamora, PAZ, Purla Montiel, Reyna Daudian, Shari Arai DeBoer, Tomo Hirai, Yeujin Yoon, Zaina Rose


Intergenerational Trauma and Ancestral Pattern Shifting

Healing intergenerational trauma through art

Ravi Chandra M.D., D.F.A.P.A.
The Pacific Heart

updated August 21, 2024 Reviewed by Michelle Quirk

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Bonjour everyone!

I cheer for Cynthia Tom and everyone connected to Cynthia’s programs and events !

August 11 – September 15, 2024


found-object based art Exhibition




Founder of A PLACE OF HER OWN / Teacher / Artist / Curator CYNTHIA TOM   says:

August 11 – September 15, 2024


You are invited to view this found-object based art exhibition. PLACE multi-ethnic, multi-generational alumni artists share their healing journeys and the art created in answer to the question, “If you had a place of your own, what would it be?”

Using found objects, their intuition and self-agency, they create works that speak to their healing journeys, imperfect, messy and gloriously full of epiphanies.

Co-curated by Cynthia Tom and Jillie Andersen


August 11. Opening:  Gallery 12-5 pm  Recep 1pm – 4pm
August 18.  Artist Talk: Gallery 12-5 pm/ Talk 1pm – 4pm
Sept 15. Closing Celebration: Gallery 12– 3pm

Location: JSEI at 1285 66th St, Emeryville, CA 94608

Artists include: Ahran Lee, Amy Lam, AVOTCJA, Christina Yu, Christine Yang, Cueponcaxochitl Moreno Sandoval, Cynthia Tom, Deborah Santana, Emily Yamauchi, Frances Cachapero, Irene Wibawa, Jazz Diaz, Julie Lee Andersen, Katie Quan, Manon Wada with Sanié Bokhari, Martha Zamora, PAZ Zamora, Purla Montiel, Reyna Daudian, Shari Arai DeBoer, Tomo Hirai, Yeujin Yoon, Zaina Berger

Cynthia Tom receives  a 2024 WOMAN WARRIOR Award from Pacific Asian American Women Bay Area Coalition.

Hearty congratulations to Cynthia Tom and all the award recipients.

Ceremony to be held on September 22, 2024 at Hotel Kabuki – JDV by Hyatt,  1625 Post Street San Francisco, CA 94115


Pacific Asian American Women Bay Area Coalition says:

“Join us as we honor six local Asian Pacific Islander women for their lasting contributions to the API community and notable career achievements. First bestowed in 1983, PAAWBAC is excited to carry on this tradition of recognizing accomplished API women as modern-day Woman Warriors — talented and courageous — as they distinguish themselves in their respective fields, while giving back to others.”

I cheer for Cynthia Tom and everyone connected to Cynthia’s programs, events, exhibitions !!!

Teresa Jade LeYung with her art "My Four Desks" photo by artist Irene Wibawa

A Place of Her Own 2018 Alumna /  Story Theme Consultant Teresa Jade LeYung

wishes Everyone – Beauty, Total Wellness, Peace and Joy!

Published author, blogger, lover of Paris, FRANCE, photo historian, Writing Coach Teresa Jade LeYung says:
“I love helping writers identify the themes in their manuscripts to hook readers, and, build and fortify their platforms before and after publication. Reach out, not stress out.”
Love Made Of Heart ®


2024 August 5

Dear Readers / Writers

I am visiting brilliant Olga Malyj in Oregon… enjoying her beautiful energy, her sweet home and garden.

Two evenings ago, I had a delightful conversation with Kristiane McKee Maas whom I met through author / teacher / The Plot Whisper Martha Alderson close to 19 years ago at a writers’ conference hosted by the South Bay Branch of the California Writers Club

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Kristiane McKee Maas is a writer, artist, and the owner of Bar 46 Ranch and breeder of Longhorn cattle.

She says:

“My paternal grandmother homesteaded Bar 46 Ranch in 1899 and is a continuing source of inspiration for me.”

Kristiane McKee Maas is author of Table Affairs, contributing author of Seasons of our Lives: Spring

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Through Kristiane, I met  Matilda Butler – Author/Memoir Coach/Social Psychologist

Matilda Butler  is the award-winning author of Rosie’s Daughters: The “First Woman To” Generation Tells Its Story, Writing Alchemy: How to Write Fast and Deep, and a collection of award-winning anthologies: Tales of our Lives.


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Also through Kristiane, I met  artist and author Gale Henshel

Gale’s beautiful book:  Dyslexia, My Gift, My Story


A Special Book from the Heart

“This book Dyslexia, My Gift, My Story reveals how I’ve gotten through life with a sense of humor, laughter that nurtured me, and bright colored balloons.” ~Gale Henshel

“The book Dyslexia, My Gift, My Story by artist Gale Henshel gives hope, encouragement, fortitude to anyone who has a loved one who is dyslexic, labeled as an ‘overly creative child’ or having a ‘learning disability or disorder.’ Henshel’s playful illustrations and presentation of handwritten words translate her understanding of neuroplasticity into a delightful story for readers as she reminds us ‘not all of us are going to experience life the same way.’” ~Teresa Jade LeYung (formerly Teresa LeYung-Ryan)

Through her book, Gale Henshel is lending a much needed voice to the dyslexic community—her extraordinary, beautifully illustrated book offers a special glimpse toward a struggle most have not experienced. Henshel superbly crafts this journey, her journey—Joyful.” ~Kristiane Maas

Dyslexia, My Gift, My Story is charming and appealing. It’s message of dyslexia as a gift makes this a must-read for those who have or who know someone with dyslexia. Gale Henshel has shared her gift with us.” ~Matilda Butler

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Teresa Jade LeYung thanks Olga Malyj, Martha Alderson, Kristiane McKee Maas, Matilda Butler, and Gale Henshel.



Story Theme Consultant Teresa Jade LeYung wishes Everyone – Beauty, Total Wellness, Peace and Joy!

—   photo by Nan and MEK


Published author, blogger, lover of Paris, FRANCE, photo historian, Writing Coach Teresa Jade LeYung says:
“I love helping writers identify the themes in their manuscripts to hook readers, and, build and fortify their platforms before and after publication. Reach out, not stress out.”
Love Made Of Heart ®

2024 August 4 Oregon USA

Mille merci, chère Olga, de m’avoir fait découvrir le film français

Les Enfants du Paradis, French movie 1945  (Children of Paradise)

International Movie DataBase  says:

The theatrical life of a beautiful courtesan in 1830s Paris and the four men who love her.

  • Director:
    • Marcel Carné
  • Writer:
    • Jacques Prévert – scenario and dialogue
  • Stars:
    • Arletty
    • Jean-Louis Barrault
    • Pierre Brasseur
    • Pierre Renoir
    • María Casares


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Thank you, YouTube channel Irizu Germain, for posting the French movie:

La Belle et la Bête (Beauty And The Beast 1946 with English subtitles)


International Movie DataBase  says:

A beautiful young woman takes her father’s place as the prisoner of a mysterious beast who wishes to marry her.

  • Directors:
    • Jean Cocteau
    • René Clément
  • Writers:
    • Jean Cocteau
    • Jeanne-Marie Leprince de Beaumont
  • Stars:
    • Jean Marais
    • Josette Day

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Thank you,  YouTube channel Camille P-LB , for posting

Jean Cocteau speaks to the year 2000, subtitled – 1962

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Thank you for reading this blog post:

“(French Movies) Les Films Français – Les Enfants du Paradis, La Belle et la Bête; Monsieur Jean Cocteau”


Story Theme Consultant Teresa Jade LeYung wishes Everyone – Beauty, Total Wellness, Peace and Joy!

—   photo by Nan and MEK


Published author, blogger, lover of Paris, FRANCE, photo historian, Writing Coach Teresa Jade LeYung says:
“I love helping writers identify the themes in their manuscripts to hook readers, and, build and fortify their platforms before and after publication. Reach out, not stress out.”

Love Made Of Heart ®

2024 August 4 Sunday in Oregon USA


Dear Readers / Writers,

Thanks to my dear friend Olga Malyj’s beautiful energy and her sweet home… I am enjoying Beauty and Tranquility.

Yesterday while emailing an aspiring writer links to my blog posts that focus on plotlines, character arcs, archetypes, and story themes…

inspiration sprang – for me to show the links to those blog posts in a single post.


I hope that the content of these blog posts will help you work on your memoirs and your novels.

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Story Consultant Teresa Jade LeYung says: “When illness takes us onto a Hero’s Journey”

Thank you, Martha Alderson for having taught me how to create a compelling plotline of cause and effect.
Thank you, YouTube channel “Film Courage”, for posting the 11 videos of Mr. Christopher Vogler. Mr. Vogler is the author of The Writer”s Journey: Mythic Structure for Writers.

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Writing Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan says: “When a plotline and a theme work well together, Hollywood invests in remakes.”

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Writing Coach Teresa asks: “How do you hook your reader at the middle of your book?”

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May your major and not-so-minor characters be memorable!

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What Does Your Protagonist Want? To Feel Well? Mother’s Love? A Slice of Bread?

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Coach Teresa, Does the Hero/Protagonist Always Want to Go Home?


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Do I Know What My Protagonist Wants?

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Thank you for reading “Teresa Jade LeYung’s Blog Posts to Help Writers with plotlines, character arcs, archetypes, story themes – What does Protagonist want?”

I wish everyone total wellness, peace and joy!


Story Theme Consultant Teresa Jade LeYung wishes everyone wellness —   photo by Nan and MEK





Published author, blogger, lover of Paris, FRANCE, photo historian, Writing Coach Teresa Jade LeYung says:

“I love helping writers identify the themes in their manuscripts to hook readers, and, build and fortify their platforms before and after publication. Reach out, not stress out.”

Love Made Of Heart ®




2024 July 29 Oregon USA

Dear Readers,

Today my dear friend Olga treated me to Portland Japanese Garden and the International Rose Test Garden (both inside Washington Park, Portland, Oregon)

… where Beauty soothes, heals, delights Brain and Heart. I wish to share photos with you.

Portland Japanese Garden, Washington Park, Portland, Oregon, USA

Portland Japanese Garden













Portland Japanese Garden



Inspired in the late 1950s by growing cultural ties between Oregon and Japan, Mayor Terry Schrunk and members of the Portland community conceived the idea of building a Japanese garden on the site of the old zoo in Washington Park. Their reasons for building a Japanese garden were twofold: providing the citizens of Portland with a garden of great beauty and serenity, while forging a healing connection to Japan on the heels of World War II. At this time in U.S. history, Japanese gardens were founded across the country as a way to build cultural understanding. Needing no translation, an American could experience firsthand Japanese ideals and values, communicated simply through nature.

The site was dedicated in 1961, and Professor Takuma Tono of Tokyo Agricultural University was retained to design the Garden. Professor Tono’s plan included five different garden styles laid out on 5.5 acres. This was quite a departure from gardens in Japan which typically follow one singular style. His intention was to represent different historical developments in Japanese garden architecture and through that communicate Japanese culture to create a cultural exchange.


Portland Japanese Garden

Portland Japanese Garden























Portland Japanese Garden




International Rose Test Garden, Washington Park, Portland, Oregon, USA


More than 10,000 individual rose bushes bloom in the International Rose Test Garden (IRTG) from late May through October, representing over 610 different rose varieties. The majority of roses in the Garden are commercially available. About 10 to 20 varieties are replaced each year with some of the best new roses released onto the market. Roses bloom from late May to October depending on the weather.

The primary purpose of the Garden is to serve as a testing ground for new rose varieties. In the beginning, while World War I was raging, hybridists sent roses from around the world to Portland’s garden for testing.



































Washington Park, Portland, Oregon, USA


Thank you, Olga dear, for treating me to Portland Japanese Garden and International Rose Test Garden …

Beauty Soothes, Heals, Delights Brain and Heart!


Everyone all over the world, I wish you beauty, safety, vibrant health, peace and joy.


Teresa Jade LeYung  – photo by Nan and MEK


Published author, blogger, lover of Paris, FRANCE, photo historian, Writing Coach Teresa Jade LeYung says:
“I love helping writers identify the themes in their manuscripts to hook readers, and, build and fortify their platforms before and after publication. Reach out, not stress out.”

Love Made Of Heart ®










2024 July 29  USA

Good day to you, dear Readers!

Thank you, journalist Abha Bhattarai and The Washington Post for your July 29, 2024 article:

They have jobs, but no homes. Inside America’s unseen homelessness crisis.

For the full article, please go to:

They are plumbers and casino supervisors, pizzeria managers and factory workers. They deliver groceries, sell eyeglasses and unload trucks at Amazon.

And they’re the new, unlikely face of homelessness: Working Americans with decent-paying jobs who simply can’t afford a place to live.”

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“I work 50 hours a week, and it’s still really hard to keep up,” said Aaron Reed, 22, who makes $21 an hour at an Amazon warehouse near Nashville, and returns to his mother’s Hyundai SUV to sleep. He shares the back seat with their black Lab, Stella, while his mom sleeps up front.

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Years of fast-rising rents and a shortage of affordable housing have created a situation where even a strong labor market and rising wages haven’t been enough to offset the financial strains of inflation.

“We are pushing working people into homelessness because they just can’t afford the rent,” said Margot Kushel, director of the Benioff Homelessness and Housing Initiative at the University of California at San Francisco. “The general public doesn’t see these folks as homeless – they’re not as visible as the people who occupy public spaces, who have substance abuse issues or mental health problems. But it’s a catastrophe, and it’s happening just under our eyes.”

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While homelessness may not be a central issue in the upcoming presidential election, high housing costs continue to show up as a big reason Americans are frustrated with an otherwise strong economy. A recent CNN poll found that Americans pointed to housing costs as a top economic problem facing their families, ranking just after food prices but ahead of gas, health care, student loans and child care.

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Among those who are homeless, inflation continues to play a major role. In interviews with 30 people in 17 states who recently became homeless while employed, nearly all said exorbitant rents had not only tipped them into homelessness, but were preventing them from securing new housing.

Deborah Bower, a dog groomer in San Ramon, Calif., has been homeless since October, after breast cancer treatments wiped out $100,000 of her savings. These days she either sleeps in her small SUV, which she parks in a movie theater parking lot, or in $95-a-night hotel rooms, where she often brings along her own dog, Bean, as well as others she’s watching overnight for clients.

“I’ve always been the one to help people, and now I’m the one who needs help,” said Bower, 60. “But I don’t want anyone to know I’m homeless. It’s embarrassing, like somehow I’ve failed society.”

Many who spoke with The Washington Post said they’re trapped in an impossible position – making too much money to qualify for food stamps and other types of government assistance, but not enough to secure housing.

[ .... ]

Plus, everything costs more when you’re homeless, said Reed, the Amazon warehouse worker. He and his mother spend $50 a day to fill the gas tank, so they can leave the air conditioner running overnight in 99-degree weather. There’s no way to cook, so they eat prepackaged foods or takeout for every meal. And without access to running water, they spend about $80 a month on large jugs of bottled water they keep in the trunk.

“Every day, it’s like, ‘Which bills can we actually pay?’” said Reed, who works 11-hour shifts at the warehouse. “We’re behind on our car payments, then we’ve got gas, insurance, phones.”

The pair have been homeless since October, when Reed’s mother was hospitalized for covid and lost her job at a department store beauty counter, forcing them out of the extended-stay hotel where they’d been living for seven months.

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The rise in homelessness “is the unfortunate but predictable result of ongoing rent increases,” said Gregg Colburn, a professor at the University of Washington and author of “Homelessness is a Housing Problem.” “And now it’s happening not just in our big coastal cities, but all over the place – in Phoenix and Denver and Atlanta.”

Marie, a hotel and casino supervisor in Biloxi, Miss., who is being identified by her middle name because she fears losing her job, said her family was making do until their van’s transmission went out late last year. By the time they paid for repairs, they’d run out of money for rent, forcing them to leave their two-bedroom apartment for a patchwork of temporary arrangements. These days, she makes $900 every two weeks – and spends $710 of that on a hotel room she shares with her husband and 84-year-old father-in-law, who are both disabled. To save on gas, she takes a 90-minute bus ride to work instead of making the 20-minute drive herself.

“I am blessed to make $15 an hour but the cost of living is high, and $15 an hour barely covers rent and utilities,” said, Marie, 28. “With everything going up … we cannot save to even get a place to rent.”

Rents, which have risen more than 32 percent in four years, have recently started to stabilize, according to Zillow.

(Teresa Jade LeYung here commenting – If rent has risen more than 32 percent in four years but our paychecks have not risen at the same rate, how can folks have the basic needs of life – shelter, food, clothing, medicine? Americans who work at jobs, but have no homes, no safe shelter, while cost of housing and rent outrun paychecks.)

Nelfreed McKay, 34, was spending about $1,200 a month, or nearly his entire monthly income, on rent before it got to be too much. Since May, he’s been sleeping in Central Park each night after finishing his shift as a server at a Manhattan bakery.

McKay, who makes $18.50 an hour, plus tips, is hoping to save up $5,000 by September so he can cover rent and deposits on a permanent room. He works overtime when he can and has been forgoing meals to save up. “There are times when you get so tired of it. You want to snack on something but it’s like, ‘No, I can’t afford that right now.’ I need to save up this money for what I really want: to sleep in a bed again.”

[ .... ]

But advocates on the ground said those rules can often backfire, making it even harder for people to get back on their feet. Instead, policies should focus on boosting rental assistance, revamping local zoning and land-use laws, and building more low-income housing, experts said. There should also be a larger push, they said, to keep people from losing their homes in the first place.

“High rents are the singular factor driving homelessness, so that’s what we need to address,” said Jennifer Friedenbach, executive director of San Francisco’s Coalition on Homelessness. “It’s pretty cost-efficient to give people a subsidy if they’re having trouble affording rent. If you don’t do that, that person becomes homeless and that’s much more expensive and inhumane to solve for, because now they’re also going through all of this extra trauma.”

Homeless workers who spoke to The Post detailed how they keep up appearances to keep their jobs, stashing their stuff in storage, showering at gyms, washing clothes at truck stops and buying movie tickets so they could rest in a dark, air-conditioned room a few hours at a time. It was imperative, they said, that their workplaces not know about their living situations because they worried about discrimination and job loss.

“If you saw me right now, you would think I was just some college kid with a backpack, walking to McDonald’s,” said Jordan Godlesky, who until recently made $25 an hour managing an ice cream shop in San Leandro, Calif., while sleeping outdoors. “There are so many of us who don’t fit into the box of what you’d think is homeless.”

But it was difficult to sustain, he said. He often left work at 10:30 p.m. – too late to access the area’s homeless shelters – and spent his nights walking around town because he worried for his safety. If he slept at all, it would be during the day, on a park bench. “Finally, the lack of sleep caught up with me,” Godlesky, 26, said. “I wasn’t able to physically handle it anymore.”

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For the article written by journalist Abha Bhattarai for The Washington Post posted on July 29, 2024

please go to:

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Everyone all over the world, I wish you safety, vibrant health, peace and joy.


Teresa Jade LeYung wishes everyone peace and wellness - photo by Nan and MEK


Teresa Jade LeYung

Published author, blogger, lover of Paris, FRANCE, photo historian, Writing Coach Teresa Jade LeYung says:

“I love helping writers identify the themes in their manuscripts to hook readers, and, build and fortify their platforms before and after publication. Reach out, not stress out.”

Love Made Of Heart ®


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