Posts Tagged ‘amygdala’
Love Made Of Heart ®
2022 July 31 California
Dear Readers,
I wish you and everyone around you – wellness, kindness, happiness.
I celebrate these two women -
Ms. Maria Kawah Leung and Ms. Goldie Hawn
Maria Kawah Leung is the author of a delightfully illustrated children’s book about a serious subject matter – domestic violence.
LITTLE HEROES OF BAY STREET: And How They Stay Strong In An Unhappy Home
(illustrators: Maria Kawah Leung, Sandra Elyse Chavez, Maren Sleire Aasgaard)
This book is endorsed by Hannah Yeoh who is a Member of Parliament in Malaysia.
The main characters in LITTLE HEROES OF BAY STREET are Mia (a little girl) and her Happy Dog (who is much much more than a stuffed animal). Happy Dog is Mia’s best friend and confidant.
Maria Kawah Leung says:
“I was born in Hong Kong but my family moved to San Francisco when I was almost two years old. I have happily been a teacher of young children for over 25 years and have taught in the USA (California and Massachusetts), China and Malaysia.
“My most rewarding experiences in life were working with children in pediatric wards, studying Chinese in Beijing, China and studying Spanish in Bogota, Colombia.
“I have also traveled to about 30 countries and all the continents except Antarctica. I have always enjoyed writing. Creating this book to help children feel they are not alone has been a life-long goal.
“Empowering children to overcome obstacles is my passion. This is why I wrote the children’s book Little Heroes of Bay Street and How They Stay Strong in an Unhappy Home.”
Ms. Leung adds: “I’m hoping that through my book… that every teacher would get a copy… and school counselors… nurses… so that they can be aware, and, look out for signs, and reach out to these children.”
Maria’s book is available in English, Chinese, Spanish and Bahasa Malaysia
To watch Maria Kawah Leung interviewed by Kim McMillon, PhD 39 minutes
Teresa Jade LeYung here …
As I watch Ms. Goldie Hawn’s keynote speech at Teachers College, Columbia University … I think about Ms. Maria Kawah Leung as teacher, author, children’s advocate.
Teachers College – Columbia University – Academic Festival Opening Ceremony Keynote Address: Goldie Hawn on Why Mindfulness in School Matters 39 minutes
Ms. Hawn’s foundation is MindUP
“Why aren’t we teaching kids about their brain?” When the teacher says “Pay attention.”… how can children know what that means when they don’t know about their brains? “The brain has plasticity.” “What the amygdala is.” “Nobody knows what the kids are feeling. Kids and silent stress.”
Through MindUp … kids learn how to practice kindness, what being mindful is.”
Based firmly in neuroscience, MindUP teaches the skills and knowledge children need to regulate their stress and emotion, form positive relationships, and act with kindness and compassion.
MindUP was created in response to the global epidemic of:
childhood aggression
Ms. Hawn’s book - 10 MINDFUL MINUTES: Giving Our Children–and Ourselves–the Social and Emotional Skills to Reduce Stress and Anxiety for Healthier, Happy Lives (paperback) – by Goldie Hawn (Author), Wendy Holden (Author), Daniel J. Siegel MD (Foreward)
I celebrate Ms. Maria Kawah Leung and LITTLE HEROES OF BAY STREET, Ms. Goldie Hawn and MindUP, and children all over the world!
To read my June 28, 2022 blog post “Educator, children’s book author, children’s advocate Maria Kawah Leung says “Domestic Violence Awareness is about Helping the Families”
Thank you for reading!
I wish you and everyone around you – wellness, kindness, happiness.
Teresa Jade LeYung
Proud sister of Maria Kawah Leung and proud auntie of Happy Dog
Story Theme Consultant / Photo Historian / Author / Public Library and Public School Advocate goes to Teresa’s Blog
Writing Coach Teresa Jade LeYung says: “I love helping writers identify the themes in their manuscripts to hook readers, and, build and fortify their platforms before and after publication. Reach out, not stress out.”
Love Made Of Heart ®
2021 December 12, 13:37
Addendum: The techniques in Dr. Michael Moskowitz’s and Dr. Marla Golden’s workbook helps me “outgrow” persistent unpleasant sensations including pain.
2021 December 9, 15:18 – 16:18; December 10, 18:00 – 19:58 California
Dear Reader,
I have been watching episodes of The Jack Benny Program (TV series 1950-1965) and laughing out loud; thank you to the folks who post them on YouTube.
Laughing out loud is good medicine – a mighty elixir – for me.
The world continues to be impacted by COVID-19 pandemic. How can I think about laughing?
I am still dealing with a neurological disorder. How can I think about laughing?
Smiling for one’s self; laughing for one’s self; walking; imagining walking; moving to soothing thoughts – are some of the activities which help our beautiful brains produce beneficial chemicals. What I have learned as an advocate for my papa since 2015 when he was diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease … and what I’ve learned and continue to learn – as a patient of persistent unpleasant sensations including pain - is that there are things I can do for myself to feel better. Even if the sensation of wellness seems ephemeral… I’ll take wellness moments. Thank you very much!
I remember sitting with Vicki Weiland …knowing that it took our dear friend many days (oftentimes many weeks, even months) to prepare herself for visitors. Awful persistent pain was the symptoms.
On two occasions, I witnessed how laughter was a mighty elixir for Vicki. Someone in the room said something funny; or Vicki herself said something funny and we all laughed … at that moment Vicki’s entire body expressed wellness.
How we all wished that our pal would have millions of wellness moments.
Angel Vicki,
I’ve been watching my favorite episodes of The Jack Benny Program again and again. Interestingly, several of them feature James Stewart and his wife Gloria. More about that … at the end of my blog post.
This afternoon – Thursday, December 9, 2021 – while organizing my inventory of greeting cards, I found a note I had written to myself. You had called me on October 8, 2012 at 19:00 from your new home. You said “The trees and mountain are glorious. But my pain is not going away….”
Even though you were ill, you gave your time to call and to ask about Sasa Southard and other friends at Women’s National Book Association and San Francisco Writers Conference. How I wish a physician with Dr. Michael Moskowitz’s insight about persistent pain was your physician. The workbook that Dr. Michael Moskowitz co-wrote with Dr. Marla Golden was published only three months after your phone call (in January 2013), however, I didn’t know about it until last year (2020) when I was battling persistent pain myself.
I wish you Bliss, mon amie, and humbly ask you to help more people find Dr. Moskowitz’s and Dr. Golden’s workbook TRANSFORMING THE BRAIN IN PAIN: NEUROPLASTIC TRANSFORMATION
With deep gratitude,
Teresa Jade
written by Michael H. Moskowitz, MD and Marla D. Golden, DO
Your Brain On Pain
Why doesn’t the pain stop?
Listen to your body talk.
Use your brain to stop your pain.
Below are chapter / section titles of the workbook:
Dr. Moskowitz’s and Dr. Golden’s Instructions for Using this Workbook
“This worbook has been designed to be helpful for practitioners and people experiencing persistent pain. It is a practical, visual guide to neuroplastic treatment approaches for treating persistent pain.”
“Neuroplastic Transformation provides a model that approaches persistent pain where it transforms from a symptom to disease. It also gives the person experiencing pain’s relentless persistence, a chance to treat it with the same neuroplastic phenomena that created it, restoring balance to pain processing.”
At the end of each section is “Reining in the Runaway Brain” (patients share techniques they use)
Sections in the workbook:
pages 4 – 16 Section 1 – Introduction
Brain Facts (page 4); Brain Change (page 5);
Neuroplasticity Definition
New Learning Changes the Brain
The Brain Changes the Body
The Body Changes the Brain
Neuroplasticity Rules
Workbook page 5
What Gets Fired Gets Wired
Use It or Lose It
When You Break ‘Em You Make ‘Em; When You Make ‘Em You Break ‘Em
Fight Fire With Fire
Reverse the Forces That Have Caused Pain to Persist
Restore Normal Pain Responses
R.A.F.T. (page 9)
– Rescue
– Adjustment
– Functional
– Transformation
Persistent vs Acute Pain
Workbook pages 10, 11
Counter-Stimulating Pain
Worbook page 11, 12, 13
Pain Reassigns Brain Cells
Take Back Brain Cells
Use Graphics to Counter-Stimulate Pain
Become Active in Your Own Care
Counter-Stimulate Your Brain
Shrink the Pain Map by Flooding the Brain (page 13)
Push Back Against Pain Spikes and Intrusions
Get Inside Your Own Head
Always Counter-Stimulate Your Pain
Active vs. Passive Treatment
Practice Makes Perfect
Brain is Most Accessible Organ
Avoid Pain; Pursue Pleasure
End Pain’s Tyranny
Reject Pain’s Inevitability
M.I.R.R.O.R. (page 14) MIRROR is:
– Motivation
– Intention
– Relentlessness
– Reliability
– Opportunity
– Restoration
N.O.R.M.A.L (page 14) NORMAL is:
Neuroplastic Optimization and Reduction of Medication for Adaptive Living
Rebalance Pain Processing Circuits
Body and Brain Act Together
Persistent Pain is a Learned Activity
People Taking Back Control of Their Pain (page 16)
pages 18 – 24 Section 2 – Touch
Mom the Neuroscientist – It Takes a Mother’s Touch (page 18)
Hands That See (page 21)
Healing Touch (page 22)
pages 26 – 33 Section 3 - Neuroplastic Brain and Body
NO BRAIN, NO PAIN. Nociception. (page 26)
The Brain Learns Pain; Too Smart for It’s Own Good (page 27)
Brain and Body (page 28)
Fire and Wire … Or Not
Cause and Cure for Pain Persistence (page 29)
pages 35 – 41 Section 4 – Pain Gone Wild
Limbic Activation (page 35)
Pain Makes Pain; Making a Bad Thing Worse (page 36)
Unpleasantness – As if the Pain Wasn’t Enough (page 37)
BUT YOU CAN’T HIDE – Over the Edge – Amygdala and Hippocampus (page 38)
IN THE AMYGDALA – Where the Wild Things Are (page 39)
Pages 43 – 52 Section 5 - Soothing
Oh That Smell; The Nose Knows (pages 47, 48)
Pages 54 – 64 Section 6 - Mood and Pain
Pain and Mood Circuit (page 54)
Relax, Calm, Soothe – GABA to the Rescue (page 55)
Limbic Deactivation – Emotional Calm (page 57)
[ This wonderful workbook helps me understand just how awesome the beautiful brain is, however, my initial success was due to the coaching I received from Dr. Danielle Rosenman who was trained by Dr. Michael Moskowitz. The techniques helped me "outgrow" persistent pain. ]
Pages 66 – 74 Section 7 - Pleasure – the Antidote for Pain
BLISS – Anandamide (page 69)
WELL BEING – Endorphins (page 71)
ALL WE NEED IS LOVE – Oxytocin (page 72)
Page 75 Section 8 – Conclusion – A New Beginning
Below are names of the writers who were credited for these particular episodes of
The Jack Benny Program which brought healing laughter
Written by Sam Perrin, George Balzer, Al Gordon, Hal Goldman -
James and Gloria Stewart are celebrating their wedding anniversary at a restaurant; Jack has invited himself and has brought girlfriend Mildred who sings (loudly) to Mr. Stewart when the band plays the French song “La Vie En Rose” (according to the music was composed by Marguerite Monnot and Louis Guglielmi aka Louiguy, lyrics and also sung by Édith Piaf)
”Jack In Paris” (guests: Mary Livingstone, Maurice Chevalier) – according to this show is Season 7, Episode 14 – Oh to see Arc de Triomphe et la Tour Eiffel!
Written by Sam Perrin, George Balzer, Hal Goldman, Al Gordon -
“The Income Tax Show” is hilarious! - Season 15, Episode 4; October 16, 1964
“Jack Directs Film” Season 14, Episode 6; Oct. 29, 1963 Jack finds out that Gloria Stewart is in James Stewart’s new movie and wants to congratulate her on the set.
Written by Sam Perrin, George Balzer, Milt Josefsberg, John Tackaberry
Jack Benny Program “The Jackie Gleason Show” is hilarious! Wanting to impress Jackie Gleason, Jack and Rochester are staying in the penthouse suite in the Saint Regis Hotel. Yes, Jack is staying there (at no cost)
Again, thank you to the folks who post them on YouTube.
Thank you for reading Teresa Jade LeYung’s blog post: “Wellness, Laughter, Writers, Jack Benny Program, Dr. Michael H. Moskowitz, Dr. Marla D. Golden, TRANSFORMING THE BRAIN IN PAIN Workbook”
For other posts related to our Beautiful Brains, Pain, and Neuroplasticity in my blog … If you scroll to top of page, look at right side of screen, you’ll see the category “Beautiful Brains Neuroplasticity”. Please click on that category to get all my blog posts pertaining to the topic.
I wish you new vitality, total wellness!
Teresa Jade LeYung
(formerly Teresa LeYung-Ryan)
Story Theme Consultant / Photo Historian / Author / Public Library and Public School Advocate goes to Teresa Jade LeYung’s Blog
Writing Coach Teresa Jade LeYung says: “I love helping writers identify the themes in their manuscripts to hook readers, and, build and fortify their platforms before and after publication. Reach out, not stress out.”
Love Made Of Heart ®
“MIT new study – Time spent indoors increases risk of COVID at 6 feet or 60 feet…”
To read Chi Nei Tsang Master Healer and Master Teacher Gilles Marin’s tried and true methods to attack viruses and neutralize them
2021 March 14, 21:38; March 15, 14:47; March 21, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27; amended 2021 March 27, 07:44
Teresa Jade LeYung’s Blog Post #604
Last week, I was at a place not far from where I live - to escape from construction noise (neighbors modifying their house to “age in place”). While I am happy for anyone who can do that … the persistent noise produced by power tools and hammers reactivated my persistent pain pathways in such a way that I don’t have words to describe the sensations. For sure they are “unpleasant” and “undesirable”.
On March 10, at this place of tranquility, I woke up to the sound of power pruning. NO! I thought Am I being tested?
On March 11, another unpleasant incident occupied my thoughts.
On March 12, I read the email from kindhearted mentor author Margaret R. Davis. Margaret asked: “Teresa, can’t you apply the very same principles you use to reduce pain to block out the irritation of the construction noise?”
Margaret is referring to what I have learned and what I continue to learn from Dr. Norman Doidge, Dr. Michael Moskowitz, Dr. Marla Golden, Dr. Danielle Rosenman, Professor Lorimer Moseley about retraining my brain / practicing neuroplasticity.
Thank you, Margaret! Thank you to ALL the dear hearts in my life who care about my well-being. I am most grateful!
Soothing thoughts. I thought about LaH who delivered me to this lovely place and how MT, SS, NN individually visited me and brought delicious foods, and, everyone who sent cards, emails, text-messages, voicemail, thoughts, prayers.
On the evening of March 13, 2021, I wanted to watch the movie PRIVATE BENJAMIN (starring Goldie Hawn) again.
Well, not only did I find clips on YouTube, but also, I was rewarded with Ms. Goldie Hawn’s inspiring presentation “Importance of Mindfulness”
I was overjoyed listening to Ms. Goldie Hawn’s sharing stories of children learning about how their brains work, and talking about their amygdala, prefrontal cortex … what is neuroplasticity, practicing “Brain Breaks” (meditation) with their teachers three times a day in school, using soothing thoughts to quiet their hardworking brains, and, the children going home to share their knowledge with their parents and other family members.
At 19 minutes Ms. Hawn shows the audience a film on MindUP – the signature program for children of the Goldie Hawn Foundation.
At 39 minutes Ms. Hawn talks about intentions; to witness thoughts, and not get attached to them.
[ Teresa Jade LeYung here…
“Wow, witness my thoughts but not get attached to them. I thought about my lineage…. If as children my grandparents on both sides were given the opportunities to practice this skill, then, as adults they would have passed it onto their children (my parents), and my parents would have passed it onto me and my siblings.
“My parents were young people during World War II; my mother was orphaned; my father had to leave home to find work and send money to support his mother and siblings; then, they experienced colonization . . . such chaotic lives . . . and no one to teach them how to create peace for their beautiful brains.
“Last week, while I was at that lovely place that turned out to be not so tranquil, I said to my pals ‘I am what I think.’ If I am to truly heal from persistent pain and unpleasant sensations (all produced by Beautiful Brain), I must practice detaching myself from worrisome thoughts, and, use soothing thoughts to create pleasant sensations.” ]
* * * * * * * says: “Since 2003, MindUP has been helping children develop the mental fitness necessary to thrive in school and throughout their lives.
MindUP is the signature program of The Goldie Hawn Foundation, a not-for-profit organization created in response to the global epidemic of childhood aggression, anxiety, depression and suicide. Based firmly in neuroscience, MindUP gives children the knowledge and tools they need to manage stress, regulate emotions and face the challenges of the 21st century with optimism, resilience and compassion.”
* * * * * * * *
by Michael H. Moskowitz, MD & Marla D. Golden, DO
[ Teresa Jade LeYung here…
“I wonder if Dr. Moskowitz, Dr. Golden or Dr. Danielle Rosenman know about Ms. Hawn’s foundation and that the children in the MindUP program know what their Amygdala, Prefrontal Cortex and other parts of their brains do and how they (the children) learn to develop mental fitness.
“In our family, no one taught us anything resembling mental fitness.
“The adults were inept. In the 1970s, my escape was watching movies from the 1940′s, but, many of the characters in those films were lost souls. Our brother turned to music. Our little sister relied on her imagination; her stuffed animal companion Happy Dog was her loyal and gentle confidant.
“As an adult, my sister always chose careers that involved helping children. She is Maria Kawah Leung – author of LITTLE HEROES OF BAY STREET: And How They Stay Strong in an Unhappy Home. The protagonists in her illustrated book are Mia and Happy Dog. To hear a reading of Maria Kawah Leung’s book by Hannah Yeoh, a member of Parliament in Malaysia, and to hear Happy Dog’s message to children, and Maria’s comforting words to children and adults … watch on Youtube
“If MindUP had existed during our childhood . . . I can just see my little sister coming home to show our parents how to “quiet their hardworking brains” ]
* * * * * * *
The heroes at MindUP announce: “We are happy to announce MindUP will now be rebranded to MindUP For Life. Evolving the visual identity to embody its new holistic direction.
We are thrilled to unveil our new brand identity and share with you that MindUP is evolving to become MindUP for Life. After many years as a school-based program for educators, MindUP for Life will now also be available to parents, families, and adults. This rebranding marks an exciting time in MindUP’s history, as we are launching the 2nd edition of our curriculum as well as an interactive online platform projected to launch this spring to support our growing audience. Over the last few months, we have worked with the amazing team at Le Parc Design to create a new image that would accurately depict our growth and helps us impact as many individuals as possible.
To foster children’s well-being through educational programs based in neuroscience and mindful practice.
Based firmly in neuroscience, MindUP teaches the skills and knowledge children need to regulate their stress and emotion, form positive relationships, and act with kindness and compassion.”
Ms. Goldie Hawn explains how brain breaks and meditation have a positive effect on our neurobiology
* * * * * * *
Dear Readers,
Thank you for reading this blog post: Author and Theme Consultant Teresa Jade LeYung says: “Everywhere I go, I learn about our beautiful brains. This week, MindUP, Ms. Goldie Hawn’s foundation”
I wish you and your beautiful brains – safety, kindness, excellent health, clear water, blue sky, delicious eats, smiles, sweet laughter, soothing thoughts and more soothing thoughts!
Teresa Jade LeYung
Theme Consultant / Platform-Building Coach
Coach Teresa Jade LeYung says: “I love helping writers identify the themes in their manuscripts to hook readers, and, build and fortify their platforms before and after publication. Reach out, not stress out.”
Coach Teresa’s workbook -
Build Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days: Attract Agents, Editors, Publishers, Readers, and Media Attention NOW — print edition and ebook takes you to Story Continuity / Theme Consultant Teresa Jade LeYung’s blog - resources regarding our beautiful brains / persistent pain / depression / wellness
Love Made Of Heart ®
Teresa Jade LeYung says “Be kind to our beautiful brains.”