Posts Tagged ‘biographies’

2020 April 3,  18:30 California time

Hello, Everyone,

Remember when American TV gave us PSAs? Public Service Announcements.

Perhaps if Charley & Humphrey (Mr. Pat McCormick) were on television and social media now, they’d be showing us what societal, moral responsibility is – to protect other people.

Even though I may not get seriously ill from COVID-19 also known as Coronavirus , I can get infected, with few or no symptoms, but then, I can infect another person who would then infect a vulnerable person who will then die. What I learned in biology class decades ago and what I’m learning from Dr. Fauci and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) help me do my part.

Be safe! Stay healthy! Be kind!

KTVU Charley and Humphrey "Think for yourself."


Scientists Probe How Coronavirus Might Travel Through The Air


How to Protect Yourself & Others

How COVID-19 Spreads

Person-to-person spread

Spread from contact with contaminated surfaces or objects

How easily the virus spreads

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Charley and Humphrey “Think for Yourself”


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)



“If Charley & Humphrey (Mr. Pat McCormick) were here to show us”, says Story Consultant Teresa Jade LeYung






Teresa Jade LeYung

- photo by Mary E. Knippel

As a story theme consultant, award-winning writer, and platform-building coach for pre-published and published authors, Teresa Jade LeYung helps her clients identify their core themes and transform their manuscripts into novels, biographies and memoirs.

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December 28, 2019;  January 25, 26, 2020

By Teresa Jade LeYung

Every year, I sponsor my Immigrant Experience Writing Contest (short stories, essays, monologues) offered through California Writers Club San Francisco Peninsula Branch and The Literary Stage at the San Mateo County Fair You do not have to live in California in order to enter any of the writing contests. Some contestants will enter an excerpt from a long piece of work (novels, memoirs) without investing time to rewrite the pages so that the piece would engage the reader with a beginning, middle and ending.

As a theme consultant and a writing coach, and a fan of a few television series, I have found another inspiration when teaching my clients how to show archetype-driven plotlines.

One of my favorite characters is Rhoda Morgenstern in the situational comedy (sitcom) RHODA  portrayed by Valerie Harper.

One of my favorite episodes is “One Is A Number” (Season 4, Episode 4, written by Charlotte Brown). I love this episode because this is a stand-alone piece. I do not have to  know the backgrounds of the characters.  The script clearly shows what the main character (protagonist) wants and how she goes about getting it.

Act 1 – we see relationships, the protagonist’s personality and what she wants.

Fellow: “Rhoda, it was really nice of you to invite me to breakfast.”

Rhoda: “Gary, I did not invite you.” (with a smile)

Gary:  “Well, then it was nice of you not to kick me out.”

Rhoda’s sister Brenda arrives to tell her why she can’t go out to dinner and the theatre with Rhoda tonight.


Act 2 – we see Protagonist pursuing what she wants.

Rhoda calls friends; they cannot go with her.

She asks her boss; he doesn’t like going to theatres.

She even asks Johnny Venture, the  fellow she has been turning down; he cannot because he’s judging a beauty contest tonight.


Act 3 -  Protagonist reveals what the real Antagonist is.

In her apartment, Rhoda paces, she picks up the theatre tickets and puts them down again.

She gets on the intercom with Carlton the doorman.  She tells him why she doesn’t want to go out alone at nighttime – she fears what people could be thinking of her, how they would judge her.

Archetype:  Carlton is the unexpected ally and mentor


Act 4 – Protagonist has overcome Antagonist.

At a restaurant where tea tastes like coffee (Rhoda is escaping from pouring rain), she meets:

- a taxi driver who is eating his spaghetti dinner

- an old woman named Marie who says she is a stewardess on a rocket on the Martian Space Patrol

- the waitress named Bea who says: “What are you doing out on a terrible night like this?”

Rhoda:  “Tonight was a big night for me. I was trying to do something alone.”

Bea: “You married?”

Rhoda: “Divorced.”

Bea: “Sounds like you’re already doing something alone.”


Act 5 -Protagonist has been transformed.

In her apartment are her allies – her sister Brenda, Brenda’s boyfriend Benny, Gary, Johnny.

Rhoda comes home.  She says: “I had a great time. It was wonderful.  It’s great to go out alone, I found out. I mean, you meet terrific people…. You would have loved it….”

Her boss Jack arrives.  “You’re not dead.”

Brilliant line.  Rhoda is the opposite of dead.

She has realized a new life. She can go out alone and enjoy herself. She has learned to look at people. She wants to share her discovery with her sister and friends.

They want to leave.

Rhoda says: “You had to be there.  I love you all, even if you didn’t get it.”

“Brenda, look at me. Have you ever seen your sister in better shape?”

After Rhoda closes the door, she reaches into her bag and pulls out Bea’s hat (souvenir from mentor archetype) and puts it on her head.

I love how sitcom character Rhoda Morgenstern shows beginning, middle, and ending  through an archetype-driven plotline! Thank you, Ms. Charlotte Brown!

Cheering for all Writers and Readers!

Story Theme Consultant Teresa Jade LeYung - photo by Mary E. Knippel, creator of Your Writing Mentor



As a story theme consultant, award-winning writer, and platform-building coach for pre-published and published authors, Writing Coach Teresa Jade LeYung helps her clients identify their core themes and transform their manuscripts into novels, biographies and memoirs.



January 16, 2020

Who inspires me this month?  In addition to dear friends, colleagues, mentors, relatives, neighbors, clients . . .

Artist Chandra Garsson  Photographer Chandra Garsson

Her photographs / arts inspire wellness for the heart.  and

artist Chandra Garsson with her "Fiddlehead Fern" photo by Teresa Jade LeYung


The members and volunteers at Western Service Workers Association

WSWA members and volunteers mobilize to a hearing at the California Public Utilities Commission, successfully blocking billions of dollars in PG&E rate increases.

WSWA is a free and voluntary membership association built by and for our membership of low-income service, domestic, in-home care, part-time and temporary workers since 1975. WSWA is entirely volunteer run, without a dime of government or other “strings attached” funds. WSWA’s self-help 11-point membership benefit program – including emergency food, clothing, preventive medical care, non-emergency dental care, legal advice and “Know Your Law” sessions and more – helps meet immediate needs while we pursue solutions to the cause of low wages, lack of benefits and unsafe working conditions.

Thank you, Wisdom Teacher Marie Elena Gaspari , for introducing me to the folks at WSWA!

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Everyone at  California Clubhouse in San Mateo, CA

“Our Clubhouse offers hope, encouragement and opportunities to people who live with mental illness.”

Thank you, mentor Diane Warner, for introducing me to the folks at California Clubhouse!

Clubhouse International has succeeded in creating something that didn’t exist before a worldwide community that is changing the world of mental health. Through local Clubhouses around the world, we offer people living with mental  illness opportunities for friendships, employment, housing, education, and access to medical and psychiatric services in a single caring and safe environment- so they can recover and fully participate as valued and respected members of society.

Awarded the 2014 Conrad N. Hilton Humanitarian Prize for extraordinary contributions toward alleviating human suffering.

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Cynthia Tom, creator of A PLACE OF HER OWN

A PLACE OF HER OWN (PLACE) is an art making-based healing organization dedicated to sparking and sustaining the well-being of women. The transformation series of workshops culminate in an art exhibition for women.

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Michael Larsen, author coach

Michael Larsen Author Coach

Mr. Larsen says: “My experience as an agent and the author of successful books on proposals, agents, and marketing  and co-founder of San Francisco Writers Conference and San Francisco Writing for Change Conference helps me provide you with the customized advice, encouragement, and mentorship you need to succeed.”

Look for Michael Larsen who will be at San Francisco Writers Conference 2020.

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Mary Tang  doing business as  SolutionsBAC

Ms. Tang consults for startup companies, privately-held corporations and sole proprietorships – helping them solve typical business problems as well as plan for sustained profitability and future growth. She’s assisted client companies with hiring technical, marketing, finance department staff; advised on headcount and HR-related matters. She also coaches individuals on career development, job search and interviewing techniques, managing workplace issues, life/work choices. She possesses degrees in Business and in Education.


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Mary E. Knippel, founder of Your Writing Mentor

Mary E. Knippel 2019 jamienease-com


Ms. Knippel says: “Let’s talk about where you are now…where you want to go…and how I may support you in the process.”

Look for Mary E. Knippel who will be orchestrating Independent Editors at San Francisco Writers Conference 2020.

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Victoria Sweet, M.D. and her book SLOW MEDICINE: The Way to Healing

Good medicine takes more than amazing technology; it takes time–time to respond to bodies as well as data, time to arrive at the right diagnosis and the right treatment.

Medicine, Dr. Victoria Sweet makes us see, is a craft and an art as well as a science. It is relational, personal, even spiritual. To do it well requires a hard-won wisdom that no algorithm can replace–that brings together “fast” and “slow” in a truly effective, efficient, sustainable, and humane way of healing.

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Frans de Waal and his book Mama’s Last Hug: Animal Emotions and What They Tell Us about Ourselves

Frans de Waal studies primate social behavior — how they fight and reconcile, share and cooperate.

Dutch/American biologist, ethologist, primatologist Frans de Waal draws parallels between primate and human behavior, from peacemaking and morality to culture.

Thank you, mentor Diane Warner, for gifting me this eye-opening book!

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Francis Bellamy (1855-1931)

“I pledge allegiance to my Flag and the Republic for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

Story Theme Consultant Teresa Jade LeYung says: “I am inspired by big hearts and humor.”

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Brilliant and prolific writers, comedians, entertainers, sages:

George Carlin

George Carlin on Our Similarities instead of our differences – things that make us the same.

Thank you, CappyNJ, for

George Carlin on little things we share. From his 1992 special Jammin’ in New York.

I learned two words from Mr. Carlin  – entropy; discography. Thank you!


John Cleese

John Cleese on Creativity In Management

Thank you, John Cleese training company !

Wanda Sykes !

COMEDY SPECIAL: Wanda Sykes: Im’a Be Me
COMEDY SPECIAL: Wanda Sykes: Sick and Tired
BOOK: Yeah I Said It


Teresa Jade LeYung 2019 Paris, photo by Mary E. Knippel











As a story theme consultant, award-winning writer, and platform-building coach for pre-published and published authors, Writing Coach Teresa Jade LeYung helps her clients identify their core themes and transform their manuscripts into novels, biographies and memoirs.

For other posts in my blog, please go to:

If you’re looking for my blog posts pertaining to our Beautiful Brains and Neuroplasticity…  look at right side of screen, you’ll see the category “Beautiful Brains Neuroplasticity”.  Please click on that category to get those posts.



January 3, 2020

To Everyone,

Happy New Year !

I wish you excellent health, wonderment, and 20/20 vision to peace!


Teresa Jade LeYung


Luxor Obelisk and The Iron Lady of Paris, France - photo by Teresa Jade LeYung


 The Water Garden at Giverny – Claude Monet’s Water Lily Pond – photo by Teresa Jade LeYung


Lady Liberty at Musée d’Orsay, Paris, France – photo by Teresa Jade LeYung


The Water Garden at Giverny - Claude Monet's Water Lily Pond - photo by Teresa Jade LeYung


Oh my! An Eiffel Tower Christmas tree (Thank you to the folks who displayed this) in Berkeley, California - photo by Linda A. Harris


Teresa Jade LeYung 2019 Paris, photo by Mary E. Knippel


As a story theme consultant, award-winning writer, and platform-building coach for pre-published and published authors, Writing Coach Teresa Jade LeYung helps her clients identify their core themes and transform their manuscripts into novels, biographies and memoirs.

For other posts in my blog, please go to:

If you’re looking for my blog posts pertaining to our Beautiful Brains and Neuroplasticity…  look at right side of screen, you’ll see the category “Beautiful Brains Neuroplasticity”.  Please click on that category to get those posts.



Hello Writers,

I am Teresa LeYung Ryan. My clients call me Writing Career Coach Teresa. Who are my clients? They are writers just like you:

• authors who have invested years writing their projects and needed to hook agents with a marketing pitch in their query letters.

• authors who have self-published their books, and deserve more readers.

• writers of fiction and nonfiction, tired of rejections, tired of publishers telling them that they don’t have a platform or fanbase.

What is a platform anyway?

Making your name stand for something—to attract targeted consumers who are likely to buy what you have to sell. Let’s hear that again.

Making your name stand for something (the themes/the subject matters/the issues in your writing)—to attract targeted consumers (people who buy the kinds of books you create ) who are likely to buy what you have to sell (your literary works).

Join the community of authors who write fiction (novels, short stories, graphic novels, novellas), narrative and creative nonfiction (autobiographies, biographies, memoirs, essays), prescriptive nonfiction (how-to books), poetry, speeches, and other genres . . .  and have gained a competitive edge with my workbook: Build Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days: Attract Agents, Editors, Publishers, Readers, and Media Attention NOW

What these authors have to say:

Ruth Silnes is a published author of three books, one of them a how-to book. Ruth says: “Thanks to Coach Teresa’s workbook I learned how to contact a star. Carol Channing wrote a review for my latest book.”

Kate Britton is looking for an agent for her novel; she’s also considering self-publishing.  She says: “Through Build Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days . . . you’ll find out some pretty interesting things about yourself and what your platform is really all about.”

Margaret Davis, a published novelist, says: “Instead of the usual pep talks, Coach Teresa’s workbook consists of a series of exercises which are thought-provoking, and always fun.”

Lynn Scott, author of narrative non-fiction (memoirs), says: “Coach Teresa is a whiz in the ways a writer can get noticed.”

Join these successful authors today!

Go to Amazon and search for Build Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days.  After you order my book, contact me through this blog post (click on the title bar of this post scroll down to get boxes, filled in the boxes, and click the “submit comment” button) and you will receive a free tip on platform building.

In the meantime, check out the resources at my website

I’ll see there!

And remember, “Reach out, not stress out.  Help your readers find you!” with Build Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days


Writing Career Coach Teresa  Build Your Writer's Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days

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