Posts Tagged ‘CA’

2023 November 13 California

Hello, Everyone!

I wish you total wellness!

Please help spread the word.

Compassionate Dr. Kim McMillon is teaching ONLINE class

first four Saturdays in December 2023

December 2, 9, 16, 23

10:00am to 1:00pm

U.S. Pacific Time


at San Francisco Creative Writing Institute

cost:  $395.00
In this 4-week workshop, Body Memoir-Healing with Poetry, we stand as flowers watered by healing words. Our bodies are a memoir to ourselves. We will write poems to our hearts, minds, bodies, and emotions. The most important person in this course is you. You will use words to create poetry that celebrates you.
This class is open to all. You don’t need to have ever written a poem. This is an opportunity to explore yourself through words that you create. We will also read poems that you select that support your discovery of how exceptional and beautiful you are.
The poems you create are meant to be a memoir about how you celebrate, explore, and support yourself.


INSTRUCTOR: Kim McMillon, Ph.D.










Dr. Kim McMillon is a producer, playwright, and contributor to the anthology Some Other Blues: New Perspectives on Amiri Baraka (Ohio University Press, 2021).
McMillon is the editor of Willow Books’ anthology Black Fire—This Time published March 15, 2022.
She is also the host of Berkeley Community Media’s Bay Area Artbeat.
McMillon produced the Dillard University-Harvard Hutchins Center Black Arts Movement 2016 Conference in New Orleans, and with UC Merced’s Center for the Humanities, ASUCM, and the Office of Student Life, Ms. McMillon co-produced the 2014 UC Merced Black Arts Movement Conference, Fifty Years On.
McMillon edited the April 2018 special edition of The Journal of PAN African Studies on the Black Arts Movement and contributed a chapter on the Black Arts Movement to the Black Power Encyclopedia (1965-1975), a two-volume reference work that explores the emergence and evolution of the Black Power Movement in the United States.
McMillon produced, wrote, and starred in her one-woman show, Confessions of a Thespian: When Spirit & Theatre Collide, directed by Margo Hall and staged at the Julia Morgan Theatre in Berkeley, CA in March 2000.
McMillon also produced, wrote and directed VOYAGES, which premiered at the Nova Theatre in San Francisco in March 1986, and was produced at Zellerbach Playhouse in August 1987. In January 1988, Berkeley’s Black Repertory Group produced Voyages. A musical excerpt from Voyages was staged at the Merced Multicultural Arts Center on February 4, 2023.

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I am grateful to:

Kim McMillon, Ph.D. (poet, playwright, producer, editor, teacher, interviewer, talk-show host, her name synonymous with Black Arts Movement conferences and reference work) who encouraged to put pen to paper 40 years ago.
Stephanie Wilger, NC for Chi Nei Tsang, Breast Wellness, Nutrition
Dr. Jae Reed D.C. for Neuro Integration System (N.I.S.) and Neuro Emotional Technique (NET)
Amy Grace Lam, Ph.D. who taught me how to ask my Body questions.
Amy’s artist website  Her poem “The Remember Bones”
Loduskia “Dusky” Pierce, MFT who taught me EMDR and EFT and gave me grief counseling numerous times.
Gilles Marin, master teacher and practitioner of Chi Nei Tsang, who gave me new hope on my journey.
USA:   France:
Marie-Christine Cornet in France who taught me to be gentle with self wherever I am
Stephanie Doucette, M.S., L.Ac., Dipl. OM, for her kindness and acupuncture treatments
Danielle Rosenman, M.D. for coaching me in Neuroplasticity at the beginning of my journey in the autumn of 2020

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Thank you for reading my blog posts.

I wish YOU vibrant health and happiness always!



Teresa Jade LeYung

(formerly Teresa LeYung-Ryan)
author Love Made of Heart - the mother-daughter novel (archived at the San Francisco History Center)
author of Build Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days
author of the Talking To My Dead Mom monologues
author of all the blog posts at


Writing Coach Teresa says:

“I love helping writers identify the themes in their manuscripts to hook readers, and, build and fortify their platforms before and after publication. Reach out, not stress out.”

Love Made Of Heart ®

Please tell ALL your friends. If you missed July 16, 2020 Racial Equity Series: Anti-Asian Racism in COVID-19, watch the video on OneRichmondSF facebook page

Inspiring Panelists began program after a 4 minute wait.

Panelists: Naomi Hui; Vivian Leung; Michelle Cusano; Jessica Ho; Cynthia Choi, Chinese for Affirmative Action; Sandra Lee Fewer, D1 Supervisor; Russell Jeung, Asian American Studies, SFSU.

Presented by The Richmond Neighborhood Center.

Thank you, panelists, for the education, resources and hope!

Thank you again, MaryT, for telling us about this valuable program.


Theme Consultant and author Teresa Jade LeYung

July 16, 2020,  5:00pm-6:30pm PST

ZOOM pre-registration required

Racial Equity Series: Anti-Asian Racism in COVID-19


Cynthia Choi, Chinese for Affirmative Action;

Sandra Lee Fewer, D1 Supervisor;

Russell Jeung, Asian American Studies, SFSU.

Presented by The Richmond Neighborhood Center, San Francisco, CA

Report a Hate Crime at:
Communities Against Hate 
Asian Americans Advancing Justice: Website - 
Hollaback!: Website

Get more training from “We’re on a mission to end harassment—in all its forms.”

Bystander Intervention Training to STOP anti-Asian/American and Xenophobic Harassment.

The folks at Hollaback! (in 16 countries) have developed new programs, including “Bystander Intervention to Stop Police-Sponsored Violence and Anti-Black Racist Harassment” and “Stand Up Against Street Harassment”


Thank you, everyone!


author Teresa Jade LeYung

Love Made Of Heart ®

author Teresa Jade LeYung, mask by Emily O, July 2020 COVID-19 pandemic

Teresa Jade LeYung, American naturalized citizen of Chinese ancestry, is a manuscript-theme consultant, author of Love Made Of Heart (archived at the San Francisco History Center), Build Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days, and Talking To My Dead Mom monologues, and, advocate for public libraries and public schools. Teresa speaks out and offers resources through her Blog:
* * *

L.E.A.D. is the acronym for

Law Enforcement Against Drugs




To create safer, healthier communities free of drugs, bullying, and violence.


We will provide the leadership, resources and management to ensure law enforcement agencies have the means to partner with our educators, community leaders, and families by providing proven and effective programs to deter youth and adults from drug use, drug related crimes, bullying and violence. We are committed to reinforcing the mutual respect, goodwill and relations between law enforcement and their communities.

Give Kids the Confidence and Skills They Need to Grow into Happy Healthy Adults

CJ and Liza of L.E.A.D. conduct community outreach in Berkeley, California


Cheering for Liza, CJ and everyone who help create safer, healthier communities free of drugs, bullying, and violence.

CJ and Liza of L.E.A.D. conducted community outreach in Berkeley, California.

5 S. Main St.
Allentown, New Jersey 08501
609-259-2500 | Fax 609-228-6649

Ask about programs in your city.

YES! TO Giving Kids the Confidence and Skills They Need to Grow into Happy Healthy Adults!


Teresa Jade LeYung

As a story theme consultant, award-winning writer, and platform-building coach for pre-published and published authors,  Writing Coach TERESA JADE LEYUNG empowers her clients to identify their core themes in their manuscripts and career mapping.

January 16, 2020

Who inspires me this month?  In addition to dear friends, colleagues, mentors, relatives, neighbors, clients . . .

Artist Chandra Garsson  Photographer Chandra Garsson

Her photographs / arts inspire wellness for the heart.  and

artist Chandra Garsson with her "Fiddlehead Fern" photo by Teresa Jade LeYung


The members and volunteers at Western Service Workers Association

WSWA members and volunteers mobilize to a hearing at the California Public Utilities Commission, successfully blocking billions of dollars in PG&E rate increases.

WSWA is a free and voluntary membership association built by and for our membership of low-income service, domestic, in-home care, part-time and temporary workers since 1975. WSWA is entirely volunteer run, without a dime of government or other “strings attached” funds. WSWA’s self-help 11-point membership benefit program – including emergency food, clothing, preventive medical care, non-emergency dental care, legal advice and “Know Your Law” sessions and more – helps meet immediate needs while we pursue solutions to the cause of low wages, lack of benefits and unsafe working conditions.

Thank you, Wisdom Teacher Marie Elena Gaspari , for introducing me to the folks at WSWA!

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Everyone at  California Clubhouse in San Mateo, CA

“Our Clubhouse offers hope, encouragement and opportunities to people who live with mental illness.”

Thank you, mentor Diane Warner, for introducing me to the folks at California Clubhouse!

Clubhouse International has succeeded in creating something that didn’t exist before a worldwide community that is changing the world of mental health. Through local Clubhouses around the world, we offer people living with mental  illness opportunities for friendships, employment, housing, education, and access to medical and psychiatric services in a single caring and safe environment- so they can recover and fully participate as valued and respected members of society.

Awarded the 2014 Conrad N. Hilton Humanitarian Prize for extraordinary contributions toward alleviating human suffering.

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Cynthia Tom, creator of A PLACE OF HER OWN

A PLACE OF HER OWN (PLACE) is an art making-based healing organization dedicated to sparking and sustaining the well-being of women. The transformation series of workshops culminate in an art exhibition for women.

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Michael Larsen, author coach

Michael Larsen Author Coach

Mr. Larsen says: “My experience as an agent and the author of successful books on proposals, agents, and marketing  and co-founder of San Francisco Writers Conference and San Francisco Writing for Change Conference helps me provide you with the customized advice, encouragement, and mentorship you need to succeed.”

Look for Michael Larsen who will be at San Francisco Writers Conference 2020.

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Mary Tang  doing business as  SolutionsBAC

Ms. Tang consults for startup companies, privately-held corporations and sole proprietorships – helping them solve typical business problems as well as plan for sustained profitability and future growth. She’s assisted client companies with hiring technical, marketing, finance department staff; advised on headcount and HR-related matters. She also coaches individuals on career development, job search and interviewing techniques, managing workplace issues, life/work choices. She possesses degrees in Business and in Education.


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Mary E. Knippel, founder of Your Writing Mentor

Mary E. Knippel 2019 jamienease-com


Ms. Knippel says: “Let’s talk about where you are now…where you want to go…and how I may support you in the process.”

Look for Mary E. Knippel who will be orchestrating Independent Editors at San Francisco Writers Conference 2020.

   * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Victoria Sweet, M.D. and her book SLOW MEDICINE: The Way to Healing

Good medicine takes more than amazing technology; it takes time–time to respond to bodies as well as data, time to arrive at the right diagnosis and the right treatment.

Medicine, Dr. Victoria Sweet makes us see, is a craft and an art as well as a science. It is relational, personal, even spiritual. To do it well requires a hard-won wisdom that no algorithm can replace–that brings together “fast” and “slow” in a truly effective, efficient, sustainable, and humane way of healing.

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Frans de Waal and his book Mama’s Last Hug: Animal Emotions and What They Tell Us about Ourselves

Frans de Waal studies primate social behavior — how they fight and reconcile, share and cooperate.

Dutch/American biologist, ethologist, primatologist Frans de Waal draws parallels between primate and human behavior, from peacemaking and morality to culture.

Thank you, mentor Diane Warner, for gifting me this eye-opening book!

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Francis Bellamy (1855-1931)

“I pledge allegiance to my Flag and the Republic for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

Story Theme Consultant Teresa Jade LeYung says: “I am inspired by big hearts and humor.”

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Brilliant and prolific writers, comedians, entertainers, sages:

George Carlin

George Carlin on Our Similarities instead of our differences – things that make us the same.

Thank you, CappyNJ, for

George Carlin on little things we share. From his 1992 special Jammin’ in New York.

I learned two words from Mr. Carlin  – entropy; discography. Thank you!


John Cleese

John Cleese on Creativity In Management

Thank you, John Cleese training company !

Wanda Sykes !

COMEDY SPECIAL: Wanda Sykes: Im’a Be Me
COMEDY SPECIAL: Wanda Sykes: Sick and Tired
BOOK: Yeah I Said It


Teresa Jade LeYung 2019 Paris, photo by Mary E. Knippel











As a story theme consultant, award-winning writer, and platform-building coach for pre-published and published authors, Writing Coach Teresa Jade LeYung helps her clients identify their core themes and transform their manuscripts into novels, biographies and memoirs.

For other posts in my blog, please go to:

If you’re looking for my blog posts pertaining to our Beautiful Brains and Neuroplasticity…  look at right side of screen, you’ll see the category “Beautiful Brains Neuroplasticity”.  Please click on that category to get those posts.




Hungry Ghosts image from Artist/Curator Cynthia Tom on her facebook page


Hungry Ghosts: Exploring the intersection between chronic heartache and prescriptions for resilience

Curated by Cynthia Tom and Maggie Yee for A PLACE OF HER OWN (™)

Funded in Part by: California Arts Council, Do A Little Foundation and individual donors.
Admission to the exhibition and programs is free and open to the public.


Angela Bau, Frances Cachapero, Irene Wibawa, Julie Anderson, Lisa Rodondi, Manon Bogerd Wada, Avotcja, Natalie Sacramento, Paz Zamora, Reiko Fujii, Cynthia Tom, Maggie Yee, Sue Tom, Tomo Hirai.


Marin Museum of Contemporary Art (MMOCA), 500 Palm Dr, Novato, CA 94949


Saturday August 10, 2019 - exhibition opening reception - meet the artists 2:00-7:00pm; Cynthia Tom – Curator’s Talk: 3:30-4:00pm; MMOCA Reception 5-7 pm; gallery opens 11am – 7pm

August 24, 2019, 1:00-4:00pm Artists’ Talk (artists onsite 11:00am – 5:00pm)

September 15, 2019, 12:00-5:00pm  Last day to meet the artists


Hungry Ghosts:

Exploring the intersection between chronic heartache and prescriptions for resilience

Exhibit Dates: August 10 – September 15, 2019
Location: Marin Museum of Contemporary Art, 500 Palm Dr, Novato, CA 94949
Hours:  Wednesday – Friday  11:00am to 4:00pm;  Saturday – Sunday  11:00am to 5:00pm


July 30, 2019 California USA

Dear Writers and Readers,

If we are able to read and write and not be persecuted for doing so, we have the responsibility to speak our truths, as well as the truths of those who cannot speak for themselves.

I was lucky to be invited as an exhibitor at the 2019 “Hungry Ghosts: Exploring the intersection between chronic heartache and prescriptions for resilience” show, curated by Cynthia Tom and Maggie Yee for A PLACE OF HER OWN (™). Due to illness, I was unable to work on my piece, therefore, I will not be an exhibitor this time. I shall be there as a fan of all the artists, supporters and advocates.

Theme Consultant and Writing Coach Teresa Jade LeYung Supports Artists Who Face Hungry Ghosts

If curators Cynthia Tom and Maggie Yee invite me again, I shall exhibit:

Teresa Jade LeYung says:

“Hungry ghosts eat, I spit nails.

Let Self speak, I prevail.”

Special thanks to Coach MaryT for word-magic!


Teresa Jade LeYung of Love Made Of Heart says: “When I’m in Paris, I know I have come home.”

As theme consultant and writing coach, Teresa empowers writers to transform their dearest dreams into reality.

Thank you, Mary Jung of Pacific & Asian American Women Bay Area Coalition (PAAWBAC) and Cynthia Tom of A PLACE OF HER OWN, for inviting us to this event:

Saturday, September 15th, 2018, 5:30pm – 9:30 pm

Asian Women’s Shelter – 30th Anniversary Gala

Bespoke – located in Westfield Mall
845 Market Street – 4th floor, San Francisco, CA
Food, drink and inspiration!
Event details and how to purchase tickets
If you cannot attend, consider buying raffle tickets to win prizes.

Asian Women’s Shelter (AWS) has been improving lives, communities and policies for 30 years!

Asian Women’s Shelter (AWS) presents PERSIST a night of celebration, hope and community to support safety, empowerment and renewal for marginalized survivors of violence.–events.aspx

Since 1988, AWS has supported thousands of survivors ranging from infants to elders, both in shelter and in neighborhoods and communities. Together with our supporters, we have built life-saving and life changing connections.


Apply now for the Fall 2018 AWS Volunteer and Language Advocate Training!

Apply here!

Support survivors with us!
Applications are open for the Fall 2018 training. We will begin following up with individuals in mid August. Read more about the volunteer and language advocate programs here before filling in your application.

I wish everyone safety, excellent health and abundant joy.


Teresa Jade LeYung










Teresa Jade LeYung – founder of Love Made of Heart (aka Teresa LeYung-Ryan) speaks openly through her writing and advocacy, her immigrant experience, and her knowing beauty.  As an author, a story consultant, and a found-object artist, she empowers women to transform their own stories and is often quoted as saying: “I think beauty. I am beauty.” Please visit

WHAT?  A PLACE OF HER OWN™ (founded by renowned artist / curator / educator Cynthia Tom)  is a culturally informed, arts-based healing and transformation 6-month program consisting of weekly workshops, culminating in a professional art exhibition.
Mission:  A PLACE OF HER OWN™ (PLACE) is an art-based healing program dedicated to fostering the long-term mental health and well-being of women.

Featuring 20 San Francisco Bay Area Women Artists answering the question:

“If you had a place of your own, what would it be?”

Curated by Cynthia Tom and Maggie Yee

Teresa Jade LeYung is a proud student of

Please join Teresa, her classmates, founder/lead curator/lead teacher/artist CYNTHIA TOM

and co-teachers Maggie Yee and Natalie Sacramento for full list of events (including May 19 lecture and June 9 lecture and film)

Saturday May 12   Opening Reception  2:00-5:00pm

Sunday June 3    Artists Talks 2:00-4:00pm; Gallery Open 12:00-5:00pm

Sunday June 24  Closing Reception 12:00-3:00pm

Renowned artist/cultural curator Cynthia Tom says: “To imagine a place of your own, for a woman, is an act of rebellion. Whether its physical or a state of mind, this concept drives self-care and love. This exhibition, the culminating phase of a 6-month healing program, is Intended to inspire, excite and ignite. It combines visual storytelling with mixed media and found objects, and insists upon new ways to re-imagine your place in the world.”

at J-SEI in Emeryville
1285 66th Street, Emeryville   (510) 654-4000

Exhibition runs May 12 through June 24, 2018

 The public is invited to participate in self-guided art-making workstations during gallery hours.

Admission Free. Donations $10-$20 are appreciated. No one turned away for lack of funds.

 * Denotes artists in the 2018 residency program

 Artists:  Nancy Arvold, *Julie Andersen, Angela Bau, *Frances Cachapero, *Norma Carrera, *Kristi Chan, Catherine Ceniza Choy, *Angie Dumagsa, *Elizabeth Esqueda, Reiko Fujii, *Ashleigh Heinichen, *Tomo Hirai, *Ahran Lee, *Grace Hwang Lynch, Lisa Rodondi, *Teresa Jade LeYung-Ryan, Natalie Sacramento, Cynthia Tom, Sue Tom, Dechen Tsering, Manon Bogerd Wada, Irene Wibawa, Maggie Yee, *Patricia Zamora

Story / Theme Consultant Teresa LeYung-Ryan AKA Found-Object Artist Teresa Jade LeYung

here is a sneak peek at one of the four sections of Teresa Jade LeYung's piece entitled "Four Desks For the Four Femmes In Me"

Photo above is a sneak peek at one of the four sections of my piece entitled “Four Desks For the Four Femmes In Me”.
:)   You will have to go see the whole piece and the magnificent creations by classmates and artist-teachers at the exhibit :)
I will post photos of Opening Reception of May 12, 2018 for folks who cannot be there in person.

Over six months of Exploring and Naming Hungry Ghosts (examine and challenge beliefs that hold me back and the exploration of my family patterns not just those of my parents’ but also of my ancestors’ traumas linked to world history of slavery, colonization, forced migration, oppression), Releasing Hungry Ghosts, Claiming MY PLACE, and Proclaiming MY PLACE … I, Teresa Jade LeYung, give a thousand thanks to creator and lead teacher of A PLACE OF HER OWN Cynthia Tom, assistant teachers Maggie Yee and Natalie Sacramento, my dear classmates (Julie Andersen, Frances Cachapero, Norma Carrera, Kristi Chan, Angie Dumagsa, Elizabeth Esqueda, Ashleigh Heinichen, Tomo Hirai, Ahran Lee, Grace Hwang Lynch, Teresa Jade LeYung-Ryan, Patricia Zamora), guest artist-speakers Cris Matos, Angela Bau, Reiko Fujii,  Irene Wibawa, and Brian Garvey (the gent who helps us and our work get to classroom on time every Thursday),  Asian American Women Artists Association,  Pacific Asian American Women Bay Area Coalition, and all the dear hearts who encouraged me to enroll in this residency program six months ago.


Teresa Jade LeYung

For Writing Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan, please visit




“April 2, 2017 Writer’s Life Conference, California Writers’ Club for Fiction and Nonfiction Authors,” says Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan


The one-day writers’ conference to help authors before and after publication. Learn from experts in the industry.

Conference Chair – Dr. Joan Steidinger

Keynote Speaker

CONSTANCE HALE “The Seven Stages of Manuscript Grief”


LINDA WATANABE MCFERRIN “Writing about Places Real and Imagined”

ROBERT PIMM – literary and trademark attorney

MARY RAKOW, Ph.D. – freelance editor

TANYA EGAN GIBSON - freelance editor

DAVID COLIN CARR - freelance editor

TERESA LEYUNG-RYAN  “Where Are YOU and Your THEMES on Your Writer’s Platform-Building Journey?”

JENNIFER MARCH SOLOWAY is an associate agent at Andrea Brown Literary Agency.

ANDY ROSS started his literary agency in February, 2008. Prior to becoming an agent, Andy was the owner of Cody’s Books in Berkeley, California for 30 years.

The Writer’s Life Conference sponsored by California Writers Club–Marin Branch  at Book Passage, 51 Tamal Vista, Corte Madera, CA


If you miss this writers’ conference, here are other opportunities to attend my presentation “Where Are YOU & Your THEMES on Your Writer’s Platform-Building Journey?” and meet the members of these writers’ organizations:

Cheering for all writers and readers!

Reach out, not stress out.


Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan

I am Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan who teaches my clients (writers, artists) how to reach out, not stress out, before and after publication — identify themes in their intellectual properties and create scripts for pitches, query letters, press releases, talking-points, one-minute videos, photo slideshows, and the all-mighty blog. Please visit  and for resources.

The workbook:
Build Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days: Attract Agents, Editors, Publishers, Readers, and Media Attention NOW – available at in Oakland, CA and in Corte Madera, CA and on Amazon – print edition and Kindle edition!

If you’d like to email me . . .   WritingCoachTeresa  then @, then

  • What email subject line will attract my attention?  Tell me where you’ve met me (which conference? which workshop? which community event?) or tell me who referred you.
  •  In the body of your email, please include your full name and your URL (website or blog address) so that I can see what you’re already doing to build your writer’s platform and fanbase. I like concise and gracious emails. Thank you so much.


February 2017 performances – Director Kathryn G. McCarty’s benefit production of Eve Ensler’s



We honor women and girls!  We celebrate women and girls!

Please catch a performance or buy a ticket for a friend. Director Kathryn G. McCarty’s benefit production of Eve Ensler’s THE VAGINA MONOLOGUES.   V-Day is a global movement to stop violence against women and girls.

Lucky me (Teresa LeYung-Ryan) is in the cast!

2 performances in February 2017 – Fri. Feb. 24 at 8:00pm; Sun. Feb. 26 at 3:00pm
55 Eckley Lane, Walnut Creek, CA

Tickets 1-800-838-3006 or
Proceeds benefit Planned Parenthood Northern California.

Here’s the Youtube link to view the lovely slideshow that Director Kathryn G. McCarty created in 2010 with Ellen Gailing photos of the cast at  Richmond V-Day 2010 Eve Ensler’s THE VAGINA MONOLOGUES -

I wish everyone excellent health and abundant joy.









Teresa LeYung-Ryan

For Coach Teresa’s Blog, please visit

Teresa’s novel:
Love Made of Heart: a daughter–mother love story (used in colleges; recommended by the California School Library Association and the California Reading Association)

Teresa’s trademark

Inline image 2


“Where Are YOU On Your Writer’s Platform-Building Journey?”

Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan says: With 32,000,000+ titles already on the market, how do you attract readers and all the folks who can help you compete with authors who are promoters, best-selling or celebrity authors?  The answer is in how you articulate the themes you write about (in your fiction and nonfiction) AND linking your name to your themes through your platform statement—BEFORE and AFTER publication. Reach out, not stress out. You and your intellectual property deserve a joyful journey! ”

For a preview of Coach Teresa’s interactive presentations — visit her website:, watch her television interview on CBS “Bay Sunday” with host Frank Mallicoat , read her blog:,  watch her on YouTube:, and, do the two exercises (see below) for Day 1 from her workbook Build Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days: Attract Agents, Editors, Publishers, Readers, and Media Attention NOW



Here’s 2 of 2 of Day 1 Exercises from Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan’s workbook Build Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days: Attract Agents, Editors, Publishers, Readers, and Media Attention NOW



The workbook:
Build Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days: Attract Agents, Editors, Publishers, Readers, and Media Attention NOW -  print edition and ebook edition through Amazon
Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan who says “Reach out, not stress out!” will present “Where Are YOU on Your Writer’s Platform- Building Journey?” for:

Please tell your writer-friends who live in or near those counties.

I cheer for YOU!


Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan cheers for all hardworking writers!











Teresa LeYung-Ryan is the author of:

Creator of:

  • the “Immigrant Experience” Writing Contest
  • workshops including:
    • “For Theme’s Sake: Edit Your Own Manuscript Before Pitching to Agents or Self-Publishing”
    • “Heroes, Tricksters, Villains – Know Your Archetypes”
    • “Where Are You on Your Writer’s Journey?”
    • “Build/Retrofit Your Writer’s Platform”
    • “Help Your Fans Find YOU!”

    and her trademark Love Made of Heart

Affiliated with:

  • Women’s National Book Association-San Francisco Chapter (member and past board member and officer)
  • California Lawyers for the Arts (member)
  • California Writers Club (member, San Francisco Peninsula Branch and Redwood Branch; a past president of the San Francisco Peninsula Branch); a recipient of the Jack London Award for outstanding service to California Writers Club

Advocate for:

  • public schools and public libraries!


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