Posts Tagged ‘children’s book’

Love Made Of Heart ®
2022 July 31 California                  

Dear Readers,

I wish you and everyone around you – wellness, kindness, happiness.

I celebrate these two women -

Ms. Maria Kawah Leung and Ms. Goldie Hawn


Maria Kawah Leung is the author of a delightfully illustrated children’s book about a serious subject matter – domestic violence.

LITTLE HEROES OF BAY STREET:  And How They Stay Strong In An Unhappy Home

(illustrators:  Maria Kawah Leung, Sandra Elyse Chavez, Maren Sleire Aasgaard)

This book is endorsed by Hannah Yeoh who is a Member of Parliament in Malaysia.

The main characters in LITTLE HEROES OF BAY STREET are Mia (a little girl) and her Happy Dog (who is much much more than a stuffed animal). Happy Dog is Mia’s best friend and confidant.

Maria Kawah Leung - photo by TL

Maria Kawah Leung says:

“I was born in Hong Kong but my family moved to San Francisco when I was almost two years old. I have happily been a teacher of young children for over 25 years and have taught in the USA (California and Massachusetts), China and Malaysia.

“My most rewarding experiences in life were working with children in pediatric wards, studying Chinese in Beijing, China and studying Spanish in Bogota, Colombia.

“I have also traveled to about 30 countries and all the continents except Antarctica. I have always enjoyed writing. Creating this book to help children feel they are not alone has been a life-long goal.

“Empowering children to overcome obstacles is my passion. This is why I wrote the children’s book Little Heroes of Bay Street and How They Stay Strong in an Unhappy Home.”

Ms. Leung adds: “I’m hoping that through my book… that every teacher would get a copy… and school counselors… nurses… so that they can be aware, and, look out for signs, and reach out to these children.”

Maria’s book is available in English, Chinese, Spanish and Bahasa Malaysia

To watch Maria Kawah Leung interviewed by Kim McMillon, PhD   39 minutes


Teresa Jade LeYung here …

As I watch Ms. Goldie Hawn’s keynote speech at Teachers College, Columbia University …  I think about Ms. Maria Kawah Leung as teacher, author,  children’s advocate.

Teachers College – Columbia University – Academic Festival Opening Ceremony Keynote Address: Goldie Hawn on Why Mindfulness in School Matters  39 minutes

Ms. Hawn’s foundation is MindUP


“Why aren’t we teaching kids about their brain?”  When the teacher says “Pay attention.”… how can children know what that means when they don’t know about their brains? “The brain has plasticity.” “What the amygdala is.”  “Nobody knows what the kids are feeling.  Kids and silent stress.”

Through MindUp … kids learn how to practice kindness, what being mindful is.”

Based firmly in neuroscience, MindUP teaches the skills and knowledge children need to regulate their stress and emotion, form positive relationships, and act with kindness and compassion.

MindUP was created in response to the global epidemic of:

  • childhood aggression

  • anxiety

  • depression

  • suicide

Ms. Hawn’s book -  10 MINDFUL MINUTES: Giving Our Children–and Ourselves–the Social and Emotional Skills to Reduce Stress and Anxiety for Healthier, Happy Lives (paperback) – by Goldie Hawn (Author), Wendy Holden (Author), Daniel J. Siegel MD (Foreward)


I celebrate Ms. Maria Kawah Leung and LITTLE HEROES OF BAY STREET,  Ms. Goldie Hawn and MindUP, and children all over the world!

To read my  June 28, 2022 blog post “Educator, children’s book author, children’s advocate Maria Kawah Leung says “Domestic Violence Awareness is about Helping the Families”

Thank you for reading!

I wish you and everyone around you – wellness, kindness, happiness.















Teresa Jade LeYung

Proud sister of Maria Kawah Leung and proud auntie of Happy Dog

Story Theme Consultant / Photo Historian / Author / Public Library and Public School Advocate goes to Teresa’s Blog
Writing Coach Teresa Jade LeYung says: “I love helping writers identify the themes in their manuscripts to hook readers, and, build and fortify their platforms before and after publication. Reach out, not stress out.”

Love Made Of Heart ®

2021 March 14, 21:38; March 15, 14:47; March 21, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27; amended 2021 March 27, 07:44

Teresa Jade LeYung’s Blog Post #604

Last week, I was at a place not far from where I live -  to escape from construction noise (neighbors modifying their house to “age in place”).  While I am happy for anyone who can do that … the persistent noise produced by power tools and hammers reactivated my persistent pain pathways in such a way that I don’t have words to describe the sensations. For sure they are “unpleasant” and “undesirable”.

On March 10, at this place of tranquility, I woke up to the sound of power pruning.  NO!  I thought Am I being tested?

On March 11, another unpleasant incident occupied my thoughts.

On March 12, I read the email from kindhearted mentor author Margaret R. Davis.  Margaret asked: “Teresa, can’t you apply the very same principles you use to reduce pain to block out the irritation of the construction noise?”

Margaret is referring to what I have learned and what I continue to learn from Dr. Norman Doidge, Dr. Michael Moskowitz, Dr. Marla Golden, Dr. Danielle Rosenman, Professor Lorimer Moseley about retraining my brain / practicing neuroplasticity.

Thank you, Margaret! Thank you to ALL the dear hearts in my life who care about my well-being.  I am most grateful!

Soothing thoughts. I thought about LaH who delivered me to this lovely place and how MT, SS, NN individually visited me and brought delicious foods, and, everyone who sent cards, emails, text-messages, voicemail, thoughts, prayers.

On the evening of  March 13,  2021, I wanted to watch the movie PRIVATE BENJAMIN (starring Goldie Hawn) again.

Well, not only did I find clips on YouTube, but also, I was rewarded with  Ms. Goldie Hawn’s inspiring presentation  “Importance of Mindfulness” 

I was overjoyed listening to Ms. Goldie Hawn’s sharing stories of children learning about how their brains work, and talking about their amygdala, prefrontal cortex … what is neuroplasticity, practicing “Brain Breaks” (meditation) with their teachers three times a day in school, using soothing thoughts to quiet their hardworking brains, and, the children going home to share their knowledge with their parents and other family members.
At 19 minutes Ms. Hawn shows the audience a film on MindUP – the signature program for children of the Goldie Hawn Foundation.
At 39 minutes  Ms. Hawn talks about intentions; to witness thoughts, and not get attached to them.

[ Teresa Jade LeYung here…

“Wow, witness my thoughts but not get attached to them. I thought about my lineage….  If as children my grandparents on both sides were given the opportunities to practice this skill, then, as adults they would have passed it onto their children (my parents), and my parents would have passed it onto me and my siblings.

“My parents were young people during World War II; my mother was orphaned; my father had to leave home to find work and send money to support his mother and siblings; then, they experienced colonization . . . such chaotic lives . . . and no one to teach them how to create peace for their beautiful brains.

“Last week, while I was at that lovely place that turned out to be not so tranquil, I said to my pals ‘I am what I think.’  If I am to truly heal from persistent pain and unpleasant sensations (all produced by Beautiful Brain), I must practice detaching myself from worrisome thoughts, and, use soothing thoughts to create pleasant sensations.” ]

 * * * * * * *  says:  “Since 2003, MindUP has been helping children develop the mental fitness necessary to thrive in school and throughout their lives.

MindUP is the signature program of The Goldie Hawn Foundation, a not-for-profit organization created in response to the global epidemic of childhood aggression, anxiety, depression and suicide. Based firmly in neuroscience, MindUP gives children the knowledge and tools they need to manage stress, regulate emotions and face the challenges of the 21st century with optimism, resilience and compassion.”

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by Michael H. Moskowitz, MD & Marla D. Golden, DO

 [ Teresa Jade LeYung here…

“I wonder if Dr. Moskowitz, Dr. Golden or Dr. Danielle Rosenman know about Ms. Hawn’s foundation and that the children in the MindUP program know what their Amygdala, Prefrontal Cortex and other parts of their brains do and how they (the children) learn to develop mental fitness.

“In our family, no one taught us anything resembling mental fitness.

“The adults were inept. In the 1970s, my escape was watching movies from the 1940′s, but, many of the characters in those films were lost souls. Our brother turned to music. Our little sister relied on her imagination; her stuffed animal companion Happy Dog was her loyal and gentle confidant.

“As an adult, my sister always chose careers that involved helping children.  She is Maria Kawah Leung – author of LITTLE HEROES OF BAY STREET: And How They Stay Strong in an Unhappy Home.  The protagonists in her illustrated book are Mia and Happy Dog.   To hear a reading of Maria Kawah Leung’s book by Hannah Yeoh, a member of Parliament in Malaysia, and to hear Happy Dog’s message to children, and Maria’s comforting words to children and adults … watch on Youtube


“If MindUP had existed during our childhood . . . I can just see my little sister coming home to show our parents how to “quiet their hardworking brains” ]

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The heroes at MindUP announce:  “We are happy to announce MindUP will now be rebranded to MindUP For Life.  Evolving the visual identity to embody its new holistic direction.
We are thrilled to unveil our new brand identity and share with you that MindUP is evolving to become MindUP for Life. After many years as a school-based program for educators, MindUP for Life will now also be available to parents, families, and adults. This rebranding marks an exciting time in MindUP’s history, as we are launching the 2nd edition of our curriculum as well as an interactive online platform projected to launch this spring to support our growing audience. Over the last few months, we have worked with the amazing team at Le Parc Design to create a new image that would accurately depict our growth and helps us impact as many individuals as possible.
To foster children’s well-being through educational programs based in neuroscience and mindful practice.
Based firmly in neuroscience, MindUP teaches the skills and knowledge children need to regulate their stress and emotion, form positive relationships, and act with kindness and compassion.”
Ms. Goldie Hawn explains how brain breaks and meditation have a positive effect on our neurobiology

 * * * * * * *

Dear Readers,

Thank you for reading this blog post:  Author and Theme Consultant Teresa Jade LeYung says: “Everywhere I go, I learn about our beautiful brains. This week, MindUP, Ms. Goldie Hawn’s foundation”

I wish you and your beautiful brains – safety, kindness, excellent health, clear water, blue sky, delicious eats, smiles, sweet laughter, soothing thoughts and more soothing thoughts!


photo of Teresa Jade LeYung by Sasa Southard, world adventurer


Teresa Jade LeYung

Theme Consultant / Platform-Building Coach

Coach Teresa Jade LeYung says: “I love helping writers identify the themes in their manuscripts to hook readers, and, build and fortify their platforms before and after publication.  Reach out, not stress out.”

Coach Teresa’s workbook -
Build Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days: Attract Agents, Editors, Publishers, Readers, and Media Attention NOW  — print edition and ebook

author Teresa Jade LeYung (mask and photo by Emily)

   takes you to Story Continuity / Theme Consultant Teresa Jade LeYung’s blog - resources regarding our beautiful  brains  / persistent pain / depression  / wellness

Love Made Of Heart ®

Teresa Jade LeYung says “Be kind to our beautiful brains.”


Writing Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan here to wish all writers time to write, read, and support other writers.


I wrote a review for author Mary B. French.  She had sent me the link to her YouTube and Amazon pages.

5.0 out of 5 stars Teaching Children How to be a Good Friend, Go after Their Dreams, and Love Themselves

Mary B. French‘s children’s book about Compass (a teddy bear who has special talents) and his human friend Molly (whose parents are separated) teaches readers (young and old) how to be a good friend, go after our dreams, and love ourselves. Also, I learned a few things about English customs, and, how one would go about meeting the Queen. A sweet story!
Cheers to the author of Bear-ly There With Compass and all the protagonists in the story!
Sincerely, 22-day writing and fanbase-building coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan

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 I am reading entries to “Immigrant Experience Writing Contest” which I am sponsoring for the San Mateo County Fair Literary Arts Division and California Writers Club SF Peninsula Branch. Thank you, Bardi Rosman Koodrin, CWC, and everyone who support the many writing contests. Thank you, Professor Sheryl Fairchild, for being co-judge to the contest I’m sponsoring. Bravo to all contestants, for polishing your pieces and submitting to the various contests.

Advice to writers who will be entering their works to any writing contest:  follow guidelines to increase your chance of receiving an award. If the contest’s theme is battling mental illness, write about that; if the contest’s theme is about adopting a pet, write about that.

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Last performance The Year of Magical Thinking will be Sunday April 27, 2014.

Authors Mary E. Knippel, Lynn Scott and I are going to see the play The Year of Magical Thinking by Joan Didion (based on her memoir of the same title), directed by Craig A. Miller, starring Grace Kingsley.  Thank you, director Lennie Dean, for emailing this message:

“If you have a chance see this incredible one-woman play….so well acted and beautifully written . . . .  Call the 6th Street Playhouse in Santa Rosa, CA 707-523-4185

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SPRING ARTS FAIR — Art show, live music, and refreshments. Free and open to all!
Sunday, May 4, 2014, 3:00-6:00pm
(readings are from 4:00-5:00pm)
Congregation Beth Sholom
1301 14th Avenue (near Clement), San Francisco, CA
Pamela Reitman says: ”I am honored to be one of several readers. My current project is based on the life of Charlotte Salomon, who created Life?or Theater?, according to University of Leeds art critic and professor Griselda Pollock, “one of the twentieth century’s most challenging art works.” Charlotte Salomon was a German-Jewish artist in hiding in the South of France, who struggled with the tragic legacy of multiple suicides in her family, to complete a monument to her life in paintings in a race against time before captured by the Nazis.  Hope to see you there!”
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Co-Creators of San Francisco Writers Conference Elizabeth Pomada and Michael Larsen announce that they will be at Book Expo America  Wednesday, May 28 – Saturday, May 31, 2014 at the Javits Center, NYC.  And, tell your writer-friends about San Francisco Writers Conference February 12-15, 2015  Thank you, Elizabeth and Michael, for inviting me to present every year at your fabulous writers’ conference.
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June 7-15, 2014 Meet California Writers Club members at Bardi Rosman Koodrin‘s Literary Arts Stage, Fine Arts Galleria, San Mateo County Fair. June 7, 2014 Writing Contests Awards Ceremony;
Tuesday June 10, 2014 Teresa LeYung-Ryan with other playwrights will deliver short works, hosted by Darlene Frank.
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Saturday, June 21, 2014 Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan will present “Build/Fortify Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase” at California Writers Club – Tri-Valley Branch in Pleasanton, California. Thank you, Paula Chinick  and Blake Heitzman, for inviting me!


Cheers from


Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan is the author of Build Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days: Attract Agents, Editors, Publishers, Readers, and Media Attention NOW. Click here for print edition. Click here for Kindle edition. “Reach out, not stress out.”

Teresa’s novel Love Made of Heart: a Mother’s Mental Illness Forges Forgiveness in Daughter Ruby is used in college courses and archived at the San Francisco History Center.

Subscribe to  “Coach Teresa’s blog” Click here to start.

For other posts in my blog, please go to:

If you’re looking for my blog posts pertaining to our Beautiful Brains and Neuroplasticity…  look at right side of screen, you’ll see the category “Beautiful Brains Neuroplasticity”.  Please click on that category to get those posts.

Writers at “Pitch-O-Rama: Meet the Agents, Editors, and Publishers”  – San Francisco, CA

Pitch your novel, memoir, biography, autobiography, science fiction, fantasy, mystery, thriller, graphic novel, romance, how to, children’s book, etc.


April 13, 2013 morning in San Francisco “Pitch-O-Rama: Meet the Agents, Editors, and Publishers” – register through Women’s National Book Association (Teresa LeYung-Ryan, Mary E. Knippel and Catharine Bramkamp will be coaching attendees before and after they pitch)

Peter Beren

Nancy Fish

Tory Hartmann

Brenda Knight

Michael Larsen

Linda Joy Myers

Elizabeth Pomada

Lara Perkins

Alan Rinzler

Andy Ross

Brooke Warner

Erin Wiegand


Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan says: "Hook attention with your themes, the four Ws (what, who, when, where) and who YOU are . . . when you pitch to agents, acquisition editors, and publishers."


Coach Mary E. Knippel says: "If you're given only 6 minutes with an agent, use your time wisely. Save 3 minutes for the agent to give you advice."




**April 13, 2013 in San Francisco “Small Press Publishers Panel & Luncheon” – register through Women’s National Book Association (must also register for “Pitch-O-Rama” in order to attend luncheon)

Brooke Warner of She Writes Press and Brenda Knight of Cleis Press & Viva Editions


Betsy Graziani Fasbinder   Fire & Water

Featured Authors: Betsy Graziani Fasbinder and Maggie Oman Shannon

In both her works of memoir and fiction, Betsy Graziani Fasbinder explores the unending complications of people living, working, and loving one another. Her debut novel is a dark love story, lightened with the balm of humor and tempered with the comfort of deep and true friendship. Fire & Water (She Writes Press, March 2013) is Kate Murphy’s story of navigating the treacherous territory of passionate love with friendship and family devotion as the only anchor that can keep her from losing all. Betsy will have her book for sale and signing.

Maggie Oman Shannon is an interfaith minister, spiritual director, and workshop and retreat facilitator. She is the author of five books, including Prayers for Healing. She is serving as the spiritual director of the Unity Spiritual Center of San Francisco. In Crafting Calm: Projects and Practices for Creativity and Contemplation, a D.I.Y. guide to peace of mind, Maggie Oman Shannon explores crafts and creativity as a spiritual practice providing enormous benefits. Shannon takes a rich “potpourri approach” that weaves together interviews, historical facts, “Soul Craft” projects for readers, quotations, and suggested resources with a broad assortment of spiritual practices gathered from crafts communities around the world, as well as from everyday people who have adopted creative forms of spiritual practice.

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**Many thanks to Committee Co-Chair Kate Farrell (WNBA-SF Chapter VP) and Committee Members Linda Lee (WNBA-SF Chapter Co-President), Linda Joy Myers (WNBA-SF Chapter Co-President), Betsy Fasbinder,  Jane Glendinning, Sherry Nadworny, Susan Pace-Kochand, Catharine Bramkamp, and Mary E. Knippel (Past President) ! Many thanks to WNBA-SF Chapter Membership Chair Ana Manwaring,  Blog Editor Patricia V. Davis,  Social Media Manager Frances Caballo, Secretary Teresa LeYung-Ryan, and Immediate-Past-President Lynn Henriksen too!


See you there!

Coach Teresa

Writing Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan cares about helping fiction and nonfiction writers build their platforms and work on their craft simultaneously with ease.  She says: “Wear the dual hats as promoter and writer and be happily published. Reach out, not stress out, to materialize your dearest dreams.”




After Thanksgiving Day . . . Events for Writers & Readers in Placerville, Fremont, El Dorado Hills, Pleasant Hill, Pleasanton, CA

Friday, November 23, 201211 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Award-winning authors at Placerville News Company!

409 Main Street
Placerville, CA 95667

Author/photographer Margie Yee Webb, Cat Mulan’s Mindful Musings: Insight and Inspiration for a Wonderful Life; and author Cindy Sample, Dying For A Date and Dying For A Dance, during Merchants Open House on Historic Main Street.  Just in time to start your Christmas shopping!

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Saturday, Nov. 24, 2012, 2:00-4:00pm  California Writers Club–Fremont Branch

For details:

Get ready to put aside the Thanksgiving leftovers, and dine on Fremont Area Writers’ Two for One Turkey Time Treat!

No, not food—food for thought.

We’re planning a revival of Open Mic, followed by a panel discussion in which three intrepid FAW members will attempt to answer your questions about writing, editing, marketing…you name it!

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Saturday, November 24, 2012,   5:00pm to 7:00pm

Authors Dahlynn McKowen & Ken McKowen at Face In A Book

Book Signing
FACE IN A BOOK Bookstore and Gifts
El Dorado Hills Town Center, El Dorado Hills, CA

Come meet local authors Dahlynn and Ken McKowen, creators of the Not Your Mother’s Book anthology series, at this special Small Business Saturday event. Also joining them will be Granite Bay resident Nancy Withers, who contributed a story to the On Being a Woman title. Light refreshments will be served.

The McKowens spent 10 years creating Chicken Soup for the Soul books with Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen before launching the NYMB series. NYMB books are contemporary, fun and even daring! No sad, sappy or death and dying stories—EVER! They are looking for stories for 30-plus new NYMB titles. Submission guidelines can be found at

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Saturday, December 8, 2012  California Writers Club–Mt. Diablo Branch in Pleasant Hill, CA

For details:

Special End-of-Year Luncheon

with “Two of Our Own”

Susan Pace-Koch

Susan will discuss Get Out of My Head, I Should Go to Bed, illustrated by award-winning Jeremy Kwan, and her latest children’s book, In One Ear and Out the Other, illustrated by Jack Wiens.  Her books will be available for sale for those special children on your “list.”

Kathleen Curtis Wilson

Kathleen will speak of her twenty years of writing set-backs, successes, and opportunities.  She will describe two years of photography, three years of research, and four years to find a publisher for her third book, Irish People, Irish Linen.

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Saturday, December 15, 2012  California Writers Club–Tri-Valley Branch in Pleasanton, CA

For details:

Meg Waite Clayton is the national bestselling author of The Four Ms. Bradwells, The Wednesday Sisters, and the Bellwether Prize finalist The Language of Light, published by Ballantine Books, a Random House imprint, and acclaimed by all major national book club picks.

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Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan

As coach and author of Build Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days: Attract Agents, Editors, Publishers, Readers, and Media Attention NOW , Teresa says: “Whether you are writing fiction or nonfiction, make your name synonymous with the issues you write about.”


Plot Whisperer Martha Alderson (who will be presenting her workshop on April 7, 2012 at CWC-Sacramento Writing Academy series Thank you Margie Yee Webb for reminding me) tells Writing Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan about Una King and TRAIL BLAZING WOMEN Authors

Una King wrote:

Dear Teresa: Martha Alderson told me you especially liked my story of integrating the San Francisco Cable cars for women. There is a group of “TRAIL BLAZING WOMEN” authors, mostly in their 80-90′s, who could use support in their effort on the Children’s Reading Room project. Perhaps, if you found some time, you could visit the project site, my page here at facebook–Children’s Reading Room. If you feel women, aged 80-90′s who are still going strong as authors, deserve support, perhaps you would feel like making a positive comment on the project to your friends. These pioneering women could really use any and all support. When I think of Ms. Buscho, 93 and still going strong as an author, I bless every day she is still with us. Thank you, Teresa. Una King, author of Tiny Tug, Adventures on San Francisco Bay (a children’s book)

Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan here to thank Una King and all the TRAIL BLAZING WOMEN” authors for their work to benefit the Children’s Reading Room project.

I see from Una King’s facebook page that she’ll be on radio every Sunday:

Hey folks: Sunday, April 1, 2012, 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM (Pacific time), and every Sunday thereafter, please check out my new live FM radio show, on 107.3FM  “Children’s Reading Room by Una King.” It is also simulcast via Podcast throughout America on

Una, I’d like to introduce you to Amy Gorman.

Amy Gorman’s book, Aging Artfully, is about the twelve women aged 85-105 who inspired this work. It’s also about promoting positive healthy aging for the general public, and for advocating involvement with the creative arts in retirement years. It’s never too late to start something new…it could prolong your life!

Cheering for Una, Amy, and their colleagues and fans!

And, sending Angel Effie Lee Morris  (trail-blazing woman, children’s librarian, literacy advocate, founding-president of Women’s National Book Association-San Francisco Chapter) big smiles!


Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan

Coach Teresa says: “Reach out, not stress out, to materialize your dearest dreams!”

As editor/story consultant, Coach Teresa helps her clients polish their manuscripts by identifying their themes, universal archetypes, front-story and back-story.

Build Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days: Attract Agents, Editors, Publishers, Readers, and Media Attention NOW - in print edition and Kindle e-book edition

Love Made of Heart is used in college composition classes. Thank you, Teachers & Students!




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