Posts Tagged ‘Christine Walker’
Who Are the Writers in Marin County and Sonoma County California?
Please introduce yourselves by clicking on the title bar of this post and submitting a comment. Invite my blog visitors to your events. Thank you!
Some Events for Writers & Readers in September & October 2011 in these two counties:
California Writers Club–Redwood Branch meets at the Flamingo Conference Resort & Spa in Santa Rosa, CA
Redwood Writers Meeting 2:30-5 PM at the Flamingo Conference Resort & Spa, 2777 Fourth Street, Santa Rosa, CA 95405 • Phone: (707) 545-8530
September 11, 2011 Speaker will be Joan Price, “What I Learned about Book Publicity after Wasting
$1000 of My Publisher’s Money.”
October 9, 2011 Speaker will be Joan Frank “Ideas and Discovery: Protecting and Celebrating the Fictional Dream.”
Writers Forum of Petaluma (founder: Marlene Cullen) These literary workshops take place on the third Thursday of each month, March through November (no workshops in January, February and December).
7:00 pm to 9:00 pm (we start promptly at 7:00 pm); $15 at the door
Location: Petaluma Community Center at Lucchesi Park, 320 No. McDowell Blvd., Petaluma, California
September 15, 2011 Christine Walker “Image & The Senses”
October 20, 2011 Barbara Spicer “Telling Tales”
Saturday, September 24, 2011, 10:00am–4:00pm
Women’s National Book Association-San Francisco Chapter members and California Writers Club-Redwood Branch members at Sonoma County Book Festival
Look for Teresa LeYung-Ryan, Margie Yee Webb, Kate Farrell, Ana Manwaring at their booths and on the Redwood Village/Readers Circle Stage. Leigh Anne Lindsey, Linda Joy Myers, Zoe FitzGerald Carter, Laurel Anne Hill. Who else? Ana Manwaring orchestrates Redwood Writers Village Stage! Stage times: 1:00pm Redwood Writers Vintage Voices; 1:45-2:00pm Margie Yee Webb & Teresa LeYung-Ryan; 2:00-2:45pm Kate Farrell and anthology contributing authors
Sunday, September 25, 2011, 2 to 4 pm
California Writers Club–Marin Branch meets at Book Passage in Corte Madera, CA
Book Passage, 51 Tamal Vista Blvd, Corte Madera, CA
Traditional Publishing or Self-Publishing:
Which One’s For You?
Our panel of authors and publishing professionals includes April Eberhardt, literary agent; Judith Marshall, author of Husbands May Come and Go But Friends Are Forever; Holly Payne, author of Kingdom of Simplicity, The Sound of Blue and The Virgin’s Knot, and founder of Skywriter Books; and Wendy Nelson Tokunaga, author of Love in Translation, Midori by Moonlight, and Marriage in Translation: Foreign Wife, Japanese Husband.
Coach Teresa
Teresa LeYung-Ryan says: “Reach out, not stress out, when pursuing your dreams!”
Coach Teresa is the author of Build Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days: Attract Agents, Editors, Publishers, Readers, and Media Attention NOW
$9.81 for ebook; $22 for print edition
Teresa is the author of Love Made of Heart
Coach Teresa’s YouTube Channel:
Teresa on facebook!