Posts Tagged ‘ebook’
“Where Are YOU On Your Writer’s Platform-Building Journey?”
Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan says: “With 32,000,000+ titles already on the market, how do you attract readers and all the folks who can help you compete with authors who are promoters, best-selling or celebrity authors? The answer is in how you articulate the themes you write about (in your fiction and nonfiction) AND linking your name to your themes through your platform statement—BEFORE and AFTER publication. Reach out, not stress out. You and your intellectual property deserve a joyful journey! ”
For a preview of Coach Teresa’s interactive presentations — visit her website:, watch her television interview on CBS “Bay Sunday” with host Frank Mallicoat , read her blog:, watch her on YouTube:, and, do the two exercises (see below) for Day 1 from her workbook Build Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days: Attract Agents, Editors, Publishers, Readers, and Media Attention NOW
Here’s 2 of 2 of Day 1 Exercises from Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan’s workbook Build Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days: Attract Agents, Editors, Publishers, Readers, and Media Attention NOW
The workbook:
Build Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days: Attract Agents, Editors, Publishers, Readers, and Media Attention NOW - print edition and ebook edition through Amazon
Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan who says “Reach out, not stress out!” will present “Where Are YOU on Your Writer’s Platform- Building Journey?” for:
- Gold Country Writers (Jan. 18, 2017 Auburn, CA)
- California Writers Club-SF Peninsula Branch (March 18, 2017 Redwood City, CA)
- SacramentoSuburban Writers Club (July 10, 2017 Fair Oaks, CA)
Please tell your writer-friends who live in or near those counties.
I cheer for YOU!
Teresa LeYung-Ryan is the author of:
- the mother-daughter novel Love Made of Heart (used as required reading in colleges)
- the workbook Build Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days: Attract Agents, Editors, Publishers, Readers, and Media Attention NOW
- Coach Teresa’s Blog at
- her monologue series “Talking to My Dead Mom” (her monologue “Answer Me Now” received an award from CWC Redwood Writers)
Creator of:
- the “Immigrant Experience” Writing Contest
- workshops including:
- “For Theme’s Sake: Edit Your Own Manuscript Before Pitching to Agents or Self-Publishing”
- “Heroes, Tricksters, Villains – Know Your Archetypes”
- “Where Are You on Your Writer’s Journey?”
- “Build/Retrofit Your Writer’s Platform”
- “Help Your Fans Find YOU!”
and her trademark Love Made of Heart
Affiliated with:
- Women’s National Book Association-San Francisco Chapter (member and past board member and officer)
- California Lawyers for the Arts (member)
- California Writers Club (member, San Francisco Peninsula Branch and Redwood Branch; a past president of the San Francisco Peninsula Branch); a recipient of the Jack London Award for outstanding service to California Writers Club
Advocate for:
- public schools and public libraries!
04 November 2011
Manuscript Consultant/Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan here, visiting dear pal Karyn in Australia . . .
I wish to remind all writers to please reward your work with authentic details. Your story deserves thorough research (yes, even for memoirs).
Example: The first time I stepped off the sidewalk to cross a street in Sydney, I was “reminded” by a moving-vehicle where I was (my setting). You see . . . folks here in Australia drive on the left side of the road (What does that mean for pedestrians? What does that mean for other drivers?).
What else about “left” ? Walk on the left side when possible; on escalators, stand to the left and pass to the right.
Utensils: fork in the left hand and knife in the right while eating.
What’s the big deal? It’s a big deal if you have your protagonist as a stranger in Australia or if you set your story in the U.S.A. but your character is Australian (then the U.S.A. would be foreign territory for her/him).
I encourage everyone to conduct research and get proofreaders for your manuscript (yes, even for memoirs). Authentic details hook readers.
* * * * * * *
06 November, 2011 I’m back in California. As I think about the messages in this post, I remember when Luisa, Martha and I conducted:
“Write Your Compelling Story—the Power of Authentic Details”
with Luisa Adams, Martha Alderson, Teresa LeYung-Ryan
Luisa’s memoir Woven of Water is a beautiful example of employing authentic details and plotting nonfiction.
By the way, please check out Martha’s new book The Plot Whisperer: Secrets of Story Structure Any Writer Can Master
Teresa LeYung-Ryan says: “Reach out, not stress out, when pursuing your dreams!”
Writing Career Coach/Manuscript Consultant
Author of Build Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days: Attract Agents, Editors, Publishers, Readers, and Media Attention NOW (print edition & eBook edition)
Author of the novel Love Made of Heart (inspires adult children of mentally ill parents to speak openly about the stigmas and find resources for their families)
Thank you, ePublisher & eMarketer Leigh Anne Lindsey of SeaStorm Press, for reminding me to broadcast:
NBCC Awards Submission Process and Contact List for 2011 Books
Each year the National Book Critics Circle selects awards in six categories: Fiction, General Nonfiction, Biography, Autobiography, Poetry, and Criticism. Members of the Board of Directors nominate books. Each book that is championed by a board member is placed on a master list, from which the finalists (and ultimately the winners) are selected. Several times during the year I will request that you send copies of the books on the master list to the entire board for group discussion.
The absolute deadline for the 2011 awards is December 1, 2011.
For more information, please go to:
Who is Leigh Anne Lindsey?
The Flaw in the Fabric, Book 1 of A Travellers Guide for Lost Souls ebook (soon in print); audiobook being broadcast on &
Teresa LeYung-Ryan
“Reach out, not stress out, when pursuing your dreams.”
Also, Teresa is the author of Build Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days: Attract Agents, Editors, Publishers, Readers, and Media Attention NOW (ebook Kindle edition $9.81 print edition $22)
Coach Teresa, how do I copy a block of text and paste it somewhere else?
I like shortcuts. I like sharing shortcuts with writers.
You’re composing a blog post or an email or you’re writing a new passage/scene or you’re moving sections of text . . .
How often have I lost time and energy drafting a blog post or submitting my comment to someone else’s blog post… because of a cyberspace glitch? Too many. I copy and paste every few minutes.
If you have a PC (I don’t use a Mac) . . .
1. Use your mouse to block/grab/highlight the block of text you wish to copy—by left-clicking at the beginning of the section you wish to copy, then continue holding down the left-click and moving your mouse to highlight the entire section you wish to copy, then let go of the mouse.
2. Left-click on “Edit” in your Toolbar; then left-click on “Copy”
2. No Toolbar? On your keyboard, press these 2 keys simultaneously–”Ctrl” “C”
3. Go to the file or spot where you want that block of text to go to—by left-clicking at that spot just once and let go.
4. Left-click on “Edit” in your Toolbar; then left-click on “Paste”
4. No Toolbar? On your keyboard, press these 2 keys simultaneously–”Ctrl” “V”
Why not “P” for paste? Because . . . pressing these 2 keys simultaneously– “Ctrl” “P” = “Print”
But why “V”? “V” for verbatim
Coach Teresa
Teresa LeYung-Ryan says: “Reach out, not stress out, when pursuing your dreams!”
Coach Teresa is the author of Build Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days: Attract Agents, Editors, Publishers, Readers, and Media Attention NOW
$9.81 for ebook; $22 for print edition
Teresa is the author of Love Made of Heart
Coach Teresa’s YouTube Channel:
Teresa on facebook!
Who Are the Writers in Marin County and Sonoma County California?
Please introduce yourselves by clicking on the title bar of this post and submitting a comment. Invite my blog visitors to your events. Thank you!
Some Events for Writers & Readers in September & October 2011 in these two counties:
California Writers Club–Redwood Branch meets at the Flamingo Conference Resort & Spa in Santa Rosa, CA
Redwood Writers Meeting 2:30-5 PM at the Flamingo Conference Resort & Spa, 2777 Fourth Street, Santa Rosa, CA 95405 • Phone: (707) 545-8530
September 11, 2011 Speaker will be Joan Price, “What I Learned about Book Publicity after Wasting
$1000 of My Publisher’s Money.”
October 9, 2011 Speaker will be Joan Frank “Ideas and Discovery: Protecting and Celebrating the Fictional Dream.”
Writers Forum of Petaluma (founder: Marlene Cullen) These literary workshops take place on the third Thursday of each month, March through November (no workshops in January, February and December).
7:00 pm to 9:00 pm (we start promptly at 7:00 pm); $15 at the door
Location: Petaluma Community Center at Lucchesi Park, 320 No. McDowell Blvd., Petaluma, California
September 15, 2011 Christine Walker “Image & The Senses”
October 20, 2011 Barbara Spicer “Telling Tales”
Saturday, September 24, 2011, 10:00am–4:00pm
Women’s National Book Association-San Francisco Chapter members and California Writers Club-Redwood Branch members at Sonoma County Book Festival
Look for Teresa LeYung-Ryan, Margie Yee Webb, Kate Farrell, Ana Manwaring at their booths and on the Redwood Village/Readers Circle Stage. Leigh Anne Lindsey, Linda Joy Myers, Zoe FitzGerald Carter, Laurel Anne Hill. Who else? Ana Manwaring orchestrates Redwood Writers Village Stage! Stage times: 1:00pm Redwood Writers Vintage Voices; 1:45-2:00pm Margie Yee Webb & Teresa LeYung-Ryan; 2:00-2:45pm Kate Farrell and anthology contributing authors
Sunday, September 25, 2011, 2 to 4 pm
California Writers Club–Marin Branch meets at Book Passage in Corte Madera, CA
Book Passage, 51 Tamal Vista Blvd, Corte Madera, CA
Traditional Publishing or Self-Publishing:
Which One’s For You?
Our panel of authors and publishing professionals includes April Eberhardt, literary agent; Judith Marshall, author of Husbands May Come and Go But Friends Are Forever; Holly Payne, author of Kingdom of Simplicity, The Sound of Blue and The Virgin’s Knot, and founder of Skywriter Books; and Wendy Nelson Tokunaga, author of Love in Translation, Midori by Moonlight, and Marriage in Translation: Foreign Wife, Japanese Husband.
Coach Teresa
Teresa LeYung-Ryan says: “Reach out, not stress out, when pursuing your dreams!”
Coach Teresa is the author of Build Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days: Attract Agents, Editors, Publishers, Readers, and Media Attention NOW
$9.81 for ebook; $22 for print edition
Teresa is the author of Love Made of Heart
Coach Teresa’s YouTube Channel:
Teresa on facebook!
What Do Writing Platform Coach Teresa, Cat Mulan Author Margie, Wisdom Voice Kate, and Maxine Hong Kingston Have In Common?
Maxine Hong Kingston’s book The Woman Warrior: Memoirs of a Girlhood Among Ghosts inspired Teresa LeYung Ryan to write Love Made of Heart; Maxine is also a “main character” in Teresa’s workbook Build Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days: Attract Agents, Editors, Publishers, Readers, and Media Attention NOW
In The Woman Warrior, young Maxine’s role model came from the Ballad of Mulan; Margie Yee Webb’s book is Cat Mulan’s Mindful Musings: Insight and Inspiration for a Wonderful Life
The first line in The Woman Warrior - “You must not tell anyone,” my mother said, “what I am about to tell you.” Kate Farrell’s anthology Wisdom Has a Voice: Every Daughter’s Memories of Mother conveys meaning to this deeply bonded relationship.
On Saturday September 24, 2011, 10:00am – 4:00pm, please stop by and say hello if you are in or near Santa Rosa, CA.
The Sonoma County Book Festival, Old Courthouse Square, Santa Rosa, CA
Also, come by the Redwood Village Stage at the festival:
1:00pm Redwood Writers Vintage Voices
1:45-2:00pm Margie Yee Webb & Teresa LeYung-Ryan
2:00-2:45pm Kate Farrell
Maxine Hong Kingston will be on the main stage sometime between 2:30-4:00pm.
Author, Writing Career Coach, Manuscript Consultant.
Teresa’s blog for resources.
Teresa uses Love Made of Heart to inspire adult children of mentally ill parents to speak openly about the stigmas and find resources for their families. (the novel is available in libraries, archived in the San Francisco History Center, and used by teachers in college and universities).
She’s also the author of Build Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days: Attract Agents, Editors, Publishers, Readers, and Media Attention NOW (a workbook to help writers of all genres gain a competitive edge before and after publication. Available as ebook Kindle edition $9.81! Customers of the workbook are saying that it’s useful for anyone who has anything to promote.)
September 5, 2011
Dear Lynn Henriksen,
I miss my mom so so much. Your inviting me to guest-blog is a huge gift and I thank you. Today is Labor Day. I salute you, your mom, my mom, and all moms who labor/labored with love and hope for their families.
“What Does Your Protagonist Want?”
By Teresa LeYung-Ryan, aka “Writing Career Coach & Manuscript Consultant Teresa”
“If you’re writing a novel or memoir, what does your protagonist want?”
“What are your themes and who are your archetypes?”
“If you’re writing a how-to book, what are the issues?”
“Do you want to build your platform to attract agents, publishers, and fans/readers?”
These are the questions I ask when writers hire me as their coach.
For many writers, the first question (“What does your protagonist want?”) is not an easy one to answer. What does your main character want when the story opens? As the story moves forward?
For memoir authors, the protagonist is the Self. You the author lived your story and you know the outcome; now is the chance to engage readers via story-telling techniques and show them what you wanted and how you went about getting (or not getting) what you wanted.
For novel authors, oftentimes the protagonist (or another major character) is modeled after the author; what the protagonist wants is also oftentimes a recurring theme for the author.
In the opening scene of Love Made of Heart (my autobiographical novel about an adult-daughter struggling to understand her mother’s mental illness ), protagonist Ruby Lin asks herself: What have I done? (as she watches police officers escort her mother from her apartment).
Ruby wants her mother to get well; she wants to return to her routines; she wants to forget her past; she wants a wise elder who listens and doesn’t judge. As we get to know Ruby, we find out what her “big wants” are—to find love and forgiveness.
I, Teresa LeYung-Ryan, author of the novel, did not have a maternal grandmother. How I used to fantasize about a kind and wise Grandmama to run to! Writing fiction gave me the luxury to give my protagonist something I never had, so, I created the elderly neighbor Mrs. Nussbaum (embodying the mentor and ally archetypes); she would listen to Ruby and not judge her.
In the introduction of Lynn Scott’s memoir A Joyful Encounter: My Mother, My Alzheimer Clients, and Me, the author reveals: I needed money. I was sixty-seven and living thinly on Social Security… As we read on, we meet the other characters/archetypes and see how they help the author get the “big want” (what money can’t buy) . . . a spiritual journey to her mother’s love. Lynn Henriksen’s review of this same book ends with “… Scott’s book made me laugh, cry, and wish I could have my mother back for just a day, even one more hour.”
Aah, to have Mom back for just a day, even one more hour. That is exactly what yours truly wants right now. I’ve been ill (coping with symptoms from wheat-intolerance) and I yearn for my mom’s hugs and encouraging words: “All will be fine, my darling daughter.” But, I can’t get what I want on a physical level; Mom died over ten years ago of metastasized breast cancer.
My biggest angel is my mom, and, I ask her to help me on a daily basis. “Mom, I want to feel well.” My muscles and sinuses were hurting; fatigue overwhelmed me; then, when depression moved in . . . I knew that I needed to be an active protagonist. I stopped eating breads and anything made with wheat flour (and that include flaky pie crusts, almond tea cakes, Challah, tortilla that hold a burrito together, Pad Thai, and pasta).
My mastermind colleague Lori Noack reminded me that wheat is in soy sauce (gosh I eat a lot of Chinese food too) and in marinades and salad dressings (yikes). LN, thank you for your encouraging emails!
Next, I went to see a Chinese Herbal Medicine practitioner. Heather Richmond said “Teresa, the foods you’ve been eating are ‘damp.’ To treat the ‘dampness’ so that you’ll feel better, not only am I advising eliminating wheat from your diet, I’m also recommending eliminating soy as in tofu and corn.” No tofu and corn, in addition to no wheat? Oh my. Heather had explained that wheat, soy and corn are the top three most genetically-modified foods in this country.
Mrs. Nussbaum’s voice (my inner Wise Self) stepped into my head. “Making a lifestyle change calls for perseverance. Go easy. Go gentle. I’m proud of you.”
I tell my clients “Reach out, not stress out, when pursuing your dreams.” I too have been reaching out—by telling my friends about what I want—to feel energetic again. I will need their moral support (to cheer for me when I turn down a slice of bread, a fresh croissant or homemade pizza crust).
At a meeting, Linda Joy Myers, author of 3 books and founder of National Association of Memoir Writers, gave me delicious rice crackers, wild salmon, and green beans when she found out about my wheat intolerance. Thank you, LJM!
Thank you to all my friends and family members who are supportive of my goals! My sister sent me a gift card for shopping sprees in “organic produce” aisles. Thank you, Maria!
These books continue to be helpful as I want to live well in spite of food allergies:
- Eating Gluten Free: Delicious Recipes and Essential Advice for Living Well Without Wheat and Other Problematic Grains by Shreve Stockton
- Optimal Healing: A Guide to Traditional Chinese Medicine by Patricia Tsang, M.D.
Heather Richmond is recommending I stop eating rice in the next phase of treatment. Oh oh . . .
I still want hugs from my mom. I feel them. Every morning and every night, in my prayers. And I give hugs back. “Thank you my Main Angel.”
Lynn Henriksen aka The Story Woman, thank you so much for asking me to guest-blog. You’ve given me a lovely gift—a chance to talk about my mom, knowing what the protagonist wants, and how to reach out not stress out! I cheer for you, your books, blog, and classes!
Author, Writing Career Coach, Manuscript Consultant.
Teresa’s blog for resources.
Teresa uses Love Made of Heart to inspire adult children of mentally ill parents to speak openly about the stigmas and find resources for their families. (the novel is available in libraries, archived in the San Francisco History Center, and used by teachers in college and universities).
She’s also the author of Build Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days: Attract Agents, Editors, Publishers, Readers, and Media Attention NOW (a workbook to help writers of all genres gain a competitive edge before and after publication. Available as ebook too! Customers of the workbook are saying that it’s useful for anyone who has anything to promote.)
Lynn Henriksen wrote: “Teresa – it was my pleasure placing your guest post on The Story Woman blog! Thank you for an interesting piece and for speaking from your heart as you always do.”
Kate Farrell, Wisdom Has a Voice wrote: “Teresa–What a great post that speaks to how writers think, yearn, and write for themselves, to connect and to share in a way that makes the world a community!”
Good Day to Everyone! Kindle (ebook) edition of my workbook is now available. $9.81 Please help a friend who has a business (being a writer is a business) to promote.
Click on bookcover to get to Amazon. See customer-reviews from print edition.
Thank you, Everyone, who have helped make my workbook useful for writers and anyone who has anything to promote!
Thank you, CreateSpace Team! Ebook / Kindle edition of Build Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days looking good!
Teresa LeYung-Ryan, writing career coach, manuscript consultant, and
author of Build Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days: Attract Agents, Editors, Publishers, Readers, and Media Attention NOW and Love Made of Heart
Coach Teresa’s YouTube Channel:
Look for Teresa on facebook!
Blog is the abbreviation for weblog (a blog is a website which provides opportunities for readers to submit their comments)
Verb: To blog = to write posts (entries) in, add material to, or maintain a weblog.
Noun: A blog = a shared on-line journal where you can publish your posts (entries about your experiences, observations, expertise, and hobbies); the most recently published post appears first to readers; readers can interact by submitting comments.
This post you’re reading is on my blog which is on my website (I own this site; I have to pay for domain name renewals and web hosting services)
I have a second blog (free from ) to show my clients how a free blog works.
I have a third blog at Red Room (a wonderful website where authors can sign up to receive a webpage as a Red Room Author). However, I don’t own this blog either.
To get comfortable submitting comments to blogs, click on the title of a post on my blog (in order to see the entire post); scroll down to get the comment boxes. Go to: Click on “TERESA’S BLOG” and scroll down your screen; choose a post that interests you; click on the title of the post to get the comment box.
I’d encourage any writer who do not have a blog website to get one so that you’ll have an on-line address/URL. These days, a blog serves as an answering center (give your fans a chance to find you and to communicate with you and still offers you privacy). If money is an issue, then get a free blog from . Because blogs are free, they will not offer you the features you’d get on a blog website that you own. Although you could upgrade your free blog by paying fees to get extra features. If you go with a free blog now, and, later when you get your own website, ask your webmaster to help you import your posts from the free blog to your site. If you need a guru of a webmaster, check out Linda Lee at
Your blog = a body of work that you publish on cyberspace.
After you get a blog and write some posts, remember to copy the keywords and key phrases (tags) in each post and add them to the tag box for each post. Your blog will compile a list of your tags. Help search engines help people find you and your work through the tags.
Visit my blog often to learn how I use tags and links in my posts.
After you submit a comment to one of my posts, wait a day or so before going to Google (or another search engine), then key in a string of words (tags) you used in your comment . . . press the “search” key . . . let cyberspace go to work. Voila! This is how people will find you. I’ll tell you more in my workbook Build Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days: Attract Agents, Editors, Publishers, Readers, and Media Attention NOW .
Writing Career Coach Teresa LeYung Ryan
Coach Teresa’s YouTube Channel:
Teresa LeYung Ryan on facebook!
Invite Coach Teresa to conduct “Major League Tryouts with Coach Teresa to Build My Name” at your writers’ club or group.
Form a study-group, split the cost and hire Coach Teresa to:
* coach you in name-building to attract the right agent or publisher or more fans
* guide you in designing and growing your blog (to showcase your expertise and experiences)
* show you computer-navigating shortcuts and how to easily “find stuff” on the World Wide Web