Posts Tagged ‘Exploring and Naming Hungry Ghosts’
2023 October 30, 13:38 California
Dear Readers,
I wish you total wellness.
I celebrate everyone connected to Artist / Curator / Educator Cynthia Tom and “A Place of Her Own” ™ – all alumni, teachers, supporters, friends, families, community partners.
I am grateful to dear Linda and Tom who led me to Cynthia Tom who gave me a safe place to use my voice in her program A Place of Her Own ™… who led me to Dr. Amy Grace Lam who taught me how to ask my Body questions … who led me to Dr. Jae Reed, DC who is guiding me to Wellness through Neuro Integration System (N.I.S.) and Neuro Emotional Technique (NET) treatments
A Place of Her Own ™ alumni of all the years and all supporters,
If you would like to share your hello and announce your upcoming events, click on the headline of this blog post [ Teresa Jade LeYung celebrates everyone connected to Artist / Curator / Educator Cynthia Tom and “A Place of Her Own” ™ ] then scroll down this blog post to see the words “Leave a Reply”… after you have typed your information into the boxes, be sure to click “Submit Comment”

2018 A PLACE OF HER OWN ™ opening reception group photo by artist and teacher Cris Matos; Cynthia Tom standing in the center wearing pink
In my May 7, 2018 blog post:
“Over six months of Exploring and Naming Hungry Ghosts (examine and challenge beliefs that hold me back and the exploration of my family patterns not just those of my parents’ but also of my ancestors’ traumas linked to world history of slavery, colonization, forced migration, oppression), Releasing Hungry Ghosts, Claiming MY PLACE, and Proclaiming MY PLACE … I, Teresa Jade LeYung, give a thousand thanks to creator and lead teacher of A PLACE OF HER OWN ™ Cynthia Tom, assistant teachers Maggie Yee and Natalie Sacramento, my dear classmates (Julie Andersen, Frances Cachapero, Norma Carrera, Kristi Chan, Angie Dumagsa, Elizabeth Esqueda, Ashleigh Heinichen, Tomo Hirai, Ahran Lee, Grace Hwang Lynch, Teresa Jade LeYung-Ryan, Patricia Zamora), guest artist-speakers Cris Matos, Angela Bau, Reiko Fujii, Irene Wibawa, and Brian Garvey (the gent who helps us and our work get to classroom ‘on time’ every Thursday), Asian American Women Artists Association, Pacific Asian American Women Bay Area Coalition, and all the dear hearts who encouraged me to enroll in this residency program six months ago.”
My July 15, 2018 blog post:
Dear Readers of
I wish you all wellness and joy.
This post is to acknowledge the dear folks who have encouraged and inspired me as I made my debut as a Found-Object Artist. Whether or not they were there in person, I humbly thank everyone as I go forward with a new perspective!

Nov 18, 2017, San Rafael, CA - artist Cynthia Tom, a panel of Cynthia's "Accepting the I Am" triptych, Teresa Jade LeYung, Margie Yee Webb

Teresa Jade LeYung with her art "“Four Desks For the Four Femmes In Me”" photo by artist Irene Wibawa
My 2018 artist statement for A PLACE OF HER OWN Exhibition which ran May 12 through June 24, 2018 at J-SEI in Emeryville, California.
Teresa Jade LeYung
Four smoothened wood boxes represent my dream home ? a place where I can balance the four areas of my life. The green, blue, pink, gold (from paintings and mixed media art created by Cynthia Tom, Cris Matos, Chandra Garsson, Maria K.W. Leung) represent my affinity with Nature.
I dream of four desks so that I would not have to constantly clear off table space to make room for one project while having to put away my other projects.
All that I do and want to do are equally precious to me. Just as there are four points on a compass, my four desks will allow me to go forward with my work with clarity.
And, when I say work, I am talking about what makes me want to get up each morning with a smile on my face and a spring in my walk. I think beauty. I become beauty.
I transform “I was” to “I AM”
I was a child witness to family violence.
I was a frightened immigrant.
I was an adult receiver of violence.
I AM Teresa Jade LeYung who speaks openly through my writing and advocacy, my immigrant experience, and my knowing beauty. As an author, a story consultant, and a found-object artist and student of A PLACE OF HER OWN™, I empower women to transform their own stories. I think beauty. I AM beauty. Please visit me at
Thank you for reading my blog post: “Teresa Jade LeYung celebrates everyone connected to Artist / Curator / Educator Cynthia Tom and “A Place of Her Own”™”
Wishing you total wellness and happiness!
Teresa Jade LeYung
Love Made Of Heart ®