Posts Tagged ‘Le Métro Stairs’
2024 May 29, 17:55; May 30, 12:04 – at Chez SGC, California USA
Dear Readers,
The suffering in this world … the enormities of disasters … what can I do to ease the pain?
I have faith that if I share information relating to health which I’ve been fortunate to gain, surely the energy would help someone who would help someone else, on and on.
I am staying at dear friends’ home, however, not near wonderful chiropractor Dr. Jae Reed, D.C. to get treatments – Neuro Integration System and Neuro Emotional Technique…
Luckily, I found another wonderful chiropractor – Dr. Kerry Lilley, D.C.
Why do I need a chiropractor?
The apartment in Paris I was in from March 1 – 26 was beautifully furnished, however, the person (who lived in the apartment above the one I was in) did not honor “Apartment-Living Rules”. She would come home at all hours… walk in clunky shoes (fast walking too), and, she probably had removed floor rugs. The vibrations rolling across parquet floor when the entire building is quiet = unhealthy energy over my head.
Around 3:00am on March 4th, my brain so tired from the disturbance… I thought taking a shower would do me good.
I forgot that the high-wall bathtub … I would need to “ride side saddle” going in and coming out.
I fell.. coming out of the tub.
The distance from the rim of the bathtub to the floor is 22 inches while the distance from my knee joint to the bottom of my foot is about 16 inches. If I were a horse in a steeplechase … my legs didn’t clear the extra 6 inches. So, I fell. BAMM.
[ Thank you, Marisa, for having taught me how to fall safely (Aikido wisdom) While falling, time went into slow motion for me to stretch out both arms to minimize injuries. ]
At the time, I thought only my right knee sustained minimal impact. Wrong.
During my last two weeks in City of Light… my wanting to join my friends, I used Le Métro (Paris subway) … oh the stairs and more stairs … I realized that the right side of my body had been injured.
Last week, I learned from Dr. Lilley what the Psoas muscles are.
Today (May 29), during treatment, I asked Dr. Lilley to examine my wrists. Why are they achy with heat?
She said:
“Your smart body knows what to do. The heat you’re feeling in your wrists is your body’s way to release the trauma. Drink water. When exhaling, release the out breath twice. Release the trauma. Increase vitamin C for the time being.”
I thank Dr. Kerry Lilley, Dr. Jae Reed, Stephanie Wilger, NC,
Dr. Amy Grace Lam, Marie-Christine Cornet,
Gilles Marin, and all the healers who have taught me how to listen to my Brain-Body communicate… how to continue fostering the Smart Body.
I thank everyone who has encouraged me to seek help.
I thank everyone who plays a role in helping me find ways to Wellness.
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“The Essential Role of the Psoas Muscle”
By: Stephen Falatyn, MD, Orthopedic Surgeon
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2024 July 6
What does the psoas muscle do?
Your psoas muscles link your spine to your lower body and connect muscles deeper inside your body to ones closer to the surface of your skin. They’re like a bridge in the center of your body that connects lots of parts and helps you perform motions that use your abdomen and legs at the same time.
Your psoas muscles work with other muscles to stabilize your posture and move your hips and upper legs. Their functions include:
- Holding your lower back still when you’re sitting down.
- Pulling your abdomen up from a prone position (picture doing a sit-up).
- Helping you flex and move your hips when you’re standing and lying down.
- Lifting your upper legs (which lets you walk and climb stairs).
- Stabilizing the top of your femur (thigh bone) when you move your hips.
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This month, the writer who is supplying inspiration is Mr. George Carlin.
About humanity… he said that if there were only ten people, dropped off onto this planet… the ten people would ask each other:
“Is every body okay?” “Let’s get something to eat.” “That’s what any society says, but we don’t. Property rights over people’s rights.”
Stewart Interviews George Carlin
Did you know he had a sitcom The George Carlin Show (1994-1995)?
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This morning, while thinking about dear NN and her soothing phone voice perfect for customer service … I believe that Mr. George Carlin inspired me
to search:
“Are there programs to train seniors to work from home?”
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Story Consultant Teresa Jade LeYung says: “When illness takes us onto a Hero’s Journey”
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BOOKS, Our Immune System, Our Beautiful Ever-Changing Brain, Our Internal Organs, Our Body and Vitality!
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Thank you for reading my blog post: “Paris Bathtub, Aikido Safe Fall, Apartment Neighbor, Le Métro Stairs, Psoas Muscle, Chiropractors, the George Carlin Show”
May beautiful food, clean water, clean air, laughter and quiet always be yours to enjoy!
Teresa Jade LeYung
Love Made Of Heart ®