Posts Tagged ‘Margaret R. Davis’
January 3, 2021 California USA 20:00-22:00
Thank you, Marie-Christine Cornet, for sending this lovely image from France!
Meilleurs voeux 2021!
Story/Theme Consultant Teresa Jade LeYung says: “Adaptable Brain, Let Quiet Enter.”
IS part 2 of my trilogy to honor our Beautiful Brains.
Finding URLs (of videos posted on Youtube) for mentors has given me an opportunity to learn (again) what I can do to help myself transform persistent pain signals (when there isn’t new damage to body tissue) and depression signals… into a refreshed Brain so that I can do what I love doing during my waking hours. I am most grateful to the precious people in my life who care about my well-being.
May these sites help you, dear Reader, and your loved ones too . . .
Norman Doidge, M.D.
“Dr. Norman Doidge | The Power of Thought” on YouTube
Dr. Doidge’s first book – The Brain That Changes Itself: Stories of Personal Triumph from the Frontiers of Brain Science (translated into 26 languages)
Dr. Doidge’s second book – The Brain’s Way of Healing: Remarkable Discoveries and Recoveries from the Frontiers of Neuroplasticity (translated into 19 languages so far)
Professor Lorimer Moseley
Michael H. Moskowitz, MD & Marla D. Golden, DO
Dr. Danielle Rosenman Danielle Rosenman, M.D. uses neuroplasticity, imagery, meditation, psychotherapy, and other techniques in her Medical Counseling practice and in her innovative “Tools for Healing” groups.
Learning about our beautiful adaptable brains has inspired Teresa Jade LeYung to write Haiku poems.
Thank you to the many poets who inspire me,
especially Frances Kakugawa
and Dr. Amy Grace Lam ! vibrational energy healer
and Olga A. Malyj
and M. Emily Onglatco
and Kim McMillon
and Elisa “Sasa” Southard
and Linda A. Harris, and MaryT, and Nan Noonan
and Diane Ichiyasu
and Margaret R. Davis
and Chandra Garsson
Teresa Jade LeYung’s Haiku poem 2020 December 28 Monday 03:55
Sweet raindrop music
May we all be safe and warm
Today and always
(Although the 5-7-5 structure was added on December 28, 2020 to honor the Haiku form, the composition has been my fervent prayer for decades, long before the word “pandemic” was in my daily vocabulary. Because Haiku poems aren’t titled, please accept the publishing date as identifier for this piece.)
Teresa Jade LeYung’s Haiku poem 2021 January 3 Sunday 20:40
Quiet please enter
Let Brain imagine Paris
Depression Pain leave
To read Part 1 of my trilogy on our Beautiful Brains:
Story/Theme Consultant Teresa Jade LeYung says: “Scarecrow in THE WIZARD OF OZ would feel NO pain”
For other posts in my blog, please go to: If you look at right side of screen, you’ll see the category “Beautiful Brains Neuroplasticity”. Please click on that category to get all my blog posts pertaining to our our Beautiful Brains and Neuroplasticity.
Love Made Of Heart ®
Teresa Jade LeYung, an American naturalized citizen of Chinese ancestry, is a story/theme consultant, author of LOVE MADE OF HEART (daughter-mother novel archived at the San Francisco History Center and used by college professors), BUILD YOUR WRITER’S PLATFORM & FANBASE IN 22 DAYS (a workbook), and TALKING TO MY DEAD MOM Monologues (the first monologue received an award from Redwood Writers Ten-Minute Play Festival), an advocate for public libraries and public schools, creator of , and, admirer of City of Light. Composing Haiku poems is a new love for LeYung.
Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan loves reading, writing, and looking for themes in clients’ manuscripts.
What have I been reading?
“Traveling in Bardo” by Ann Tashi Slater (also the author of Travels Within and Without, a chapbook of the author’s Tibet-related fiction and non-fiction, produced for “Dreams, Memories, Journeys: Stories of a Tibetan Family,” her multi-media presentation at The Rubin Museum in NYC on July 6, 2016). What is “bardo”? In Tibetan Buddhism – the journey between death and rebirth.
Slow Medicine: The Way to Healing by Dr. Victoria Sweet (also the author of God’s Hotel: A Doctor, a Hospital, and a Pilgrimage to the Heart of Medicine)
The Man Who Mistook His Wife For A Hat: And Other Clinical Tales by Oliver Sacks (also the author of Musicophilia: Tales of Music and the Brain)
And, the book which I have multiple copies of (to lend to friends) is The Brain’s Way of Healing: Remarkable Discoveries and Recoveries from the Frontiers of Neuroplasticity by Norman Doidge, M.D. (also the author of The Brain That Changes Itself: Stories of Personal Triumph from the Frontiers of Brain Science)
Then there are delicious novels (including sociologist Margaret R. Davis’s The Miranda Affair ) – I shall blog about these novels in another post.
As Platform-Building Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan, I am helping author / sociologist Margaret R. Davis promote her new novel The Miranda Affair - How does one find happiness as women and men struggle to climb the corporate ladder?
As Theme Consultant Teresa LeYung-Ryan, I am helping my client (who is a chaplain at a hospice) structure his memoir (theme: letting grief ease). Bravo!
My own work in progress is a memoir related to my “Talking to My Dead Mom” monologue series.
Cheering for all story-tellers, writers and readers!
Theme Consultant/Platform-Building Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan who teaches my clients (writers and artists) how to reach out, not stress out, before and after publication –
* identify themes in your manuscripts so that you can rewrite with ease;
* identify themes in your intellectual properties and create scripts for your websites/blogs, pitches, query letters, press releases, talking-points, one-minute videos, photo slideshows, and the all-mighty blog posts.
Coach Teresa’s motto: “Reach out, not stress out. Help your fans find you BEFORE & AFTER publication”
For other posts in my blog, please go to:
If you’re looking for my blog posts pertaining to our Beautiful Brains and Neuroplasticity… look at right side of screen, you’ll see the category “Beautiful Brains Neuroplasticity”. Please click on that category to get those posts.