Posts Tagged ‘Mary E. Knippel’
2023 October 26, 19:44
Dear Readers,
I wish you total wellness.
Yesterday – after receiving treatment from Stephanie Wilger, NC and two days after receiving treatment from Dr. Jae Reed, DC (treatments that get to the source of illness) - I refreshed the banner of my blog to read:
“Story Consultant Teresa Jade LeYung’s Blog - on Wellness, Themes, Archetypes”
I celebrate the Wellness Journey!
I celebrate dear friend / colleague Mary E. Knippel (“MEK”)!
Yesterday, a blog post written by MEK touched me deeply.
In Mary E. Knippel’s blog post of October 9, 2023 “An Unlikely Gift” Mary says: “… That’s how breast cancer is the gift that keeps on giving for me. I’ve learned to seize the day and reach for my dreams.”
I wish Mary (“MEK”) total wellness and abundant happiness!
Author / Writing Mentor / Speaker / Wise Woman Mary E. Knippel says:
“My clients come to me when they are overwhelmed about where to begin, what to say and how to make sense of the life-changing message they know they are here to deliver. I believe passionately everyone has a soul story of hope that the world needs to hear. I help my clients polish their words until their message sparkles and shines as a beacon of hope for those in search of a solution contained in my clients’ messages.”
When is Mary’s next Wise Woman Wisdom Retreat?
Mary’s first book - The Secret Artist – Give Yourself Permission to Let Your Creativity Shine
Mary’s newest book – Written in Her Own Words: Wise Woman Wisdom
written by Mary E. Knippel, Dr. Amba Tobin, Clare D’Agostino, Eme McAnam, Ingrid Dick, Laura Ann Garris, Rebekah Lara, Rita Aguilar, Stacy G. Fisher, Tina Palmgren
Wishing dear MEK and You dear Reader total wellness and abundant happiness!
Teresa Jade LeYung
author Love Made of Heart - the mother-daughter novel (archived at the San Francisco History Center)
author of Build Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days
author of the Talking To My Dead Mom monologues
author of all the blog posts at
Writing Coach Teresa says:
“I love helping writers identify the themes in their manuscripts to hook readers, and, build and fortify their platforms before and after publication. Reach out, not stress out.”
Love Made Of Heart ®
2021 December 12, 13:37
Addendum: The techniques in Dr. Michael Moskowitz’s and Dr. Marla Golden’s workbook helps me “outgrow” persistent unpleasant sensations including pain.
2021 December 9, 15:18 – 16:18; December 10, 18:00 – 19:58 California
Dear Reader,
I have been watching episodes of The Jack Benny Program (TV series 1950-1965) and laughing out loud; thank you to the folks who post them on YouTube.
Laughing out loud is good medicine – a mighty elixir – for me.
The world continues to be impacted by COVID-19 pandemic. How can I think about laughing?
I am still dealing with a neurological disorder. How can I think about laughing?
Smiling for one’s self; laughing for one’s self; walking; imagining walking; moving to soothing thoughts – are some of the activities which help our beautiful brains produce beneficial chemicals. What I have learned as an advocate for my papa since 2015 when he was diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease … and what I’ve learned and continue to learn – as a patient of persistent unpleasant sensations including pain - is that there are things I can do for myself to feel better. Even if the sensation of wellness seems ephemeral… I’ll take wellness moments. Thank you very much!
I remember sitting with Vicki Weiland …knowing that it took our dear friend many days (oftentimes many weeks, even months) to prepare herself for visitors. Awful persistent pain was the symptoms.
On two occasions, I witnessed how laughter was a mighty elixir for Vicki. Someone in the room said something funny; or Vicki herself said something funny and we all laughed … at that moment Vicki’s entire body expressed wellness.
How we all wished that our pal would have millions of wellness moments.
Angel Vicki,
I’ve been watching my favorite episodes of The Jack Benny Program again and again. Interestingly, several of them feature James Stewart and his wife Gloria. More about that … at the end of my blog post.
This afternoon – Thursday, December 9, 2021 – while organizing my inventory of greeting cards, I found a note I had written to myself. You had called me on October 8, 2012 at 19:00 from your new home. You said “The trees and mountain are glorious. But my pain is not going away….”
Even though you were ill, you gave your time to call and to ask about Sasa Southard and other friends at Women’s National Book Association and San Francisco Writers Conference. How I wish a physician with Dr. Michael Moskowitz’s insight about persistent pain was your physician. The workbook that Dr. Michael Moskowitz co-wrote with Dr. Marla Golden was published only three months after your phone call (in January 2013), however, I didn’t know about it until last year (2020) when I was battling persistent pain myself.
I wish you Bliss, mon amie, and humbly ask you to help more people find Dr. Moskowitz’s and Dr. Golden’s workbook TRANSFORMING THE BRAIN IN PAIN: NEUROPLASTIC TRANSFORMATION
With deep gratitude,
Teresa Jade
written by Michael H. Moskowitz, MD and Marla D. Golden, DO
Your Brain On Pain
Why doesn’t the pain stop?
Listen to your body talk.
Use your brain to stop your pain.
Below are chapter / section titles of the workbook:
Dr. Moskowitz’s and Dr. Golden’s Instructions for Using this Workbook
“This worbook has been designed to be helpful for practitioners and people experiencing persistent pain. It is a practical, visual guide to neuroplastic treatment approaches for treating persistent pain.”
“Neuroplastic Transformation provides a model that approaches persistent pain where it transforms from a symptom to disease. It also gives the person experiencing pain’s relentless persistence, a chance to treat it with the same neuroplastic phenomena that created it, restoring balance to pain processing.”
At the end of each section is “Reining in the Runaway Brain” (patients share techniques they use)
Sections in the workbook:
pages 4 – 16 Section 1 – Introduction
Brain Facts (page 4); Brain Change (page 5);
Neuroplasticity Definition
New Learning Changes the Brain
The Brain Changes the Body
The Body Changes the Brain
Neuroplasticity Rules
Workbook page 5
What Gets Fired Gets Wired
Use It or Lose It
When You Break ‘Em You Make ‘Em; When You Make ‘Em You Break ‘Em
Fight Fire With Fire
Reverse the Forces That Have Caused Pain to Persist
Restore Normal Pain Responses
R.A.F.T. (page 9)
– Rescue
– Adjustment
– Functional
– Transformation
Persistent vs Acute Pain
Workbook pages 10, 11
Counter-Stimulating Pain
Worbook page 11, 12, 13
Pain Reassigns Brain Cells
Take Back Brain Cells
Use Graphics to Counter-Stimulate Pain
Become Active in Your Own Care
Counter-Stimulate Your Brain
Shrink the Pain Map by Flooding the Brain (page 13)
Push Back Against Pain Spikes and Intrusions
Get Inside Your Own Head
Always Counter-Stimulate Your Pain
Active vs. Passive Treatment
Practice Makes Perfect
Brain is Most Accessible Organ
Avoid Pain; Pursue Pleasure
End Pain’s Tyranny
Reject Pain’s Inevitability
M.I.R.R.O.R. (page 14) MIRROR is:
– Motivation
– Intention
– Relentlessness
– Reliability
– Opportunity
– Restoration
N.O.R.M.A.L (page 14) NORMAL is:
Neuroplastic Optimization and Reduction of Medication for Adaptive Living
Rebalance Pain Processing Circuits
Body and Brain Act Together
Persistent Pain is a Learned Activity
People Taking Back Control of Their Pain (page 16)
pages 18 – 24 Section 2 – Touch
Mom the Neuroscientist – It Takes a Mother’s Touch (page 18)
Hands That See (page 21)
Healing Touch (page 22)
pages 26 – 33 Section 3 - Neuroplastic Brain and Body
NO BRAIN, NO PAIN. Nociception. (page 26)
The Brain Learns Pain; Too Smart for It’s Own Good (page 27)
Brain and Body (page 28)
Fire and Wire … Or Not
Cause and Cure for Pain Persistence (page 29)
pages 35 – 41 Section 4 – Pain Gone Wild
Limbic Activation (page 35)
Pain Makes Pain; Making a Bad Thing Worse (page 36)
Unpleasantness – As if the Pain Wasn’t Enough (page 37)
BUT YOU CAN’T HIDE – Over the Edge – Amygdala and Hippocampus (page 38)
IN THE AMYGDALA – Where the Wild Things Are (page 39)
Pages 43 – 52 Section 5 - Soothing
Oh That Smell; The Nose Knows (pages 47, 48)
Pages 54 – 64 Section 6 - Mood and Pain
Pain and Mood Circuit (page 54)
Relax, Calm, Soothe – GABA to the Rescue (page 55)
Limbic Deactivation – Emotional Calm (page 57)
[ This wonderful workbook helps me understand just how awesome the beautiful brain is, however, my initial success was due to the coaching I received from Dr. Danielle Rosenman who was trained by Dr. Michael Moskowitz. The techniques helped me "outgrow" persistent pain. ]
Pages 66 – 74 Section 7 - Pleasure – the Antidote for Pain
BLISS – Anandamide (page 69)
WELL BEING – Endorphins (page 71)
ALL WE NEED IS LOVE – Oxytocin (page 72)
Page 75 Section 8 – Conclusion – A New Beginning
Below are names of the writers who were credited for these particular episodes of
The Jack Benny Program which brought healing laughter
Written by Sam Perrin, George Balzer, Al Gordon, Hal Goldman -
James and Gloria Stewart are celebrating their wedding anniversary at a restaurant; Jack has invited himself and has brought girlfriend Mildred who sings (loudly) to Mr. Stewart when the band plays the French song “La Vie En Rose” (according to the music was composed by Marguerite Monnot and Louis Guglielmi aka Louiguy, lyrics and also sung by Édith Piaf)
”Jack In Paris” (guests: Mary Livingstone, Maurice Chevalier) – according to this show is Season 7, Episode 14 – Oh to see Arc de Triomphe et la Tour Eiffel!
Written by Sam Perrin, George Balzer, Hal Goldman, Al Gordon -
“The Income Tax Show” is hilarious! - Season 15, Episode 4; October 16, 1964
“Jack Directs Film” Season 14, Episode 6; Oct. 29, 1963 Jack finds out that Gloria Stewart is in James Stewart’s new movie and wants to congratulate her on the set.
Written by Sam Perrin, George Balzer, Milt Josefsberg, John Tackaberry
Jack Benny Program “The Jackie Gleason Show” is hilarious! Wanting to impress Jackie Gleason, Jack and Rochester are staying in the penthouse suite in the Saint Regis Hotel. Yes, Jack is staying there (at no cost)
Again, thank you to the folks who post them on YouTube.
Thank you for reading Teresa Jade LeYung’s blog post: “Wellness, Laughter, Writers, Jack Benny Program, Dr. Michael H. Moskowitz, Dr. Marla D. Golden, TRANSFORMING THE BRAIN IN PAIN Workbook”
For other posts related to our Beautiful Brains, Pain, and Neuroplasticity in my blog … If you scroll to top of page, look at right side of screen, you’ll see the category “Beautiful Brains Neuroplasticity”. Please click on that category to get all my blog posts pertaining to the topic.
I wish you new vitality, total wellness!
Teresa Jade LeYung
(formerly Teresa LeYung-Ryan)
Story Theme Consultant / Photo Historian / Author / Public Library and Public School Advocate goes to Teresa Jade LeYung’s Blog
Writing Coach Teresa Jade LeYung says: “I love helping writers identify the themes in their manuscripts to hook readers, and, build and fortify their platforms before and after publication. Reach out, not stress out.”
Love Made Of Heart ®
“MIT new study – Time spent indoors increases risk of COVID at 6 feet or 60 feet…”
To read Chi Nei Tsang Master Healer and Master Teacher Gilles Marin’s tried and true methods to attack viruses and neutralize them
2021 November 12, 13, 14, 20; Nov 21, 07:00-07:30 (wild winds), 13:00-13:40 — Berkeley, California – Blog post #610
What was screenwriter / screenwriting teacher Terrel Seltzer’s mantra? Her simple and powerful question at the beginning of class:
“What makes a story?”
The answer: “Someone we care about wants something badly and is having a terrible time getting it.”
Someone we care about (the protagonist or another character) wants something badly and is having a terrible time getting it.
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As I compose this blog post … I am thinking about the precious people and the 4-legged kids in my life, past and present. What do I want in the midst of COVID-19 pandemic? I want resources to wellness for everyone in this world. Two books have helped millions of people, including me and the people in my life.
Dr. Norman Doidge’s first book
The Brain That Changes Itself: Stories of Personal Triumph from the Frontiers of Brain Science
Dr. Norman Doidge’s second book
The Brain’s Way of Healing: Remarkable Discoveries and Recoveries from the Frontiers of Neuroplasticity
Chapter titles in both books are in this blog post – below.
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I am thinking about Vicki Weiland (developmental editor). Women’s National Book Association had brought this vibrant spirit into our lives when we were board members at the San Francisco chapter.
Vicki’s life became severely difficult when illness appeared; diagnosis was not immediate. Guillain-Barre syndrome. says:
“Guillain-Barre (gee-YAH-buh-RAY) syndrome is a rare disorder in which your body’s immune system attacks your nerves. Weakness and tingling in your extremities are usually the first symptoms.” …. “Although most people recover from Guillain-Barre syndrome, the mortality rate is 4% to 7%.”
What did dear Vicki want the last ten years of her life? What did we, who loved her, want for her? Restored health!
Vicki wanted the pain to go away (often 10 on the scale)… to go away through organic paths. She wanted NOT to suffer other symptoms caused by side effects of prescribed drugs. By the time Vicki tried the healing modalities described in Dr. Norman Doidge’s books (including laser light treatments which alleviated pain in parts of her body) … her system had already been overwhelmed by the years of prescriptions that only “tricked” her Beautiful Brain (“BB”) for short periods of time while pain pathways hijacked other brain functions - impacting emotions, problem-solving, memory, creativity ….
Our precious friend died in June this year 2021.
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written by Michael H. Moskowitz, MD & Marla D. Golden, DO
Who is Dr. Michael Moskowitz? He is “Physician Hurt, Then Heal Thyself: Michael Moskowitz Discovers That Chronic Pain Can Be Unlearned” which is Chapter 1 in Dr. Norman Doidge’s second book.
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I am thinking about Dr. Danielle Rosenman who opened a new world to me when she coached me to retrain beautiful brain last year and led me to the workbook written by Dr. Michael Moskowitz and Dr. Marla Golden. Thank you, Steven Falk (Dr. Rosenman’s husband), for sharing wonderful news that Dr. Rosenman’s own health is improving. May Dr. Rosenman continue to get stronger and stronger, on her way to complete wellness soon!
I am thinking about my mentor author Lynn Scott (author of A Joyful Encounter: My Mother, My Alzheimer Clients, and Me) who taught me the meaning of courage and compassion. Lynn says she is experiencing more symptoms in her illness. I’m thinking about Lynn’s housemate Bob who had a heart attack and is in the hospital; I’m thinking about Lynn’s friend Diana who has cancer.
I am thinking about Maxine Hong Kingston – the author who taught me self-forgiveness through her book The Woman Warrior: Memoirs of a Girlhood Among Ghosts and also inspired me to use the written word to speak up (through the birth of my novel Love Made of Heart ). Maxine’s words have been godsend every since Dr. Susan Thackrey (San Francisco) advised me to read THE WOMAN WARRIORaround 1985.
I want for everyone new vitality! That’s what I want!
I am thinking about Kristiane McKee Maas (longhorn cattle rancher and creator of beautiful events), artist, curator, and founder of A Place of Her Own Cynthia Tom, artist and author Gale Henshel (her book is Dyslexia, My Gift, My Story), Lakshmi Hannah Kerner, author Mahyar A. Amouzegar (his novels - A Dark Sunny Afternoon; Dinner at 10:32; Pisgah Road), author Geneva “Neva” Dinwiddie (Sister Hold My Hand: Together We Stand) who is primary caregiver to her spouse, and LaH who is grieving loss of precious kittie Gracie.
I am thinking about these dear folks and other friends and other mentors and mentees … who are dealing with loss of health or loss of relationships.
November 22 morning – I just read email from dear Madame Hamou in France. I must tell Madame Hamou about Dr. Doidge’s books – translated into French and other languages. May Madame Hamou continue to get stronger and stronger, on her way to complete wellness soon.
Chi Nei Tsang practitioner Marie-Christine Cornet is now in France
I want for everyone new vitality! That’s what I want!
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November 12 and 13, 2021 , I am running the movie THE SIXTH SENSE(written and directed by M. Night Shyamalan). And to think I didn’t want to watch this movie when brilliant screenwriter / teacher Terrel Seltzer polled the class. The mother character Lynn Sear (portrayed by Toni Collette) is the most memorable element for me. What did Lynn want for her 9-year-old son Cole? What did Cole (portrayed by Haley Joel Osment) want, actually, what didn’t he want? What did Dr. Malcolm Crowe (portrayed by Bruce Willis) want? What did his wife Anna (portrayed by Olivia Williams) want? What did the other characters (whom only Cole could see) want?
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I want wellness. For myself. For everyone.
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So many great books on wellness. The two that continue to show me how our beautiful brains are awesome conductors working the orchestras we call “Bodies” are the two books written by Norman Doidge, M.D.
Below are chapter titles of both books.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page of Dr Doidge’s website:
Dr. Norman Doidge’s first book
The Brain That Changes Itself: Stories of Personal Triumph from the Frontiers of Brain Science
Chapter titles -
1. A Woman Perpetually Falling – Rescued by the Man Who Discovered the Plasticity of Our Senses 2. Building Herself a Better Brain - A Woman Labeled “Retarded” Discovers How to Heal Herself 3. Redesigning the Brain – A Scientist Changes Brains to Sharpen Perception and Memory, Increase Speed of Thought and Heal Learning Problems 4. Acquiring Tastes and Loves – What Neuroplasticity Teaches Us About Sexual Attraction and Love 5. Midnight Resurrections – Stroke Victims Learn to Move and Speak Again 6. Brain Lock Unlocked – Using Plasticity to stop Worries, Obsessions, Compulsions and Bad Habits 7. Pain – The Dark Side of Plasticity 8. Imagination – How Thinking Makes It So 9. Turning Our Ghosts into Ancestors – Psychoanalysis as Neuroplastic Therapy 10. Rejuvenation – The Discovery of the Neuronal Stem Cell and Lessons for Preserving Our Brains 11. More than the Sum of Her Parts – A Woman Shows Us How Radically Plastic the Brain Can Be Appendix 1 – The Culturally Modified Brain Appendix 2 – Plasticity and the Idea of Progress says:
“The Brain That Changes Itself™ now available in over 100 countries, and in 27 languages including translations from English into Arabic, Bulgarian, Chinese (traditional characters), Chinese (modern characters), Czech, Estonian, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Latvian, Lithuanian, Mongolian. Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese (Brazil), Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Spanish. Thai (forthcoming 2021) and Turkish.” English Editions: North American Editions, (Viking Penguin U.S.A.) UK Edition, (Penguin U.K.) Australian & New Zealand Edition (Scribe) Kindle Edition, Amazon. Audio books by Brilliance Audio in North America, and Bolinda in the U.K., Australia and New Zealand
Dr. Norman Doidge’s second book
The Brain’s Way of Healing: Remarkable Discoveries and Recoveries from the Frontiers of Neuroplasticity
Chapter titles -
Chapter 1 Physician Hurt, Then Heal Thyself Michael Moskowitz Discovers That Chronic Pain Can Be Unlearned Chapter 2 A Man Walks Off His Parkinsonian Symptoms How Exercise Helps Fend Off Degenerative Disorders and Can Defer Dementia
(Teresa here to say that this chapter – about Mr. John Pepper -inspired me to be a smart advocate for my papa. Mr. Pepper’s website )
Chapter 3 The Stages of Neuroplastic Healing How and Why It Works Chapter 4 Rewiring a Brain with Light Using Light to Reawaken Dormant Neural Circuits Chapter 5 Moshe Feldenkrais: Physicist, Black Belt, and Healer Healing Serious Brain Problems Through Mental Awareness of Movement Chapter 6 A Blind Man Learns to See Using Feldenkrais, Buddhist, and Other Neuroplastic Methods Chapter 7 A Device That Resets the Brain Stimulating Neuromodulation to Reverse Symptoms I. A Cane Against the Wall II. Three Resets: Parkinson’s, Stroke, Multiple Sclerosis III. The Cracked Potters IV. How the Brain Balances Itself—with a Little Help Chapter 8 A Bridge of Sound The Special Connection Between Music and the BrainI. A Dyslexic Boy Reverses His Misfortune II. A Mother’s Voice III. Rebuilding the Brain from the Bottom Up: Autism, Attention Deficits, and Sensory Processing Disorder IV. Solving the Mystery at the Abbey: How Music Raises Our Spirits and Energy Afterword to the Paperback Edition Appendix 1 – A General Approach to TBI and Brain Problems Appendix 2 – Matrix Repatterning for TBI Appendix 3 – Neurofeedback for ADD, ADHD, Epilepsy, Anxiety, and TBI says:
Available, so far, in 22 languages. The Brain’s Way of Healing is now available in over 100 countries, and 22 languages including translations from English into Bulgarian, Chinese Traditional Characters, Chinese Simplified Characters, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Lithuanian, Polish, Portuguese, Portuguese-Brazil, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Turkish and Ukrainian. English Editions: North American Editions, (Viking Penguin U.S.A.) UK Edition, (Penguin U.K.) Australian & New Zealand Edition (Scribe) Kindle Edition, Amazon. Audio books by Brilliance Audio in North America, and Bolinda in the U.K., Australia and New Zealand
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Thank you, dear Loduskia “Dusky” Pierce, MFT, for displaying Dr. Doidge’s first book on your shelf many years ago.
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Norman Doidge: Brain’s Healing Energies on YouTube Dr. Doidgetalks about our brains, pain, Dr. Michael Moskowitz, Moshe Feldenkrais (Physicist, Black Belt, Healer), electrical circuits, chemistry, light, sound, vibration, brain-body connection.
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Thank you for reading my blog post: “Want Wellness; Norman Doidge, M.D.’s books -The Brain That Changes Itself, Neuroplasticity”
For other posts related to our Beautiful Brains, Pain, and Neuroplasticity in my blog … If you scroll to top of page, look at right side of screen, you’ll see the category “Beautiful Brains Neuroplasticity”. Please click on that category to get all my blog posts pertaining to the topic.
I wish you new vitality, total wellness!
Teresa Jade LeYung
Story Consultant and Photo Historian

Teresa Jade LeYung shares croissants - in Paris 2019 - photo by plant healer Nan Noonan and author / writing coach Mary E. Knippel
Story Consultant and Photo Historian Teresa Jade LeYung (formerly Teresa LeYung-Ryan) says:
“I love helping writers identify the themes in their manuscripts to hook readers, and, build and fortify their platforms before and after publication. Reach out, not stress out.”
Love Made Of Heart ® is Teresa’s trademark
2021 August 19, 16:38; October 19, 22:22; October 20, 16:23-21:23 California
Dear Reader,
I send you wishes of wellness, lasting wellness of deep peace. Over the decades, I have been fortunate to gain knowledge and skills from generous folks who shared secrets to the “good” life.
If you are a friend reading this blog post … I thank you for your emails, physical mail, text messages, voicemails, well wishes, lovely thoughts and prayers.
So many books have enriched my life … 3 books have been especially healing for me these past months as I continue to learn how to move away from persistent unpleasant sensations (including pain signals) that began last year after an episode of Shingles.
Therefore, as a fellow sojourner during this world pandemic … I am dreaming of Paris, retraining Beautiful Brain, understanding this neurological disorder, reading and getting inspired by Elisabeth Tova Bailey’s snail, Diane LeBow’s dancing, and Gilles Marin’s Taoist approach to healing.
Book by Gilles Marin
Five Elements, Six Conditions – a Taoist Approach to Emotional Healing, Psychology, and Internal Alchemy
Gilles Marin is the Founder and Director of the Chi Nei Tsang Institute and School of Taoist Healing Energetics, California, USA
Co-directeur de l’institut de Chi Nei Tsang, Nice, FRANCE
TaoTouch: The art to help people heal, get rid of pain, and bring back vibrant health by reconciling self, soul and spirit while triggering emotional processing. This is done through a traditional Taoist monastic healing practice called Chi Nei Tsang, which works with deep and gentle abdominal touch to enhance health and vitality to the internal organs.
Gilles Marin was born in France on Bastille Day, July 14th, and is a Fire Monkey in Chinese Astrology.
Thank you, dear Fire Rooster and Goddess of Happiness Linda A. Harris and dear healer Marie-Christine Cornet , for introducing me to the wonderful world of Gilles Marin.
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Book by Elisabeth Tova Bailey
The Sound of a Wild Snail Eating
ELISABETH TOVA BAILEY’s natural history/memoir, The Sound of a Wild Snail Eating, recounts her year-long observations of a wild Maine woodland snail. The true story of her interspecies relationship is reaching a general international audience of both genders and all ages and is finding special homes in the fields of literature, natural history, medical humanities, and education. Elisabeth Tova Bailey tells the inspiring and intimate story of her year-long encounter with a Neohelix albolabris—a common forest snail. While an illness keeps her bedridden, Bailey watches as the snail takes up residence on her nightstand. Intrigued by its molluscan anatomy, cryptic defenses, clear decision making ability, hydraulic locomotion, and mysterious courtship activities, Bailey becomes an astute and amused observer. The Sound of a Wild Snail Eating is a remarkable journey of survival and resilience, showing us how a small part of the natural world illuminates our own human existence.
Thank you, dear Luisa Adams, author of the exquisite memoir Woven of Water, for gifting me Ms. Bailey’s book.
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Book by Diane LeBow
Dancing on the Wine-Dark Sea: Memoir of a Trailblazing Woman’s Travels, Adventures, and Romance
Diane LeBow is an award-winning writer and photojournalist. She is the recipient of Gold and Silver Solas Awards for “Best Women’s Travel Writing,” and she is President emerita of Bay Area Travel Writers.
DianeLeBow has traveled to more than 90 countries. She has spent time with Afghan women, the Hopi, Amazon people, Tuvans, Mongolians, Corsicans, and Parisians. She has scuba dived with sharks in the Red Sea and trained champion Morgan horses.
A pioneer of college women’s studies programs, Diane LeBow received her Ph.D. in the History of Consciousness from the University of California. She is also the recipient of a Lifetime Achievement Award from Douglass College at Rutgers University. Diane began her teaching career in the Netherlands and was a college professor in Paris, New York City, and California.
Thank you, global traveler / certified tour director / author Sasa Southard , for introducing me to the wonderful world of Diane LeBow!
Thank you, author / photographer Margie Yee Webb , for having invited Ms. LeBow to speak at the June 16, 2021 meeting of Gold Country Writers and broadcasting Ms. LeBow’s memorable stories!
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Thank you for reading my blog post “Paris, Brain, Neurological Disorders, Elisabeth Tova Bailey’s Snail, Diane LeBow’s Dancing, Gilles Marin’s Taoist Approach to Healing”
For other posts related to our Beautiful Brains and Neuroplasticity in my blog … If you look at right side of screen, you’ll see the category “Beautiful Brains Neuroplasticity”. Please click on that category to get all my blog posts pertaining to the topic.
I wish you and your Beautiful Brain – safety, kindness, excellent health.
Teresa Jade LeYung

photo of Teresa Jade LeYung by Mary E. Knippel, author, speaker, writing coach
Story Consultant and Photo Historian Teresa Jade LeYung says: “I love helping writers identify the themes in their manuscripts to hook readers, and, build and fortify their platforms before and after publication. Reach out, not stress out.”
Teresa Jade LeYung, American naturalized citizen of Chinese ancestry, is a manuscript-theme consultant, author of Love Made Of Heart (daughter-mother story – archived at the San Francisco History Center), Build Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days (workbook), and Talking To My Dead Mom monologues, and, an advocate for public libraries and public schools.
the workbook – Build Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days: Attract Agents, Editors, Publishers, Readers, and Media Attention NOW
Kindle ebook edition
Love Made Of Heart ®
Teresa Jade LeYung’s Blog post #602
2021 Jan. 16, 03:06 -04:29; Jan. 26, 00:19; Feb. 2, 22:08; Feb. 15, 00:19-03:24; Feb 16, 20:02; Feb 19, 21:43; Feb 20; 21; 22; 23
The more I learn about our beautiful brains (I call them “BB”s), the more grateful I am to every person who has shown me kindness, imparted knowledge, taught me a skill, inspired me to pursue Beauty.
Unbeknownst to me at the time … my embracing words from nonjudgmental people and my reading the books listed below (near the end of this blog post) provided a vital network for my BB to collect new information from precious people in my life, and, from newer books, webinars and training (also listed near the end of this post) as I learn to connect Body with Beautiful Brain.
From all these inspiring people, my BB has deciphered a common message - so simple so powerful, yet, not easy to master (it hasn’t been easy for me) — the sweet message is that I hold the power to use my own thoughts to experience bliss during and after illness, wherever I am.
[ from page 4 of the workbook TRANSFORMING THE BRAIN IN PAIN: NEUROPLASTIC TRANSFORMATION, Dr. Michael H. Moskowitz and Dr. Marla D. Golden enlighten: “Without your brain, there is no pain. Your brain doesn’t just receive information from your body, but sends directions back out to tell your body what to do. Your brain ‘reads’ everything going on in your body 30 times a second for your entire life. The adult brain changes throughout our lives based upon the information it receives from our bodies. We only experience pain when the electrical signals reach the thinking part of our brains.” ]
Dear Reader, you might have already read in the blog posts preceding this one . . . I am in training – to rid persistent (chronic) pain and other unpleasant signals that began as Shingles last year.
Above graphics is from page 69 of Dr. Moskowitz’s and Dr. Golden’s workbook TRANSFORMING THE BRAIN IN PAIN: NEUROPLASTIC TRANSFORMATION. The word “BLISS” is above the word “Anandamide“
Dr. Michael H. Moskowitz and Dr. Marla D. Golden show us how Anandamide is synthesized and released at synapses – blocking inflammation, shutting off long term potentiation, reverting Microglia.
synapses = the spaces between cells where information (through release of chemicals/electrical signals) is passed. Brain has 100 billion nerve cells and 1000 trillion synapses. Every synapse is used to pass information around the brain and the body.
long term potentiation = persistent strengthening of synapses based on recent patterns of activity
Microglia (on page 30 of workbook) = one of the three types of glial cells – unlike the nerve cells (called Neurons), glial cells do not conduct electrical signals. Microglia are located around blood vessels in the brain (Capillaries) in an inactive form, responding to foreign invaders by activating and changing shape to attack and destroy anything not recognized as belonging in the brain. They also use pinpoint releases of inflammatory chemicals to break old synapses to prepare for the formation of new ones.
[ Global Traveler/Adventurer and Certified Tour Director Sasa Southard will smile when she reads this – Anandamide is present in highest concentrations in chocolate, especially raw chocolate, where two other enzymes slow down its metabolic deactivation.]
Dr. Danielle Rosenman says:
“The brain changes itself constantly throughout our entire lives. All of our experience changes the brain.
Everything that we experience, think, feel, believe, and learn changes the physical structure of the brain, the chemicals in the brain, and electricity in the brain.
This ability of the brain to change is called neuroplasticity.
Neuroplasticity lets us learn through our entire lives. The more often we repeat a task, the better we learn it. Repetition helps us learn things like reading, adding numbers, or playing a musical instrument. We often call this type of learning ‘practice’.“
Professor Lorimer Moseley says: “The mechanisms that cause us to change in a good way can also cause us to change in a way that makes our lives more difficult and more unpleasant…. Our brain produces pain. Pain is our most sophisticated protective device. Your systems learn how to make pain….”
Dr. Moskowitz and Dr. Golden say: “The more sensation each part of your body has, the bigger the image of that body part in your brain (page 4 of workbook) … Shrink the pain map by flooding the brain using: …thoughts, images, senses, memories, soothing emotions, movement, beliefs. (page 13 of workbook) “
Thank you, Dr. Rosenman, for having coached me.
My job is to interrupt pain and other unpleasant signals by using any of the seven modalities or a combination of them.
Dr. Rosenman adds: “Smile for yourself and talk out loud to your Brain.”
The techniques work – I no longer have to take analgesics when I feel a headache coming on or pain (out-of-nowhere kind of pain) in my knee. I use soothing/confident touch. My BB just needs “feedback” from me – “I have not injured myself, there’s no need to ‘protect’ me by sending me unpleasant signals.” I place a hand on my forehead or a hand over my kneecap for a minute – voila! BB stops sending pain signals.
I’ve come to appreciate talking to my own brain. I need to practice and be good at it. After all, if BB has been working so hard all my life, the least I can do is communicate back.
I need to master the techniques to interrupt the new persistent unpleasant sensations in Body; since Beautiful Brain produces the sensations, I need to give BB “BLISS”.
Right now, BLISS is thinking about walking and gawking in Paris.
On January 11, 2019, in my blog post “We’ll Always Have Paris, Darling Friends,” says Teresa Jade LeYung, Part 2″ I had written “I shall publish part 3 soon, not two years from now.” Today is February 19, 2021. It has been more than two years.
The photos in the remainder of this post help me remember those times; sending my thoughts to those pleasurable experiences helps me interrupt undesirable signals. As beloved actress Dame Angela Lansbury says in an interview at Studio 10 (Australia): “We live the memories of our lives.”
Thank you to my friends (and their friends) who made my times in Paris that much more memorable. To friends who had scheduled time to be with me last year and this year…but we had to cancel… When pandemic is really over … we’ll walk and gawk! To friends and mentors who cannot travel, I shall bring back mementos.
I wish everyone and your BBs easy access to BLISS via thoughts, images, senses, memories, soothing emotions, movement, and beliefs.
À bientôt!

Thank you, kind strangers, who helped us captured moments. Boulevard Saint-Michel led us to Rue de la Huchette - aromas from hundreds of eateries! My BB remembers. Walking on cobble stones - author/photographer Margie Yee Webb, global adventurer Sasa Southard, and story-theme consultant Teresa Jade LeYung. Merci beaucoup, Sasa, for giving us a dream tour of City of Light in 2016.

author/photographer Margie Yee Webb, her sister Anna, global traveler Sasa Southard, and story-theme consultant Teresa Jade LeYung -- admirers of The Iron Lady "la Tour Eiffel" (Paris 2017)
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author/journalist Scott James (aka Kemble Scott), author/photographer Margie Yee Webb, story-theme consultant/author Teresa Jade LeYung, global adventurer/author Sasa Southard, and, Margie's sister Anna! Avenue de la Republique, 75011 Paris

The Water Lily (les Nymphéas) Pond at Giverny, home village of beloved painter Claude Monet, in the town of Vernon, France
Liste des plantes et des fleurs du jardin de Claude Monet / List of plants and flowers of Claude Monet’s garden

Joy is gawking at the architecture in Paris. That's Sasa at the balcony! I was on the street photographing and filming.
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Sasa Southard is a descendant of the Dumas of France. The Dumas Metro station is near Père Lachaise cemetery
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Global Adventurer Sasa Southard is most fond of the 5th arrondissement and visiting the Panthéon - photo by Theme Consultant Teresa Jade LeYung
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Teresa Jade LeYung, Nan, Kathy at Opéra Garnier aka Palais Garnier, Paris. I learned "why" ballet performances start at 8pm.

Global Adventurer Sasa Southard brimming with joy, having been to Institut de Français, Villefranche-sur-Mer
**Teresa Jade LeYung in front of Bibliothèque historique de la Ville de Paris (BHVP), 24 rue Pavée, Paris 75004 (photo by Nan or Sasa)**

Olga Malyj treated us (her niece Nicole and Nicole’s husband, artist Cynthia Tom, and me) to evening tour on la Seine! Merci beaucoup, chère Olga!
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Seeing pink roses in Madame H's lovely flat is bliss. Merci beaucoup, Madame H! They remind me of my Number One Angel!

Thanks to LaH for wanting to visit le musée du Louvre, I got to see the remarkable painting by Eugène Delacroix, Le 28 Juillet: "La Liberté guidant le peuple". I treasure the memento in the form of a folder. Homelife in Madam H's lovely flat was bliss.

Merci beaucoup, Sasa! for treating us (Sasa's brother and nephew and friends and Olga and me) to hear jazz singer Isabelle Seleskovitch! So many other experiences... Merci, Sasa!

Merci beaucoup, Madame Hamou, for letting us meet you! I wish you and everyone around you excellent health and bliss!
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author and writing coach Mary E. Knippel near Pont Alexandre III - photo by theme consultant Teresa Jade LeYung, September 2019

Nan et Mary E. Knippel immensely enjoyed Berthe Marisot exhibition at le Musée d'Orsay. Merci, Sasa, for introducing me to this beloved artist!
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Margie Yee Webb, Sasa Southard, Teresa Jade LeYung at Nuit Blanche so happy to see Daniel Buren's installation with their own eyes (2019 Paris) - magical photo of magical moment by MYW!
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artist MT and artist Chandra Garsson, I just know you would have loved experiencing Vincent van Gogh's paintings projected onto walls and floors at l'Atelier des Lumières Paris (unique art center presenting classic pieces in immersive music)
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Thank you, Chi Nei Tsang practitioner Marie-Christine Cornet, for showing me Espace des femmes Antoinette Fouque
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Mere thought of smelling, seeing, savoring croissant, pain au chocolat, brioche in Paris brings BLISS
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CONSTRUCTIVE LIVING: Outgrow Shyness, Depression, Fear, Stress, Grief, Chronic Pain (by David K. Reynolds),
LOVING WHAT IS: Four Questions That Can Change Your Life (by Byron Katie and Stephen Mitchell),
THE FOUR AGREEMENTS: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom a Toltec Wisdom Book (by Don Miguel Ruiz),
MY DREAMS: A Simple Guide to Dream Interpretation ( by Angie Choi )
Dr. Michael Moskowitz‘s and Dr. Marla Golden‘s workbook - TRANSFORMING THE BRAIN IN PAIN: NEUROPLASTIC TRANSFORMATION (also their webinars and brain graphics)
Dr. Danielle Rosenman‘s 10-page guide “Neuroplasticity: Change the Brain to Heal from Pain, Illness, Anxiety, and Depression”
Dr. Norman Doidge’s first book – The Brain That Changes Itself: Stories of Personal Triumph from the Frontiers of Brain Science (translated into 26 languages)
Dr. Norman Doidge’s second book – The Brain’s Way of Healing: Remarkable Discoveries and Recoveries from the Frontiers of Neuroplasticity (translated into 19 languages so far)
Dr. Victoria Sweet‘s 2 books - SLOW MEDICINE The Way to Healing and GOD’S HOTEL: A Doctor, a Hospital, and a Pilgrimage to the Heart of Medicine
Thank you to the healers and the people who led me to them, then and now:
Dr. Susan Thackrey! Thanks to my sister for finding my first healer for me!
All the caring physicians who have retired.
All the kindhearted mentors!!!
Loduskia “Dusky” Pierce, MFT
Reiki Masters and authors Kim McMillon, Lakshmi Kerner, Martha Alderson; BrainGym teacher and memoirist Luisa Adams
Naomi Schaeffer Draper, M.S. Physical Therapist, for teaching me Feldenkrais techniques
Dr. Amy Grace Lam, vibrational energy healer
Artist and Curator Cynthia Tom’s program of transformation A PLACE OF HER OWN
Marie-Christine Cornet (now in France) Chi Nei Tsang and Somatic Experience practitioner
Stephanie Doucette, M.S., L.Ac., Dipl. OM, is a California Licensed Acupuncturist and Clinical Herbalist
Dr. Madele Limpahan
Dr. Danielle Rosenman‘s coaching
and all the other healers in my life who happen to be precious friends and relatives!
I wish everyone and your BBs easy access to BLISS via thoughts, images, senses, memories, soothing emotions, movement, and beliefs.
Thank you for reading “Story Continuity / Theme Consultant Teresa Jade LeYung says ‘Be kind to our beautiful brains.’”
For other posts related to our Beautiful Brains and Neuroplasticity in my blog … If you look at right side of screen, you’ll see the category “Beautiful Brains Neuroplasticity”. Please click on that category to get all my blog posts pertaining to the topic.
Love Made Of Heart ®
Teresa Jade LeYung, an American naturalized citizen of Chinese ancestry, is a story/theme consultant, author of LOVE MADE OF HEART (daughter-mother novel archived at the San Francisco History Center and used by college professors), BUILD YOUR WRITER’S PLATFORM & FANBASE IN 22 DAYS (a workbook), and TALKING TO MY DEAD MOM Monologues (the first monologue received an award from Redwood Writers Ten-Minute Play Festival), an alumna of artist Cynthia Tom’s A PLACE OF HER OWN, an advocate for public libraries and public schools, creator of , and, admirer of City of Light. Composing Haiku poems is a new love for LeYung.
January 16, 2020
Who inspires me this month? In addition to dear friends, colleagues, mentors, relatives, neighbors, clients . . .
Artist Chandra Garsson Photographer Chandra Garsson
Her photographs / arts inspire wellness for the heart. and
The members and volunteers at Western Service Workers Association
WSWA is a free and voluntary membership association built by and for our membership of low-income service, domestic, in-home care, part-time and temporary workers since 1975. WSWA is entirely volunteer run, without a dime of government or other “strings attached” funds. WSWA’s self-help 11-point membership benefit program – including emergency food, clothing, preventive medical care, non-emergency dental care, legal advice and “Know Your Law” sessions and more – helps meet immediate needs while we pursue solutions to the cause of low wages, lack of benefits and unsafe working conditions.
Thank you, Wisdom Teacher Marie Elena Gaspari , for introducing me to the folks at WSWA!
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Everyone at California Clubhouse in San Mateo, CA
“Our Clubhouse offers hope, encouragement and opportunities to people who live with mental illness.”
Thank you, mentor Diane Warner, for introducing me to the folks at California Clubhouse!
Clubhouse International has succeeded in creating something that didn’t exist before a worldwide community that is changing the world of mental health. Through local Clubhouses around the world, we offer people living with mental illness opportunities for friendships, employment, housing, education, and access to medical and psychiatric services in a single caring and safe environment- so they can recover and fully participate as valued and respected members of society.
Awarded the 2014 Conrad N. Hilton Humanitarian Prize for extraordinary contributions toward alleviating human suffering.
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Cynthia Tom, creator of A PLACE OF HER OWN
A PLACE OF HER OWN (PLACE) is an art making-based healing organization dedicated to sparking and sustaining the well-being of women. The transformation series of workshops culminate in an art exhibition for women.
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Michael Larsen, author coach

Michael Larsen Author Coach
Mr. Larsen says: “My experience as an agent and the author of successful books on proposals, agents, and marketing and co-founder of San Francisco Writers Conference and San Francisco Writing for Change Conference helps me provide you with the customized advice, encouragement, and mentorship you need to succeed.”
Look for Michael Larsen who will be at San Francisco Writers Conference 2020.
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Mary Tang doing business as SolutionsBAC
Ms. Tang consults for startup companies, privately-held corporations and sole proprietorships – helping them solve typical business problems as well as plan for sustained profitability and future growth. She’s assisted client companies with hiring technical, marketing, finance department staff; advised on headcount and HR-related matters. She also coaches individuals on career development, job search and interviewing techniques, managing workplace issues, life/work choices. She possesses degrees in Business and in Education.
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Mary E. Knippel, founder of Your Writing Mentor
Ms. Knippel says: “Let’s talk about where you are now…where you want to go…and how I may support you in the process.”
Look for Mary E. Knippel who will be orchestrating Independent Editors at San Francisco Writers Conference 2020.
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Victoria Sweet, M.D. and her book SLOW MEDICINE: The Way to Healing
Good medicine takes more than amazing technology; it takes time–time to respond to bodies as well as data, time to arrive at the right diagnosis and the right treatment.
Medicine, Dr. Victoria Sweet makes us see, is a craft and an art as well as a science. It is relational, personal, even spiritual. To do it well requires a hard-won wisdom that no algorithm can replace–that brings together “fast” and “slow” in a truly effective, efficient, sustainable, and humane way of healing.
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Frans de Waal and his book Mama’s Last Hug: Animal Emotions and What They Tell Us about Ourselves
Frans de Waal studies primate social behavior — how they fight and reconcile, share and cooperate.
Dutch/American biologist, ethologist, primatologist Frans de Waal draws parallels between primate and human behavior, from peacemaking and morality to culture.
Thank you, mentor Diane Warner, for gifting me this eye-opening book!
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Francis Bellamy (1855-1931)
“I pledge allegiance to my Flag and the Republic for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”
Story Theme Consultant Teresa Jade LeYung says: “I am inspired by big hearts and humor.”
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Brilliant and prolific writers, comedians, entertainers, sages:
George Carlin
George Carlin on Our Similarities instead of our differences – things that make us the same.
Thank you, CappyNJ, for
George Carlin on little things we share. From his 1992 special Jammin’ in New York.
I learned two words from Mr. Carlin – entropy; discography. Thank you!
John Cleese
John Cleese on Creativity In Management
Thank you, John Cleese training company !
Wanda Sykes !
COMEDY SPECIAL: | Wanda Sykes: Im’a Be Me |
COMEDY SPECIAL: | Wanda Sykes: Sick and Tired |
COMEDY SPECIAL: | Tongue Untied |
BOOK: | Yeah I Said It |
For other posts in my blog, please go to:
If you’re looking for my blog posts pertaining to our Beautiful Brains and Neuroplasticity… look at right side of screen, you’ll see the category “Beautiful Brains Neuroplasticity”. Please click on that category to get those posts.
January 3, 2020
To Everyone,
Happy New Year !
I wish you excellent health, wonderment, and 20/20 vision to peace!
Teresa Jade LeYung
The Water Garden at Giverny – Claude Monet’s Water Lily Pond – photo by Teresa Jade LeYung
- Lady Liberty at Musée d’Orsay, Paris, France – photo by Teresa Jade LeYung

Oh my! An Eiffel Tower Christmas tree (Thank you to the folks who displayed this) in Berkeley, California - photo by Linda A. Harris
For other posts in my blog, please go to:
If you’re looking for my blog posts pertaining to our Beautiful Brains and Neuroplasticity… look at right side of screen, you’ll see the category “Beautiful Brains Neuroplasticity”. Please click on that category to get those posts.
Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan who says “Reach out, not stress out!” will present “Use Your Name and Your Themes to Advance Your Writer’s Platform-Building Journey” on Monday July 10, 2017, 7pm-9pm at Sacramento Suburban Writers Club 5501 Dewey Drive, Fair Oaks, CA (in the Fellowship hall, (straight back from the road, through the gate in the white fence). Sacramento Suburban Writers welcome visitors.
What is platform-building and fanbase-building and how you can make yours prosperous. I, Theme Consultant and Writing Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan, thank Catharine Bramkamp for interviewing me as Women’s National Book Association-San Francisco Chapter Featured Member this month. Thank you, Simona Carini, for publishing and for your kindness. Thank you to all Women’s National Book Association colleagues!
Teresa LeYung-Ryan has been helping authors with their platforms for years: Her own platform – reach out, not stress out – speaks to her focus on authors and how to make their promotion, their sales and even their conversations more productive and natural.
Writers’ Platform and Fanbase-Building Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan says:
“When I was an aspiring writer, playwright Kim McMillon would invite me to literary parties. ‘Make connections,’ Kim said to me. ‘Have fun.’ I was too stressed out to have fun. I’d introduce myself by my first name only, and, I didn’t know how to articulate what I was writing about. Then, I would go home, dreading the next networking event. Kim did not give up on me. She even put me in the line-up at her open mic events. True friends are your biggest fans.
“Through watching Kim’s plays, I discovered what makes a performance/story memorable. Those recurring themes! What is theme? The subject matter/topic/issue discussed repeatedly in a piece of writing. Theme answers the question ‘What’s your point?’ Whether you are writing fiction (as in novels), narrative nonfiction (as in memoirs) or prescriptive nonfiction (as in workbooks/how-to books), theme is the thread with which you weave your chapters. For example:
- In E.B. White’s Charlotte’s Web (fiction/classic children’s book), the core themes are: true friendship; cycles of life; believing in one’s self.
- In Maxine Hong Kingston’s The Woman Warrior (narrative nonfiction), the core themes are: Chinese myths; being a Chinese-American youth in California; losing and gaining one’s own voice.
- In Angie Choi’s My Dreams: A Simple Guide to Dream Interpretation (prescriptive nonfiction), the core themes are: understanding personal dream symbols; solving problems; transformation
“So, the platform statements I would create for these brilliant authors would be:
- Through his children’s books, E.B. White teaches young readers how to be a real friend.
- Through her memoirs and novels, Maxine Hong Kingston inspires us to reclaim our voices.
- Through her book My Dreams, Angie Choi shows us how to interpret personal dream symbols and transform our waking worlds.
“Side note: The Woman Warrior was the book that inspired me to write my first book Love Made of Heart. Thank you, Maxine Hong Kingston!
“To writers, I say: ‘Make your name stand for something—to attract target consumers—who are likely to buy what you have to sell.’
- The something = themes you write about
- Target consumers = readers who read about the themes you write about
- What you have to sell = your intellectual properties
“Your platform statements will attract attention before and after publication, whether you’re going to self-publish or sell rights to a publisher.
“When I teach ‘For Theme’s Sake: Edit Your Own Manuscript Before Pitching to Agents OR Self-Publishing’ the first assignment I give is: Reread one of your favorite books (especially a classic children’s book). What is the author’s point? What are the topics /subject matters/issues running through the entire story? Then, tackle your own story! Knowing how to weave core themes makes rewriting enjoyable.
“Authors of fiction need to work doubly hard building their platforms. With more than 3 million titles in the Literature/Fiction category for readers to choose from, how will they find you if you aren’t already an award-winning author, bestselling author or celebrity? My first book Love Made of Heart is a novel. I was a newbie. My agent believed in me. However, I had to demonstrate to Kensington Publishing in New York my platform statements:
- Teresa LeYung-Ryan encourages adult children of mentally ill parents to speak openly about the stigmas.
- Teresa LeYung-Ryan helps survivors of family violence find their own voices.
“It is challenging to enter the fiercely competitive bookselling arena. The other players include authors with proven track records / established platforms / big fanbases / celebrity status and authors who are also seasoned publishers or promoters. That said, ‘Don’t worry, be happy’. Yes, you can transform challenges into opportunities that feel right for you. And turn off the noise in the brain. I recommend Elisa Sasa Southard’s book Break Through the Noise: 9 Tools to Propel Your Marketing Message. Elisa has taught me well.
“The Internet helps your fans find you. They find you when you broadcast your platform statement on cyberspace. After all, where do we go when we need to find something or someone? My workbook Build Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days: Attract Agents, Editors, Publishers, Readers, and Media Attention NOW shows you how to create and broadcast your platform statement / how to reach out, not stress out. Some best practices from this workbook:
- Who are you? Not a year ago. Who are you today? If you want others to notice you, you need to notice yourself.
- What are tags? Tags are keywords and phrases. Understand the function of tags on cyberspace (especially in your blog/website) and you will rejoice over your name and platform statements.
- Celebrities reach out. Organizations reach out. You reach out.
“Here are a few excellent platform statements because each one fulfills the definition from my workbook – Make your name stand for something—to attract target consumers—who are likely to buy what you have to sell.
- Writing Coach & Chief Storytelling Officer Catharine Bramkamp helps small business owners tell their stories on social media platforms to attract more clients/customers.
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- Through her books, Margie Yee Webb promotes pet awareness and encourages people to make a difference in the lives of cats and other companion animals.
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- Linda Lee of Askmepc-Webdesign says: Whether you are a novice or veteran Internet user, I can help you optimize and monetize your website.
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- Mary E. Knippel (Your Writing Mentor and founder of The Unleashed Homemaker) is fiercely committed to guiding women—who have been silent too long—to polish their words so that they sparkle and shine.
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- Travel writer and professional Tour Director Elisa Sasa Southard turns student travelers into explorers.
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- Author and art teacher Connie Smith Siegel says: ‘You do not have to be an artist to reclaim your unique creative language. Drawing and the use of color is for everyone.’
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- Author Jo Chandler uses her novel This Side of Forever to shed light on a teenager’s alcohol addiction and what she discovers on her surprising journey.
“Enjoy the benefits of being a WNBA member. I have had the privilege of working on the board and committees, co-presenting, and connecting with members of the San Francisco Chapter (by the way, many members are also colleagues through California Writers Club and San Francisco Writers Conference). I have served WNBA by doing what was enjoyable for me – using my organization skills, knack for taking pictures, and platform/fanbase-building expertise. Get to know other WNBA members by attending mixers and other WNBA events, and subscribing to the weekly blog posts.”
WNBA-SF Member Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan teaches her clients (writers, artists) how to reach out, not stress out, before and after publication — identify themes in their intellectual properties and create scripts for pitches, query letters, press releases, talking-points, one-minute videos, photo slideshows, and the all-mighty blog. Visit and for more resources. Teresa’s upcoming speaking events are listed on this page.
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Sunday, June 11, 2017, 1:00pm-7:00pm
Annual Writers Mini Conference at San Mateo County Fair Literary Stage, San Mateo, CA
1:00-2:00pm “Use Core Themes to Rewrite Your Story and Query Letters” with Theme Consultant and Writers’ Platform-Building Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan
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Monday, July 10, 2017, 7:00pm—9:00pm
for Sacramento Suburban Writers Club
at Crossroads Fellowship Christian Church, 5501 Dewey Drive, Fair Oaks, CA
For other posts in my blog, please go to:
If you’re looking for my blog posts pertaining to our Beautiful Brains and Neuroplasticity… look at right side of screen, you’ll see the category “Beautiful Brains Neuroplasticity”. Please click on that category to get those posts.
Dear Writers,
Do submit your work to writing contests run by reputable organizations. Do choose contest categories that match your genre or themes.
Congratulations to all the 2016 Literary Award winners at the Literary Arts Stage at the San Mateo County Fair, San Mateo, California. To see the list of the many writing contests and the winners - Bardi Rosman Koodrin (Literary Director, Fine Arts Galleria at the San Mateo County Fair) says: “Winning entries will be displayed during the County Fair June 11-19, 2016. Winners will receive prizes and will be published in our Carry the Light anthology published by Sand Hill Review Press.”
Each year, I, Teresa LeYung-Ryan, sponsor the “Immigrant Experience Writing Contest”
This contest is to honor immigrants who struggle over language barriers, poverty, stigmas, and injustice. Your entry could be a firsthand account or a retelling of someone else’s experience. Show how your protagonist goes about pursuing what she/he wants while confronting antagonists (persons or circumstances); use authentic details to show protagonist’s recollection or attitude of “the old country”; foreshadow the core theme in the first paragraph. ELIGIBILITY: Submit a 1,500 word maximum unpublished short story, essay or monologue. Must have a title.
Sponsored by 22-Day Writing Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan
Love Made of Heart: a Daughter Finds Herself Through Witnessing Her Mother’s Mental Illness (novel);
Build Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase in 22 Days (workbook);
Talking to My Dead Mom Monologues;
Coach Teresa’s Blog
Judges’ comments to 2016 Winners of the “Immigrant Experience Writing Contest”:
1st Place: “A Little Water goes a Long Way” by Ellen Six
Poignant. Excellent show of theme – protagonist connecting with faraway relatives solely through letters sent to her mother. Story clearly shows “immigrant experience” from narrator’s point of view. Brava! Thank you for entering Immigrant Experience Writing Contest sponsored by Writing Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan. Judges: authors Teresa LeYung-Ryan and Luisa Adams
2nd Place: “Immigrating to America, 1960” by Rosina Weiskopf
Nice job showing protagonist’s determination. Would have liked to hear her voice, know her name, whether she had previous waitressing experience, and what she looked like through dialogue. Engaging story. Thank you for entering Immigrant Experience Writing Contest. Judges: authors Teresa LeYung-Ryan and Luisa Adams
Honorable Mention: “Belly Dance” by Marcela Dickerson
Enticing hook – widow from Chile becomes newlywed in CA, U.S.A. However, help reader connect with protagonist even though she says she’s a sociable person and that she worked as an interpreter for the UN. Show her reactions to the TV programs and especially interaction with her husband. Stay with your enticing hook. Thank you for entering Immigrant Experience Writing Contest Judges: Teresa LeYung-Ryan and Luisa Adams
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Thank you, Bardi Rosman Koodrin (Literary Director, Fine Arts Galleria at the San Mateo County Fair), for helping me refine my contest description.
Thank you, Luisa Adams, for being co-judge this year 2016.
Thank you, Mary E. Knippel, Prof. Sheryl Fairchild, and Margie Yee Webb, for being co-judges in past years.
· . . . and other workshops
· “Help Your Fans Find YOU”
· “Build & Retrofit Your Writer’s Platform”
· . . .and other interactive presentations
· Immigrant Experience Writing Contest
· the trademark LOVE MADE OF HEART
Writing Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan celebrates California Writers Club colleagues
February 20, 2016 Redwood City, CA
Teresa LeYung-Ryan (Past-President of California Writers Club – SF Peninsula Branch) will be attending the branch’s 50th anniversary party to celebrate her colleagues and the memories of her mentors.
“Thank you, President Carole Bumpus, officers, board members, Elise Miller, Darlene Frank, and all committee members! And, I’ll get to see other past-presidents, Winifred McCaffrey, Margaret Davis and Ray Davis too!”