Posts Tagged ‘Scott James’

06:49 le 10 mai 2024 France

13:36 May 21, 2024 California USA

08:24 May 23, 2024; published 17:08 May 23, 2024

Bonjour Everyone,

I wish you peace and joy.

So much sadness on this planet … a smile brings light to my heart … perhaps if we all smile with our hearts, this planet would smile back.


These books written In English (by the way … Maria Kawah Leung’s illustrated children’s book is in English and Chinese) and these French films inspired courage while I was in France and departing France.



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Christopher K. Eng -  FINDING ALOHA IN GRIEF: Memoir of an American Pastor, Chaplain, and T’ai-Chi Sifu


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Edward C. Hartshorn - Ghosts of the Big Sandy River

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Geneva Dinwiddie -  Sister Hold My Hand: Together We Stand


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Maria Kawah Leung – Little Heroes of Bay Street: And How They Stay Strong in an Unhappy Home (English and Chinese Edition – Simplified Characters)

LITTLE HEROES OF BAY STREET available in 3 formats – hardcover; paperback; e-book

Interview with Dr. Kim McMillon

Maria Kawah Leung’s singing

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Scott James’s latest book -  Trial by Fire: A Devastating Tragedy, 100 Lives Lost, and a 15-year Search for Truth


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 French movies

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Clémentine Chérie (1964) Pierre Doris, Adrienne Servantie, France Anglade | French Comedy; directed by Pierre Chevalier

– a story about how female youth and perceived physical beauty is a convenience in this particular society, and, the invention of a stretchy fabric for bathing suits which turns out to be invisible on photographs and live television. I wonder how many bathing suits will be in the garbage when women realize that while the fabric “shapes and contains” their body, photographs of their body fat and skin compressed and redistributed might be perceived as the opposite of beauty.  A fun and clever script.

Merci beaucoup, channel CultCinemaClassics, pour

Writing Credits

Jean Bellus (cartoons)
Jean Bellus (scenario)
Michel Fermaud (scenario)
Jean-José Richer (scenario)


Adaptation et dialogues de

Michel Fermaud

Jean-José Richer

Jean Bellus

Pierre Chevalier

The first scene is inside the ornate department store Galeries Lafayette Paris Haussmann. Even though the movie is a black-and-white film, one can see the grandeur of this place. states:


“From the 19th century to the present day, from a small haberdashery to a huge institution, discover the history of Galeries Lafayette Paris Haussmann….”



 Here’s my photo (of a section of the stained glass dome of Galeries Lafayette Paris Haussmann) taken on August 30, 2017

image taken by photo historian Teresa Jade LeYung August 30, 2017 - Margie and Anna are in original image; Sasa led Part II of our Paris pilgrimage


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LAST DANCEwidower Germain (François Berléand) finds a way to fulfill an agreement with his beloved wife.

Merci beaucoup, channel ScreenInternational, pour

Writer and Director:  Delphine Lehericey

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 Nouveau Départ (2023) / New Beginnings (2023)

A husband takes action in an attempt to reignite his wife’s passion for him.

Directed by

Philippe Lefebvre

Writing Credits

Philippe Lefebvre (scenario) &
Maria Pourchet (scenario)
Juan Vera (original screenplay: ‘El amor menos pensado’) &
Daniel Cúparo (original screenplay: ‘El amor menos pensado’)
Merci beaucoup, channel Unifrance , pour

New Beginnings (2023) / Nouveau Départ (2023) – Trailer


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Un film de Albert Dupontel, avec Cécile de France, Albert Dupontel et Nicolas Marié


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My pal Sabine and I wondered what”Île-de-France” includes. explains …

Île-de-France, région of France encompassing the north-central départements of Val-d’Oise, Seine-et-Marne, Seine-Saint-Denis, Ville-de-Paris, Hauts-de-Seine, Val-de-Marne, Essonne, and Yvelines. Île-de-France is bounded by the régions of Hauts-de-France to the north, Grand Est to the east, Bourgogne-Franche-Comté to the southeast, Centre to the south, and Normandy to the northwest. The capital is Paris. Area 4,637 square miles (12,011 square km). Pop. (1999) 10,952,011; (2014 est.) 12,027,565.

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Thank you for reading my blog post “Books Written In English and French Films that Inspired Courage while I was In France and Departing France”.

I wish you peace in every way.


Teresa Jade LeYung  goes to Teresa Jade LeYung’s Blog on Wellness, Themes, Archetypes
Published author, blogger, lover of Paris home life (France), writing coach, story  consultant, photo historian
Teresa Jade LeYung says: “I love helping writers identify the themes in their manuscripts to hook readers, and, build and fortify their platforms before and after publication. Reach out, not stress out.”

Love Made Of Heart ®


Teresa Jade LeYung’s Blog post #602

2021 Jan. 16, 03:06 -04:29; Jan. 26, 00:19;   Feb. 2, 22:08;  Feb. 15, 00:19-03:24; Feb 16, 20:02; Feb 19, 21:43; Feb 20; 21; 22; 23

The more I learn about our beautiful brains (I call them “BB”s), the more grateful I am to every person who has shown me kindness, imparted knowledge, taught me a skill, inspired me to pursue Beauty.

Unbeknownst to me at the time …  my embracing words from nonjudgmental people and my reading the books listed below (near the end of this blog post)    provided a vital network for my BB to collect new information from precious people in my life, and, from newer books, webinars and training (also listed near the end of this post) as I learn to connect Body with Beautiful Brain.

From all these inspiring people, my BB has deciphered a common message  -  so simple so powerful, yet, not easy to master (it hasn’t been easy for me) — the sweet message is that I hold the power to use my own thoughts to experience bliss during and after illness, wherever I am.

[ from page 4 of the workbook TRANSFORMING THE BRAIN IN PAIN: NEUROPLASTIC TRANSFORMATION, Dr. Michael H. Moskowitz  and Dr. Marla D. Golden enlighten: “Without your brain, there is no pain. Your brain doesn’t just receive information from your body, but sends directions back out to tell your body what to do. Your brain ‘reads’ everything going on in your body 30 times a second for your entire life. The adult brain changes throughout our lives based upon the information it receives from our bodies. We only experience pain when the electrical signals reach the thinking part of our brains.” ]

Dear Reader, you might have already read in the blog posts preceding this one . . . I am in training – to rid persistent (chronic) pain and other unpleasant signals that began as Shingles last year.



Above graphics is from page 69 of Dr. Moskowitz’s and Dr. Golden’s workbook TRANSFORMING THE BRAIN IN PAIN: NEUROPLASTIC TRANSFORMATION.  The word “BLISS” is above the word “Anandamide

Dr. Michael H. Moskowitz  and Dr. Marla D. Golden show us how Anandamide is synthesized and released at synapses – blocking inflammation, shutting off long term potentiation, reverting Microglia.

synapses = the spaces between cells where information (through release of chemicals/electrical signals) is passed. Brain has 100 billion nerve cells and 1000 trillion synapses. Every synapse is used to pass information around the brain and the body.

long term potentiation =  persistent strengthening of synapses based on recent patterns of activity

Microglia (on page 30 of workbook) = one of the three types of glial cells – unlike the nerve cells (called Neurons), glial cells do not conduct electrical signals. Microglia are located around blood vessels in the brain (Capillaries) in an inactive form, responding to foreign invaders by activating and changing shape to attack and destroy anything not recognized as belonging in the brain. They also use pinpoint releases of inflammatory chemicals to break old synapses to prepare for the formation of new ones.

[ Global Traveler/Adventurer and Certified Tour Director Sasa Southard will smile when she reads thisAnandamide is present in highest concentrations in chocolate, especially raw chocolate, where two other enzymes slow down its metabolic deactivation.]


Dr. Danielle Rosenman says:

“The brain changes itself constantly throughout our entire lives. All of our experience changes the brain.

  • Everything that we experience, think, feel, believe, and learn changes the physical structure of the brain, the chemicals in the brain, and electricity in the brain.

  • This ability of the brain to change is called neuroplasticity.

Neuroplasticity lets us learn through our entire lives.  The more often we repeat a task, the better we learn it. Repetition helps us learn things like reading, adding numbers, or playing a musical instrument. We often call this type of learning ‘practice’.

Professor Lorimer Moseley says: “The mechanisms that cause us to change in a good way can also cause us to change in a way that makes our lives more difficult and more unpleasant….  Our brain produces pain.  Pain is our most sophisticated protective device. Your systems learn how to make pain….”

Dr. Moskowitz and Dr. Golden say: “The more sensation each part of your body has, the bigger the image of that body part in your brain (page 4 of workbook) … Shrink the pain map by flooding the brain using: …thoughts, images, senses, memories, soothing emotions, movement, beliefs. (page 13 of workbook) “ 

Thank you, Dr. Rosenman, for having  coached me.

My job is to interrupt pain and other unpleasant signals by using any of the seven modalities or a combination of them.

- SENSES (Sight, Sound, Smell, Taste, Touch)

Dr. Rosenman adds: “Smile for yourself and talk out loud to your Brain.”

The techniques work – I no longer have to take analgesics when I feel a headache coming on or pain (out-of-nowhere kind of pain) in my knee.   I use soothing/confident touch. My BB just needs “feedback” from me – “I have not injured myself, there’s no need to ‘protect’ me by sending me unpleasant signals.” I place a hand on my forehead or a hand over my kneecap for a minute – voila!  BB stops sending pain signals.

I’ve come to appreciate talking to my own brain.  I need to practice and be good at it. After all, if BB has been working so hard  all my life, the least I can do is communicate back.

I need to master the techniques to interrupt the new persistent unpleasant sensations in Body;  since Beautiful Brain produces the sensations, I need to give BB “BLISS”.

Right now, BLISS is thinking about walking and gawking in Paris.

On January 11, 2019, in my blog post “We’ll Always Have Paris, Darling Friends,” says Teresa Jade LeYung, Part 2″  I  had written “I shall publish part 3 soon, not two years from now.” Today is February 19, 2021. It has been more than two years.

The photos in the remainder of this post help me remember those times; sending my thoughts to those pleasurable experiences helps me interrupt undesirable signals. As beloved actress Dame Angela Lansbury says in an interview at Studio 10 (Australia): “We live the memories of our lives.”

Thank you to my friends (and their friends) who made my times in Paris that much more memorable. To friends who had scheduled time to be with me last year and this year…but we had to cancel…   When pandemic is really over … we’ll walk and gawk! To friends and mentors who cannot travel, I shall bring back mementos.

I wish everyone and your BBs easy access to BLISS via thoughts, images, senses, memories, soothing emotions, movement, and beliefs.

À bientôt!


Thank you, kind strangers, who helped us captured moments. Boulevard Saint-Michel led us to Rue de la Huchette - aromas from hundreds of eateries! My BB remembers. Walking on cobble stones - author/photographer Margie Yee Webb, global adventurer Sasa Southard, and story-theme consultant Teresa Jade LeYung. Merci beaucoup, Sasa, for giving us a dream tour of City of Light in 2016.

Mere thought of smelling, seeing, savoring fresh bread in Paris brings BLISS

author/photographer Margie Yee Webb, her sister Anna, global traveler Sasa Southard, and story-theme consultant Teresa Jade LeYung -- admirers of The Iron Lady "la Tour Eiffel" (Paris 2017)

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author/journalist Scott James (aka Kemble Scott), author/photographer Margie Yee Webb, story-theme consultant/author Teresa Jade LeYung, global adventurer/author Sasa Southard, and, Margie's sister Anna! Avenue de la Republique, 75011 Paris

The Water Lily (les Nymphéas) Pond at Giverny, home village of beloved painter Claude Monet, in the town of Vernon, France

Liste des plantes et des fleurs du jardin de Claude Monet / List of plants and flowers of Claude Monet’s garden


Joy is gawking at the architecture in Paris. That's Sasa at the balcony! I was on the street photographing and filming.

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Sasa Southard is a descendant of the Dumas of France. The Dumas Metro station is near Père Lachaise cemetery

Happiness is finding fabric and ribbons in Paris - photo of Teresa Jade LeYung by Sasa Southard

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To ride buses in Paris is to give my eyes pleasure

big windows and views of greenery is bliss

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Postcards sold in shops and at newsstands / kiosks (Presse) in Paris mesmerize me

Global Adventurer Sasa Southard is most fond of the 5th arrondissement and visiting the Panthéon - photo by Theme Consultant Teresa Jade LeYung

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Developmental Editor / Book Doctor Vicki Weiland - Wish you were there!



Kathy et Nan let me filmed them walking on avenue Gabriel, Paris

Teresa Jade LeYung, Nan, Kathy at Opéra Garnier aka Palais Garnier, Paris. I learned "why" ballet performances start at 8pm.




Global Adventurer Sasa Southard brimming with joy, having been to Institut de Français, Villefranche-sur-Mer



**Teresa Jade LeYung in front of Bibliothèque historique de la Ville de Paris (BHVP), 24 rue Pavée, Paris 75004 (photo by Nan or Sasa)**


Olga Malyj treated us (her niece Nicole and Nicole’s husband, artist Cynthia Tom, and me) to evening tour on la Seine! Merci beaucoup, chère Olga!

Artist Cynthia Tom in front of Max Chaoul Couture, Paris - photo by Teresa_Jade_LeYung_2019

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Seeing pink roses in Madame H's lovely flat is bliss. Merci beaucoup, Madame H! They remind me of my Number One Angel!

Thanks to LaH for wanting to visit le musée du Louvre, I got to see the remarkable painting by Eugène Delacroix, Le 28 Juillet: "La Liberté guidant le peuple". I treasure the memento in the form of a folder. Homelife in Madam H's lovely flat was bliss.

Merci beaucoup, Sasa! for treating us (Sasa's brother and nephew and friends and Olga and me) to hear jazz singer Isabelle Seleskovitch! So many other experiences... Merci, Sasa!

Merci beaucoup, Madame Hamou, for letting us meet you! I wish you and everyone around you excellent health and bliss!

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Merci beaucoup, LaH et Sasa, for posing for me.

Merci beaucoup, LaH et Sharon, for posing in front of Ladurée, avenue des Champs Elysées

author and writing coach Mary E. Knippel near Pont Alexandre III - photo by theme consultant Teresa Jade LeYung, September 2019

Nan et Mary E. Knippel immensely enjoyed Berthe Marisot exhibition at le Musée d'Orsay. Merci, Sasa, for introducing me to this beloved artist!

Nan loves to visit le Musée d'Orsay - photo by theme consultant Teresa Jade LeYung

Paris !

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Margie Yee Webb, Sasa Southard, Teresa Jade LeYung at Nuit Blanche so happy to see Daniel Buren's installation with their own eyes (2019 Paris) - magical photo of magical moment by MYW!

Sasa et Margie at Pierre Hermé, 86 Av. des Champs-Élysées

Paris !

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artist MT and artist Chandra Garsson, I just know you would have loved experiencing Vincent van Gogh's paintings projected onto walls and floors at l'Atelier des Lumières Paris (unique art center presenting classic pieces in immersive music)

La Tour Eiffel, I dream of you!


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Teresa Jade LeYung says: "Eating a sandwich in Paris is bliss." - photo by Mary E. Knippel

Mere thought of smelling, seeing, eating quiche in Paris brings BLISS

Cakes at Angelina

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Thank you, Chi Nei Tsang practitioner Marie-Christine Cornet, for showing me Espace des femmes Antoinette Fouque

Paroisse Saint-Ambroise in 11th arrondissement, photo_by_Teresa_Jade_LeYung 2019_Paris

Looking out Madame Puech's kitchen window is bliss.

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Postcards sold at newsstands / kiosks (Presse) or in shops mesmerize me

Parc Monceau, I dream of you!

Choosing postcards to send to friends is a joyful ritual when I am in Paris

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Mere thought of smelling, seeing, savoring croissant, pain au chocolat, brioche in Paris brings BLISS

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CONSTRUCTIVE LIVINGOutgrow Shyness, Depression, Fear, Stress, Grief, Chronic Pain (by David K. Reynolds),

LOVING WHAT IS: Four Questions That Can Change Your Life (by Byron Katie and Stephen Mitchell),

THE FOUR AGREEMENTS: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom a Toltec Wisdom Book (by Don Miguel Ruiz), 

MY DREAMS: A Simple Guide to Dream Interpretation ( by Angie Choi )


Dr. Michael Moskowitz‘s and Dr. Marla Golden‘s workbook  - TRANSFORMING THE BRAIN IN PAIN: NEUROPLASTIC TRANSFORMATION (also their webinars and brain graphics)

Dr. Danielle Rosenman‘s 10-page guide “Neuroplasticity: Change the Brain to Heal from Pain, Illness, Anxiety, and Depression”

Dr. Norman Doidge’s first book – The Brain That Changes Itself: Stories of Personal Triumph from the Frontiers of Brain Science (translated into 26 languages)

Dr. Norman Doidge’s second book – The Brain’s Way of Healing: Remarkable Discoveries and Recoveries from the Frontiers of Neuroplasticity (translated into 19 languages so far)

Dr. Victoria Sweet‘s 2 books -  SLOW MEDICINE The Way to Healing   and   GOD’S HOTEL: A Doctor, a Hospital, and a Pilgrimage to the Heart of Medicine 


Thank you to the healers and the people who led me to them, then and now:

Dr. Susan Thackrey! Thanks to my sister for finding my first healer for me!

All the caring physicians who have retired.

All the kindhearted mentors!!!

Loduskia “Dusky” Pierce, MFT

Reiki Masters and authors Kim McMillon, Lakshmi Kerner, Martha Alderson; BrainGym teacher and memoirist Luisa Adams

Naomi Schaeffer Draper, M.S. Physical Therapist, for teaching me Feldenkrais techniques

Dr. Amy Grace Lam, vibrational energy healer

Artist and Curator Cynthia Tom’s program of transformation A PLACE OF HER OWN

Marie-Christine Cornet (now in France) Chi Nei Tsang and Somatic Experience practitioner

Stephanie Doucette, M.S., L.Ac., Dipl. OM, is a California Licensed Acupuncturist and Clinical Herbalist 

Dr. Madele Limpahan

Dr. Danielle Rosenman‘s coaching

and all the other healers in my life who happen to be precious friends and relatives!


I wish everyone and your BBs easy access to BLISS via thoughts, images, senses, memories, soothing emotions, movement, and beliefs.

Thank you for reading “Story Continuity / Theme Consultant Teresa Jade LeYung says ‘Be kind to our beautiful brains.’”

For other posts related to our Beautiful Brains and Neuroplasticity  in my blog …  If you look at right side of screen, you’ll see the category “Beautiful Brains Neuroplasticity”.  Please click on that category to get all my blog posts pertaining to the topic.

Thank you, MT et MYW, for masks; Starry Night mask by Dahlynn of WoodstockAndYarn











Love Made Of Heart ®

Teresa Jade LeYung, an American naturalized citizen of Chinese ancestry, is a story/theme consultant, author of LOVE MADE OF HEART (daughter-mother novel archived at the San Francisco History Center and used by college professors), BUILD YOUR WRITER’S PLATFORM & FANBASE IN 22 DAYS (a workbook), and TALKING TO MY DEAD MOM Monologues (the first monologue received an award from Redwood Writers Ten-Minute Play Festival), an alumna of artist Cynthia Tom’s A PLACE OF HER OWN, an advocate for public libraries and public schools, creator of , and, admirer of City of Light. Composing Haiku poems is a new love for LeYung.

Coach Teresa here.  At the San Francisco Writers Conference, Elisa Sasa Southard and I presented “GETTING TO FIRST BASE BY BUILDING YOUR FANBASE

In our interactive session, Talking-Tagline Guru Sasa asked me: “Coach Teresa…What is a platform?”

I responded: “Before I define ‘platform,’ let’s talk about fans and what fans do for you.  Fans tell their friends about you.  Fans will pay to see you; they will buy what you have produced; they listen when you speak.  Your name hooks their attention.

“So, how does one build a fanbase?  By making your platform consistent. A platform is not something you step on, it is what you stand forHelp your fans find you by articulating the themes and issues you care about/write about.

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I am a fan of many fine writers, with last names starting with A to Z.  From Chinua Achebe, Luisa Adams, Martha Alderson, Jane Austen . . .  to Margie Yee Webb, E. B. White, Anzia Yezierska, and two hundred other authors, including Scott James (fellow presenter at San Francisco Writers Conference).

Scott James writes novels under the name of Kemble Scott; I heard about Kemble when his first novel SoMa was published by Kensington Publishing Corporation New York (also my publisher for my first novel). Scott James, the journalist, writes about San Francisco, including contributions to the New York Times.

I am a fan because Scott James speaks/writes eloquently. His latest article is enlightening and compelling.

Scott says:  The latest of my new columns on Medium is now up. This one is on gay marriage, and gets a bit personal.  It’s called “My Big Gay Shotgun Wedding.”

Since I am a fan, I shall tell my friends about Scott’s columns.


Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan cheering for you!


Writing Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan cares about helping fiction and nonfiction writers build their platforms and work on their craft simultaneously with ease.  She says: “Wear the dual hats as promoter and writer and be happily published. Reach out, not stress out, to materialize your dearest dreams.”



Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan here to encourage you to pursue more and more resources . . . by visiting my website and this blog on a regular basis to find other people who can help you polish your craft and further build your platform.  If you are not in the vicinity of the events I blog about . . . please look at the names of the people who are referenced in my posts, go to their websites by clicking on the links I provide or your keying their names in a search engine.  The people  I blog about will lead you to their colleagues, and so on.  More ways to build your platform?  See the exercises in Build Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days.

An Evening of Poetry
Friday – April 27,2012 – 6:15 to 9:30 pm
Flamingo Hotel – Empire Room, 2777 Fourth St., Santa Rosa, CA 95405    707-523-4745   dinner included

AL YOUNG-Evening Keynote Speaker

From 2005 through 2008, Al Young served as poet laureate of California. Other honors include NEA, Fulbright and Guggenheim Fellowships, the Richard Wright Award for Literary Excellence, and most recently, the 2011 Thomas Wolfe Award. Widely translated, Al Young’s many books include poetry, fiction, essays, anthologies and musical memoirs.

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Petaluma native, Bill Vartnaw is Sonoma County Poet Laureate, 2012-2013.

Bill has a master’s degree in poetics from New College of California. He has been writing seriously for over 35 years. Bill is the author of Concern: for Angels and Suburbs of my Childhood. He is also founder of Taurean Horn Press and has published 14 books. He has spent his life in the service of poetry, often helping his fellow poets behind the scenes of the Petaluma Poetry Walk.

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Juanita Martin is the 1st Poet Laureate, Fairfield, CA 2010-2012. She is an award-winning poet, freelance writer and performance artist. Her poetry appears in journals such as Blue Collar Review, Some Literary Review and Rattlesnake Review.

She’s an active member of Ina Coolbrith Circle, Redwood Writers and Marin Poetry Center.

Juanita at 50, won the honor scroll award in the 2011 National Senior Poet Laureate competition. Juanita is currently working on a book of poetry called The Lighthouse Beckons.

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Redwood Writers NEXT STEP 2012 Conference, Saturday, April 28 , 2012,  8:00 am – 5:30 pm
at Santa Rosa Junior College, Bertolini Student Union, 311 Elliot St., Santa Rosa, CA

Sandy Baker (2012 Conference Chair), Linda Loveland Reid (president of Redwood Branch of California Writers Club), and all the officers and board members deserve big thanks!

Keynote speaker is David Corbett on Beyond the Book: Writing Opportunities in a Multi-Platform Era.”

“Leap into Tomorrow’s Publishing” Luncheon Panel: Laurie McLean, Mark Coker, Charlotte Cook and Joel Friedlander;  Linda McCabe, Moderator

Looks like 20 fabulous presenters will be teaching at this conference that offers 4 tracks:  Craft; Genre; Publishing; Marketing.

To register:

Craft Track:

9:30 – 10:30 am David Corbett “The Next Step: Finding the Character Behind the Character”

11:00 – 12:00 pm Geri Spieler “Fact Finding for Fiction Writers: Easy Research Techniques to Pump Up your Novel”

1:45 – 2:45 pm Arlene Miller “Grammar: Don’t Skip this Important Step”

3:15 – 4:15 pm Catherine Brady “Revealing Character through Dialogue”

Genre Track:

9:30 – 10:30 am Christorpher Gortner  “Historical Fiction: Stepping Back in Time”

11:00 – 12:00 pm Deborah Grabien  “Jumping into Mystery with Character”

1:45 – 2:45 pm Jody Gerrmann  “Give Your Young Adult Fiction Zap and Zing!”

3:15 – 4:15 pm Abby Bogomolny “Poetry: The Oldest Literature”

Publishing Track:

9:30 – 10:30 am Verna Dreisbach “Fabulous Fiction”

11:00 – 12:00 pm Pete Masterson “Indie Publishing How-To”

1:45 – 2:45 pm Laurie McLean & Verna Dreisbach “Undercover Agents”

3:15 – 4:15 pm Panel: ebooks  “Leap into the Future” Robert Digitale, Scott James, Mark Coker, & Rob Loughran (Kate Farrell, Moderator)

Marketing Track:

9:30 – 10:30 am Frances Caballo  “I’m on Facebook! (Now What?)”

11:00 – 12:00 pm Joel Friedlander  “Author Blogging 101”

1:45 – 2:45 pm Lee Stein  “Getting Found: Using Google (and other tools) to Promote Your Book and Yourself”

3:15 – 4:15 pm Jeane Slone and Suzanne Lang  “Local Steps in Promoting Your Book”

Cheering for all writers and readers!


Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan

Coach Teresa says: “Reach out, not stress out, to materialize your dearest dreams!”

As editor/story consultant, Coach Teresa helps her clients polish their manuscripts by identifying their themes, universal archetypes, front-story and back-story.

Build Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days: Attract Agents, Editors, Publishers, Readers, and Media Attention NOW

Love Made of Heart is used in college composition classes. Thank you, Teachers & Students!


Coach Teresa, what happened on Friday Feb. 17, 2012 at San Francisco Writers Conference?

Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan here . . . this is what happened from my POV. Please tell me and my colleagues your point of view by submitting comments to this blog post.  How? Click on the blue title bar of this post, scroll down to get the boxes, fill in boxes and click on “submit comment” button.


Elisa Sasa Southard arrived at my home before 7:00am and off we went.  I had packed chicken meatball/naan breakfast roll-ups for us. We were inside the Mark Hopkins before 8:00am. Thank you, author Birgit Soyka and Tessa Bertoldi, for helping us distribute session hand-out material and keep track of time at our 9:00am-9:45am presentation “Blowing Up Your Balloon: Writing a Tagline That Will Sell You and Your Book”

Writers' Platform-Building Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan and Elisa Sasa Southard promote SFWC everywhere--even on Go-With-Sasa's automobile


Audrey Fairchild & Julaina Kleist & Jordan Bernal gracious reps at SFWC--photo by presenter & Writers' Platform-Building Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan












SFWC Heroes make conference a huge success--photo by Story Consultant & Writers-Platform-Building Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan












Elisa “Sasa” Southard & Teresa LeYung-Ryan 

Blowing Up Your Balloon: Writing a Tagline That Will Sell You and Your Book

Attend this session if you want to:
•    hook agents, acquisition editors, readers, media attention
•    make your name synonymous with the themes you write about
•    have fun building your writer’s platform

YOUR NAME: _________________________________________________________

Before Talking Tagline: _______________________________________________________________________________________

AFTER crafting your personalized “talking tagline” from this workshop: ____________________


Elisa “Sasa”’s definition of talking-tagline: “A one-sentence pitch that transforms every encounter into a marketing moment.”

Coach Teresa’s definition of platform: “Making your name stand for something—to attract targeted consumers—who are likely to buy what you have to sell.”

My next steps:
•    Go to and watch Elisa’s TV clip about talking-taglines.
•    Go to click on “Coach Teresa’s Blog” and bookmark it.
•    I shall ____________________________________________________________


Elisa Sasa Southard & Teresa LeYung-Ryan’s session—crafting your talking-tagline & building writer’s platform & fanbase



Elisa Sasa Southard and Teresa LeYung-Ryan say: "Help yourself by helping other writers"


Elisa Sasa Southard & Teresa LeYung-Ryan show how using talking-taglines & building writer's platform are as fun as keeping balloons in the air--photo by Tessa Bertoldi


Elisa Sasa Southard & Teresa LeYung-Ryan attract writers who want to create their talking taglines and build their platforms and fanbases--photo by Tessa Bertoldi


Elisa “Sasa” Southard wears 2 hats:

•    As author of Break Through the Noise, 9 Tools to Propel Your Marketing Message, she helps writers turn personal skills into marketing talent

•    As creator of Big City Travel Skills Project, Sasa helps young travelers turn into smart and savvy adventurers


Teresa LeYung-Ryan also wears 2 hats:

•    As author of Build Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days: Attract Agents, Editors, Publishers, Readers, and Media Attention NOW, she coaches writers on making their names synonymous with the themes/subject matters/issues they write about.

•    As editor/story consultant, she helps writers polish their manuscripts by identifying their themes and archetypes

Her novel Love Made of Heart is used in college composition classes.


testimonials from Elisa Sasa Southard & Teresa LeYung-Ryan's USE Your Talking Tagline to Build Your Writer's Platform session at SFWC


story consultant & writers' platform-building coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan and Birgit Sokya (author of To Drink the Wild Air) are colleagues at Women's National Book Association


Author & SFWC Marketing Director Barbara Santos works out details with Mark Hopkins staff






author and writing coach Catharine Bramkamp with career advisor Rebecca Martin of at SFWC–photo by Writers’ Platform-Building Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan






presenters Elisa Sasa Southard and Teresa LeYung-Ryan and historical novelist Pamela Tartaglio


At lunchtime, the room’s energy fell to deep sadness when Elizabeth Pomada told us that Shirley Fong-Torres (who delighted us last year at SFWC) died a few months after the 2011 conference. Shirley was only 64. I am so sad for her family. Blossom branches in a huge vase on the SFWC stage reminded us of Shirley’s vibrance.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Lisa See’s keynote speech was most inspiring.  Lisa said when she reads a book she reads the beginning, then the ending, then back and forth until she reaches the middle; then she’ll read the ending again. Coach Teresa here . . . to remind my clients . . . Before you rework the beginning of your novel or memoir, review your ending.  Lisa’s reading m.o. is a helpful trick for writers. As Plot Whisperer Martha Alderson says: “The beginning foreshadows the ending.” “The ending dictates the beginning.”

Read fabulous story-teller Lisa Lee’s books!


Julaina Kleist with Lisa See (author of Peony in Love, Snow Flower and the Secret Fan, On Gold Mountain, Dreams of Joy) and BookShop West Portal Neal Sofman at SFWC -- photo by story consultant & writers' platform-building coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan (presenter, author)



Cyberspace Genius Linda Lee empowers writers at SFWC--photo by Platform-Building Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan



Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan advises prescriptive nonfiction author Jodi Lobozzo Aman of New York to buy domain names that are synonymous with her themes

**                                                                                                     **

author Margie Yee Webb chats with SFWC advisory board member Harvey Pawl while Barbara Santos works out details with Mark Hopkins rep-- photo by Coach Teresa


Alexis Masters and Margie Yee Webb author of Cat Mulan's Mindful Musings spread joy at SFWC--photo by Writers' Platform-Building Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan























Alan Rinzler’s keynote speech at 5:00pm gave us a glimpse into 50 years of the publishing world. Fascinating!  Alan was the acquisition editor who believed in Claude Brown’s 1,400-page manuscript when no one else at the publishing house did. Alan helped Claude edit the book to 400 pages  Manchild in the Promised Land: A Modern Classic of the Black Experience.


SFWC presenters Teresa LeYung-Ryan & Nina Amir & Mary E. Knippel

Stephanie Carroll & Anna-Marie McLemore & author-- scholarship benefactor Victoria Hudson & Lisa Mattson--photo by Platform-Building Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan











I saw Scott James aka Kemble Scott!  Scott is an inspiration and generous mentor in the publishing arena.

actor Will Southard & Elisa Sasa Southard of GO-with-Sasa celebrate SFWC--photo by Writers' Platform-Building Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan


actor Will Southard & author Elisa Sasa Southard 2012 Feb 17 photo by Story Consultant Teresa LeYung-Ryan

















Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan

“Reach out, not stress out, to materialize your dearest dreams!”
author of Build Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days: Attract Agents, Editors, Publishers, Readers, and Media Attention NOW

As editor/story consultant, Coach Teresa helps her clients polish their manuscripts by identifying themes and archetypes.

Her novel Love Made of Heart is used in college composition classes. Thank you, Teachers & Students!


to sneak preview the exercises for Day 1 & Day 2, go to Amazon books





San Mateo County Fairgrounds

1346 Saratoga Ave, San Mateo, CA 94403

Expo Hall, Fine Arts Galleria, Literary Stage

Will There Be Fun Programs for Writers and Readers at the San Mateo County Fair?

Yes! Yes! Yes!  Laurel Anne Hill and David Hirzel had led workshops this past weekend. You’ll see them again this weekend.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

5:00-6:00pm Audio-­book workshop with Kathy Garver!

Have you ever wondered how to find new markets for your writing project?
Do you want to find out more about how audio books are created?
Would you like to learn how to record the audio version of your book?

KATHY GARVER might be best known for her role as Cissy on the hit 60’s
TV show Family Affair, but she’s also an Audie Award winner for narrating books (An Audie is like the Oscar for audio narration).

Excerpts will be read from Kathy’s The Family Affair Cookbook. Visit Kathy’s website:

6:00-7:00pm Author Anna Booth

7:00-8:00pm Pacifica Poetry Forum

8:00-9:00pm Green Tea Band musical act

* * * * * * * * * *

FRIDAY, JUNE 17, 2011   4:00-9:00pm (5 hours of fun)

(30 minute mini-workshops – 4:00pm; 4:30pm; 5:00pm; 5:30pm )

Creativity Mentor Mary E. Knippel

Free Family Fun for ages 10 and up! Let’s Play!

• unleash your creative side
• meet your inner artist
• catch yourself having fun
Mary E. Knippel, writer, Creativity Mentor, speaker and workshop leader, conducts workshops on California’s beautiful San Mateo coast in which participants connect with their creativity, focus on fun, and pursue play as a proven method to de-stress and cope with life’s challenges. Mary will help workshop participants discover the secret of journal writing along with experiencing the magic that happens when bits of paper are infused with imagination.


an anthology of stories and poems to be read by the authors

Scheduled to present:
Lisa Meltzer Penn, Editor, Fault Zone: Words from the Edge
Ann Foster
James Hanna
Carole Bumpus
Linda Newman
Laurel Anne Hill
Ida Lewenstein
Darlene Frank
Bardi Rosman Koodrin, Literary Director, San Mateo County Fair



Teresa LeYung Ryan will show you how to gain name recognition, fans, and advocates BEFORE and AFTER publication.

As manuscript consultant and platform-building coach, Teresa LeYung-Ryan helps her clients identify themes, issues, and archetypes in their fiction and nonfiction books and choose the right publishing routes.  Coach Teresa’s motto: “Reach out, not stress out, when building your career.” She’s the author of Build Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days: Attract Agents, Editors, Publishers, Readers, and Media Attention NOW

Author Teresa LeYung Ryan uses Love Made of Heart to inspire adult-children of mentally-ill parents to speak openly about the stigmas and gain resources for their families.

Coach Teresa LeYung Ryan helps fiction and nonfiction writers build their platforms and fanbases


* * * * * * * * * *


1:00-2:00 Science Fiction/Fantasy Open Mic with author Laurel Anne Hill



TERESA LEYUNG RYAN‘s books will be available – please visit author BIRGIT SOYKA’s table

WOW WOMEN ON WRITING, Skyline College, annually hosts  Women on Writing (WOW), a festive literary event in early March that inspires creativity and celebrates community among writers and readers of all ages. Six dynamic WOW leaders will read original poetry and prose .
Participants include:
WOW founder Marijane Datson, coordinator Kathleen McClung, keynote speaker Li Miao Lovett, and ambassadors Georgia Gero, Lisa Melnick and Ellen Woods.

My apologies to those authors who were either added too late or did not respond in time for online PR.
Bardi Rosman Koodrin
Literary Director
San Mateo County Fair

To submit your comment to any post in my blog, click on the blue header (title bar) of the post and fill in the boxes; then be sure to click “submit comment” otherwise your comment will be lost and you’d have to fill in boxes again. I’d like to hear from you.

Coach Teresa, what happened at Asian Heritage Street Celebration?

Everyday is an adventure for us writers.  The AHSC street fair (on Larkin Street between Grove St. and Ellis St.) was yesterday May 21, 2011, 11:00am-6:00pm

Margie Yee Webb and I rendezvoused a bit after 8:00am at our booth to set up; we were assigned booth F-18 (the 300 block of Larkin St., just yards away from the Asian Art Museum).

Margie is a pro at staging–she brought strings of colorful paper lanterns, red table clothes, a pot of silk irises, California Writers Club literature, and her vibrant display of her gift book Cat Mulan’s Mindful Musings: Insight and Inspiration for a Wonderful Life.

I brought the blow-ups of our book covers; Margie had clips.

AHSC volunteers were friendly and helpful. Special thanks to Angela Pang of AsianWeek Foundation.

Patricia Tsang, M.D. was the third member of our booth.  Dr. Tsang’s book is Optimal Healing: A Guide to Traditional Chinese Medicine

The public couldn’t wait until 11:00am; they started browsing around 10:00am.

Here’s a partial list of delightful people I talked to:

Harvey of Eastwind Books of Berkeley told me he carries my novel Love Made of Heart and asked me to deliver a presentation at his store. I’d love to do that, and, also present my workbook Build Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days.

Beverly Lee wants to invite me, Margie and Patricia to her authors series at On Lok Senior Center.

Gemma Nemenzo invited us to exhibit our books at the Filipino American International Book Festival this year.

Mary Moreno gifted me a copy of Tao I: The Way of All Life (Soul Power series) by Dr. & Master Zhi Gang Sha.

Margie Yee Webb’s sister Pearl introduced me to Jeff Adachi, director of the  film You Don’t Know Jack: the Jack Soo Story.

Lucian Dang, ESL teacher, invited me to be a guest speaker on his online class.

Margie’s sisters Pearl, Linda, Anna, Betty, and her nieces and nephews came to cheer for us. Patricia’s former patients were delighted to see retired Dr. Tsang at the street fair.

Dear friend Jonathan came by with his bicycle and baked goods!

Mona!  What a surprise.  Inge Horton, fellow member of  Women’s National Book Association, showed up — what a treat!

Fred Glynn came by to show me his book Authors of the Bible .   Fred said he was on the Internet looking for information on Claudia Boutote of Harper One . . .  because I had “tagged” Claudia in my May 6, 2011 blog post, Fred found me through my blog !   My clients (if you’re reading this), are you smiling?  Don’t I always encourage you to spend time “tagging” on cyberspace?  Help your fans find you.

Elliotte Mao !!!  Elliotte trekked all the way from the mid-Peninsula.  CWC-SF Peninsula branch guest speaker was Scott James (aka Kemble Scott) and I would have been at that meeting if the street fair was another day.

More magic.  James Scott (not Scott James) and his partner Richard came by our booth.  James Scott illustrates architecture.  He demonstrated this talent for Margie, Patricia and me to see.

Writing Career Coach Teresa encourages illustrator James Scott to pursue grants



Renel!  The KISS 98.1 booth was directly across from our booth.  Here I am — a Renel fan.


Did Coach Teresa have fun?   Yes!  Being with colleagues, seeing friends, meeting folks who like to read and share the joy of reading, celebrating Asian American heritage, eating a Thai lunch, seeing the red dragon . . .

Writing Career Coach Teresa says: "Reach out not stress out"


Building your writer’s platform ought to be fun!”

I’m cheering for you!


Coach Teresa

Click on book cover to go to Amazon


Kim Randolph helps her clients promote their E-waste businesses so Coach Teresa dubs Kim "E-waste Liaison"



**    **   **



How do I publish an anthology?

Colleagues at California Writers Club (CWC) have done it, again and again–organized “calls for submission”, created guidelines for the selection process, found editors, identified endorsers, lined up experts for book covers, layout, index, publishers, marketing and distribution channels (all with the help of their platforms fanbases).

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The CWC SF/Peninsula branch anthology Fault Zone: Words from the Edge is on sale at Kepler’s Books and Magazines in Menlo Park, both in-store and online. The cost is $7.00.

To purchase online:

To purchase in-store: Kepler’s, 1010 El Camino Real, Menlo Park, CA 94025


Speaking of CWC San Francisco Peninsula branch–they meet at Belmont Library  . . . on May 21st, 2011, 10:00am–noon Scott James (a.k.a. Kemble Scott) will be speaking at that fabulous branch (yours truly is a member and past president).

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

CWC Redwood branch has 4 anthologies, about to publish their fifth. Their meetings are in Santa Rosa, CA.

Take a look at their wonderful anthologies too.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Kate Farrell is editor-in-chief for Wisdom Has a Voice: Every Daughter’s Memories of Mother

I’m about to read excerpts from the anthology before writing my advance praise.  Also,  I’m a fan of Kate Farrell’s literary works. Take a look at her young-adult novel Girl In the Mirror

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Cheers from

Writing Career Coach Teresa LeYung Ryan

To find out what a writer’s platform is and how to build yours and your fanbase, get Build Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days: Attract Agents, Editors, Publishers, Readers, and Media Attention NOW (paperback) $22.00 through




Thank you, producers of the series: Paula Hendricks of Cinnabar Bridge Communications and  Kevin O’Malley, Chairman of the Business and Leadership Forum at the Commonwealth Club!

Producers Paula Hendricks & Kevin O'Malley with panelists Elizabeth Block, Scott James, Teresa LeYung Ryan answer writers' questions about book publishing, promoting and marketing at The Commonwealth Club

Producers Paula Hendricks & Kevin O'Malley with panelists Elizabeth Block, Scott James, Teresa LeYung Ryan answer writers' questions about book publishing, promoting and marketing at The Commonwealth Club

Just found out that all three Self-Publishing: Tutorials from the Trenches programs from the Commonwealth Club were distributed as Podcasts and audio streaming:

Go here for links to downloads and direct streaming. You’ll have to search down the page to April 22, 2010 when they were first sent out. They’re in reverse order on the page:

Self-Publishing: Tutorials from the Trenches

Panel: Self-Publishing (Program 1) – Options, Directions and Resources

This program was recorded in front of a live audience in San Francisco at the Commonwealth Club of California on April 6, 2010


Lisa Alpine, Publisher, Good to Go Media; Co-author, Self-Publishing Boot Camp Workbook
Peter Beren, Literary Agent; Publishing Consultant; Author, The Writer’s Legal Companion
Carla King, Publisher, Good to Go Media; Social Media Consultant; Author, Miss Adventuring Series
Paula Hendricks, Founder and Book Designer, Cinnabar Bridge Communications; Author, September in Corrales  Moderator

Book publishing is undergoing a sea change. Come and participate in our dynamic and interactive three-part series covering all aspects of self-publishing, taught by front-line experts who have done it themselves and succeeded. What does it take to publish a book, and how do you choose which route to follow? Discover your options from traditional to cooperative to true self-publishing  with industry experts who’ve done it themselves.

* * *

Panel: Self-Publishing (Program 2) – The Nuts and Bolts of Making Books

This program was recorded in front of a live audience in San Francisco at the Commonwealth Club of California on April 12, 2010.


Lee Foster, Owner, Foster Travel Publishing; Author, The Photographer’s Guide to San Francisco
Joel Friedlander, Proprietor, Marin Bookworks; Blogger,
V. Vale, Publisher, RE/Search Publications; Founder, Search and Destroy
Paula Hendricks, Founder and Book Designer, Cinnabar Bridge Communications; Author, September in Corrales“ Moderator

Book publishing is undergoing a sea change. Come and participate in our dynamic and interactive three-part series covering all aspects of self-publishing, taught by front-line experts who have done it themselves and succeeded. What goes into making a book truly a book? What are the essentials of editing and page layout and how can they make or break you? Learn from an insider panel of experts about the critical design and production of your book and the ins and outs of available formats, from traditional to e-books and apps.

* * *
Panel: Self-Publishing (Program 3) – Book Sales and Marketing

This program was recorded in front of a live audience in San Francisco at the Commonwealth Club of California on April 19, 2010.

Scott James, Columnist, The New York Times; Author (aka Kemble Scott), SoMa, The Sower
Elizabeth Block, Author, A Gesture Through Time; Recipient, the Christopher Isherwood Foundation Fiction Fellowship
Teresa LeYung Ryan, Author; Writing Career Coach.  Love Made of Heart; Build Your Name, Beat the Game: Be Happily Published
Paula Hendricks, Founder and Book Designer, Cinnabar Bridge Communications; Author, September in Corrales

Book publishing is undergoing a sea change. Come and participate in our dynamic and interactive three-part series covering all aspects of self-publishing, taught by front-line experts who have done it themselves and succeeded. Bookstores are closing; newspaper book reviews are almost gone; and online options can be overwhelming. What’s an author or publisher to do?

Writing Career Coach Teresa LeYung Ryan (middle) thank Christina & Fernando at The Commonwealth Club for their gracious assistance

Writing Career Coach Teresa LeYung Ryan (middle) thank Christina & Fernando at The Commonwealth Club for their gracious assistance

THANK YOU, Paula Hendricks,  Kevin O’Malley, fellow panelists, and everyone at The Commonwealth Club!

Teresa LeYung Ryan

Build Your Name, Beat the Game: Be Happily Published is the 22 minutes for 22 days workbook.

authors Teresa LeYung Ryan, Scott James, Elizabeth Block speak about promoting creatively at the Commonwealth Club

authors Teresa LeYung Ryan, Scott James, Elizabeth Block speak about promoting creatively at the Commonwealth Club

Paula Hendricks, Kevin O'Malley, Elizabeth Block, Scott James aka Kemble Scott, Teresa LeYung Ryan help writers

Paula Hendricks, Kevin O'Malley, Elizabeth Block, Scott James aka Kemble Scott, Teresa LeYung Ryan help writers

Dear Paula Hendricks, Kevin O’Malley, Scott James, Elizabeth Block,

Gosh, let’s do a presentation entitled “How to get high from speaking at the Commonwealth Club

Paula & Kevin, thank you so much for creating the series–The DIY guide to getting your book on the shelves–Self-Publishing: Tutorials from the Trenches

Elizabeth & Scott, thank you for emitting “fun” energy; I had a blast being on the panel with you.

Saturday I’m presenting at the NCPA conference in Sacramento.

Teresa LeYung Ryan

Thank you to my friends/colleagues/mentors Yolande Barial, Sarbjit Rai, Bardi Rosman Koodrin and Boris Koodrin, and Michael Larsen for attending the event.

I wish every writer at the Commonwealth Club series a joyful writing/publishing journey.

Teresa LeYung Ryan says: “When you make your name synonymous with the themes/subject matters/issues in your writing, you are building your name/career/platform. You too can be happily published.”

Build Your Name, Beat the Game: Be Happily Published

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