Posts Tagged ‘Teresa LeYung Ryan’
2023 October 15, 16 California; Blog Post #622
Dear Readers,
I wish you vibrant health and happiness always.
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October 2023 marks the 21st anniversary of my mother-daughter novel LOVE MADE OF HEART
Written by Teresa LeYung-Ryan (now Teresa Jade LeYung)
In loving memory of Rita Leung (Yun Yuet Kwai), Yun Gim How, Yue Shue Ngun, Leung Tai Oy, Carmen Ryan, Lisa Craft, Angie Hu.
My deepest gratitude to everyone who has been supportive of my work.
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October 2023 marks the third anniversary of the delightfully illustrated children’s book
LITTLE HEROES OF BAY STREET: And How They Stay Strong in an Unhappy Home
Written by Maria Kawah Leung; Ilustrated by Maria Kawah Leung, Sandra Elyse Chavez, Maren Sleire Aasgaard
Dedicated to: Rita Yuet Kwai Yun and Pak Chung Leung
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These past weeks, while my nervous system is learning from Neuro Integration System (N.I.S.) treatments and Neuro Emotional Technique (NET) treatments from Dr. Jae Reed, D.C. and is continuing to learn from Chi Nei Tsang treatments from Stephanie Wilger, NC … watching / listening to these two British TV series written by Bob Larbey have given me much joy.
Bob Larbey wrote all 26 episodes of
British TV series 1981-1984 (starring Judi Dench as Laura; Michael Williams as Mike; Susan Penhaligon as Laura’s sister Helen; Richard Warwick as Helen’s husband Phil)
Thank you, YouTube channel users, for posting episodes
According to
Series Directed by
James Cellan Jones | … | (13 episodes, 1981-1982) |
Don Leaver | … | (13 episodes, 1983-1984) |
Graham Evans | … | (unknown episodes) |
Series Writing Credits
Bob Larbey | … | (by) (26 episodes, 1981-1984) |
Bob Larbey wrote 67 episodes of
British TV series 1992–2005 Judi Dench as Jean Pargeter; Geoffrey Palmer as Lionel Hardcastle; Moira Brooker as Jean’s daughter Judith; Philip Bretherton as Alistair (Lionel’s book publisher); Jenny Funnell as Sandy (Jean’s employee)
According to
Series Directed by
Sydney Lotterby | … | (67 episodes, 1992-2005) |
Series Writing Credits
Colin Bostock-Smith | … | (original idea) (66 episodes, 1992-2005) |
Colin Bostock-Smith | … | (based on an original idea by) (1 episode, 1997) |
Bob Larbey | … | (by) (67 episodes, 1992-2005) |
Thank you, Thinking Out Louder, for posting As Time Goes By | BBC RADIO DRAMA
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While on looking up writing credits for British TV series DOUBLE FIRST 1988 (Michael Williams as N.V. Standish) . . . a trailer of the movie EDUCATING RITA appeared.
Esmonde & Bob Larbey wrote DOUBLE FIRST
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Willy Russell wrote the stage play and screenplay EDUCATING RITA
(the movie – starring Michael Caine as Dr. Frank Bryant and Julie Walters as Rita/Susan; Michael Williams as Brian).
The name “Rita” carries precious symbolism for me and my sister.
“Educating Rita” – what better inspiration for me as I am being educated on what clear communication is between Brain and Body. Neuro Integration System (N.I.S.) treatments and Neuro Emotional Technique (NET) and Chi Nei Tsang treatments remove obstacles and let my Body repair itself the best way possible - naturally.
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I am grateful to these healers and to the folks who led me to them:
Stephanie Wilger, NC for Chi Nei Tsang, Breast Wellness, Nutrition
Dr. Jae Reed D.C. for Neuro Integration System (N.I.S.) and Neuro Emotional Technique (NET)
Amy Grace Lam, Ph.D.
Loduskia “Dusky” Pierce, MFT
Gilles Marin, master teacher and practitioner of Chi Nei Tsang
USA: France:
Marie-Christine Cornet in France:
Stephanie Doucette, M.S., L.Ac., Dipl. OM
Danielle Rosenman, M.D.
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Thank you for reading this blog post entitled: “Love Made of Heart; Little Heroes of Bay Street; A Fine Romance; As Time Goes By; Educating Rita”
Teresa Jade LeYung goes to Teresa Jade LeYung’s Blog
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Writing Coach Teresa says:
“I love helping writers identify the themes in their manuscripts to hook readers, and, build and fortify their platforms before and after publication. Reach out, not stress out.”
Love Made Of Heart ®
2023 September 6 (at dear Sabine’s serene home); updated September 28, 2023; updated October 9, 2023; updated Oct. 15, 16, 2023; updated December 10, 2023
This blog post could be “sticky” which means I have positioned the post as the “front page”
To read other posts, please click on the top left tab [ Home ] … then scroll down the screen …
And… to get a list of posts pertaining to a specific topic, please type keywords into the “Search for” box, then click on [Search]. After you get the list… click on a word in the title of the post to open the post.
Hello Everyone,
I wish you vibrant health!
Thanks to Everyone Who Cares About me, Healers, Books, Our Immune System, Our Beautiful Ever-Changing Brain, Our Internal Organs, Our Body and Vitality!
In August 2020 (which was five months into “Shelter In Place” in the county I lived in during the COVID pandemic), Shingles virus “woke up” in my body …oh the pain and the rash on one side of upper torso. Then after the blisters cleared, the hot pain stayed. This condition is called “postherpetic neuralgia”.
Luckily for me, through neuroplasticity coaching from Dr. Danielle Rosenman,
books by Norman Doidge, M.D.,
lectures by Professor Lorimer Moseley about the “role of pain”
and the workbook TRANSFORMING THE BRAIN IN PAIN: NEUROPLASTIC TRANSFORMATION by Dr. Michael H. Moskowitz and Dr. Marla D. Golden,
and, moral support from dear folks who care about me …
I was successful retraining my Brain to stop sending chronic pain signals to Body Tissue.
However the pain sensation morphed into a sticky damp heat sensation.
These symptoms then awakened another virus in my nervous system. Also, COVID-Vaccination worsened my condition.
My internal thermostat is stuck at an uncomfortable down right yucky setting. My immune system had needed to use heat when Shingles virus got activated; however, my system is still in “fight” mode three years later.
Illness leads to depression … a nasty loop.
This is what happens when our systems are “too aggressive” trying to protect us.
By the way – Shingles is caused by the varicella-zoster virus — the same virus that causes chickenpox. After a person has had chickenpox, the virus lies inactive in nerve tissue near the spinal cord and brain. Years later, the virus may reactivate as shingles.
The “memories” of viruses (keloid scars from Shingles rash a “convincing” reminder)… telling my systems to continue fighting. Body doesn’t forget anything!
Brain-Body worn out from fighting.
Fast forward…
Through receiving Neuro Integration System (N.I.S.) treatments and Neuro Emotional Technique (NET) treatments from a master-level practitioner who is a chiropractor – Dr. Jae Reed, D.C … my Body-Brain circuitry is learning how to reset and restore systems to harmony.
Through receiving Chi Nei Tsang treatments from a master-level practitioner – Stephanie Wilger, NC … my Body is sending direct communication to Brain.
Clear communication between Brain and Body REMOVES the obstacles, letting the Body repair itself the best way possible - naturally.
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Chi Nei Tsang translates as “internal organs chi transformation”.
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Thanks to the encouragement from the folks I care about and who care about me, I resume my work as a writer and story-consult and blogger, go to treatments, re-read books to learn about how hard the human body works, and, I turn depression into appreciating one moment at a time.
My Quest to Wellness by learning from Holistic Healers on how to receive and send instructions for what I call “Brain-Body peace talks”.
I am grateful to:
USA: France:
Stephanie Doucette, M.S., L.Ac., Dipl. OM
Danielle Rosenman, M.D. for neuroplasticity coaching
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I wish everyone vibrant health always!
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Here are the BOOKS!
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Thank you, dear Sue, for gifting me the book
Immune: A Journey into the Mysterious System That Keeps You Alive
by Philipp Dettmer, creator of the popular science YouTube channel “Kurzgesagt—In a Nutshell”
Page 62 of the book IMMUNE: A Journey into the Mysterious System That Keeps You Alive by Philipp Dettmer
“Inflammation is the universal response of your immune system to any sort of breach or damage or insult. No matter if you burn yourself, cut yourself, or get a bruise. No matter if bacteria or viruses infect your nose, lungs, or gut. No matter if a young tumor kills a few civilian cells by stealing their nutrients or you have an allergic reaction to a food, inflammation is the response. Damage or danger – PERCEIVED OR REAL – causes inflammation.”
Book description from the publisher:
“You wake up and feel a tickle in your throat. Your head hurts. You’re mildly annoyed as you get the kids ready for school and dress for work yourself. Meanwhile, an epic war is being fought, just below your skin. Millions are fighting and dying for you to be able to complain as you head out the door.
“But most of us never really stop to ask: What even is our immune system?
“Second only to the human brain in its complexity, it is one of the oldest and most critical facets of life on Earth. Without it, you would die within days. In IMMUNE, Philipp Dettmer, the brains behind the most popular science channel on YouTube, takes readers on a journey through the fortress of the human body and its defenses. There is a constant battle of staggering scale raging within us, full of stories of invasion, strategy, defeat, and noble self-sacrifice. In fact, in the time you’ve been reading this, your immune system has probably identified and eradicated a cancer cell that started to grow in your body.
“Each chapter delves into an element of the immune system, including defenses like antibodies and inflammation as well as threats like bacteria, allergies, and cancer, as Dettmer reveals why boosting your immune system is actually nonsense, how parasites sneak their way past your body’s defenses, how viruses work, and what goes on in your wounds when you cut yourself.
“Enlivened by engaging full-color graphics and immersive descriptions, IMMUNE turns one of the most intricate, interconnected, and confusing subjects — immunology — into a gripping adventure through an astonishing alien landscape. IMMUNE is a vital and remarkably fun crash course in what is arguably, and increasingly, the most important system in the body.”
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Thank you, dear Loduskia “Dusky” Pierce, MFT, for having introduced me to:
Dr. Norman Doidge’s first book –
The Brain That Changes Itself: Stories of Personal Triumph from the Frontiers of Brain Science
Dr. Norman Doidge’s second book –
The Brain’s Way of Healing: Remarkable Discoveries and Recoveries from the Frontiers of Neuroplasticity
Look for Dr. Doidge’s interviews on YouTube
Thank you, YouTube Channel User The Agenda | TVO Today for posting
“For a very long time scientists thought the brain was an organ beyond treatment. If something went wrong or if one was born with a deficit, the conclusion was ‘tough luck.’ Not so anymore. There are revolutionary techniques that can alleviate anything from chronic pain to Parkinson’s disease or Down syndrome. Dr. Norman Doidge lays it out in his book The Brain’s Way of Healing: Remarkable Discoveries and Recoveries from the Frontiers of Neuroplasticity. He’ll discuss this, and more, with Steve Paikin. ”
Dr. Norman Doidge explains:
“The Brain is NOT like a fixed hard-wired machine. The Brain changes it’s wiring – the word that describes this property is neuroplasticity. The Brain’s structure and functions can be changed by our activities and by our mental experiences.”
“Using energy to facilitate neuroplasticity for healing. The ancient word ‘hælan’ – to cure, to restore, to make whole again.”
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Thank you, dear LaH, for having introduced me to Master Teacher and Healer Gilles Marin!
Five Elements, Six Conditions – a Taoist Approach to Emotional Healing, Psychology, and Internal Alchemy
Gilles Marin is the Founder and Director of the Chi Nei Tsang Institute and School of Taoist Healing Energetics, California, USA
Co-directeur de l’institut de Chi Nei Tsang, Nice, FRANCE
TaoTouch: The art to help people heal, get rid of pain, and bring back vibrant health by reconciling self, soul and spirit while triggering emotional processing. This is done through a traditional Taoist monastic healing practice called Chi Nei Tsang, which works with deep and gentle abdominal touch to enhance health and vitality to the internal organs.
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Michael H. Moskowitz, MD & Marla D. Golden, DO
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Victoria Sweet, M.D.’s book SLOW MEDICINE The Way to Healing Over the years that Victoria Sweet has been a physician, “healthcare” has replaced medicine, “providers” look at their laptops more than at their patients, and costs keep soaring, all in the ruthless pursuit of efficiency.
Victoria Sweet, M.D. is the award-winning author of God’s Hotel: A Doctor, a Hospital, and a Pilgrimage to the Heart of Medicine.
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My blog post contains my notes from –
“Getting a grip on pain and the brain – Professor Lorimer Moseley – Successful Ageing Seminar 2013?
“What we now understand about pain.”
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Stephanie Wilger, N.C. recommends:
Taoist Meditation: The Six Healing Sounds – YouTube
“Detoxifying from Vaccines with Herbs, Fruits and Vegetables”
“COVID Raises Risk of Long-Term Brain Injury, Large U.S. Study Finds”
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I wish you and everyone around you – vibrant health, peace and happiness always!
Teresa Jade LeYung,
formerly Teresa LeYung-Ryan goes to Teresa Jade LeYung’s Blog
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Writing Coach Teresa says:
“I love helping writers identify the themes in their manuscripts to hook readers, and, build and fortify their platforms before and after publication. Reach out, not stress out.”
Love Made Of Heart ®
2023 July 30, 31 California USA
Bonjour, Everyone,
I wish you vibrant health, peace and laughter.
I wonder if Ms. Sylvia Beach, Mr. James Joyce, Mr. George Carlin, and Mr. Preston Sturges are teaching writing classes on Cloud Nine…
Thank you to all the YouTube channel users who posted these video files –
Sylvia Beach interview on James Joyce and Shakespeare & Company (1962)
Stephen Fry on Ulysses – James Joyce -
The World of James Joyce: His Life & Work documentary (1986)
George Carlin – Flying [Live from NYC ’92
George Carlin – rooting for the comet!
HBO George Carlin: Again! – Death and Dying
SULLIVAN’S TRAVELS the movie written and directed by Preston Sturges,
I wish Everyone vibrant health, peace and laughter.
Teresa Jade LeYung,
formerly Teresa LeYung-Ryan
Cheering for all writers, editors, publishers, lovers of books, movies, music, and all art forms. goes to Teresa Jade LeYung’s BlogWriting Coach Teresa says: “I love helping writers identify the themes in their manuscripts to hook readers, and, build and fortify their platforms before and after publication. Reach out, not stress out.”
Love Made Of Heart ®
Blog post #616
2022 October 1, California; October 3, 22:22
I, Teresa Jade LeYung (formerly Teresa LeYung Ryan), celebrate the 20th anniversary of my mother-daughter novel LOVE MADE OF HEART.
This is just the first of a series of Thank You as I continue celebrating LOVE MADE OF HEART and the kindhearted souls (teachers, librarians, booksellers, media folks, community leaders, friends and colleagues, mentors, readers and more readers) who have helped me speak up about:
– honoring courageous immigrants
– inspiring adult children of mentally ill parents to speak openly about the stigmas
– helping survivors of family violence find their own voices
– speaking from the heart
What does “love made of heart” mean?
In the Chinese written language … the word “heart” is inside the words “grace,” “forgiveness,” “perseverance,” “compassion.”
The word “heart” is inside the word “love”… one of the themes in my mother-daughter novel.
I shall dedicate the entire month of October to thank everyone who has helped me delivered my first novel into the world and all the readers. Many people have helped me but have never broadcast their kindness; I don’t know who they are; I thank everyone from my heart.

then Teresa LeYung Ryan, co-presenter with Elisa Sasa Southard and Kathi Kamen Goldmark at San Francisco Writers Conference - photo by Cheri Eplin 2004
Love Made of Heart: a Daughter, a Mother, a Journey Through Mental Illness,-a-Mother,-a-Journey-Through-Mental-Illness.html
I begin my thanks to:
My mother and all family members, and, the characters (Ruby Lin, Vivien Lin, Mrs. Nussbaum, Dr. Thatcher) who inspired my story.
The teachers who taught the 10-week course “Writing Children’s Literature” where I met critique group members Evelyn Miche, Cat (before she moved to Maine), Theresa Stephenson, Olga Malyj (who joined us for a few months).
To Kim McMillon who believed in me … way back when, long before I started writing. Dr. Kim McMillon, poet, activist, with over twenty years of experience producing theatre, is now an author and Black Arts Movement historian.
Everyone who orchestrated the 1997 Jack London Writers’ Conference, members at the California Writers Club and the Women’s National Book Association.
Everyone at East Bay Regional Park District (EBRPD) where I had a full-time job at headquarters; to my boss at the time – Robert Doyle – who said “yes” to my request for a 6-week leave-of-absence to complete one last rewrite of my manuscript.
Susan Canale (at EBRPD), Luisa Adams (author), Martha Alderson (author) for reading my last rewrite and giving criticism and praise.
Everyone at Regional Parks Botanic Garden when I got a transfer to a part-time position, especially my boss Steve Edward, Ph.D.
To my then spouse Lyle Ryan for supporting my decision to take a part-time position.
To literary super agent Stacey Glick (now VP at Dystel, Goderich & Bourret LLC) who said that my manuscript LOVE MADE OF HEART was the gem she had rescued from the slush pile.
To acquisition editor/director John Scognamiglio, president Steven Zacharius, publisher Laurie Perkin, art director Louis Malcangi, and everyone at Kensington Publishing Corp. in New York
To artist Linda Christensen for giving me a lovely author-photo.
To my sister (author Maria Kawah Leung) and all my friends who gave me courage to NOT hide behind the book.
To everyone who has “pitched” me to folks at their favorite libraries, book stores, groups, clubs, organizations, radio, TV, online programs … so that I could deliver the messages the themes in my book Love Made of Heart.
Thank you, Maria, for making Love Made of Heart birdhouse wind-chime.
Thank you, Claire Lomax, for handcrafting bookmarks that had my book cover and book spine on them.
Thank you, artist Chandra Garsson, for painting your rendition of the book cover onto my bookcase – one of my most cherished treasures. (attention-grabbing book cover that Louis Malcangi at Kensington Publishing Corp in New York had created)
Thank you, dear California Writers Club fellow-member, for gifting me your gorgeous Chinese robe which I have worn to many book events.
Thank you to all California Writers’ Club members!
Thank you to all Women’s National Book Association members!
Thank you, Elisa Sasa Southard, for teaching me how to create talking-points and talking-taglines, attention-grabbing press releases, memorable bios, and, how to have fun in the crazy world of book promoting!
More thanks to Elisa Sasa Southard, Margie Yee Webb, Luisa Adams, Martha Alderson, Angie Choi, Linda Joy Myers, Mary E. Knippel, Lynn Scott, and all the other talented and kindhearted authors who have co-presented with me since 2000.
Thank you, everyone, for reading and also buying Love Made of Heart for your friends, and, inviting your friends to my events, and for going to my events more than once.
Thank you, everyone, for writing reviews.
Thank you to the teachers / educators, including Professors Victor Turks, Miriam Queen, Patricia Costello, Dan Haytin, Sheryl Fairchild and their delightful students.
Thank you to each reader!
Publisher’s description of LOVE MADE OF HEART
The Chinese word for ‘love’ is made up of many brush strokes. In the center of the word ‘love’ is the word ‘heart.’ Love is made of heart…” Twenty-seven-year-old Ruby Lin has what many women envy: a beautiful apartment in one of San Francisco’s best neighborhoods, a busy social life, and a coveted position as manager of special events for the tony St. Mark Hotel. But it’s Ruby’s personal life that’s become unmanageable ever since the day her mother’s emotional breakdown forced Ruby to hospitalize her, shaming the family. Now, Ruby is caught in the crossroads between two vastly different cultures–one in which she is the American girl, raised on kitschy television shows and black-and-white movies, and one in which she is known only as Daughter, the eldest, fulfiller of responsibilities. In putting together the pieces of her mother’s life, Ruby finds herself exploring the wounds of her own past. Starting with a forbidden locked tin box and the yellowing photograph inside, Ruby embarks on a startling journey of self-discovery that takes her through a family history rife with violence, betrayal and loss that reaches back through generations, from China to America, and finally to the secret pain of a mother’s sacrifice. Like the Chinese calligraphy that adorns her walls, Ruby comes to see that “life is not a straight road, ” but a language drawn with many brush strokes, where every misunderstanding must yield to the simple message of the heart. Filled with warmth and wisdom, this luminous debut novel heralds the arrival of an exciting new voice in fiction as it explores the complex bonds between mothers and daughters, the choices that divide us, and the love that brings us home.
The above is book jacket text written by author Libba Bray for Kensington Publishing Corp. New York for my novel LOVE MADE OF HEART
In my blog posts of October 1, 2013 and November 29, 2013, I said:
“Thank you to authors Frank Baldwin, Carol Schaefer, Lydia Kwa, and Gus Lee for writing lovely advance praise for my book cover. I am so grateful!”
“Special thanks to Martha Alderson, Luisa Adams, Susan Canale, Elisa Sasa Southard, Margie Yee Webb, Kim McMillon, Vicki Weiland !”
“I thank powerhouse Stacey Glick (VP at Dystel & Goderich Literary Management) who found insightful acquisition editor John Scognamiglio (at Kensington Publishing Corp. New York) who guided my mother-daughter novel Love Made of Heart to the Sales Team, good-energy publisher Laurie Perkin, president Steven Zacharius, Debbie Tobias was Sales Director, Lou Malcangi was art director, by the way . . . booksellers do judge a book by its cover, Libba Bray, who is now a New York Times bestselling author of young adult books, for book jacket copy, Jacquie Edwards for copy editing, marketing team, production team, Jessica in Sales, Michelle who was Webmaster,and EVERYONE at Kensington and their associates, especially Nancy Suib & Anne Shulenberger, and Kensington Publishing Corp.’s superstars Lydia Kwa, Jeanne Wakatsuki Houston, Mary B. Morrison, Mary Monroe, Carl Weber . . .
If not for these people, I would not have had the opportunity to experience the publishing industry from the author’s perspective . . . which then gave me the credentials to talk about “who” really is the most qualified person to build the author’s platform and fanbase.
Author’s Note to Reader on the last page of LOVE MADE OF HEART
Thank you for letting me share Ruby Lin’s story with you. Many readers have asked me what the characters in the novel have done for me. My answer is this: I’ve learned that behind every face is a compelling story.
Please remember me as a writer who says YES! to compassion for mental illness and NO! to domestic violence and child abuse.
Who is Mrs. Nussbaum? She lives in all our hearts. Just as we have the “child within,” we also have the “wise elder within.” May you always embrace your compelling story and allow your Mrs. Nussbaum to embrace you.
Teresa LeYung Ryan (now Teresa Jade LeYung)
Happy 48th anniversary to Kensington Publishing Corp in New York! says:
“2022 marks Kensington Publishing Corp’s 48th year in business, and it is one of the last remaining independent U.S. publisher of hardcover, trade and mass market paperback books. From the time our very first book (Appointment in Dallas by Hugh McDonald), became a bestseller, Kensington has been known as an astute and determined David-vs.-Goliath publisher of titles in the full spectrum of categories, from fiction and romance to health and nonfiction. In addition to the close to 500 new books, the company releases through its diverse imprints per year, it has a backlist of more than 5,000 titles. Kensington is considered a leader and innovator in such areas of publishing as African-American, cozy mysteries, westerns, and of course, romance.”
Love Made of Heart:
– a 2002 nominee of the Asian American Literary Awards
– recommended by the California School Library Association and the California Reading Association
– used in Women in Psychology, First-Year Composition college course, Advanced Composition English-as-a-Second-Language classes
– read by students at Stanford University, U.C. Berkeley, San Francisco State University, City College of San Francisco, City College of Sacramento, Lowell High School, and many other wonderful institutions
– archived at the San Francisco History Center
– available at public libraries
This is just the first of a series of Thank You as I continue celebrating LOVE MADE OF HEART and the kindhearted souls (teachers, librarians, booksellers, media folks, readers and more readers) who have helped me speak up about:
NO to domestic violence and child abuse!
YES to kindness and compassion with mental illness!
YES to speaking from the heart!
I wish everyone wellness, kindness, happiness!
Teresa Jade LeYung
Story Theme Consultant / Photo Historian / Author / Public Library and Public School Advocate goes to Teresa’s Blog
Writing Coach Teresa Jade LeYung says: “I love helping writers identify the themes in their manuscripts to hook readers, and, build and fortify their platforms before and after publication. Reach out, not stress out.”
Love Made Of Heart ®
2022 June 26, 21:18; June 27, 01:00; June 28, 13:00, 23:16 California
Teresa Jade LeYung here saying “Thank you, Kim McMilllon, Ph.D., for having children’s book author Maria Kawah Leung on your show “Writers On Writing”. You both are Heroines / Heroes!”
To watch the 39-minute interview
Maria Kawah Leung is the author of the delightfully illustrated book
LITTLE HEROES OF BAY STREET: And How They Stay Strong In An Unhappy Home
which is endorsed by Hannah Yeoh who is a Member of Parliament in Malaysia.
The main characters in LITTLE HEROES OF BAY STREET are Mia (a little girl) and her Happy Dog (who is much much more than a stuffed animal)
Kim McMillon asks: “Maria, why did you write your book?”
At the first words, Maria Kawah Leung shows courage …
Maria: “Kim, I’m very much honored… because I am a behind-the-scenes kind of person, but, because of my book Little Heroes of Bay Street, it’s important for me to get the message out there… about domestic violence.”
Maria: “Happy Dog has been my best friend since I was 6 years old. He helped me survived watching my father abuse my mother. When I was little, and this was happening, I thought that my family was the only one in the entire world that this was happening to. So, it was very scary. And I felt very lonely. It wasn’t until I was an adult that I found out that other families had the same situation….”
Maria: “I wanted to de-stigmatize this issue [domestic violence], so that people don’t think it’s something that happens ‘to those kinds of people’. It happens everywhere, all cultures, all social economic statuses. I want to raise awareness. Especially for the children. And the mothers. That’s why I wrote a children’s book. Whereas my sister [ Teresa Jade LeYung] wrote an adult novel Love Made Of Heart.”
Kim: “The books you and your sister write help community, families, helping people understand just how prevalent and how dangerous domestic violence is.”
Maria: “I wish I had a book like this when I was little. That’s why I wrote it. For the children. For the teachers to be aware. No teacher was ever aware that I was going through all this pain. I didn’t act out in school. It’s not like I brought attention to myself.”
Maria: “I’m hoping that through my book… that every teacher would get a copy… and school counselors… nurses… so that they can be aware, and, look out for signs, and reach out to these children.”
Maria: “It’s NOT an easy thing. It’s NOT an easy thing for a teacher to approach the parents. Because of feeling ashamed. I felt ashamed when I was abused. I thought people were going to say ‘She must be stupid or uneducated’ or ‘ she brought it onto herself’. You have to be brave and confront the parents so that they can seek help.’
Kim asks Maria about Happy Dog …
Maria: I was 6 years old, my brother Vitus was 10. My brother had asked our parents to get Happy Dog for me…. At the store, my brother saw him [Happy Dog] on the top shelf. One of a kind. No tags. Nothing. I think he’s an alien from somewhere. There he was, already kind of tattered… people must have played with him. His arm already needed sewing.”
(please watch/listen to the interview to find out who Happy Dog is a successor of)
To watch the 39-minute interview
Maria: “A few years ago, artist Chandra Garsson, a dear friend of my sister Teresa’s, gave him [Happy Dog] … would you say botox? New lips altogether. Thanks to Chandra, he looks brand new.”
Maria: “Maybe I didn’t publish the book until now… because I wrote it ten years ago… because I felt ashamed that I grew up in a family with violence and that I also experienced it myself [when I was an adult] … that people might think I’m childish because I still cherish my childhood toy. Now I’m old enough to realize I don’t care what other people think. It’s a healthy thing for children to have somebody or some thing to make them feel safe… to go to their happy place.”
Kim: “I remember your mother. She was extraordinary beautiful. [ Rita ] I had great admiration for her.”
Maria: (holds up photo of herself and Happy Dog with her mother) “My mother was dying of metastasized breast cancer in 1999… Yes, she’s beautiful. Powerful. And she’s a powerful guardian angel now.”
Maria: “I’m not trying to tell happy children in happy homes that they should know about all these horrible things that happen in the world. But if it’s a friend in the classroom… you want to help that friend.”
Maria: (showing audience pages from her book; pages 22 and 23 where Ms. Chavez tells Mia that it is not Mia’s job to make her parents happy. )
Maria talks about the illustration on page 22 – about the pictures of the two people on the classroom wall. “… my real life fourth grade teacher, I loved her, but she didn’t see any signs that I needed help. But she was a wonderful teacher. And that’s my friend Mayhar A. Amouzegar, provost at University of New Orleans. He has published several novels. And he writes nonfiction for his work. All these inspirational people in my life.”
Kim: “I found your book so inspirational. I love it. It’s so important. I felt it was healing for you, pouring out that experience, that it could help another person. I thought that was beautiful.”
Maria: “If I can reach as many children as possible and help them heal … when children witness violence at a young age….”
Kim: “When I saw your book was out, I was so proud of you, Maria. I just adore you and I’m so happy that you’re doing so great for the world. I do believe helping people to overcome issues is one of the greatest things, in service to others, so, thank you for so much service to others.”
Maria: “During lockdown of this pandemic, domestic violence has skyrocketed…. Please reach out to people because it’s scary for everybody, this pandemic. There’s fear, there’s hatred, it’s a scary time. Help the families out there now.” has resources for families in USA and Malaysia
To watch the 39-minute interview
Please help LITTLE HEROES OF BAY STREET get into all branches of public libraries
Where to purchase Maria’s book: LITTLE HEROES OF BAY STREET: And How They Stay Strong In An Unhappy Home
The book is available in 3 formats - Hard cover; paperback; ebook – written in 2 languages – English and Chinese (simplified characters).
Soon the book will also be available in Spanish and Bahasa Malaysia.
Amazon Paperback edition
Amazon E-Book edition
BookDepository Paperback
BookDepository Hardcover
Barnes & Noble Paperback
Barnes & Noble NOOK e-book

children's book author Maria_Kawah_Leung_inscribes_Litttle_Heroes_of_Bay_Street_to_her_sister_Teresa
To watch the 39-minute interview
Educator, children’s book author, children’s advocate Maria Kawah Leung says:
“Creating my book LITTLE HEROES OF BAY STREET to help children feel that they are not alone has been a life-long goal. Empowering children to overcome obstacles is my passion.”
Dr. Kim McMillon, thank you again for having Maria Kawah Leung and Happy Dog on your show.
Maria, Happy Dog and Mia, thank you for being so brave. YOU are all beautiful and mighty Heroes!
Everyone, thank you for reading my blog post:
“Educator, children’s book author, children’s advocate Maria Kawah Leung says “Domestic Violence Awareness is about Helping the Families”
I wish you peace and wellness always!
Teresa Jade LeYung
Proud sister of Maria Kawah Leung and proud auntie of Happy Dog
Story Theme Consultant / Photo Historian / Author / Public Library and Public School Advocate goes to Teresa Jade LeYung’s Blog
Writing Coach Teresa Jade LeYung says: “I love helping writers identify the themes in their manuscripts to hook readers, and, build and fortify their platforms before and after publication. Reach out, not stress out.”
Love Made Of Heart ®
“MIT new study – Time spent indoors increases risk of COVID at 6 feet or 60 feet…”
Teresa Jade LeYung’s Blog post number 612
2022 March 10, 20:01 California USA
Amended 2022 March 12, 19:14; amended 2022 March 19, 13:09
A thousand bows to Dr. Amy Grace Lam for the two statements that contain words to awaken a new healing path in me:
“My body gets attention when it is sick.” “My body gets ignored when it is well.”
That behavioral pattern (giving/receiving care; NOT giving/receiving care) was the norm in our family – my father would turn off his rage and my mother would turn off her anguish when one of us kids got sick – getting sick meant receiving quiet and caring attention.
Ever since the outbreak of Shingles* virus on my body in 2020 … my Brain has been “overprotecting” body tissue by sending pain (in the initial months) and then other unpleasant sensations (since 2021) as a way of getting my attention, thus, reinforcing the pattern “my body gets attention when it is sick”.
I have created a new pattern to practice: “My body gets my attention in health and in sickness”
(Interesting … my Body deserves the vows spoken on one’s wedding day: ” … from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part ….”)
[ * Shingles is caused by the varicella-zoster virus — the same virus that causes chickenpox. After a person has had chickenpox, the virus lies inactive in nerve tissue near the spinal cord and brain. Years later, the virus may reactivate as shingles. ]
The word “pray” used to turn on my skepticism. So did other words.
Then I learned how to listen. And to ask questions. And to listen some more….
Now I use some of those words myself – to wish for wellness.
My reaction to words had prolonged illness, again and again. I would get on a healing path, then would fall off the road. It’s only these recent years that I’ve learned to listen to my own Body and the symptoms, and, speak words that inspire radiant health.
The tools came from my dear housemate, friends, sister, certain relatives, mentors, writers, artists, musicians, and, from these extraordinary healers – Dr. Amy Grace Lam (vibrational energy coach); Marie-Christine Cornet (now in France – Chi Nei Tsang and Somatic Experience practitioner); Gilles Marin (master practitioner and teacher, author, director of the Chi Nei Tsang Institute, California) – I am honored to be Gilles’s manuscript consultant for his fourth book; Stephanie Doucette, M.S., L.Ac., Dipl. OM (California Licensed Acupuncturist and Clinical Herbalist); and all the other healers referenced in my blog posts.
Here are some words spoken by healers Dr. Amy Grace Lam, Gilles Marin, Stephanie Doucette that I’ve learned to decipher in my quest for wellness. I first heard some of these words from poet / playwright / Black Arts Movement Historian Kim McMillon, Ph.D. more than 35 years ago:
* Five Elements – Earth, Air, Water, Fire, Wood
* Longevity, Vitality, Balance, Harmony
* Radiant Health
* Organs, Organ System – Liver, Kidney, Spleen
* What is Damp Heat, Slippery Pulse, Stagnation
* Chi (Qi), Meridians, Channels
* Yin, Yang, Deficiency, Wind
* Meditation, Chakras, Inhale, Exhale, Breathing
A thousand bows to Dr. Amy Grace Lam for the two statements that contain words to awaken a new healing path in me:
“My body gets attention when it is sick.”
“My body gets ignored when it is well.”
There is much suffering on our planet – COVID pandemic; everyone in and near the Ukraine.
The vibrant wellness I want for myself is what I wish and what I pray for everyone, near and far.
For Everyone – Total Healing, Radiant Health, Balance and Harmony, Joy and Loving Kindness
Thanks to Dr. Amy Grace Lam … here’s Steve Nobel’s
MEDITATION Golden-Citrine Angelic Light Transmission: Clearing and Uplifting the Solar Plexus Chakra
AFFIRMATIONS: Radiant Health
And, thank you to all benevolent Angels!
For other posts related to our Beautiful Brains, Pain, and Neuroplasticity in my blog … If you scroll to top of page, look at right side of screen, you’ll see the category “Beautiful Brains Neuroplasticity”. Please click on that category to get all my blog posts pertaining to the topic.
Teresa Jade LeYung
Story Theme Consultant / Photo Historian / Author / Public Library and Public School Advocate goes to Teresa Jade LeYung’s Blog
Writing Coach Teresa Jade LeYung says: “I love helping writers identify the themes in their manuscripts to hook readers, and, build and fortify their platforms before and after publication. Reach out, not stress out.”
Love Made Of Heart ®
“MIT new study – Time spent indoors increases risk of COVID at 6 feet or 60 feet…”
January 3, 2020
To Everyone,
Happy New Year !
I wish you excellent health, wonderment, and 20/20 vision to peace!
Teresa Jade LeYung
The Water Garden at Giverny – Claude Monet’s Water Lily Pond – photo by Teresa Jade LeYung
- Lady Liberty at Musée d’Orsay, Paris, France – photo by Teresa Jade LeYung

Oh my! An Eiffel Tower Christmas tree (Thank you to the folks who displayed this) in Berkeley, California - photo by Linda A. Harris
For other posts in my blog, please go to:
If you’re looking for my blog posts pertaining to our Beautiful Brains and Neuroplasticity… look at right side of screen, you’ll see the category “Beautiful Brains Neuroplasticity”. Please click on that category to get those posts.
published December 14, 2019
Reading Victoria Sweet, M.D.’s new book SLOW MEDICINE The Way to Healing and watching/listening to Carole King (“A Conversation with Carole King” – Veteran journalist Mike Barnicle talks to Ms. King about her memoir A NATURAL WOMAN at John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum on April 12, 2012) motivated my completing Part 2 of Author Teresa Jade LeYung’s New Monologue “What The Man In 17-B Wanted”
In my blog post my father was coping with his circumstances – as a reluctant resident at a nursing home.
This is what happened in November and December 2018.
Remember that piece of paper that I needed to fill out for the nursing home staff? The one about naming a mortuary. Every resident must fill out that form
Well, there is another form to deal with – “Notice to Terminate Lease” - the agreement between my father and the apartment building property management – that a tenant must give up his lease after six months of absence and vacate his apartment.
I waited for a “good” day to show this second document to my father. Only his signature would be accepted by the property manager. That day, Papa appeared to be cheerful, the sun was shining. I said to him: “Papa, remember you went to the hospital in July? You’re safe here with nurses and CNAs who care about you. Your Social Security money is paying for you to be here. There is no money to pay for your apartment too. Also, the lease says that you have to give up the apartment by end of December. I will help you. Don’t worry. I’ll take care of everything. You just have to sign this paper. Okay?”
He signed. I don’t know what happened after I said “Goodnight” to him. He probably cried when no one was watching.
What I didn’t have the heart to tell him was that every object which represented his life had to go away – to a storage unit , to a recycling center, or to the dump. If not for my brother’s first wife and four other precious friends, I wouldn’t have been strong enough to take on this job.
What irony for a writer – I (narrator) wanted to give my father (protagonist) what he wanted (to be able to return to the place he called “home”) but he was a fall risk and could no longer live alone. Because he was relying on me to be his advocate, and, because he didn’t get what he wanted most, he probably viewed me as an obstacle as well.
Like the son in the movie Garbo Speaks (written by Larry Grusin), I was the daughter who was worn out chasing after something that seemed impossible to obtain.
Back to that first piece of paper that I needed to fill out for the nursing home staff.
I need to do the right thing when Papa dies. Mrs. Chu, the oldest resident at the nursing home, is 107! My father is only 85. He has a long way to go.
Does my father want to be buried or cremated? He won’t talk about illness, certainly not about funeral. I cannot read his mind.
Thanks to Dr. Amy Grace Lam who said to me “Teresa, you will get your answer not by asking your father but by finding the right person to ask your father.”
The right person would be someone who speaks fluent Cantonese and is the archetype to ask such a question.
On the day when all three Cantonese-speaking team members (nurse, social worker, chaplain) showed up at the nursing home to meet my father and me, Amy Grace Lam’s words replayed in my head.
I showed Chaplain Yuen the piece of paper and told him: “I want to honor my father’s body and need to know what he wants.”
I did not need to explain any further; the chaplain nodded, and took the paper from my hand.
While he was chatting with my father, I stepped aside to talk to the nurse and social worker.
Fifteen minutes later, I hear Chaplain Yuen telling my father that he would visit again. As though a director was in the room and we were all rehearsing a scene, a CNA comes into the room to distract my father. The chaplain says to me: “Your father wants burial, not cremation.” The social worker tells me that she’ll get me a list of mortuaries which will include those catering to families of Chinese heritage.
I got what I wanted – the answer to my question. What more can a daughter ask for.
I wish you, dear Reader, excellent health.
For other posts in my blog, please go to:
If you’re looking for my blog posts pertaining to our Beautiful Brains and Neuroplasticity… look at right side of screen, you’ll see the category “Beautiful Brains Neuroplasticity”. Please click on that category to get those posts.
Teresa Jade LeYung
As a story theme consultant, award-winning writer, and platform-building coach for pre-published and published authors, Writing Coach TERESA JADE LEYUNG empowers her clients to identify their core themes in their manuscripts and career mapping.
TERESA JADE LEYUNG (formerly Teresa LeYung-Ryan) is the author of:
Love Made Of Heart
Build Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days: Attract Agents, Editors, Publishers, Readers, and Media Attention NOW
Talking to My Dead Mom monologues
October 28, 2019 , 00:13, 18:50, 20:34 Paris times
November 5, 2019, 12:00pm; November 6, 2019, 4:33am California time
To Everyone Who Has Helped Me or Someone I Care About,
Acts of kindness come in countless forms, oftentimes given anonymously.
I thank all of you from the bottom of my heart.
This blog post containing images of Parc Monceau, 8th arrondissement, Paris, France is to Thank You, the benevolent angels in all realms.
Today, October 28, 2019, my plan was to walk through Parc Monceau (enter at the grand gate at Avenue Van Dyck, exit at the grand gate at Avenue Velasquez). Well, Beauty distracted me. Twenty-eight minutes later, I realized I had walked a circle.
That is what I wish for you – may Beauty be with you always – may She lead you to where you need to go or come back to.
** Marie-Christine Cornet says: "I offer a body-based approach for healing and wellness. I believe that any step towards healing is a step towards evolution." photo by Teresa Jade LeYung
All photographs taken by Teresa Jade LeYung on October 19, 24, 28, 2019, Parc Monceau, Paris, France
“Merci beaucoup to You,” says Story Theme Consultant Teresa Jade LeYung
(formerly known as Teresa LeYung-Ryan).
For other posts in my blog, please go to:
If you’re looking for my blog posts pertaining to our Beautiful Brains and Neuroplasticity… look at right side of screen, you’ll see the category “Beautiful Brains Neuroplasticity”. Please click on that category to get those posts.
As a story theme consultant, award-winning writer, and platform-building coach for pre-published and published authors, Writing Coach Teresa Jade LeYung empowers her clients to transform their dearest dreams into reality. Whether Teresa is in Paris, France or California USA, she helps writers identify their core themes.
Saturday, February 16, 2019, 11AM – 3PM
at Chinese Historical Society of America in San Francisco, CA
Stepping Into Your Story: Artmaking to Access Your Identity
Workshop with visual artist / curator/ teacher Cynthia Tom
Go to and click on [ BUY TICKETS ]

Cynthia Tom, visual artist / curator/ teacher / founder of A PLACE OF HER OWN
Chinese Historical Society of America
965 Clay St., San Francisco, California 94108
Seating is limited – admission to Cynthia Tom’s workshop on February 16, 2019 includes entry to CHSA galleries & exhibits.
$15; $10 for Seniors over 62 and students with ID
Dress to be a little messy, collage workshop and lecture.
Go to and click on [ BUY TICKETS ]
“Stepping Into Your Story: Artmaking to Access Your Identity”
with visual artist Cynthia Tom
Who are you? Why are you here and what for?
We provide an experiential workshop using intuitive artmaking techniques to access your inner stories in order to begin or continue your journey. In this workshop, using hands-on artmaking we begin to Explore, through discussion we learn how to Identify, and see how others Claim and use art to Proclaim their identity for healing and social change in the community. Our identity is forged by many seen and unseen forces. Take the time to discover, define and direct who you are with love and intention. While we can’t write your story in four hours, we can provide you with experiential and creative tools and next steps in defining and owning the power of You.
For Cynthia Tom’s website:
For Cynthia Tom’s A PLACE OF HER OWN: