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My feisty friend Marisa died this morning. At 3:00am pst she left for her “Mountain Lake” where she’ll dance, swim, and sun herself again. Marisa introduced me to Ashleigh Brilliant quotes http://www.ashleighbrilliant.com/ (“IF I’M NOT HOME, ACCEPTING WHAT I CAN’T CHANGE, I’M PROBABLY OUT, CHANGING WHAT I CAN’T ACCEPT.” was one of her favorites); also, she shared Aikido wisdom. . . (“FALL, ROLL, AND GET UP SAFELY” was/is one of my favorites). I’ve met other remarkable people through Marisa–her sisters and other family members, her friends, and her son Mikko who inspired me to give thanks to the food I get to eat everyday; her caregivers during her transition are compassionate and beautiful spirits too.
To the ancient Maya, Earth was the cosmic turtle http://today.brown.edu/articles/2010/04/maya-art When I visited my sister and brother-in-law, I saw the exhibit “Fiery Pool: The Maya and the Mythic Sea” at the Peabody Essex Museum in Salem, MA.
Dear Marisa a.k.a. Mountain Lake Turtle (Friend to all Cats), I wish you safe and joyful adventures at your mountains and lakes.
Much love from Teresa