Posts Tagged ‘2015’
Eclectic California Writers Club Sacramento Branch Members Celebrate 90 Years of Dedication helping members in the craft of writing and in the marketing of their work.

California Writers Club Sacramento Branch President Margie Yee Webb shows Writing Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan the lovely program (for October 17, 2015) designed by Vice President Mary Martinez
California Writers Club — Sacramento Branch
1925 — 2015 Celebrating 90 Years
Saturday, October 17, 2015 11:00AM-1:30PM
RSVP Requested
Speaker: Laurie McLean
The Message You Won’t Get Elsewhere: Tips for Thriving in the Publishing Revolution
Join us for cake, balloons, vintage slideshow and music, fantastic door prizes and surprise guest speakers.
Cheers to President Margie Yee Webb, Vice President Mary Martinez, Secretary Beth Mora, Treasurer Robert E. Cooper, Board Members Steve Liddick and Anthony Villanueva, and all fellow members!
- Cost is $17 for CWC members, $20 for nonmembers
- The meeting fee includes lunch and beverage
- Cattlemens Restaurant, 12409 Folsom Blvd., Rancho Cordova, CA

California Writers Club Sacramento Branch Inaugural Meeting on October 31, 1925 - historic photo used on the lovely program (90th anniversary on October 17, 2015) designed by Vice President Mary Martinez
Cheers to California Writers Club and California Writers Week!!
Writing Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan
Author & Fanbase-Building Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan says: “Reach out, not stress out. Enjoy your writer’s journey.”
Dear Writers & Readers,
Please tell friends about San Mateo County Fair in California. One more day of events for writers and readers on Saturday June 13, 2015, 1:00-6:00pm.
Go to the Expo Hall at the San Mateo County Fair, then head for Fine Arts Galleria (“4″ on map), then Literary Stage (stage is inspired by Bardi Rosman Koodrin, built by Boris Koodrin).
June 13, 2015 Authors Day; programs for Writers & Readers at San Mateo County Fair, California
1:00-2:00 readings by:
Laurel Anne Hill, Marjorie Johnson, Sam Kauffman, Diane Lee Mooney, Teresa LeYung-Ryan, Emerian Rich, Sumiko Saulson, Margie Yee Webb
2:00-4:00 Authors selling and signing books:
Getty Ambau, Prudence Brietrose, Mary F. Burns, Jo Carpignano, Valerie Estelle Frankel, Yvetta “Doll” Franklin, Stanley David Gedzelman, Jeannine Gerkman, Dorsetta Hale, Laurel Anne Hill, Marjorie Bicknell Johnson, Sam Kauffman, Chris Lamela, Winifred McCaffrey, Richard McCallum, Claire Mack, Diane Moomey, Jill Pipkin, Emerian Rich, Teresa LeYung-Ryan, Sumiko Saulson, Judith Shernock, Shulamit Sofia, Margie Yee Webb, Wendell H. Williams, Gisela Zebroski
4:00-6:00 “Writers Helping Writers” Panel including:
Jeannine Gerkman, Teresa LeYung-Ryan, Marjorie B. Johnson, Emerian Rich, Margie Yee Webb, Mary F. Burns, Sam Kauffman, Richard McCallum, moderator Laurel Ann Hill and click on “Literary Arts on Fine Arts Stage” tab
Teresa LeYung-Ryan aka Writing Coach Teresa who teaches writers how to transform their email signature-blocks, photos, videos, social media, website/blog descriptions into platform statements . . . to attract target audience/readers/fans . . . before and after publication. and
She is the creator of:
- classes, including:
- *For Theme’s Sake: Edit Your Own Manuscript Before Pitching to Agents or Self-Publishing
- *Heroes, Tricksters, and Villains – What Do These Archetypes Want in Your Story World?
- *
- Immigrant Experience Writing Contest
- *
- interactive presentations, including:
- *Help Your Fans Find YOU
- *Build & Retrofit Your Writer’s Platform
the author of:
- Build Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days: Attract Agents, Editors, Publishers, Readers, and Media Attention NOW (workbook);
- *
- Love Made of Heart: a Daughter, a Mother, a Journey Through Mental Illness (novel used in college classes and archived at the San Francisco History Center);
- *
- “Talking to My Dead Mom Monologues” (the first monologue received an award from Redwood 10-Minute Play Contest and was staged at the 6th Street Playhouse in Santa Rosa, CA);
- *
- her blog (which attracts tens of thousands of writers) at helps writers build their platforms before and after publication
and a proud member of:
- California Writers Club (3 branches! And a past president of the San Francisco Peninsula Branch); and a recipient of the Jack London Award for outstanding service to California Writers Club;
- *
- Women’s National Book Association-San Francisco Chapter (a past board member).
For Writers and Readers!
Literary Stage events June 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13, 2015
California Writers Club Members – at Literary Stage, Fine Arts Galleria, Expo Hall, San Mateo County Fair 2015
California Writers Club Members – “Writers Helping Writers” panel – at Literary Stage, Fine Arts Galleria, Expo Hall, San Mateo County Fair 2015, San Mateo Event Center, CA

"Writers Helping Writers" panel - Audrey Kalman, Lisa Meltzer Penn, Tory Hartmann, Laurel Anne Hill, Margie Yee Webb - Literary Stage, Fine Arts Galleria, San Mateo County Fair June 6, 2015, 3pm-4pm - photo by Shelley Buck
“Due to illness, I had to miss the ‘Writers Helping Writers’ panel on the Literary Stage with colleagues on June 6, 2015. Dear pal Margie Yee Webb (a panelist) had her friendly camera; she asked Shelley Buck to take photos of the panel. Writers helping writers; friends helping friends. My gratitude to friends and colleagues. Margie even got me a copy of Carry the Light the anthology inspired by Bardi Rosman Koodrin, Literary Director at San Mateo County Fair-Fine Arts Galleria.” Sincerely, Teresa LeYung-Ryan
SATURDAY, JUNE 6, 2015, 3:00-4:00 P.M. Fine Arts Galleria, San Mateo County Fair
Audrey Kalman has been writing since she was old enough to hold a pen. She published the novel Dance of Souls in 2011. Her next novel will be published by Sand Hill Review Press. She edited two volumes of Fault Zone, an annual anthology of California writers, and is at work on another novel.
Lisa Meltzer Penn is the founding editor of the edgy Fault Zone anthology series, worked in New York publishing, and is finishing a novel. Lisa loves to work deep into the bones of a story to help writers make their work the best it can be.
Tory Hartmann, Panel Moderator: Managing Editor, Parenting on the Peninsula; Editor at Sand Hill Review Press; Award-winning author of short fiction and nonfiction. “I’ve always been a writer,” Tory says.
Laurel Anne Hill‘s award-winning novel, Heroes Arise, was published in 2007. Her publication credits also include over 25 short stories, most recently in Fault Zone, Tales of Fortannis, How Beer Saved the World, and Shanghai Steam, as well as various short nonfiction pieces. More at
Margie Yee Webb is author/photographer of Cat Mulan’s Mindful Musings: Insight and Inspiration for a Wonderful Life, co-creator of Not Your Mother’s Book . . . On Cats and producer of FEMME: Women Healing the World. She is VP of California Writers Club and President of CWC Sacramento Branch.
Teresa LeYung-Ryan creator of “Immigrant Experience Writing Contest” and For Theme’s Sake: Edit Your Own Manuscript Before Pitching or Self-Publishing (workshops), is author of Build Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days (workbook) and Love Made of Heart: a Daughter, a Mother, a Journey Through Mental Illness (novel)
For full schedule of events on the Literary Stage orchestrated by Bardi Rosman Koodrin, California Writers Club Members, and the team at San Mateo County Fair –
Literary Stage events June 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13, 2015
Boris Koodrin/ Director
Bardi Rosman Koodrin/ Literary Director
Kayte Van De Mark- Art Sales & Volunteers
Rusty Sterling – Photography
Eva Portillo – Day of the Dead
Sue Barizon – Literary Assistant
Laurel Anne Hill – Literary Stage
David Hirzel – Literary Stage
Tory Hartmann – Literary Anthology

Teresa LeYung-Ryan aka Writing Coach Teresa who teaches writers how to transform their email signature-blocks, photos, videos, social media, website/blog descriptions into platform statements . . . to attract target audience/readers/fans . . . before and after publication. and
Author & Platform/Fanbase-Building Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan encourages everyone to celebrate Independent Bookstore Day/California Bookstore Day on Saturday May 2nd, 2015
Find booksellers in your area and visit them!
Author & Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan celebrates Independent Bookstore Day/California Bookstore Day
May 2, 2015, 4:30pm at Laurel Book Store
1423 Broadway (near 12th Street BART station), Oakland, CA 94612
Luan Stauss, owner of Laurel Book Store, says:
We will have hourly drawings for prizes!
10am Start your day with scones from Tart! Bakery while they last. says: Just what does IBD celebrate?
Independent bookstores are not just stores, they’re community centers and local anchors run by passionate readers. They are entire universes of ideas that contain the possibility of real serendipity. They are lively performance spaces and quiet places where aimless perusal is a day well spent.
Cheers to booksellers and all book lovers!
Teresa LeYung-Ryan
author of Build Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days: Attract Agents, Editors, Publishers, Readers, and Media Attention NOW (workbook)
author of the novel Love Made of Heart: a Daughter, a Mother, a Journey Through Mental Illness (used in college courses and archived at the San Francisco History Center)
Writing Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan here to say: “We who are compelled to write and also want readers to appreciate our work . . . can work on our craft and build our platform simultaneously with ease.”
Please share the following announcements with your writer-friends/clients/mentees/students. Many thanks!
- “For Theme’s Sake: Edit Your Own Manuscript Before Pitching to Agents OR Self-Publishing” – Rewrite with ease! a 2-part class in April, 2015 in Half Moon Bay – with Teresa LeYung-Ryan and Mary E. Knippel – please click here for more info and advance registration;
- *
- Sunday March 22, 2015, 2pm-4pm Coach Teresa will be presenting “Build/Fortify Your Writer’s Platform/Fanbase Before & After Publication” at Book Passage, Corte Madera, for California Writers Club–Marin Branch. Please click here for details;
- *
- Saturday March 28, 2015 Women’s National Book Association’s 12th Annual “Pitch-O-Rama: Meet Agents & Acquisition Editors” Please click here for more info & registration;
- *
- Of course there are the fabulous writing contests through Bardi Rosman Koodrin’s Literary Stage at San Mateo County Fair. Teresa LeYung-Ryan sponsors the “Immigrant Experience Writing Contest” https://sanmateocountyfair.
com/contests/departments/ Contests deadline is April 1, 2015; andliterary-arts - *
- The California Writers Club, Sacramento Branch 2015 Short, Short Story Writing Contest. All submissions must be postmarked by Thursday, April 30, 2015. For more info please click here.
Reach out, not stress out. I’m cheering for you!
Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan
She is “Platform & Fanbase-Building Coach Teresa” and Manuscript Consultant and Writing Teacher and . . .
author of:
Love Made of Heart: a Mother’s Mental Illness Forges Forgiveness in Daughter Ruby (novel used by college professors)
Build Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days: Attract Agents, Editors, Publishers, Readers, and Media Attention NOW (workbook used by fiction and nonfiction authors)
Coach Teresa’s Blog at
What an exciting week for writers in San Francisco this week!
February 12, 13, 14, 15, 2015
“If you’re going to the San Francisco Writers Conference, I’ll see you there! With smiles.”
Thursday Feb. 12, 2015 I (Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan) be on the 4:45-5:45 panel MAKING YOUR WORK REJECTION PROOF: Advice from Freelance Editors – Nina Amir, David Colin Carr, Tanya Egan Gibson, Stuart Horwitz, David Landau, Heather Lazare, Teresa LeYung-Ryan, Mary Rakow, Wendy Nelson Tokunaga, Annie Tucker, Ricky Weisbroth. Moderator: Mary E. Knippel. At the end of the session, you can sign up for a free consultation.
Friday Feb. 13 & Saturday Feb. 14 I (Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan) shall be in the Garden Room giving 8-minute consultations, so, please sign up early in front of the Garden Room on Friday or Saturday OR after the Thursday panel.
If all my 8-minute slots are filled, not to worry… If you see me sitting in the lobby or conference registration areas or near the conference bookstore, come by to ask me questions about your manuscript and how to pitch. Reach out, not stress out.
My books will be at the conference bookstore. Cheers to Bookseller Neal!
Love Made of Heart
the mother-daughter novel that inspires adult children of mentally ill parents to speak openly about stigmas
- use in college courses -
Ask to see Coach Teresa
for an 8-minute consultation
Fri. or Sat. in Garden Room
Go to
to see
Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan
interviewed on CBS Channel 5
And, I recommend your getting this book for a friend.
Break Through the Noise is also available at conference bookstore
Go to:
to watch Elisa Sasa Southard demonstrate
“the talking tagline”
Author and Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan says: “Identify the themes and archetypes in your intellectual properties and articulate your platform statement, simultaneously with ease. Show up for the writing, show up for the promoting. I cheer for you.”
Take a look at the impressive list of speakers, presenters, freelance editors, agents, acquisition editors, publishers, and publishing experts.
Take a look at the impressive list of volunteers
And of course the superheroes:
Mike Larsen and Elizabeth Pomada, SFWC Co-directors
Barbara Santos, Marketing Director/SFWC Newsletter
Richard Santos, Registration Director/SFWC website
Frances Caballo, Social Media Manager
Joan Gelfand, Poetry Track; Carla King, Self-Publishing Track
Linda Lee, Volunteer Director; Jane Glendinning, Volunteer Manager
Mary E. Knippel, “Conductor!” of One-on-One with Independent Editors
Writing Coach / Platform & Fanbase-Building Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan & Colleagues at San Francisco Writers Conference 2015
Conference bookstore will be open Friday 8:00am through Sunday midday; stop by – say hello to Neal (from Bookshop West Portal, San Francisco) – take a look at novels, memoirs, biographies, how-to books for writers, children’s books, Y/A, graphic novels, romance, historical fiction, science fiction, thrillers, mysteries, photo/gift books, and more.

Developmental editors & story consultants Mary E. Knippel & Teresa LeYung-Ryan use classics to draw examples for their class "For Theme Sake! BE YOUR OWN EDITOR" -photo by author Margie Yee Webb

Developmental editors & story consultants Mary E. Knippel & Teresa LeYung-Ryan use classics to draw examples for their class "For Theme Sake! BE YOUR OWN EDITOR" -photo by author Margie Yee Webb

Cat Mulan's Mindful Musings author/photographer, editor of Not Your Mother's Book on Cats anthology, FEMME: Women Healing the World documentary movie producer Margie Yee Webb

Plot Whisperer Martha Alderson flanked by Writing & Platform-Building Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan & Memoirist Luisa Adams

Cyberspace Genius Linda Lee empowers writers at SFWC--photo by Platform-Building Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan

Women's National Book Association-San Francisco Chapter members-authors-presenters at past years' SFWC
Then, on Sunday February 15, 2015, 12:00pm-2:00pm
Free and open to the public – Peacock Court, Lobby level
Members of writer’s organizations, some national, will bring literature and speak about their organization and meet with attendees. Nina Amir, National Nonfiction Writing Month; Cara Black, Mystery Writers of America; Pat Brown, Goodreads; Zoe Fitzgerald Carter, San Francisco Writer’s Grotto; Stephanie Chandler, Nonfiction Authors Association; Gennifer Choldenko, Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators; Randy Dotinga, American Society of Journalists and Authors; Grant Faulkner, National Novel Writing Month (Nanowrimo); Lee Foster, Bay Area Independent Publishers Association, Bay Area Travel Writers Association; Jane Glendinning, California Writers Club; Anne Hill, Bay Area Bloggers Society; Scott James, Litquake; Linda Lee, Women’s National Book Association; Kerry Lonsdale, Women Fiction Writers Association; Kirk Russell, International Thriller Writers
Reach out, not stress out. I’m cheering for you!
Teresa LeYung-Ryan is “Platform & Fanbase-Building Coach Teresa” and Manuscript Consultant and . . .
author of:
Love Made of Heart: a Mother’s Mental Illness Forges Forgiveness in Daughter Ruby (novel used by college professors)
Build Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days: Attract Agents, Editors, Publishers, Readers, and Media Attention NOW (workbook)
Coach Teresa’s Blog at
See how author Joan Steidinger fortifies her platform/fanbase.
Her email signature (see below) has her “tags” (keywords synonymous with her name) – I’ve highlighted her tags in red.
Check out her blog
Saturday January 10, 2015, 7:00pm Dr. Joan Steidinger will be at
Book Passage, 51 Tamal Vista Blvd., Corte Madera, CA 94925 – event is hosted by Left Coast Writers. Joan’s new book - Sisterhood in Sports: How Female Athletes Collaborate and Compete
And, Joan will be appearing on a Comcast network show on January 16, 2015 called “Game On.” This is an all female television sports magazine show.
Licensed & Sports Psychologist CA PSY 12505
USOC Registry of Sports Psychology
President-California Writers Club-Marin Branch
New Book: Sisterhood in Sports: How Female Athletes Collaborate and Compete (2014) Lantham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.
Joan and I are members of the Women’s National Book Association–San Francisco Chapter as well as California Writers Club.
Catch WNBA’s event at Oakland Library in the morning; then do some research while you’re at the library; then have fun platform and fanbase-building with colleagues; then go see Joan at Book Passage in Corte Madera in the evening.
Tell your writer-friends in or near Oakland, CA about WNBA’s event on January 10, 2015
“Digital Storytelling: New Opportunities for Women Writers”
Laura Fraser is the Cofounder and Editorial Director of, a new digital storytelling platform for women.
Saturday, January 10, 2015
10:30 am – 12:30 pm
Meeting & Mixer for Members
Oakland Main Library, Meeting Room
125 14th Street, Oakland, CA 94612
For more info
Cheers to Joan Steidinger and her new book Sisterhood in Sports: How Female Athletes Collaborate and Compete, everyone at Left Coast Writers, Book Passage, California Writers Club, Women’s National Book Association, Laura Fraser and SheBooks!
Platform & Fanbase-Building Coach Teresa” and Manuscript Consultant and . . .
author of:
Build Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days: Attract Agents, Editors, Publishers, Readers, and Media Attention NOW (workbook)
Love Made of Heart: a Mother’s Mental Illness Forges Forgiveness in Daughter Ruby (novel used by college professors)
Coach Teresa’s Blog at and
creator of:
“Talking to My Dead Mom” (monologues)
“Immigrant Experience Writing Contest” and
past officer of Women’s National Book Association-SF Chapter
past president of California Writers Club-SF Peninsula Branch
recipient of the Jack London Award for outstanding service
May you have nourishing foods, clean and safe environment, and abundant energy for whatever creative and joyful work you do to make this world a nice place.
Here are opportunities for you to continue polishing your writing and building your platform and fanbase. I will be updating my events page
Thanks to Literary Director Bardi Rosman Koodrin and Fine Arts Director Boris Koodrin at San Mateo County Fair and members of California Writers Club, a variety of programs for writers and readers will be presented before and during fair dates June 6 – 14, 2015 at the Literary Stage.
Author and Manuscript Consultant/Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan is proud to sponsor her writing contest:
Contest deadline is April 1, 2015. Submission guidelines for Teresa’s contest and other writing contests will soon be posted on and
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Teresa LeYung-Ryan is a perennial presenter at the
San Francisco Writers Conference
February 12-15, 2015; plus pre-conference classes on Feb. 12 and post-conference classes on Feb. 16, 2015
Coach Teresa says: “I cheer for Co-Founders & Co-Directors Michael Larsen & Elizabeth Pomada, entire SFWC Team, and everyone associated with the conference that celebrates craft, commerce and community.”
Thursday February 12, 2015 at SFWC
MAKING YOUR WORK REJECTION PROOF: Advice from Freelance Editors
Nina Amir, David Colin Carr, Tanya Egan Gibson, Stuart Horwitz, David Landau, Heather Lazare, Teresa LeYung-Ryan, Mary Rakow, Wendy Nelson Tokunaga, Annie Tucker, Ricky Weisbroth. Moderator: Mary E. Knippel
(At the end of the session, you can sign up for a free consultation.)
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Sunday, March 22 (NOT March 28), 2015, 2:00pm to 4:00pm
Marin Branch of California Writers Club meets at Book Passage, 51 Tamal Vista, Corte Madera, CA $5 members; $10 nonmembers. All are welcome.
Interactive presentation for fiction and nonfiction authors; for before and after publication
Coach Teresa says: “Reach out, not stress out.”
Subscribe to Coach Teresa’s blog now. Watch her interview on CBS “Bay Sunday” Show. Start by going to
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Writing Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan’s 2015 New Year Wishes for Writers,
May you have nourishing foods, clean and safe environment, and abundant energy for whatever creative and joyful work you do to make this world a nice place.
Teresa LeYung-Ryan is “Platform & Fanbase-Building Coach Teresa” and Manuscript Consultant and . . .
author of:
Build Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days: Attract Agents, Editors, Publishers, Readers, and Media Attention NOW (workbook)
Love Made of Heart: a Mother’s Mental Illness Forges Forgiveness in Daughter Ruby (novel used by college professors)
Coach Teresa’s Blog at and
creator of:
“Talking to My Dead Mom” (monologues)
“Immigrant Experience Writing Contest” and
past officer of Women’s National Book Association-SF Chapter
past president of California Writers Club-SF Peninsula Branch
recipient of the Jack London Award for outstanding service
Here is a timely reminder from the gracious team at 2015 San Francisco Writers Conference
“Early Bird Rate expires on December 31, 2014 at midnight. The registration fee until then is $650. On January 1, 2015 it goes up to $745. And yes, we are selling out quickly so there may be no seats left at the at-the-door price of $795!
To see the entire December 2014 newsletter from SFWC
2015 SFWC Keynote and Featured Speakers
Author & Fanbase-Building Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan says “Treat yourself to 2015 San Francisco Writers Conference”
Look at who the keynote speakers are! John Lescroart! Yiyun Li! Michelle Richmond! Helene Wecker! Judith Curr of Atria Books!
Mary E. Knippel and I (Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan) and our colleagues will see you there. Please look for our names in the program and check out our presentations and classes.
Teresa LeYung-Ryan “Platform & Fanbase-Building Coach Teresa” is
author of:
Build Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days: Attract Agents, Editors, Publishers, Readers, and Media Attention NOW (workbook)
Love Made of Heart: a Mother’s Mental Illness Forges Forgiveness in Daughter Ruby (novel used by college professors)
Coach Teresa’s Blog at
creator of:
“Talking to My Dead Mom” (monologues)
“Immigrant Experience Writing Contest”
past officer of Women’s National Book Association-SF Chapter
past president of California Writers Club-SF Peninsula Branch
recipient of the Jack London Award for outstanding service