Posts Tagged ‘2020’
Fernando Flores Esq. says:
On the July 31, 2020 episode of Health and Wellness University, I interviewed Amy Grace Lam, Ph.D.
Amy Grace Lam is a healer, writer and activist committed to supporting diverse global communities for healing and transformation. Through her energy work, Amy creates experiences for individuals to bridge spiritual and physical realities into a magical conversation with each other.
She loves working with individuals to connect to their inner wisdom, step into their leadership and confidently manifest their gifts to the world. Amy’s writing and art have been featured in literary and academic journals and Bay Area performance and artistic venues.
She works with immigrant and refugee serving organizations to vision and design transformative programs.
To connect with Amy, please visit:
Vibrational Energy Coaching
Reconnect to your body’s knowing
Are you looking to improve your mind-body-spirit connection? Do you tend to ignore what your body is saying to you? Do you want to understand how your emotions affect your body and how to change your body’s response to emotional triggers? Are you curious about exploring your connection to your higher self, your ancestors, nature and the universe?
Teresa Jade LeYung says:”Thank you, dear Dr. Amy Grace Lam, for teaching me how to listen, ask questions, listen some more … to my Body and reconnect to intuition / my Body’s knowing. You helped me solved three life-changing problems, and, I was able to go home to Paris again and again, with peace of mind and joy in my heart. I am forever grateful.”
For other posts in my blog, please go to: If you look at right side of screen, you’ll see the category “Beautiful Brains Neuroplasticity”. Please click on that category to get all my blog posts pertaining to our our Beautiful Brains and Neuroplasticity.
Please tell ALL your friends. If you missed July 16, 2020 Racial Equity Series: Anti-Asian Racism in COVID-19, watch the video on OneRichmondSF facebook page
Inspiring Panelists began program after a 4 minute wait.
Panelists: Naomi Hui; Vivian Leung; Michelle Cusano; Jessica Ho; Cynthia Choi, Chinese for Affirmative Action; Sandra Lee Fewer, D1 Supervisor; Russell Jeung, Asian American Studies, SFSU.
Presented by The Richmond Neighborhood Center.
Thank you, panelists, for the education, resources and hope!
Thank you again, MaryT, for telling us about this valuable program.
Theme Consultant and author Teresa Jade LeYung
July 16, 2020, 5:00pm-6:30pm PST
ZOOM pre-registration required
Racial Equity Series: Anti-Asian Racism in COVID-19
Cynthia Choi, Chinese for Affirmative Action;
Sandra Lee Fewer, D1 Supervisor;
Russell Jeung, Asian American Studies, SFSU.
Presented by The Richmond Neighborhood Center, San Francisco, CA
- Stand Against Hate
- Stop AAPI Hate
- New Yorkers can email or the calling the hotline 1-800-771-7755
- New York City: If you believe you have been the victim of discrimination based on membership in a protected category, please call 311 and say, “human rights” or visit to report your experience. If you have been the victim of or witness to a hate crime call 911.
- You can contact Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law for assistance with legal and social services at (1-844-966-4283)
Get more training from “We’re on a mission to end harassment—in all its forms.”
Bystander Intervention Training to STOP anti-Asian/American and Xenophobic Harassment.
The folks at Hollaback! (in 16 countries) have developed new programs, including “Bystander Intervention to Stop Police-Sponsored Violence and Anti-Black Racist Harassment” and “Stand Up Against Street Harassment”
Thank you, everyone!
author Teresa Jade LeYung
“WAKE UP AMERICA!” Poetathon Part 2
with Black Arts Movement Historian / Poet Kim McMillon & Guest Poets
Sunday, July 12, 2020
2:00-4:30pm PST; 5:00-7:30pm EST
Tune in for Poetry that speaks to Freedom, Love, Peace, Equality for All !!!
via ZOOM Meeting ID: 861 596 2043
one tap mobile
+16699006833 (CA) ,8615962043# US (San Jose)
+13462487799 (TX) ,8615962043# US (Houston)
Dr. Kim McMillon, creator and host of “Wake Up America!”
Paul Corman Roberts
Ayodele Nzinga
Michelle Allison
Safi wa Nairobi
Tarika Lewis
Briana Muñoz
Tureeda Mikell
Lucinda Clark
Kim Shuck
devorah major
Karla Brundage
Michael Young
Necola Adams
Rich Ferguson
Sponsored by Bird & Beckett Books & Music, San Francisco
Dear Dr. McMillon, all poets and guests,
See you on July 12th!
I wish you and everyone around you safety, kindness, excellent health, and sweet laughter!
Your fan,
Teresa Jade LeYung
Teresa also encourages everyone to watch the recording of:
- James Baldwin’s arguments in the debate with William F. Buckley at Cambridge University (1965) “Has the American Dream Been Achieved at the Expense of the American Negro?”
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- Jeffery Robinson’s lecture on August 24, 2017 “WHEN HERITAGE = HATE: The Truth About the Confederacy in the United States” (full version) – What was the American civil war really fought about? Men. Women. Children. Chattel. Slaves. White Supremacy was the reality/truth. Who have been and are writing history books? What we can do to learn from our past and combat systemic racism.
Sunday, June 21, 2020, 2:00pm-4:30pm PST
Line-Up of POETS on June 21, 2020, 2:00pm-4:30pm PST
Kim McMillon
John Curl
Rafael J. Gonzalez
Peggy Morrison
Raymond Nat Turner
Zigi Lowenberg
Wanda Sabir
Jose Hector Cadena
Eugene Redmond
Iris De Anda
Sonia Gutierrez
Genny Lim
Kathryn Takara

Kim McMillon, Ph.D. World Cultures emphasis on Black Arts Movement and African American Literature; President of the UC Merced African Diaspora Student Association
Meeting ID: 851 8384 7427
One tap mobile
+16699006833,,85183847427# US (San Jose)
+13462487799,,85183847427# US (Houston)
Dial by your location
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
+1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
Meeting ID: 851 8384 7427
2. Do you believe the individual can make a difference in a racist society?
3. Have you ever been confronted with racism and how did you handle it?
4. What do you tell your children about racism in the United States today?
5. Do you believe it is possible to understand racial oppression if you are not a person of color?
6. The title of the Poetathon is “Wake-Up America.” What do you see America needing to Wake-Up from?
On June 21, 2020, 2:00pm-4:30pm PST, I, Teresa Jade LeYung, shall be in the audience listening to Kim McMillon, Ph.D. and her fellow poets.
Bystander Intervention Training to STOP anti-Asian/American and Xenophobic Harassment
June 3, 10, 18, 25, 2020
“This training gave me new tools to support someone experiencing discrimination. I had always thought my only option was to directly engage with the aggressor, which was terrifying to me. To know I have a lot of other tools I can use will be very helpful.” EM, Oregon State University
“I appreciate having clear and effective strategies that can be utilized immediately.” HNN, Bates Center for Purposeful Work
“Before this training, I doubt I would’ve intervened for fear of making things worse, but now I’m confident that I’m equipped with the skills necessary to diffuse any situation I may encounter.” BBB
- Wednesday, June 3rd at 2:00pm ET / 1:00pm CT / 12:00pm MT / 11:00am PT / 8:00am HST.
- Thursday, June 18th at 7:00pm ET / 6:00pm CT / 5:00pm MT / 4:00pm PT / 1:00pm HST.
- Thursday, June 25th at 4:00pm ET / 3:00pm CT / 2:00pm MT / 1:00pm PT / 10:00am HST.
Report a Hate Crime at:
- Stand Against Hate
- Stop AAPI Hate
- New Yorkers can email or the calling the hotline 1-800-771-7755
- New York City: If you believe you have been the victim of discrimination based on membership in a protected category, please call 311 and say, “human rights” or visit to report your experience. If you have been the victim of or witness to a hate crime call 911.
- You can contact Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law for assistance with legal and social services at (1-844-966-4283)
I wish you and everyone around you safety, kindness, excellent health, clear water, blue sky, delicious eats, and sweet laughter! Bonne journée!
author Teresa Jade LeYung, Paris 2019, photo by author Mary E. Knippel
As a story theme consultant, award-winning writer, and platform-building coach for pre-published and published authors, Teresa Jade LeYung helps her clients identify their core themes and transform their manuscripts into novels, biographies and memoirs.
Trevor Noah’s questions about Coronavirus COVID-19 Disease
Dr. Anthony Fauci gives answers that everyone on this planet needs to know, deserves to know.
2020 March 30, 03:22 California time
Bonjour, Everyone!
Please share this Youtube link with everyone you care about on this planet. Merci beaucoup!
If only this interview would be translated into all languages.
Dr. Fauci Answers Trevor’s Questions About Coronavirus | The Daily Social Distancing Show
At around four-and-a-half minutes into the interview, Trevor Noah asks Dr. Fauci about mortality rate and how people have misconstrued the numbers….
Dr. Fauci answers: “… Two things that are important. Even though you are young, you are not absolutely invulnerable for sure because we are seeing cases… most of them have some underlying disease, but, several don’t.
… young people, in their thirties, forties, who are getting sick, getting into the hospital, requiring intensive care. Still, the overwhelming proportion are the elderly with underlying disease, but every once in a while, you’re going to get a young person, so, if you think you’re completely invulnerable, you are incorrect.
Second issue that is important – that even though you may not get seriously ill, you can get infected, with relatively few symptoms, either asymptomatic or mild, relatively trivial symptoms, but then, you can infect another person who would then infect a vulnerable person who will then die.
A typical example – I’m young, I’m healthy, but you go home, you infect grandma, grandpa, a sick uncle, so, you have a responsibility not only to protect yourself but you also have a societal, a moral responsibility to protect other people…”
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Thank you to Ms. Tang of SolutionsBAC for finding this resource: Questions and Answers section at:
March 26, 2020 Coronavirus unemployment benefits. Here’s who qualifies and how much they get.
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March 16, 2020 Senator Nancy Skinner (D-Berkeley) and Assemblymembers Rob Bonta (D-Oakland) and Buffy Wicks (D-Oakland) issued the following joint statement on the six-county Bay Area Stay-at-Home order:
“During these unprecedented times, it is important that we take care of one another and make decisions that are in the best interest of public health.
“Today’s Order covering six Bay Area counties is a difficult, yet appropriate step to reduce the spread of COVID-19 and protect our families, friends, and communities. It is the right thing to do. This temporary step to stay at home unless absolutely necessary must be followed to reduce the harmful impact of this pandemic. Our County Health leaders are experts in their fields, and they have our best interests in mind.
Freelancers, Independent Contractors, Artists, Non-Profits – we are eligible to receive benefits during the Coronavirus COVID-19 crisis.
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These symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure (based on the incubation period of MERS-CoV viruses).
- Fever
- Cough
- Shortness of breath
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Please, everyone…
Stay healthy
Stay safe
Stay vibrant
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