Posts Tagged ‘Ambril’s Tale: Return of the Dullaith’

 Coach Teresa says: “Fortify Your Platform with New Tags for Your Books and All Your Writings.”

How do you attract new fans?  When your friends and colleagues brag about you?  Yes!   What else?  How do you help your prospective fans find you?  By making your name synonymous with the issues / themes / subject matter you write about?  Yes!!  After all, when folks need something, don’t they go to search engines and type keywords and key phrases (aka “tags”) to find what they need?  Those folks will find you through the tags associated with your name!

Here’s an excellent examplelet’s look at author Wendy D. Walter and her tags.  Wendy writes fantasy / adventure stories for young adults / teens.  Her protagonist is fourteen-year-old Ambril Derwyn.

I hosted Wendy D. Walter (author of Ambril’s Tale, Return of the Dullaith) in a live-blog event on January 5, 2013.  Nineteen fans (old and new) showed up to greet her and cheer for her and to ask questions.

Thank you, Anne M. Beggs, Bardi Rosman Koodrin, Christopher Wachlin, Deborah Taylor-French, Diane LeBow, Dorcas Cheng-Tozun, Eugenia Budman, Eve Visconti, Janine, Jean Morrow, Kate Farrell, LakshmiLove, Linda C. McCabe, Margie Yee Webb, Maria, Tera, Thonie Hevron, Yolande Barial, for participating on January 5th, 2013!

To see complete questions and answers and  comments from please click on:

To read my interview with Wendy, please click on:

Here are some tags associated with Wendy D. Walter’s writings

  • Ambril’s Tale, Return of the Dullaith
  • father’s death
  • half-truth
  • ancient Celtic magic and nature-based magic
  • introverts
  • Global Warming, rising seas, raging storms
  • Utah in the middle of winter
  • taking on the bullies
  • fictional California town Trelawnyd
  • fantasy stories
  • monsters
  • young adult Y/A
  • secret warriors
  • human morality

Thank you,Wendy, for having written a compelling story. What a page-turner!

Look for more “tags” in Wendy D. Walter‘s answers to the questions asked by fans:

“My all time favorite writer is Jane Austen. It’s been over 200 years since she was first published and her stories still enthrall me. From her books, I learned that the most important thing a writer can do is to make your readers care about what happens to your character and to never underestimate your reader.”

“I’m also a great admirer of Diana Wynne Jones, my favorite fantasy writer. She also never underestimated her readers and gave us incredibly intricate and original stories. Her books are often funny as well!”

“And that is why Ambril’s Tail has a very robust plot, with lots of twists and turns and strives to be humorous as often as possible!”

“Some of my characters are right out of my imagination, but some of them have roots in mythology. The Aunties, for instance, are the seers of the story, who share one pair of glasses. Perseus runs into three crones who share one eye and a tooth in one of his adventures, but groupings of three witches/hags/seers appear in all sorts of ancient Nordic and Germanic stories as well!”

“The Cerberus, the guardians of the underworld, is one of my favorite Greek legends.”

“I’m not sure why this is, but if you take a simple bullying exchange off the playground in our world and give the characters fangs and fairy wings, the issue becomes much clearer. In fantasy, we get a bit heavy handed at times and tend to make our bullies actual monsters (it’s more fun that way). Also, as bullying is an obvious abuse of power, it works well within worlds where it’s clear who the good and bad guys are, at least most of the time! Check out the Q & A Teresa posted on this blog for more on bullying:  Bullying appears to be a behavior that some mistake for strength, particularly the immature (of all ages).”

“And there is a great male main character called Ygg. My beta readers all chose him as their favorite character!”

Ambril’s Tale is for the 10-14 marketplace, just right for middle schoolers!”

Get your copy of Wendy D. Walter's book or ask your library to carry it!

Where to Find the book Ambril’s Tale, Return of the Dullaith:

Ambril’s Tale, Return of the Dullaith at Barnes and Noble

“Book 2, Ambril’s Tale, Riding the Cursed Shoots, is coming out in March, 2013!”


Cheers to Wendy D. Walter, protagonist Ambril and everyone she cares about!


Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan says: “Reach out, not stress out, to materialize your dearest dreams.”

As author of Love Made of Heart, creator of Love Made of Heart gift items and the “Talking to My Dead Mom Monologues,” Teresa encourages writers to speak out (in print) for those who cannot speak for themselves.

As coach and author of Build Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days: Attract Agents, Editors, Publishers, Readers, and Media Attention NOW , Teresa says: “Whether you are writing fiction or nonfiction, make your name synonymous with the issues you write about.”




Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan here, with exciting news!

 Wendy D. Walter uses her new book Ambril’s Tale, Return of the Dullaith to:

help young adults transform grief into courage

*  inspire readers to step into their unique inherent gifts

* show teens how to overcome obstacles, including battling foul-breath monsters (and bullies in any human form), and find their way home

Ambril's Tale, Return of the Dullaith by Wendy D. Walter


Please mark your calendars.  Come by my blog on January 3rd and 5th, 2013.

On January 3, 2013  I will publish my interview with delightful author Wendy D. Walter!

author Wendy D. Walter

Then, on January 5th, 2013, 10:00am – 1:00pm Pacific Standard Time -  Wendy D. Walter will be here, live on my blog!

What does that mean?  That morning, I will publish a post at with instructions for you to submit comments.  Your submitting comments is how you would “show up” to greet my guest-author and ask her questions.  I will be at my computer, publishing your comments (making your comments “live”) . . .  so that you, Wendy, and everyone who submit comments (“showing up” during those hours) will see what everyone else is saying.  Wendy will be at her computer, submitting comments too . . . that’s how she would “show up” to say hello to you and answer your questions.

You might be asking:  “Coach Teresa, what if I cannot be at my computer during those hours on January 5th to greet Wendy?”

Answer:  “You can participate anyway . . . by submitting your comments when you do show up after Jan. 5th 1:00pm PST; I will check my blog within 48 hours after the event, publish your comments, and notify Wendy that there were guests who showed up after the live-event . . . then she will respond by submitting her comments . . . I will publish within 48 hours.”

Reward Number 1 for submitting comments:  Schmooze with Wendy D. Walter!

Another reward for submitting comments:  Wendy’s publisher will give away a prize — a copy of one of Wendy’s books (paperback or e-book).  The giveaway ends five days after my blog post goes live.

Another reward for submitting comments:  Over 6,000 readers visit my blog each month. Introduce yourselves and ask Wendy questions, so that my fans will get to meet you too.

Where to Find the book Ambril’s Tale, Return of the Dullaith :

Ambril’s Tale, Return of the Dullaith at Barnes and Noble

What is Kirkus Review saying about Ambril’s Tale, Return of the Dullaith ?

Normal teenagers are thrust into a world of magic in this heartfelt, occasionally hair-raising story for the Harry Potter set…The cliff-hanger ending will leave readers craving the next installment. Bound to satisfy young readers hungry for tales of magic, adventure and friendship.  – Kirkus Review

To see complete schedule of Wendy’s blog tour:

I am very happy for Wendy and so excited that she will be here on January 5th!

See you all then!


Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan

Teresa LeYung-Ryan at LinkedIn

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