Posts Tagged ‘authors’
12:25pm – 22:45 December 9; 21:08 December 11; 08:58-13:33 December 12, 2024 Aix-les-Bains, FRANCE
Dear Reader,
I wish you and everyone around you … peace, happiness, and Nature’s Beauty.
I am forever grateful to the people in my life who help me grow.
I am forever grateful to healers, medical, health professionals, caregivers, patients, researchers, authors, editors, publishers et al who make current information available in many languages.
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YouTube link to the interview with
Dr. Norman Doidge, M.D. about the BEAUTIFUL HUMAN BRAIN and HEALING
Chronic Pain; Parkinson’s and other Movement Disorders; Strokes; Autism; many more conditions
posted in 2015 by CANADA BROADCAST
Dr. Norman Doidge, M.D. | The Power of Thought
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You know friends who have had . . . Strokes? Chronic pain? Someone you care about suffering from symptoms of MS? Cerebral Palsy? Muscular Dystrophy? Alzheimer’s? Parkinson’s? Head injury? Balance problems? Vision problems? Depression?
Our amazing brains!
Reviewing the chapter titles and the index sparks hope and motivation to ask physicians the right questions.
the book –
The Brain’s Way of Healing: Remarkable Discoveries and Recoveries from the Frontiers of Neuroplasticity
by Norman Doidge, M.D.
Available, so far, in 22 languages:
The Brain’s Way of Healing is now available in over 100 countries, and 22 languages including translations from English into Bulgarian, Chinese Traditional Characters, Chinese Simplified Characters, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Lithuanian, Polish, Portuguese, Portuguese-Brazil, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Turkish and Ukrainian.
French edition book title:
GUERIR GRACE A LA NEUROPLASTICITE: Cerveau les fabuleux pouvoirs de guérison
English translation of French edition: HEALING WITH NEUROPLASTICITY: Brain The Fabulous Healing Powers
Chapter 1 Physician Hurt, Then Heal Thyself
Michael Moskowitz Discovers That Chronic Pain Can Be Unlearned
Chapter 2 A Man Walks Off His Parkinsonian Symptoms
How Exercise Helps Fend Off Degenerative Disorders and Can Defer Dementia
Chapter 3 The Stages of Neuroplastic Healing
How and Why It Works
Chapter 4 Rewiring a Brain with Light
Using Light to Reawaken Dormant Neural Circuits
Chapter 5 Moshe Feldenkrais: Physicist, Black Belt, and Healer
Healing Serious Brain Problems Through Mental Awareness of Movement
Chapter 6 A Blind Man Learns to See
Using Feldenkrais, Buddhist, and Other Neuroplastic Methods
Chapter 7 A Device That Resets the Brain
Stimulating Neuromodulation to Reverse Symptoms
I. A Cane Against the Wall
II. Three Resets: Parkinson’s, Stroke, Multiple Sclerosis
III. The Cracked Potters
IV. How the Brain Balances Itself—with a Little Help
Chapter 8 A Bridge of Sound
The Special Connection Between Music and the Brain
I. A Dyslexic Boy Reverses His Misfortune
II. A Mother’s Voice
III. Rebuilding the Brain from the Bottom Up: Autism, Attention Deficits, and Sensory Processing Disorder
IV. Solving the Mystery at the Abbey: How Music Raises Our Spirits and Energy
Dr. Doidge’s books make for fascinating reads – our brains and the phenomenon of neuroplasticity - thank you to all the patients who did not give up, their loved ones, their physicians who did not give up, and the dedicated neuroscientists . . . for providing the stories.
Even if your physicians and healers have not read this book . . . YOU can arm yourselves with the information and ask them to make referrals. And, you can also ask friends to share their resources.
I cheer for you, friends & colleagues! To those who write books, I cheer for your books too! The subject matters in your books and Dr. Doidge’s books carry plenty of connections.
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Conversations with our own Brains about what we want for our Bodies.
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My father suffered from Parkinsonian Disorder. The disease impacted the safety of his walking.
I felt a great sense of accomplishment (after reading Norman Doidge, M.D.’s book The Brain’s Way of Healing
… especially Chapter 2 “A Man Walks Off His Parkinsonian Symptoms”
and learning how to ask Papa’s neurologist the right questions)…
Questions that led Dr. White to order “specific” physical therapy for Papa – therapy NOT for injuries like a broken leg from a skiing accident but therapy for movement disorders - to help Papa reverse the Parkinson’s “shuffling” gait and “freezing” gait as well as improve posture. Thank you, Dr. White!
The Brain is smart. When one set of instructions “doesn’t connect” another set of instructions will. At one appointment with neurologist Dr. Luthra when she said to my father: “Let me see you walk.”
I offered information: “Dr. Luthra, when Papa is at a doorway to enter or leave a room, and, at elevators (lifts) … his legs lock … he can’t move. That’s dangerous when the elevator door closes and he cannot move. Or when his walker gets caught by a rug that is not properly secured to the floor.”
Dr. Luthra stepped out of her small office and stood in the hallway, facing Papa. She smiled, gestured for Papa to walk out of the room. At the threshold, his legs wouldn’t cooperate. He lurched forward with his walker, but his legs couldn’t move.
Dr. Luthra: “Mr. Leung, keep one hand on your walker, raise your other arm.” She demonstrated. She raised her right arm straight up. She added: “Raising your arm tells your Brain that you want to move.”
Papa kept his left hand on his walker, he raised his right arm, then lowered it back to the walker
I watched with astonishment as he and his walker walked out the room with ease.
Later, Movement Disorder Physical Therapist Brenda taught Papa more tricks to help his Brain and his Body talk to each other, learn from each other.
If I hadn’t learned what I had learned from Dr. Norman Doidge, M.D.’s books and asked my father’s physicians the right questions, perhaps my father wouldn’t have received the level of attention from people who had the power to prescribe and deliver specific therapies, specific treatments… appropriate to Papa’s needs.
One day I was thinking out loud to my dear friend Sue R. I said: “I wish there was a Chinese edition of Dr. Doidge’s book. Papa would benefit so much if he could read Chapter 2 himself.” Sue told me that Wen Hsu worked with publishers in Taiwan.
Fast forward…. Wen contacted the publisher in Taiwan who was translating THE BRAIN’S WAY OF HEALING into Chinese. Wen wrote to the editor, explained to her/him about my father’s situation; the editor emailed Wen the “advance copy” of Chapter 2. One of the happiest moments in my life was presenting Papa those pages – Chinese transalation of “A Man Walks Off His Parkinsonian Symptoms – How Exercise Helps Fend Off Degenerative Disorders and Can Defer Dementia”
Then, when the Chinese edition came out in print, Wen helped me order many copies of the book from the publisher in Taiwan.
Papa and his friends read this wonderful book in their native language. I am forever grateful.
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Has it really been more than nine years ago when I published my October 21st, 2015 blog post
Through Dusky Pierce, I had found a remarkable book that has enriched my life, my papa’s, my friends’, Papa’s friends.
Please ask your librarians and booksellers to make this book available.
The book is The Brain’s Way of Healing: Remarkable Discoveries and Recoveries from the Frontiers of Neuroplasticity
by Norman Doidge, M.D.
Dr. Doidge’s first book: The Brain That Changes Itself: Stories of Personal Triumph from the Frontiers of Brain Science
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Here is the YouTube link to Dr. Norman Doidge’s lecture in Melbourne, Australia
posted April 23, 2013 An astonishing new scientific discovery called neuroplasticity is overthrowing the centuries-old notion that the adult human brain is fixed and unchanging. The Brain is, instead, able to change its own structure and function, even into old age.
Melbourne Conversations: Your Brain – How it can change, develop and improve
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A thousand thanks to Michael J. Fox Foundation
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The UCSF Movement Disorders and Neuromodulation Center is a well-established, internationally recognized program. It is also one of the busiest deep brain stimulation implanting centers on the West Coast with a wide referral base.
The mission of the center is to provide state-of-the-art comprehensive multidisciplinary care to patients with movement disorders. They offer a variety of services that include comprehensive neurological evaluations, medication treatment and disease management, botulinum toxin injections, neurosurgical procedures including deep brain stimulation, and deep brain stimulation programming.
The medical staff includes neurologists, neurosurgeons, neuropsychologists, radiologists, and nurses who have specialized training in movement disorders and the problems associated with these conditions whose goal is to provide individualized comprehensive care.
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Thank you for reading my blog post:
The Extraordinary and Beautiful Ever-changing Brain, Healing Body to Improve Daily Life, Neuroplasticity
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For other posts related to “Neuroplasticity” … please look at the right side of my blog… under “Categories” please click on “Beautiful Brain Neuroplasticity”
I wish you and everyone around you – vibrant health, peace and happiness.
Teresa Jade LeYung
Author / Blogger / Story-Theme Consultant / Photo Historian for
short short movies of Paris, FRANCE; Portland, Oregon USA; Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA 2024 goes to Teresa Jade LeYung’s Blog on Wellness, Story Themes, Archetypes
Love Made Of Heart ®
2024 June 17, 16:06 California
Dear Readers
I wish you peace, vibrant health and happiness.
As a writing coach, I remind my dear clients to showcase “tags” on their websites and media kits – tags are keywords and key phrases – author’s name, book titles, themes, messages, mission statements (synonymous with their platforms) - to help readers find the authors and their books on cyberspace.
As a person who needs resources for myself and for loved ones, I type combinations of “tags” to find sites that would lead me to experts, services, information I need.
May you have the energy to conduct the research or have a loyal advocate to help you plow though resources.
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Know what site you are looking at. Is it a government website? Government sites are .gov (not .com, not .net)
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Are you a senior who wants to work from home?
I typed into search box these tags: “job training for seniors to work at home”
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Are you disabled and want to work from home?
I typed into the search box these tags: “government programs for disabled people to work from home”
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A loved one suffers chronic dizziness.
Loving family members and friends love helping each other … especially when research and advocacy require team work.
Dr Norman Doidge’s second book
THE BRAIN’S WAY OF HEALING: Remarkable Discoveries and Recoveries from the Frontiers of Neuroplasticity
I wish everyone peace, vibrant health and happiness!!
Teresa Jade LeYung
Love Made Of Heart ® goes to Teresa Jade LeYung’s Blog on Wellness, Themes, Archetypes
Blog post #616
2022 October 1, California; October 3, 22:22
I, Teresa Jade LeYung (formerly Teresa LeYung Ryan), celebrate the 20th anniversary of my mother-daughter novel LOVE MADE OF HEART.
This is just the first of a series of Thank You as I continue celebrating LOVE MADE OF HEART and the kindhearted souls (teachers, librarians, booksellers, media folks, community leaders, friends and colleagues, mentors, readers and more readers) who have helped me speak up about:
– honoring courageous immigrants
– inspiring adult children of mentally ill parents to speak openly about the stigmas
– helping survivors of family violence find their own voices
– speaking from the heart
What does “love made of heart” mean?
In the Chinese written language … the word “heart” is inside the words “grace,” “forgiveness,” “perseverance,” “compassion.”
The word “heart” is inside the word “love”… one of the themes in my mother-daughter novel.
I shall dedicate the entire month of October to thank everyone who has helped me delivered my first novel into the world and all the readers. Many people have helped me but have never broadcast their kindness; I don’t know who they are; I thank everyone from my heart.

then Teresa LeYung Ryan, co-presenter with Elisa Sasa Southard and Kathi Kamen Goldmark at San Francisco Writers Conference - photo by Cheri Eplin 2004
Love Made of Heart: a Daughter, a Mother, a Journey Through Mental Illness,-a-Mother,-a-Journey-Through-Mental-Illness.html
I begin my thanks to:
My mother and all family members, and, the characters (Ruby Lin, Vivien Lin, Mrs. Nussbaum, Dr. Thatcher) who inspired my story.
The teachers who taught the 10-week course “Writing Children’s Literature” where I met critique group members Evelyn Miche, Cat (before she moved to Maine), Theresa Stephenson, Olga Malyj (who joined us for a few months).
To Kim McMillon who believed in me … way back when, long before I started writing. Dr. Kim McMillon, poet, activist, with over twenty years of experience producing theatre, is now an author and Black Arts Movement historian.
Everyone who orchestrated the 1997 Jack London Writers’ Conference, members at the California Writers Club and the Women’s National Book Association.
Everyone at East Bay Regional Park District (EBRPD) where I had a full-time job at headquarters; to my boss at the time – Robert Doyle – who said “yes” to my request for a 6-week leave-of-absence to complete one last rewrite of my manuscript.
Susan Canale (at EBRPD), Luisa Adams (author), Martha Alderson (author) for reading my last rewrite and giving criticism and praise.
Everyone at Regional Parks Botanic Garden when I got a transfer to a part-time position, especially my boss Steve Edward, Ph.D.
To my then spouse Lyle Ryan for supporting my decision to take a part-time position.
To literary super agent Stacey Glick (now VP at Dystel, Goderich & Bourret LLC) who said that my manuscript LOVE MADE OF HEART was the gem she had rescued from the slush pile.
To acquisition editor/director John Scognamiglio, president Steven Zacharius, publisher Laurie Perkin, art director Louis Malcangi, and everyone at Kensington Publishing Corp. in New York
To artist Linda Christensen for giving me a lovely author-photo.
To my sister (author Maria Kawah Leung) and all my friends who gave me courage to NOT hide behind the book.
To everyone who has “pitched” me to folks at their favorite libraries, book stores, groups, clubs, organizations, radio, TV, online programs … so that I could deliver the messages the themes in my book Love Made of Heart.
Thank you, Maria, for making Love Made of Heart birdhouse wind-chime.
Thank you, Claire Lomax, for handcrafting bookmarks that had my book cover and book spine on them.
Thank you, artist Chandra Garsson, for painting your rendition of the book cover onto my bookcase – one of my most cherished treasures. (attention-grabbing book cover that Louis Malcangi at Kensington Publishing Corp in New York had created)
Thank you, dear California Writers Club fellow-member, for gifting me your gorgeous Chinese robe which I have worn to many book events.
Thank you to all California Writers’ Club members!
Thank you to all Women’s National Book Association members!
Thank you, Elisa Sasa Southard, for teaching me how to create talking-points and talking-taglines, attention-grabbing press releases, memorable bios, and, how to have fun in the crazy world of book promoting!
More thanks to Elisa Sasa Southard, Margie Yee Webb, Luisa Adams, Martha Alderson, Angie Choi, Linda Joy Myers, Mary E. Knippel, Lynn Scott, and all the other talented and kindhearted authors who have co-presented with me since 2000.
Thank you, everyone, for reading and also buying Love Made of Heart for your friends, and, inviting your friends to my events, and for going to my events more than once.
Thank you, everyone, for writing reviews.
Thank you to the teachers / educators, including Professors Victor Turks, Miriam Queen, Patricia Costello, Dan Haytin, Sheryl Fairchild and their delightful students.
Thank you to each reader!
Publisher’s description of LOVE MADE OF HEART
The Chinese word for ‘love’ is made up of many brush strokes. In the center of the word ‘love’ is the word ‘heart.’ Love is made of heart…” Twenty-seven-year-old Ruby Lin has what many women envy: a beautiful apartment in one of San Francisco’s best neighborhoods, a busy social life, and a coveted position as manager of special events for the tony St. Mark Hotel. But it’s Ruby’s personal life that’s become unmanageable ever since the day her mother’s emotional breakdown forced Ruby to hospitalize her, shaming the family. Now, Ruby is caught in the crossroads between two vastly different cultures–one in which she is the American girl, raised on kitschy television shows and black-and-white movies, and one in which she is known only as Daughter, the eldest, fulfiller of responsibilities. In putting together the pieces of her mother’s life, Ruby finds herself exploring the wounds of her own past. Starting with a forbidden locked tin box and the yellowing photograph inside, Ruby embarks on a startling journey of self-discovery that takes her through a family history rife with violence, betrayal and loss that reaches back through generations, from China to America, and finally to the secret pain of a mother’s sacrifice. Like the Chinese calligraphy that adorns her walls, Ruby comes to see that “life is not a straight road, ” but a language drawn with many brush strokes, where every misunderstanding must yield to the simple message of the heart. Filled with warmth and wisdom, this luminous debut novel heralds the arrival of an exciting new voice in fiction as it explores the complex bonds between mothers and daughters, the choices that divide us, and the love that brings us home.
The above is book jacket text written by author Libba Bray for Kensington Publishing Corp. New York for my novel LOVE MADE OF HEART
In my blog posts of October 1, 2013 and November 29, 2013, I said:
“Thank you to authors Frank Baldwin, Carol Schaefer, Lydia Kwa, and Gus Lee for writing lovely advance praise for my book cover. I am so grateful!”
“Special thanks to Martha Alderson, Luisa Adams, Susan Canale, Elisa Sasa Southard, Margie Yee Webb, Kim McMillon, Vicki Weiland !”
“I thank powerhouse Stacey Glick (VP at Dystel & Goderich Literary Management) who found insightful acquisition editor John Scognamiglio (at Kensington Publishing Corp. New York) who guided my mother-daughter novel Love Made of Heart to the Sales Team, good-energy publisher Laurie Perkin, president Steven Zacharius, Debbie Tobias was Sales Director, Lou Malcangi was art director, by the way . . . booksellers do judge a book by its cover, Libba Bray, who is now a New York Times bestselling author of young adult books, for book jacket copy, Jacquie Edwards for copy editing, marketing team, production team, Jessica in Sales, Michelle who was Webmaster,and EVERYONE at Kensington and their associates, especially Nancy Suib & Anne Shulenberger, and Kensington Publishing Corp.’s superstars Lydia Kwa, Jeanne Wakatsuki Houston, Mary B. Morrison, Mary Monroe, Carl Weber . . .
If not for these people, I would not have had the opportunity to experience the publishing industry from the author’s perspective . . . which then gave me the credentials to talk about “who” really is the most qualified person to build the author’s platform and fanbase.
Author’s Note to Reader on the last page of LOVE MADE OF HEART
Thank you for letting me share Ruby Lin’s story with you. Many readers have asked me what the characters in the novel have done for me. My answer is this: I’ve learned that behind every face is a compelling story.
Please remember me as a writer who says YES! to compassion for mental illness and NO! to domestic violence and child abuse.
Who is Mrs. Nussbaum? She lives in all our hearts. Just as we have the “child within,” we also have the “wise elder within.” May you always embrace your compelling story and allow your Mrs. Nussbaum to embrace you.
Teresa LeYung Ryan (now Teresa Jade LeYung)
Happy 48th anniversary to Kensington Publishing Corp in New York! says:
“2022 marks Kensington Publishing Corp’s 48th year in business, and it is one of the last remaining independent U.S. publisher of hardcover, trade and mass market paperback books. From the time our very first book (Appointment in Dallas by Hugh McDonald), became a bestseller, Kensington has been known as an astute and determined David-vs.-Goliath publisher of titles in the full spectrum of categories, from fiction and romance to health and nonfiction. In addition to the close to 500 new books, the company releases through its diverse imprints per year, it has a backlist of more than 5,000 titles. Kensington is considered a leader and innovator in such areas of publishing as African-American, cozy mysteries, westerns, and of course, romance.”
Love Made of Heart:
– a 2002 nominee of the Asian American Literary Awards
– recommended by the California School Library Association and the California Reading Association
– used in Women in Psychology, First-Year Composition college course, Advanced Composition English-as-a-Second-Language classes
– read by students at Stanford University, U.C. Berkeley, San Francisco State University, City College of San Francisco, City College of Sacramento, Lowell High School, and many other wonderful institutions
– archived at the San Francisco History Center
– available at public libraries
This is just the first of a series of Thank You as I continue celebrating LOVE MADE OF HEART and the kindhearted souls (teachers, librarians, booksellers, media folks, readers and more readers) who have helped me speak up about:
NO to domestic violence and child abuse!
YES to kindness and compassion with mental illness!
YES to speaking from the heart!
I wish everyone wellness, kindness, happiness!
Teresa Jade LeYung
Story Theme Consultant / Photo Historian / Author / Public Library and Public School Advocate goes to Teresa’s Blog
Writing Coach Teresa Jade LeYung says: “I love helping writers identify the themes in their manuscripts to hook readers, and, build and fortify their platforms before and after publication. Reach out, not stress out.”
Love Made Of Heart ®
In California . . . Remember the book festival staged at the Yerba Buena Gardens in San Francisco? And, there was the Oakland Literature Expo produced by Kim McMillon and the Sonoma County Book Festival!
This weekend June 3 and 4, 2017 in Berkeley, California is the Bay Area Book Festival!
Cherilyn Parsons is Founder and Executive Director!
Look for these authors:
Margie Yee Webb, Barbara Santos, Michael Larsen et al at the San Francisco Writers Conference booth.
Rita Lakin (Sunday 11:30am – 1:00pm) and her colleagues at the Sisters In Crime booth.
Nanci Lee Woody, Elise Frances Miller, Laurel Anne Hill, Audrey Kalman, James Hanna, Tory Hartmann et al from Sand Hill Review Press And, congratulations to Margaret Davis and Bardi Rosman Koodrin whose novels will be released soon!
Cheers to all authors, publishers, editors, book sellers, readers, artists, City of Berkeley, San Francisco Chronicle, Cherilyn Parsons and her super team, all participants, sponsors, well wishers!
Cheers to AAUW, AAWAA, CLA, CWC, Gold Country Writers, SFWC, SF Writing For Change, WNBA
Yours truly Teresa LeYung-Ryan has fond memories of the Los Angeles Times Festival of Books (adventures with Elisa Sasa Southard) and the Arizona Book Festival (thank you to friends and book sellers in Phoenix, Scottsdale and Tempe)!
Programs for writers! June 10-17, 2017
presented by California Writers Club members
and the San Mateo County Fair Literary Stage
San Mateo County Fair website:
Map of Fair Grounds:
“Book Festivals, Fairs – Labor of Love, Writing, Reading,” says Writing Coach / Theme Consultant Teresa LeYung-Ryan
I am Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan who teaches my clients (writers, artists) how to reach out, not stress out, before and after publication — identify themes in their intellectual properties and create scripts for pitches, query letters, press releases, talking-points, one-minute videos, photo slideshows, and the all-mighty blog. Please visit and
The workbook:
Build Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days: Attract Agents, Editors, Publishers, Readers, and Media Attention NOW – print edition available at Laurel Book Store in Oakland, CA and on Amazon – print edition and Kindle edition!
“April 2, 2017 Writer’s Life Conference, California Writers’ Club for Fiction and Nonfiction Authors,” says Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan
The one-day writers’ conference to help authors before and after publication. Learn from experts in the industry.
Conference Chair – Dr. Joan Steidinger
Keynote Speaker
CONSTANCE HALE “The Seven Stages of Manuscript Grief”
LINDA WATANABE MCFERRIN “Writing about Places Real and Imagined”
ROBERT PIMM – literary and trademark attorney
MARY RAKOW, Ph.D. – freelance editor
TANYA EGAN GIBSON - freelance editor
DAVID COLIN CARR - freelance editor
TERESA LEYUNG-RYAN “Where Are YOU and Your THEMES on Your Writer’s Platform-Building Journey?”
JENNIFER MARCH SOLOWAY is an associate agent at Andrea Brown Literary Agency.
ANDY ROSS started his literary agency in February, 2008. Prior to becoming an agent, Andy was the owner of Cody’s Books in Berkeley, California for 30 years.
The Writer’s Life Conference sponsored by California Writers Club–Marin Branch at Book Passage, 51 Tamal Vista, Corte Madera, CA
If you miss this writers’ conference, here are other opportunities to attend my presentation “Where Are YOU & Your THEMES on Your Writer’s Platform-Building Journey?” and meet the members of these writers’ organizations:
- June 11, 2017, 1:00-6:00pm Writers Mini Conference at San Mateo County Fair Literary Stage
- July 10, 2017 Sacramento Suburban Writers Club, Fair Oaks, CA)
Cheering for all writers and readers!
Reach out, not stress out.
Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan
I am Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan who teaches my clients (writers, artists) how to reach out, not stress out, before and after publication — identify themes in their intellectual properties and create scripts for pitches, query letters, press releases, talking-points, one-minute videos, photo slideshows, and the all-mighty blog. Please visit and
The workbook:
Build Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days: Attract Agents, Editors, Publishers, Readers, and Media Attention NOW – available at in Oakland, CA and in Corte Madera, CA and on Amazon – print edition and Kindle edition!
If you’d like to email me . . . WritingCoachTeresa then @, then
What email subject line will attract my attention? Tell me where you’ve met me (which conference? which workshop? which community event?) or tell me who referred you.
In the body of your email, please include your full name and your URL (website or blog address) so that I can see what you’re already doing to build your writer’s platform and fanbase. I like concise and gracious emails. Thank you so much.
Dear Writers & Readers,
Please tell friends about San Mateo County Fair in California. One more day of events for writers and readers on Saturday June 13, 2015, 1:00-6:00pm.
Go to the Expo Hall at the San Mateo County Fair, then head for Fine Arts Galleria (“4″ on map), then Literary Stage (stage is inspired by Bardi Rosman Koodrin, built by Boris Koodrin).
June 13, 2015 Authors Day; programs for Writers & Readers at San Mateo County Fair, California
1:00-2:00 readings by:
Laurel Anne Hill, Marjorie Johnson, Sam Kauffman, Diane Lee Mooney, Teresa LeYung-Ryan, Emerian Rich, Sumiko Saulson, Margie Yee Webb
2:00-4:00 Authors selling and signing books:
Getty Ambau, Prudence Brietrose, Mary F. Burns, Jo Carpignano, Valerie Estelle Frankel, Yvetta “Doll” Franklin, Stanley David Gedzelman, Jeannine Gerkman, Dorsetta Hale, Laurel Anne Hill, Marjorie Bicknell Johnson, Sam Kauffman, Chris Lamela, Winifred McCaffrey, Richard McCallum, Claire Mack, Diane Moomey, Jill Pipkin, Emerian Rich, Teresa LeYung-Ryan, Sumiko Saulson, Judith Shernock, Shulamit Sofia, Margie Yee Webb, Wendell H. Williams, Gisela Zebroski
4:00-6:00 “Writers Helping Writers” Panel including:
Jeannine Gerkman, Teresa LeYung-Ryan, Marjorie B. Johnson, Emerian Rich, Margie Yee Webb, Mary F. Burns, Sam Kauffman, Richard McCallum, moderator Laurel Ann Hill and click on “Literary Arts on Fine Arts Stage” tab
Teresa LeYung-Ryan aka Writing Coach Teresa who teaches writers how to transform their email signature-blocks, photos, videos, social media, website/blog descriptions into platform statements . . . to attract target audience/readers/fans . . . before and after publication. and
She is the creator of:
- classes, including:
- *For Theme’s Sake: Edit Your Own Manuscript Before Pitching to Agents or Self-Publishing
- *Heroes, Tricksters, and Villains – What Do These Archetypes Want in Your Story World?
- *
- Immigrant Experience Writing Contest
- *
- interactive presentations, including:
- *Help Your Fans Find YOU
- *Build & Retrofit Your Writer’s Platform
the author of:
- Build Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days: Attract Agents, Editors, Publishers, Readers, and Media Attention NOW (workbook);
- *
- Love Made of Heart: a Daughter, a Mother, a Journey Through Mental Illness (novel used in college classes and archived at the San Francisco History Center);
- *
- “Talking to My Dead Mom Monologues” (the first monologue received an award from Redwood 10-Minute Play Contest and was staged at the 6th Street Playhouse in Santa Rosa, CA);
- *
- her blog (which attracts tens of thousands of writers) at helps writers build their platforms before and after publication
and a proud member of:
- California Writers Club (3 branches! And a past president of the San Francisco Peninsula Branch); and a recipient of the Jack London Award for outstanding service to California Writers Club;
- *
- Women’s National Book Association-San Francisco Chapter (a past board member).
Women’s National Book Association-San Francisco Chapter presents:
New Ways to Read: eMaterials, Libraries, and the Digital Divide
Saturday, August 2nd, 2014, 2:00–4:00 pm
at Rockridge Branch Library, 5366 College Avenue, Oakland
Speaker: Sharon McKellar, Librarian
Are you curious to know how libraries add eBooks to their collections? Have you heard of OVERDRIVE? Do you wonder which readers are digital and which aren’t? Come to our kick-off meeting of the program year and find out! Mix and mingle after the talk, snacks provided. FREE to members and guests. Please RSVP at
Sharon McKellar, Oakland Public Librarian will speak about new ways to read, including eBooks, downloadable audiobooks, and online reading and will give insight into what types of books (genre, age range etc.) get more use digitally. She will also address impacts these new “reading technologies” have on libraries, librarians, and a population with uneven access to digital resources and will shed light on how libraries are facing these impacts, both good and bad. Following the talk there will be time for questions.
Sharon McKellar has been a librarian with the Oakland Public Library since 2003, serving as a children’s librarian, a branch manager, and currently as the Community Relations Librarian. She is a reader, a writer, and an excited member of the 2015 Caldecott Selection Committee.
Rockridge Branch Library, 5366 College Avenue, Oakland, CA 94618 (510) 597-5017
(Close to BART, AC Transit, metered and free parking)
WNBA-SF Chapter Invites Librarian Sharon McKellar to speak about the Digital Divide -new ways to read, including eBooks, downloadable audiobooks, and online reading
See you there!
author of “Talking to My Dead Mom” monologue series
proud member and past officer of WNBA-SF Chapter
Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan wishes she could accept all fun invitations
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Nov. 2 – 18, 2012 Fringe of Marin Festival of New Bay Area One-Act Plays and Solos
Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan and author Lynn Scott will catch a show in Program 2 to cheer for playwrights Carol Sheldon (On With the Wind) and Ollie Mae Trost Welch (Shaw)
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Monday, Nov. 12, 2012 3:30-5:30pm Grace, Gratitude & Gumption – Unleash YOU! event in San Mateo, CA with Mary E. Knippel
Register here:
Dear Mary E. Knippel,
I have invited a dozen of my friends to your wonderful event on Nov. 12th!
Cheers to you-the-Secret-Artist and the-Unleashed-Homemaker!
from Teresa LeYung Ryan, author and writers’ platform-building coach
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Dear Angela Pang of Asian Week Foundation!
Thank you so much for the invitation! I may be able to attend! Grew up in San Francisco but cannot remember ever being inside Great Star Theater.
Sincerely, Teresa LeYung Ryan, author and writers’ platform-building coach
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Author Carla Danziger (Hidden Falls) emailed me about her helping her colleague for this big event:
Wednesday, November 14, 2012 from 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM (EST)
The George Washington University – Jack Morton Auditorium
805 21st St NW
Washington, DC 20037
Meet author Irene Levin Berman
“We are going to pick potatoes”, Norway and the Holocaust, The Untold Story
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The award-winning guidebook TellTale Souls Writing the Mother Memoir: How to Tap Memory and Write Your Story Capturing Character & Spirit
If you could tell just one small story that would reveal the essence of your mother’s character and keep her spirit alive, what would it be?
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Author/Photographer Margie Yee Webb had fun in October 2012 exhibiting her book in Clarksburg, CA at a winery. So, when she called two weeks ago to say that author Laurie Hoirup wants to orchestrate another event in December and invited me to exhibit my books . . . I said “Yes!” The event will be held over the weekend of Dec. 15 & 16, 2012, but, I will be there on Dec. 15 only.
“Gifts of Words & Wine”
Saturday & Sunday, December 15 & 16, 2012
1 p.m. – 5 p.m. both days
Winery at Old Sugar Mill
35265 Willow Avenue
Clarksburg, CA 95612
no admission fee – shop for great books and fine wines; just in time for Christmas!
Laurie Hoirup, I Can Dance: My Life with a Disability
Margie Yee Webb, Cat Mulan’s Mindful Musings: Insight and Inspiration for a Wonderful Life
Teresa LeYung-Ryan, Love Made of Heart; Build Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days Teresa will be exhibiting Saturday only
Amy Gorman, Aging Artfully
and 30 other authors
more information soon on Coach Teresa’s Event Page
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Happy Thanksgiving, Everyone!
Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan
As coach and author of Build Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days: Attract Agents, Editors, Publishers, Readers, and Media Attention NOW, Teresa says: “Whether you are writing fiction or nonfiction, make your name synonymous with the issues you write about.”
Margie Yee Webb and other
Local Authors at Delta Wine & Art Faire
Sunday, October 7, 2012
12 p.m. – 4 p.m.
Old Sugar Mill
35265 Willow Avenue
Clarksburg, CA 95612
$20 entry: includes meeting artists and authors, live music, book signings, & wine tasting
Get your tickets early!
Presenting Sponsor: Carvalho Family Winery
Over 20 Artists, 9 Wineries, 30 Authors, 4 bands and more!!!
Featured Authors – Book signing!
• *Shelley Buck: Floating Point
• *L.F. Crawford: Bad Moon Rising
• *Bob Golling: Veterans of War, Veterans of Peace (edited by Maxine Hong Kingston)
• *M.L Hamilton: Emerald
• *Laurie Hoirup: I Can Dance: My Life with a Disability
• *Jeanne Johng-Nishikawa, Dreaming in English,
• *Pamela Johnson: Heart of a Pirate
• *Frances Kakugawa: Kapoho: Memoir of a Modern Pompeii,
• *Hazuki Kataoka: The Moon Princess,
• *Steve Liddick: All That Time, Campsite Gourmet
• *Frank Luna: Red Storm
• *Elaine Macko: Armed
• *Nan Mahon: Blind Buddy and Mojo’s Blues Band
• *Jennifer Martin: The Huna Warrior: The Magic Begins
• *Dahlynn McKowen: Wine-Oh! Guide to the Sierra Foothills & Wine Wherever: In California’s Mid-Coast & Inland Regions
• *Ken McKowen: Best of California’s Missions, Mansions and Museums & Best of Washington and Oregon’s Mansions, Museums and More
• *Tom Myers: Sacramento Impressions
• *Shirley Parenteau, Bears In Bed, Bears On Chairs
• *Alton Pryor: books about history of the west
• *Carol Ryan: Right Now Is Perfect
• *Cindy Sample: Dying for a Dance and Dying for a Date,
• *Kiyo Sato: Kiyo’s Story, A Japanese American Family’s Quest for the American Dream
• *Cheryl Stapp: Disaster and Triumph: Sacramento Women, Gold Rush through the Civil War
• *Murry Stapp: Those Radio Days
• *James Van Eaton: Chasing Moonshine,
• *Jennifer Walker, Bubba Goes National and Bubba to the Rescue,
• *T.E. Watson, The Man Who Spoke With Cats
• *Margie Yee Webb: Cat Mulan’s Mindful Musings: Insight and Inspiration for a Wonderful Life,
• *Naida West: History novels, California Gold trilogy,
• Friends Of the Public Library: Various books
For directions:
Cheers to all the authors, artists and musicians!
Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan

author of Build Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days: Attract Agents, Editors, Publishers, Readers, and Media Attention NOW
Authors Margie Yee Webb, Teresa LeYung-Ryan, Rita Lakin join forces for fun at Sonoma County Book Festival
If you’re going to be at the festival, or, if you know any of the authors, tell us by submitting a comment to this post. Click on the blue header of this post, scroll down to get the boxes, fill in the boxes and press [submit comment] button. Consider keeping a copy of your comment (before pressing submit-comment button) and use it in your own email signature-block and on other blogs.
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authors Margie Yee Webb, Teresa LeYung-Ryan, Rita Lakin will be exhibiting their books at the Sonoma County Book Festival
Saturday September 22, 2012, 10:00am – 4:00pm in Santa Rosa, CA
authors Teresa LeYung-Ryan, Margie Yee Webb, Rita Lakin
will be exhibiting their books at the
Sonoma County Book Festival at Old Courthouse Square
Fourth Street and Santa Rosa Avenue, Santa Rosa, CA
Look for Margie, Teresa and Rita at Booth B2 (near Information/Raffle Booth which is B1)
Margie Yee Webb is author of Cat Mulan’s Mindful Musings: Insight and Inspiration for a Wonderful Life
Teresa LeYung-Ryan (a.k.a. Coach Teresa) is author of Build Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days; Love Made of Heart; Answer Me Now
Rita Lakin is author of the Gladdy Gold mystery series – Getting Old Can Kill You; Getting Old Is A Disaster; Getting Old Is Tres Dangereux; Getting Old Is To Die For; Getting Old Is Criminal; Getting Old Is The Best Revenge; Getting Old Is Murder
We are going to see many colleagues . . . from Redwood Writers (California Writers Club), Women’s National Book Association, 6th Street Playhouse, Bay Area Independent Publishers Association, Literary Arts Guild, Free Bookmobile of Sonoma County, Friends of the Library . . . including Festival Director Frances Caballo, Redwood Writers Volunteer Coordinator Robbi Sommers Bryant, Kate Farrell, Redwood Writers Village’s Readers Circle Coordinator Ana Manwaring, Amanda McTigue, bigwords101 – Arlene Miller, Harry Reid, Linda Reid, Melissa Kelley, Jana McBurney-Lin, Local Author’s Distribution – Jeane Slone, Juanita J. Martin, Kid Lit Corner: Get Out Books & Black Garnet Press, Susan Pace-Koch, Cara Black, Laura Rennert, P.S. Foley, Teresa LeYung-Ryan, Rita Lakin, Margie Yee Webb. Also look for Copperfield’s, Harper Davis Publishers, Healdsburg Literary Guild, Napa Valley Writers’ Conference, Poetry Flash, Robert Louis Stevenson Museum, Sitting Room, Sixteen Rivers Press. For a full list of exhibitors this year, please go to:
Cheering for all writers and readers!
“Reach out, not stress out, to materialize your dearest dreams.”
Please click here to see Coach Teresa interviewed by Frank Mallicoat on Channel 5 Bay Sunday - the show was aired on September 9, 2012, 5:30am.