Posts Tagged ‘B. Lynn Goodwin’

Dear Writers/Caregivers/Advocates for Loved Ones,

Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan here . . .  I see how helping a loved one/being an advocate is so much like writing a book.

My papa has been diagnosed with Parkinsonism by his neurologist. If Papa is telling his story, he would be the first-person narrator; if I’m telling the story about him, then I would be the third-person narrator.

A book (story) consists of one main character (also known as “hero” or “protagonist”) or multiple main characters and other characters (other archetypes), a subject matter that is discussed repeatedly (“theme”) and at least one plotline (“what happened?”). The merging of these elements helps the writer show the hero’s journey.

Helping a loved one/being an advocate consists of at least 2 protagonists (YOU and the loved one) and other archetypes (physicians, healthcare and social service providers, other family members and friends, neighbors, coworkers, vendors, . . . the stranger who gives up her/his seat on the train for you), themes (the cause for help and advocacy and the related issues), and plotlines (the interconnected events associated with all the characters).  Who will be the most transformed in the story?  The loved one?  You the caregiver/advocate? The person who is most transformed would be the main character/hero/protagonist.  Perhaps both people will go through great transformation.  Two protagonists!

I am writing – I keep a notebook for whenever I visit my papa or when I do something on his behalf- gosh, there are so many little “subplots” to keep track of! (Is this Papa’s third or last session with the physical therapist? Mary and I need to witness the exercises so that when the P.T. closes the case, we would be able to coach Papa. Did he say he wanted another heating pad? Oh my, there are at least 18 model to choose from.   Gotta review friends’ advice about what is a comfortable bed and also Consumer Reports. Then Papa has to “test drive” some beds. You just can’t shop for a mattress the way you shop for a pair of shoes.

MATTRESS SHOPPING TIPS (from Sealy’s website)

  1. Plan to spend at least one hour in the store.
  2. Wear loose clothing and easily removable shoes.
  3. Test out mattresses in groups of three for easier comparison.
  4. Lie on each mattress for 5 to 15 minutes to let it fully adapt to your body.
  5. Don’t feel rushed. It’s ok to ask for privacy.

I would add:  Bring your own pillow so that your neck is supported while trying out mattresses; maybe bring an extra pillow case too.

And, I am reading the book The Brain’s Way of Healing: Remarkable Discoveries and Recoveries from the Frontiers of Neuroplasticity by Norman Doidge, M.D.  Chapter 2 is titled “A Man Walks Off His Parkinsonian Symptoms”  . . . how John Pepper has been able to reverse the major symptoms, the ones that Parkinson’s patients dread most, those that lead to immobility. He’s done so with an exercise program he devised and with a special kind of concentration . . .

All the “characters” in Dr. Doidge’s books (The Brain’s Way of Healing  and The Brain that Changes Itself: Stories of Personal Triumph from the Frontiers of Brain Science) and in Dr. Victoria Sweet‘s book (God’s Hotel: A Doctor, a Hospital, and a Pilgrimage to the Heart of Medicine) are guiding me on my journey as an advocate for my father.  And, I just know that my mom plays a huge role in helping me.

I thank everyone who has given me her/his time, energy, and prayers.

Here are links to websites I’ve relied on lately:  Frances Kakugawa  B. Lynn Goodwin  Norman Doidge, M.D.  Michael J. Fox Foundation

Special thanks to Margie Yee Webb, Frances Kakugawa, Penny Manson, Debbie Ramos and her daughter Melanie who went out of their way to help me research specific items and to Mary, my sister Maria Leung, Linda Harris, Sue, Janet, and Elaine for being there in person.


Writing Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan












Author & Fanbase-Building Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan says: “Reach out, not stress out. Enjoy your writer’s journey.”






Women Authors – Marriage; Memoirs; Thrillers; Audiobooks; Stage Plays; Ask a Luminary


Marriage Maven Marcia Naomi Berger‘s News

author of Marriage Meetings for Lasting Love: 30 Minutes a Week to the Relationship You’ve Always Wanted

Sunday, September 14, 2014 

Marry With Confidence Workshop: Single Women will identify and overcome obstacles and prepare for a fulfilling, life-long relationship. 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM, San Rafael.  For more information, phone 415-491-4801.

Tuesdays – September 16 and September 23, 2014 

Marriage Meetings for Lasting Love: Two-session workshop. 
Learn to communicate positively and increase romance, intimacy, teamwork, and smoother resolution of issues. No public sharing required. 6:45 pm to 8:45 pm in San Rafael. Phone 415-491-4801 for more information.

Marriage Meetings 24/7 click here

The National Association of Social Workers (NASW) Professional Education and Training Center offers this one-hour online class you can take any time: The Marriage Meeting Program: A Strength-Based Approach for Successful 21st Century Relationships. Professionals earn one continuing education unit. All welcome!

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Matilda Butler says:

Dear Friends:

Would you be willing to cast a vote for our website?
We are one of 200 websites who have been nominated for a prize. The prize will be awarded to the websites that are in positions #1 and #2 (have the most votes) by September 30, 2014. You can vote multiple times.

The list is not alphabetical — it is arranged by number of votes. So you will need to look for us. We are listed as:

Memoir Writing Blog

Thanks. I really appreciate this. More than just the prize, I hope that some new people will notice our blog and come visit

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Paula C. Chinick says:

“I wanted to share some exciting news. My first novel, RED ASSCHER~Living In Fear received a GOLD medal from Global Ebook Awards for best fiction thriller!   I had hoped for at least honorable mention, but to take first place in the thriller category is such an honor.”

P C Chinick

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Betsy Graziani Fasbinder says:

“I’m thrilled to announce the launch of Fire & Water, The AudiobookI was blessed to find a talented voice artist in Monica McKey and a fantastic sound engineer in Adam Sullivan of Great Magnet Recording.  I served as producer/director to these talented experts (mine was the easy job) and I’m so proud of what we’ve created.  Monica’s gorgeous voice and great talent give the story another dimension and Adam’s wizardry brought it all seamlessly together.”

If you’ve read Fire & Water and enjoyed it, please pass this announcement on to your audio loving friends: Commuters, those with visual impairment, or just audio lovers. …And please consider posting a review on Amazon and/or Goodreads!

Betsy’s Blog: Art Finds a Way

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B. Lynn Goodwin, Writer Advice Managing Editor and author of YOU WANT ME TO DO WHAT? Journaling for Caregivers, says: “I am a featured expert in InspireMeToday’s Ask a Luminary series! is an amazing and free website that shares inspiration from global thought leaders each and every day. You can start your day with the wisdom of Sir Richard Branson, Guy Laliberte, Seth Godin, Neale Donald Walsch, Marci Shimoff, or one of hundreds more!

Ask a Luminary offers you the chance to ask a question and get an answer from an expert like me. It’s the inspirational version of Dear Abby! From empowerment, love and relationships, to business and entrepreneurship, to health and spirituality, Ask a Luminary covers every topic. Check out my answer if you’ve been wondering, How Can I Find My Path? and write back. I’d love to hear from you.

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Mary Honey B. Morrison

keeps it real on

The Nic Nice Show

November 6 – 9, 2014

Single Husbands stage play – Southwest Arts Center,  Atlanta, GA

Mary B. Morrison, New York Times best-selling author is bringing her play, Single Husbands back to stage!  An all new cast! Mary has nineteen published novels including her newest release If You Don’t Know Me.
She writes for Kensington Publishing Corporation as Mary B. Morrison and Grand Central Publishing as HoneyB. In her novels Mary addresses social and sexual issues while empowering her female characters.

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Cheers to Marcia Naomi Berger, Matilda Butler, Paula C. Chinick, Betsy Graziani Fasbinder, B. Lynn Goodwin, and Mary Honey B. Morrison!!!!!!


Author and 22-Day Fanbase-Building Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan
author of Build Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days: Attract Agents, Editors, Publishers, Readers, and Media Attention NOW. Click here for print edition. Click here for Kindle edition.
  • author of Love Made of Heart: a Mother’s Mental Illness Forges Forgiveness in Daughter Ruby
  • author of “Talking to My Dead Mom” monologue series
  • proud member and past officer of Women’s National Book Association-SF Chapter
  • proud member (SF Peninsula, Redwood, Sacramento branches) and past president (San Francisco Peninsula Branch) of California Writers Club



  • Click here for Writing Contests  through Literary Arts Division of the San Mateo County Fair – many genres (including novels, memoirs, short stories, fantasy, science fiction, essays, poetry, children’s, immigrant experience) – open worldwide – $10 per entry -  online entries due April 1, 2014   5:00pm Pacific Standard Time. Cheers to Literary Arts Director Bardi Rosman Koodrin, sponsors, judges, all contestants!



Check out my blog post  “Coach Teresa says: Who or What is the Antagonist in Your Story?“  before you send your manuscripts to agents, acquisition editors, or writing contests.

Remember that a story, even a short one, has a beginning, middle, and end.  A “snapshot” of an event is not a story.  A story must have a main character, even if that character is the only character.

Writing Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan cheers for Writing Contest Creators, Sponsors, Judges, and Contestants!



Teresa LeYung-Ryan   aka  22-Day Coach Teresa helps clients identify their themes and archetypes; she is the author of:

Build Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days: Attract Agents, Editors, Publishers, Readers, and Media Attention NOW (workbook for all genres)

Love Made of Heart: a Mother’s Mental Illness Forges Forgiveness in Daughter Ruby (novel used in college courses)

“Talking to My Dead Mom” monologues

Creator of The Immigrant Experience Writing Contest

Coach Teresa’s website

To subscribe to Coach Teresa’s Blog , please click here.

Writing Contests 2012 – novels, memoirs, short stories, poetry, flash fiction, science fiction, mystery, and more!

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Thanks to Bardi Rosman Koodrin’s encouragement, I’m sponsoring a writing contest through the San Mateo County Fair Literary Arts Division again. Please read on . . .
To find the actual guidebook with all of the contests, go to contests and then click Fine Arts Galleria to download it. Our literary section begins on the bottom of page 63–please follow instructions on that page. Deadline for literary arts entries and forms is Monday April 16th, 2012, 7:00pm; mailed entries must be postmarked by April 13, 2012.  Rules are on Page 70–please read carefully.
Page 67 look for Division 328 THE IMMIGRANT EXPERIENCE: NOVEL, MEMOIR, OR SHORT STORY Writing Contest

Sponsored by Teresa LeYung-Ryan — author of Love Made of Heart: an immigrant daughter’s journey to self-forgiveness (the book is used in college composition classes); author of Build Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days: Attract Agents, Editors, Publishers, Readers, and Media Attention NOW;  as editor/story consultant, Coach Teresa helps her clients polish their manuscripts by identifying themes and archetypes; read Coach Teresa’s blog at

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B. Lynn Goodwin’s WRITER ADVICE – 7th Annual Flash Prose Contest.  Short Fiction/Memoir, 750 words max. First Prize: $200, Deadline: April 18, 2012.  Guidelines

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Cheering for all writers!


Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan

Coach Teresa says: “Reach out, not stress out, to materialize your dearest dreams!”

As editor/story consultant, Coach Teresa helps her clients polish their manuscripts by identifying their themes, universal archetypes, front-story and back-story.

Build Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days: Attract Agents, Editors, Publishers, Readers, and Media Attention NOW

Love Made of Heart is used in college composition classes. Thank you, Teachers & Students!



Bookmark and Share

Exactly the right words; social networking; taglines; job seekers; grammar; manuscripts; Chinese word for heart

I started a new format for my blog posts on November 16, 2011. Once a month, I will write a post to include 3 sections.

As 22-day Platform-Building Coach Build Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days:

Write Your Story Now! PLAYshop with Mary E. Knippel

Are you frustrated trying to find just exactly the right words
- for your blog posts?
-for that end-of-the-year letter to family or customers?
-to update your profile on your website or social media site?

Come and explore how you can overcome your writing challenges and have fun at the same time!

Nov. 19, 2011   9 a.m. -4 p.m. Free Event
$20 holds your seat (refunded at the door)
Workshop in Half Moon Bay, CA

Click here for more details.

Mary Tang tells me that George Kao teaches people/small businesses how to gain visibility and find customers via social networking
Learn how to craft your talking-tagline from Guru Elisa Sasa Southard Get Elisa’s book!
Job Seekers check out

As Editor & Manuscript Consultantidentify themes and archetypes:

Get yourself a book on grammar. I recommend Woe Is I: The Grammarphobe’s Guide to Better English in Plain English by Patricia T. O’Conner


Teresa LeYung-Ryan & Mary E. Knippel show writers how to polish their manuscripts before:

  • hiring book doctor/developmental editor
  • pitching to agents or acquisition editors
  • self-publishing

As author of Love Made of Heart:

November is:

“Reach out, not stress out, when pursuing your dreams!”

Please click here for details to Coach Teresa’s event.


Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan

Writer Advice’s Sixth Annual Flash Prose Contest is particularly suited for memoir as well as fiction.

Mesmerize us with your best short fiction or memoir up to 750 words. Deadline: April 15, 2011. First prize: $150. Fee: $10 for processing only or $20 for detailed evaluation. US dollars please. Visit for complete guidelines.

B. Lynn Goodwin
Writer Advice Managing Editor,, author of YOU WANT ME TO DO WHAT? Journaling for Caregivers

Lynn, thank you for telling me about this contest!


Writing Career Coach Teresa LeYung Ryan

To see my website for all my books, go to:

Build Your Writer's Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days front coverBuild Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days: Attract Agents, Editors, Publishers, Readers, and Media Attention NOW

Available through   Check out the reviews on Amazon!

Sunday August 1, 2010

I’m organizing photos from yesterday’s Northern California Storybook & Literature Festival.

Women's National Book Association members at No CA Storybook & Literature Festival 2010

Women's National Book Association members Margie Yee Webb, Mary E. Knippel, B. Lynn Goodwin, Sarbjit Rai, Teresa LeYung Ryan

audience for Fiction Authors Panel photo by Nathan

I had a good time on the panel with other fiction authors. Gail, thank you for moderating. Nathan, thank you for taking photos. Delightful audience.

front Gail, Nathan+back row authors Jeff, Laurel, Tanya, Teresa, Jack speak at No CA Storybook & Literature Festival

authors Jeff Carlson, Laurel Anne Hill, Tanya Egan Gibson, Teresa LeYung Ryan, Jack L. Parker with Library Specialist Gail McGrath & Library Advocate Nathan

author Teresa LeYung Ryan thanks Jamie Finley who orchestrated the storybook & literature festival

author Teresa LeYung Ryan thanks Jamie Finley who orchestrated the storybook & literature festival

Cheers to the Friends of the Roseville Library

Authors Susan Osborn & Margie Yee Webb cheer for the Friends of the Roseville Library

Also I presented “Transform Your Personal Experiences Into Potent Stories” Thank you to the participant-writers.  Here are some comments from them:

I asked: What did you value most about the workshop?

  • “Verbalizing what my readers will learn from my story.”
  • “Good comments & tools from Teresa for moving forward.”
  • “Handouts so organized.”

Your next steps with your stories?

  • “Bring my stories out and start again—with your ideas for tools”
  • “Find a publisher.”
  • “Re-read my favorite novel & mark it up. Thank you, Teresa!”

My colleagues  (Catharine Bramkamp, Laurel Anne Hill, Antoinette May, Susan M. Osborn) also presented their writing workshops.

Special thanks to Jamie Finley, Dena Grover, Gail McGrath, Lynn Brown and everyone at Roseville Libraries, Margie Yee Webb and colleagues at California Writers Club, Mary Knippel & Sarbjit Rai & fellow members of Women’s National Book Association, bookseller James Van Eaton of Winston Smith Books, friends old and new, readers and writers, and everyone who made the festival a celebration of literature.

eresa LeYung Ryan, Mary E. Knippel, Margie Yee Webb advocate for public libraries.

Teresa LeYung Ryan, Mary E. Knippel, Margie Yee Webb advocate for public libraries.

3 branches in Roseville, CA

Maidu Library & Maidu Community Center

Martha Riley Community Library

Downtown Library

Gail McGrath (Library Specialist) holding Teresa's novel Love Made of Heart, Bob Quinlan author of Earn It: Empower Yourself for Love, and Margie Yee Webb author of Cat Mulan

Gail McGrath (Library Specialist) holding Teresa's novel Love Made of Heart, Bob Quinlan author of Earn It: Empower Yourself for Love, and Margie Yee Webb author of Cat Mulan


Teresa LeYung Ryan

As an author and community spirit, Teresa LeYung Ryan speaks out for public libraries, honors immigrant-stories, advocates compassion for mental illness, and helps survivors of violence find their own voices through writing.

“To comment on any of my columns (blog posts), just click on the color title-bar of the post, fill in the boxes and press ‘submit.’  Thank you.”

Saturday, July 31, 2010, 10am – 5pm
Northern California Storybook & Literature Festival
Maidu Library & Maidu Community Center, 1530 Maidu Drive, Roseville, CA 95661

10:20-11:20am Reception Hall - Teresa LeYung Ryan, Tanya Egan Gibson, Laurel Anne Hill, Jeff Carlson & Jack L. Parker; moderator will be Gail McGrath
11:30am-12:30pm Teresa will be autographing books at outdoor booth I-7
1:00-2:00pm Meeting Room 2 – Teresa LeYung Ryan will present her signature workshop “Transform Your Personal Experiences Into Potent Stories”

The author of Love Made of Heart will give you simple tools to craft a short story with an enticing beginning, engaging middle, and a satisfying ending. Teresa says: “My short stories were the building-blocks for my book.”

2:30-5:00pm Teresa will be autographing books at outdoor booth I-7

noon – 1:00 p.m  buddy/colleague Mary E. Knippel will be moderating the “Healthy Living” panel – B. Lynn Goodwin, Davis Liu, MD, Jennifer Martin, Joanne Neft, Richard Simmons.

Northern California Storybook & Literature Festival 

I am so looking forward to July 31, 2010 (the same date as a loved one’s birthday)

Thank you again, Margie Yee Webb, Jamie Finley, Dena Grover, City of Roseville Library, and California Writers Club.


Teresa LeYung Ryan
As an author and community spirit, Teresa LeYung Ryan speaks out for public libraries, honors immigrant-stories, advocates compassion for mental illness, and helps survivors of violence find their own voices through writing.

Love Made of Heart
inspires adult-children of mentally-ill parents to speak openly about the stigmas that their parents suffer.

Build Your Name, Beat the Game: Be Happily Published is the 22 minutes for 22 days workbook.  Writing Career Coach Teresa LeYung Ryan says: “Reach out, not stress out, when building your writer’s name.”

Invite Coach Teresa to conduct “Major League Tryouts to Build Your Name” at your writers’ club or group.

• identify your mission statement, the scope of the project, and the perfect book title
• build your name to attract the right agent or publisher or more fans
• design and grow your blog (to showcase your expertise and experiences)

I am happy to announce that my trademark is finally being used at Love Made of Heart online store where you’ll find gift items for yourselves, women, children, moms, grandmas, babies, friends and pets.

Northern California Storybook & Literature FestivalDear Readers & Writers,

I’ll be wearing 2 hats on July 31, 2010.

Please look for me and my colleagues (our names in red font) at the 10:20-11:20am Fiction Authors panel. Our moderator will be Gail McGrath.

Then at 1:00-2:00pm I will conduct a writing workshop to help you transform personal experiences into potent stories.

My special thanks go to Jamie Finley, Dena Grover, City of Roseville Library, Margie Yee Webb and California Writers Club.

Teresa LeYung Ryan

As an author and community spirit, Teresa LeYung Ryan speaks out for public libraries, honors immigrant-stories, advocates compassion for mental illness, and helps survivors of violence find their own voices through writing.

Love Made of Heart inspires adult-children of mentally-ill parents to speak openly about the stigmas that their parents suffer.

Build Your Name, Beat the Game: Be Happily Published is the 22 minutes for 22 days workbook.  Writing Career Coach Teresa LeYung Ryan says: “Reach out, not stress out, when building your writer’s name.”

News Details
Northern California Storybook & Literature Festival
Saturday, July 31, 2010
10 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Maidu Library & Maidu Community Center
Free and open to all ages

Author panels and children’s entertainment are being planned; check back regularly for more information at

This project is supported in whole or in part by the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act, administered in California by the State Librarian.

Thank you to our sponsors:
California Writers Club
Whole Foods

Featured Authors:
Julianne Balmain,
AKA Nadia Gordon
Cara Black
Ann Martin Bowler
Catharine Bramkamp
Joshua Buhs
Robin Burcell
Pat Canterbury
Janet Ann Collins
Louise Crawford
Kim Culbertson
Donna Del Oro
Jeri Chase Ferris
Tanya Egan Gibson
B. Lynn Goodwin
Margaret Grace
Susan Grant
Janis Herbert
Laurel Anne Hill
Alan Jacobson
Pamela Johnson
F.M. Kahren
Hazuki Kataoka
Karen Kostlivy
Michele Krueger
Kevin Kurtz
Davis Liu, MD
Nan Mahon
Ben Malisow
Jennifer Martin
Antoinette May
Diane McCarthy
John McKinsey
Marilyn Meredith
Joanne Neft
Carolyn Newcomer
Susan M. Osborn
Ann Parker
Jack L. Parker
Robin R Robinson
Teresa LeYung Ryan
Cindy Sample
J. Scott Savage
Richard Simmons
Michael Troyan
James Van Eaton
Penny Warner
T.E. Watson
Michele Weiss
Simon Wood
Other Featured Guests:
Lindsey Clemons, Literary Agent
Verna Dreisbach, Literary Agent
California Writers Club
Capitol City Young Writers
Friends of the Colusa County Library
Friends of the Lincoln Public Library
Friends of the Roseville Public Library
Friends of the Yuba County Library
Placer Arts
Placer County Writers Group
Roseville Public Library, Adult Literacy
Sacramento Poetry Center
Society for Children’s Book Writers & Illustrators
UC Davis Extension: Arts, Humanities and Writing

Workshops & Panels: These are being scheduled. Please check back for more information.

Children’s Entertainment Arts & Crafts:
Build your own book
Create a puppet

Storytimes & Performances:
These are being scheduled. Please check back for more information.

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