Posts Tagged ‘be happily published’
September is Library Card Sign-Up Month!
September is National Literacy Month!
October is National Reading Group Month!
Third week of October is California Writers Week!
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September & October & November 2010 events I recommend to writers in the San Francisco Bay Area
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“Poetry on Main” meets 2nd Thursday in Pleasanton, CA
Next meeting: Thurs., September 9, 2010 6:30pm – 8:30pm
Little Valley Winery, 739 Main St., Pleasanton, CA
Calling all Poets! Free event. For more info (what to bring):
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Sunday, Sept. 12, 2010, 2:00-5:00pm
Women’s National Book Association presents:
Publishing Panel: Zen and the Art of the Book Deal
At San Francisco Public Library—Main Branch– Latino Hispanic Community Room, Lower Level, 100 Larkin Street, San Francisco, CA 94102.
Jennifer Joseph – publisher and editor of Manic D Press
Peter Beren – literary agent and publishing consultant
Bridget Kinsella – Breaking Books & navigating the publishing landscape
Georgia Hughes – editorial director of New World Library
Moderator: Mary Knippel, immediate past president, WNBA-SF Chapter
Participate in our Great Book Give Away. See you there!
Visit more info.
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September meetings at California Writers Club Find a branch near you
October meetings at California Writers Club Find a branch near you
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Thursday October 14, 2010, starts at noon
WNBA-SF Chapter & Book Passage in Corte Madera host:
Literary Luncheon with Celebrated Author Joyce Maynard
Call Book Passage, Corte Madera (415) 927-0960 ext.1 to reserve. The ticket price of $55 includes an outstanding lunch catered by Insalata’s Restaurant & an autographed copy of Joyce Maynard’s book The Good Daughters.
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October 17, 2010 California Writers Club Berkeley Branch
General Meeting & Program
1:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Oakland’s Main Library
West Auditorium
Writing Career Coach Teresa LeYung Ryan will lead “Major League Tryouts with Coach Teresa to Build Your Writer’s Name”
understand the need to build one’s name/fame in today’s publishing arena.
identify advocates, endorsers and fans.
gain recognition through your words and your community.
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Saturday October 30, 2010 7:30 am – 6:30 pm Redwood Writers Conference
Writing Career Coach & Author Teresa LeYung Ryan says: “Go to this conference. You deserve to celebrate and grow your writing career!” 9:30-10:30am Teresa will present: “Build Your Name, Beat the Game: Be Happily Published”
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November 13 – 14, 2010 Writing for Change Conference
For non-fiction writers/authors
The theme of the conference is “Changing the World One Book at a Time,” and the goal is to encompass business, politics, technology, spirituality, personal development, health, social issues, the environment, culture, the law, international relations.
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If you have events for writers that you wish to recommend, please submit a comment to this post. To comment on any of my blog posts, just click on the blue title bar of the post, fill in the boxes and press “submit.”
Thank you.
Teresa LeYung Ryan
Build My Writer’s Name and Platform: Attract Agents, Acquisition Editors, Publishers, Readers, and Media Attention
is the 22 minutes for 22 days workbook.
“Reach out, not stress out, when building your writer’s name.”
Writers Take Care of Ourselves!
“20 Fun, Easy & Effective Ways To Manage and Reduce Stress”.
Get Access Here:
Premier Summits Live Event: July 20-26, 2010
Remember, all live events are updated at 9am Eastern Time (2 PM Greenwich Mean Time) every day. The events of the day will only be available starting at that time, for the next 24 hours.
I listened to Diana Fletcher “Stress Reducing Strategies for a Busy & Hectic Lifestyle”
Top points I gained from Diana:
- Make time to breathe deeply – put one hand on belly; inhale through the nose & exhale through the mouth
- Drink water – to hydrate the body; to correct false-cravings for food
- Create buffer time – after turning off electronic gadgets (including TV or computer), give myself quiet time before going to sleep.
I listened to Elizabeth Diamond “How to Create the Life of Your Dreams Using the Intentional Scrapbooking MethodTM”
Top points I gained from Elizabeth:
- Identity the picture of what success looks like and create the scrapbook page/vision board (or “collage” as Mary E. Knippel of Open Up To Your Creativity would say); find material for the platform (paper, cardboard, T-shirt . . . )
- Feel the joy when I use “I statement” to see my dream in my mind’s eye (Teresa’s example: “I am the female business owner who has given millions of dollars to thousands of charities worldwide.” This is my dream–to help people on the planet by being a creator of prosperity–like philanthropist Paul Newman and Newman’s Own Foundation.)
- Take a photo of myself while I am looking at my scrapbook page/vision board/collage and feeling the sensations of success; use the photo as inspiration. (Teresa’s example: “Before I found my agent and before my publisher found me through my agent, I did create ‘This is what I would look like as a published author’ pictures for myself. I’m happy to say that I celebrated my novel’s seventh anniversary in October)
Thank you to my sister who told me about Premier Summits – free online audio events!
Thank you, Tom Nicoli for hosting and Keith Jennison for producer the series!
Thank you to all the presenters!
Author Teresa LeYung Ryan wears two hats.
- As a novelist, she uses her book Love Made of Heart to inspire adult-children of mentally-ill parents to speak openly about the stigmas that their parents suffer.
- As a writing career coach and creator of Build Your Name, Beat the Game: Be Happily Published, Teresa helps writers identify their mission statements to attract agents, publishers and fans.
Her website offers resources for writers and readers.
Saturday, July 31, 2010, 10am – 5pm
Northern California Storybook & Literature Festival
Maidu Library & Maidu Community Center, 1530 Maidu Drive, Roseville, CA 95661
10:20-11:20am Reception Hall - Teresa LeYung Ryan, Tanya Egan Gibson, Laurel Anne Hill, Jeff Carlson & Jack L. Parker; moderator will be Gail McGrath
11:30am-12:30pm Teresa will be autographing books at outdoor booth I-7
1:00-2:00pm Meeting Room 2 – Teresa LeYung Ryan will present her signature workshop “Transform Your Personal Experiences Into Potent Stories”
The author of Love Made of Heart will give you simple tools to craft a short story with an enticing beginning, engaging middle, and a satisfying ending. Teresa says: “My short stories were the building-blocks for my book.”
2:30-5:00pm Teresa will be autographing books at outdoor booth I-7
noon – 1:00 p.m buddy/colleague Mary E. Knippel will be moderating the “Healthy Living” panel – B. Lynn Goodwin, Davis Liu, MD, Jennifer Martin, Joanne Neft, Richard Simmons.
I am so looking forward to July 31, 2010 (the same date as a loved one’s birthday)
Thank you again, Margie Yee Webb, Jamie Finley, Dena Grover, City of Roseville Library, and California Writers Club.
Teresa LeYung Ryan
As an author and community spirit, Teresa LeYung Ryan speaks out for public libraries, honors immigrant-stories, advocates compassion for mental illness, and helps survivors of violence find their own voices through writing.
Love Made of Heart inspires adult-children of mentally-ill parents to speak openly about the stigmas that their parents suffer.
Build Your Name, Beat the Game: Be Happily Published is the 22 minutes for 22 days workbook. Writing Career Coach Teresa LeYung Ryan says: “Reach out, not stress out, when building your writer’s name.”
Invite Coach Teresa to conduct “Major League Tryouts to Build Your Name” at your writers’ club or group.
• identify your mission statement, the scope of the project, and the perfect book title
• build your name to attract the right agent or publisher or more fans
• design and grow your blog (to showcase your expertise and experiences)
I am happy to announce that my trademark is finally being used at Love Made of Heart online store where you’ll find gift items for yourselves, women, children, moms, grandmas, babies, friends and pets.
NAMW Members Only
Click on the title bar of this post so that you can see the boxes to enter your comments.
Thank you, Linda Joy Myers, for being a magnificent resource center for memoir writers!
I created this post just for you–members of NAMW. After the June 18, 2010 Members-Only Teleseminar, let me know what steps you’ll take to further build your name to attract more fans (before or after publication). More fans lead to bigger platform/fame . . . which attracts agents / acquisition editors & publishers / advocates /endorsers / media attention . . . which leads to even more fans . . .
Remember to click “submit comment” after you have composed yours. When I receive your comment, I will add your name to this post and “tag” you (you’ll know what this means after the teleseminar).
“USE WHAT YOU KNOW TO BUILD FAME: Fun & Simple Steps for Memoir Writers”
- Understand the need to build one’s name/fame in today’s publishing arena.
- Identify your advocates, endorsers and fans.
- Gain recognition through your words and your community.
How do you thrive in the fiercely competitive industry? You hold the power to beat the game.
Writing Career Coach Teresa LeYung Ryan
“Reach out, not stress out, to build your name.”
“When you make your name synonymous with the themes/subject matters/issues in your writing, you are building your fame/career/platform.”
Build Your Name, Beat the Game: Be Happily Published (the 22 minutes for 22 days workbook)
April is National Poetry Month but every day is poetry. When I listen to songs, I tend to remember the lyrics before I can remember the melodies. Commercials hook me when I hear poetry in them.
Here are poets I pay attention to. They all wear many brilliant hats.
- Martha Clark Scala. This YouTube video shows Martha the poet on April 2, 2010 at Escape from New York Pizza, San Francisco To see what other hats Martha wears, please visit
- Joan Gelfand. A powerful speaker. has the link to the video of Joan with Kim McMillon with Janice Edwards on Bay Area Vista.
- Deborah Grossman, City of Pleasanton Poet Laureate! Delightful. You can meet Deborah at events this summer, autumn and winter:
- Yolande Barial, founder of Your Words Project. You just have to meet Yolande and hear her poetry, her spoken word. Please add audio to your blog.
- Maxine Hong Kingston. Her book The Woman Warrior had inspired me to write my stories which turned into Love Made of Heart the novel. Lunch Poems: Maxine Hong Kingston. She is SO funny! And mesmerizing. Zen circles; Chinese 4 word poems.
My hat off to you, Martha, Joan, Deborah, Yolande, Maxine!
Writing Career Coach Teresa LeYung Ryan says: “Build your name, beat the game, be happily published.”
Last year on a panel at the San Mateo County Fair/Peninsula Festival, I had so much fun with buddies Martha Alderson and Luisa Adams and moderator Tory Hartmann. This year buddy Margaret Davis asked if I would like to be on a panel with her. So, two months ago, when Bardi Rosman Koodrin at San Mateo County Fair asked me if I wanted to present again, I said “yes!” She’s a joy to work with.
How to Prepare for a Presentation as a Panelist
Margaret Davis did a load of work identifying California Writers Club members who have published novels, and would be available on Saturday June 19, 2010 at 2:00pm to be on the panel at the San Mateo County Fair/Peninsula Festival. The four panelists: Margaret Davis, Jon Cory, Judith Marshall, Teresa LeYung Ryan.
Margaret came up with a fabulous title and description for our talk:
Four Bay Area novelists discuss their experiences and offer tips for aspiring fiction writers.
Margaret also asked us for our bios and photos and she emailed the compilation to Bardi.
Geri Spieler graciously said “Yes” to being our moderator and asked each panelist to provide questions and topics that we would like to cover. Here are Geri’s questions and the answers I emailed to her:
Geri: I’ll introduce you so please send me no more than three sentences about you and your work.
- Author Teresa LeYung Ryan wears two hats. As a novelist, she uses her book Love Made of Heart to shed light on secret agonies suffered by mothers and daughters in domestic violence. As a writing career coach and creator of Build Your Name, Beat the Game: Be Happily Published, Teresa helps writers identify their mission statements to attract agents, publishers and fans.
Geri: Send me two questions regarding writing craft.
- Teresa, in interviews you’ve revealed that the themes and subject matters in Love Made of Heart are autobiographical. Did you start out writing a memoir or a novel?
- Teresa, would you share one trade secret about story-telling?
Geri: Please communicate with the other three panelists if you don’t already know each other. I know Margaret Davis and Judith Marshall; I will study Jon Cory’s website.
Geri: Please tell me anything particularly unique about you that pertains to your writing
- “I am the only Teresa LeYung Ryan (my middle name LeYung was created to honor my mom), but, my protagonists represent the many women, children and men who survived similar experiences that I have. I was a witness to domestic violence–a girl who felt helpless, ashamed, angry, guilty and voiceless. Decades later, I found a way to help the child-in-my-heart. Through the characters in Love Made of Heart, I encourage survivors of violence and witnesses to violence to find and fortify their own voices through writing.” Teresa LeYung Ryan
Margaret Davis (Straight Down the Middle) is a sociologist who is also the author of Families in a Working World and A Practical Guide to Organization Design. Her second novel, Katie Carlisle, will be available soon.
Jon Cory (A Plague of Scoundrels). Retirement enabled him to return to creative writing after a career in business. His debut novel received the 2009 Independent Publishers’ Silver Medal Award for popular fiction.
Judith Marshall (Husbands May Come and Go but Friends are Forever) is the owner of Kelso Books, a publishing house. Husbands has been optioned for the screen and her second novel, Staying Afloat, will be available soon.
Teresa LeYung Ryan used her novel Love Made of Heart to shed light on secret agonies sufferered by mothers and daughters in domestic violence. She is also a writing career coach and creator of Build Your Name, Beat the Game: Be Happily Published.
Moderator: Geri Spieler, author of Taking Aim at the President 650 574-3247 for ticket info. Parking lot is on Saratoga, 1 block before the street dead-ends at Delaware (south side of fairgrounds).
Stage is located in the Fine Arts Dept, which is in the Fiesta Building on the San Mateo Event Center fairgrounds. Vendors have the center block of space, we are in our own separate 2 large room type space and the stage is midpoint. (the technology dept is on other side of vendors).
So, after I attend the Saturday June 19, 2010, 10:00am-noon California Writers Club meeting with fellow members for our last meeting before the summer , Margaret Davis and I will head out to the San Mateo County Fair, Fiesta Hall, Fine Arts stage to meet up with Judie, Jon, Geri and Bardi. Hope to see you there! 2:00-3:00pm June 19, 2010
Teresa LeYung Ryan
This is a glimpse into what happens when you are invited to present at a teleseminar:
Linda Joy Myers, president of The National Association of Memoir Writers (NAMW), invited me to be a guest on her teleseminar for members only on Friday, June 18, 2010 Time: 11 AM PDT 12 PM MDT 1 PM CDT 2PM EDT
Staci Motherwell, the Vice President of Marketing & Business Development at NAMW, asked me to provide a title and description of my talk.
“USE WHAT YOU KNOW TO BUILD FAME: Fun & Simple Steps for Memoir Writers”
How do writers thrive in the fiercely competitive industry? Find out for yourself in this delightful session with Writing Career Coach Teresa LeYung Ryan who created Build Your Name, Beat the Game: Be Happily Published (the 22 minutes for 22 days workbook). Visit:
In response to Ms. Motherwell’s request to provide a list of 3-5 talking points that I plan to discuss with Linda Joy Myers during the NAMW Members-Only teleseminar:
- Why do memoir writers have to be concerned with building name/fame?
- How does a writer identify advocates, endorsers and fans?
- Would you like to know more about gaining recognition through your words and community?
Not already a member of NAMW? Visit
Teresa LeYung Ryan says: “When you make your name synonymous with the themes/subject matters/issues in your writing, you are building your name/career/platform. You too can be happily published.”
My motto:
“When you make your name synonymous with the themes/subject matters/issues in your writing, you are building your name/career/platform. You too can be happily published.”
Below is the list of “special dates” in June (from the Chase Calendar of Events) to help you, the writer, find recognized dates linked to what you write about. Of course, Father’s Day is in June too.
Writing Career Coach Teresa LeYung Ryan
Build Your Name, Beat the Game: Be Happily Published is the 22 minutes for 22 days workbook.
- Accordion Awareness Month, Natl
- Adopt-A-Shelter-Cat Month
- Aphasia Awareness Month, Natl
- Bathroom Reading Month, Natl
- Cancer from the Sun Month
- Candy Month, Natl
- Child Vision Awareness Month
- Childhood Cancer Campaign Month, Intl
- Children’s Awareness Month
- Dairy Alternatives Month
- Effective Communications Month
- Entrepreneurs “Do It Yourself” Marketing Month
- Fireworks Safety Months
- Gay and Lesbian Pride Month
- GLBT Book Month, Natl
- Great Outdoors Month
- June Dairy Month
- June Is Perennial Gardening Month
- Men’s Month, Intl
- Pharmacists Declare War on Alcoholism
- Potty Training Awareness Month
- Professional Wellness Month
- Rebuild Your Life Month
- Rivers Month, Natl
- Rose Month, Natl
- Safety Month, Natl
- Skyscraper Month
- Soul Food Month, Natl
- Sports America Kids Month
- Steakhouse Month, Natl
- Student Safety Month
- Surf Music Month, Intl
- Vision Research Month
Many Chinese people (especially my generation and preceding ones) don’t like the number 4 because the Chinese word for “four” (in Cantonese, pronounced saay) sounds like the word for “dead” and “death.”
I like the number 4 – 4 legs to hold up the table I write on; 4 wheels to keep my vehicle on roads; 4 seasons; 4 compass directions; 4 parts in the Chinese word for “love”; 4 letters in the English word for “love”; 4 colleagues working on some of my projects; The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz
Speaking of four, Theresa Stephenson’s friend Jill Lebeau, MS, MFT has co-authored Feng Shui Your Mind: Four Easy Steps to Rapidly Transform Your Life! with Maureen Raytis, MA, L.Ac.
Teresa LeYung Ryan
I am so happy to announce the opening of the Love Made of Heartonline store where you’ll find gift items for yourselves, women, children, moms and babies, friends and pets. The Chinese word for “heart” is inside the word for “love.”
Love Made of Heart - purple heart inside pink love
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For Writers:
Build Your Name, Beat the Game: Be Happily Published is the 22 minutes for 22 days workbook.
Thank you, producers of the series: Paula Hendricks of Cinnabar Bridge Communications and Kevin O’Malley, Chairman of the Business and Leadership Forum at the Commonwealth Club!

Producers Paula Hendricks & Kevin O'Malley with panelists Elizabeth Block, Scott James, Teresa LeYung Ryan answer writers' questions about book publishing, promoting and marketing at The Commonwealth Club
Just found out that all three “Self-Publishing: Tutorials from the Trenches“ programs from the Commonwealth Club were distributed as Podcasts and audio streaming:
Go here for links to downloads and direct streaming. You’ll have to search down the page to April 22, 2010 when they were first sent out. They’re in reverse order on the page:
Self-Publishing: Tutorials from the Trenches
Panel: Self-Publishing (Program 1) – Options, Directions and Resources
This program was recorded in front of a live audience in San Francisco at the Commonwealth Club of California on April 6, 2010
Lisa Alpine, Publisher, Good to Go Media; Co-author, Self-Publishing Boot Camp Workbook
Peter Beren, Literary Agent; Publishing Consultant; Author, The Writer’s Legal Companion
Carla King, Publisher, Good to Go Media; Social Media Consultant; Author, Miss Adventuring Series
Paula Hendricks, Founder and Book Designer, Cinnabar Bridge Communications; Author, September in Corrales Moderator
Book publishing is undergoing a sea change. Come and participate in our dynamic and interactive three-part series covering all aspects of self-publishing, taught by front-line experts who have done it themselves and succeeded. What does it take to publish a book, and how do you choose which route to follow? Discover your options from traditional to cooperative to true self-publishing with industry experts who’ve done it themselves.
Panel: Self-Publishing (Program 2) – The Nuts and Bolts of Making Books
This program was recorded in front of a live audience in San Francisco at the Commonwealth Club of California on April 12, 2010.
Lee Foster, Owner, Foster Travel Publishing; Author, The Photographer’s Guide to San Francisco
Joel Friedlander, Proprietor, Marin Bookworks; Blogger,
V. Vale, Publisher, RE/Search Publications; Founder, Search and Destroy
Paula Hendricks, Founder and Book Designer, Cinnabar Bridge Communications; Author, September in Corrales“ Moderator
Book publishing is undergoing a sea change. Come and participate in our dynamic and interactive three-part series covering all aspects of self-publishing, taught by front-line experts who have done it themselves and succeeded. What goes into making a book truly a book? What are the essentials of editing and page layout and how can they make or break you? Learn from an insider panel of experts about the critical design and production of your book and the ins and outs of available formats, from traditional to e-books and apps.
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Panel: Self-Publishing (Program 3) – Book Sales and Marketing
This program was recorded in front of a live audience in San Francisco at the Commonwealth Club of California on April 19, 2010.
Scott James, Columnist, The New York Times; Author (aka Kemble Scott), SoMa, The Sower
Elizabeth Block, Author, A Gesture Through Time; Recipient, the Christopher Isherwood Foundation Fiction Fellowship
Teresa LeYung Ryan, Author; Writing Career Coach. Love Made of Heart; Build Your Name, Beat the Game: Be Happily Published
Paula Hendricks, Founder and Book Designer, Cinnabar Bridge Communications; Author, September in Corrales
Book publishing is undergoing a sea change. Come and participate in our dynamic and interactive three-part series covering all aspects of self-publishing, taught by front-line experts who have done it themselves and succeeded. Bookstores are closing; newspaper book reviews are almost gone; and online options can be overwhelming. What’s an author or publisher to do?

Writing Career Coach Teresa LeYung Ryan (middle) thank Christina & Fernando at The Commonwealth Club for their gracious assistance
THANK YOU, Paula Hendricks, Kevin O’Malley, fellow panelists, and everyone at The Commonwealth Club!
Teresa LeYung Ryan
Build Your Name, Beat the Game: Be Happily Published is the 22 minutes for 22 days workbook.