Posts Tagged ‘biggest mistakes that authors make when trying to promote’
Dear Writers,
When someone whom I respect asks me to share my expertise (even on short notice), and, I can adjust my schedule, I say “Yes!”
Coach Teresa
Author & Writers’ Platform & Fanbase-Building Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan
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Writers’ Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan was honored to respond to Christy Pinheiro’s interview invitation
The book reviewer website and our monthly newsletter need to interview a writing/publishing industry pro. This is last-minute–the person I planned to interview for this month had some personal issues and had to drop out. Any chance you’d be interested? The interview would go out to our newsletter subscribers. I’d need you to answer questions, and I’d need it back by the 28th, so around 48 hours. Let me know if you are interested.
I’ll focus on you all day tomorrow Saturday.
Teresa LeYung-Ryan
Great! I watched your interview on Bay Sunday– lots of good ideas, I will add a link to that video if you like.Here are some interview questions, feel free to expand them.
2. What is your opinion on self-publishing vs. traditional publishing with an agent?
3. What do you feel is the most important thing that authors can do to promote their books?
4. What are your feelings on Social Media? (Facebook, Google+, Twitter, etc)
5. Do you feel that book marketing for fiction is different than book marketing for non-fiction?
6. What are some of the biggest mistakes that authors make when trying to promote their books?
7. Do you have any other useful advice for beginning authors?
8. How can authors contact you if they have any questions?
Defiant Press
Writers’ Platform & Fanbase-Building Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan says:
“Reach out, not stress out, to materialize your dearest dreams.”
Book Reviewer Yellow Pages
Book Reviewers for November 2012:
Plus, Interview with Teresa LeYung-Ryan, professional book marketing coach!
Kevin’s Corner
Regency Reader
so much to write so little time
Red Square Reviews
Dear Authors and Publishers,
We have a new batch of great book reviewers, as well a great interview with Teresa LeYung-Ryan, professional book marketing and writing coach. We will feature an interview with a different publishing professional each month. I hope our tools have been helpful, and improved the way you promote your own books.
As always, subscribers to our newsletter get an additional 48 hours to contact these new reviewers before we list them on our main website. Please respect their submission guidelines, and be polite. Thank you!
Defiant Press
Defiant Press
Here’s the answer to Question #1; please go to Christy Pinheiro’s StepByStepPublishing for answers to Questions 2 through 8 . . .
My name is Teresa LeYung-Ryan and my clients call me Writing-and-Platform-Building Coach Teresa. I wish to thank Christy Pinheiro-Silva for this interview, and, I encourage everyone to look for the core messages in my responses—which are: Reach out, not stress out, to material your dreams; and, wear your two hats as a writer and be happy(whether you’re writing fiction, narrative nonfiction, or prescription nonfiction also known as “how to” books/articles).This is what happened to me, over ten years ago, and the choices I’ve made.I had a dream—a dream of connecting with readers the way Maxine Hong Kingston touched me with her memoir The Woman Warrior. My writer’s journey started with learning the components of a story in a ten-week course Writing Children’s Literature at the community center and forming a critique group with three classmates after the course ended.Fast forward. After seven years of writing and rewriting, showing up at critique meetings twice a month, I received a gift from a friend—a brochure for the Jack London Writers’ Conference with an entry form for their writing contest.
Fast forward. My first novel Love Made of Heart (a mother-daughter love story) is used in college composition classes; available at public libraries; recommended by the CA School Library Association and the CA Reading Association; and archived at the San Francisco History Center. October 2012 marks the tenth anniversary of Love Made of Heart. The book is still in print, and, I continue to meet new fans.
For the past nine years, through my coaching and my workbook Build Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days, I have been helping writers reach out, not stress out, to attract agents, editors, publishers, readers, and media attention.
Writers’ Platform & Fanbase-Building Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan says:
“Reach out, not stress out, to materialize your dearest dreams.”
- As coach and author of Build Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days: Attract Agents, Editors, Publishers, Readers, and Media Attention NOW, she says: “Whether you are writing fiction or nonfiction, make your name synonymous with the issues you write about.”
- Teresa has built her own platform happily. Her first novel Love Made of Heart is used in college composition classes; available at public libraries; recommended by the CA School Library Association and the CA Reading Association; and archived at the San Francisco History Center. Love Made of Heart and her short play Answer Me Now carry the themes closest to her heart: mother-daughter relationship; Chinese-American immigrant experience; helping adult-children (of mentally-ill parents) speak openly about the stigmas and find resources for their loved ones.
- Please visit Coach Teresa’s Events Page