Posts Tagged ‘blog post’
2024 June 16, 17:58 California
(cette semaine mille merci, Anna, Chandra, Deborah, Emily, Kate, Kim, Kristiane, Linda, Margaret, Margie, Maria, MaryT, Nan, Neva, Sasa, MaryT, Sabine, Sasa, Sharon, Sue, Theresa, Dr. Amy Grace Lam, Dr. Jae Reed, Dr. Kerry Lilley, Marie-Christine Cornet, Stephanie Wilger)
Dear Readers
I wish everyone gentleness for self and for all beings.
Thank you, Chiropractor Dr. Kerry Lilley, who says: “When exhaling, release the out breath twice. Release the trauma.”
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In the book
IMMUNE: Journey into the Mysterious System That Keeps You Alive
by Philipp Dettmer
How The Immune System ACTUALLY Works – IMMUNE
YouTube channel: Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell
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Mayo Clinic says:
“Depression is a mood disorder that causes a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest. Also called major depressive disorder or clinical depression, it affects how you feel, think and behave and can lead to a variety of emotional and physical problems. You may have trouble doing normal day-to-day activities, and sometimes you may feel as if life isn’t worth living. More than just a bout of the blues, depression isn’t a weakness and you can’t simply “snap out” of it….”
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Merriam-Webster dictionary says:
– a state of feeling sad: low spirits : melancholy
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Chiropractor Dr. Kerry Lilley says: “When exhaling, release the out breath twice. Release the trauma.”
I thank:
Dr. Kerry Lilley, DC,
Dr. Jae Reed, DC,
Stephanie Wilger, NC,
Dr. Amy Grace Lam,
Marie-Christine Cornet,
Gilles Marin,
Stephanie Doucette, M.S., L.Ac
Loduskia “Dusky” Pierce, MFT
and all the healers who have taught me how to listen to my Brain-Body communicate… how to continue fostering the Smart Brain Smart Body.
I thank all my loved ones for inspiring me to follow my passion – writing – which gets me out of depression.
Thank you for reading my blog post: “Health, My Reaction to Incidents, Depression, Immune System, Stress, Chronic Stressors, Chronic Inflammation, Diseases”
I wish everyone wellness. I wish everyone gentleness for self and for all beings.
Teresa Jade LeYung
Love Made Of Heart ®
Thank you Everyone for being there. If you had filled out an evaluation form from my session, you’ll be receiving additional coaching notes from me about building your writer’s name.
Right now, please click on the blue title-bar of this post/column to get the comment boxes so that you can tell the world what your mission statement is (how you help a particular group of people with the themes/subject matters/issues in your literary work). Whether you write fiction or non-fiction, building your name is a breeze when you have your mission statement. Here are examples . . .
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(as fiction and narrative non-fiction writer)
I,Teresa LeYung Ryan, use my novel Love Made of Heart to inspire adult-children of mentally-ill parents to speak openly about the stigmas that their families suffer. My motto: Through my writing, I speak for those who cannot speak for themselves.
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(as prescriptive/”how to” non-fiction writer)
I, Teresa LeYung Ryan, help writers create their mission statements with my workbook Build My Name, Beat the Game: 22 Days to Identify & Develop My Writer’s Platform to Attract Agents, Acquisition Editors, Publishers, Readers, and Media Attention. I say: Reach out, not stress out, when building your writer’s name/platform.
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After you fill in the boxes, copy your message (so that you’ll have your composition for your own websites/blogs/email signature blocks), then click the “submit” button in my blog post. You must fill in the box for “email address” in order to submit comments to any blogs. After you press the “submit” button, your comment will be routed to my blog’s administrator for approval. You will see your comment “published” on my blog in a day or so, sometimes sooner.
Also try this, to see how the Internet works. In the Google search box, key in part of a phrase you wrote in your comment and your name (if you included your name in your comment); press Google search key. Look how fast your entry can be found.
To get a free blog (no hosting fees), go to If you’d like to watch a video to see how to get a free blog and how to navigate, go here: Linda Lee of created the tutorials.
How was the pre-conference poetry evening? How was the conference? Redwood Writers Conference was pure joy! I’ll be posting photos and more links during the week.
I cheer for all writers who want to touch lives with their words.
Teresa LeYung Ryan
Author / Writing Career Coach / Publisher
As a writing career coach and editor, I, Teresa LeYung Ryan, help writers identify themes, issues, and archetypes in their manuscripts and choose the right publishing routes.
To comment on any of my columns (blog posts), just click on the blue title bar of the post, fill in the boxes and press “submit.” Please click here for other posts in my blog
Hello Berkeley Branch Members & Friends!
Thank you Everyone for being there today. If you had filled out an evaluation form, you’ll be receiving additional coaching notes from me about building your writer’s name.
Right now, click on the blue title-bar of this post/column to get the comment boxes so that you can tell the world what the themes are in your literary work.
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(as fiction writer) I am Teresa LeYung Ryan and I use my novel Love Made of Heart to inspire adult-children of mentally-ill parents to speak openly about the stigmas that their families suffer. My motto: “Through my writing, I speak for those who cannot speak for themselves.”
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(as non-fiction writer) I am Teresa LeYung Ryan and I help writers with my workbook Build My Name, Beat the Game: 22 Days to Identify & Develop My Writer’s Platform to Attract Agents, Acquisition Editors, Publishers, Readers, and Media Attention. I say: “Reach out, not stress out, when building your writer’s name/platform.”
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After you fill in the boxes, copy your message (so that you’ll have your composition for your own websites/blogs/email signature blocks), then click the “submit” button in my blog post. You must fill in the box for “email address” in order to submit comments to any blogs. After you press the “submit” button, your comment will be routed to blog’s administrator. You will see your comment “published” on my blog in a day or so, sometimes sooner.
Also try this, to see how the Internet works. In the Google search box, key in part of a phrase you wrote in your comment and your name (if you included your name in your comment); press Google search key. Look how fast your entry can be found.
To get a free blog (no hosting fees), go to If you’d like to watch a video to see how to get a free blog and how to navigate, go here: Linda Lee of created the tutorials.
I Cheer for Writers at California Writers Club October 17, 2010! Happy California Writers Week (third week of October)!
Teresa LeYung Ryan
Author / Writing Career Coach / Publisher
As a writing career coach and editor, I, Teresa LeYung Ryan help writers identify themes, issues, and archetypes in their manuscripts, and choose the right publishing routes.
To comment on any of my columns (blog posts), just click on the blue title bar of the post, fill in the boxes and press “submit.” Please click here for other posts in my blog