Posts Tagged ‘blog’
2021 December 12, 13:37
Addendum: The techniques in Dr. Michael Moskowitz’s and Dr. Marla Golden’s workbook helps me “outgrow” persistent unpleasant sensations including pain.
2021 December 9, 15:18 – 16:18; December 10, 18:00 – 19:58 California
Dear Reader,
I have been watching episodes of The Jack Benny Program (TV series 1950-1965) and laughing out loud; thank you to the folks who post them on YouTube.
Laughing out loud is good medicine – a mighty elixir – for me.
The world continues to be impacted by COVID-19 pandemic. How can I think about laughing?
I am still dealing with a neurological disorder. How can I think about laughing?
Smiling for one’s self; laughing for one’s self; walking; imagining walking; moving to soothing thoughts – are some of the activities which help our beautiful brains produce beneficial chemicals. What I have learned as an advocate for my papa since 2015 when he was diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease … and what I’ve learned and continue to learn – as a patient of persistent unpleasant sensations including pain - is that there are things I can do for myself to feel better. Even if the sensation of wellness seems ephemeral… I’ll take wellness moments. Thank you very much!
I remember sitting with Vicki Weiland …knowing that it took our dear friend many days (oftentimes many weeks, even months) to prepare herself for visitors. Awful persistent pain was the symptoms.
On two occasions, I witnessed how laughter was a mighty elixir for Vicki. Someone in the room said something funny; or Vicki herself said something funny and we all laughed … at that moment Vicki’s entire body expressed wellness.
How we all wished that our pal would have millions of wellness moments.
Angel Vicki,
I’ve been watching my favorite episodes of The Jack Benny Program again and again. Interestingly, several of them feature James Stewart and his wife Gloria. More about that … at the end of my blog post.
This afternoon – Thursday, December 9, 2021 – while organizing my inventory of greeting cards, I found a note I had written to myself. You had called me on October 8, 2012 at 19:00 from your new home. You said “The trees and mountain are glorious. But my pain is not going away….”
Even though you were ill, you gave your time to call and to ask about Sasa Southard and other friends at Women’s National Book Association and San Francisco Writers Conference. How I wish a physician with Dr. Michael Moskowitz’s insight about persistent pain was your physician. The workbook that Dr. Michael Moskowitz co-wrote with Dr. Marla Golden was published only three months after your phone call (in January 2013), however, I didn’t know about it until last year (2020) when I was battling persistent pain myself.
I wish you Bliss, mon amie, and humbly ask you to help more people find Dr. Moskowitz’s and Dr. Golden’s workbook TRANSFORMING THE BRAIN IN PAIN: NEUROPLASTIC TRANSFORMATION
With deep gratitude,
Teresa Jade
written by Michael H. Moskowitz, MD and Marla D. Golden, DO
Your Brain On Pain
Why doesn’t the pain stop?
Listen to your body talk.
Use your brain to stop your pain.
Below are chapter / section titles of the workbook:
Dr. Moskowitz’s and Dr. Golden’s Instructions for Using this Workbook
“This worbook has been designed to be helpful for practitioners and people experiencing persistent pain. It is a practical, visual guide to neuroplastic treatment approaches for treating persistent pain.”
“Neuroplastic Transformation provides a model that approaches persistent pain where it transforms from a symptom to disease. It also gives the person experiencing pain’s relentless persistence, a chance to treat it with the same neuroplastic phenomena that created it, restoring balance to pain processing.”
At the end of each section is “Reining in the Runaway Brain” (patients share techniques they use)
Sections in the workbook:
pages 4 – 16 Section 1 – Introduction
Brain Facts (page 4); Brain Change (page 5);
Neuroplasticity Definition
New Learning Changes the Brain
The Brain Changes the Body
The Body Changes the Brain
Neuroplasticity Rules
Workbook page 5
What Gets Fired Gets Wired
Use It or Lose It
When You Break ‘Em You Make ‘Em; When You Make ‘Em You Break ‘Em
Fight Fire With Fire
Reverse the Forces That Have Caused Pain to Persist
Restore Normal Pain Responses
R.A.F.T. (page 9)
– Rescue
– Adjustment
– Functional
– Transformation
Persistent vs Acute Pain
Workbook pages 10, 11
Counter-Stimulating Pain
Worbook page 11, 12, 13
Pain Reassigns Brain Cells
Take Back Brain Cells
Use Graphics to Counter-Stimulate Pain
Become Active in Your Own Care
Counter-Stimulate Your Brain
Shrink the Pain Map by Flooding the Brain (page 13)
Push Back Against Pain Spikes and Intrusions
Get Inside Your Own Head
Always Counter-Stimulate Your Pain
Active vs. Passive Treatment
Practice Makes Perfect
Brain is Most Accessible Organ
Avoid Pain; Pursue Pleasure
End Pain’s Tyranny
Reject Pain’s Inevitability
M.I.R.R.O.R. (page 14) MIRROR is:
– Motivation
– Intention
– Relentlessness
– Reliability
– Opportunity
– Restoration
N.O.R.M.A.L (page 14) NORMAL is:
Neuroplastic Optimization and Reduction of Medication for Adaptive Living
Rebalance Pain Processing Circuits
Body and Brain Act Together
Persistent Pain is a Learned Activity
People Taking Back Control of Their Pain (page 16)
pages 18 – 24 Section 2 – Touch
Mom the Neuroscientist – It Takes a Mother’s Touch (page 18)
Hands That See (page 21)
Healing Touch (page 22)
pages 26 – 33 Section 3 - Neuroplastic Brain and Body
NO BRAIN, NO PAIN. Nociception. (page 26)
The Brain Learns Pain; Too Smart for It’s Own Good (page 27)
Brain and Body (page 28)
Fire and Wire … Or Not
Cause and Cure for Pain Persistence (page 29)
pages 35 – 41 Section 4 – Pain Gone Wild
Limbic Activation (page 35)
Pain Makes Pain; Making a Bad Thing Worse (page 36)
Unpleasantness – As if the Pain Wasn’t Enough (page 37)
BUT YOU CAN’T HIDE – Over the Edge – Amygdala and Hippocampus (page 38)
IN THE AMYGDALA – Where the Wild Things Are (page 39)
Pages 43 – 52 Section 5 - Soothing
Oh That Smell; The Nose Knows (pages 47, 48)
Pages 54 – 64 Section 6 - Mood and Pain
Pain and Mood Circuit (page 54)
Relax, Calm, Soothe – GABA to the Rescue (page 55)
Limbic Deactivation – Emotional Calm (page 57)
[ This wonderful workbook helps me understand just how awesome the beautiful brain is, however, my initial success was due to the coaching I received from Dr. Danielle Rosenman who was trained by Dr. Michael Moskowitz. The techniques helped me "outgrow" persistent pain. ]
Pages 66 – 74 Section 7 - Pleasure – the Antidote for Pain
BLISS – Anandamide (page 69)
WELL BEING – Endorphins (page 71)
ALL WE NEED IS LOVE – Oxytocin (page 72)
Page 75 Section 8 – Conclusion – A New Beginning
Below are names of the writers who were credited for these particular episodes of
The Jack Benny Program which brought healing laughter
Written by Sam Perrin, George Balzer, Al Gordon, Hal Goldman -
James and Gloria Stewart are celebrating their wedding anniversary at a restaurant; Jack has invited himself and has brought girlfriend Mildred who sings (loudly) to Mr. Stewart when the band plays the French song “La Vie En Rose” (according to the music was composed by Marguerite Monnot and Louis Guglielmi aka Louiguy, lyrics and also sung by Édith Piaf)
”Jack In Paris” (guests: Mary Livingstone, Maurice Chevalier) – according to this show is Season 7, Episode 14 – Oh to see Arc de Triomphe et la Tour Eiffel!
Written by Sam Perrin, George Balzer, Hal Goldman, Al Gordon -
“The Income Tax Show” is hilarious! - Season 15, Episode 4; October 16, 1964
“Jack Directs Film” Season 14, Episode 6; Oct. 29, 1963 Jack finds out that Gloria Stewart is in James Stewart’s new movie and wants to congratulate her on the set.
Written by Sam Perrin, George Balzer, Milt Josefsberg, John Tackaberry
Jack Benny Program “The Jackie Gleason Show” is hilarious! Wanting to impress Jackie Gleason, Jack and Rochester are staying in the penthouse suite in the Saint Regis Hotel. Yes, Jack is staying there (at no cost)
Again, thank you to the folks who post them on YouTube.
Thank you for reading Teresa Jade LeYung’s blog post: “Wellness, Laughter, Writers, Jack Benny Program, Dr. Michael H. Moskowitz, Dr. Marla D. Golden, TRANSFORMING THE BRAIN IN PAIN Workbook”
For other posts related to our Beautiful Brains, Pain, and Neuroplasticity in my blog … If you scroll to top of page, look at right side of screen, you’ll see the category “Beautiful Brains Neuroplasticity”. Please click on that category to get all my blog posts pertaining to the topic.
I wish you new vitality, total wellness!
Teresa Jade LeYung
(formerly Teresa LeYung-Ryan)
Story Theme Consultant / Photo Historian / Author / Public Library and Public School Advocate goes to Teresa Jade LeYung’s Blog
Writing Coach Teresa Jade LeYung says: “I love helping writers identify the themes in their manuscripts to hook readers, and, build and fortify their platforms before and after publication. Reach out, not stress out.”
Love Made Of Heart ®
“MIT new study – Time spent indoors increases risk of COVID at 6 feet or 60 feet…”
To read Chi Nei Tsang Master Healer and Master Teacher Gilles Marin’s tried and true methods to attack viruses and neutralize them
2021 October 27, 13:42-16:00; 20:28-23:11; Oct. 28, 16:11-16:40; Oct. 29, 21:54-23:12; Oct. 30, 15:01-16:59 Blog Post #609
Dear Reader,
I wish you total wellness.
If not for shingles and postherpetic neuralgia which led to the past 12 months of reading and rereading books and listening to lectures about pain and our brains … I wouldn’t have learned why I experience pain and other unpleasant signals when there is no new injury to a body part.
After receiving COVID-19 vaccine … I experienced occasional pain signals in my right knee and in my right shoulder blade, then, dull headaches, and, my two front teeth felt weak. The knowledge I have gain about pain signals helped me understand what could be happening and how I could help myself feel better.
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I have learned from webinars and the workbook
written by Michael H. Moskowitz, MD & Marla D. Golden, DO that …
“We only experience pain when the electrical signals reach the thinking part of our brains.”
“This is why general anesthetics work – by separating the thinking conscious brain from the automatic survival brain. During anesthesia, the survival part of the brain stays active, but, the perceptive part of the brain is turned off.”
“The brain doesn’t just receive information from the body, but sends directions back out to tell the body what to do.” (page 4 in workbook)
“The brain ‘reads’ everything going on in the body 30 times a second for an entire life.”
“Acute pain is an alarm going off in the brain that signifies danger and/or damage to the body…. ” (page 10)
“Persistent pain … signals sets up an endless loop between body and brain, inflammatory processes become chronic, anti-inflammatory processes are overwhelmed and the nerve cells dedicated to pain increase up to five-fold.” (page 10)
“Acute pain helps with survival, while persistent pain transforms danger into misery.” (page 10)
I have learned … from Clinical Scientist / Professor Lorimer Moseley that…
“Pain is our most sophisticated protective device.”
“The term ‘neuroplasticity‘ refers to the adaptability of our nervous system. The other side of neuroplasticity is sometimes called ‘the dark side’.”
“You can experience SEVERE pain but have NO damage.”
“You can experience NO pain but have severe damage.”
“Pain depends on how much danger your brain THINKS you are in, not how much danger you are really in.”
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As I was saying … after receiving COVID-19 vaccine … I experienced occasional pain signals in my right knee and in my right shoulder blade, then, dull headaches, and, my two front teeth felt weak.
According to Updated Oct. 18, 2021
mRNA Vaccines
According to Updated Oct. 18, 2021
Viral Vector Vaccines
In Step 2. Next, the cells display the spike protein on their surface, and our immune system recognizes that the protein doesn’t belong there. This triggers our immune system to produce antibodies and activate other immune cells to fight off what it thinks is an infection. This response is what your body might do if you got sick with COVID-19.
mRNA Vaccines and Viral Vector Vaccines have this in common – “… activate other immune cells to fight off what it ‘thinks’ is an infection.”
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I know that my brain records my experiences throughout my lifetime … and that pain depends on how much danger my brain THINKS I am in, not how much danger I am really in.
Also, I understand why my brain would send me “danger signals” (my knee, shoulder blade) after vaccination if my immune system “thinks” there is an infection in my body.
Why my two front teeth? I’ve never sustained injury there. Have I experienced pain there? Yes I have! For three years during my teenage years, my teeth were tortured once a week when the orthodontist tightened the wires. The front teeth needed the most “straightening” (they did sustain “injury”). Even though that was 45 years ago, my brain remembers the pain!
To communicate to my teeth, my knee, my shoulder blade, and my temples … that I have not sustained new injuries … I put my hand on each body part and also tell my Brain “I have not injured myself.” Voila! Pain signals go away. Beautiful Brain (I call “BB”) wants to protect Body, therefore BB occasionally sends signals, and, it’s up to me to “talk back” (communicate).
Today (October 31, 2021), while enjoying my walk, I felt an itchy stinging pain on left elbow, then the signals flowed down my arm. I applied firm comforting squeezes on those areas with my right hand. The pain went away.
Then today (November 3, 2021, 13:44) I felt a sharp pain on LEFT upper arm where vaccine would have entered BUT I had received the vaccine on my RIGHT arm.
Beautiful Brain sending me “false alarms”.
In no way am I saying that retraining my brain is easy work. I am still a newbie. I am happy to report that I’ve developed a new attitude — I look forward to each new day. For me, this is BIG
I am forever grateful to everyone who cares about me and encourages me to continue helping myself heal.
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My “Get to Wellness Kit” is growing
Norman Doidge: Brain’s Healing Energies on YouTube Dr. Doidge talks about our brains, pain, Dr. Michael Moskowitz, Moshe Feldenkrais (Physicist, Black Belt, Healer), electrical circuits, chemistry, light, sound, vibration, brain-body connection.
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Continue using Feldenkrais techniques that Naomi Schaeffer Draper, M.S. Physical Therapist had taught me.
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Michael H. Moskowitz, MD and Marla D. Golden, DO
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Refer to the 10-page guide from Dr. Danielle Rosenman who coached me.
My job is to interrupt pain and other unpleasant signals by using any of the seven modalities or a combination of them.
Dr. Rosenman adds: “Smile for yourself and talk out loud to your Brain.”
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Continue practicing techniques I learned from Dr. Amy Grace Lam
Recently Dr. Lam gave me links to demonstrations of “tapping” to rid pain and other unpleasant symptoms.
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Many years ago, I had learned this “tapping” technique also known as Emotional Freedom Technique from Loduskia “Dusky” Pierce, MFT Dusky says: “Mind/body approaches such as EMDR and Emotional Freedom Technique are scientifically proven methods that we might use to address trauma or deep emotional wounds.”
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Continue practicing listening to my Body Marie-Christine Cornet (now in France), Chi Nei Tsang and Somatic Experience practitioner, says: “Connecting to your body and its wealth of intelligence and wisdom is the portal to living Life deeply and authentically.”
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Go see Stephanie Doucette, M.S., L.Ac., Dipl. OM, California Licensed Acupuncturist and Clinical Herbalist. She is nationally certified as a Diplomate in Oriental Medicine and practices integrative orthopedic therapy, bringing together acupuncture, deep tissue massage and manual orthopedic techniques to treat neuromuscular injury and chronic pain.
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Continuing using the book Five Elements, Six Conditions – a Taoist Approach to Emotional Healing, Psychology, and Internal Alchemy by Gilles Marin. Gilles is the Founder and Director of the Chi Nei Tsang Institute and School of Taoist Healing Energetics, California, USA and Co-directeur de l’institut de Chi Nei Tsang, Nice, FRANCE
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Watch and listen (again) Clinical Scientist / Professor Lorimer Moseley
Professor Lorimer Moseley says: “Brain is the most trainable we’ve got!”
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(Addendum November 4, 2021)
Continue using the 2 books written by Norman Doidge, M.D. for inspiration (Thank you, dear Loduskia “Dusky” Pierce, MFT, for having Dr. Doidge’s book on your shelf many years ago)
The Brain That Changes Itself: Stories of Personal Triumph from the Frontiers of Brain Science (translated into 26 languages)
Dr. Doidge’s second book – The Brain’s Way of Healing: Remarkable Discoveries and Recoveries from the Frontiers of Neuroplasticity (translated into 19 languages so far)
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About shingles and postherpetic neuralgia says:
“Postherpetic neuralgia is the most common complication of shingles. The condition affects nerve fibers and skin, causing burning pain that lasts long after the rash and blisters of shingles disappear.
The chickenpox (herpes zoster) virus causes shingles. The risk of postherpetic neuralgia increases with age, primarily affecting people older than 60. There’s no cure, but treatments can ease symptoms. For most people, postherpetic neuralgia improves over time.”
I am forever grateful to the excellent care that “Country Doctor LaH” and her precious Gracie gave me during my illness.
I am forever grateful to everyone who cares about me and encourages me to continue helping myself heal.
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As I write … I am running the movie ONLY WHEN I LAUGH (screenplay by Neil Simon; starring Marsha Mason, Kristy McNichol, James Coco, Joan Hackett; continuity by Joan Samson). I love stories about the protagonist’s taking control of her/his own life, in spite of . . . . The mother-daughter storyline – Wow!
ONLY WHEN I LAUGH is based on the play THE GINGERBREAD LADY by Neil Simon.
Taking control of one’s own life! Taking control of one’s own body! Taking control of one’s own thoughts!
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Taking control of my own life! Taking control of my own body! Taking control of my own thoughts!
Thank you for reading this blog post: “Beautiful Brain remembers old pain experiences, relays signals after shingles, after vaccination,” says author Teresa Jade LeYung.
For other posts related to our Beautiful Brains, Pain, and Neuroplasticity in my blog … If you look at right side of screen, you’ll see the category “Beautiful Brains Neuroplasticity”. Please click on that category to get all my blog posts pertaining to the topic.
I wish you total wellness!
author Teresa Jade LeYung in Paris 2018, photo by Sasa and Nan
Story Consultant and Photo Historian Teresa Jade LeYung says: “I love helping writers identify the themes in their manuscripts to hook readers, and, build and fortify their platforms before and after publication. Reach out, not stress out.”
Love Made Of Heart ®
June 12, 2012
Writing Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan Has Fun with Colleagues at San Mateo County Fair 2012
Please click on the title bar of this post, scroll down, and submit a comment – what were you doing at the Literary Arts stage area?
5:00-6:00pm Playwrights Teresa LeYung-Ryan, Ollie Mae Trost Welch, David Hirzel (author interviews by Darlene Frank after the plays are read)
Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan’s 10-minute monologue Answer Me Now (middle-aged woman asks her dead mother a question) is one of nine winning-plays to be produced by Redwood Writers & 6th Street Playhouse Play Festival.
2012 Performance Dates:
- June 29 – 8:00 PM
- June 30 – 2:00 PM & 8:00 PM
- July 1 – 2:00 PM
6th Street Playhouse – Studio Theater – Santa Rosa, CA
All Tickets: $16.00 – purchase by phone (707) 523-4185 ext 1 or online
Mr. Tree walks and talks at San Mateo County Fair–photo by Coach Teresa
Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan
Teresa LeYung-Ryan helps clients identify themes, universal archetypes, front-story and back-story in their manuscripts.
As coach and author of Build Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days: Attract Agents, Editors, Publishers, Readers, and Media Attention NOW, she says: “Make your name synonymous with the issues you write about.”
Teresa has built her own platform happily; her novel Love Made of Heart and her short play Answer Me Now carry the theme closest to her heart: mother-daughter relationship.
Teresa created the annual “Immigrant Experience Writing Contest” and cheers for all contestants. for her Blog, events, and other resources.
January 1, 2012
Chandra Garsson asked me today: “Teresa, what did you really think about my film?”
As I was telling her, she said “Could you say it in your blog?”
So, here goes… It took Chandra 9 months to create her documentary Art & Gift 2011. 9 months of work–being the film’s protagonist, camera person, director, producer, editor. What impressed me the most about this film is seeing Chandra’s generous nature on the big screen. She could have been the sole narrator, presenting the conflict. But, she did so much more. She interviewed over a dozen fellow artists and writers to give us a chance to express ourselves. She presents a story with fairness. She listens to the other side; she even gives the other side the spotlight so that we can hear/see the other side without any filters. In the case of her film, the other side was the landlord.
During our conversation today, we talked about theme. I was telling Chandra about just having finished editing a children’s novel and helping my client identify the themes in her story. Chandra said there is theme in her work too. Yes, in deed.
The first time I experienced her art was when the fabulous Kim McMillon orchestrated authors’ readings during the 5-week long exhibition of Chandra’s Insomnia [Awakening] at Pro Arts in Oakland. I still remember what poet Mark G said about Chandra’s big pieces (Chandra had painted stories on doors). “She understands trauma. I’m a vet.” That’s my recollection of what Mark said that day.
The plastic baby dolls in Chandra’s exhibit hooked my attention. She understands broken child-within, I thought.
We’ve been friends since.
Please take a look at Chandra’s film Art & Gift 2011! I’m proud of my friend and her powerful work. I’m honored to be in the documentary with Lucille Lang Day, Mary Rudge, Pedro, and all the other artists/poets/musicians/writers who were invited to speak to Chandra Garsson’s camera.
December 24, 2011
My praise on Chandra Garsson’s latest film Art & Gift 2011
birds’ songs
dog’s barking
haunting music
You understand sorrow.
eviction. Your losing your work space–to paint, to create, to sculpt, to work
from 2,400 square feet of artist’s space to 400
Your Insomnia [Awakening]
trusting Chandra Garsson to paint my dolls my ego my childhood symbolism onto Love Made of Heart bookcase
Your growth, blossoming, working with your hands, with colors, sounds, shapes.
Your masterpieces: art-making; book-making; jewelry-making; film-making
Teresa LeYung-Ryan, author of Love Made of Heart
Chandra Garsson says of her film: “Documents the gift of a lifetime of art-making after eviction from art studio. Interviews with recipients of art, including landlord. My goal was to save art from the dump, and I succeeded.”
Chandra’s blog:
Teresa is author of Build Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days: Attract Agents, Editors, Publishers, Readers, and Media Attention NOW
Teresa is author of Love Made of Heart
Coach Teresa edits manuscripts (contemporary novels; thrillers; children’s novels; memoirs; short stories; anthologies) for authors who want to attract agents & publishers OR want to be their own publishers.
Chandra Garsson wrote to Teresa LeYung-Ryan on facebook:
“A lovely holiday to you, dear friend, and thanks for the mention. There is a gravity and dignity to your presence in the film.” “I am enjoying your newly poetic form of writing. Great and gorgeous New Year to you, Teresa!”
Coach Teresa, what’s new with your mastermind group members?
Linda Lee is busy writing her book, being co-president of Women’s National Book Association-San Francisco Chapter, getting ready for San Francisco Writers Conference, creating beautiful websites for her clients that reflect their businesses.
Mary E. Knippel is busy helping her clients create their vision boards / collage / success stories and perfect content for their websites, facilitating events at Women’s National Book Association-San Francisco Chapter and getting ready for San Francisco Writers Conference .
Lori Noack is busy with her new company Vintage San Francisco (women’s clothing and accessories 1950-1980) and managing the Italian Garden Flat.
Luisa Adams, author of Woven of Water, is busy with Spanish class, her book group, being celebrity author at her grandchildren’s school and everywhere she goes, and inspiring your truly and many other fans.
Martha Alderson is busy consulting her clients and promoting her wonderful new book The Plot Whisperer: Secrets of Story Structure Any Writer Can Master.
Rebecca Martin and her staff at Dear Jane Inc. help people find jobs! Cheers to global workforce! Sign up for her helpful newsletter. Watch Rebecca’s videos on her website.
Teresa LeYung-Ryan (yours truly) is practicing my own mantra: “Reach out, not stress out, when pursuing your dreams.” I’ve listed my services at & and updated my website
- Ask editor / manuscript consultant Teresa to help you identify themes and archetypes in your manuscript, book proposal, query letter.
- Ask Coach Teresa to show you shortcuts on your PC; how to crop photos and add captions; create signature block in email setting, a blog, facebook page, YouTube channel, online press room, and more.
- Build Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days: Attract Agents, Editors, Publishers, Readers, and Media Attention NOW (a workbook for anyone who has anything to promote—available in print edition $12.96 and as an E-book $9.81). You can sneak preview the 2 exercises for Day 1 on Amazon. Customer reviews (from writers and entrepreneurs) also on Please support your local bookseller:
Meet Coach Teresa at an event; details: click here
- Thursday Dec. 1, 2011 6:00-7:30pm at WNBA meeting at San Francisco Main Library, Latino/Hispanic Room
- Sunday, January 8, 2012, 2:30-5:00pm at California Writers Club—Redwood Branch
- networking; general meeting; “Writing-Career-Make-Over with Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan”
- Thursday, January 12, 2012 Teresa LeYung-Ryan will be Linda Joy Myers’s guest on National Association of Memoir Writers (NAMW) teleseminar
- February 16-20, 2012 at San Francisco Writers Conference
- March 24, 2012 at WNBA’s “Meet-the-Agents/Speed Dating”
Happy Writing and Platform Building!
First honoree in this video from The Media Center is Bardi Rosman Koodrin. In the interview, Bardi tells about her remarkable experience when she was five years old.
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“Hi Teresa! I know how supportive you are of library programs. Here’s a article about how Wallenberg students kept the school library running with no librarian and have received such community recognition.”
Wallenberg Traditional High School is one of the smaller high schools in SFUSD with an enrollment of less than 700 students. By comparison Lowell High School holds over 2,600 students. Wallenberg’s tiny campus was once an elementary school before transforming into a high school in 1981 named after Raoul Wallenberg, a Swedish diplomat who saved the lives of thousands of European Jews during the Holocaust. Accordingly, the school’s maxim is: “One individual can make a difference.
For the past four years Logan Cai, a student currently in his senior year, has been proving the truth of that maxim. The school requires students to perform community service in order to graduate, but Logan’s service has far surpassed the minimum requirements. Among many other projects, Logan has been volunteering as the school’s librarian. His efforts have earned him the 2011 Jefferson Award for public service.
Budget shortfalls in 2009 caused SFUSD to lay off Kate Farrell, the school’s librarian, and cut her position from the school’s budget for the 2009-2010 school year. Wallenberg was on the verge of becoming a high school without a library until Ms. Farrell made a suggestion: let Logan run it. Logan and his partner Fanny Lau were founding members of the school’s Ravenous Readers Book Club and Ms. Farrell had trained them as library interns. When the budget crisis occurred she believed her interns were ready to take the reins.
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Laurel Anne Hill, author of Heroes Arise, has stepped forward to help Bardi Rosman Koodrin.
Bardi says in a recent newsletter:
“The SF/Peninsula Branch of the California Writers Club will be stepping up to ensure that our Literary Stage at the San Mateo County Fair 2011 does not go dark this year. David Hirzel & Laurel Anne Hill will act as our Stage Coordinators. Other club members have offered to pick up the slack to produce various workshops, and to assure that the Second Annual Author Book Day go on without a hitch. Thank You CWC!!! Contact us right away if you want to help.”
For tickets to the fair:
* * * * * Events at Literary Arts Dept are free * * * * *
Friday June 17, 2011 Literary Arts Stage at the San Mateo County Fair
4:00-6:00pm Mary E. Knippel presents “Coaxing Creativity” workshop
6:30-8:00pm readings from California Writers Club–San Francisco Peninsula Branch members, including contributing authors in the anthology Fault Zone.
8:00-9:00pm author Teresa LeYung-Ryan (past president of CWC-SF Peninsula Branch) uses Love Made of Heart to inspire adult-children of mentally-ill parents to speak openly about the stigmas and gain resources for their families. As Writing Career Coach Teresa, she helps fiction and nonfiction authors gain a competitive edge before and after publication with her workbook Build Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days.
Visit Teresa’s blog at She is the sponsor for “The Immigrant Experience” Writing Contest and she hopes to meet the contestants at the fair.
Blog is the abbreviation for weblog (a blog is a website which provides opportunities for readers to submit their comments)
Verb: To blog = to write posts (entries) in, add material to, or maintain a weblog.
Noun: A blog = a shared on-line journal where you can publish your posts (entries about your experiences, observations, expertise, and hobbies); the most recently published post appears first to readers; readers can interact by submitting comments.
This post you’re reading is on my blog which is on my website (I own this site; I have to pay for domain name renewals and web hosting services)
I have a second blog (free from ) to show my clients how a free blog works.
I have a third blog at Red Room (a wonderful website where authors can sign up to receive a webpage as a Red Room Author). However, I don’t own this blog either.
To get comfortable submitting comments to blogs, click on the title of a post on my blog (in order to see the entire post); scroll down to get the comment boxes. Go to: Click on “TERESA’S BLOG” and scroll down your screen; choose a post that interests you; click on the title of the post to get the comment box.
I’d encourage any writer who do not have a blog website to get one so that you’ll have an on-line address/URL. These days, a blog serves as an answering center (give your fans a chance to find you and to communicate with you and still offers you privacy). If money is an issue, then get a free blog from . Because blogs are free, they will not offer you the features you’d get on a blog website that you own. Although you could upgrade your free blog by paying fees to get extra features. If you go with a free blog now, and, later when you get your own website, ask your webmaster to help you import your posts from the free blog to your site. If you need a guru of a webmaster, check out Linda Lee at
Your blog = a body of work that you publish on cyberspace.
After you get a blog and write some posts, remember to copy the keywords and key phrases (tags) in each post and add them to the tag box for each post. Your blog will compile a list of your tags. Help search engines help people find you and your work through the tags.
Visit my blog often to learn how I use tags and links in my posts.
After you submit a comment to one of my posts, wait a day or so before going to Google (or another search engine), then key in a string of words (tags) you used in your comment . . . press the “search” key . . . let cyberspace go to work. Voila! This is how people will find you. I’ll tell you more in my workbook Build Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days: Attract Agents, Editors, Publishers, Readers, and Media Attention NOW .
Writing Career Coach Teresa LeYung Ryan
Coach Teresa’s YouTube Channel:
Teresa LeYung Ryan on facebook!
Invite Coach Teresa to conduct “Major League Tryouts with Coach Teresa to Build My Name” at your writers’ club or group.
Form a study-group, split the cost and hire Coach Teresa to:
* coach you in name-building to attract the right agent or publisher or more fans
* guide you in designing and growing your blog (to showcase your expertise and experiences)
* show you computer-navigating shortcuts and how to easily “find stuff” on the World Wide Web