Posts Tagged ‘break through the noise’
2022 December 1, 15:03; December 3, 22:20 California USA – Writing Coach Teresa’s Blog post #617
Teresa Jade LeYung says:
“World Traveler / Teacher / Researcher / Writer / Photographer SASA SOUTHARD’s referencing Villefranche-sur-Mer leads to Jean Cocteau, La Belle et la Bête, films, movies, and Almost Ginger blog”
Wishes of vibrant health to everyone!
Thank you, Sasa Southard! YOU inspire turning curiosity into fun research!
Recently while looking at links and photos provided by Sasa … I learned that Villefranche-sur-Mer is a harbour town and Mediterranean resort, in the Alpes-Maritimes département, Provence–Alpes–Côte d’Azur région, southeastern FRANCE. says: “Villefranche, a picturesque old town, was founded early in the 14th century. Its ancient Saint-Pierre chapel was entirely decorated by the French 20th-century writer and artist Jean Cocteau.”
… which led to finding the 4-part presentation COCTEAU ET LA CHAPELLE DE VILLEFRANCHE : L’EGLISE ET LE POETE – in French language
Here’s Part 1 –
Thank you, YouTube Channel User Chrétiens à Monaco!
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Then YouTube cued up “Jean Cocteau speaks to the year 2000″ subtitled – 1962
In 1962 Monsieur Cocteau was addressing a future audience! Wow! Thank you, YouTube Channel User Camille P-LB!
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Today, I found on YouTube the film written and directed by Jean Cocteau ORPHÉE / ORPHEUS (1950) with subtitles / subtítulos / Untertitel
Thank you, YouTube Channel User John Potter!
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Then, while looking up other films written by Monsieur Jean Cocteau, I see that the hauntingly beautiful film La Belle et la Bête was also written by Monsieur Cocteau says:
“Jean Cocteau’s sublime adaptation of Mme. Leprince de Beaumont’s fairy-tale masterpiece—in which the pure love of a beautiful girl melts the heart of a feral but gentle beast—is a landmark of motion picture fantasy, with unforgettably romantic performances by Jean Marais and Josette Day. The spectacular visions of enchantment, desire, and death in Beauty and the Beast (La Belle et la Bête) have become timeless icons of cinematic wonder.”
On the Making of Beauty and the Beast
An excerpt from COCTEAU: A BIOGRAPHY (1970) by Francis Steegmuller
“Beauty and the Beast, the first film of Cocteau’s own since The Blood of a Poet, and his finest poem since then, is by general consent one of the most enchanting pictures ever made, and its production was one of those undertakings that, with a kind of general benevolence, shed luster on all its participants. It brought new accolades to Mme Leprince de Beaumont, the eighteenth-century author of the fairy tale….”
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Then as Sasa Southard would say … I circled back to “Côte d’Azur région, southeastern France” and found “Almost Ginger” blog!
TO CATCH A THIEF filming locations in the South of France
Almost Ginger is an award-nominated cinema and travel blog aimed at showing film and TV lovers how their silver screen escapes can be a reality by documenting my own travels to filming locations and film festivals around the world. says: “Almost Ginger is run by me, Rebecca Sharp. I’m a twenty-something avid cinephile and traveller, as well as a minimalist, optimist, Hufflepuff and proud ginger. Well, almost ginger. Originally from the Lake District in the UK, I split my time between there and everywhere else! I’m a full-time blogger and freelance content creator so as long as I have my laptop, I can work anywhere.”
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Thank you! World Traveler / Teacher / Researcher / Writer / Photographer Sasa Southard!
I celebrate YOU!
Did you know that Elisa “Sasa” Southard is the Queen of Talking Taglines and the author of classic “marketing / build your career by being YOU” book?
Ms. Southard’s book Break Through the Noise: 9 Tools to Propel Your Marketing Message contains entertaining and logical roadmaps for anyone who has anything or any service to sell. The beauty of Ms. Southard’s coaching is that, instead of giving us cookie-cutter methods, she guides us to focus on our uniqueness and to build from there. Anyone can be successful with Ms. Southard’s Tips on talking points and taglines
Elisa Sasa Southard’s book BREAK THROUGH THE NOISE: 9 Tools to Propel Your Marketing Message had inspired me, Teresa Jade LeYung, to write my workbook BUILD YOUR WRITER’S PLATFORM & FANBASE IN 22 DAYS: Attract Agents, Editors, Publishers, Readers, and Media Attention NOW
Wishing everyone a safe and peaceful December!
Teresa Jade LeYung
Story Theme Consultant / Photo Historian / Author / Public Library and Public School Advocate goes to Teresa’s Blog
Writing Coach Teresa Jade LeYung says: “I love helping writers identify the themes in their manuscripts to hook readers, and, build and fortify their platforms before and after publication. Reach out, not stress out.”
Love Made Of Heart ®
Thank you to my pal Simone for this report:
“The State of COVID & the Triple-demic: A Conversation w/ Your Local Epidemiologist Katelyn Jetelina” Thank you, Dr. Robert Wachter, chair, UCSF Dept of Medicine
“COVID Raises Risk of Long-Term Brain Injury, Large U.S. Study Finds” by Julie Steenhuysen
Master teacher and practitioner of Chi Nei Tsang GILLES MARIN’s blog post: “Detoxifying from Vaccines with Herbs, Fruits and Vegetables”
(Clicking on underscored text in this post will open a new window to get to referenced site.)
Meet Teresa LeYung-Ryan, Book Marketing Coach!
1. Why don’t you tell us a little bit about your background in the industry?
My name is Teresa LeYung-Ryan and my clients call me Writing-and-Platform-Building Coach Teresa. I wish to thank Christy Pinheiro-Silva of for this interview, and, I encourage everyone to look for the core messages in my responses—which are: Reach out, not stress out, to material your dreams; and, wear your two hats as a writer and be happy (whether you’re writing fiction, narrative nonfiction, or prescription nonfiction also known as “how to” books/articles).
This is what happened to me, over ten years ago, and the choices I’ve made.
I had a dream—a dream of connecting with readers the way Maxine Hong Kingston touched me with her memoir The Woman Warrior. My writer’s journey started with learning the components of a story in a ten-week course Writing Children’s Literature at the community center and forming a critique group with three classmates after the course ended.
Fast forward. After seven years of writing and rewriting, showing up at critique meetings twice a month, I received a gift from a friend—a brochure for the Jack London Writers’ Conference with an entry form for their writing contest. Two months later, at the conference, I met members from California Writers’ Club and I received “Second Prize” in the Novel Category in the writing contest. I thought that by being a winner in a contest, surely I would attract mentors and be “discovered” by an agent the following week. (Are you laughing?)
Fast forward. After sending query letters and the first two chapters of my novel to dozens of agents over a year, and, receiving “rejection letters” and getting very depressed, I took a friend’s advice and registered for a workshop “How to Get Published.” Also, I got together with two other contest-winners (Luisa Adams and Martha Alderson) and we pledged to help each other on our writers’ journeys.
I took a six-week leave of absence from my job to perform the last big rewrite of my manuscript. (Note: Surround yourself with people who really support your dreams. My husband and my friends were cheering for me.)
Fast forward. My first novel Love Made of Heart (a mother-daughter love story) is used in college composition classes; available at public libraries; recommended by the CA School Library Association and the CA Reading Association; and archived at the San Francisco History Center. October 2012 marks the tenth anniversary of Love Made of Heart. The book is still in print, and, I continue to meet new fans.
For the past nine years, through my coaching and my workbook Build Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days, I have been helping writers reach out, not stress out, to attract agents, editors, publishers, readers, and media attention.
2. What is your opinion on self-publishing vs. traditional publishing and represented by an agent?
The advantage of identifying the right agent who will pitch your intellectual property to the right publishers— agents have their specialties and their relationships with acquisition editors at publishing houses; established publishers have relationships with book distributors.
Note: An agent gets 15% of what the author receives from the publisher (similar to a finder’s fee). Agents are not publicists, marketing managers or promoters. The publisher, not the agent, offers you the contract (to buy the rights to publish your book).
Note: Hire a literary attorney to interpret and negotiate the contract for you if your agent doesn’t have access to legal counsel. Know what rights you are selling to the publisher.
The advantage of being your own publisher—you have full control regarding:
- rights to publish and re-print
- how to promote your book, when, and to whom
- publication date and publication format
- book layout, cover design, jacket copy
- cover price; discounts to booksellers
- budget and profits
Consider Your and Other People’s Timetables:
It might take years to find your agent; it might take years before your agent finds the publisher. By the way, my super-agent Stacey Glick tells me that only 2% of her clients would receive contracts from publishers. When Stacey negotiated the deal with acquisition editor John Scognamiglio at Kensington Publishing Corp. New York (a publisher who releases 500+ new titles each year) for my mother-daughter novel Love Made of Heart, my book title got onto the “conveyor belt” (it would take 18 months from when I sign the contract to when the book would show up in bookstores).
Note: A publisher could “fast track” a new title, releasing the book within months or even weeks. An example of releasing a book within weeks would be when a super-famous person dies and big publishers would forego some of the stops in the conveyor belt process.
How much attention are you going to get and give?
The bigger the publisher, the more new titles they release each year, the less attention each author gets. Their best-selling authors, celebrity-authors, and new authors to whom they have given huge advances would get the most attention of course.
A decade ago when John Scognamiglio told me “You have six weeks to get on the radar” I thought I knew what that meant. You see, I was one of the lucky authors. Kensington had bought “front of the store” shelf space at chain-stores for Love Made of Heart. Chain-stores would rotate inventory every six weeks. If a book sells during those six weeks, then the store would order more copies through their distributor. Independent sales representatives (especially Nancy Suib and Anne Shulenberger) introduced Love Made of Heart to their accounts (independent booksellers). “Indies” also had to rotate their inventory every few weeks. What does this mean? Unsold books are returned to the distributors (warehouses). Publishers have to pay taxes on inventory—it is a costly business—selling printed books.
To stay on that “radar” meant making one’s name and the subject matter/issues/themes in one’s book visible in media attention over those precious six weeks. Which also meant having lined up interviews—in print, radio, television. You’re probably saying . . . Wouldn’t the publisher handle all that? Yes, if you are one of their best-selling authors, a celebrity, or a new author who has been given a huge advance.
Note: Cyberspace magic provides opportunities galore for authors to broadcast ourselves (build our platforms and fanbases). What is a platform? The definition is on page 1 from my workbook Build Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days: “Making your name stand for something—to attract targeted consumers—who are likely to buy what you have to sell.”
3. What do you feel is the most important thing that authors can do to promote their books?
The simple yet powerful tool is: Making your name synonymous with the themes/subject matter/issues in your literary works.
In my interview on CBS Channel 5, I talked about: “What I care about … leads to my writing about those themes/subject matters/issues. What I write about … attracts my fans because they also care about what I care about. Help your fans find you.”
Introduce yourself with your full name. Then use these three words: “I care about . . . ”
Example: (as a writer of fiction, narrative nonfiction, including memoirs )
I am Teresa LeYung-Ryan, author of Love Made of Heart (a mother-daughter love story). I care about helping adult-children (of mentally-ill parents) speak openly about the stigmas and find resources for their loved ones.
Example: (as a writer of prescriptive nonfiction a.k.a. “how to” )
I am Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan, author of Build Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days: Attract Agents, Editors, Publishers, Readers, and Media Attention NOW. I care about helping writers thrive in today’s publishing arena.
I call these self-introductions my platform-statement.
Where to “show” your platform-statement?
- Your email signature-block!
- Your letterhead!
- Your website and blog slogan/tagline/description!
- Your bio!
- Your business cards!
- The caption for your photographs!
- Headline for press releases!
- Social media pages!
- And, let’s hear it on your voicemail!
Even when I’m emailing my loved ones (my biggest fans), I show them my platform-statement in my signature block. Help your fans brag about you with ease.
4. What are your feelings on Social Media? (Facebook, Google+, Twitter, etc)
I thank creators and users of social media. How else could our fans from faraway places find us? Be consistent. Update your bio in all these forums to reflect your current platform-statement. A picture speaks a thousand words; be sure to rename photo-files (show your full name and book title, and even keywords from your platform-statement)
5. Do you feel that book marketing for fiction is different than book marketing for non-fiction?
No difference in today’s markets.
How do I choose books as a consumer?
As Teresa-the-consumer, I pay attention when:
- friends recommend a book
- I read about or hear or meet the author and I appreciate what the author has to say
- I need information on a particular subject, so I use a search engine (like to find those books or I ask my favorite booksellers and librarians.
How would I help these consumers find me if I am an author?
Please see the answers to Question # 3—“What do you feel is the most important thing that authors can do to promote their books?”
6. What are some of the biggest mistakes that authors make when trying to promote their books?
- One big mistake is misdirecting your energy pitching to book reviewers or radio or television producers who are not interested in the subject matter /issues/ themes that you are promoting. Do your homework; seek advice from mentors, colleagues, and yours truly Coach Teresa; use The Book Reviewer Yellow Pages; listen and watch shows you’d like to be invited to, and, please study their format
- Another common mistake is what my colleague Elisa Sasa Southard calls “killing a marketing moment.” Her book Break Through the Noise shows you the 9 tools to propel your marketing message.
- The third common mistake is tiring yourself out when promoting at events where there is traveling, schlepping, and setting up involved. I have lots of fun with colleagues/co-presenters at writers’ conferences, book festivals, and community events. Recently I shared a booth with Margie Yee Webb and Rita Lakin at the Sonoma County Book Festival. Every year I join forces with co-presenters Sasa Southard and Mary E. Knippel at the San Francisco Writers Conference. On December 15, 2012 I’ll be sharing a table with Margie Yee Webb (she’s the author of the gift-book Cat Mulan’s Mindful Musings) at a Local Authors event. Please check my events page.
7. Do you have any other useful advice for beginning authors?
- Get yourself a calendar (month at a glance) with big squares to write in, and, schedule time to work on your craft and your platform.
- Get to know members in writers’ organizations (my favorite ones are California Writers Club and Women’s National Book Association)
- Please read my blog post: Wear Two Hats as a Writer and Be Happy
8. How can authors contact you if they have any questions?
I encourage you to ask me question by posting a comment on any of my blog posts. That way, my fans will see your name and questions (so, promote yourself). To submit a comment: click on the headline/blue title bar of the post, scroll down to the end of the post, fill in the boxes, and press the [submit comment] button.
Here’s a blog post you might like to submit a comment/question: Who Really Is the Most Qualified Person to Build the Author’s Platform and Fanbase?
My email address: WritingCoachTeresag at
You will find links to the organizations referenced in this interview on my “Writers’ Resources” page at
In closing, I wish to reiterate my thanks to Christy Pinheiro and to say “I cheer for all writers!”
Reach out, not stress out!
Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan
Christy Pinheiro-Silva of says:
“Thanks, Teresa, for a great interview!!!”
During this holiday/gift-giving season, remember to gift yourself or a writer friend . . . with books to improve your craft and advance your career; workshops; editing services; membership to writers’ organization; money toward attending a conference . . .
Are you rewriting?
Are you starting a new project?
Do you want to meet agents?
Are you being your own publisher?
Want to be associated with other writers who also specialize in your genre?
Help yourself! Help a friend!
I’m editing a client’s children’s novel and another client’s thriller. Do you or a friend need me to help you transform your manuscript into a page-turner? Email me at WritingCoachTeresa is my email ID.
There might be something at Books, Movies, other Writing Tools Recommended by Coach Teresa that will get you closer to your goal or connect you with published authors. Read acknowledgment pages in books–authors thank the people who have helped them succeed. Look at the names of folks who wrote advance praises for the authors.
There might be an organization or group or an individual at my webpage Writers’ Resources who will help you turn dreams into reality.
Go where my colleagues and I go — click here for Teresa LeYung-Ryan’s events.
- Meetings at San Francisco Main Library with Coach Teresa and other Women’s National Book Association members
- Writing Career MakeOver with Coach Teresa at California Writers Club
- Roundtable discussions “Building Your Platform” with Coach Teresa for Linda Joy Myers & National Association of Memoir Writers
- San Francisco Writers Conference
- “Speed Dating with Agents & Acquisition Editors” at Women’s National Book Association
I wish you a joyful winter!
Happy Birthmonth to Margie Yee Webb and Elisa Southard.
- Margie’s book Cat Mulan’s Mindful Musings makes a delightful gift to cat lovers.
- Elisa’s book Break Through the Noise makes a perfect book for anyone who has a business to promote.
Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan
Teresa is author of Build Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days: Attract Agents, Editors, Publishers, Readers, and Media Attention NOW
Teresa is author of Love Made of Heart
Coach Teresa edits manuscripts (contemporary novels; thrillers; children’s novels; memoirs) for authors who want to attract agents & publishers OR want to be their own publishers.
Exactly the right words; social networking; taglines; job seekers; grammar; manuscripts; Chinese word for heart
I started a new format for my blog posts on November 16, 2011. Once a month, I will write a post to include 3 sections.
As 22-day Platform-Building Coach– Build Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days:
Write Your Story Now! PLAYshop with Mary E. Knippel
Are you frustrated trying to find just exactly the right words
- for your blog posts?
-for that end-of-the-year letter to family or customers?
-to update your profile on your website or social media site?
Come and explore how you can overcome your writing challenges and have fun at the same time!
Nov. 19, 2011 9 a.m. -4 p.m. Free Event
$20 holds your seat (refunded at the door)
Workshop in Half Moon Bay, CA
As Editor & Manuscript Consultant–identify themes and archetypes:
Get yourself a book on grammar. I recommend Woe Is I: The Grammarphobe’s Guide to Better English in Plain English by Patricia T. O’Conner
Teresa LeYung-Ryan & Mary E. Knippel show writers how to polish their manuscripts before:
- hiring book doctor/developmental editor
- pitching to agents or acquisition editors
- self-publishing
As author of Love Made of Heart:
November is:
- National Family Caregivers Month (books that help caregivers: Help Me Live: 20 Things People with Cancer Want You to Know by Lori Hope; You Want Me To Do What? Journaling for Care Givers by B. Lynn Goodwin; Nothing Can Scare Me Now: Managing Breast Cancer So It Doesn’t Manage You by Juliane Cortino)
- National Inspirational Role Models Month (Coach Teresa’s role models in her workbook Build Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days are Maxine Hong Kingston, Rita Lakin and Ginger Rogers, deceased. You can sneak preview the 2 exercises for Day 1 of my workbook on Thank you, Maxine, Rita, Ginger, for being heroes!)
- National Lifewriting Month (“The Chinese word for ‘love’ is made up of many brush strokes. In the center of the word ‘love’ is the word ‘heart.’ Love is made of heart… The word ‘heart’ is also in ‘virtue,’ ‘grace,’ ‘compassion,’ ‘ambition,’ patience,’ ‘loyalty, and ‘melancholy.’ Please write the stories that speak from your heart. If you need recommendations for “how to books” on writing, please click here.”)
“Reach out, not stress out, when pursuing your dreams!”
Please click here for details to Coach Teresa’s event.
Coach Teresa, did you write an article about plotting a writer’s platform for Plot Teacher Martha Alderson?
Martha Alderson, plot teacher, published my article especially written for her:
Here’s Martha’s introduction:
Teresa LeYung Ryan
I met Teresa more than twelve years ago, before either of us were published. When Teresa’s book, Love Made of Heart, a story about a daughter’s journey to self-forgiveness, was published by Kensington Publishing NY, she gave me credit for teaching her about the difference between front-story and back-story. As she promoted her book, she generously continued to give me credit and, in so doing, helped launch my plot teaching career. I’ve been grateful for her help ever since.
Now, Teresa has crafted a book for writers interested in building a platform for themselves. Early in our careers, the need for a fiction writer to have a “platform” was not great. Today, it’s imperative for all writers to establish a platform for themselves. In her new book, Build Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase in 22 Days Teresa gives easy to follow steps. I asked her to share some of her thoughts and ideas on building a writer’s platform.
Know Where Your Protagonist Is Going, Plot Your Story; Know Where Your Career is Heading, Plot Your Platform
From Plot Master Martha Alderson you have learned how to plot your story. Now, you might be asking “What is a platform?” and “Why do I need to plot one?”
On page 1 of my workbook Build Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days, the definition of platform: “Making your name stand for something—to attract targeted consumers who are likely to buy what you have to sell.”
Celebrity authors and best-selling authors have platforms. Authors who want to attract agents and publishers need platforms; authors who want to be their own publishers need them too.
Martha says: “Plot is what happens to the protagonist because of the dramatic action . . . . when the dramatic action changes him/her at depth over time, the story becomes thematically significant.”
The operative words are “at depth” and “over time.”
Just as your protagonist is transformed, so can your platform.
Years ago, when my publisher (who had found me through my agent) offered me a contract, I had 18 months to “think about my platform” (it would take 18 months for my book to go through the channels– from the day I sign the contract to the day when my book would be in bookstores—18 luxurious months to make my name stand for something).
Today, most authors will never experience that luxury. Why? Because even when an author lands an agent, the author’s manuscript or book proposal is often rejected by publishers if the author cannot show that he/she has a fanbase/platform.
You might be saying “I don’t need publishers. I’m going to self-publish.”
I say “Wonderful! Whether you want to sell rights to a publisher or be your own publisher, “invest” in yourself. Grow your fanbase now. Plot your platform. Know where your career is heading the way you know where your protagonist is going. And please… reach out, not stress out.
3 Tips to Get Started–Make Your Name Audible, Visible, Memorable:
1) When you introduce yourself at parties, meetings, conferences . . . enunciate your full name; the person you’re chatting with could be a future fan
Show your full name on name badges and sign-in sheets. If you have a pen name, and you want people to remember you by that name, use your pseudonym. Your phone’s outgoing message—announce your full name.
2) What does your name look like in your email address? Is it something obscure like “cba94111” ? You’re professional, make your email address professional. Here is mine: “Teresa LeYung Ryan”
3) What does your signature block look like? Show your full name. Also, if you like adding quotes in your signature block . . . instead of quoting other people, quote yourself. Show email recipients (even family members and friend) something memorable.
Teresa LeYung Ryan, author/writing career coach
“I use my workbook to help writers gain a competitive edge. A platform is not something you stand on. It’s something you stand for!”
Teresa LeYung Ryan,
“I use my novel Love Made of Heart to inspire adult-children of mentally-ill parents to speak openly about the stigmas and to gain resources for their families.”
Thank you, Writing Coach Teresa!
This is a sample of the ideas Teresa has to share with you in her new book, on her blog, and on her website. She, along with Elisa Southard — author of Break Through the Noise, has presented every year at the San Francisco Writers Conference to prepare writers for their pitch sessions with agents and publishers. She has helpful information for writers serious about their writing careers.
Thank you so much, Plot Teacher Martha!
If you’d like to read Martha’s interview of me as a novelist, go here:
Did you know that you can pre-order Martha’s new book via Amazon? (will be shipped October 2011 or sooner) The Plot Whisperer: Secrets of Story Structure Any Writer Can Master
Cheers to fiction and nonfiction writers!
Happy platform & fanbase building!
Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan
Build Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days: Attract Agents, Editors, Publishers, Readers, and Media Attention NOW
paperback edition of workbook
Kindle ebook edition
To comment on this blog post or any of my posts or to contact me, just click on the blue title bar of the post, fill in the boxes and press “submit.”
What Is a Talking Tagline for Writers of Fiction and Nonfiction?
Every year at the exciting San Francisco Writers Conference, Talking-Tagline Teacher Elisa Southard and Platform-Building Coach Teresa LeYung Ryan (yours truly) show writers of all genres how to hook attention–in person, in emails & voicemail, on their websites, blogs, facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, and other social-media forums. Hook attention with your talking-tagline!
When someone asks: “Elisa, what do you do?” Elisa responds with: “Through my book Break Through the Noise, I help professionals power up their marketing messages.” (she doesn’t say “I’m a writer” because… what if the other person doesn’t ask her more questions. )
When someone asks: “Teresa, what do you do?” Teresa responds with: “Through my book, I help writers build their platforms and fanbase in 22 days.”
As a novelist and memoirist, Teresa says: “Through my book Love Made of Heart, I inspire adult-children of mentally-ill parents to speak openly about the stigmas.” (When I was newbie, my playwright friend Kim McMillon would invite me to parties. Someone would come up to me and ask “So, Teresa, what do you do?” I would answer “I write novels.” Then the other person would ask “Are you published?” and I would shyly say “Not yet.” Where did that conversation take me? Nowhere. Many times, the other person would corner me and tell me what he/she writes (a monologue).
Here are other examples of how to engage with the talking-tagline:
As a travel writer, Elisa says: “I help people turn curiosity into confidence when they travel.”
As a guest speaker to schools, Teresa uses: “Through my book, I help survivors of family violence find their own voices.”

Elisa Southard says: "Break through the noise" and Teresa LeYung Ryan says: "Build your writer's platform & fanbase in 22 days."
*** This year our interactive presentation at SFWC was publicized as: Get a Grip: Be Your Own Best Promoter ***
Writers who:
- were in our session
- received one-on-one coaching from us
- bought the CD or MP3 of our session
- learned Talking-Tagline from us at other conferences or workshops . . .
… here’s your chance to tell tens of thousands of my fans what your Talking-Tagline is. Click on the title bar of this post, fill in the boxes and press “submit.”
Also, Elisa and I are both on facebook. Request
to be “Friends” and remind us where you met us.
Elisa loves Twitter, so, connect with her that way too.
More resources to help you and your writer-friends gain a competitive edge in the publishing industry: Watch Elisa’s interview on television–how to deliver your talking-tagline for any profession. Helping you create your talking-tagline is Elisa Southard’s unique talent. Get Elisa’s book Break Through the Noise, 9 Tools to Propel Your Marketing Message You will giggle when you see how fun it is to build your platform and attract more fans while you’re writing your project. Order my workbook from Amazon Build Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days: Attract Agents, Editors, Publishers, Readers, and Media Attention NOW . Why 22 days? When you stick to a program, you develop new habits. Look at the reviews from writers who have used the program.
I say: Reach out, not stress out! Help your fans find you!
Let’s hear your talking-tagline. Click on the blue title bar of this post to get the comment box, fill in all the boxes and press “submit.”
To read other posts in my blog (about writing contests, publishing opportunities, more tips on platform-building), click on [ Home ] and scroll down OR key in words in the search box to find specific posts. Example: if you key in the words: poetry anthology 2011 into my blog’s search box and click [search], you will see my post containing info about the Las Positas College Anthology and other contests for other genres (Thank you, Poet Laureate Deborah Grossman!) To read the entire version of a post, click on the title bar of that post.
To see my website for all my books, go to: — future San Francisco Writers Conference, San Francisco Writers University, contests, scholarships, recordings of past conferences. – for authors of non-fiction – Writing for Change Conference.
Saturday March 26, 2011 in San Francisco “Meet the Agents & Acquisition Editors!”
Teresa LeYung Ryan, Mary E. Knippel and Tanya Egan Gibson will coach writers before they pitch at this event.
Reach out, not stress out!
Build-Your-Writer’s-Platform Coach Teresa
What’s Happening February 17 – 21, 2011 For Writers and Readers?
Thursday, Feb. 17th, 2011, 6 to 9 pm- $149
Presented by Literary Agent Katharine Sands, author of Making the Perfect Pitch. Learn how to effectively pitch your project to the agents and editors at the SFWC…or anywhere!
Friday February 18, 2011 While Talking Tagline Mentor Elisa Southard author of Break Through the Noise, 9 Tools to Propel Your Marketing Message & I (Writing Career Coach Teresa LeYung Ryan author of Build Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days: Attract Agents, Editors, Publishers, Readers, and Media Attention NOW) will be presenting “Get a Grip: Be Your Own Best Promoter” at the exciting San Francisco Writers Conference . . .
February 18, 2011, 11:00am PST / noon Mountain Time Author Judith Marshall (Judith & I were in a critique group with Lynn Scott and Marcia Naomi Berger!) will be interviewed on BlogTalkRadio show Page Readers. If you miss the live broadcast on Feb. 18th, you can listen to Judith Marshall (she’s delightful!) when the show is archived. Go, Girlfriend Judith!!!
Judith Marshall is a third generation native Californian, born in St. Helena and raised in Concord. After leaving a successful career as a human resources executive, her lifelong dream of writing fiction was realized with the completion of Husbands May Come and Go But Friends Are Forever, winner of the Jack London Prize awarded by the California Writers Club and recently optioned for the big screen. She is an active member of the California Writers Club and a regular participant in writing classes and workshops. She continues to hone her craft and is currently working on her second novel, Staying Afloat, the story of a devoted stay-at-home wife and mother who morphs into a sex-starved adulteress. She lives in Northern California with her husband. For more information, go to
Sponsored by San Francisco Writers University and the San Francisco Writers Conference
These classes will be held at the Mark Hopkins InterContinental Hotel on Nob Hill in San Francisco.
Each of these intensive workshops takes one subject and breaks it down
into parts to give attendees a deep understanding of the topic. Each
workshop is taught by an expert on the subject who is also a good
Full Day Classes (9 am to noon, break for no-host lunch, 2 -5 pm) — $297 for either class
1. Social Media for Authors with social media gurus Tee Morris and Linda Lee
By the end of this nuts and bolts workshop, authors will know how to effectively use Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and Linked-In, how to create a website and blog and how to podcast your writing. And you’ll also know how to select which of these tools is right for you. A must have for writers in today’s online world.
2. Self-Publishing Boot Camp with Carla King, Alan Rinzler, Joel Friedlander, Mark Coker, Tammy Nam, Alexis Masters, Karen Leland and many more
Listen up, soldiers! Today is the best time ever to be a writer. With eBooks and self-publishing options never before available to get your book in front of a reading audience, you need to understand the whys, whats and hows of self-publishing. Taught by the creator of the Self-Publishing Bootcamp and a whole host of experts in every aspect of self-publishing. Go to Carla King’s Self-Publishing Boot Camp web site.
Morning Half-Day Classes (9 am to noon) –$149 for each class
1. Micro-Tension: The Secret of the Best Sellers with Superstar Literary Agent Donald Maass
This workshop has been given to rave reviews throughout North America by the man who wrote the book (and workbook) on writing the novel that will break you out of the pack. In the course of two decades Mr. Maass has arrived at a number of definite and highly perceptive conclusions on just what the differences are between an ordinary, pedestrian but enjoyable novel and an ostensibly similar work that catapults the book and its author into an entirely new plane of literary success.
2. Writing Fantasy, Science Fiction and Horror
With best selling author Katharine Kerr, editor/assoc. publisher Gabrielle Harbowy and rising star fantasy author Philippa Ballantine
3. Writing Romance and Women’s Fiction
With literary agent Christine Witthohn and romance author Elizabeth Jennings
4. Writing Mysteries, Suspense and Thrillers
With NYT best-selling mystery and thriller authors Bob Dugoni and Sheldon Siegel
Afternoon Half-Day Classes (2 pm to 5 pm)–$149 each
1. How to Write a Book Proposal (non-fiction)
With the man who wrote How to Write a Book Proposal. literary agent Michael Larsen and Consulting Editor Alan Rinzler
2. Making Your Memoir Bigger Than The Story of Your Life
With writing teacher and memoirist Adair Lara, author of Naked, Drunk and Writing: Shed Your Inhibitions and Craft a Compelling Memoir or Personal Essay
3. How To Make Money in the Hot Young Adult Market
With author Doug Rees and Annette Pollert from Simon and Schuster
My friend and colleague Elisa Southard and I met on Wednesday to outline our presentation for the San Francisco Writers Conference in February.
Conference registrants have described us as “The Elisa & Teresa Show” because we do skits to demonstrate our points, and, our sessions are always interactive.“Writing-Career Coach Teresa & Talking-Tagline Coach Elisa Southard love helping authors hook attention from agents and publishers.”
This year, SFWC creators Elizabeth Pomada & Michael Larsen want us to present: UPPING YOUR PLATFORM: Building Your Visibility Online and Off with YOUR Talking Tagline.
Fun! As a pre-conference exercise, I ask registrants to Google our names and see what our talking-taglines are.
Elisa Southard IS the Talking-Tagline Queen and the author of Break Through the Noise: 9 Tools to Propel Your Marketing Message.
She’s my coach when I need to hook attention. She even dreamed up the main part of the title of my new guide ! Build Your Name, Beat the Game. What a gift! Thank you, Elisa!
Elisa’s working on a new book herself. Meanwhile I’d like to remind all writers (and anyone who has a service to provide) to visit her website.
Elisa is often quoted as saying, “Don’t kill a marketing moment, execute it.”
Happy New Year, Elisa! And Happy Writing your new book!