Posts Tagged ‘City of Light’
12:17 mercredi (Wednesday) le 5 février (February) 2025 Paris (City of Light), FRANCE
– 01:49 mardi (Tuesday) le 4 février (February) 2025 Paris
13:02-15:50 lundi (Monday) le 3 février (February) 2025 Paris
01:10 mercredi (Wednesday) le 8 janvier 2025, 01:10 Aix-les-Bains, FRANCE
22:10 mardi (Tuesday) le 7 janvier (January) 2025 Aix-les-Bains
Bonne année!
Je vous souhaite, ainsi qu’à tous ceux qui vous sont chers, une année 2025 de paix, d’excellente santé, de prospérité et de bonheur.
Happy New Year!
I wish you and everyone you care about a 2025 of peace, excellent health, prosperity and happiness.
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Aix-les-Bains est une station thermale située au bord du lac du Bourget, en Savoie, dans l’est de la FRANCE.
Aix-les-Bains is a spa town located on the shore of Lake Bourget (the largest natural lake in France), in Savoie, in eastern FRANCE.
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Plus grand lac naturel de France avec ses dix-huit kilomètres de long, le lac du Bourget est entouré par le massif de l’Epine, le Mont du Chat, la Chambotte, le Mont Revard et les Bauges.? Ce lac, chanté par les plus grands poètes offre des plaisirs nautiques et balnéaires dans une eau pouvant atteindre les 26°C l’été.
The largest natural lake in France with its eighteen kilometres long, the Lake of Bourget is surrounded by the Epine massif, the Mont du Chat, the Chambotte, the Mont Revard and the Bauges. This lake, sung by the greatest poets, offers nautical and seaside pleasures in water that can reach 26 degrees Celsius in summer.
My one minute and 23-second movie:
Auspicious church bells ringing, Christmas Day 2024 L’église Notre-Dame d’Aix-les-Bains
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My 54-second movie:
Christmas lights, north section Square du Temple de Diane, Aix-les-Bains, FRANCE
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My one minute 8-second movie:
l’Hôtel de Ville, Place Maurice Mollard, Square du Temple de Diane, Aix-les-Bains, FRANCE
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View from the balcony of an apartment in a hillside section of Aix-les-Bains (a place of serenity).
Can you see Lake Bourget in the right half of the photo?
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Paris (City of Light) is the capitol city of FRANCE
Paris par quartier / Paris by Neighborhood
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En français
Paris ? C’est un monde ! Chacun de ses quartiers s’explore comme un pays, de Montmartre la villageoise au quartier latin en passant par le berceau de l’île de la Cité. Et chaque pierre nous parle d’art, du séculaire musée du Louvre à la futuriste fondation Louis Vuitton. Car Paris est une fête permanente pour la culture, y compris pour la gastronomie. Ce n’est pas Alain Ducasse ou Pierre Hermé qui nous contrediront !
In English
Welcome to the mesmerizing realm of Paris, city where every cobblestone holds whispers of history and every avenue unfurls a tapestry of experiences. Each neighborhood is a world of its own, a unique chapter in this epic novel of art, culture, and life. From the bohemian spirit of Montmartre to the timeless elegance of the Latin Quarter and the ancient heartbeat of the Ile de la Cité, Paris city is a kaleidoscope of emotions waiting to be explored. It’s not just a city; it’s a realm where even the stones are storytellers, where every corner is a masterpiece, and where every bite is an ode to gastronomic delight, guided by the ingenious pastry maestro, Nina Metayer, awarded as the world’s best pastry chef in 2023 !
View from an apartment in the 11th arrondissement 75011 in Paris.
My 30-second movie “Notre Dame d’Espérance church bells ringing, Sunday January 26, 2025, 11th arrondissement Paris”
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La Tour Eiffel (aka “The Iron Lady”) 75007 Paris
Notre-Dame d’Espérance 75011 Paris
My 43-second movie: “La Tour Eiffel, Notre-Dame d’Espérance foreground, la Basilique du Sacré-Cœur in far distance, Paris”
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Looking at Place de la Bastille, 75004 Paris
Au centre de la place de la Bastille se dresse la colonne de Juillet, surmontée du fameux Génie de la Liberté, commémorant la révolution de 1830. Mais c’est pour une autre révolution que la place est bien connue : celle de 1789. À cette époque, elle était occupée par la prison de la Bastille, symbole du pouvoir absolu de l’Ancien Régime. De cette geôle, détruite peu après la Révolution française, il ne reste rien.
In the centre of the Place de la Bastille stands the July Column, surmounted by the famous Genie de la Liberté, commemorating the revolution of 1830. But it is for another revolution that the place is well known: that of 1789. At that time, it was occupied by the Bastille prison, a symbol of the absolute power of the Ancien Régime. Of this jail, destroyed shortly after the French Revolution, nothing remains.
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Mon cœur danse quand je suis à Paris.
My heart dances when I am in Paris.
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Sign points to Rue du Faubourg Saint-Antoine 75011 Paris
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Looking toward La Seine from Avenue Ledru-Rollin 75011 Paris
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Bonne Année!
Je vous envoie de joyeuses pensées d’Aix-les-Bains et de Paris, FRANCE !
Happy New Year!
I send you happy thoughts from Aix-les-Bains and Paris (City of Light), FRANCE!
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Sincerely / Cordialement
Teresa Jade LeYung
Author / Blogger / Story-Theme Consultant / Photo Historian
Auteur / Blogueur / Consultant en matière d’histoires / Historien de la photo for short short movies of Aix-les-Bains and Paris, FRANCE 2024 and 2025; Portland, Oregon USA 2024; Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA 2024 for “shorts” I have created. goes to Teresa Jade LeYung’s Blog on Wellness, Story Themes, Archetypes
Love Made Of Heart ®
2024 May 29, 17:55; May 30, 12:04 – at Chez SGC, California USA
Dear Readers,
The suffering in this world … the enormities of disasters … what can I do to ease the pain?
I have faith that if I share information relating to health which I’ve been fortunate to gain, surely the energy would help someone who would help someone else, on and on.
I am staying at dear friends’ home, however, not near wonderful chiropractor Dr. Jae Reed, D.C. to get treatments – Neuro Integration System and Neuro Emotional Technique…
Luckily, I found another wonderful chiropractor – Dr. Kerry Lilley, D.C.
Why do I need a chiropractor?
The apartment in Paris I was in from March 1 – 26 was beautifully furnished, however, the person (who lived in the apartment above the one I was in) did not honor “Apartment-Living Rules”. She would come home at all hours… walk in clunky shoes (fast walking too), and, she probably had removed floor rugs. The vibrations rolling across parquet floor when the entire building is quiet = unhealthy energy over my head.
Around 3:00am on March 4th, my brain so tired from the disturbance… I thought taking a shower would do me good.
I forgot that the high-wall bathtub … I would need to “ride side saddle” going in and coming out.
I fell.. coming out of the tub.
The distance from the rim of the bathtub to the floor is 22 inches while the distance from my knee joint to the bottom of my foot is about 16 inches. If I were a horse in a steeplechase … my legs didn’t clear the extra 6 inches. So, I fell. BAMM.
[ Thank you, Marisa, for having taught me how to fall safely (Aikido wisdom) While falling, time went into slow motion for me to stretch out both arms to minimize injuries. ]
At the time, I thought only my right knee sustained minimal impact. Wrong.
During my last two weeks in City of Light… my wanting to join my friends, I used Le Métro (Paris subway) … oh the stairs and more stairs … I realized that the right side of my body had been injured.
Last week, I learned from Dr. Lilley what the Psoas muscles are.
Today (May 29), during treatment, I asked Dr. Lilley to examine my wrists. Why are they achy with heat?
She said:
“Your smart body knows what to do. The heat you’re feeling in your wrists is your body’s way to release the trauma. Drink water. When exhaling, release the out breath twice. Release the trauma. Increase vitamin C for the time being.”
I thank Dr. Kerry Lilley, Dr. Jae Reed, Stephanie Wilger, NC,
Dr. Amy Grace Lam, Marie-Christine Cornet,
Gilles Marin, and all the healers who have taught me how to listen to my Brain-Body communicate… how to continue fostering the Smart Body.
I thank everyone who has encouraged me to seek help.
I thank everyone who plays a role in helping me find ways to Wellness.
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“The Essential Role of the Psoas Muscle”
By: Stephen Falatyn, MD, Orthopedic Surgeon
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2024 July 6
What does the psoas muscle do?
Your psoas muscles link your spine to your lower body and connect muscles deeper inside your body to ones closer to the surface of your skin. They’re like a bridge in the center of your body that connects lots of parts and helps you perform motions that use your abdomen and legs at the same time.
Your psoas muscles work with other muscles to stabilize your posture and move your hips and upper legs. Their functions include:
- Holding your lower back still when you’re sitting down.
- Pulling your abdomen up from a prone position (picture doing a sit-up).
- Helping you flex and move your hips when you’re standing and lying down.
- Lifting your upper legs (which lets you walk and climb stairs).
- Stabilizing the top of your femur (thigh bone) when you move your hips.
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This month, the writer who is supplying inspiration is Mr. George Carlin.
About humanity… he said that if there were only ten people, dropped off onto this planet… the ten people would ask each other:
“Is every body okay?” “Let’s get something to eat.” “That’s what any society says, but we don’t. Property rights over people’s rights.”
Stewart Interviews George Carlin
Did you know he had a sitcom The George Carlin Show (1994-1995)?
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This morning, while thinking about dear NN and her soothing phone voice perfect for customer service … I believe that Mr. George Carlin inspired me
to search:
“Are there programs to train seniors to work from home?”
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Story Consultant Teresa Jade LeYung says: “When illness takes us onto a Hero’s Journey”
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BOOKS, Our Immune System, Our Beautiful Ever-Changing Brain, Our Internal Organs, Our Body and Vitality!
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Thank you for reading my blog post: “Paris Bathtub, Aikido Safe Fall, Apartment Neighbor, Le Métro Stairs, Psoas Muscle, Chiropractors, the George Carlin Show”
May beautiful food, clean water, clean air, laughter and quiet always be yours to enjoy!
Teresa Jade LeYung
Love Made Of Heart ®
Beautiful Brain Body, Nervous System, Viruses, Wellness, Neuroplasticity Throughout Our Entire Lives
California 2022 September 24, 20:49; September 25, 21:44; September 27, 22:43; September 28, 14:54; September 29, 14:18; September 30, 12:55
[ Addendum 2022 October 2
On YouTube Plum Village channel
“A Regulated Nervous System: An Orientation by Jo-Ann Rosen | #11″
(Beloved teacher Thich Nhat Hanh, founder of the International Plum Village Community of Engaged Buddhism, passed away on 22nd January 2022.)
WALKING helps Beautiful Brain produce dopamine, serotonin, etc. for ease of movement.
If you cannot walk… then visualize WALKING.
I, Teresa Jade LeYung, wish everyone wellness, loving kindness, peace and happiness.
Merci beaucoup, Sasa Southard, for the inspiring message on card!
Recovering from illness continues to teach me how to listen to Beautiful Brain/Body and respond with intention. I am so very grateful to everyone who cares about my well-being.
I know now that aftermath of any virus is not for me to dismiss. Living with post Shingles* virus symptoms that impact my nervous system / work life / private life is sobering and humbling. I am thankful for “healthful” lessons.
[ * Shingles is caused by the varicella-zoster virus — the same virus that causes chickenpox. After a person has had chickenpox, the virus lies inactive in nerve tissue near the spinal cord and brain. Years later, the virus may reactivate as shingles. ]
Our beautiful brains. Our beautiful central nervous system!
Merci beaucoup, Marie-Christine Cornet, for glorious rinunculus bouquet
“COVID Raises Risk of Long-Term Brain Injury, Large U.S. Study Finds”
Sept. 22, 2022 By Julie Steenhuysen
CHICAGO (Reuters) – People who had COVID-19 are at higher risk for a host of brain injuries a year later compared with people who were never infected by the coronavirus, a finding that could affect millions of Americans, U.S. researchers reported on Thursday.
The year-long study, published in Nature Medicine, assessed brain health across 44 different disorders using medical records without patient identifiers from millions of U.S. veterans.
Brain and other neurological disorders occurred in 7% more of those who had been infected with COVID compared with a similar group of veterans who had never been infected. That translates into roughly 6.6 million Americans who had brain impairments linked with their COVID infections, the team said.
Compared with the control groups, people infected with COVID had a 77% higher risk of developing memory problems.
People infected with the virus also were 50% more likely to have an ischemic stroke, which is caused by blood clots, compared with the never infected group.
Those who had COVID were 80% more likely to have seizures, 43% more likely to have mental health issues, such as anxiety or depression, 35% more likely to have headaches and 42% more likely to suffer movement disorders, such as tremors, compared with the control groups.
Full article:
[ Addendum 2022 October 19
What this engaging article and many other engaging articles don't offer is a summary of the biology, how this virus is passed around, and what we can all do to decrease spreading this virus and variants.
Inhalation. Exhalation. Outdoors. Indoors. Droplets. Aerosols. Wearing masks. Proper ventilation. Air filtration. Vaccination. Consequences. Getting tested. Isolate. Quarantine. Exposure to people who are exposed to large numbers of other people. Variables. Where is the float plan? ]
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Danielle Rosenman, M.D. says:
“The brain changes itself constantly throughout our entire lives. All of our experience changes the brain.
“Everything that we experience, think, feel, believe, and learn changes the physical structure of the brain, the chemicals in the brain, and electricity in the brain.
“This ability of the brain to change is called neuroplasticity.
“Neuroplasticity lets us learn through our entire lives. The more often we repeat a task, the better we learn it. Repetition helps us learn things like reading, adding numbers, or playing a musical instrument. We often call this type of learning ‘practice’.”
During neuroplasticity coaching, Dr. Danielle Rosenman instructs: “Smile for yourself and talk out loud to your brain. When you learn to talk to your brain, you are opening up a new life.”
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Professor Lorimer Moseley says:
“The mechanisms that cause us to change in a good way can also cause us to change in a way that makes our lives more difficult and more unpleasant…. Our brain produces pain. Pain is our most sophisticated protective device. Your systems learn how to make pain….”
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Dr. Michael H. Moskowitz and Dr. Marla D. Golden enlighten:
“Without your brain, there is no pain. Your brain doesn’t just receive information from your body, but sends directions back out to tell your body what to do.
“Your brain ‘reads’ everything going on in your body 30 times a second for your entire life.
“The adult brain changes throughout our lives based upon the information it receives from our bodies.
“We only experience pain when the electrical signals reach the thinking part of our brains.”
“This is why during surgery, when general anesthesia shuts down the thinking part of the brain, the person doesn’t feel pain.”
And… Dr. Moskowitz and Dr. Golden say: “The more sensation each part of your body has, the bigger the image of that body part in your brain (page 4 of workbook) … Shrink the pain map by flooding the brain using:
…thoughts, images, senses, memories, soothing emotions, movement, beliefs.” (page 13 of their workbook)
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Dr. Norman Doidge’s first book –
The Brain That Changes Itself: Stories of Personal Triumph from the Frontiers of Brain Science
Dr. Norman Doidge’s second book –
The Brain’s Way of Healing: Remarkable Discoveries and Recoveries from the Frontiers of Neuroplasticity
Look for Dr. Doidge’s interviews on YouTube
Thank you, YouTube Channel User The Agenda | TVO Today for posting
“For a very long time scientists thought the brain was an organ beyond treatment. If something went wrong or if one was born with a deficit, the conclusion was ‘tough luck.’ Not so anymore. There are revolutionary techniques that can alleviate anything from chronic pain to Parkinson’s disease or Down syndrome. Dr. Norman Doidge lays it out in his book The Brain’s Way of Healing: Remarkable Discoveries and Recoveries from the Frontiers of Neuroplasticity. He’ll discuss this, and more, with Steve Paikin. ”
Dr. Norman Doidge explains:
“The Brain is NOT like a fixed hard-wired machine. The Brain changes it’s wiring – the word that describes this property is neuroplasticity. The Brain’s structure and functions can be changed by our activities and by our mental experiences.”
“Using energy to facilitate neuroplasticity for healing. The ancient word ‘hælan’ – to cure, to restore, to make whole again.”
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Another book that inspires me to conduct research, collect my data before seeing a doctor, prepare my questions, and trust my intuition –
Victoria Sweet, M.D.’s book SLOW MEDICINE The Way to Healing Over the years that Victoria Sweet has been a physician, “healthcare” has replaced medicine, “providers” look at their laptops more than at their patients, and costs keep soaring, all in the ruthless pursuit of efficiency.
Victoria Sweet, M.D. is the award-winning author of God’s Hotel: A Doctor, a Hospital, and a Pilgrimage to the Heart of Medicine.
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My deepest gratitude goes to everyone who cares about my well-being, and to all the authors / physicians referenced above, and, since my “adventure” which began in August 2020… to the physicians / healers listed below… in “reverse order of appearance”…
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Stephanie Wilger, NC of HEALTH HAPPENS, LLC says:
“As an internal organ and reproductive organ specialist, I feel the way your internal organs, tissues, fluids, energy, bones are responding, and gently assist to coordinate them for better communication and function. You relax and let go of tensions, stored emotions, becoming more vibrant, more yourself. Adhesions and scar tissue: from C-sections, surgery, accidents, are also released for more energy flow and movement.”
Thank you, Stephanie, for telling me about
Taoist Meditation: The Six Healing Sounds
YouTube channel: Andrew McCart
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Master practitioner and master teacher Gilles Marin says:
“TaoTouch is the art to help people heal, get rid of pain, and bring back vibrant health by reconciling self, soul and spirit while triggering emotional processing. This is done through a traditional Taoist monastic healing practice called Chi Nei Tsang, which works with deep and gentle abdominal touch to enhance health and vitality to the internal organs.”
Look for Gilles Marin’s books, lectures, CDs and podcasts.
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Dr. Danielle Rosenman
Dr. Rosenman uses neuroplasticity, imagery, meditation, psychotherapy, and other techniques in her Medical Counseling practice and in the innovative “Tools for Healing” groups. She counsels people about options, and provides recommendations for standard and complementary/alternative medical treatment, problem-solving, and decision-making, all focusing on how to feel better.
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Dr. Amy Grace Lam says: “Reconnect to your body’s knowing.”
Dr. Lam is a healer, writer and activist committed to supporting diverse global communities for healing and transformation. Through her vibrational energy coaching, Amy creates experiences for individuals to bridge spiritual and physical realities into a magical conversation with each other.
She loves working with individuals to connect to their inner wisdom, step into their leadership and confidently manifest their gifts to the world. Amy’s writing and art have been featured in literary and academic journals and Bay Area performance and artistic venues. Please visit:
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Marie-Christine Cornet (now in France), Chi Nei Tsang and Somatic Experience practitioner, says:
“Connecting to your body and its wealth of intelligence and wisdom is the portal to living Life deeply and authentically.”
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Stephanie Doucette, M.S., L.Ac., Dipl. OM, California Licensed Acupuncturist and Clinical Herbalist is
nationally certified as a Diplomate in Oriental Medicine and practices integrative orthopedic therapy, bringing together acupuncture, deep tissue massage and manual orthopedic techniques to treat neuromuscular injury and chronic pain.
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A thousand thanks to “Country Doctor LaH” and her petite Gracie for taking excellent care of me during Shingles outbreak in 2020. Your loving kindness was a powerful medicine.
To everyone who wished me wellness and extended your loving kindness, I wish you vibrant health, loving kindness, peace and happiness always!
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Then, there’s the author whose book taught me how to show respect and particular appreciation to everyone when I am in beloved City of Light.
The Sweet Life in Paris: Delicious Adventures in the World’s Most Glorious – and Perplexing – City
by David Lebovitz
Merci beaucoup, Monsieur Lebovitz!
Merci beaucoup, author and photographer Margie Yee Webb, for gifting the book in 2016!
Merci beaucoup, world traveler, teacher and author Elisa Sasa Southard, for introducing me to the city my heart calls Home!
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Thank you, gardener extraordinaire and world traveler Nan Noonan (mama to Gracie and Kiki), for letting me visit your “wellness center” as often as I need.
Thank you to my sister Maria Kawah Leung (author of LITTLE HEROES OF BAY STREET) and Happy Dog and ALL precious friends, clients, colleagues, mentors, family members, and readers and writers.
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Thank you for reading my blog post:
“Beautiful Brain Body, Nervous System, Viruses, Wellness, Neuroplasticity Throughout Our Entire Lives”
I wish you vibrant health, loving kindness, peace and happiness always!
Story Theme Consultant / Photo Historian / Author / Public Library and Public School Advocate goes to Teresa’s Blog
Writing Coach Teresa Jade LeYung says: “I love helping writers identify the themes in their manuscripts to hook readers, and, build and fortify their platforms before and after publication. Reach out, not stress out.”
Love Made Of Heart ®
Teresa Jade LeYung’s Blog Post #603 2021 February 26; February 28; March 2; March 3
“Beautiful Brain” Haiku poems
by Teresa Jade LeYung
November 2020
When Brain makes mistake
with endless loop pain signals
I reply with Sooth
Oh Beautiful Brain
Storing experiences
Of pleasure and pain
Brain changes itself
Through learning or ceasing tasks
Retrainable yes
2021 February 28
When Beautiful Brain
changes, for better, for worse
that’s plasticity
2021 March 2
I am THE expert
of my memories and thoughts
Can choose soothing ones
Because I had entered the Haiku poems written in November 2020 to the Jane Underwood Poetry Prize, I couldn’t published them on my blog at the time. On February 26, 2021, The Writing Salon’s email says that they had received nearly 350 poems. Congratulations to everyone!
The announcement from The Writing Salon says:
The final judge, David Hernandez, has selected Kelly Grace Thomas’s “Nothing Roots or Infertility” as the winning poem. Next Wednesday, March 3, 2021 The Writing Salon will publish the poem at our website. The finalists are Tony Barnstone, Twila Newey, Emily Pulfer-Terino, and Lizabeth Yandel.
The Jane Underwood Poetry Prize was established to celebrate and memorialize Jane Underwood, the founder and long-time director of The Writing Salon who passed away in 2016. Jane was a gifted poet who made The Writing Salon a prominent and respected creative writing school in the San Francisco Bay Area. She was well known for her generous spirit and her direct and encouraging teaching style. A posthumous collection of her poems, entitled When My Heart Goes Dark, I Turn the Porch Light On, was published in 2017.
Thank you to all the folks at The Writing Salon for keeping the writing community strong!
Thank you, Frances Kakugawa (beloved author /poet / teacher / speaker) and your Wordsworth, for inspiring me to compose Haiku poems.

Artist Chandra Garsson's "Jade protected by BIG Angel Wings" To see more Chandra Garsson's works of art -
Thank you for reading this blog post – Author and Theme Consultant Teresa Jade LeYung says: “Beautiful Brain inspires Haiku poems”
For other posts related to our Beautiful Brains and Neuroplasticity in my blog … If you look at right side near top of screen, you’ll see the category “Beautiful Brains Neuroplasticity”. Please click on that category to get all my blog posts pertaining to the topic.
I wish everyone and your Beautiful Brains easy access to BLISS via SOOTHING thoughts; images,; senses (sight, sound, smell, taste, touch); memories,; emotions,; movement; and beliefs.
A thousand thanks to Dr. Michael Moskowitz, Dr. Marla Golden, Dr. Norman Doidge, Dusky Pierce, Dr. Danielle Rosenman, Linda A. Harris, Dr. Amy Grace Lam, Cynthia Tom and her program A PLACE OF HER OWN, Professor Lorimer Moseley, and all the precious people in my life.

Thank you, MT et MYW, for masks; Starry Night mask by Dahlynn & Ken McKowen of WoodstockAndYarn
Love Made Of Heart ®
Teresa Jade LeYung, an American naturalized citizen of Chinese ancestry, is a story/theme consultant, author of LOVE MADE OF HEART (daughter-mother novel archived at the San Francisco History Center and used by college professors), BUILD YOUR WRITER’S PLATFORM & FANBASE IN 22 DAYS (a workbook), and TALKING TO MY DEAD MOM Monologues (the first monologue received an award from Redwood Writers Ten-Minute Play Festival), an alumna of artist Cynthia Tom’s A PLACE OF HER OWN, an advocate for public libraries and public schools, creator of , and, admirer of City of Light. Composing Haiku poems is a new love for LeYung.
We’ll always have Paris, my darling friends. And themes.
Blog post by Teresa LeYung-Ryan
The date that Elisa Sasa Southard had written on the first page of the notebook (with drawing of Eiffel Tower on the cover) that she had given me is 20 April 2015. The words she penned in purple ink included pieces from my mental wish list:
“Must See – Notre Dame, Eiffel Tower, Rodin’s, Sainte-Chapelle, Shakespeare and Company
Must Do – Museum pass, Walking tour
Movies to Watch – Midnight In Paris, French Kiss, Irma La Douce, Populaire, The Closet ”
Aah I had seen Woody Allen’s movie Midnight In Paris in a theater, and, later, rented it several times just to see the first four minutes (shots of arrondissements “neighborhoods”) with 3 minutes and 20 seconds of composer Sidney Bechet’s saxophone magic “Si Tu Vois Ma Mere”
Then Margie Yee Webb gifted me 3 books – The Most Beautiful Walk in the World: A Pedestrian in Paris by John Baxter; Forever Paris: 25 Walks in the Footsteps of Chanel, Hemingway, Picasso, and More by Christina Henry de Tessan; The Sweet Life in Paris: Delicious Adventures in the World’s Most Glorious – and Perplexing – City by David Lebovitz

Even if I cannot go...reading David Lebovitz's most beautifully written book THE SWEET LIFE IN PARIS made me smile happy tears.
The plan was to go to gay Paris (pronounced “Paree”) in 2016. In May 2015, my papa received a diagnosis of Parkinson’s Disease – that explains his leg weakness, tremors, and freezing, as well as the “shuffling”. As my darling friends were talking dates and flights, I heard myself saying “I can’t go…What if I am in Paris…and Papa falls…” My friends were sympathetic. Trip planning was terminated.
I created a blog series “Parkinson’s Disease, My Chinese Papa, and My practicing The Four Agreements” (you know, the book The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom by Don Miguel Ruiz)
One day, after Papa had assembled a pedal-exerciser (I was so happy for him), he got up too fast…plop. He fell, right in front of me. His recliner broke his fall. What a lucky fellow! I was in shock for two whole seconds. Gosh, a lot of worrisome thoughts raced through my brain as he popped up to standing position, with a look that said “That did not happen, you did not see that.”
Later that week, I had my epiphany – I could hear my mom telling me “You cannot worry about what might or might not happen.” She’s been my muse every since she showed up in a mighty healing dream – a dream that inspired my “Talking to My Mom Monologues”.
Here she was again, being the muse. I started a new monologue “Papa Fell Down, I’m Going to Paris”
I called my darling friends. “Let’s look at calendars. How’s September 2016?”
Teresa LeYung-Ryan here, inspired by the arrondissments we walked in and everyone who have made my 8-day trip to Paris a most remarkable experience. The “everyone” includes my papa, sister, friends (including Margie, Sasa et Will, Linda, Vicki, Lynn, Luisa, Martha, Olga, Kristiane, Cousin Howard, JB, my darling mom of course), colleagues, vendors, and strangers who have given me their well wishes or assistance or greetings of “bonjour” or all the above. Traveling with Elisa “Sasa” Southard (certified tour director and travel writer) who speaks Français and is such a fun and thoughtful leader and Margie Yee Webb (author, photographer, documentary film producer) who pays attention to details and is also so thoughtful = joy and delight for me (whose knowledge of magical Paris had been from watching Hollywood, English and French movies…until now).

Aah, we (Elisa Sasa Southard, yours truly Teresa LeYung-Ryan, Margie Yee Webb) did go. Thank you, lovely AirFrance flight attendant, for taking photo minutes before landing at Charles de Gaulle airport.

Oui! La Tour Eiffel ("tour" is French word for "tower") is really that beautiful - by day, by night, in sun, in rain! Oui! that is Sasa with Chronicle Books bag (that Margie gifted us) over her right shoulder.
The themes that I got from being in “The City of Light” are:
* sandstone buildings, why maximum height is eight-stories
* what to eat at a boulangerie, pâtisserie, bistrot, traiteur, brasserie, or a restaurant
* art is beauty for all the senses
Part 2 What I learned about the Eiffel Tower and the architect
Part 3 Musee d’Orsay, the Louvre, Musée Rodin, museum passes
Part 4 Croissants in Paris and my being wheat gluten intolerant
Part 5 Walked, Walking, Will Walk
Part 6 Airplane, Batobus (ferries), Metro (subway), buses, train, elevators
Part 7 I want to look at everything at the U Express supermarket s’il vous plaît
Part 8 “Make Your Name Stand for Something,” says Writers’ Platform-Building Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan
Part 9 “I’ll always cherish my time in Paris,” says Teresa LeYung-Ryan
For the slideshow “We’ll always have Paris, my darling friends,” says author Teresa LeYung-Ryan on Teresa’s Youtube channel, please click on
à bientôt!
Teresa LeYung-Ryan uses her fiction and nonfiction to advocate speaking openly about the stigmas associated with mental illness and the repercussions from family violence.
She is the author of:
- the mother-daughter novel Love Made of Heart (used as required reading in colleges)
- the workbook Build Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days
- Coach Teresa’s Blog at
- her monologue series “Talking to My Dead Mom” (her monologue “Answer Me Now” received an award from CWC Redwood Writers)
Creator of:
- the “Immigrant Experience” Writing Contest
- workshops including:
- “For Theme’s Sake: Edit Your Own Manuscript Before Pitching to Agents or Self-Publishing”
- “Heroes, Tricksters, Villains – Know Your Archetypes”
- “Where Are You on Your Writer’s Journey?”
- Build/Retrofit Your Writer’s Platform
- her trademark Love Made of Heart
Affiliated with:
- Women’s National Book Association-San Francisco Chapter (member and past board member and officer)
- California Lawyers for the Arts (member)
- California Writers Club (member, San Francisco Peninsula Branch and Redwood Branch; a past president of the San Francisco Peninsula Branch); a recipient of the Jack London Award for outstanding service to California Writers Club
Advocate for:
- public schools and public libraries!