Posts Tagged ‘Coach Teresa says Reach out not stress out’
Author & Platform/Fanbase-Building Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan encourages everyone to celebrate Independent Bookstore Day/California Bookstore Day on Saturday May 2nd, 2015
Find booksellers in your area and visit them!
Author & Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan celebrates Independent Bookstore Day/California Bookstore Day
May 2, 2015, 4:30pm at Laurel Book Store
1423 Broadway (near 12th Street BART station), Oakland, CA 94612
Luan Stauss, owner of Laurel Book Store, says:
We will have hourly drawings for prizes!
10am Start your day with scones from Tart! Bakery while they last. says: Just what does IBD celebrate?
Independent bookstores are not just stores, they’re community centers and local anchors run by passionate readers. They are entire universes of ideas that contain the possibility of real serendipity. They are lively performance spaces and quiet places where aimless perusal is a day well spent.
Cheers to booksellers and all book lovers!
Teresa LeYung-Ryan
author of Build Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days: Attract Agents, Editors, Publishers, Readers, and Media Attention NOW (workbook)
author of the novel Love Made of Heart: a Daughter, a Mother, a Journey Through Mental Illness (used in college courses and archived at the San Francisco History Center)
What Fun at the Women’s National Book Association Meet Up!
Creativity & Writing Mentor Mary E. Knippel & I (Writing Career Coach Teresa LeYung Ryan) had pledged to show up on the first Thursday of each month to help WNBA members build their platforms.
Mary couldn’t meet on July 7 and we were going to skip this month. But, at BookShop West Portal, Birgit Soyka’s friend Jacqueline E. Boone expressed interest in attending our Meet Ups, so, we kept our date at the San Francisco Public Library-Main Branch.
I am so happy that we did! Those who show up create magic for each other; that’s my motto. I was the first to arrive; a gal came in to ask if she could use the outlet to re-charge her camera battery. Cecilia is her name; she said she speaks only a little English; I told her about Project Read (right here at the San Francisco Public Library).
Then my dear colleague Birgit Soyka, Jing Li, Samantha Roberts and Birgit’s dear friend Jacqueline E. Boone showed up and the fun began . . .
So, Birgit, Samantha, Jing, Jacqueline, to get mileage on cyberspace promoting, tell our fans what you’re working on by posting comments on these blogs.
Teresa LeYung-Ryan’s blog & Mary E. Knippel’s blog
Birgit Soyka’s blog & Jacqueline E. Boone’s blog
To submit your comment to any post (article) in this blog, click on the blue header (title bar) of the post and fill in the boxes (you don’t need to fill in your website address if you don’t have a website; if you have a website, do provide your web address so that our fans can visit you there); then be sure to click “submit comment” otherwise I won’t get to see your comment. I’d like to hear from you.
Barbara Santos! Thank you for sending out the SFWC newsletter – that’s how Jing found out about tonight’s meet-up.
AUGUST – DECEMBER 2011 WNBA-San Francisco Chapter MEET UPS
First Thursday of the month 6:00-7:30pm at San Francisco Public Library, Main Branch, Latino/Hispanic Meeting Room (lower level) where food is allowed.
Near BART Civic Center Station. 2 entrances for the library: 100 Larkin St. (and 30 Grove St.), S.F., CA 94102
Meet-Ups are WNBA membership benefits; non-members can attend one meet-up a year. To become a member: WNBA-SF Meet Ups are orchestrated by Teresa LeYung Ryan and Mary E. Knippel.
Coach Teresa says: “Reach out not stress out when building your readership/platform/fanbase!”