Posts Tagged ‘health’

2024 June 16, 17:58 California

(cette semaine mille merci, Anna, Chandra, Deborah, Emily, Kate, Kim, Kristiane, Linda, Margaret, Margie, Maria, MaryT, Nan, Neva, Sasa, MaryT, Sabine, Sasa, Sharon, Sue, Theresa, Dr. Amy Grace Lam, Dr. Jae Reed, Dr. Kerry Lilley,  Marie-Christine Cornet, Stephanie Wilger)

Dear Readers

I wish everyone gentleness for self and for all beings.


Thank you, Chiropractor Dr. Kerry Lilley, who says: “When exhaling, release the out breath twice. Release the trauma.”


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In the book

IMMUNE:  Journey into the Mysterious System That Keeps You Alive

by Philipp Dettmer

Chapter 43 – pages 286 -288 say:
“To understand the role of stress and the immune system, we have to look back millions of years, to a simpler but much more cruel time in our developmental history. In order to survive, your ancestors had to deal with the evolutionary pressures the environment subjected them to. In the wild, stress is usually connected with existential danger, like a rival that crosses into your territory or a predator that wants to make you its meal.
“…  So one of the adaptations to stress was to accelerate certain immune mechanisms while slowing down others.
“… Psychological stress has actual and immediate physical consequences for the immune system, many of them not helpful. The thing about stress is that it is similar to your immune response in one extremely important aspect: When it works as it is intended to, stress is a great mechanism that helps solve an immediate problem and then shuts itself off afterwards. But the nature of the stressors we encounter in the modern world is different than the ones we evolved with. In the past the lion either got you or you escaped — either way, your stress stopped.
“In general, chronic stress seems to disrupt the ability of the body to shut down inflammation and causes chronic inflammation. And as we discussed before, chronic inflammation has been linked to a higher risk for numerous diseases, from cancer to diabetes, heart and autoimmune diseases, and also a general frailty and higher chance of death…..”

How The Immune System ACTUALLY Works – IMMUNE

YouTube channel:  Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell


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Mayo Clinic  says:

“Depression is a mood disorder that causes a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest. Also called major depressive disorder or clinical depression, it affects how you feel, think and behave and can lead to a variety of emotional and physical problems. You may have trouble doing normal day-to-day activities, and sometimes you may feel as if life isn’t worth living. More than just a bout of the blues, depression isn’t a weakness and you can’t simply “snap out” of it….”

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Merriam-Webster dictionary says:

– a state of feeling sad: low spirits : melancholy

specifically: a mood disorder that is marked by varying degrees of sadness, despair, and loneliness and that is typically accompanied by inactivity, guilt, loss of concentration, social withdrawal, sleep disturbances, and sometimes suicidal tendencies.

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Chiropractor Dr. Kerry Lilley says: “When exhaling, release the out breath twice. Release the trauma.”

I thank:

Dr. Kerry Lilley, DC,

Dr. Jae Reed, DC,

Stephanie Wilger, NC,

Dr. Amy Grace Lam,

Marie-Christine Cornet,

Gilles Marin,

Stephanie Doucette, M.S., L.Ac

Loduskia “Dusky” Pierce, MFT

and all the healers who have taught me how to listen to my Brain-Body communicate… how to continue fostering the Smart Brain Smart Body.

I thank all my loved ones for inspiring me to follow my passion – writing – which gets me out of depression.

Thank you for reading my blog post: “Health, My Reaction to Incidents, Depression, Immune System, Stress, Chronic Stressors, Chronic Inflammation, Diseases”

I wish everyone wellness. I wish everyone gentleness for self and for all beings.


Teresa_Jade_LeYung_wishes_everyone_peace_and_wellness - photo_by_Nan_and_MEK



Teresa Jade LeYung goes to Teresa Jade LeYung’s Blog on Wellness, Themes, Archetypes
Published author, blogger, lover of Paris (France), Writing Coach, Photo Historian Teresa Jade LeYung says:
“I love helping writers identify the themes in their manuscripts to hook readers, and, build and fortify their platforms before and after publication. Reach out, not stress out.”
My short short movies of Paris 2024

Love Made Of Heart ®

My client Jodi O’Donnell-Ames checks in every Wednesday via email. She’s in New Jersey; I’m in California.  Whenever a client misses a check-in, I send them a thought:  “Wherever you are today, whatever you’re doing, I send you joyful wishes.”  If I don’t hear from the client after a couple of days (unless I know that she/he is on vacation), I email her/him: “How are you doing?”  Last week when Jodi didn’t check in on Wednesday, I thought about her.  The next day, she let me know about her personal protagonist’s challenges.

Jodi sent me the link to her blog post Doing Time with LYME (what a memorable title!). In her post, she provided a link to her article “Lyme Time” for NJ Monthly magazine.

Spring is upon us. That means an increase in activity for the black-legged tick—more commonly known as the deer tick. This grotesque little creature carries the bacterium (Borrelia burgdorferi) that causes Lyme disease.

Lyme disease is on the rise in New Jersey, where dense forests and vegetation provide a veritable paradise for the deer tick.

So, I submitted my comment to her blog post:

Hi, Jodi,
You are an engaging writer. And thank you for “Prevention Pointers” in your wonderful article “Lyme Time” for NJ Monthly magazine.

As the weather heats up, so does the risk of Lyme disease—and the controversy surrounding diagnosis and treatment.

I’d like to share other links with your fans. In California . . . (this site offers information for Spanish readers too)

According to this site–Risk Map of California– the ticks that carry Lyme disease have been found in all but two counties in California.

Jodi, thanks again for helping others by writing about your experiences and offering resources.
Writing Career Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan
author of Build Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days

Jodi had used these tags in her post; so will I; that way I can help spread these tags on what I call the “Fabulous Cyberspace Index”  Also, I’ll add the tags “New Jersey” and “California”

health, ticks, information, advocate, illness, lyme disease

Next, I blog about Jodi O’Donnell-Ames with this post.

Then I remember that Jodi was referred to me by my colleague Judith Marshall, the author of  Husbands May Come and Go but Friends are Forever (Judith’s book is recently optioned for the big screen!), through She Writes. So, this evening, I invested an hour to join this exciting writing community. Thank you, Judith & Jodi!  Thank you, Monica Medina of She Writes, for the nice welcome. Also, I commented on Monica’s page by thanking her and linking this post so that she can see Judith’s and Jodi’s names again.

Cheers to She Writes!


Coach Teresa

Teresa LeYung-Ryan says: “Reach out, not stress out, when pursuing your dreams!”

Build Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days: Attract Agents, Editors, Publishers, Readers, and Media Attention NOW

Love Made of Heart inspiring adult children of mentally ill parents to speak openly about the stigmas and find resources for their families.

September is Library Card Sign-Up Month!
September is National Literacy Month!
October is National Reading Group Month!
Third week of October is California Writers Week!

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September & October & November 2010 events I recommend to writers in the San Francisco Bay Area

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“Poetry on Main” meets 2nd Thursday in Pleasanton, CA
Next meeting: Thurs., September 9, 2010 6:30pm – 8:30pm
Little Valley Winery, 739 Main St., Pleasanton, CA
Calling all Poets! Free event. For more info (what to bring):

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Sunday, Sept. 12, 2010, 2:00-5:00pm
Women’s National Book Association presents:
Publishing Panel: Zen and the Art of the Book Deal
At San Francisco Public Library—Main Branch– Latino Hispanic Community Room, Lower Level, 100 Larkin Street, San Francisco, CA 94102.
Jennifer Joseph – publisher and editor of Manic D Press
Peter Beren – literary agent and publishing consultant
Bridget Kinsella – Breaking Books & navigating the publishing landscape
Georgia Hughes – editorial director of New World Library
Moderator: Mary Knippel, immediate past president, WNBA-SF Chapter
Participate in our Great Book Give Away. See you there!
Visit more info.

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September meetings at California Writers Club Find a branch near you

October meetings at California Writers Club Find a branch near you

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Thursday October 14, 2010, starts at noon
WNBA-SF Chapter & Book Passage in Corte Madera host:
Literary Luncheon with Celebrated Author Joyce Maynard
Call Book Passage, Corte Madera (415) 927-0960 ext.1  to reserve. The ticket price of $55 includes an outstanding lunch catered by Insalata’s Restaurant & an autographed copy of Joyce Maynard’s book The Good Daughters.

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October 17, 2010 California Writers Club Berkeley Branch
General Meeting & Program
1:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Oakland’s Main Library
West Auditorium
Writing Career Coach Teresa LeYung Ryan will lead “Major League Tryouts with Coach Teresa to Build Your Writer’s Name”
understand the need to build one’s name/fame in today’s publishing arena.
identify advocates, endorsers and fans.
gain recognition through your words and your community.

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Saturday October 30, 2010 7:30 am – 6:30 pm Redwood Writers Conference

Writing Career Coach & Author Teresa LeYung Ryan says: “Go to this conference. You deserve to celebrate and grow your writing career!” 9:30-10:30am Teresa will present: “Build Your Name, Beat the Game: Be Happily Published”

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November 13 – 14, 2010  Writing for Change Conference

For non-fiction writers/authors

The theme of the conference is “Changing the World One Book at a Time,” and the goal is to encompass business, politics, technology, spirituality, personal development, health, social issues, the environment, culture, the law, international relations.

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If you have events for writers that you wish to recommend, please submit a comment to this post. To comment on any of my blog posts, just click on the blue title bar of the post, fill in the boxes and press “submit.”

Thank you.

Teresa LeYung Ryan

Build My Writer’s Name and Platform: Attract Agents, Acquisition Editors, Publishers, Readers, and Media Attention
is the 22 minutes for 22 days workbook.
“Reach out, not stress out, when building your writer’s name.”

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