September 28, 2024, 22:55  Teresa Jade LeYung says:

“Author and Illustrator Maria Kawah Leung uses her children’s book to help communities help families all over the world.”

Happy fourth anniversary to:

Educator, Children’s Book Author and Illustrator, Children’s Advocate MARIA KAWAH LEUNG and Happy Dog and Mia, and their duo-language (English and Chinese), delightfully illustrated children’s book entitled:



Happy Anniversary to children's book author Maria Kawah Leung and Happy Dog and Mia!


MARIA KAWAH LEUNG shows how a girl named Mia and her loyal companion Happy Dog (he’s much much more than a stuffed animal) use their imagination to cope in an environment they have no control over – domestic violence.

Together, they learn that friends do not have to always like the same things, and, that love means protecting and comforting each other. 

Maria Kawah Leung’s messages help everyone – “When you’re scared or sad, talk to grown-ups you trust.”  and  “It’s not a child’s job to make parents happy.”

Maria Kawah Leung says: “Domestic Violence Awareness is about helping the Families.”


Happy Anniversary to children's book author Maria Kawah Leung and Happy Dog and Mia!


author Maria Kawah Leung reading her delightfully illustrated children’s book

LITTLE HEROES OF BAY STREET:  And How They Stay Strong In An Unhappy Home   13 minutes

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How to get out of Domestic Violence (GET HELP NOW!)

Jamie Ong interviews children’s book author Maria Kawah Leung

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To watch the 39-minute interview – author Maria Kawah Leung in conversation with Kim McMillon, Ph.D.

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LITTLE HEROES OF BAY STREET is endorsed by Hannah Yeoh who is a Member of Parliament in Malaysia.

Story Time with Hannah Yeoh: LITTLE HEROES OF BAY STREET  20 minutes

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Happy Anniversary to children's book author Maria Kawah Leung and Happy Dog and Mia!


author Maria Kawah Leung’s facebook page:


To see my other blog posts that reference Maria Kawah Leung



Teresa Jade LeYung


Published author, blogger, lover of Paris, FRANCE, photo historian, Writing Coach Teresa Jade LeYung says:

“I wish for all children everywhere – gentle, kindhearted, easy-going, safety conscious, open-minded guardians/caregivers/teachers, nature’s healing, love and laughter.  Thank you, dear Educator, Children’s Book Author and Illustrator, Children’s Advocate MARIA KAWAH LEUNG and Happy Dog and Mia, and your duo-language (English and Chinese), delightfully illustrated children’s book entitled:  LITTLE HEROES OF BAY STREET: AND HOW THEY STAY STRONG IN AN UNHAPPY HOME.


Writing Coach Teresa Jade LeYung says:
“I love helping writers identify the themes in their manuscripts to hook readers, and, build and fortify their platforms before and after publication. Reach out, not stress out.”

Love Made Of Heart ®


2024 July

I wish for all children everywhere – gentle, kindhearted, easy-going, safety conscious, open-minded guardians/caregivers/teachers, nature’s healing, love and laughter.

I celebrate Educator, Children’s Book Author, Children’s Advocate MARIA KAWAH LEUNG and her duo-language (in English and Chinese), delightfully illustrated children’s book entitled:


Teresa Jade LeYung took Maria Kawah Leung's delightfully illustrated children's book LITTLE HEROES OF BAY STREET to City of Light, spring 2024

MARIA KAWAH LEUNG shows how a girl named Mia and her loyal companion Happy Dog (he’s much much more than a stuffed animal) use their imagination to cope in an environment they have no control over – domestic violence.

Together, they learn that friends do not have to always like the same things, and, that love means protecting and comforting each other. 

Maria Kawah Leung’s messages help everyone – “When you’re scared or sad, talk to grown-ups you trust.”  and  “It’s not a child’s job to make parents happy.”

Maria Kawah Leung says: “Domestic Violence Awareness is about helping the Families.”

To watch the 39-minute interview – author Maria Kawah Leung in conversation with Kim McMillon, Ph.D.

LITTLE HEROES OF BAY STREET is endorsed by Hannah Yeoh who is a Member of Parliament in Malaysia.

Story Time with Hannah Yeoh: LITTLE HEROES OF BAY STREET  20 minutes

author Maria Kawah Leung reading her delightfully illustrated children’s book

LITTLE HEROES OF BAY STREET:  And How They Stay Strong In An Unhappy Home   13 minutes

Teresa Jade LeYung’s Blog post:

Maria Kawah Leung in conversation with Kim McMillon, Ph.D.

Thank you for reading my blog post:

“Author Maria Kawah Leung uses her illustrated children’s book to speak out on behalf of families everywhere”

I wish for all children everywhere – gentle, kindhearted, easy-going, safety conscious, open-minded guardians/caregivers/teachers, nature’s healing, love and laughter.












To see my other blog posts that reference Maria Kawah Leung


Teresa Jade LeYung


Published author, blogger, lover of Paris, FRANCE, photo historian, Writing Coach Teresa Jade LeYung says:
“I love helping writers identify the themes in their manuscripts to hook readers, and, build and fortify their platforms before and after publication. Reach out, not stress out.”

Love Made Of Heart ®


2023 October 15, 16 California; Blog Post  #622

Dear Readers,

I wish you vibrant health and happiness always.


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Love Made of Heart (mother-daughter love story) by Teresa LeYung-Ryan

October 2023 marks the 21st anniversary of my mother-daughter novel LOVE MADE OF HEART

Written by Teresa LeYung-Ryan (now Teresa Jade LeYung)

In loving memory of Rita Leung (Yun Yuet Kwai), Yun Gim How, Yue Shue Ngun, Leung Tai Oy, Carmen Ryan, Lisa Craft, Angie Hu.

My deepest gratitude to everyone who has been supportive of my work.,-a-Mother,-a-Journey-Through-Mental-Illness.html


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October 2023 marks the third anniversary of the delightfully illustrated children’s book

LITTLE HEROES OF BAY STREET: And How They Stay Strong in an Unhappy Home

Written by Maria Kawah Leung; Ilustrated by Maria Kawah Leung, Sandra Elyse Chavez, Maren Sleire Aasgaard

Dedicated to: Rita Yuet Kwai Yun and Pak Chung Leung


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These past weeks, while my nervous system is learning  from Neuro Integration System (N.I.S.) treatments and Neuro Emotional Technique (NET) treatments from Dr. Jae Reed, D.C. and is continuing to learn from Chi Nei Tsang treatments from Stephanie Wilger, NC … watching / listening to these two British TV series written by Bob Larbey have given me much joy.

Bob Larbey wrote all 26 episodes of


British TV series 1981-1984 (starring Judi Dench as Laura;  Michael Williams as Mike; Susan Penhaligon as Laura’s sister Helen; Richard Warwick as Helen’s husband Phil)

Thank you, YouTube channel users, for posting episodes

According to

Series Directed by

James Cellan Jones (13 episodes, 1981-1982)
Don Leaver (13 episodes, 1983-1984)
Graham Evans (unknown episodes)

Series Writing Credits

Bob Larbey (by) (26 episodes, 1981-1984)

Bob Larbey wrote 67 episodes of


British TV series  1992–2005  Judi Dench as Jean Pargeter; Geoffrey Palmer as Lionel Hardcastle; Moira Brooker as Jean’s daughter Judith; Philip Bretherton as Alistair (Lionel’s book publisher); Jenny Funnell as Sandy (Jean’s employee)

According to

Series Directed by

Sydney Lotterby (67 episodes, 1992-2005)

Series Writing Credits

Colin Bostock-Smith (original idea) (66 episodes, 1992-2005)
Colin Bostock-Smith (based on an original idea by) (1 episode, 1997)
Bob Larbey (by) (67 episodes, 1992-2005)

Thank you,  Thinking Out Louder,   for posting  As Time Goes By | BBC RADIO DRAMA


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While on  looking up writing credits for British TV series DOUBLE FIRST  1988 (Michael Williams as N.V. Standish) . . . a trailer of the movie EDUCATING RITA appeared.

Esmonde & Bob Larbey wrote DOUBLE FIRST


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Willy Russell wrote the stage play and screenplay  EDUCATING RITA

(the movie – starring Michael Caine as Dr. Frank Bryant and Julie Walters as Rita/Susan; Michael Williams as Brian).

The name “Rita” carries precious symbolism for me and my sister.

“Educating Rita” – what better inspiration for me as I am being educated on what clear communication is between Brain and Body.  Neuro Integration System (N.I.S.) treatments and Neuro Emotional Technique (NET) and Chi Nei Tsang treatments remove obstacles and let my Body repair itself the best way possible -  naturally.

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I am grateful to these healers and to the folks who led me to them:


Stephanie Wilger, NC for Chi Nei Tsang, Breast Wellness, Nutrition


Dr. Jae Reed D.C. for Neuro Integration System (N.I.S.) and Neuro Emotional Technique (NET)


Amy Grace Lam, Ph.D.


Loduskia “Dusky” Pierce, MFT


Gilles Marin, master teacher and practitioner of Chi Nei Tsang
USA:   France:


Marie-Christine Cornet in France:


Stephanie Doucette, M.S., L.Ac., Dipl. OM


Danielle Rosenman, M.D.

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Thank you for reading this blog post entitled: “Love Made of Heart; Little Heroes of Bay Street; A Fine Romance; As Time Goes By; Educating Rita”


Teresa Jade LeYung

Teresa Jade LeYung wishes everyone peace and wellness!

photo_by_Nan_and_MEK  goes to Teresa Jade LeYung’s Blog

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Writing Coach Teresa says:

“I love helping writers identify the themes in their manuscripts to hook readers, and, build and fortify their platforms before and after publication. Reach out, not stress out.”

Love Made Of Heart ®









2023 January 8 California USA – Blog post #618

I (Teresa Jade LeYung) wish everyone, wherever you are -  peace, safety, kindness, light, love, joy.

In the San Francisco Bay area, we have had heavy rain and wild winds.

During illness last week, I listened to the reading of THE LITTLE PRINCE (LE PETIT PRINCE by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry) three times. Thank you, dear Elisa Sasa Southard, for having introduced me to this remarkable fable years ago. Took me long enough to enjoy this book!  Now I see why you love this story.



THE LITTLE PRINCE by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry narrated by Kenneth Branagh

At around 1 hour, 19 minutes and 50 seconds into the story …

Fox tells the Little Prince: “Here’s my secret.  It’s quite simple. One sees clearly only with the heart. Anything essential is invisible to the eyes.”

The Little Prince repeated the Fox’s words in order to remember.-”Anything essential is invisible to the eyes.”

Fox says: “It’s the time you spend on your rose that makes your rose so important.”

The Little Prince repeated  in order to remember. “It’s the time I spend on my rose…”

Fox says: “You become responsible forever for what you’ve tamed. You’re responsible for your rose …. “

Thank you, YouTube channel user Read Aloud Books  1:45:45

Thank you, YouTube channel user Christopher Williams  1:45:45

About Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

I wish to include in this blog post names of  other beloved authors of children’s books and books for young readers:


Maria Kawah Leung Mia and Happy Dog are the two main characters in LITTLE HEROES OF BAY STREET: And How They Stay Strong In An Unhappy Home


Frances Kakugaw  Wordsworth is the main character in Frances’s wonderful series.


Edward C. Hartshorn  Scot and Clayton are the two main characters in GHOSTS OF THE BIG SANDY RIVER.


T.E. Watson  Paper and Wind are the two main characters in A PLACE TO BE.


Robert D. San Souci  and


E.B. White (Elwyn Brooks White)


Beatrix Potter


Thank you for reading my blog post “The Little Prince, Little Heroes of Bay Street, Wordsworth the Poet, Scot and Clayton, Paper and Wind – Main Characters in Books”


Teresa Jade LeYung - photo by Nan and MEK










I wish everyone, wherever you are -  peace, safety, kindness, light, love, joy.


Teresa Jade LeYung

Story Theme Consultant / Photo Historian / Author / Public Library and Public School Advocate goes to Teresa’s Blog
Writing Coach Teresa Jade LeYung says: “I love helping writers identify the themes in their manuscripts to hook readers, and, build and fortify their platforms before and after publication. Reach out, not stress out.”

Love Made Of Heart ®

USA Federal government offering 4 COVID home test kits (2 boxes) for winter prep or

Master teacher and practitioner of Chi Nei Tsang GILLES MARIN’s blog post: “Detoxifying from Vaccines with Herbs, Fruits and Vegetables”


California 2022 September 24, 20:49; September 25, 21:44; September 27, 22:43; September 28, 14:54; September 29, 14:18; September 30, 12:55

[ Addendum 2022 October 2

On YouTube Plum Village channel

“A Regulated Nervous System: An Orientation by Jo-Ann Rosen | #11″

(Beloved teacher Thich Nhat Hanh, founder of the International Plum Village Community of Engaged Buddhism, passed away on 22nd January 2022.)


WALKING helps Beautiful Brain produce dopamine, serotonin, etc. for ease of movement.

If you cannot walk… then visualize WALKING.

Smiling for yourself also helps Beautiful Brain produce dopamine, serotonin, etc. for ease of movement. ]

I, Teresa Jade LeYung, wish everyone wellness, loving kindness, peace and happiness.


Merci beaucoup, Sasa Southard, for the inspiring message on card!

Recovering from illness continues to teach me how to listen to Beautiful Brain/Body and respond with intention. I am so very grateful to everyone who cares about my well-being.

I know now that aftermath of any virus is not for me to dismiss. Living with post Shingles* virus symptoms that impact my nervous system / work life / private life  is sobering and humbling. I am thankful for “healthful” lessons.

[ * Shingles is caused by the varicella-zoster virus — the same virus that causes chickenpox. After a person has had chickenpox, the virus lies inactive in nerve tissue near the spinal cord and brain. Years later, the virus may reactivate as shingles. ]

Our beautiful brains. Our beautiful central nervous system!

Merci beaucoup, Marie-Christine, for glorious rinunculus bouquet

Merci beaucoup, Marie-Christine Cornet, for glorious rinunculus bouquet



“COVID Raises Risk of Long-Term Brain Injury, Large U.S. Study Finds”

Sept. 22, 2022  By Julie Steenhuysen

CHICAGO (Reuters) – People who had COVID-19 are at higher risk for a host of brain injuries a year later compared with people who were never infected by the coronavirus, a finding that could affect millions of Americans, U.S. researchers reported on Thursday.

The year-long study, published in Nature Medicine, assessed brain health across 44 different disorders using medical records without patient identifiers from millions of U.S. veterans.

Brain and other neurological disorders occurred in 7% more of those who had been infected with COVID compared with a similar group of veterans who had never been infected. That translates into roughly 6.6 million Americans who had brain impairments linked with their COVID infections, the team said.


Compared with the control groups, people infected with COVID had a 77% higher risk of developing memory problems.

People infected with the virus also were 50% more likely to have an ischemic stroke, which is caused by blood clots, compared with the never infected group.

Those who had COVID were 80% more likely to have seizures, 43% more likely to have mental health issues, such as anxiety or depression, 35% more likely to have headaches and 42% more likely to suffer movement disorders, such as tremors, compared with the control groups.

Full article: 


[ Addendum 2022 October 19

What this engaging article and many other engaging articles don't offer is a summary of the biology, how this virus is passed around, and what we can all do to decrease spreading this virus and variants.

Inhalation. Exhalation. Outdoors. Indoors. Droplets. Aerosols. Wearing masks. Proper ventilation. Air filtration. Vaccination. Consequences. Getting tested. Isolate. Quarantine. Exposure to people who are exposed to large numbers of other people. Variables. Where is the float plan? ]

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Danielle Rosenman, M.D. says:

“The brain changes itself constantly throughout our entire lives. All of our experience changes the brain.
“Everything that we experience, think, feel, believe, and learn changes the physical structure of the brain, the chemicals in the brain, and electricity in the brain.
“This ability of the brain to change is called neuroplasticity.
“Neuroplasticity lets us learn through our entire lives.  The more often we repeat a task, the better we learn it. Repetition helps us learn things like reading, adding numbers, or playing a musical instrument. We often call this type of learning ‘practice’.”
During neuroplasticity coachingDr. Danielle Rosenman instructs:  “Smile for yourself and talk out loud to your brain. When you learn to talk to your brain, you are opening up a new life.”

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Professor Lorimer Moseley says:

“The mechanisms that cause us to change in a good way can also cause us to change in a way that makes our lives more difficult and more unpleasant….  Our brain produces pain.  Pain is our most sophisticated protective device. Your systems learn how to make pain….”

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Dr. Michael H. Moskowitz  and Dr. Marla D. Golden enlighten:

“Without your brain, there is no pain. Your brain doesn’t just receive information from your body, but sends directions back out to tell your body what to do.
“Your brain ‘reads’ everything going on in your body 30 times a second for your entire life.
“The adult brain changes throughout our lives based upon the information it receives from our bodies.
“We only experience pain when the electrical signals reach the thinking part of our brains.”
“This is why during surgery, when general anesthesia shuts down the thinking part of the brain, the person doesn’t feel pain.”

And… Dr. Moskowitz and Dr. Golden say: “The more sensation each part of your body has, the bigger the image of that body part in your brain (page 4 of workbook) … Shrink the pain map by flooding the brain using:

…thoughts, images, senses, memories, soothing emotions, movement, beliefs.” (page 13 of  their workbook)

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Dr. Norman Doidge’s first book – 

The Brain That Changes Itself: Stories of Personal Triumph from the Frontiers of Brain Science

Dr. Norman Doidge’s second book –  

The Brain’s Way of Healing: Remarkable Discoveries and Recoveries from the Frontiers of Neuroplasticity


Look for Dr. Doidge’s interviews on YouTube


Thank you, YouTube Channel User The Agenda | TVO Today for posting

“For a very long time scientists thought the brain was an organ beyond treatment. If something went wrong or if one was born with a deficit, the conclusion was ‘tough luck.’ Not so anymore. There are revolutionary techniques that can alleviate anything from chronic pain to Parkinson’s disease or Down syndrome. Dr. Norman Doidge lays it out in his book The Brain’s Way of Healing: Remarkable Discoveries and Recoveries from the Frontiers of Neuroplasticity. He’ll discuss this, and more, with Steve Paikin. ”

Dr. Norman Doidge explains:

“The Brain is NOT like a fixed hard-wired machine. The Brain changes it’s wiring – the word that describes this property is neuroplasticity. The Brain’s structure and functions can be changed by our activities and by our mental experiences.”

“Using energy to facilitate neuroplasticity for healing.  The ancient word ‘hælan’ – to cure, to restore, to make whole again.”


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Another book that inspires me to conduct research, collect my data before seeing a doctor, prepare my questions, and trust my intuition –

Victoria SweetM.D.’s book SLOW MEDICINE The Way to Healing  Over the years that Victoria Sweet has been a physician, “healthcare” has replaced medicine, “providers” look at their laptops more than at their patients, and costs keep soaring, all in the ruthless pursuit of efficiency.
Victoria Sweet, M.D. is the award-winning author of God’s Hotel: A Doctor, a Hospital, and a Pilgrimage to the Heart of Medicine.


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My deepest gratitude goes to everyone who cares about my well-being, and to all the authors / physicians referenced above, and, since my “adventure” which began in August 2020… to the physicians / healers listed below… in “reverse order of appearance”…

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Stephanie Wilger, NC of HEALTH HAPPENS, LLC says:

“As an internal organ and reproductive organ specialist, I feel the way your internal organs, tissues, fluids, energy, bones are responding, and gently assist to coordinate them for better communication and function.  You relax and let go of tensions, stored emotions, becoming more vibrant, more yourself.  Adhesions and scar tissue:  from C-sections, surgery, accidents, are also released for more energy flow and movement.”


Thank you, Stephanie, for telling me about

Taoist Meditation: The Six Healing Sounds
YouTube channel: Andrew McCart


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Master practitioner and master teacher Gilles Marin says:

“TaoTouch is the art to help people heal, get rid of pain, and bring back vibrant health by reconciling self, soul and spirit while triggering emotional processing.  This is done through a traditional Taoist monastic healing practice called Chi Nei Tsang, which works with deep and gentle abdominal touch to enhance health and vitality to the internal organs.”
Look for Gilles Marin’s books, lectures, CDs and podcasts.


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Dr. Danielle Rosenman

Dr. Rosenman uses neuroplasticity, imagery, meditation, psychotherapy, and other techniques in her Medical Counseling practice and in the innovative “Tools for Healing” groups.  She counsels people about options, and provides recommendations for standard and complementary/alternative medical treatment, problem-solving, and decision-making, all focusing on how to feel better.


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Dr. Amy Grace Lam says: “Reconnect to your body’s knowing.”

Dr. Lam is a healer, writer and activist committed to supporting diverse global communities for healing and transformation. Through her vibrational energy coaching, Amy creates experiences for individuals to bridge spiritual and physical realities into a magical conversation with each other.
She loves working with individuals to connect to their inner wisdom, step into their leadership and confidently manifest their gifts to the world. Amy’s writing and art have been featured in literary and academic journals and Bay Area performance and artistic venues.  Please visit:

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Marie-Christine Cornet (now in France), Chi Nei Tsang and Somatic Experience practitioner, says:

“Connecting to your body and its wealth of intelligence and wisdom is the portal to living Life deeply and authentically.”

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Stephanie Doucette, M.S., L.Ac., Dipl. OM,  California Licensed Acupuncturist and Clinical Herbalist is

nationally certified as a Diplomate in Oriental Medicine and practices integrative orthopedic therapy, bringing together acupuncture, deep tissue massage and manual orthopedic techniques to treat neuromuscular injury and chronic pain.

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A thousand thanks to “Country Doctor LaH” and her petite Gracie for taking excellent care of me during Shingles outbreak in  2020. Your loving kindness was a powerful medicine.

To everyone who wished me wellness and extended your loving kindness, I wish you vibrant health, loving kindness, peace and happiness always!


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Then, there’s the author whose book taught me how to show respect and particular appreciation to everyone when I am in beloved City of Light.

The Sweet Life in Paris: Delicious Adventures in the World’s Most Glorious – and Perplexing – City 

by David Lebovitz

Merci beaucoup, Monsieur Lebovitz!

Merci beaucoup, author and photographer Margie Yee Webb, for gifting the book in 2016!

Merci beaucoup, world traveler, teacher and author Elisa Sasa Southard, for introducing me to the city my heart calls Home!


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Thank you, gardener extraordinaire and world traveler Nan Noonan (mama to Gracie and Kiki), for letting me visit your “wellness center” as often as I need.


Thank you to my sister Maria Kawah Leung (author of LITTLE HEROES OF BAY STREET) and Happy Dog and ALL precious friends, clients, colleagues, mentors, family members, and readers and writers.

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Thank you for reading my blog post:

“Beautiful Brain Body, Nervous System, Viruses, Wellness, Neuroplasticity Throughout Our Entire Lives”


I wish you vibrant health, loving kindness, peace and happiness always!






Story Theme Consultant / Photo Historian / Author / Public Library and Public School Advocate goes to Teresa’s Blog
Writing Coach Teresa Jade LeYung says: “I love helping writers identify the themes in their manuscripts to hook readers, and, build and fortify their platforms before and after publication. Reach out, not stress out.”

Love Made Of Heart ®


2022 June 26, 21:18; June 27, 01:00; June 28, 13:00, 23:16 California

Teresa Jade LeYung here saying “Thank you, Kim McMilllon,  Ph.D., for having children’s book author Maria Kawah Leung on your show “Writers On Writing”.  You both are Heroines / Heroes!”

To watch the 39-minute interview

Maria Kawah Leung is the author of the delightfully illustrated book

LITTLE HEROES OF BAY STREET:  And How They Stay Strong In An Unhappy Home

which is endorsed by Hannah Yeoh who is a Member of Parliament in Malaysia.

The main characters in LITTLE HEROES OF BAY STREET are Mia (a little girl) and her Happy Dog (who is much much more than a stuffed animal)

Happy Dog and Mia are the Little Heroes of Bay Street



Kim McMillon asks: “Maria, why did you write your book?”

At the first words, Maria Kawah Leung shows courage …

Maria: “Kim, I’m very much honored… because I am a behind-the-scenes kind of person, but, because of my book Little Heroes of Bay Street, it’s important for me to get the message out there… about domestic violence.”

Maria: “Happy Dog has been my best friend since I was 6 years old. He helped me survived watching my father abuse my mother. When I was little, and this was happening, I thought that my family was the only one in the entire world that this was happening to. So, it was very scary. And I felt very lonely. It wasn’t until I was an adult that I found out that other families had the same situation….”

Maria:  “I wanted to de-stigmatize this issue [domestic violence], so that people don’t think it’s something that happens ‘to those kinds of people’.  It happens everywhere, all cultures, all social economic statuses.  I want to raise awareness. Especially for the children. And the mothers. That’s why I wrote a children’s book.  Whereas my sister [ Teresa Jade LeYung] wrote an adult novel Love Made Of Heart.”
Kim: “The books you and your sister write help community, families, helping people understand just how prevalent and how dangerous domestic violence is.”

Maria: “I wish I had a book like this when I was little. That’s why I wrote it. For the children. For the teachers to be aware.  No teacher was ever aware that I was going through all this pain. I didn’t act out in school.  It’s not like I brought attention to myself.”

Maria: “I’m hoping that through my book… that every teacher would get a copy… and school counselors… nurses… so that they can be aware, and, look out for signs, and reach out to these children.”

Maria:  “It’s NOT an easy thing. It’s NOT an easy thing for a teacher to approach the parents. Because of feeling ashamed. I felt ashamed when I was abused. I thought people were going to say ‘She must be stupid or uneducated’ or ‘ she brought it onto herself’.  You have to be brave and confront the parents so that they can seek help.’

Kim asks Maria about Happy Dog …

Maria:  I was 6 years old, my brother Vitus was 10.  My brother had asked our parents to get Happy Dog for me…. At the store, my brother saw him [Happy Dog] on the top shelf. One of a kind. No tags.  Nothing. I think he’s an alien from somewhere. There he was, already kind of tattered… people must have played with him. His arm already needed sewing.”
(please watch/listen to the interview to find out who Happy Dog is a successor of)

To watch the 39-minute interview

Maria: “A few years ago, artist Chandra Garsson,  a dear friend of my sister Teresa’s, gave him [Happy Dog] … would you say botox? New lips altogether. Thanks to Chandra, he looks brand new.” 

Maria: “Maybe I didn’t publish the book until now… because I wrote it ten years ago… because I felt ashamed that I grew up in a family with violence and that I also experienced it myself [when I was an adult] … that people might think I’m childish because I still cherish my childhood toy. Now I’m old enough to realize I don’t care what other people think. It’s a healthy thing for children to have somebody or some thing to make them feel safe… to go to their happy place.”

Maria Kawah Leung's children's_book_LITTLE_HEROES_OF_BAY_STREET_Mia_and_Happy_Dog

Kim: “I remember your mother. She was extraordinary beautiful. [ Rita ]  I had great admiration for her.”
Maria:  (holds up photo of herself and Happy Dog with her mother) “My mother was dying of metastasized breast cancer in 1999… Yes, she’s beautiful. Powerful. And she’s a powerful guardian angel now.”

Maria: “I’m not trying to tell happy children in happy homes that they should know about all these horrible things that happen in the world. But if it’s a friend in the classroom… you want to help that friend.”

Maria: (showing audience pages from her book; pages 22 and 23 where Ms. Chavez tells Mia that it is not Mia’s job to make her parents happy. )
Maria talks about the illustration on page 22 – about the pictures of the two people on the classroom wall.  “… my real life fourth grade teacher, I loved her, but she didn’t see any signs that I needed help. But she was a wonderful teacher. And that’s my friend Mayhar A. Amouzegar, provost at University of New Orleans. He has published several novels. And he writes nonfiction for his work.  All these inspirational people in my life.”
Kim: “I found your book so inspirational. I love it. It’s so important. I felt it was healing for you, pouring out that experience, that it could help another person. I thought that was beautiful.”
Maria: “If I can reach as many children as possible and help them heal … when children witness violence at a young age….”
Kim: “When I saw your book was out, I was so proud of you, Maria. I just adore you and I’m so happy that you’re doing so great for the world.  I do believe helping people to overcome issues is one of the greatest things, in service to others, so, thank you for so much service to others.”
Maria: “During lockdown of this pandemic, domestic violence has skyrocketed….  Please reach out to people because it’s scary for everybody, this pandemic. There’s fear, there’s hatred, it’s a scary time. Help the families out there now.” has resources for families in USA and Malaysia

To watch the 39-minute interview




Please help LITTLE HEROES OF BAY STREET get into all branches of public libraries


Where to purchase Maria’s  book:   LITTLE HEROES OF BAY STREET:  And How They Stay Strong In An Unhappy Home

The book is available in 3 formats -  Hard cover; paperback; ebook – written in 2 languages – English and Chinese (simplified characters).

Soon the book will also be available in Spanish and Bahasa Malaysia.

Amazon  Paperback edition

Amazon E-Book edition

BookDepository Paperback

BookDepository  Hardcover

Barnes & Noble  Paperback

Barnes & Noble  NOOK e-book



children's book author Maria_Kawah_Leung_inscribes_Litttle_Heroes_of_Bay_Street_to_her_sister_Teresa


 To watch the 39-minute interview

Educator, children’s book author, children’s advocate Maria Kawah Leung says:

“Creating my book LITTLE HEROES OF BAY STREET to help children feel that they are not alone has been a life-long goal. Empowering children to overcome obstacles is my passion.”

Dr. Kim McMillon, thank you again for having Maria Kawah Leung and Happy Dog on your show.

Maria, Happy Dog and Mia, thank you for being so brave. YOU are all beautiful and mighty Heroes!

Everyone, thank you for reading my blog post:

“Educator, children’s book author, children’s advocate Maria Kawah Leung says “Domestic Violence Awareness is about Helping the Families”

I wish you peace and wellness always!


Teresa Jade LeYung

Proud sister of Maria Kawah Leung and proud auntie of Happy Dog

Story Theme Consultant / Photo Historian / Author / Public Library and Public School Advocate goes to Teresa Jade LeYung’s Blog
Writing Coach Teresa Jade LeYung says: “I love helping writers identify the themes in their manuscripts to hook readers, and, build and fortify their platforms before and after publication. Reach out, not stress out.”

Love Made Of Heart ®

“MIT new study – Time spent indoors increases risk of COVID at 6 feet or 60 feet…”



Story Continuity/Theme Consultant Teresa Jade LeYung’s Blog Post Number 600; Part 3 of first trilogy on our Beautiful Brains -

2021 January 11, 22:55 — January 12, 00:10; January 12, 22:18–23:28;  January 13, 14:14–15:10; 17:44–19:27; 19:56–22:36

California USA

Story Continuity/Theme Consultant Teresa Jade LeYung says: “Look what happens when persistent (chronic) pain pathways take over the other brain functions – impacting my emotions, problem-solving, memory, creativity, and …”



All graphics in this blog post are from Michael H. Moskowitz, MD & Marla D. Golden, DO



When Beautiful Brain is not producing pain -


When Beautiful Brain is producing acute pain –


When Beautiful Brain is producing persistent (chronic) pain -


According to Dr. Michael Moskowitz, Dr. Marla Golden, Dr. Norman Doidge, Dr. Danielle Rosenman -

There are 9 areas in the thinking brain (actually a few more, because some are on both sides of the brain) that control our personal experience of pain and discomfort. This is where pain signals are received.  Normally, only 5% of the nerve cells in the brain process pain.  In persistent pain, 15-25% of the cells of the entire brain are involved! The actual map of the brain has changed, with an increased part of the map given to pain.  This is because the pain areas get bigger, stealing nerves and synapses (connections) from the rest of the brain.

The relationship between pain (or discomfort) and mood (includes anxiety and depression):

Remember that the brain has different areas for different functions? It’s actually more complicated than that! Many brain functions are located in the same areas or are very close together, and there are some shared connections. (Review: “Nerves that fire together wire together.”)

Dr. Moskowitz and Dr. Golden say to “flood” the brain map, interrupt pain signals with pleasurable –








Dr. Danielle Rosenman adds: “Smile for yourself and talk out loud to your Brain.”

Story Continuity/Theme Consultant Teresa Jade LeYung says:

“I refuse to let pain pathways hijack other Brain functions. Some days I win the steering wheel/control panel. Other days Pain/Depression win. The more consistent I give my Beautiful Brain pleasure, the more winning days I shall have.

“Dr. Danielle Rosenman (via ZOOM sessions) has guided and coached me (with techniques from Dr. Moskowitz and Dr. Golden) in creating my unique ‘bag of tricks’ to interrupt pain, depression and other unpleasant signals.”

Dr. Norman Doidge and Professor Lorimer Moseley say: “MOVEMENT is critical in retraining the nervous system. Even imagining movement will retrain the system!”

How do I create Pleasure for my Brain? How do I communicate with / give feedback to my Brain?

My evolving “Bag of Tricks” (with the 7 modalities) to give my Beautiful Brain pleasure:

“Imagining” any of these modalities when I can’t access the physical form (especially during COVID-19 Stay At Home order) serves me well.


When pain or depression signals (including unpleasant thoughts) pop up, I have to interrupt them with pleasurable thoughts.

Pleasurable Thoughts this month include:  candied wintermelon pastry (thanks to MT’s selecting); sweet persimmons (thanks to EO); Nan’s signature pesto; Linda’s signature pear Clafoutis; Sasa’s signature salads; Pad Thai with fresh ingredients.


Because our brains store all experiences (including what we see in movies. read about, and hear about…), I have to stay away from all unpleasant images (even some of my favorite movies, details of sensational news) while I am retraining Beautiful Brain

Pleasurable images include looking at – my photos taken in Paris; postcards of paintings by  Claude Monet, Vincent van Gogh, Marc Chagall; photos from MT of her hikes; photos from Marie-Christine (she’s in France);  photos of nature and kids (2-legged and 4-legged ones) from all my friends; art by Chandra Garsson, Cynthia Tom, Cris Matos, Sharon Leong;  photos of Happy Dog (my sister Maria Kawah Leung’s hero in her book Little Heroes Of Bay Street);  seeing Linda’s little Gracie; the montage (of me and “Brain-no-pain”) at the end of this blog post.


Some sensations I liked (before persistent pain began) aren’t pleasurable right now – drinking hot tea fuels pain right now.

While I am happy for neighbors who are modifying their house for “Aging In Place”, the construction noise (hammering, drilling) also fuels pain and depression right now.

Pleasurable sensations include -  cool and cold water on skin; seeing green plants, blue sky, squirrels and hummingbirds in our patio and neighbor’s; laughing at GOMER PYLE USMC episodes (especially Season 3, Episode 6); smiling for myself; listening to “Clair de Lune” by Claude Debussy; tasting sweet fruit on tongue; smelling roses; firm and soothing touch to the body part that is feeling pain.


Because our brains store all memories … when unpleasant memories pop up, I have to interrupt them with pleasant ones.

Pleasurable memories:

- Being with people I care about.

- Eating breads and quiches, buying postcards, and walking and gawking at buildings in Paris

- Living sans clutter

SOOTHING EMOTIONS – this is most difficult for me

When my reaction to someone’s behavior brings on pain and other unpleasant signals, I send my thoughts to what the person means to me.

Remember what the good doctors said about “the relationship between pain (or discomfort) and mood (includes anxiety and depression)?

Please see Dr. Moskowitz’s and Dr. Golden’s workbook TRANSFORMING THE BRAIN IN PAIN: NEUROPLASTIC TRANSFORMATION page 35 through page 75.  And, I hope you’ll find someone like Dr. Danielle Rosenman to coach you.



Walking in the neighborhood (when my Brain is occupied with looking, listening, smelling… I feel no pain); dancing with Ms. Sophia Loren, Ms. Rita Hayworth, and Ms. Cyd Charisse (thanks to Youtube clips) ; imagining flying (ballet) over Paris; and running on dirt tracks and fields of wildflowers!


That I hold the power to be pain-free and depression-free; that every task can be accomplished with ease; that wellness is reality


Story Continuity/Theme Consultant Teresa Jade LeYung at Place des Vosges, Paris.(photo by Margie Yee Webb et Sasa Southard 2016)



Thank you, Dr. Norman Doidge, Dr. Michael Moskowitz, Dr. Marla Golden, and Professor Lorimer Moseley!

Thank you, Naomi Schaeffer Draper, M.S. Physical Therapist, for teaching me Feldenkrais techniques! Thank you, mentor Lynn Scott, for the referral!

Thank you, Dr. Danielle Rosenman!   Danielle Rosenman, M.D. uses neuroplasticity, imagery, meditation, psychotherapy, and other techniques in her Medical Counseling practice and in her innovative “Tools for Healing” groups.

Thank you, Dr. Amy Grace Lam !  vibrational energy healer

Thank you, all dear hearts who care about me and have helped/are helping me on this journey !!!!!

My next blog post will be about what I continue to learn from: “Getting a grip on pain and the brain – Professor Lorimer Moseley – Successful Ageing Seminar 2013″  41 minutes


For other posts in my blog, please go to:   If you look at right side of screen, you’ll see the category “Beautiful Brains Neuroplasticity”. Please click on that category to get all my blog posts pertaining to our our Beautiful Brains and Neuroplasticity.


I wish you, dear Reader and your Beautiful Brain, wellness!


Story Continuity/Theme Consultant Teresa Jade LeYung, photo by Emily O. on Nov 8, 2020











Love Made Of Heart ®

To read Part 1 of my trilogy on our Beautiful Brains:

Story Continuity/Theme Consultant Teresa Jade LeYung says: “Scarecrow in THE WIZARD OF OZ would feel NO pain”

To read Part 2 of my trilogy on our Beautiful Brains:

Story Continuity/Theme Consultant Teresa Jade LeYung says: “Adaptable Brain, Let Quiet Enter.”

Teresa Jade LeYung, an American naturalized citizen of Chinese ancestry, is a story continuity/theme consultant, author of LOVE MADE OF HEART (daughter-mother novel archived at the San Francisco History Center and used by college professors), BUILD YOUR WRITER’S PLATFORM & FANBASE IN 22 DAYS (a workbook), and TALKING TO MY DEAD MOM Monologues (the first monologue received an award from Redwood Writers Ten-Minute Play Festival), an advocate for public libraries and public schools, creator of , and, admirer of City of Light. Composing Haiku poems is a new love for LeYung.




October 1, 2019





Children’s book author MARIA KAWAH LEUNG shows how a girl named Mia and her loyal companion Happy Dog (he’s much much more than a stuffed animal) use their imagination to cope in an environment they have no control over – domestic violence. 

Together, they learn that friends do not have to always like the same things, and, that love means protecting and comforting each other. Author’s messages save lives – “When you’re scared or sad, talk to grown-ups you trust.”  and  “It’s not a child’s job to make parents happy.”

May all adults be like Ms. Chavez who notices a change in her student’s behavior and takes appropriate action. Heroes come in various shapes and sizes – in this story, they are a little girl, a fuzzy toy who is a beloved friend, and a school teacher.

While the story is set in San Francisco, the theme of family violence is worldwide, one that ought to be discussed openly without stigma. Empower children, give them a chance to blossom into healthy adults. Thank you, author and artist Maria Kawah Leung and illustrators Sandra Elyse Chavez and Maren Sleire Aasgaard, for shining the spotlight on dynamic duo Mia and Happy Dog and providing helpful resources.

Cheering for Mia, Happy Dog, all children and their loyal friends and advocates!

Your BIG fan Teresa Jade LeYung

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month.

Get your copy of the book now  – only $1.99 USD – You can read LITTLE HEROES OF BAY STREET on your own device, on Kindle Cloud Reader (download from Amazon), or on your Kindle.

Mia's Happy Dog gets hugs from loyal fan Teresa Jade LeYung, photo by author Maria Kawah Leung




As an alumna of A Place of Her Own 2018, Teresa Jade LeYung of Love Made Of Heart says: “When I’m in Paris, I know I have come home.”

As an award-winning author,  theme consultant and writing coach, Teresa empowers writers to transform their dearest dreams into reality.

Teresa_Jade_LeYung_in_Paris, photo_by_Sasa_or_Nan











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