Posts Tagged ‘Mark Coker’
Who will be teaching and entertaining at the San Francisco Writers Conference February 14-17, 2013?
Writing Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan here . . . honored to be invited to present at the San Francisco Writers Conference again. I will get to work with talented colleagues and friends, ten years in a row!
Friday Feb. 15, 2013 9:00-9:45am
presented by: Writing Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan, Build Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase in 22 Days and Advisory Board Member Elisa “Sasa” Southard, Break Through the Noise: 9 Tools to Propel Your Marketing Message (free balloons in this interactive session)
Sunday Feb. 17, 2013 10:00-10:45am
“BE YOUR OWN EDITOR: Ensuring Agents and Editors Love Your Work”
presented by: Writing Coach/Manuscript Consultant Teresa LeYung-Ryan, Build Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase in 22 Days; Love Made of Heart and Your-Writing-Mentor Mary E. Knippel, The Secret Artist: Give Yourself Permission to Let Your Creativity Shine!
Also, I will be one of the independent editors, giving one-on-one consultation, on:
Friday 11:00am — 11:50am; Friday 2:00pm – 3:30 or 3:40pm
Saturday 11:00am — 11:50am
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The 10th Anniversary SFWC February 14-17 (Thursday through Sunday), 2013 !

Here is SFWC’s growing list of authors, agents, editors, publishing professionals and other presenters who will be speaking at the 2013 San Francisco Writers Conference. To find out more about each of them, click on the underlined name.
Bella Andre, author of Let Me Be The One
Guy Kawasaki, author and co-founder of & founder of Garage Technology Ventures
Anne Perry, historical novelist and author of Blind Justice
R.L. Stine, author of the Goosebumps series
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Martha Alderson, Plot consultant and author of The Plot Whisperer Workbook: Step-by-Step Exercises to Help You Create Compelling Stories
Marilyn R. Atlas, Producer and personal manager in Hollywood
Bob Barner, children’s author/illustrator Dem Bones
Cara Black, author of Murder in Passy
Zoe FitzGerald Carter, author of Imperfect Endings: A Daughter’s Story of Love, Loss and Letting Go
Claire Cavanaugh, author/editor
Stephanie Chandler, author, online marketing and social networking guru
Meg Waite Clayton, author of The Four Ms. Bradwells, and The Wednesday Sisters
Mark Coker, founder and CEO of Smashwords
David Corbett, author of Do They know I’m Running?
Kim Culbertson, author The Liberation of Max McTrue
Deborah Davis, author of Not like You
Robert Dugoni, author of Wrongful Death and Murder One
Camille T. Dungy, author and professor at San Francisco State University
Brian Felsen, president of BookBaby / CD Baby / HostBaby
Lee Foster, author, award winning travel writer/photographer
Amy Franklin-Willis, author of The Lost Saints of Tennessee
Joel Friedlander, The Marin Bookworks
Diane Gedyman, Owner/Editor at The Publisher’s Desk
Joan Gelfand, author, blogger and poet
Tanya Egan Gibson, Author/Freelance Editor
Constance Hale, author, journalist and blogger
Brad Henderson, author and UC Davis Professor in Writing
Vicky Hudson, Freelance Writer
Corrine Jackson, author of If I Lie and Touched
Andy Jones, Professor, author, social media consultant
Evan Karp, creator of and Quiet Lightning
Carla King, Adventure travel author and Founder of Self-Publishing Boot Camp
Bharti Kirchner, author and teacher
Mary E. Knippel, author of The Secret Artist – Give Yourself Permission to Let Your Creativity Shine! Founder of Your-Writing-Mentor
John Korty, Film Director
C.S. Lakin, author, independent editor
Linda Lee, Founder of Askmepc-webdesign & Smart Women Stupid Computers
Karen Leland, best-selling author, speaker and consultant – Sterling Marketing Group
Donna Levin, author/writing teacher
Teresa LeYung-Ryan, manuscript consultant; coach and author of Build Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days; author of Love Made of Heart
Mary Mackey, author of Sugar Zone
Ron Martinez, Founder, Aerbook Maker Cloud Publishing
Meredith Maran, journalist, essayist, author of A Theory of Small Earthquakes
Dalya Massachi, Founder, Writing for Community Success
John McAlester, Founder, PigeonLab publishing platform
Joanne McCall, media public relations
Linda Joy Myers, author & President of National Association of Memoir Writers
Greg Nelson, author of Living Your Best Life: A 30 day Journey of Personal Growth
Kathryn Otoshi, author/illustrator of What Emily Saw
Robin Perini, author of Cowboy in the Crossfire
Dan Poynter, Para Publishing – Self-Publishing Guru
Peg Alford Pursell, poet and short story author
Lisa Marie Rice, author of Heart of Danger
Barbara Santos, author of Maui Onion Cookbook and Practice Aloha
Kemble Scott, author of The Sower and So.Ma
Naheed Senzai, author of Shooting Kabul
Rusty Shelton, President and CEO of Shelton Interactive
Sheldon Siegel, author of The Terrorist Next Door
Kevin Smokler, author of Bookmark Now
Elisa “Sasa” Southard, traveler writer; certified tour director; author of Break Through the Noise:9 Too ls to Propel Your Marketing Message; conference advisory board member
Ransom Stephens, author of The God Patent
Ellen Sussman, author of French Lessons
Wendy Tokunaga, author of Midori by Moonlight
K.M. Walton, author of Cracked
Penny Warner, author of How to Host a Killer Party
Chef Martin Yan, chef, author, TV personality
Victoria Zackheim, author of Exit Laughing, How Humor Takes the Sting Out of Death
Anne Zimmerman, author of An Extravagant Hunger: The Passionate Years of M.F.K. Fisher
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Elfrieda Abbe, Publisher, The Writer magazine at Madavor Publishing.
Chuck Adams, Executive Editor at Algonquin Books
Yanina Gotulsky, Publish at Numina Press
Lee Foster, at Foster Travel Publishing
Nancy Hancock, editor at HarperOne
Gabrielle Harbowy, Managing Editor at Dragon Moon Press
Jan Johnson, RedWheel/Weiser/Conari/Turning Stone
Brenda Knight, Associate Publisher at Cleis Press, Berkeley CA
Susanne Lakin, Editor
Ross E. Lockhart, Editor at Night Shade Books
Melissa Manlove, Editor at Chronicle Books
Julian Pavia, Editor at Crown Trade/Broadway
Annette Pollert, Editor at Simon-Pulse a division of Simon and Schuster
Chuck Sambuchino, Editor at Writers Digest Books and edits Guide To Literary Agents, author of Create Your Writer Platform
Jill Schwartzman, Executive Editor at Dutton, part of the Penquin Group
Ralph Scott, Executive Editor at Credit The Edit
Charles Spicer, Executive Editor at St. Martins Press
Lauren Spiegel, Editor at Touchstone/Simon & Schuster
Laura Tisdale, editor at Reagan Arthur Books at Little Brown
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Peter Beren, literary agent and publishing consultant (CA)
Andrea Brown, President – Anrdea Brown Literary Agency (CA)
Kimberley Cameron, President of Kimberley Cameron & Associates (CA)
Verna Dreisbach, Dreisbach Literary Management (CA)
Mollie Glick, Foundry Literary and Media (NY)
Mandy Hubbard, agent at D4EO Literary (CT)
Liz Kracht, agent at Kimberely Cameron and Associates (CA)
Michael Larsen, Larsen/Pomada Literary Agents (SF)
Taylor Martindale, Full Circle Literary (CA)
Jill Marsal, Marsal-Lyon Literary (CA)
Laurie McLean, Larsen/Pomada Literary Agents (SF)
Michael Neff, AEI Films and Books
Lara Perkins, Associate Agent, Digital Manager, Andrea Brown Literary Agency (CA)
Elizabeth Pomada, Larsen/Pomada Literary Agents (SF)
Jody Rein, President of Jody Rein Books, Inc (CO)
Rayhane Sanders, Literary Manager at WSK Management, LLC (NY)
Katharine Sands, Sarah Jane Freymann Agency (NYC)
Ken Sherman, Ken Sherman and Associates
Nephele Tempest, The Knight Agency (Atlanta/CA)
Becky Vinter, agent at FinePrint Literary Management (NY)
Gordon Warnock, Andrea Hurst & Associates (CA)
Pamela van Hylckama Vlieg, Larsen/Pomada Agency (CA)
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Goosebumps author R.L. Stine offers a free talk for his young fans
on February 16th at the 2013 San Francisco Writers Conference
While he is in town as a keynoter for the 2013 San Francisco Writers Conference, the shadowy R.L. Stine will offer a frightfully delightful session for his young fans. We promise there is nothing to fear from the master of horror. It all begins promptly at 10 a.m. on February 16th at the Mark Hopkins Hotel. His talk is free, but rules must be followed! (See below.)
Mr. Stine is best known as the author of the popular Goosebumps series of books for young readers. He has sold over 350 million books, making him one of the best-selling children’s authors in history. In fact, he was named the #1 best-selling author in America by USA Today for three straight years outselling John Grisham, Stephen King and Tom Clancy.
The FREE session for students during the SFWC is made possible by the San Francisco Writers Conference which is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, the InterContinental Mark Hopkins and the many companies and individuals who are sponsors of the 2013 San Francisco Writers Conference.
RULES for the R.L. STINE session during the 2013 San Francisco Writers Conference:
The event starts PROMPTLY at 10 a.m. at the Mark Hopkins Hotel on Saturday, February 16th, 2013. The session is open to students in 3rd to 8th grade and is limited to the first 200 confirmed RSVPs.
You MUST RSVP following these rules or something bad may happen (perhaps you won’t get in!) Go to Click on ‘Register Here for R.L. Stine’ option on the right side of the homepage. Fill out the form. List all the students who will be attending in the box provided. Submit the form. A thank you page will appear. We suggest you bring a copy of the thank you page with you.
Mandatory: If you are bringing a group, there must be 1 adult per 10 children.
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Who else will be helping writers at the 2013 San Francisco Writers Conference?
Published authors and publishing experts who generously volunteer their time! Click here to see who they are!
Members from Women’s National Book Association!
Members from California Writers Club!
Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan
“Reach out, not stress out, to materialize your dearest dreams.”
Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan on CBS Bay Sunday with Host Frank Mallicoat
Writers’ Platform & Fanbase-Building Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryansays:
Click here to read the interview with Coach Teresa for StepByStepPublishing
As coach and author of Build Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days: Attract Agents, Editors, Publishers, Readers, and Media Attention NOW, she says: “Whether you are writing fiction or nonfiction, make your name synonymous with the issues you write about.”
Teresa has built her own platform happily. Her first novel Love Made of Heart is used in college composition classes; available at public libraries; recommended by the CA School Library Association and the CA Reading Association; and archived at the San Francisco History Center. Love Made of Heart and her short play Answer Me Now carry the themes closest to her heart: mother-daughter relationship; Chinese-American immigrant experience; helping adult-children (of mentally-ill parents) speak openly about the stigmas and find resources for their loved ones.
- Please visit Coach Teresa’s Events Page
- Click on “Coach Teresa’s Blog”
Teresa.LeYung.Ryan -
Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan here to encourage you to pursue more and more resources . . . by visiting my website and this blog on a regular basis to find other people who can help you polish your craft and further build your platform. If you are not in the vicinity of the events I blog about . . . please look at the names of the people who are referenced in my posts, go to their websites by clicking on the links I provide or your keying their names in a search engine. The people I blog about will lead you to their colleagues, and so on. More ways to build your platform? See the exercises in Build Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days.
An Evening of Poetry
Friday – April 27,2012 – 6:15 to 9:30 pm
Flamingo Hotel – Empire Room, 2777 Fourth St., Santa Rosa, CA 95405 707-523-4745 dinner included
AL YOUNG-Evening Keynote Speaker
From 2005 through 2008, Al Young served as poet laureate of California. Other honors include NEA, Fulbright and Guggenheim Fellowships, the Richard Wright Award for Literary Excellence, and most recently, the 2011 Thomas Wolfe Award. Widely translated, Al Young’s many books include poetry, fiction, essays, anthologies and musical memoirs.
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Petaluma native, Bill Vartnaw is Sonoma County Poet Laureate, 2012-2013.
Bill has a master’s degree in poetics from New College of California. He has been writing seriously for over 35 years. Bill is the author of Concern: for Angels and Suburbs of my Childhood. He is also founder of Taurean Horn Press and has published 14 books. He has spent his life in the service of poetry, often helping his fellow poets behind the scenes of the Petaluma Poetry Walk.
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Juanita Martin is the 1st Poet Laureate, Fairfield, CA 2010-2012. She is an award-winning poet, freelance writer and performance artist. Her poetry appears in journals such as Blue Collar Review, Some Literary Review and Rattlesnake Review.
She’s an active member of Ina Coolbrith Circle, Redwood Writers and Marin Poetry Center.
Juanita at 50, won the honor scroll award in the 2011 National Senior Poet Laureate competition. Juanita is currently working on a book of poetry called The Lighthouse Beckons.
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Redwood Writers NEXT STEP 2012 Conference, Saturday, April 28 , 2012, 8:00 am – 5:30 pm
at Santa Rosa Junior College, Bertolini Student Union, 311 Elliot St., Santa Rosa, CA
Sandy Baker (2012 Conference Chair), Linda Loveland Reid (president of Redwood Branch of California Writers Club), and all the officers and board members deserve big thanks!
Keynote speaker is David Corbett on “Beyond the Book: Writing Opportunities in a Multi-Platform Era.”
“Leap into Tomorrow’s Publishing” Luncheon Panel: Laurie McLean, Mark Coker, Charlotte Cook and Joel Friedlander; Linda McCabe, Moderator
Looks like 20 fabulous presenters will be teaching at this conference that offers 4 tracks: Craft; Genre; Publishing; Marketing.
To register:
Craft Track:
9:30 – 10:30 am David Corbett “The Next Step: Finding the Character Behind the Character”
11:00 – 12:00 pm Geri Spieler “Fact Finding for Fiction Writers: Easy Research Techniques to Pump Up your Novel”
1:45 – 2:45 pm Arlene Miller “Grammar: Don’t Skip this Important Step”
3:15 – 4:15 pm Catherine Brady “Revealing Character through Dialogue”
Genre Track:
9:30 – 10:30 am Christorpher Gortner “Historical Fiction: Stepping Back in Time”
11:00 – 12:00 pm Deborah Grabien “Jumping into Mystery with Character”
1:45 – 2:45 pm Jody Gerrmann “Give Your Young Adult Fiction Zap and Zing!”
3:15 – 4:15 pm Abby Bogomolny “Poetry: The Oldest Literature”
Publishing Track:
9:30 – 10:30 am Verna Dreisbach “Fabulous Fiction”
11:00 – 12:00 pm Pete Masterson “Indie Publishing How-To”
1:45 – 2:45 pm Laurie McLean & Verna Dreisbach “Undercover Agents”
3:15 – 4:15 pm Panel: ebooks “Leap into the Future” Robert Digitale, Scott James, Mark Coker, & Rob Loughran (Kate Farrell, Moderator)
Marketing Track:
9:30 – 10:30 am Frances Caballo “I’m on Facebook! (Now What?)”
11:00 – 12:00 pm Joel Friedlander “Author Blogging 101”
1:45 – 2:45 pm Lee Stein “Getting Found: Using Google (and other tools) to Promote Your Book and Yourself”
3:15 – 4:15 pm Jeane Slone and Suzanne Lang “Local Steps in Promoting Your Book”
Cheering for all writers and readers!
Coach Teresa says: “Reach out, not stress out, to materialize your dearest dreams!”
As editor/story consultant, Coach Teresa helps her clients polish their manuscripts by identifying their themes, universal archetypes, front-story and back-story.
Build Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days: Attract Agents, Editors, Publishers, Readers, and Media Attention NOW
Love Made of Heart is used in college composition classes. Thank you, Teachers & Students!
What’s Happening February 17 – 21, 2011 For Writers and Readers?
Thursday, Feb. 17th, 2011, 6 to 9 pm- $149
Presented by Literary Agent Katharine Sands, author of Making the Perfect Pitch. Learn how to effectively pitch your project to the agents and editors at the SFWC…or anywhere!
Friday February 18, 2011 While Talking Tagline Mentor Elisa Southard author of Break Through the Noise, 9 Tools to Propel Your Marketing Message & I (Writing Career Coach Teresa LeYung Ryan author of Build Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days: Attract Agents, Editors, Publishers, Readers, and Media Attention NOW) will be presenting “Get a Grip: Be Your Own Best Promoter” at the exciting San Francisco Writers Conference . . .
February 18, 2011, 11:00am PST / noon Mountain Time Author Judith Marshall (Judith & I were in a critique group with Lynn Scott and Marcia Naomi Berger!) will be interviewed on BlogTalkRadio show Page Readers. If you miss the live broadcast on Feb. 18th, you can listen to Judith Marshall (she’s delightful!) when the show is archived. Go, Girlfriend Judith!!!
Judith Marshall is a third generation native Californian, born in St. Helena and raised in Concord. After leaving a successful career as a human resources executive, her lifelong dream of writing fiction was realized with the completion of Husbands May Come and Go But Friends Are Forever, winner of the Jack London Prize awarded by the California Writers Club and recently optioned for the big screen. She is an active member of the California Writers Club and a regular participant in writing classes and workshops. She continues to hone her craft and is currently working on her second novel, Staying Afloat, the story of a devoted stay-at-home wife and mother who morphs into a sex-starved adulteress. She lives in Northern California with her husband. For more information, go to
Sponsored by San Francisco Writers University and the San Francisco Writers Conference
These classes will be held at the Mark Hopkins InterContinental Hotel on Nob Hill in San Francisco.
Each of these intensive workshops takes one subject and breaks it down
into parts to give attendees a deep understanding of the topic. Each
workshop is taught by an expert on the subject who is also a good
Full Day Classes (9 am to noon, break for no-host lunch, 2 -5 pm) — $297 for either class
1. Social Media for Authors with social media gurus Tee Morris and Linda Lee
By the end of this nuts and bolts workshop, authors will know how to effectively use Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and Linked-In, how to create a website and blog and how to podcast your writing. And you’ll also know how to select which of these tools is right for you. A must have for writers in today’s online world.
2. Self-Publishing Boot Camp with Carla King, Alan Rinzler, Joel Friedlander, Mark Coker, Tammy Nam, Alexis Masters, Karen Leland and many more
Listen up, soldiers! Today is the best time ever to be a writer. With eBooks and self-publishing options never before available to get your book in front of a reading audience, you need to understand the whys, whats and hows of self-publishing. Taught by the creator of the Self-Publishing Bootcamp and a whole host of experts in every aspect of self-publishing. Go to Carla King’s Self-Publishing Boot Camp web site.
Morning Half-Day Classes (9 am to noon) –$149 for each class
1. Micro-Tension: The Secret of the Best Sellers with Superstar Literary Agent Donald Maass
This workshop has been given to rave reviews throughout North America by the man who wrote the book (and workbook) on writing the novel that will break you out of the pack. In the course of two decades Mr. Maass has arrived at a number of definite and highly perceptive conclusions on just what the differences are between an ordinary, pedestrian but enjoyable novel and an ostensibly similar work that catapults the book and its author into an entirely new plane of literary success.
2. Writing Fantasy, Science Fiction and Horror
With best selling author Katharine Kerr, editor/assoc. publisher Gabrielle Harbowy and rising star fantasy author Philippa Ballantine
3. Writing Romance and Women’s Fiction
With literary agent Christine Witthohn and romance author Elizabeth Jennings
4. Writing Mysteries, Suspense and Thrillers
With NYT best-selling mystery and thriller authors Bob Dugoni and Sheldon Siegel
Afternoon Half-Day Classes (2 pm to 5 pm)–$149 each
1. How to Write a Book Proposal (non-fiction)
With the man who wrote How to Write a Book Proposal. literary agent Michael Larsen and Consulting Editor Alan Rinzler
2. Making Your Memoir Bigger Than The Story of Your Life
With writing teacher and memoirist Adair Lara, author of Naked, Drunk and Writing: Shed Your Inhibitions and Craft a Compelling Memoir or Personal Essay
3. How To Make Money in the Hot Young Adult Market
With author Doug Rees and Annette Pollert from Simon and Schuster