Posts Tagged ‘The Plot Whisperer’
If you or a friend want to create engaging plotlines for your stories/books, go to Martha Alderson‘s class in San Francisco on February 13, 2014 (you do not have to attend the San Francisco Writers Conference for open enrollment classes) at the Intercontinental Mark Hopkins Hotel. Even if you are not writing for middle grade and young adult readers, learn how to plot from Martha. I was trained to write literature for children; the teachers who taught that class were authors of middle grade and young adult book; once you learn how to hook attention from young readers, you’ll hook readers of any age. Martha Alderson is the celebrated Plot Whisperer; she’s the guru who taught me how to use front story/back story. Thank you, Martha!
Writing Teacher Martha Alderson aka the Plot Whisperer in San Francisco February 13, 2014
Thursday, February 13, 2014 6:30 to 9:30 pm
Click here to register
Plot Your Story Scene by Scene to Move Your Readers
This class will enable middle grade and young adult fiction writers to use their plots to keep their readers engaged. Every scene has to deliver on many levels at once. Compelling characters; exciting dramatic action; meaning, emotion, and depth are essential. You will learn how many subplots is too many and how many characters you need.
You will also learn:
- Strategies to give your scenes the greatest impact
- How to turn episodic events into cause and effect
- Foolproof techniques for developing complex characters
- What makes for compelling action
- How to keep the tension constantly rising
Martha Alderson, author of The Plot Whisperer: Secrets of Story Structure Any Writer Can Master, is known as “The Plot Whisperer” for the help she offers writers worldwide. She is the founder of the award-winning blog The Plot Whisperer; the vlog: How Do I Plot a Novel, Memoir, Screenplay?; and the International PlotWriMo. Her books include The Plot Whisperer series. She has been teaching for SCBWI members for ten years.
For an additional $30, you may sign up for a 15-minute plot consultation with Martha during the conference.
For a list of all the classes on Feb. 13, 2014 and Feb. 17, 2014 (pre and post San Francisco Writers Conference), click here. All classes will have handouts.
Teresa LeYung-Ryan
Teresa’s novel Love Made of Heart: a Mother’s Mental Illness Forges Forgiveness in Daughter Ruby is used in college courses and archived at the San Francisco History Center.
As author of Build Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days: Attract Agents, Editors, Publishers, Readers, and Media Attention NOW, Coach Teresa helps clients identify their themes and archetypes. Subscribe to “Coach Teresa’s blog”
The Plot Whisperer aka The Plot Guru aka The Martha Alderson!
Book Launch PARTY
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California Writers Club (CWC) South Bay Writers Present:
Martha Alderson, The Plot Guru
author of Blockbuster Plots and The Plot Whisperer books
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The Plot Whisperer says:
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Cheers to The Plot Whisperer aka The Plot Guru aka The Martha Alderson!
Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan
“Reach out, not stress out, to materialize your dearest dreams.”
As coach and author of Build Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days: Attract Agents, Editors, Publishers, Readers, and Media Attention NOW , Teresa says: “Whether you are writing fiction or nonfiction, make your name synonymous with the issues you write about.”
As author of Love Made of Heart, creator of Love Made of Heart gift items and the Talking to My Dead Mom Monologues, Teresa encourages writers to speak out (in print) for those who cannot speak for themselves.
I wish Everyone a peaceful and joyful Thanksgiving.
Coach Teresa, what are some December 2011 Events?
Margie Yee Webb author of Cat Mulan’s Mindful Musings tells me that:
The Writer’s Yearbook 2012 (by Writer’s Digest) is available now! Read about 100 best book & magazine markets for writers, 101 best websites for writers… Chuck Sambuchino shares 5 facts on book publicity, San Francisco Writers Conference – Michael Larsen is the #17 website, Martha Alderson is the #40 website with The Plot Whisperer for Writers & Readers, and Ken & Dahlynn McKowen has their Publishing Syndicate ad for three new anthology series looking for stories and for the free publishing & writing tips e-newsletter! Happy reading and writing!
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Women’s National Book Association
San Francisco, CA Thursday December 1, 2011 6:00-7:30pm
Yours truly Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan will be at the December 1, 2011 get-together at the San Francisco Main Library, Latino/Hispanic Meeting Room–see you there!
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California Writers Club 19 branches in the state
Ann Foster of California Writers Club–SF Peninsula Branch tells me:
Peninsula Regent, One Baldwin Street at El Camino, San Mateo, CA
(Baldwin is one block north of 2nd Avenue).
5:00pm – 8:00pm
Donation $10 for members and non-members
Parking in the neighborhood, or go down the ramp under One Baldwin, press the button and tell the attendant you are there for the CWC Holiday Party (Ida Lewenstein is our Peninsula Regent host.) Only park in visitor spaces, please.
No host bar. Coffee, tea, and hors d’oeuvres provided.
Copies of Fault Zone will be for sale for $7.50 (plus tax). Bring your checkbook! We’ll have an autograph party! Bring your camera! Bring your mother-in-law!
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Kim McMillon founder of Arts in the Valley tells me that:
PEN Oakland — 2011 Josephine Miles National Literary Awards
Saturday December 10, 2011, 2:00pm at Oakland Public Library, Rockridge Branch, 5366 College Ave., Oakland CA 94618
I met Mary Monroe when she received this award for God Don’t Like Ugly. Later when my novel Love Made of Heart was published by Kensington Publishing Corp. NY, I found out that Mary Monroe was/is a superstar at Kensington. I’ve met so many talented artists through Kim. Cheers to Kim McMillon, Mary Monroe, all the authors who have received the Josephine Miles award, and everyone involved with PEN Oakland.
PEN Oakland “The Blue-Collar PEN”
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Remember to give yourself a gift if you’re going to give presents to loved ones and friends. Here’s one that won’t cost any money. Do the 2 exercises for Day 1 in my workbook by clicking on the book title: Build Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days: Attract Agents, Editors, Publishers, Readers, and Media Attention NOW
Then, if you want to own the workbook, ask your loved ones & friends to chip in $1 each.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan
Click on underscored text to jump over to referenced websites. To submit questions/comments to this article/post:
- Click on the blue header (title bar) of this post
- Scroll down until you see boxes and fill in the boxes (you do need an email address to submit questions/comments; if you have a website/blog, do promote it by keying in the address)
- After you fill in the boxes, you might want to keep a copy of your question/comment before clicking the “submit comment” button. Thank you!
Coach Teresa . . . starting a new format with my blog posts
Since I wear 3 hats, as writing career coach & author who helps you Build Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days / editor & manuscript consultant who helps you identify themes and archetypes / novelist of Love Made of Heart who encourages adult children of mentally ill parents to speak openly about the stigmas and find resources for their families, I wish to divide my post into 3 sections.
As 22-day Platform-Building Coach:
Promote yourselves by linking your names & your projects to these recognized events. According to Chase Calendar of Events, November is:
- Adoption Month, National
- Alzheimer’s Disease Month, National
- American Diabetes Month
- American Indian Heritage Month, National
- Aviation History Month
- Banana Pudding Lovers Month
- Diabetes Month, National
- Diabetic Eye Disease Month
- Family Caregivers Month, National
- Georgia Pecan Month, National
- Gluten-Free Diet Awareness Month
- Inspirational Role Models Month, National
- Lifewriting Month, National
- Long-Term Care Awareness Month, National
- Lung Cancer Awareness Month
- Marrow Awareness Month, National
- Peanut Butter Lovers’ Month
- Pet Cancer Awareness Month
- Pomegranate Month, National
- PTA Healthy Lifestyles Month
- Vegan Month
- Today November 16, 2011 is United Nations: International Day for Tolerance
- the fourth Thursday in November is Thanksgiving Day in the U.S.A.
- November 11, 2011 is Veterans Day
Every month is relevant to marketing your literary work. Day 19 of my workbook Build Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days demonstrates the beauty of linking your name to a date that is celebrated or recognized for the entire month–you’ll have a whole month to re-use one piece of writing.
As Editor & Manuscript Consultant:
Give yourself reasons to plot & write and replot & rewrite!
November is National Novel Writing Month (founder is Chris Baty)
Write Nonfiction In November (founder is Nina Amir)
December is International Plot Writing Month (founder is Martha Alderson, The Plot Whisperer)
Read or reread a book – I’m reading Nothing Can Scare Me Now: Managing Breast Cancer So It Doesn’t Manage You by Juliane Cortino (a colleague at Women’s National Book Association)
As author of Love Made of Heart:
I found “Veterans and Mental Health: We Owe Them Better” blog post by Mike Fitzpatrick, NAMI Executive Director
Last year, more than 1.2 million veterans were treated by the U.S. Department of Veterans’ Affairs (VA) health care system, about a third for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). That is an increase of about 25 percent from four years before, as troops return home from Iraq and Afghanistan.
The Washington Post reports that approximately 18 veterans die from suicide every day. Yet in survey released in September, the VA reported that 70 percent of its doctors, nurses and social workers believe the system lacks the staff and space to provide adequate mental health care. More than 37 percent said they cannot schedule an appointment for a new patient within 14-days.
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Mr. Fitzpatrick,
Thank you for writing this post to shed light on what we can do to advocate for better care of our veterans and their families. I linked your post to mine dated November 16, 2011 so that my blog fans can get resources for their loved ones. My beautiful mom (not a Veteran but was an orphan during World War II) suffered mental illness all her life and I use my writings to honor her. In September I met NAMI Sonoma County board member Ron Shaw at the Sonoma County Book Festival. Rosemary Milbrath, Executive Director at NAMI Sonoma County, has contacted me and I hope to deliver my Heroes, Tricksters & Villains interactive workshop to the Sonoma County community in California in 2012. Sincerely, Teresa LeYung-Ryan, author of Love Made of Heart; mental health advocate
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I hope to see you when I’m at these forums:
- Thursday December 1, 2011 at Women’s National Book Association get-together at San Francisco Public Library Main Branch
- Sunday January 8, 2012 at California Writers Club–Redwood Branch “Writing-Career-Make-Over with Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan”
Please click here for details.
“Reach out, not stress out, when pursuing your dreams!”
Writing Mentor Mary E. Knippel asks “What gives you sparks in your writing life?”
Hi, Writing Mentor Mary,
As an author and manuscript consultant I get sparks ( for scenes, plot points, metaphors, foreshadows) by rereading a favorite book, re-watching a favorite movie, observing and taking notes while riding public transit. My dream world also provides sparks. Martha Alderson’s new book The Plot Whisperer gives me sparks.
I love helping my clients identify the archetypes and themes in their stories. Speaking of themes, your helping job-seekers create their “success story & collage/vision boards” gives folks “sparks” to go after what they really want. I tagged you in these 2 posts: Coach Teresa, what’s happening for business owners on November 5, 2011 in Gilroy, CA? and Coach Teresa, what happened when you hosted Plot Whisperer Martha Alderson on your blog?

Mentor Mary Knippel helps job-seekers create their success stories--cheers from Writing Career Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan--photo by Anne Campagnet-Reed
Teresa LeYung-Ryan says: “Reach out, not stress out, when pursuing your dreams!”
Writing Career Coach/Manuscript Consultant
author of Build Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days: Attract Agents, Editors, Publishers, Readers, and Media Attention NOW (print edition & eBook edition)
Author of Love Made of Heart (inspires adult children of mentally ill parents to speak openly about the stigmas and find resources for their families)
Martha Alderson (famous for her book Blockbuster Plots – Pure & Simple, Scene Tracker Kit and DVDs for writers of fiction, nonfiction, screenplays) is on Blog Tour for her new book The Plot Whisperer–to be featured on Coach Teresa LeYung Ryan’s blog– check Coach Teresa’s Oct. 18, 2011 post for chance to blog-chat with Martha and also win prize from Coach Teresa. The Plot Whisperer belongs on every writer’s shelf; the golden contents in The Plot Whisperer belong to every serious writer’s heart.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011, 7:30pm IN PERSON
Cheers to beloved Martha Alderson – book launch party for her new book The Plot Whisperer !
Capitola Book Cafe, Capitola, CA
Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan on facebook
Love Made of Heart turned 9-years-old this month!

Love Made of Heart inspires adult children of mentally ill parents to speak openly about the stigmas and find resources for their families
What else is October recognized for? According to the Chase Calendar of Events:
- Adopt-A-Shelter-Dog Month
- Animal Safety and Protection Month, Natl
- Antidepressant Death Awareness Month
- Augmentative and Alternative Communication Awareness Month, Intl
- Bake and Decorate Month, Natl
- Bat Appreciation Month
- Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Natl
- Car Care Month
- Celebrating the Bilingual Child Month
- Celiac Disease Awareness Month
- Children’s Magazine Month
- Chili Month, Natl
- Chiropractic Month, Natl
- Church Library Month
- Co-op Awareness Month
- Crime Prevention Month, Natl
- Cut Out Dissection Month
- Cyber Security Awareness Month, Natl
- Dental Hygiene Month, Natl
- Depression Education and Awareness Month, Natl
- Disability Employment Awareness Month, Natl
- Domestic Violence Awareness Month
- Down Syndrome Awareness Month, Natl
- Dyslexia Awareness Month
- Eat Better, Eat Together Month
- Emotional Intelligence Awareness Month
- Emotional Wellness Month
- Family Sexuality Education Month, Natl
- Financial Planning Month
- “Gain the Inside Advantage” Month, Natl
- Gay and Lesbian History Month
- German-American Heritage Month
- Global Diversity Awareness Month
- Go Hog Wild–Eat Country Ham Month
- Go on a Field Trip Month, Natl
- Halloween Safety Month
- Health Literacy Month
- Liver Awareness Month, Natl
- Long-Term Care Planning Month
- Medical Librarians Month, Natl
- Menopause Month, World
- Month of Freethought
- Organize Your Medical Information Month
- Orthodontic Health Month, Natl
- Photographer Appreciation Month
- Physical Therapy Month, Natl
- Polish-American Heritage Month
- Popcorn Poppin’ Month, Natl
- Positive Attitude Month
- Protect Your Hearing Month, Natl
- Raptor Month
- Reading Group Month, Natl
- Rett Syndrome Awareness Month
- Right-Brainers Rule Month
- Roller Skating Month, Natl
- Sarcastics Awareness Month, Natl
- Self-Promotion Month
- Spina Bifida Awareness Month, Natl
- Spinach Lovers Month
- Squirrel Awareness Month
- Stamp Collecting Month, Natl
- Starman Month, Intl
- Strategic Planning Month, Intl
- Talk about Prescriptions Month
- Vegetarian Month
- Work and Family Month, Natl
- Workplace Politics Awareness Month
The bold recognition relates to subject matters/themes/issues in Love Made of Heart
Martha Alderson aka The Plot Whisperer on Blog Tour–to be featured on Coach Teresa’s blog Oct. 18, 2011
Remember to check this blog on October 18, 2011 to blog-chat with Martha Alderson about your plotline!

Plot Whisperer Martha Alderson flanked by Writing Career Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan & Memoirist Luisa Adams (author of Woven of Water)
Coach Teresa
Teresa LeYung-Ryan says: “Reach out, not stress out, when pursuing your dreams!”
Love Made of Heart inspiring adult children of mentally ill parents to speak openly about the stigmas and find resources for their families.
Events for Writers & Readers & Job Seekers in the San Francisco Greater Bay Area, CA
Tues. Oct. 11, 2011 Please tell job-seeker friends Mary E. Knippel presents at SF Professional Career Network. Meet 9:00am at 390 Valencia St., SF. Presentation 9:30-11:00am. I’ll be there to film Mentor Mary as she guides job-seekers on how to “Create Your Success Story”:
• Learn simple, creative ways to get noticed in a crowd
• Design your vision-board to achieve your dreams
• Convert your passions into valuable connections
If you can’t attend this Meet-Up, visit Mary’s site:
October 7 – 15, 2011
San Francisco’s Litquake Literary Festival
WNBA-SF Chapter Members Janine Kovac and Patricia V. Davis are on the Executive Committee! Who else from WNBA is involved?
LitCrawl San Francisco is October 15, 2011
October 14, 2011, 7:00pm Mary Jo McConahay at Avid Reader, Davis, CA
October 16, 2011, 2:00pm Mary Jo McConahay at the Avid Reader at the Tower, Sacramento, CA
Maya Roads: One Woman’s Journey Among the People of the Rainforest
October 15, 2011 Ann Foster reminds us that Brooke Warner will be at California Writers Club–SF Peninsula Branch
The Publishing Industry and Opportunities for Women Writers
October 16, 2011, 2:00pm Mary Jo McConahay at the Avid Reader at the Tower, Sacramento, CA
Maya Roads: One Woman’s Journey Among the People of the Rainforest
Women’s National Book Assn-San Francisco Chapter
Invites you to a Free Event
Celebrating WNBA’s 5th Annual National Reading Group Month
Kepler’s – Roy Kepler Pavilion Menlo Park, California
Listen to interviews conducted by Linda Joy Myers
In A Life in Stitches, Rachael Herron tells us that when life unravels there’s always a way to knit it back together again.
Touch and Go, Thad Nodine’s first novel and winner of the Dana Award for the Novel, is a rich and rangy story about the careful and careless ways we treat each other—and ourselves—in a fast-paced, changing world. Kevin, the novel’s blind narrator, is one of the most perceptive figures in recent fiction.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011, 7:30pm
Cheers to beloved Martha Alderson – book launch party for her new book The Plot Whisperer !
Capitola Book Cafe, Capitola, CA
Saturday, October 22, 2011
National Kidney Foundation San Francisco Authors Luncheon, Marriott Marquis San Francisco
10:00am autographing begins; 12:00 noon luncheon
$125 For tickets or info, call 415-543-3303 ext. 114
Children’s author/illustrator Kathryn Otoshi is one of the featured authors.
Book Passage proud to be part of this event.
Margie Yee Webb, author/photographer, Cat Mulan’s Mindful Musings: Insight and Inspiration for a Wonderful Life
Desserts and more! Free raffle prizes and complimentary desserts and refreshments surrounded by beautiful furnishings!
Coach Teresa
Teresa LeYung-Ryan says: “Reach out, not stress out, when pursuing your dreams!”
Love Made of Heart inspiring adult children of mentally ill parents to speak openly about the stigmas and find resources for their families.
Love Made of Heart Turns 9 Years Old October 2011
To celebrate my novel’s anniversary . . .
Last Thursday I was at San Francisco Public Library for a Women’s National Book Association meeting to shoot one-minute videos of WNBA members and guests so that they can use them to promote themselves. So, there I was, Writing Career Coach Teresa, demonstrating how to create a short video, express yourself, and not have to be in front of the camera.
I am still overjoyed that my novel Love Made of Heart is in public libraries and also archived at the San Francisco History Center.
In this video, I re-declared that I use Love Made of Heart to inspire adult children of mentally ill parents to speak openly about the stigmas and find resources for their families. Also, I encourage everyone to get a library card.
Look what I received in the mail !

Bette Davis stamps used on envelope sent to Teresa LeYung-Ryan from Ms. Sheryl Fairchild of San Francisco State University. Protagonist Ruby Lin in Love Made of Heart had found her role models in characters portrayed by Bette Davis and Joan Crawford. So sweet of Ms. Fairchild and her students to think about the details! Thank you from the bottom of my heart, and that's no pun.
Ms. Sheryl Fairchild’s wonderful students in First Year Composition at San Francisco State University had asked me these questions when I visited them last month.
Our Conversation with Teresa LeYung Ryan
Nicole: I would like to ask her why she wanted to share her story to the world?
Erin: I’d like to ask why she used Hollywood movie starts as Ruby’s “voice” . . . why she wrote certain characters like Mrs. Nussbaum or Emily into the story and if they represent someone she knows in her life.
Allison: I would like to ask her if the events that she described in the novel are synonymous with her real life or if they just represent different things that have happened to her.
Stephen: Was the story of her mother having mental illness true or was it completely made up?
Rozlynn: I would like to know more about Ruby’s brother John, he’s a very mysterious character in the novel.
Heather: I would like to ask her if she wrote her story to help people dealing with similar domestic violence issues or people that have someone with mental illness in their life, feel like they aren’t alone, or if she wrote the story for therapeutic reasons of her own.
Kerri: How long did it take for her to be comfortable with writing this story?
James: I would like to know if she overcame her past through therapy or was it a different source that was able to help her like a friend or lover?
Jonathan: If Teresa’s view on men has changed when going from a traditional Chinese man . . . to her new marriage of 7 years that she talks about on the back cover.
Ashley: What challenges did you face writing the book? What advice would you give aspiring writers?
Kyndal: Did she ever find out more information about her grandmother?
Reyanna: I would like to ask about Ruby’s grandmother. We never really know what happened to her and why she left America. Was it because of the harsh trials immigrants suffered? Also, I would like to know about Ruby’s brother as well. She never mentioned much about him or the grandmother.
Questions for Teresa from our worksheets:
o Why did you want to share your story?
o Have you gotten in contact with your brother?
o Why did you choose not to use any Chinese language in the novel?
o Why did you use a paper that Emily wrote to tell Ruby’s story at the end of the novel, rather than having Ruby tell the story herself?
o Why did you choose that specific ending?
o What did you find out about your culture as you were writing this novel?
o Is your husband Chinese?
o Did you ever talk to Vincent again?
o How did your family react to your writing the book?
The Essence or Meaning of the Novel:
In Our Own Words
* Do not dwell on the past, if you do, you cannot move forward with the future.
* Forgive, but do not forget what you’ve learned from that experience.
* Cannot judge people right away (such with Vincent)
* Tradition vs. modern
* Substituting fictional characters’ lives for Ruby’s – the life she wished she had
* “Different kinds of love”
* Culture – Culture’s clashing
* Childhood – How the things you see as a child sculpt your life and views: violence at home,
family values/traditions, family relationships
* Communication – If it exists or doesn’t
* Family ties – Loyalty vs. independence
* The book Love Made of Heart shows how someone’s troubled past affects their present life.
What a lovely way to celebrate the birthday of Love Made of Heart ! I’m overjoyed. I’d like to believe that my mom is giggling on Cloud Nine. Thank you, Ms. Fairchild, Allison, Ashley, Chris, Colin, Erin, Heather, Henriikka, James, Joelle, Jonathan, Kerri, Kyndal, Luis, Niki, Reyanna, Roxanne, Rozlynn, Stephen, Teja, Zenia for reading Love Made of Heart and asking thoughtful questions. YOU all are love made of heart!
Because of Martha Alderson’s plot coaching, my novel Love Made of Heart was transformed into a page-turner. The story grabbed Stacey Glick‘s attention, then Kensington Publishing’s John Scognamiglio‘s [ Thank you to Stacey and all the folks at Dystel & Goderich Literary Management! Thank you to John and all the folks at and associated with Kensington Publishing NY ]. Fast forward… Love Made of Heart is:
- used as required reading in colleges and universities
- available in libraries
- archived at the San Francisco History Center
- attracting a steady flow of readers/fans
- being my passport to speak out for those who cannot speak for themselves.
- linking my mission statement to Glenn Close’s BringChange2Mind and NAMI‘s. I use Love Made of Heart to inspire other adult children of mentally ill parents to speak openly about the stigmas and find resources for their families.
None of this would have happened if Martha had not taught me how to plot the front-story.
Thank you, Everyone (starting with first Critique Group members Cat, Theresa Stephenson, Evelyn Miche, Olga Malyj . . .) who have played a role in sending Love Made of Heart into the world. You all have my deepest gratitude.
Martha’s new book The Plot Whisperer is inspiring me to write another novel.
Coach Teresa
Teresa LeYung-Ryan says: “Reach out, not stress out, when pursuing your dreams!”