Posts Tagged ‘vibrational energy coach’

Teresa Jade LeYung’s Blog post number 612

2022 March 10, 20:01 California USA

Amended 2022 March 12, 19:14; amended 2022 March 19, 13:09

A thousand bows to Dr. Amy Grace Lam for the two statements that contain words to awaken a new healing path in me:

“My body gets attention when it is sick.” “My body gets ignored when it is well.”

That behavioral pattern (giving/receiving care; NOT giving/receiving care) was the norm in our family – my father would turn off his rage and my mother would turn off her anguish when one of us kids got sick – getting sick meant receiving quiet and caring attention.

Ever since the outbreak of Shingles* virus on my body in 2020 … my Brain has been “overprotecting” body tissue by sending pain (in the initial months) and then other unpleasant sensations (since 2021) as a way of getting my attention, thus, reinforcing the pattern “my body gets attention when it is sick”.

I have created a new pattern to practice: “My body gets my attention in health and in sickness”

(Interesting … my Body deserves the vows spoken on one’s wedding day:  ” … from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part ….”)

[ * Shingles is caused by the varicella-zoster virus — the same virus that causes chickenpox. After a person has had chickenpox, the virus lies inactive in nerve tissue near the spinal cord and brain. Years later, the virus may reactivate as shingles. ]


The word “pray” used to turn on my skepticism. So did other words.

Then I learned how to listen. And to ask questions. And to listen some more….

Now I use some of those words myself – to wish for wellness.

My reaction to words had prolonged illness, again and again. I would get on a healing path, then would fall off the road. It’s only these recent years that I’ve learned to listen to my own Body and the symptoms, and, speak words that inspire radiant health.

The tools came from my dear housemate, friends, sister, certain relatives, mentors, writers, artists, musicians, and, from these extraordinary healers – Dr. Amy Grace Lam (vibrational energy coach); Marie-Christine Cornet (now in France – Chi Nei Tsang and Somatic Experience practitioner); Gilles Marin (master practitioner and teacher, author, director of the Chi Nei Tsang Institute, California) – I am honored to be Gilles’s manuscript consultant for his fourth book; Stephanie Doucette, M.S., L.Ac., Dipl. OM (California Licensed Acupuncturist and Clinical Herbalist); and all the other healers referenced in my blog posts.

Here are some words spoken by healers Dr. Amy Grace Lam, Gilles Marin, Stephanie Doucette that I’ve learned to decipher in my quest for wellness.  I first heard some of these words  from poet / playwright / Black Arts Movement Historian Kim McMillon, Ph.D. more than 35 years ago:

* Five Elements – Earth, Air, Water, Fire, Wood

* Longevity, Vitality, Balance, Harmony

* Radiant Health

* Organs, Organ System – Liver, Kidney, Spleen

* What is Damp Heat, Slippery Pulse, Stagnation

* Chi (Qi), Meridians, Channels

* Yin, Yang, Deficiency, Wind

* Meditation,  Chakras, Inhale, Exhale, Breathing


A thousand bows to Dr. Amy Grace Lam for the two statements that contain words to awaken a new healing path in me:

“My body gets attention when it is sick.”

“My body gets ignored when it is well.”


There is much suffering on our planet – COVID pandemic; everyone in and near the Ukraine.

The vibrant wellness I want for myself is what I wish and what I pray for everyone, near and far.

For Everyone – Total Healing, Radiant Health, Balance and Harmony, Joy and Loving Kindness


Thanks to Dr. Amy Grace Lam … here’s Steve Nobel’s

MEDITATION Golden-Citrine Angelic Light Transmission: Clearing and Uplifting the Solar Plexus Chakra


AFFIRMATIONS: Radiant Health

And, thank you to all benevolent Angels!


For other posts related to our Beautiful Brains, Pain, and Neuroplasticity  in my blog …  If you scroll to top of page, look at right side of screen, you’ll see the category “Beautiful Brains Neuroplasticity”.  Please click on that category to get all my blog posts pertaining to the topic.


Teresa_Jade_LeYung_wishes_everyone_wellness; photo_by_Nan_and_MEK

Teresa Jade LeYung

Story Theme Consultant / Photo Historian / Author / Public Library and Public School Advocate goes to Teresa Jade LeYung’s Blog

Writing Coach Teresa Jade LeYung says: “I love helping writers identify the themes in their manuscripts to hook readers, and, build and fortify their platforms before and after publication. Reach out, not stress out.”

Love Made Of Heart ®

“MIT new study – Time spent indoors increases risk of COVID at 6 feet or 60 feet…”

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