Posts Tagged ‘VITALITY’

2023 September 6 (at dear Sabine’s serene home); updated September 28, 2023; updated October 9, 2023; updated Oct. 15, 16, 2023; updated December 10, 2023

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Hello Everyone,

I wish you vibrant health!

Thanks to Everyone Who Cares About me,  Healers, Books, Our Immune System, Our Beautiful Ever-Changing Brain, Our Internal Organs, Our Body and Vitality!

In August 2020 (which was five months into “Shelter In Place” in the county I lived in during the COVID pandemic), Shingles virus “woke up” in my body …oh the pain and the rash on one side of upper torso. Then after the blisters cleared, the hot pain stayed. This condition is called “postherpetic neuralgia”.

Luckily for me, through neuroplasticity coaching from Dr. Danielle Rosenman,

books by Norman Doidge, M.D.,

lectures by Professor Lorimer Moseley about the “role of pain”

and the workbook TRANSFORMING THE BRAIN IN PAIN: NEUROPLASTIC TRANSFORMATION by Dr. Michael H. Moskowitz  and Dr. Marla D. Golden,

and, moral support from dear folks  who care about me …

I was successful retraining my Brain to stop sending chronic pain signals to Body Tissue.

However the pain sensation morphed into a sticky damp heat sensation.

These symptoms then awakened another virus in my nervous system. Also, COVID-Vaccination worsened my condition.

My internal thermostat is stuck at an uncomfortable down right yucky setting. My immune system had needed to use heat when Shingles virus got activated; however, my system is still in “fight” mode three years later.

Illness leads to depression … a nasty loop.

This is what happens when our systems are “too aggressive” trying to protect us.

By the way – Shingles is caused by the varicella-zoster virus — the same virus that causes chickenpox. After a person has had chickenpox, the virus lies inactive in nerve tissue near the spinal cord and brain. Years later, the virus may reactivate as shingles.

The “memories” of viruses (keloid scars from Shingles rash a “convincing” reminder)… telling my systems to continue fighting. Body doesn’t forget anything!

Brain-Body worn out from fighting.

Fast forward…

Through receiving Neuro Integration System (N.I.S.) treatments and Neuro Emotional Technique (NET) treatments from a master-level practitioner who is a chiropractor  – Dr. Jae Reed, D.C … my Body-Brain circuitry is learning how to reset and restore systems to harmony.

Through receiving Chi Nei Tsang treatments from a master-level practitioner – Stephanie Wilger, NC … my Body is sending direct communication to Brain.

Clear communication between Brain and Body REMOVES the obstacles, letting the Body repair itself the best way possible -  naturally.

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Stephanie Wilger, NC
Healthcare Practitioner & Educator
I see Stephanie for Chi Nei Tsang treatments and also for keloid scars (I have patches of  keloid scars as result of Shingles virus rash over-producing protein and not properly healing)
Chi means  life force energy that carries information.
Nei Tsang means internal organs.

Chi Nei Tsang translates as “internal organs chi transformation”.

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Jae Reed, DC
Azure Sky Chiropractic & Scar Tissue Remediation
I see Dr. Reed for Neuro Integration System (NIS) and Neuro Emotional Technique (NET) combined with chiropractic adjustments, with hand-held instruments, muscle-testing to determine where a neurological pathway has been disrupted and locations of weakness in the meridian system.

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Thanks to the encouragement from the folks I care about and who care about me, I  resume my work as a writer and story-consult and blogger, go to treatments, re-read books to learn about how hard the human body works, and, I turn depression into appreciating one moment at a time.

My Quest to Wellness by learning from Holistic Healers on how to receive and send instructions for what I call “Brain-Body peace talks”.


I am grateful to:

Stephanie Wilger, NC
Dr. Jae Reed D.C.
Dr. Kerry Lilley, D.C.
Loduskia “Dusky” Pierce, MFT
Gilles Marin, master teacher and practitioner of Chi Nei Tsang
USA:   France:
Marie-Christine Cornet in France:

Stephanie Doucette, M.S., L.Ac., Dipl. OM


Danielle Rosenman, M.D. for neuroplasticity coaching 

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I wish everyone vibrant health always!


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Here are the BOOKS!

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the book - Immune: A Journey into the Mysterious System That Keeps You Alive

Thank you, dear Sue, for gifting me the book

Immune: A Journey into the Mysterious System That Keeps You Alive

by Philipp Dettmer, creator of the popular science YouTube channel “Kurzgesagt—In a Nutshell”

Page 62 of the book IMMUNE: A Journey into the Mysterious System That Keeps You Alive by Philipp Dettmer
“Inflammation is the universal response of your immune system to any sort of breach or damage or insult. No matter if you burn yourself, cut yourself, or get a bruise. No matter if bacteria or viruses infect your nose, lungs, or gut. No matter if a young tumor kills a few civilian cells by stealing their nutrients or you have an allergic reaction to a food, inflammation is the response. Damage or danger – PERCEIVED OR REAL – causes inflammation.”


Book description from the publisher:

“You wake up and feel a tickle in your throat. Your head hurts. You’re mildly annoyed as you get the kids ready for school and dress for work yourself. Meanwhile, an epic war is being fought, just below your skin. Millions are fighting and dying for you to be able to complain as you head out the door.

“But most of us never really stop to ask: What even is our immune system?

“Second only to the human brain in its complexity, it is one of the oldest and most critical facets of life on Earth. Without it, you would die within days. In IMMUNE, Philipp Dettmer, the brains behind the most popular science channel on YouTube, takes readers on a journey through the fortress of the human body and its defenses. There is a constant battle of staggering scale raging within us, full of stories of invasion, strategy, defeat, and noble self-sacrifice. In fact, in the time you’ve been reading this, your immune system has probably identified and eradicated a cancer cell that started to grow in your body.

“Each chapter delves into an element of the immune system, including defenses like antibodies and inflammation as well as threats like bacteria, allergies, and cancer, as Dettmer reveals why boosting your immune system is actually nonsense, how parasites sneak their way past your body’s defenses, how viruses work, and what goes on in your wounds when you cut yourself.

“Enlivened by engaging full-color graphics and immersive descriptions, IMMUNE turns one of the most intricate, interconnected, and confusing subjects — immunology — into a gripping adventure through an astonishing alien landscape. IMMUNE is a vital and remarkably fun crash course in what is arguably, and increasingly, the most important system in the body.”

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Thank you, dear Loduskia “Dusky” Pierce, MFT, for having introduced me to:

the book - The Brain That Changes Itself


Dr. Norman Doidge’s first book – 

The Brain That Changes Itself: Stories of Personal Triumph from the Frontiers of Brain Science


the book - The Brain’s Way of Healing

Dr. Norman Doidge’s second book –  

The Brain’s Way of Healing: Remarkable Discoveries and Recoveries from the Frontiers of Neuroplasticity

Look for Dr. Doidge’s interviews on YouTube


Thank you, YouTube Channel User The Agenda | TVO Today for posting

“For a very long time scientists thought the brain was an organ beyond treatment. If something went wrong or if one was born with a deficit, the conclusion was ‘tough luck.’ Not so anymore. There are revolutionary techniques that can alleviate anything from chronic pain to Parkinson’s disease or Down syndrome. Dr. Norman Doidge lays it out in his book The Brain’s Way of Healing: Remarkable Discoveries and Recoveries from the Frontiers of Neuroplasticity. He’ll discuss this, and more, with Steve Paikin. ”

Dr. Norman Doidge explains:

“The Brain is NOT like a fixed hard-wired machine. The Brain changes it’s wiring – the word that describes this property is neuroplasticity. The Brain’s structure and functions can be changed by our activities and by our mental experiences.”

“Using energy to facilitate neuroplasticity for healing.  The ancient word ‘hælan’ – to cure, to restore, to make whole again.”


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Thank you, dear LaH, for having introduced me to Master Teacher and Healer Gilles Marin!

the book - Five Elements, Six Conditions

Five Elements, Six Conditions – a Taoist Approach to Emotional Healing, Psychology, and Internal Alchemy

Gilles Marin is the Founder and Director of the Chi Nei Tsang Institute and School of Taoist Healing Energetics, California, USA

Co-directeur de  l’institut de Chi Nei Tsang, Nice, FRANCE

Universal Healing Tao and Chi Nei Tsang Senior Instructor since 1986

TaoTouch: The art to help people heal, get rid of pain, and bring back vibrant health by reconciling self, soul and spirit while triggering emotional processing.  This is done through a traditional Taoist monastic healing practice called Chi Nei Tsang, which works with deep and gentle abdominal touch to enhance health and vitality to the internal organs.


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Michael H. Moskowitz, MD & Marla D. Golden, DO

for Dr. Michael Moskowitz’s and Dr. Marla Golden’s -


workbook, webinars, brain graphics, and more…


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the book - SLOW MEDICINE


Victoria SweetM.D.’s book SLOW MEDICINE The Way to Healing  Over the years that Victoria Sweet has been a physician, “healthcare” has replaced medicine, “providers” look at their laptops more than at their patients, and costs keep soaring, all in the ruthless pursuit of efficiency.
Victoria Sweet, M.D. is the award-winning author of God’s Hotel: A Doctor, a Hospital, and a Pilgrimage to the Heart of Medicine.

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My blog post  contains my notes from –

“Getting a grip on pain and the brain – Professor Lorimer Moseley – Successful Ageing Seminar 2013?

“What we now understand about pain.”

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Stephanie Wilger, N.C. recommends:

Taoist Meditation: The Six Healing Sounds – YouTube

Gilles Marin’s blog post:

“Detoxifying from Vaccines with Herbs, Fruits and Vegetables”

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I wish you and everyone around you – vibrant health, peace and happiness always!



Teresa Jade LeYung,

formerly Teresa LeYung-Ryan

Teresa_Jade_LeYung_wishes_everyone_peace_and_wellness__photo_by_Nan_and_MEK  goes to Teresa Jade LeYung’s Blog

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Writing Coach Teresa says:

“I love helping writers identify the themes in their manuscripts to hook readers, and, build and fortify their platforms before and after publication. Reach out, not stress out.”

Love Made Of Heart ®

Teresa Jade LeYung’s Blog post number 612

2022 March 10, 20:01 California USA

Amended 2022 March 12, 19:14; amended 2022 March 19, 13:09

A thousand bows to Dr. Amy Grace Lam for the two statements that contain words to awaken a new healing path in me:

“My body gets attention when it is sick.” “My body gets ignored when it is well.”

That behavioral pattern (giving/receiving care; NOT giving/receiving care) was the norm in our family – my father would turn off his rage and my mother would turn off her anguish when one of us kids got sick – getting sick meant receiving quiet and caring attention.

Ever since the outbreak of Shingles* virus on my body in 2020 … my Brain has been “overprotecting” body tissue by sending pain (in the initial months) and then other unpleasant sensations (since 2021) as a way of getting my attention, thus, reinforcing the pattern “my body gets attention when it is sick”.

I have created a new pattern to practice: “My body gets my attention in health and in sickness”

(Interesting … my Body deserves the vows spoken on one’s wedding day:  ” … from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part ….”)

[ * Shingles is caused by the varicella-zoster virus — the same virus that causes chickenpox. After a person has had chickenpox, the virus lies inactive in nerve tissue near the spinal cord and brain. Years later, the virus may reactivate as shingles. ]


The word “pray” used to turn on my skepticism. So did other words.

Then I learned how to listen. And to ask questions. And to listen some more….

Now I use some of those words myself – to wish for wellness.

My reaction to words had prolonged illness, again and again. I would get on a healing path, then would fall off the road. It’s only these recent years that I’ve learned to listen to my own Body and the symptoms, and, speak words that inspire radiant health.

The tools came from my dear housemate, friends, sister, certain relatives, mentors, writers, artists, musicians, and, from these extraordinary healers – Dr. Amy Grace Lam (vibrational energy coach); Marie-Christine Cornet (now in France – Chi Nei Tsang and Somatic Experience practitioner); Gilles Marin (master practitioner and teacher, author, director of the Chi Nei Tsang Institute, California) – I am honored to be Gilles’s manuscript consultant for his fourth book; Stephanie Doucette, M.S., L.Ac., Dipl. OM (California Licensed Acupuncturist and Clinical Herbalist); and all the other healers referenced in my blog posts.

Here are some words spoken by healers Dr. Amy Grace Lam, Gilles Marin, Stephanie Doucette that I’ve learned to decipher in my quest for wellness.  I first heard some of these words  from poet / playwright / Black Arts Movement Historian Kim McMillon, Ph.D. more than 35 years ago:

* Five Elements – Earth, Air, Water, Fire, Wood

* Longevity, Vitality, Balance, Harmony

* Radiant Health

* Organs, Organ System – Liver, Kidney, Spleen

* What is Damp Heat, Slippery Pulse, Stagnation

* Chi (Qi), Meridians, Channels

* Yin, Yang, Deficiency, Wind

* Meditation,  Chakras, Inhale, Exhale, Breathing


A thousand bows to Dr. Amy Grace Lam for the two statements that contain words to awaken a new healing path in me:

“My body gets attention when it is sick.”

“My body gets ignored when it is well.”


There is much suffering on our planet – COVID pandemic; everyone in and near the Ukraine.

The vibrant wellness I want for myself is what I wish and what I pray for everyone, near and far.

For Everyone – Total Healing, Radiant Health, Balance and Harmony, Joy and Loving Kindness


Thanks to Dr. Amy Grace Lam … here’s Steve Nobel’s

MEDITATION Golden-Citrine Angelic Light Transmission: Clearing and Uplifting the Solar Plexus Chakra


AFFIRMATIONS: Radiant Health

And, thank you to all benevolent Angels!


For other posts related to our Beautiful Brains, Pain, and Neuroplasticity  in my blog …  If you scroll to top of page, look at right side of screen, you’ll see the category “Beautiful Brains Neuroplasticity”.  Please click on that category to get all my blog posts pertaining to the topic.


Teresa_Jade_LeYung_wishes_everyone_wellness; photo_by_Nan_and_MEK

Teresa Jade LeYung

Story Theme Consultant / Photo Historian / Author / Public Library and Public School Advocate goes to Teresa Jade LeYung’s Blog

Writing Coach Teresa Jade LeYung says: “I love helping writers identify the themes in their manuscripts to hook readers, and, build and fortify their platforms before and after publication. Reach out, not stress out.”

Love Made Of Heart ®

“MIT new study – Time spent indoors increases risk of COVID at 6 feet or 60 feet…”

Author/Photographer of Cat Mulan’s Mindful Musings: Insight and Inspiration for a Wonderful Life a.k.a. FEMME producer Margie Yee Webb shares exciting news:

FEMME Producer Margie Yee Webb celebrates women, men, children, animals healing the world - photo by 22- Day Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan

NO. 10  VITALITY If vitality was within our grasp and everyone knew how to achieve it!

Vitality is a journey into the question: “What is true health?”. It looks at our current broken medical system and shows us a better way. With interviews from leading experts in the medical field, this movie helps us understand our personal role in health and empowers us to get up and get involved. Both inspiring and educational, this movie is helping reframe our understanding of health in a model that is Vitalistic instead of Mechanistic.

NO. 9  COMEDY WARRIORSIf we could all laugh at the hard stuff, maybe there could be less hard stuff.

Take five wounded veterans and four top comedians, the result… laughter and the healing power of humor.  “…I love these brave soldiers and how brutally honest and funny they are as comedians.” -Adam Sandler  “This is a brilliant and moving movie that finds big laughs… It made me proud to be an American and a comedian.” -Bill Maher  “There are legendary comics and then there are legends who are comics. God bless our protectors.” -Dennis Miller


No. 8  Cereal Killers 

If what we eat really dictates our health and weight, and knew and ate right for our body!

The film follows Donal – a lean, fit, seemingly healthy 41 year old man – on a quest to hack his genes and drop dead healthy by avoiding the heart disease and diabetes that has afflicted his family.

Can a controversial diet consisting of 70% fat provide the answers?

NO. 7  THE OTHER SHOREIf we didn’t let age or past failures stop us from continuing to live large and go after our dreams!


If there were no 1% and no 99%, but just 100% people of Earth, living by the Golden Rule!

Join acclaimed director Velcrow Ripper (Scared Sacred, Fierce Light) on a journey deep inside the revolution of the heart that is erupting around the planet, as he asks the question, “How could the crisis we are facing become a love story?”  Occupy Love is  a moving, transformative, heartfelt film, featuring Ripper’s signature stunning visuals and rich soundscapes.  A  powerful cinematic experience that will leave audiences inspired.



If aliens existed and everyone knew it and it wasn’t a secret anymore!

Sirius? is a feature length documentary that follows Dr. Steven Greer -?? an Emergency Medicine doctor turned UFO/ New Energy researcher – as he struggles to disclose top secret information about classified energy & propulsion techniques. Along the way, Dr. Greer investigates new technology and sheds light on criminal suppression. He accumulates over 100 Government, Military, and Intelligence Community witnesses who testify on record about their first-hand experiences with UFOs and with the cover-up.


What if conspiracies were true then the truth would be…just truth! 

Utility companies are replacing electricity, gas and water meters worldwide with new generation “smart” meters at an unprecedented rate. Take Back Your Power investigates the benefits and risks of this ubiquitous “smart” grid program, with insight from insiders, expert researchers, politicians, doctors, and concerned communities. Transparency advocate Josh del Sol takes us on a journey of revelation and discovery, as he questions corporations’ right to tap our private information and erode our rights in the name of “green.”


If we realized we are all Human and just maybe we all came from the same place!

Alan is twenty-five years old and is looking for the reason of his existence, the meaning of life. A camera and a notebook filled with questions are the only items he needs to set off on a journey to the Andes range. With Placido, an Andean paqo (“priest”), he will be taken on an introspective journey such as has never been documented before.



If we all lived in communities supporting each other and our individual and collective creativity!

Each year, 60,000 people from around the globe gather in a dusty windswept Nevada desert to build a temporary city, collaborating on a large-scale art and partying for a week before burning a giant effigy in a ritual frenzy. Rooted in principles of self-expression, self-reliance and community effort, Burning Man has grown famous for stirring ordinary people to shed their nine-to-five existence and act on their dreams.

NO. 1  FEMME: Women Healing the World
If “girls ran the world,” or better yet, if women and men “ruled” the world, in balance, together!

“A celebration of women around the world actively transforming and healing our global society. Sharon Stone and leading experts in religion, science, history, politics and entertainment, discuss solutions to the multiple crises we are faced with. FEMME focuses on utilizing a feminine approach with nurturing energy to inspire a new hope for the future.

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