Posts Tagged ‘Writing Coach Teresa’
Writing Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan here . . . to give writers an analogy for “flashbacks” and how to show them with ease. This blog post is inspired by a lovely author from my “For Theme’s Sake” class who has a remarkable story.
First, the definition of “flashback” for story-tellers:
- interruption of chronological sequence by interjection of events of earlier occurrence
Even though a golden rule in story-telling is to avoid using flashbacks, sometimes the majority of the story is presented through one flowing flashback.
Here’s the analogy:
I’m composing a letter to a dear friend who has asked me: “Tell me what all has happened to you since I last saw you seven years ago?”
I think back to seven years ago. My letter = one big flashback. To create story-flow, I shall tell my friend what has been happening in chronological order.
Perhaps I have been battling illness the past seven years, seeking various modalities for relief, and building new relationships. I’ll tell her about major events (plot points) from 2009, then 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014. I shall end the letter with what’s happening this year 2015.
[ As Plot Whisperer Martha Alderson reminds us . . . “Without cause and effect there is no plot. Without cause and effect, events are simply episodic happenings.”]
In my letter, I would be summarizing my journey chronologically. To tell the story out of chronology would definitely confuse my friend. I could skip over years if there were no major plot points, however, still keeping chronology – for example: I could write (relating to 2010, 2011, 2012) “For the next 3 years I kept my routine.”
In writing a book, I would be writing “scenes” chronologically, using summary to skip over time. Summary is not a substitute for a scene.
If I tell/show my flashbacks out of sequence . . . I would be “interrupting” myself and confusing the reader which would result in losing reader’s attention.
Here’s an aid to show flashbacks in sequence and with ease . . . print a calendar or calendars that correspond to the timeline of your story. In my above analogy of writing a letter to tell my friend what happened to me . . . if my illness began in March 2009, I would begin with March 2009 and tell my adventure in chronology (not jumping back and forth in time).
If I were talking to my friend in person . . . and if I start to get mixed up regarding sequence of events . . . my friend would be able to say to me: “I’m confused.” In writing a book, if I tell events out of sequence, the reader would not have the benefit of asking me for clarification; most likely the confused reader would put down my book.
The other major reason for showing flashbacks in sequence is to show character growth and consequences. In my above analogy . . . my reaction, decisions, action in March influence my reaction, decision, action in April . . . a calendar moves forward, not back and forth.
If my story timeline is one week . . . my reaction, decisions, action on Monday influence my reaction, decision, action on Tuesday . . . calendar moves forward, not back and forth.
Two movies where the majority of the story is shown in one flowing flashback are Kitty Foyle (Ginger Rogers portrays protagonist) and Flawless (Demi Moore portrays protagonist) – in both stories, the beginning scene and the last scene are shown in current time; the body of the story (what happened?) is shown in one continuous flashback.
Happy Writing and Rewriting!
Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan
Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan teaches writers how to transform their email signature-blocks, photos, videos, social media, website/blog descriptions into platform statements . . . to attract target audience/readers/fans . . . before and after publication. and
She is the creator of:
- classes, including:
- *For Theme’s Sake: Edit Your Own Manuscript Before Pitching to Agents or Self-Publishing
- *Heroes, Tricksters, and Villains – What Do These Archetypes Want in Your Story World?
- *
- Immigrant Experience Writing Contest
- *
- interactive presentations, including:
- *Help Your Fans Find YOU
- *Build & Retrofit Your Writer’s Platform
the author of:
- Build Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days: Attract Agents, Editors, Publishers, Readers, and Media Attention NOW (workbook);
- *
- Love Made of Heart: a Daughter, a Mother, a Journey Through Mental Illness (novel used in college classes and archived at the San Francisco History Center);
- *
- “Talking to My Dead Mom Monologues” (the first monologue received an award from Redwood 10-Minute Play Contest and was staged at the 6th Street Playhouse in Santa Rosa, CA);
- *
- her blog (which attracts tens of thousands of writers) at helps writers build their platforms before and after publication
and a proud member of:
- California Writers Club (3 branches! And a past president of the San Francisco Peninsula Branch); and a recipient of the Jack London Award for outstanding service to California Writers Club;
- *
- Women’s National Book Association-San Francisco Chapter (a past board member).
Dear Writers & Readers,
Please tell friends about San Mateo County Fair in California. One more day of events for writers and readers on Saturday June 13, 2015, 1:00-6:00pm.
Go to the Expo Hall at the San Mateo County Fair, then head for Fine Arts Galleria (“4″ on map), then Literary Stage (stage is inspired by Bardi Rosman Koodrin, built by Boris Koodrin).
June 13, 2015 Authors Day; programs for Writers & Readers at San Mateo County Fair, California
1:00-2:00 readings by:
Laurel Anne Hill, Marjorie Johnson, Sam Kauffman, Diane Lee Mooney, Teresa LeYung-Ryan, Emerian Rich, Sumiko Saulson, Margie Yee Webb
2:00-4:00 Authors selling and signing books:
Getty Ambau, Prudence Brietrose, Mary F. Burns, Jo Carpignano, Valerie Estelle Frankel, Yvetta “Doll” Franklin, Stanley David Gedzelman, Jeannine Gerkman, Dorsetta Hale, Laurel Anne Hill, Marjorie Bicknell Johnson, Sam Kauffman, Chris Lamela, Winifred McCaffrey, Richard McCallum, Claire Mack, Diane Moomey, Jill Pipkin, Emerian Rich, Teresa LeYung-Ryan, Sumiko Saulson, Judith Shernock, Shulamit Sofia, Margie Yee Webb, Wendell H. Williams, Gisela Zebroski
4:00-6:00 “Writers Helping Writers” Panel including:
Jeannine Gerkman, Teresa LeYung-Ryan, Marjorie B. Johnson, Emerian Rich, Margie Yee Webb, Mary F. Burns, Sam Kauffman, Richard McCallum, moderator Laurel Ann Hill and click on “Literary Arts on Fine Arts Stage” tab
Teresa LeYung-Ryan aka Writing Coach Teresa who teaches writers how to transform their email signature-blocks, photos, videos, social media, website/blog descriptions into platform statements . . . to attract target audience/readers/fans . . . before and after publication. and
She is the creator of:
- classes, including:
- *For Theme’s Sake: Edit Your Own Manuscript Before Pitching to Agents or Self-Publishing
- *Heroes, Tricksters, and Villains – What Do These Archetypes Want in Your Story World?
- *
- Immigrant Experience Writing Contest
- *
- interactive presentations, including:
- *Help Your Fans Find YOU
- *Build & Retrofit Your Writer’s Platform
the author of:
- Build Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days: Attract Agents, Editors, Publishers, Readers, and Media Attention NOW (workbook);
- *
- Love Made of Heart: a Daughter, a Mother, a Journey Through Mental Illness (novel used in college classes and archived at the San Francisco History Center);
- *
- “Talking to My Dead Mom Monologues” (the first monologue received an award from Redwood 10-Minute Play Contest and was staged at the 6th Street Playhouse in Santa Rosa, CA);
- *
- her blog (which attracts tens of thousands of writers) at helps writers build their platforms before and after publication
and a proud member of:
- California Writers Club (3 branches! And a past president of the San Francisco Peninsula Branch); and a recipient of the Jack London Award for outstanding service to California Writers Club;
- *
- Women’s National Book Association-San Francisco Chapter (a past board member).
Cheering for East Bay Regional Park District Employees!
Thank you, EVERYONE, for cheering for workers. Your support inspires us to continue speaking up for what is fair.
After a long day with a mediator, Local 2428 Negotiations Team and the EBRPD reached a “tentative” agreement which means there will not be a strike on July 4th and 5th.
Tonight is Local 2428 monthly membership meeting; our Negotiations Team will be presenting the details of the tentative agreement and answering questions.
The ratification vote is scheduled for July 17, 2013. Let’s see what happens next. Our last contract expired over 3 months ago.
I shall post updates.
Thank you, Negotiations Team, Coworkers, Friends, Community!
In solidarity,
AFSCME Local 2428 Member
Teresa LeYung-Ryan
- Berkeley resident
- tax payer
- user of EBRPD parks and trails
- supporter of Measure WW
- part-time Sr. Office Assistant for EBRPD
- fan of all employees at EBRPD
- published author and writing coach for more resources for writers and readers
Plot Whisperer Martha Alderson (who will be presenting her workshop on April 7, 2012 at CWC-Sacramento Writing Academy series Thank you Margie Yee Webb for reminding me) tells Writing Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan about Una King and TRAIL BLAZING WOMEN Authors
Una King wrote:
Dear Teresa: Martha Alderson told me you especially liked my story of integrating the San Francisco Cable cars for women. There is a group of “TRAIL BLAZING WOMEN” authors, mostly in their 80-90′s, who could use support in their effort on the Children’s Reading Room project. Perhaps, if you found some time, you could visit the project site, my page here at facebook–Children’s Reading Room. If you feel women, aged 80-90′s who are still going strong as authors, deserve support, perhaps you would feel like making a positive comment on the project to your friends. These pioneering women could really use any and all support. When I think of Ms. Buscho, 93 and still going strong as an author, I bless every day she is still with us. Thank you, Teresa. Una King, author of Tiny Tug, Adventures on San Francisco Bay (a children’s book)
Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan here to thank Una King and all the TRAIL BLAZING WOMEN” authors for their work to benefit the Children’s Reading Room project.
I see from Una King’s facebook page that she’ll be on radio every Sunday:
Hey folks: Sunday, April 1, 2012, 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM (Pacific time), and every Sunday thereafter, please check out my new live FM radio show, on 107.3FM “Children’s Reading Room by Una King.” It is also simulcast via Podcast throughout America on
Una, I’d like to introduce you to Amy Gorman.
Amy Gorman’s book, Aging Artfully, is about the twelve women aged 85-105 who inspired this work. It’s also about promoting positive healthy aging for the general public, and for advocating involvement with the creative arts in retirement years. It’s never too late to start something new…it could prolong your life!
Cheering for Una, Amy, and their colleagues and fans!
And, sending Angel Effie Lee Morris (trail-blazing woman, children’s librarian, literacy advocate, founding-president of Women’s National Book Association-San Francisco Chapter) big smiles!
Coach Teresa says: “Reach out, not stress out, to materialize your dearest dreams!”
As editor/story consultant, Coach Teresa helps her clients polish their manuscripts by identifying their themes, universal archetypes, front-story and back-story.
Build Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days: Attract Agents, Editors, Publishers, Readers, and Media Attention NOW - in print edition and Kindle e-book edition
Love Made of Heart is used in college composition classes. Thank you, Teachers & Students!
2012 March 24 in San Francisco “Meet and Speed Date with Agents, Acquisition Editors, and Publisher”
signature event of Women’s National Book Association–SF Chapter
Meg Waite Clayton–keynoter at luncheon (optional)
More info and registration:
Lynn Henriksen chairs event
Teresa LeYung-Ryan, Mary E. Knippel, Tanya Egan Gibson will coach registrants on how to pitch 8:00-9:00am.
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WNBA colleague Ann Steiner, Ph.D.MFT, CGP (author of Starting and Sustaining Groups that Thrive: Workbook and Planning Guide) highly recommends Dr. Paul Watsky’s workshop March 23-25, 2012. Dr. Steiner says:
Would you like a weekend devoted to exploring the challenges and rewards of practicing your creative art?
This workshop provides a safe place to deal with such common emotional obstacles as identity, follow-through, isolation, motivation, negative self-talk, and rejection.
This weekend workshop is offered by the Jungian analyst and San Francisco poet, Dr. Paul Watsky. Please forward this announcement to interested colleagues and contact Dr. Watsky directly if you have any questions.
When: Friday evening, March 23rd – 25th
Where: Inverness, CA
Workshop Size: Limited to Twelve Participants
About the Workshop Leader
Paul Watsky, Ph.D., ABPP is a licensed clinical psychologist with over thirty years’ experience in his field, an analyst member of the CG Jung Institute of San Francisco, and a widely published poet, whose debut collection, Telling The Difference (Fisher King Press) was published in 2010. Before becoming a psychologist he taught English literature full time as an Assistant Professor at San Francisco State University, and has continued to teach and lecture through the public programs of the CG Jung Institute and various other organizations.
For Information and Registration please call: 415 346-0253
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Speaking of creative art . . . Mary E. Knippel’s book The Secret Artist – Give Yourself Permission to Let Your Creativity Shine is scheduled to debut by late Spring 2012!
“Reach out, not stress out, to materialize your dearest dreams!”
Build Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days: Attract Agents, Editors, Publishers, Readers, and Media Attention NOW
As editor/story consultant, Coach Teresa helps her clients polish their manuscripts by identifying their themes, universal archetypes, front-story and back-story.
Her novel Love Made of Heart is used in college composition classes. Thank you, Teachers & Students!

Author / Story Consultant / Writers' Platform-Building Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan -- photo by Cyberspace Guru Linda Lee
Hello Writers,
I am Teresa LeYung Ryan. My clients call me Writing Career Coach Teresa. Who are my clients? They are writers just like you:
• authors who have invested years writing their projects and needed to hook agents with a marketing pitch in their query letters.
• authors who have self-published their books, and deserve more readers.
• writers of fiction and nonfiction, tired of rejections, tired of publishers telling them that they don’t have a platform or fanbase.
What is a platform anyway?
Making your name stand for something—to attract targeted consumers who are likely to buy what you have to sell. Let’s hear that again.
Making your name stand for something (the themes/the subject matters/the issues in your writing)—to attract targeted consumers (people who buy the kinds of books you create ) who are likely to buy what you have to sell (your literary works).
Join the community of authors who write fiction (novels, short stories, graphic novels, novellas), narrative and creative nonfiction (autobiographies, biographies, memoirs, essays), prescriptive nonfiction (how-to books), poetry, speeches, and other genres . . . and have gained a competitive edge with my workbook: Build Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days: Attract Agents, Editors, Publishers, Readers, and Media Attention NOW
What these authors have to say:
Ruth Silnes is a published author of three books, one of them a how-to book. Ruth says: “Thanks to Coach Teresa’s workbook I learned how to contact a star. Carol Channing wrote a review for my latest book.”
Kate Britton is looking for an agent for her novel; she’s also considering self-publishing. She says: “Through Build Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days . . . you’ll find out some pretty interesting things about yourself and what your platform is really all about.”
Margaret Davis, a published novelist, says: “Instead of the usual pep talks, Coach Teresa’s workbook consists of a series of exercises which are thought-provoking, and always fun.”
Lynn Scott, author of narrative non-fiction (memoirs), says: “Coach Teresa is a whiz in the ways a writer can get noticed.”
Join these successful authors today!
Go to Amazon and search for Build Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days. After you order my book, contact me through this blog post (click on the title bar of this post scroll down to get boxes, filled in the boxes, and click the “submit comment” button) and you will receive a free tip on platform building.
In the meantime, check out the resources at my website
I’ll see there!
And remember, “Reach out, not stress out. Help your readers find you!” with Build Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days
Another Magical Week for Writing Career Coach Teresa
Today is Tuesday, February 1, 2011
I received the proof of my workbook BUILD YOUR WRITER’S PLATFORM & FANBASE IN 22 DAYS: Attract Agents, Editors, Publishers, Readers, and Media Attention NOW from CreateSpace and it looks beautiful! As soon as I review the proof closely, I will authorize CreateSpace to start distributions of the physical book and make the ebook available through Kindle, iPad, iPhone, Android, Blackberry, Mac, and PC. Thank you, CreateSpace staff and CreateSpace “Community” ! Thank you, graphic designer Gail Cao Mazhari, for making the front cover, back cover, and spine so beautiful !!!!
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After attending Mary E. Knippel‘s remarkably motivating workshop (creating my 2011 vision board/collage) on Sunday and spending time with the other women (learning something from each one of them), I started mapping out my next workbook BUILD YOUR WRITING LIFE IN 22 DAYS: For Fiction & Narrative Non-Fiction Writers. Thank you so much, Creativity Coach Mary!
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My dear friend Chandra Garsson, the exquisite artist/filmmaker, has been announcing on facebook:
Jan. 31, 2011, 2:22pm “Less is definitely more. It takes hours to whittle down a minute to a few seconds toward a three minute film about my friend Teresa LeYung Ryan. I am now at 6 minutes, 39 seconds and I’m thinking maaaaaybe 4-5 minutes.”
Jan. 31, 2011, 6:06pm “I’ve got the film down to 5 minutes, 17 seconds, and because I have a tendency yo love any creative work I do, I’m SO tempted not to edit any more. But I know it should be shorter.”
Feb. 1, 2011, am “4 minutes 56 seconds, and well worth the watch. Long on time, but very lively. It had to be both, it’s Teresa, she’s worth it. Soon in a theater near you— well— in your computer anyway.”
Feb. 1, 2011, pm “Film is just under five minutes, I’m happy. I can’t imagine what Teresa will think, seeing herself presented through my eyes.”
Here’s my response:
Dear Chandra, I thought I was going to be “water boy” schlepping stuff while you film people in The City. Your wanting to make me the subject of one of your films is already the best gift. Everything else is icing on the cake. You add “magic” to all you do. You had painted my Love Made of Heart bookcase . . . and now a film about goofy me–I can’t wait to see it. I thank you. Humbly, Teresa
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Teresa LeYung Ryan uses her workbook BUILD YOUR WRITER’S PLATFORM & FANBASE IN 22 DAYS: Attract Agents, Editors, Publishers, Readers, and Media Attention NOW to help writers gain a competitive edge. She uses her novel LOVE MADE OF HEART to inspire adult-children of mentally-ill parents to speak openly about the stigmas that their parents suffer. Also, Teresa is a manuscript consultant; she likes quirky and feisty protagonists. Resources at her website & blog
What Does a Writer’s Life Look Like this Week?
Monday, author Elisa Southard and I took BART and Muni to meet with San Francisco Writers Conference co-founder Michael Larsen at the coffee shop in Grace Cathedral. Michael gave me lots of ideas for the new edition of my workbook BUILD YOUR WRITER’S PLATFORM & FANBASE IN 22 DAYS: Attract Agents, Editors, Publishers, Readers and Media Attention NOW.
Elisa Southard is building her fanbase for her new book BIG CITY TRAVEL SKILLS –for young, first-time travelers.
Elisa & I will be presenting at the exciting San Francisco Writers Conference again, so, please look for us Feb. 18-20, 2011.
Tuesday I went to my part-time day-job (what a blessing to have a second source of income and work with gracious folks); also, answered emails from writers (including one from Chris Wachlin about how to get Kepler’s Books & Magazine to stock the wonderful anthology Fault Zone that members of California Writers Club-San Francisco Peninsula Branch have published).
Today, I met author Margaret Davis and her husband at the Oakland Museum of California. I was mesmerized by
the Gallery of California History; the new gallery is based on the theme of Coming to California. The exhibit will be there until December 2, 2013. Check it out.
Margaret, thank you for “word shifting” my workbook title and telling me what Dan Poynter said.
What a treat it was to see Margaret & Ray! Then I hopped on BART and landed in San Francisco again. Lora Baldwin (Frank Baldwin is working on another script) and their 2 boys were in town; I had a chance to catch up with Lora (doing the 2 biggest jobs on this planet–being a mom and home schooling her children) and get a dose of joyful energy from her and those beautiful kids.
Connections? Frank Baldwin is one my mentors ( I refer to him as Obewan); he was one of Margaret Davis’s advisors when she was writing Straight Down the Middle.
Everyone mentioned in this post are or were involved with California Writers Club and the Jack London Writers Conference. I had met Michael Larsen & Elizabeth Pomada and Frank Baldwin at that conference in the last 1990s. Margaret Davis and I are members of the San Francisco/Peninsula Branch of CWC; Elisa Southard was with the Marin Branch.
I come home and see that Jane Glendinning has emailed me photos of my presentation in October 2010 at CWC Berkeley Branch (they meet at Oakland Main Library).
Thank you, Michael & Elizabeth, Elisa, Chris, Margaret & Ray, Jane, Lora & Frank, and the Baldwin children for making my week, and it’s only Wednesday!
Manuscript Consultant / Writing Career Coach / Author / Publisher
Are There Publishing-Writing Opportunities for Students-Young Writers-Children?
The Capitol City Young Writers have opened submissions for a literary journal by writers aged 10-18. Deadline is March 15, 2011. Check it out and help spread the word. Thank you, Linda McCabe and Margie Yee Webb, for telling me.
On January 22nd Elisa Southard will be co-chairing the judging for the Bay Area Travel Writers Student Contest Submission deadline was January 1, 2011. Keep them in mind later in the year so that you can get in on their next contest. How perfect for Elisa Southard, the travel writer, to co-chair this event. Elisa is working on a new book—Big City Travel Skills–for young, first-time travelers.
The Mt. Diablo Branch of California Writers Club
Young Writers Workshops and Contest “Honoring a New Generation of California Writers”
6th – 7th – 8th Grades, Contra Costa County, California
Check out Stone Soup for young writers and artists
Teresa LeYung Ryan–creator of “Heroes, Tricksters & Villains” workshop for young writers
Manuscript Consultant / Writing Career Coach / Author / Publisher and click on “Writers’ Resources”
Many Chinese people (especially my generation and preceding ones) don’t like the number 4 because the Chinese word for “four” (in Cantonese, pronounced saay) sounds like the word for “dead” and “death.”
I like the number 4 – 4 legs to hold up the table I write on; 4 wheels to keep my vehicle on roads; 4 seasons; 4 compass directions; 4 parts in the Chinese word for “love”; 4 letters in the English word for “love”; 4 colleagues working on some of my projects; The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz
Speaking of four, Theresa Stephenson’s friend Jill Lebeau, MS, MFT has co-authored Feng Shui Your Mind: Four Easy Steps to Rapidly Transform Your Life! with Maureen Raytis, MA, L.Ac.
Teresa LeYung Ryan
I am so happy to announce the opening of the Love Made of Heartonline store where you’ll find gift items for yourselves, women, children, moms and babies, friends and pets. The Chinese word for “heart” is inside the word for “love.”
Love Made of Heart - purple heart inside pink love
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For Writers:
Build Your Name, Beat the Game: Be Happily Published is the 22 minutes for 22 days workbook.