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16:22 July 16, 2024 Tuesday California USA
mardi 16:22, 16 juillet 2024 Californie États-Unis
Hello Readers / Bonjour Lecteurs
I wish you and your family excellent health.
Je vous souhaite, à vous et à votre famille, une excellente santé.
I wish you much happiness.
Je vous souhaite beaucoup de bonheur.
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I am at dear Sabine’s home in Oregon, USA… thinking about everyone who has sent me messages about their health challenges.
I send prayers as I meditate with photos of gardens and flower boxes at homes and other places I have been in since March 1st this year, in FRANCE and in the USA.
Je suis chez ma chère Sabine dans l’Oregon, aux États-Unis… en pensant à tous ceux qui m’ont envoyé des messages sur leurs problèmes de santé.
J’envoie des prières en méditant avec des photos de jardins et de jardinières de maisons et d’autres endroits où je suis allé depuis le 1er mars de cette année, en FRANCE et aux USA.
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Wishing You Excellent Health and happiness with photos of vibrant plants from Paris, Apt, Nice in FRANCE and from California and Oregon in USA.
Je vous souhaite une excellente santé et du bonheur avec des photos de plantes vibrantes de Paris, Apt, Nice en FRANCE et de Californie et d’Oregon aux États-Unis.
Teresa Jade LeYung goes to Teresa Jade LeYung’s Blog on Wellness, Themes, Archetypes
Published author, blogger, lover of Paris (France), Writing Coach, Photo Historian Teresa Jade LeYung says:
“I love helping writers identify the themes in their manuscripts to hook readers, and, build and fortify their platforms before and after publication. Reach out, not stress out.”
Love Made Of Heart ®
2024 June 4, 12:54pm; June 5, 10:43am; June 6, 19:46 California (Mille merci, chere Sabine!)
Dear Readers
I wish you a good day and night, always.
Thank you, Mr. Roald Dahl, for having written ESIO TROT ( esiotrot is “tortoise” spelled backward)
Thank you, screenwriters Richard Curtis and Paul Mayhew-Archer, for the movie ROALD DAHL’S ESIO TROT
When depression robs my creative energy to write, I look for “happy movies” to lift me which then inspires me to write about the themes in the movie which then leads me to resume working on my own projects.
Yesterday (June 3), the names (“tags”) of these two actors helped me find the movie ROALD DAHL’S ESIO TROT
Judi Dench (as Mrs. Silver) and Dustin Hoffman (as Mr. Hoppy) and James Corden (as Narrator)
Soundtrack includes Louis Armstrong’s singing “A Kiss To Build A Dream On” composed by Bert Kalmar, Harry Ruby and Oscar Hammerstein II.
This is a movie I want to watch again and again… it’s like re-living a joyful day.
In the movie… Narrator tells us:
“Mr. Hoppy, the hero of our story, lived in a nice flat in an apartment block in London. There are three things you should know about Mr. Hoppy. He’s kind, he’s shy, and, most importantly, he’s not that guy in the hat.”
(Mr. Hoppy is the man holding the elevator door for Mr. Mavrokoukoudopolous the old man with the hat and cane. By the way, since the setting is London. Elevator is called a “lift”)
At the fourth viewing of this movie … I see just how wonderfully the story is crafted.
At two minutes into the movie – first foreshadowing of Mr. Hoppy’s door which is crucial for the “climax” scene.
He turns on his CD player – Louis Armstrong’s singing “A Kiss To Build A Dream On”
Mr. Hoppy reaches into his satchel and places into his fruit bowl – one apple, one orange, one banana. He opens his refrigerator, we see one tomato.
Narrator tells us “It’s [This story is] going to be full of passion, surprises… as indeed is our Mr. Hoppy.”
As the volume of the musical instrumental increases, we see Mr. Hoppy affectionately tending to his balcony-garden; his irrigation system drips water onto the colorful plants.
Narrator says:
“The truth is, there were two loves in Mr. Hoppy’s life. One was his flowers. The other was his secret love that he kept all to himself. Like so many secrets, it was the most important thing of all about him. Because Mr. Hoppy was in love… with the girl downstairs.”
(“the girl” is the vibrant Mrs. Silver, a widow,, probably in her seventies. Mrs. Silver’s balcony is on the floor below Mr. Hoppy’s. We hear her at around four minutes and thirty-three seconds into the movie when she says “Good morning, Mr. Hoppy.” Then we see her. Her main love is her tortoise named Alfie.)
By the end of the first five minutes, I am pulled into the story world.
By the end of the first seven minutes, I am completely hooked with these two characters.
At 13:36 when Mr. Hoppy has the courage to say something personal to Mrs. Silver, he can’t see from his balcony that Mrs. Silver (in her wide-brimmed straw hat) has just inserted earbuds and couldn’t possibly hear him.
At 28:57 we see the second foreshadowing with Mr. Hoppy’s door.
At 54:38 we see the third foreshadowing with that door.
In the scene where Mr. Hoppy is approaching the lift in the lobby with THE gadget, Mrs. Silver (wearing happy colors) is coming out of the lift. She tells him that she’s going to a dance marathon to raise money for charity and that they need sponsors. Mr. Hoppy says he would like to be a sponsor, would donate a pound. When Mrs. Silver reminds him that this is for charity, he says:
“A pound a minute”
(I laughed out loud; laughing shifts energy, lifts depression. So does smiling for one’s self. For me, laughing is a stronger elixir.)
I learned these British phrases:
“very good news” - In the lift (elevator), Mrs. Silver says: “What a quiet lift. It’s very good news.”
She calls herself “a silly sausage”
“a good old knees-up” means “to dance”
The little boy’s mother says to her son: “I’m doing dinner.”
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In the children’s book, Mrs. Silver never finds out about Mr. Hoppy’s using deception to win her affections; in the movie, her finding out that he used trickery serves as the climax of the story.
In the children’s book, there is no Mr. Pringle; in the movie, this character serves as archetypes Herald and Trickster and is the person who creates complications for protagonist Mr. Hoppy.
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Directed by Dearbhla Walsh
Writing Credits:
Richard Curtis and Paul Mayhew-Archer
Based on the novel by Roald Dahl
Stars (in order of appearance in the movie)
- James Corden
- Salo Gardner
- Dustin Hoffman
- Richard Cordery
- Judi Dench
Thank you for reading my blog post: “Roald Dahl’s story ESIO TROT, Judi Dench, Dustin Hoffman, Balcony Garden, Love, Kindness Themes…Lift Depression”
Wishing you all the happiness that a vibrant garden would bring.
Teresa Jade LeYung
My short short movies of Paris 2024
Love Made Of Heart ®
June 22, 2021 addendum
A dear friend’s 40-something year old niece got infected last year; this young woman is now suffering “long haul” symptoms – heart issue and lung issue.
Have you seen the series of articles from PBS NewsHour Health?
Can people vaccinated against COVID-19 still spread the coronavirus?
What COVID vaccine side effects can and can’t tell you about your body’s immune response
Why you shouldn’t get a COVID antibody test after a vaccine
By — Laura Santhanam Laura Santhanam is the Data Producer for the PBS NewsHour. Follow @LauraSanthanam
May 30, 2021 addendum
I wish everyone kindness, safety, excellent health.
A dear friend’s friend (a woman in her early 50s, who was asymptomatic) died this month – May 2021; she collapsed at a bus platform (on surveillance camera record); autopsy performed; Coroner determined cause of death: COVID 19
Related articles:
“Coronavirus: asymptomatic people can still develop lung damage” June 25, 2020 9.49am EDT John Kinnear, Head of School of Medicine, Anglia Ruskin University [ Silent lung damage ... that many patients with advanced COVID-19 disease bore none of the hallmarks of severe respiratory illness until they suddenly collapsed and died. ]
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“About 80% of Asymptomatic People With COVID-19 Develop Symptoms” Damian McNamara, September 28, 2020
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“Fatal pulmonary arterial thrombosis in a COVID-19 patient, with asymptomatic history, occurred after swab negativization” Italy case report by Franca Del Nonno, Daniele Colombo, Roberta Nardacci, Laura Falasca
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2021 May 9, 21:56 Pacific Time; May 15, 15:18; May 25, 21:29; May 27, 22:55
Hello, Everyone,
I send you smiles, and, I hope you are well…wherever you are…
Once again I am reminded that Nature and Biology are not to be messed with… as this global pandemic exists. Here in the USA we are more fortunate than many other countries.
In times of calamity, the more facts that are presented to us, the more we can do, individually and collectively, to help ourselves and also others less fortunate.
My mother (who grew up in an orphanage during World War II) understood how diseases spread and that the simple act of opening windows to “let the bad air out and the good air in” is common sense smarts. If she were alive, she would be nodding her head . . . after reading this article published by CNBC Health and Science . . .
“MIT researchers say time spent indoors increases risk of COVID at 6 feet or 60 feet in new study challenging social distancing policies”
by Rich Mendez @richmendezcnbc CNBC Health and Science - p u
For full article
( The paragraphs that grabbed my attention are as follow: )
The risk of being exposed to COVID-19 indoors can be as great at 60 feet as it is at 6 feet in a room where the air is mixed — even when wearing a mask, according to a new study by Massachusetts Institute of Technology researchers who challenge social distancing guidelines adopted across the world.
MIT professors Martin Z. Bazant, who teaches chemical engineering and applied mathematics, and John W.M. Bush, who teaches applied mathematics, developed a method of calculating exposure risk to COVID-19 in an indoor setting that factors in a variety of issues that could affect transmission, including the amount of time spent inside, air filtration and circulation, immunization, variant strains, mask use, and even respiratory activity such as breathing, eating, speaking or singing.
Opening windows or installing new fans to keep the air moving could also be just as effective or more effective than spending large amounts of money on a new filtration system, he said.
Bazant also says that guidelines enforcing indoor occupancy caps are flawed. He said 20 people gathered inside for one minute is probably fine, but not over the course of several hours, he said.
Small, poorly ventilated spaces where a lot of people spend a lot of time together places people at the most risk, he said.
“Unfortunately, the nursing home is one of those cases. If COVID patients are living together 24/7, in some cases even in the same room, that is the absolute worst-case scenario, especially given the vulnerability of that population,” Bazant added.
Those droplets from a person’s warm exhalation mix with body heat and air currents in the area to rise and travel throughout the entire room and put everyone in a well-mixed room at risk of airborne transmission.
People seem to be more exposed to that “background” air than they are by droplets from a distance, like secondhand smoke, according to the study.
For example, if someone infected with COVID-19 is wearing a mask and singing loudly in an enclosed room, a person who is sitting at the other side of the room is not more protected than someone who is sitting just 6 feet away from the infected person.
This is why time spent in the enclosed area is more important than how far you are from the infected person.
Masks work in general to prevent transmission by blocking larger droplets, therefore larger droplets aren’t making up the majority of COVID infections when most people are wearing masks.
“The majority of people who are transmitting COVID aren’t coughing and sneezing, they’re asymptomatic,” Bazant said.
For full article
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excerpts from the New York Times article
“Covid-19: C.D.C. Guidance Prompts Caution in Some States”
Updated May 15, 2021, 2:35 p.m. ET
The new advice — . . . . Even vaccinated individuals must cover their faces and physically distance when going to doctors, hospitals or long-term care facilities like nursing homes; when traveling by bus, plane, train or other modes of public transportation, or while in transportation hubs like airports and bus stations; and in congregate settings such as homeless shelters, as well as prisons or jails.
Some fully vaccinated people have been infected with the coronavirus. Dr. Rochelle Walensky said that any who develop symptoms should still use masks and get tested, she said. Asked how the new guidance might apply to businesses and schools, she said that the C.D.C. was working to rapidly issue new recommendations soon for specific settings, including for summer camps and travel.
The move could raise alarms among more cautious Americans, who may be more reluctant to engage in public activities when more people are unmasked. There is no way to know who is vaccinated and who is not, and a majority of the population is not yet fully vaccinated. Dr. Walensky added that immunocompromised people who have been fully vaccinated should consult their physicians before relinquishing a face mask.
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Vaccines Won’t Protect Millions of Patients With Weakened Immune Systems
Many cannot produce enough infection-fighting cells to fend off the coronavirus. But researchers are testing one therapy that may help: monoclonal antibodies.
Dr. Andrew Wollowitz, an emergency physician at Montefiore Hospital and a cancer survivor, didn’t produce antibodies when he received the vaccine, as treatments have wiped out his immune system.Credit…Desiree Rios for The New York Times
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I send extra prayers for folks whose work situations or living accommodations force them to be indoors for long periods of time, with other people (hope your windows can be opened and there are fans to keep the air moving)…
And the heroes/heroines who work in restaurants where the customers are eating (can’t wear masks when eating)… eaters leave after dining but other eaters arrive…. while the employees are subjected to the stream of customers (eating, talking, not wearing masks) during their 7 or 8-hour shifts. And the residents in nursing homes – usually 3 residents in a room, and, the folks who work at these environments. Thank you to all Heroes/Heroines (You are everywhere) and all benevolent Angels!
Thank you for reading this blog post “MIT researchers say time spent indoors increases risk of COVID at 6 feet or 60 feet in new study – article by Rich Mendez, CNBC Health and Science”
I am wishing you excellent health and sweet moments with these two songs:
“You’ll Never Walk Alone” sung by Andrea Bocelli (written by Rodgers and Hammerstein for the musical CAROUSEL)
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Mr. Jim Henson’s Kermit the Frog Sing Along | Rainbow Connection | The Muppets
“Rainbow Connection” sung by Kermit the Frog (written by Paul Williams and Kenny Ascher for THE MUPPET MOVIE)
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Teresa Jade LeYung
Story Consultant / Platform-Building Coach Teresa Jade LeYung says: “I love helping writers identify the themes in their manuscripts to hook readers, and, build and fortify their platforms before and after publication. Reach out, not stress out.”
Coach Teresa’s workbook -
Build Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days: Attract Agents, Editors, Publishers, Readers, and Media Attention NOW — print edition and ebook Story Continuity / Theme Consultant Teresa Jade LeYung’s blog - resources regarding our beautiful brains / persistent pain / depression / wellness
Love Made Of Heart ®