Posts Tagged ‘YouTube channel “Film Courage”’
2023 Oct 19, 16:56 Thursday; Oct 21, 00:25; Oct 22, 14:23; Oct 23, 20:22; October 26, 12:52pm California
Hello Everyone,
I wish you total wellness.
I am grateful to all the people who care about my wellness / who teach me how to look for the goodness in obstacles / who inspire me to be happy, in spite of illness.
So many people suffer silently – their illnesses don’t display overt signs like wearing a cast or a splint. Whenever someone asks me the question “How are you doing?” … I feel gratitude and I reply “Thank you for asking.” (That’s all… I don’t go into details except with close friends. Just grateful that the person asked) Whenever I ask someone that question… I am prepared to stop and listen.
Thank you, YouTube channel “Film Courage”, for posting the 11 videos of Mr. Christopher Vogler. Mr. Vogler is the author of The Writer”s Journey: Mythic Structure for Writers.
Christopher Vogler’s 12 steps of the Hero’s Journey:
Ordinary World
Call To Adventure
Refusal Of The Call
Meeting Of The Mentor
Crossing The Threshold (Launch Into The Special World)
Tests, Allies, Enemies
Approach To The Inmost Cave
The Ordeal
The Chase
Return With Elixir
Illness propels us to all the stages of a Hero’s Journey, whether we want to go or not; for me, the stages are repeating – I would feel better, then worse, then better… My Body knows so much more than my conscious Brain.
As Dr. Amy Grace Lam’s poem says: “Maybe we only need to ask, ask our remember bones.”
All the cells in our body perform as archetypes on our journeys / in our stories.
Thank you, Philipp Dettmer, for your book Immune: A Journey into the Mysterious System That Keeps You Alive. Mr. Dettmer is the creator of the popular science YouTube channel “Kurzgesagt—In a Nutshell”
Christopher Vogler’s 8 types of Archetypes/Characters
Threshold Guardian
The person who introduced story-telling to me was my mother who was a school teacher in Hong Kong before she immigrated to the USA; she told me stories – translations of Aesop’s Fables. Even though I don’t remember details of the fables, I do recall how a character’s “cleverness” or “perseverance” can get one out of trouble.
(Thank you, the folks at, for showing Aesop’s Fables.)
The person who told me about the book that would inspire me to write about my experiences is Dr. Susan Thackrey, Ph.D. who taught me compassion.
The author who wrote that book (The Woman Warrior: Memoirs of a Girlhood Among Ghosts) is Maxine Hong Kingston.
In 1998 award-winning writer Martha Alderson (who would become The Plot Whisperer introduced me to Christopher Volger’s book The Writer”s Journey: Mythic Structure for Writers.
Fast forward to 2023…
To my client, compassionate author Edward C. Hartshorn, I am cheering for you and all your characters in your new book. May you gain more aha moments listening to the interviews with Christopher Vogler.
Thank you, YouTube channel “Film Courage” for posting the 11 videos of Mr. Christopher Vogler
Joseph Campbell (author of The Hero with a Thousand Faces) was Mr. Vogler’s mentor
Carl Jung (Angel Suzanne, I am thinking of you)
Gods and Goddesses
Fairy Tales
12 Stages Of The Hero’s Journey – Christopher Vogler 22:48
8 Common Character Types Writers Should Know – Christopher Vogler 17:31
The Hero’s Journey Is Not A Formula – Christopher Vogler 12:33
This Is Why It Doesn’t Matter If Every Story Has Been Told – Christopher Vogler 11:23
How Writers Can Use Symbols To Improve Their Stories – Christopher Vogler 11:01
How The Hero’s Journey Helps Writers With Their Characters – Christopher Vogler 12:13
Impact Of Myths And Fairy Tales On Modern Stories – Christopher Vogler 11:01
You Don’t Have To Suffer To Be An Artist But You Should Understand This – Christopher Vogler 13:38
The Big Problem With American Movies – Christopher Vogler 9:03
How To Write A Character’s Death – Christopher Vogler 16:05
A thousand thanks to Mr. CHRISTOPHER VOGLER and his book THE WRITER’S JOURNEY: Mythic Structure for Writers
I am grateful to beloved LAH who directly / indirectly led me to many of these remarkable healers:
Stephanie Wilger, NC for Chi Nei Tsang, Breast Wellness, Nutrition
Dr. Jae Reed D.C. for Neuro Integration System (N.I.S.) and Neuro Emotional Technique (NET)
Amy Grace Lam, Ph.D. who taught me how to ask my Body questions.
Amy’s artist website Her poem “The Remember Bones”
Loduskia “Dusky” Pierce, MFT who taught me EMDR and EFT and gave me grief counseling numerous times.
Gilles Marin, master teacher and practitioner of Chi Nei Tsang, who gave me new hope on my journey.
USA: France:
Marie-Christine Cornet in France who taught me to be gentle with self wherever I am
Stephanie Doucette, M.S., L.Ac., Dipl. OM, for her kindness and acupuncture treatments
Danielle Rosenman, M.D. for coaching me in Neuroplasticity (I achieved success in training my Brain to stop sending chronic pain signals) at the beginning of my journey in the autumn of 2020;
Dr. Michael Moskowitz’s and Dr. Marla Golden’s workbook, webinars, brain graphics, and more..
Thank you for reading my blog post:
Story Consultant Teresa Jade LeYung says: “When illness takes us onto a Hero’s Journey”
I wish YOU total wellness!
photo of Teresa by Teresa’s beloved mentor Lynn Scott
Teresa Jade LeYung
(formerly Teresa LeYung-Ryan)
author Love Made of Heart - the mother-daughter novel (archived at the San Francisco History Center)
author of Build Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days
author of the Talking To My Dead Mom monologues
author of all the blog posts at
Writing Coach Teresa says:
“I love helping writers identify the themes in their manuscripts to hook readers, and, build and fortify their platforms before and after publication. Reach out, not stress out.”
Love Made Of Heart ®