Posts Tagged ‘PlayMath’

Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan Having the Time of Her Life as Playwright

Redwood Writers winning playwrights with directors and actors invite YOU to 10-minute plays June 29, 30, July 1, 2012 -- photo by Jonathan Hayden


actress Stacey Marie Kerr and director Lennie Dean review lines in 10-minute monologue Answer Me Now (middle-aged woman asks her dead mother a question) written by Teresa LeYung-Ryan


Lennie Dean directs Stacey Marie Kerr in Answer Me Now by Teresa LeYung-Ryan as Jonathan Hayden sets up shot

Coach Teresa here.  I witnessed the readings of the nine 10-minute plays being produced by Redwood Writers & 6th Street Playhouse in Santa Rosa, California.

Nine plays  – all winners – you’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll laugh some more.  Please tell a friend or two and order tickets to support 6th Street Playhouse and enjoy the show.  Go to:  or call 24- hour voice mail:  (707) 523-4185 ext 1

playwright Teresa LeYung-Ryan (Answer Me Now), actress Stacey Marie Kerr, festival director (and director for Answer Me Now) Lennie Dean and fellow directors, playwrights, actors invite you to the Redwood Writers 10-Minute Plays at 6th Street Playhouse, Santa Rosa, CA June 29, 30 and July 1, 2012

The winning plays and playwrights include . . . .

Running order will be:

Act I

Gravediggers by Gene Griffith

Answer Me Now by Teresa LeYung-Ryan

Special Delivery by Malena Eljumaily

BFF by Jean Wong

Turn The Other by Amanda McTigue

Act 2

Dream Girl by Elizabeth VanPatten

GPS by Harry Reid

There There, Now by Nancy Lockard Gallop

The Play’s the Thang by Elaine Maikovska, J.D.


2012 Performance Dates:

  • June 29 – 8:00 PM
  • June 30 – 2:00 PM & 8:00 PM
  • July 1  – 2:00 PM

6th Street Playhouse – Studio Theater – Santa Rosa, CA
All Tickets: $16.00 – purchase online or by phone

Go to:  or call 24- hour voice mail:  (707) 523-4185 ext 1

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Processing Playwriting: Q&A with the nine winning playwrights
Join the playwrights for a Q&A about their plays, their process, and their experience with having a first production of their works.

  • July 1, 4:30 PM – (following matinee of plays)

6th Street Playhouse - Studio Theater
This event is FREE to the public

actors with playwright Elaine Maikovska and director at reading of The Play's the Thang

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photographer Jonathan Haydens shows director Linda Loveland Reid publicity shots of actors

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July 1, 2012  10:00 AM-12:30 PM


6th Street Playhouse – GK Hardt Theatre – Santa Rosa, CA
Tuition: $10.00 – purchase by phone (707) 523-4185 ext 1

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playwrights Amanda McTigue and Teresa LeYung-Ryan love their director Lennie Dean (center)


actress Stacey Marie Kerr, festival director Lennie Dean, playwright Teresa LeYung-Ryan with The Linda Loveland Reid


playwrights Elaine Maikovska, Teresa LeYung-Ryan, Jean Wong invite you to June 29, 30 and July 1, 2012 performances at 6th Street Playhouse, Santa Rosa, CA


actors in Grave Diggers by Gene Griffith at reading of play


playwright Malena Eljumaily--Special Delivery--with actors Eyan Dean & Monica McKey and director Linda Loveland Reid


Playwrights, directors, actors at readings of nine fabulous 10-minute plays


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Processing Playwriting: Q&A with the nine winning playwrights
Join the playwrights for a Q&A about their plays, their process, and their experience with having a first production of their works.

  • July 1, 2012  4:30-5:00pm – (following matinee of plays)

6th Street Playhouse - Studio Theater
This event is FREE to the public

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Teresa LeYung-Ryan -- Playwright; Author; Editor; Story Consultant; Writers Platform-Building Coach


Maria, Vicki, and other darlings who will not be able to attend–I will get DVDs for you.

Other dear friends, I hope you can make it.


Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan

Teresa LeYung-Ryan helps clients identify themes, universal archetypes, front-story and back-story. As author of Build Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days: Attract Agents, Editors, Publishers, Readers, and Media Attention NOW, she says: “Make your name synonymous with the issues you write about.” Teresa has built her own platform happily; her novel Love Made of Heart and her short play Answer Me Now carry the theme closest to her heart: mother-daughter relationship. Teresa created the annual “Immigrant Experience Writing Contest” and cheers for all contestants.  for her Blog, events, and other resources.

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