LEFT COAST CRIME is an annual mystery convention sponsored by mystery fans, for mystery fans. It is held during the first quarter of the calendar year in Western North America, as defined by the Mountain Time Zone and all time zones westward to Hawaii.
2012 (March 29-April 1): Sacramento, CA
2013 (March 21-24): Cheyenne Mountain Resort, Colorado Springs, CO
I see from the 2012 program that my colleagues through the Women’s National Book Association (literary agent Verna Dreisbach; mystery authors Penny Warner & Rita Lakin; producer Danna Wilberg) will be at the 2012 LEFT COAST CRIME mystery convention writers conference! I wonder if Margie Yee Webb, author of Cat Mulan’s Mindful Musings, will be there; she’s everywhere. Cheers to them and everyone who will be in Sacramento!
Cheering for all writers and readers!
Coach Teresa says: “Reach out, not stress out, to materialize your dearest dreams!”
As editor/story consultant, Coach Teresa helps her clients polish their manuscripts by identifying their themes, universal archetypes, front-story and back-story.
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Love Made of Heart is used in college composition classes. Thank you, Teachers & Students!