Posts Tagged ‘my own publishing company’
Here’s a tip from me—Writing Career Coach Teresa… One way to build your name/platform is to write book reviews. Who reads book reviews? Book buyers, book sellers, teachers, librarians, agents, publishers, sales reps, wholesalers, distributors, and of course your fans/readers.
My clients ask me: “How do I write book reviews on Amazon to build my name/platform?”
To write a review for a book listed on
After you get to the Amazon-page dedicated to the book, scroll down and look for the rectangular button: Create your own review
You’ll be asked to sign-in. If you don’t want an account at Amazon, then, you can’t write reviews on Amazon.
After you sign-in, you’ll be asked:
Are you over 13?
Then, you’re asked: “How do you rate this item?” 1 to 5 stars
Example: I studied Christy Pinheiro’s & Nick Russell’s book The Step-by-Step Guide to Self-Publishing for Profit! Start Your Own Home-Based Publishing Company and Publish Your Non-Fiction Book with CreateSpace and Amazon
I rated Christy Pinheiro’s & Nick Russell’s book 5-stars
The title of the review I used: Most Helpful Guide on Self-Publishing
My review:
“Thank you, Christy Pinheiro & Nick Russell, for helping me through my self-publishing journey with your wonderful ‘page-turning’ guide on how to succeed in the Amazon CreateSpace program. Your tips, especially on identifying a publisher’s name and your interviews with other experts, were all priceless.” Teresa LeYung Ryan, writing-career coach, author of Build My Writer’s Name and Platform: Attract Agents, Acquisition Editors, Publishers, Readers, and Media Attention
Tags: self-publishing, amazon createspace, christy pinheiro, nick russell, step by step guide, book publishing, print on demand
Here’s the link to all the book reviews I’ve written on
Teresa LeYung Ryan, author & writing-career coach, founder of GraceArt Publishing
Build My Writer’s Name and Platform: Attract Agents, Acquisition Editors, Publishers, Readers, and Media Attention
is the 22 minutes for 22 days workbook.
“Reach out, not stress out, when building your writer’s name.”
Hello, Everyone,
I have exciting news. Today I registered my own publishing company – GraceArt Publishing. I thank my dear mastermind buddies who have encouraged me these past two years to re-invent myself again. Thank you, author Luisa Adams, for coming up with “GraceArt.” Thank you, plot consultant, author & publisher Martha Alderson, for trail-blazing.
I’m proud to be a publisher. I can better support bookstores, booksellers, schools, libraries, and the entire book community now.
Since January 2010 I have been updating my 22-minutes for 22 days workbook to help authors build their names/platforms to attract agents, acquisition editors and publishers. Printing and shipping my workbook have been time-consuming and costly. After reading The Step-by-Step Guide to Self-Publishing for Profit! Start a Own Home-Based Publishing Company and Publish Your Non-Fiction Book with CreateSpace and Amazon, I have decided to use the CreateSpace program for my workbook.
Now I am not only the author but also the publisher and owner of the ISBN (the book’s I.D. number); Amazon will print-on-demand, produce the e-book version of my workbook, distribute, and fulfill orders. As the publisher, I will continue to promote my book; also I can update it as often as I want.
So, I have changed the title of my workbook from Build Your Name, Beat the Game: Be Happily Published to: Build My Writer’s Name and Platform: Attract Agents, Acquisition Editors, Publishers, Readers, and Media Attention. I like “Build Your Name, Beat the Game ” though (love the rhyme–thank you Elisa Southard); I can use it as my workshop title.
May the force be with you, Writers & Publishers!
Teresa LeYung Ryan
“Reach out, not stress out, when building your writer’s name/platform.”