Posts Tagged ‘Vision problems’

12:25pm – 22:45 December 9;  21:08 December 11;  08:58-13:33 December 12, 2024 Aix-les-Bains, FRANCE

Dear Reader,


I wish you and everyone around you … peace, happiness, and Nature’s Beauty.

I am forever grateful to the people in my life who help me grow.

I am forever grateful to healers, medical, health professionals, caregivers, patients, researchers, authors, editors, publishers et al who make current information available in many languages.

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YouTube link to the interview with

Dr. Norman Doidge, M.D. about the BEAUTIFUL HUMAN BRAIN and HEALING

Chronic Pain; Parkinson’s and other Movement Disorders; Strokes; Autism; many more conditions

posted in 2015 by CANADA BROADCAST

Dr. Norman Doidge, M.D. | The Power of Thought

CBC News: The National    1.82M subscribers

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You know friends who have had . . . Strokes?  Chronic pain? Someone you care about suffering from symptoms of MS?  Cerebral Palsy?  Muscular Dystrophy?  Alzheimer’s?  Parkinson’s?  Head injury? Balance problems? Vision problems? Depression?

Our amazing brains!

Reviewing the chapter titles and the index sparks hope and motivation to ask physicians the right questions.

the book –

The Brain’s Way of Healing:  Remarkable Discoveries and Recoveries from the Frontiers of Neuroplasticity

by Norman Doidge, M.D.

Available, so far, in 22 languages:

The Brain’s Way of Healing is now available in over 100 countries, and 22 languages including translations from English into  Bulgarian, Chinese Traditional Characters, Chinese Simplified Characters, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Lithuanian, Polish,  Portuguese, Portuguese-Brazil,  Romanian, Russian,  Spanish,  Turkish and Ukrainian.

French edition book title:

GUERIR GRACE A LA NEUROPLASTICITE: Cerveau les fabuleux pouvoirs de guérison

English translation of French edition: HEALING WITH NEUROPLASTICITY:   Brain The Fabulous Healing Powers




Chapter 1 Physician Hurt, Then Heal Thyself

Michael Moskowitz Discovers That Chronic Pain Can Be Unlearned

Chapter 2 A Man Walks Off His Parkinsonian Symptoms

How Exercise Helps Fend Off Degenerative Disorders and Can Defer Dementia

Chapter 3 The Stages of Neuroplastic Healing

How and Why It Works

Chapter 4 Rewiring a Brain with Light

Using Light to Reawaken Dormant Neural Circuits

Chapter 5 Moshe Feldenkrais: Physicist, Black Belt, and Healer

Healing Serious Brain Problems Through Mental Awareness of Movement

Chapter 6 A Blind Man Learns to See

Using Feldenkrais, Buddhist, and Other Neuroplastic Methods

Chapter 7 A Device That Resets the Brain

Stimulating Neuromodulation to Reverse Symptoms

I. A Cane Against the Wall

II. Three Resets: Parkinson’s, Stroke, Multiple Sclerosis

III. The Cracked Potters

IV. How the Brain Balances Itself—with a Little Help

Chapter 8 A Bridge of Sound

The Special Connection Between Music and the Brain

I. A Dyslexic Boy Reverses His Misfortune

II. A Mother’s Voice

III. Rebuilding the Brain from the Bottom Up: Autism, Attention Deficits, and Sensory Processing Disorder

IV. Solving the Mystery at the Abbey: How Music Raises Our Spirits and Energy

Dr. Doidge’s books make for fascinating reads – our brains and the phenomenon of neuroplasticity -  thank you to all the patients who did not give up, their loved ones, their physicians who did not give up, and the dedicated neuroscientists . . .  for providing the stories.

Even if your physicians and healers have not read this book . . . YOU can arm yourselves with the information and ask them to make referrals. And, you can also ask friends to share their resources.

I cheer for you, friends & colleagues!  To those who write books, I cheer for your books too!  The subject matters in your books and Dr. Doidge’s books carry plenty of connections.

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Conversations with our own Brains about what we want for our Bodies.

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My father suffered from Parkinsonian Disorder.  The disease impacted the safety of his walking.

I felt a great sense of accomplishment (after reading Norman Doidge, M.D.’s book The Brain’s Way of Healing

… especially Chapter 2 “A Man Walks Off His Parkinsonian Symptoms”

and learning how to ask Papa’s neurologist the right questions)…

Questions that led Dr. White to  order “specific” physical therapy for Papa – therapy NOT for injuries like a broken leg from a skiing accident but therapy for movement disorders -  to help Papa reverse the Parkinson’s “shuffling” gait and “freezing” gait as well as improve posture. Thank you, Dr. White!

The Brain is smart. When one set of instructions “doesn’t connect” another set of instructions will. At one appointment with neurologist Dr. Luthra when she said to my father: “Let me see you walk.”

I offered information: “Dr. Luthra, when Papa is at a doorway to enter or leave a room, and, at elevators (lifts) … his legs lock … he can’t move. That’s dangerous when the elevator door closes and he cannot move. Or when his walker gets caught by a rug that is not properly secured to the floor.”

Dr. Luthra stepped out of her small office and stood in the hallway, facing Papa. She smiled, gestured for Papa to walk out of the room.  At the threshold, his legs wouldn’t cooperate. He lurched forward with his walker, but his legs couldn’t move.

Dr. Luthra: “Mr. Leung, keep one hand on your walker, raise your other arm.” She demonstrated. She raised her right arm straight up. She added: “Raising your arm tells your Brain that you want to move.”

Papa kept his left hand on his walker, he raised his right arm, then lowered it back to the walker

I watched with astonishment as he and his walker walked out the room with ease.

Later, Movement Disorder Physical Therapist Brenda taught Papa more tricks to help his Brain and his Body talk to each other, learn from each other.

If I hadn’t learned what I had learned from Dr. Norman Doidge, M.D.’s books and asked my father’s physicians the right questions, perhaps my father wouldn’t have received the level of attention from people who had the power to prescribe and deliver specific therapies, specific treatments… appropriate to Papa’s needs.

One day I was thinking out loud to my dear friend Sue R.  I said: “I wish there was a Chinese edition of Dr. Doidge’s book. Papa would benefit so much if he could read Chapter 2 himself.” Sue told me that Wen Hsu worked with publishers in Taiwan.

Fast forward….  Wen contacted the publisher in Taiwan who was translating  THE BRAIN’S WAY OF HEALING into Chinese. Wen wrote to the editor, explained to her/him about my father’s situation; the editor emailed Wen the “advance copy” of Chapter 2.  One of the happiest moments in my life was presenting Papa those pages – Chinese transalation of “A Man Walks Off His Parkinsonian Symptoms – How Exercise Helps Fend Off Degenerative Disorders and Can Defer Dementia”

Then, when the Chinese edition came out in print, Wen helped me order many copies of the book from the publisher in Taiwan.


Papa and his friends read this wonderful book in their native language.  I am forever grateful.

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Has it really been more than nine years ago when I published my October 21st, 2015 blog post

Through Dusky Pierce, I had found a remarkable book that has enriched my life, my papa’s, my friends’, Papa’s friends.

Please ask your librarians and booksellers to make this book available.

The book is The Brain’s Way of Healing: Remarkable Discoveries and Recoveries from the Frontiers of Neuroplasticity

by Norman Doidge, M.D.

Dr. Doidge’s first book:  The Brain That Changes Itself: Stories of Personal Triumph from the Frontiers of Brain Science

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Here is the YouTube link to Dr. Norman Doidge’s lecture in Melbourne, Australia

posted April 23, 2013  An astonishing new scientific discovery called neuroplasticity is overthrowing the centuries-old notion that the adult human brain is fixed and unchanging.  The Brain is, instead, able to change its own structure and function, even into old age.

Melbourne Conversations: Your Brain – How it can change, develop and improve

Melbourne Knowledge Week28K subscribers


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A thousand thanks to Michael J. Fox Foundation

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The UCSF Movement Disorders and Neuromodulation Center is a well-established, internationally recognized program. It is also one of the busiest deep brain stimulation implanting centers on the West Coast with a wide referral base.

The mission of the center is to provide state-of-the-art comprehensive multidisciplinary care to patients with movement disorders. They offer a variety of services that include comprehensive neurological evaluations, medication treatment and disease management, botulinum toxin injections, neurosurgical procedures including deep brain stimulation, and deep brain stimulation programming.

The medical staff includes neurologists, neurosurgeons, neuropsychologists, radiologists, and nurses who have specialized training in movement disorders and the problems associated with these conditions whose goal is to provide individualized comprehensive care.

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Thank you for reading my blog post:

The Extraordinary and Beautiful Ever-changing Brain, Healing Body to Improve Daily Life, Neuroplasticity

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For other posts related to “Neuroplasticity” … please look at the right side of my blog… under “Categories” please click on “Beautiful Brain Neuroplasticity”

delicious soup from Madame Cornet in Aix-les-Bains


I wish you and everyone around you – vibrant health, peace and happiness.


Teresa Jade LeYung

Author / Blogger / Story-Theme Consultant / Photo Historian for

short short movies of Paris, FRANCE; Portland, Oregon USA; Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA 2024  goes to Teresa Jade LeYung’s Blog on Wellness, Story Themes, Archetypes

Love Made Of Heart ®




Theme Consultant Teresa LeYung-Ryan’s Blog Post 1 of 3

“What I Learned About the Brain from Dr. Norman Doidge’s 2 Books”

I thank Norman Doidge, M.D. and everyone who contributed to his two books.

  • * The Brain That Changes Itself: Stories of Personal Triumph from the Frontiers of Brain Science  (March 2007 hardcover; December 2007 paperback)
  • * The Brain’s Way of Healing: Remarkable Discoveries and Recoveries from the Frontiers of Neuroplasticity (January 2015 hardcover; January 2016 paperback)

On October 21, 2015, I had published my blog post entitled “The Brain’s Way of Healing – Chapter Titles and Index in Book Spark Hope and Motivation to Ask Physicians the Right Questions  As my family members and friends know, what I had learned from Dr. Doidge’s books helped me help my papa.

While loved ones who are ill or have diseases and do not have the energy to read and process the valuable information, WE do, and WE can help them and ourselves.

Knowledge that leads to health and wellness – this is my wish for everyone.

Dr. Doidge’s books are most engaging- I learned from the stories – I did NOT have to look up medical terms; the footnotes were equally engaging.

You have friends who have had . . . Strokes?  Chronic pain?  Suffering from symptoms of MS?  Cerebral Palsy?  Muscular Dystrophy?  Alzheimer’s?  Parkinson’s?  Head injury? Balance problems? Vision problems? Depression?

Dear friend and colleague Elisa Sasa Southard was the one who taught me about hooking attention with no more than 3 talking points in a speech.  Here are mine for this post. I (Teresa LeYung-Ryan) learned that the awesome brain refreshes itself which leads to healing… with a little help from us:

* LIGHT – sit in direct natural light (approximately 20 minutes a day).  Florence Nightingale who established the first professional training school for nurses, Sister J. Ward  who was in charge of preemies in a hospital in Essex, England, Soranus of Ephesus (physician in imperial Rome) – they knew about the healing power of natural light. The Romans had a law “right to light” which guaranteed people’s access to the sun in their homes.

* SELF IMAGE – look at a photograph of yourself (a photo reminiscent of a time when you felt vital) OR create that picture in your mind’s eyes – athletes and musicians know the benefits of visualization as a way of training

* SOUND – sing the songs from your past (a time when you felt vital)  Sara Davidson’s April 23, 2009 article “The Songs They Can’t Forget” for The New York Times – The New Old Age – Caring and Coping Blog inspired me to publish my blog post of July 2 (with a P.S. on July 18), 2017  Dementia. Alzheimer’s. Losing Memory. Losing Joy. Songs from the Past. Experience Joy Again.

Our amazing brains! Help our brains “rewire” (I say “refresh”) to enjoy life. Help the people we care about.








I am Theme Consultant/Platform-Building Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan who teaches my clients (writers and artists) how to reach out, not stress out, before and after publication –

* identify themes in your manuscripts so that you can rewrite with ease;

* identify themes in your intellectual properties and create scripts for your websites/blogs, pitches, query letters, press releases, talking-points, one-minute videos, photo slideshows, and the all-mighty blog posts.

Please visit and  for resources.

Coach Teresa’s motto:  “Reach out, not stress out. Help your fans find you BEFORE & AFTER publication”

Teresa’s workbook:
Build Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days: Attract Agents, Editors, Publishers, Readers, and Media Attention NOW – print edition available at in Oakland, CA  and on Amazon – print edition and Kindle edition!

Teresa’s novel:

Love Made of Heart: a daughter–mother love story (used in colleges; recommended by the California School Library Association and the California Reading Association)

For other posts in my blog, please go to:

If you’re looking for my blog posts pertaining to our Beautiful Brains and Neuroplasticity…  look at right side of screen, you’ll see the category “Beautiful Brains Neuroplasticity”.  Please click on that category to get those posts.

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