Posts Tagged ‘the 22 minutes for 22 days workbook’

Yes! Within a 2-hour drive from San Francisco

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If you’re in the Santa Cruz/Capitola/Soquel/Aptos area –

Saturday, October 9, 2010, 10:00AM-3:00PM  Capitola Book Cafe, Capitola, California

PLOT PLANNER WORKSHOP for Writers — Plot at the overall story level — with International Plot Consultant Martha Alderson

Plot is a series of scenes deliberately arranged by cause and effect to create the most satisfying DRAMA/ACTION, EMOTION/CHARACTER through tension and conflict and reveal the deepest and most significant THEMATIC MEANING.

To reserve a spot now, please go to Capitola Book Cafe or call 831-462-4415  with a credit card. $95.00 No on-line registration at this time.

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If you’re in Marin County –

Thursday October 14, 2010 Noon  Book Passage, Corte Madera, CA — luncheon with Author Joyce Maynard.

Women’s National Book Association celebrates National Reading Group Month (NRGM) with author Joyce Maynard.

Call Book Passage, Corte Madera (415) 927-0960 ext.1, to reserve. The ticket price of $55 includes an outstanding lunch catered by Insalata’s Restaurant & an autographed copy of Joyce Maynard’s book (The Good Daughters).

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If you’re in the Oakland/Berkeley/Alameda/Albany/Emeryville area, CA

Sunday, October 17, 2010  California Writers Club–Berkeley Branch Meets in Oakland

Oakland Main Library, West Auditorium
125  14th Street, Oakland, CA 94612.
There is an entrance directly to the meeting room from Madison Street. Free street parking is available on Sundays. Library is a short walk from the Lake Merritt BART station.
Meetings are open to the public & without charge

  • doors open at 1:05,  people come in and mingle, and there is a marketing group (anyone can sit in) meeting while club members set up the room.
  • the general meeting begins at 2:00
  • a club-member author will present her/his work from about 2:15 to 2:45pm
  • Main Speaker (Writing Career Coach Teresa LeYung Ryan)  2:45ish to 4:00pm

CWC Berkeley Branch  presents: “Major League Tryouts with Coach Teresa LeYung Ryan to Build Your Writer’s Name”

  • understand the need to build one’s name/fame in today’s publishing arena.
  • identify advocates, endorsers and fans.
  • gain recognition through your words and your community.

Teresa’s books will be available for purchase:

Build My Writer’s Name, Beat the Game:  How Do I Create a Platform to Attract Agents, Acquisition Editors, Publishers, Readers, and Media Attention? (the 22 minutes for 22 days workbook)  $22

Love Made of Heart (archived in the San Francisco History Center; recommended by the CA School Library Assn. and the CA Reading Assn.) — inspires adult-children of mentally-ill parents to speak openly about the stigmas that their parents suffer.

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If you’re in Sonoma County OR if you’re interested in going to a wonderful one-day writers’ conference:

Friday night October 29, 2010 Poetry Evening $35

Saturday October 30, 2010 Redwood Writers Conference $155 for CWC members; $175 for non-members

I (Writing Career Coach Teresa) will be presenting my workshop and exhibiting my books at the Redwood Writers Conference.  Elisa Southard will be the morning keynote speaker. Friends from CWC, WNBA, BAIPA, NCPA and other writers’ organizations will all be there to help writers further their careers.  Cheers to Marlene Cullen & everyone on the conference-planning team.

Register now:

Conference Schedule: October 30, 2010 7:30 am to 6:30 pm

7:30 – 8:15 am – Check-in

8:30 – 9:15 am – Morning Keynote Address by Elisa Southard

9:30 – 4:15 pm – Twelve Sessions available

12:30 – 1:15 pm – Luncheon Keynote Address by Sheldon Siegel

Recognition: Winners of the Prose contest

5:00 – 6:30 pm – Networking Session, hosted by your CWC – Redwood Branch Board

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If  you’re in the mid-peninsula (Belmont, Redwood City, San Carlos, San Mateo, Burlingame), CA

Saturday October 30, 2010 California Writers Club–SF Peninsula Branch

Author Geri Spieler will present her signature-workshop:

Super Sleuthing: Internet Research Secrets

  • How to safely conduct Internet research
  • Discover 100 tools that cut Internet research time by 80%
  • Don’t  get caught with unintentional plagiarism

Takeaway: This workshop is best delivered using a PowerPoint presentation in addition to my handouts. Attendees will gain a high level of understanding on how to effectively research information using a long list of research tools, Internet search strings and skills to recognize bogus Websites.

More info: and  Geri Spieler

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Are There Especially Fun Events for Writers in October in San Francisco Bay Area California? If you have others to add to the above listings, please submit a comment to this post by clicking on the title-bar of this post to get the comment box.

Thank you!

Teresa LeYung Ryan, author, writing-career coach, founder of GraceArt Publishing

Build My Writer’s Name and Platform: Attract Agents, Acquisition Editors, Publishers, Readers, and Media Attention is the 22 minutes for 22 days workbook.
“Reach out, not stress out, when building your writer’s name/platform.”

Where’s the Sonoma County Book Festival?  At Old Courthouse Square in Downtown Santa Rosa, California

Saturday, September 25th, 2010, 10:00am – 4:00pm

Redwood Writers Reading Circle – Come listen to over 50 readers from all across the community read from their works.

Redwood Writers Village – Redwood Writers want to make a splash. Come to the Redwood Writers Village and get your member badge so that as you walk around the Festival, RWs are everywhere!

Courthouse Square alive with Festival Tents

A day filled with literary delights! now presents complete information about the Book Festival schedule, authors, poets, children’s activities and more.

“Look for Writing Career Coach Teresa’s friends at the book festival, especially at the Redwood Writers Village and the Redwood Writers Reading Circle Last year I was there .  Writers and Readers, have fun!”

Teresa LeYung Ryan, author, writing-career coach, founder of GraceArt Publishing

Build My Writer’s Name and Platform: Attract Agents, Acquisition Editors, Publishers, Readers, and Media Attention
is the 22 minutes for 22 days workbook.
“Reach out, not stress out, when building your writer’s name.”

The Jennifer Joseph, Publisher, Manic D Press Books

I met Jennifer Joseph at a writers’ conference many years ago and throughout these years whenever someone asks: “Who should we include on a panel of experts in the publishing industry?” I would reply: “Invite the owner of Manic D Press–Jennifer Joseph.  Great energy.  Savvy.  She cares about her authors’ careers.”

Manic D Press is an award-winning literary press based in San Francisco, California publishing fiction, poetry, pop culture, music, art, narrative-oriented comix, and alternative travel books,  representing a diverse group of unique writers and artists,

When I was president for California Writers Club-SF Peninsula Branch 2005-2006, I wanted to give our members a program of publishing experts at the June 2006 meeting–my last meeting as president.  That day, I learned from Jennifer Joseph why publishers usually don’t print large quantities of any particular book, and, why publishers “remainder” books (sell a book at a low low price) even when they’ve been only recently published.  Here’s the answer:  Books are inventory; inventory gets taxed.  To have unsold books sitting in warehouses cost money to the publishers.

Last week, at the publishing panel sponsored by Women’s National Book Association at San Francisco Public Library-Main Branch, I learned from Jennifer Joseph to take advantage of the facebook phenomenon.  I love writing blog posts to help writers build their names/platforms; Jennifer recommends my using facebook to broadcast new posts.

Also, I learned that she publishes poetry books.  On the Manic D Press postcard are thumbnail-size images of 20 book covers with their titles, authors’ names, genres, ISBNs and cover prices; 5 of them are poetry/essays.

Please visit the online Manic D store

On her website, Jennifer says: “If there’s a Manic D book that’s not here and you want it, send an email, okay? Thanks for everything (and especially for reading our books).”

Writers who want to see submission guidelines, go to: and scroll to the bottom of the page  OR click here:

Awards presented to Manic D Press include 2000 American Library Association Stonewall Award for Literature; 1997 Firecracker Alternative Book Award for Art; 2002 and 2000 Firecracker Alternative Book Awards for Fiction; 1998 American Institute of Graphic Arts juried traveling exhibition 50 Books, 50 Covers; Sept/Oct 2003 + March/April 2004 Booksense 76 lists; SF Bay Guardian’s 2004 Best of the Bay: ‘Best Quintessentially San Franciscan Publisher’, Publishing Triangle’s 2007 Thom Gunn Award for Poetry + 2008 Edmund White Award for Debut Fiction; SF Weekly’s “Best of San Francisco 2008″; 2009 and 2010 Lambda Literary Transgender Awards.

Thank you, Jennifer Joseph, for being a hard-working publisher who enjoys sharing your insight with the writing-and-reading community!

Teresa LeYung Ryan, author, writing-career coach, founder of GraceArt Publishing

Build My Writer’s Name and Platform: Attract Agents, Acquisition Editors, Publishers, Readers, and Media Attention
is the 22 minutes for 22 days workbook.
“Reach out, not stress out, when building your writer’s name.”

More September Birthdays in My Literary Community

Dear Writers,

Eight years ago when my novel Love Made of Heart was about to “hit the streets,” my publisher (Kensington in New York) had purchased front-store-shelf -space at Borders and Barnes & NobleNancy Suib & Anne Shulenberger, the independent sales reps for Kensington, had recommended my novel to their accounts/independent bookstores.

An author is lucky to get shelf-space (and to be “face out” so that customers would see the book cover), but, because new releases from publishers arrive every day, those precious high-visibility shelf-spaces usually cannot be reserved for one particular book for more than what is paid for by the publisher.

And, even if a new book gets into a bookstore, how do customers know about it?   One way is for the author to appear at the bookstore.  But, bookstore appearance aren’t easy to land because, as I said before, new releases from publishers arrive every day.

Two booksellers gave me my first break.  Kate Kelley from Books Inc. on Chestnut Street in San Francisco and Luan Stauss, owner of Laurel Book Store.

Luan says in her wonderful e-newsletter this week:

“Nine years ago, on September 15, 2001 the Laurel Book Store opened the doors for the first time.  And yes, it really has been that long. Babies then are now reading. 10 year olds then are now in college. Some of the college students then are now parents. While a whole swath of us haven’t aged a bit.
It’s been quite a ride and I’m planning for bigger and better things for the future.  We’re trying hard to roll with the economic punches and it’s made better by all of you who have been here supporting us all this time.  And by all the great books that come out each year making it tough to decide what to sell!
Rather than have a party this year, which by the way is the pottery year, we’re going to start planning for the 10 year anniversary. But do come by for a cookie, wish us well, and tell us what you’re reading!
Happy reading, and thank you for 9 years worth of your support.” Luan

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Leigh Anne Lindsey, a new member of Women’s National Book Association-San Francisco Chapter, celebrates her birthday. Leigh Anne writes novels,  including  Futuristic and Suspense-Thrillers.  WNBA is lucky to have her in our chapter–she attended our September board meeting, assisted the board members at our Sept. 12 publishing panel at the SF Public Library, and, with Kate Britton (VP of SF Chapter) will represent WNBA at the Redwood Writers Conference on Oct. 30, 2010.

Also, Leigh Anne is a Member of & Social Media Wizard for the Redwood Writers – the second largest branch of the California Writers Club; she’ s a member of San Francisco Writers Community

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To Writers,

Keep writing, keep networking, keep building your name/platform, keep learning about the industry through the experts (including published authors, bookseller, librarians, teachers, literary agents, acquisition editors and folks in publishing houses, members in writers’ organizations, and folks in their circles of influence).  Celebrate being a writer!

Hope to see you at October 2010 events!

Teresa LeYung Ryan, author, writing-career coach, founder of GraceArt Publishing

Build My Writer’s Name and Platform: Attract Agents, Acquisition Editors, Publishers, Readers, and Media Attention
is the 22 minutes for 22 days workbook.
“Reach out, not stress out, when building your writer’s name.”

September is Library Card Sign-Up Month!
September is National Literacy Month!
October is National Reading Group Month!
Third week of October is California Writers Week!

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September & October & November 2010 events I recommend to writers in the San Francisco Bay Area

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“Poetry on Main” meets 2nd Thursday in Pleasanton, CA
Next meeting: Thurs., September 9, 2010 6:30pm – 8:30pm
Little Valley Winery, 739 Main St., Pleasanton, CA
Calling all Poets! Free event. For more info (what to bring):

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Sunday, Sept. 12, 2010, 2:00-5:00pm
Women’s National Book Association presents:
Publishing Panel: Zen and the Art of the Book Deal
At San Francisco Public Library—Main Branch– Latino Hispanic Community Room, Lower Level, 100 Larkin Street, San Francisco, CA 94102.
Jennifer Joseph – publisher and editor of Manic D Press
Peter Beren – literary agent and publishing consultant
Bridget Kinsella – Breaking Books & navigating the publishing landscape
Georgia Hughes – editorial director of New World Library
Moderator: Mary Knippel, immediate past president, WNBA-SF Chapter
Participate in our Great Book Give Away. See you there!
Visit more info.

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September meetings at California Writers Club Find a branch near you

October meetings at California Writers Club Find a branch near you

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Thursday October 14, 2010, starts at noon
WNBA-SF Chapter & Book Passage in Corte Madera host:
Literary Luncheon with Celebrated Author Joyce Maynard
Call Book Passage, Corte Madera (415) 927-0960 ext.1  to reserve. The ticket price of $55 includes an outstanding lunch catered by Insalata’s Restaurant & an autographed copy of Joyce Maynard’s book The Good Daughters.

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October 17, 2010 California Writers Club Berkeley Branch
General Meeting & Program
1:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Oakland’s Main Library
West Auditorium
Writing Career Coach Teresa LeYung Ryan will lead “Major League Tryouts with Coach Teresa to Build Your Writer’s Name”
understand the need to build one’s name/fame in today’s publishing arena.
identify advocates, endorsers and fans.
gain recognition through your words and your community.

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Saturday October 30, 2010 7:30 am – 6:30 pm Redwood Writers Conference

Writing Career Coach & Author Teresa LeYung Ryan says: “Go to this conference. You deserve to celebrate and grow your writing career!” 9:30-10:30am Teresa will present: “Build Your Name, Beat the Game: Be Happily Published”

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November 13 – 14, 2010  Writing for Change Conference

For non-fiction writers/authors

The theme of the conference is “Changing the World One Book at a Time,” and the goal is to encompass business, politics, technology, spirituality, personal development, health, social issues, the environment, culture, the law, international relations.

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If you have events for writers that you wish to recommend, please submit a comment to this post. To comment on any of my blog posts, just click on the blue title bar of the post, fill in the boxes and press “submit.”

Thank you.

Teresa LeYung Ryan

Build My Writer’s Name and Platform: Attract Agents, Acquisition Editors, Publishers, Readers, and Media Attention
is the 22 minutes for 22 days workbook.
“Reach out, not stress out, when building your writer’s name.”

Saturday, July 31, 2010, 10am – 5pm
Northern California Storybook & Literature Festival
Maidu Library & Maidu Community Center, 1530 Maidu Drive, Roseville, CA 95661

10:20-11:20am Reception Hall - Teresa LeYung Ryan, Tanya Egan Gibson, Laurel Anne Hill, Jeff Carlson & Jack L. Parker; moderator will be Gail McGrath
11:30am-12:30pm Teresa will be autographing books at outdoor booth I-7
1:00-2:00pm Meeting Room 2 – Teresa LeYung Ryan will present her signature workshop “Transform Your Personal Experiences Into Potent Stories”

The author of Love Made of Heart will give you simple tools to craft a short story with an enticing beginning, engaging middle, and a satisfying ending. Teresa says: “My short stories were the building-blocks for my book.”

2:30-5:00pm Teresa will be autographing books at outdoor booth I-7

noon – 1:00 p.m  buddy/colleague Mary E. Knippel will be moderating the “Healthy Living” panel – B. Lynn Goodwin, Davis Liu, MD, Jennifer Martin, Joanne Neft, Richard Simmons.

Northern California Storybook & Literature Festival 

I am so looking forward to July 31, 2010 (the same date as a loved one’s birthday)

Thank you again, Margie Yee Webb, Jamie Finley, Dena Grover, City of Roseville Library, and California Writers Club.


Teresa LeYung Ryan
As an author and community spirit, Teresa LeYung Ryan speaks out for public libraries, honors immigrant-stories, advocates compassion for mental illness, and helps survivors of violence find their own voices through writing.

Love Made of Heart
inspires adult-children of mentally-ill parents to speak openly about the stigmas that their parents suffer.

Build Your Name, Beat the Game: Be Happily Published is the 22 minutes for 22 days workbook.  Writing Career Coach Teresa LeYung Ryan says: “Reach out, not stress out, when building your writer’s name.”

Invite Coach Teresa to conduct “Major League Tryouts to Build Your Name” at your writers’ club or group.

• identify your mission statement, the scope of the project, and the perfect book title
• build your name to attract the right agent or publisher or more fans
• design and grow your blog (to showcase your expertise and experiences)

I am happy to announce that my trademark is finally being used at Love Made of Heart online store where you’ll find gift items for yourselves, women, children, moms, grandmas, babies, friends and pets.

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