Posts Tagged ‘Lynn Scott’

2021 August 21, 11:37 – 19:24  by Teresa Jade LeYung

Dear Reader,

Three people I care about inspired me to blog about this topic. Do you get pain flare-ups? Your hands, knees, or your back?

Years ago, I injured my right hand -  awful pain – radiating from thumb to wrist. Ten months of hand therapy helped reduce pain level – first, from 9 to 7, sometimes to 5, then, pain would climb back to a 7, sometimes down to 3. There the pain stayed. Pain that doesn’t go away completely saps energy.  Even mild persistent pain robs other brain functions.
Thank you to Susan Cupples, hand specialist/OTR, who taught me new ways to use my hands and wrists in everything I do … to prevent new injuries.
However, the Brain sends pain signals even when there is no new injury – I call them “fire drills”

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I was at SFO about to board AirFrance with my pals when I decided to get euros right there at the airport.  Mistake!  Costly mistake!  The part of my brain (for planning and decision making) was too busy sending pain signals. I lost about $100 value because I had forgotten that I would get a much better exchange at ATMs in banks at the destination point.
The morning after we arrived (and I told myself that Parisians would approve the color of my wrist brace – chic black), the pain continued to throb, even while I was eating my first heavenly croissant.

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When I returned to California and went to see my mentor author Lynn Scott … and she saw my brace …. she gave me the name of the Feldenkrais practitioner who had helped her.
Wellness was mine again after two sessions with Naomi Schaeffer Draper, M.S. Physical Therapist; she taught me Feldenkrais techniques that would change my life.

What I do when I experience a flare-up and my right hand hurts:

- sit or lie down
- rest my weak hand on my other arm or on my thigh
- then move the other arm or my thigh (slowly) up and down (giving my weak hand “a ride”) – my strong body part is “carrying” the weak hand, telling the weak hand: “I’m here to help you.  You CAN move, effortlessly. You ARE moving effortlessly.”)
- also, I could speak out loud or think the words: “No need for pain signals. I am fine.  My hand is fine.”

This works every time!  Body and Brain need the conversation.

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This blog post is NOT about emergency situations or acute pain.

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After practicing neuroplasticity these past 12 months and remembering that “Pain is our most sophisticated protective device,” says Professor Lorimer Moseley, and, my knowing how to use Feldenkrais techniques…  I fully understand why my brain and my body must communicate with each other for optimal benefits.

While a hand therapist (such caring folks they are) uses her/his hands and equipment to talk to my hand… providing brief relief…. my brain would not be convinced that I don’t need pain signals to stop me from re-injuring myself.  However, my own body part and my own brain talking to each other is much more convincing, much more effective.  Body-Brain communication is immediate.  I don’t have to schedule an appointment or wait for insurance approval while suffering chronic / persistent / recurring pain in the meantime.

What I do when I experience out-of-the-blue pain in my knee:

- If I’m already sitting, I remain seated; If I’m out walking and there’s no place to sit down, I remain standing
- I put one or both hands (not straining my wrists) on my knee, applying firm but gentle pressure, using my hand(s) to talk to my knee.  Also, I could speak out loud or think the words: “No need for pain signals. I am fine.  My knee is fine.”

This works every time!  Body and Brain need the conversation.

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You might want to watch Brain/Pain scientist / physiotherapist Professor Lorimer Moseley who delivers fascinating facts about pain with humor -

“TEDxAdelaide – Lorimer Moseley – Why Things Hurt”  14 minutes, 32 seconds

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Curious about  Moshe Feldenkrais  and the miraculous techniques?

In the book The Brain’s Way of Healing by Norman Doidge, M.D

Chapter 5 Moshe Feldenkrais: Physicist, Black Belt, and Healer

Healing Serious Brain Problems Through Mental Awareness of Movement

Chapter 6 A Blind Man Learns to See

Using Feldenkrais, Buddhist, and Other Neuroplastic Methods


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This blog post is NOT about emergency situations or acute pain.

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Learn about what is happening in the brain during acute pain and persistent pain – visit Dr. Michael Moskowitz’s and Dr. Marla Golden’s website  Look at the graphics.


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Thank you for reading my blog post “Flare-ups of Pain in Body Parts? Feldenkrais Lets Weak Body Part Listen to Strong Body Part,” says Teresa Jade LeYung

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For my post “Retraining Beautiful Brain By Rewriting My Personal Truths With Wordplay,” says Teresa Jade LeYung

For other posts related to our Beautiful Brains and Neuroplasticity  in my blog …  If you look at right side of screen, you’ll see the category “Beautiful Brains Neuroplasticity”.  Please click on that category to get all my blog posts pertaining to the topic.


I wish you and your Beautiful Brain safety, kindness, excellent health.



photo of Teresa Jade LeYung by Mary E. Knippel


Teresa Jade LeYung

Story Consultant and Photo Historian Teresa Jade LeYung says: “I love helping writers identify the themes in their manuscripts to hook readers, and, build and fortify their platforms before and after publication. Reach out, not stress out.”

Love Made Of Heart ®

Story Continuity/Theme Consultant Teresa Jade LeYung’s Blog Post Number 600; Part 3 of first trilogy on our Beautiful Brains -

2021 January 11, 22:55 — January 12, 00:10; January 12, 22:18–23:28;  January 13, 14:14–15:10; 17:44–19:27; 19:56–22:36

California USA

Story Continuity/Theme Consultant Teresa Jade LeYung says: “Look what happens when persistent (chronic) pain pathways take over the other brain functions – impacting my emotions, problem-solving, memory, creativity, and …”



All graphics in this blog post are from Michael H. Moskowitz, MD & Marla D. Golden, DO



When Beautiful Brain is not producing pain -


When Beautiful Brain is producing acute pain –


When Beautiful Brain is producing persistent (chronic) pain -


According to Dr. Michael Moskowitz, Dr. Marla Golden, Dr. Norman Doidge, Dr. Danielle Rosenman -

There are 9 areas in the thinking brain (actually a few more, because some are on both sides of the brain) that control our personal experience of pain and discomfort. This is where pain signals are received.  Normally, only 5% of the nerve cells in the brain process pain.  In persistent pain, 15-25% of the cells of the entire brain are involved! The actual map of the brain has changed, with an increased part of the map given to pain.  This is because the pain areas get bigger, stealing nerves and synapses (connections) from the rest of the brain.

The relationship between pain (or discomfort) and mood (includes anxiety and depression):

Remember that the brain has different areas for different functions? It’s actually more complicated than that! Many brain functions are located in the same areas or are very close together, and there are some shared connections. (Review: “Nerves that fire together wire together.”)

Dr. Moskowitz and Dr. Golden say to “flood” the brain map, interrupt pain signals with pleasurable –








Dr. Danielle Rosenman adds: “Smile for yourself and talk out loud to your Brain.”

Story Continuity/Theme Consultant Teresa Jade LeYung says:

“I refuse to let pain pathways hijack other Brain functions. Some days I win the steering wheel/control panel. Other days Pain/Depression win. The more consistent I give my Beautiful Brain pleasure, the more winning days I shall have.

“Dr. Danielle Rosenman (via ZOOM sessions) has guided and coached me (with techniques from Dr. Moskowitz and Dr. Golden) in creating my unique ‘bag of tricks’ to interrupt pain, depression and other unpleasant signals.”

Dr. Norman Doidge and Professor Lorimer Moseley say: “MOVEMENT is critical in retraining the nervous system. Even imagining movement will retrain the system!”

How do I create Pleasure for my Brain? How do I communicate with / give feedback to my Brain?

My evolving “Bag of Tricks” (with the 7 modalities) to give my Beautiful Brain pleasure:

“Imagining” any of these modalities when I can’t access the physical form (especially during COVID-19 Stay At Home order) serves me well.


When pain or depression signals (including unpleasant thoughts) pop up, I have to interrupt them with pleasurable thoughts.

Pleasurable Thoughts this month include:  candied wintermelon pastry (thanks to MT’s selecting); sweet persimmons (thanks to EO); Nan’s signature pesto; Linda’s signature pear Clafoutis; Sasa’s signature salads; Pad Thai with fresh ingredients.


Because our brains store all experiences (including what we see in movies. read about, and hear about…), I have to stay away from all unpleasant images (even some of my favorite movies, details of sensational news) while I am retraining Beautiful Brain

Pleasurable images include looking at – my photos taken in Paris; postcards of paintings by  Claude Monet, Vincent van Gogh, Marc Chagall; photos from MT of her hikes; photos from Marie-Christine (she’s in France);  photos of nature and kids (2-legged and 4-legged ones) from all my friends; art by Chandra Garsson, Cynthia Tom, Cris Matos, Sharon Leong;  photos of Happy Dog (my sister Maria Kawah Leung’s hero in her book Little Heroes Of Bay Street);  seeing Linda’s little Gracie; the montage (of me and “Brain-no-pain”) at the end of this blog post.


Some sensations I liked (before persistent pain began) aren’t pleasurable right now – drinking hot tea fuels pain right now.

While I am happy for neighbors who are modifying their house for “Aging In Place”, the construction noise (hammering, drilling) also fuels pain and depression right now.

Pleasurable sensations include -  cool and cold water on skin; seeing green plants, blue sky, squirrels and hummingbirds in our patio and neighbor’s; laughing at GOMER PYLE USMC episodes (especially Season 3, Episode 6); smiling for myself; listening to “Clair de Lune” by Claude Debussy; tasting sweet fruit on tongue; smelling roses; firm and soothing touch to the body part that is feeling pain.


Because our brains store all memories … when unpleasant memories pop up, I have to interrupt them with pleasant ones.

Pleasurable memories:

- Being with people I care about.

- Eating breads and quiches, buying postcards, and walking and gawking at buildings in Paris

- Living sans clutter

SOOTHING EMOTIONS – this is most difficult for me

When my reaction to someone’s behavior brings on pain and other unpleasant signals, I send my thoughts to what the person means to me.

Remember what the good doctors said about “the relationship between pain (or discomfort) and mood (includes anxiety and depression)?

Please see Dr. Moskowitz’s and Dr. Golden’s workbook TRANSFORMING THE BRAIN IN PAIN: NEUROPLASTIC TRANSFORMATION page 35 through page 75.  And, I hope you’ll find someone like Dr. Danielle Rosenman to coach you.



Walking in the neighborhood (when my Brain is occupied with looking, listening, smelling… I feel no pain); dancing with Ms. Sophia Loren, Ms. Rita Hayworth, and Ms. Cyd Charisse (thanks to Youtube clips) ; imagining flying (ballet) over Paris; and running on dirt tracks and fields of wildflowers!


That I hold the power to be pain-free and depression-free; that every task can be accomplished with ease; that wellness is reality


Story Continuity/Theme Consultant Teresa Jade LeYung at Place des Vosges, Paris.(photo by Margie Yee Webb et Sasa Southard 2016)



Thank you, Dr. Norman Doidge, Dr. Michael Moskowitz, Dr. Marla Golden, and Professor Lorimer Moseley!

Thank you, Naomi Schaeffer Draper, M.S. Physical Therapist, for teaching me Feldenkrais techniques! Thank you, mentor Lynn Scott, for the referral!

Thank you, Dr. Danielle Rosenman!   Danielle Rosenman, M.D. uses neuroplasticity, imagery, meditation, psychotherapy, and other techniques in her Medical Counseling practice and in her innovative “Tools for Healing” groups.

Thank you, Dr. Amy Grace Lam !  vibrational energy healer

Thank you, all dear hearts who care about me and have helped/are helping me on this journey !!!!!

My next blog post will be about what I continue to learn from: “Getting a grip on pain and the brain – Professor Lorimer Moseley – Successful Ageing Seminar 2013″  41 minutes


For other posts in my blog, please go to:   If you look at right side of screen, you’ll see the category “Beautiful Brains Neuroplasticity”. Please click on that category to get all my blog posts pertaining to our our Beautiful Brains and Neuroplasticity.


I wish you, dear Reader and your Beautiful Brain, wellness!


Story Continuity/Theme Consultant Teresa Jade LeYung, photo by Emily O. on Nov 8, 2020











Love Made Of Heart ®

To read Part 1 of my trilogy on our Beautiful Brains:

Story Continuity/Theme Consultant Teresa Jade LeYung says: “Scarecrow in THE WIZARD OF OZ would feel NO pain”

To read Part 2 of my trilogy on our Beautiful Brains:

Story Continuity/Theme Consultant Teresa Jade LeYung says: “Adaptable Brain, Let Quiet Enter.”

Teresa Jade LeYung, an American naturalized citizen of Chinese ancestry, is a story continuity/theme consultant, author of LOVE MADE OF HEART (daughter-mother novel archived at the San Francisco History Center and used by college professors), BUILD YOUR WRITER’S PLATFORM & FANBASE IN 22 DAYS (a workbook), and TALKING TO MY DEAD MOM Monologues (the first monologue received an award from Redwood Writers Ten-Minute Play Festival), an advocate for public libraries and public schools, creator of , and, admirer of City of Light. Composing Haiku poems is a new love for LeYung.




P.S. July 18, 2017 Angels everywhere!

Theme Consultant/Writers’ Platform-Building Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan here to say: “Angels everywhere!  I found a source for songs to gift to my friends who have dementia or Alzheimer’s.  Five days ago, I opened an email from Patrick von Wiegandt announcing his new CD SWANKY AT ABBEY ROAD.  Seeing Patrick’s name brought back delightful memories of when Elisa Sasa Southard and I were morning presenters (teaching writers how to attract attention from agents, acquisition editors, and anyone who could be a fan) at the San Francisco Writers Conference (founded by Michael Larsen and Elizabeth Pomada).  Over the 3-day conference, Patrick and his team would orchestrate the recordings of 100+ sessions.  Friday and Saturday evenings at the conference, Patrick’s band entertained hundreds of writers.

“What joy to know that his music is for sale.  On his website, Patrick von Wiegandt says: ‘Swanky is a fresh take on some of the most elegant, engaging and absolutely wonderful songs ever composed. This is my loving musical tour of the Jazz Age – 1920′s to 1940′s. My pal, mentor and Legendary Producer/Engineer/Mixer Al Schmitt supervised the recording at Capitol Studios, Hollywood. I want to thank all of the terrific musicians, engineers and all of the creative and hard working folks who helped make this dream come true. I could not  - would not have done this without you.’

“So, I ordered 6 CDs.  And, I asked Patrick if his press releases and other PR material talks about how his CDs (songs from 1920′s to 1940‘s) help folks who are battling memory loss. He replied with heartwarming news. I cheer for Patrick and encourage him to add his news (see below) and photos to his website/blog/social media. Patrick, please help more fans find you. Please blog at least once a month, and add a photo or a 30-second video (of your audience, could be backs of their heads) each time you publish a blog post. You do good work in the community and that ought to be broadcast.  I teach my clients the importance of understanding what fans can do.  Well, I am your fan and I applaud you and I tag your name, your CD titles, and the words “songs from 1920′s to 1940‘s” in this blog post and shouting out . . . 

Patrick von Wiegandt says: “We have been playing in retirement homes and Alzheimer’s facilities in L.A  and Hawaii  – and it’s been an amazing experience.  A real joy  to see people light up when we play these songs from 1920′s to 1940‘s.”


Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan

July 2, 2017

Dementia. Alzheimer’s. Losing Memory. Losing Joy. Songs from the Past. Experience Joy Again.

How can family members, friends, neighbors, caregivers help the person suffering from affliction?

Recently I visited one of my dear mentors – author Lynn Scott who had brought joy to her clients (suffering from Alzheimer’s disease) by singing songs from  her clients’ past.  So, when I was talking to another dear mentor (she and her husband had just moved into an apartment in an assisted living community and now her husband is moved to the “memory care unit” which is in another part of the building), I told this mentor about Lynn Scott; also I asked if their son could get CDs of songs that she and her husband listened to when they were a young couple. This morning, I was awakened by memories of conversations with both mentors. I Googled the words [ Dementia, Alzheimer's, songs from the past ] and found the insightful article written by Sara Davidson:

The Songs They Can’t Forget – The New Old Age Blog – The New York …

Apr 23, 2009 – Familiar songs can help people with dementia relate to others, …. My dad passed away five years ago after a long, sad battle with Alzheimer’s.

The New York Times – The New Old Age – Caring and Coping Blog

“The Songs They Can’t Forget” by Sara Davidson April 23, 2009

Excerpts from Ms. Davidson’s article:

Tom was a wanderer. When his wife, Elsie, came to visit him at a care unit for patients with dementia, he would give her a perfunctory kiss, then wander off through the rooms and stare out the window. Elsie tried to walk with him and hold hands, but he would shake her off, leaving her heartsick.

A music therapist at the facility, Alicia Clair, was searching for ways to help couples like Elsie and Tom connect.
Researchers and clinicians are finding that when all other means of communication have shut down, people remember and respond to music. Familiar songs can help people with dementia relate to others, move more easily and experience joy.
Not just any music will do, though. The trick is finding out what music was popular when the patient was a teen and young adult. Ms. Kate Gfeller said those years are such a powerful time in developing autonomy — a time of first love, learning to drive, getting the first home of one’s own — that people will play the music they heard during those years all their lives, and recall it the longest.
Thank you, Ms. Davidson!

Sara Davidson’s website is

Lynn Scott’s memoir is  A Joyful Encounter: My Mother, My Alzheimer Clients, and Me

Lynn Scott’s blog









I am Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan who teaches my clients (writers, artists) how to reach out, not stress out, before and after publication — identify themes in your manuscripts so that you can rewrite with ease; identify themes in your intellectual properties and create scripts for pitches, query letters, press releases, talking-points, one-minute videos, photo slideshows, and the all-mighty blog. Please visit  and for resources.


Author & Platform/Fanbase-Building Coach Teresa Jade LeYung (formerly Teresa LeYung-Ryan) celebrates New Year 2015 with dear colleagues

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Lynn Scott, Linda Harris, Sheryl Fairchild, Teresa Jade LeYung, Margie Yee Webb


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author Luisa Adams

author Teresa Jade LeYung (formerly Teresa LeYung-Ryan)

author Martha Alderson


authors Luisa Adams, Teresa Jade LeYung, Martha Alderson

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Writing Coaches Teresa Jade LeYung and Mary E. Knippel prepare outline for Teresa's "For Theme's Sake" class for writers and editors

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Carmen Lee of Stamp Out Stigma  I look forward to seeing you soon!



Margaret Davis, Ray Davis, Winifred McCaffrey, Teresa Jade LeYung, Diane Warner


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Teresa Jade LeYung with her Love Made Of Heart trademark - photo by YBK

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Yolande Barial Knight is:

Teresa Jade LeYung and Yolande Barial Knight - photo by Allen Pulido

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Elisa Sasa Southard (Certified Tour Director) is creator of Big City Travel Skills

Sasa Southard and Teresa Jade LeYung brainstorm over breakfast at Sunrise Bistro

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Theme consultant, author, photographer Teresa Jade LeYung

Professor Sheryl Fairchild

Author and photographer Margie Yee Webb

Teresa Jade LeYung, Professor Sheryl Fairchild, Margie Yee Webb meet in Berkeley


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I met with filmmaker / artist Chandra Garsson and had a lively discussion about a new book cover for Love Made of Heart, commenting on facebook to support our colleagues, and movie recommendations.

Chandra Garsson takes photo of the bookcase she was commissioned to paint for author Teresa Jade LeYung (formerly Teresa LeYung-Ryan)

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Dear Vicki Weiland, I wish to see you soon!

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Theme consultant and author Teresa Jade LeYung wishes everyone excellent mental health!







Teresa Jade LeYung (formerly Teresa LeYung-Ryan) is  “Platform & Fanbase-Building Coach Teresa” and Manuscript and Theme Consultant and  . . .

author of:

Love Made of Heart: a Mother’s Mental Illness Forges Forgiveness in Daughter Ruby (novel used by college professors)

Build Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days: Attract Agents, Editors, Publishers, Readers, and Media Attention NOW (workbook)

Coach Teresa’s Blog at


Greetings from Coach Teresa Jade LeYung (formerly Teresa LeYung-Ryan) . . .  I started writing my new memoir at the beginning of the year and by mid-year I have been avoiding crowds and parties. When I’m not presenting at writers’ conferences and writers’ organizations or helping clients build their fanbases, I meet up with colleagues to write and conduct research for my own books.

Coach Teresa Jade LeYung Encourages Hardworking Writers to Have Fun with Colleagues

author Teresa Jade LeYung believes in Libraries Open Doors Open Minds - photo by Sasa Southard


author, traveler, tour director Sasa Southard inspires students to open doors open minds - photo by Coach Teresa Jade LeYung


Margie Yee Webb happy with her new anthology on cats, complements her Cat Mulan book - photo by Coach Teresa Jade LeYung


Vicki Weiland, Teresa Jade LeYung, Margie Yee Webb, Elisa Sasa Southard on Work Retreat



authors Teresa Jade LeYung and Lynn Scott at Legend of Honor, SF - photo by Annie



authors Teresa Jade LeYung and Lynn Scott - photo by Leanna at Melody Cafe (delicious food!), San Francisco


Memoirist Lynn Scott visits neighborhood of her Oldham Street stories - photo by Coach Teresa Jade LeYung



authors Margie Yee Webb and Teresa Jade LeYung working, writing, researching


Plot Whisperer Martha Alderson, Memoirist Luisa Adams, Author and Coach Teresa Jade LeYung - work and eat


Founder of  THE UNLEASHED HOMEMAKER(tm) and “Your Writing Mentor” Mary E. Knippel just called!  She and I calendared 2 work days at her home.  Yahoo!

Founder of THE UNLEASHED HOMEMAKER(tm) and"Your Writing Mentor" Mary E. Knippel and Fanbase-Building Coach Teresa Jade LeYung--photo by Anne Campagnet-Reed


Teresa Jade LeYung, Sheryl Fairchild, Margie Yee Webb at Regional Parks Botanic Garden – photo by Cat Daffer


Teresa Jade LeYung looking forward to being with mentors Margaret Davis, Diane Warner, Winifred McCaffrey soon


On Saturday, Sept. 13, 2014, 7:00pm

I shall be reunited with award-winning author Carol Sheldon when I interview her at her book launch for her third book A Sleuth in Sausalito. This will be the one time that I look forward to a packed house, because I am happy for Carol – she is a brilliant author and a delightful person. Cheers to Carol Sheldon and Left Coast Writers!

by popular demand, Fanbase-Building Coach Teresa Jade LeYung interviews award-winning author Carol Sheldon

at Book Passage, 51 Tamal Vista Blvd, Corte Madera, CA  94925


And, I’ll get to see artist, filmmaker, blogger Chandra Garsson soon!


For fabulous organizations, check out Women’s National Book Association, California Writers Club, and San Francisco Writers Conference.


Fanbase-Building Coach Teresa Jade LeYung (formerly Teresa LeYung-Ryan) helps writers transform email signature blocks, photos, website descriptions, and YouTube videos into platform statements . . . before and after publication.
  • author of Build Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days: Attract Agents, Editors, Publishers, Readers, and Media Attention NOW. Click here for print edition. Click here for Kindle edition.
  • author of Love Made of Heart: a Mother’s Mental Illness Forges Forgiveness in Daughter Ruby
  • author of “Talking to My Dead Mom” monologue series
  • proud member and past officer of Women’s National Book Association-SF Chapter
  • proud member (SF Peninsula, Redwood, Sacramento branches) and past president (San Francisco Peninsula Branch) of California Writers Club


Author and 22-Day Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan on “My Writing Process” Blog Tour

Thank you, writer and poet Michelle Wing, for inviting me to the “My Writing Process” blog tour. Hearty congratulations to you and your collection of poetry, Body on the Wall, debuted just yesterday on May 15, 2014!  Everyone, please check out Michelle’s blog  (about finding the words!), and . And, here’s her post

Michelle Wing







Author & 22-Day Writing Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan says: "Work on your craft and build your name at the same time, with ease."--photo by author Lynn Scott

I am delighted to be on this blog tour. My turn to answer the 4 questions about my writing process.

1)      “What are you working on?” 

Teresa LeYung-Ryan:   I’m smiling as I answer this question.  I am working on two projects.  A prescriptive nonfiction project – Build Your Writing Life In 22 Days (the second workbook in my 22-Day series); and a narrative nonfiction project – I’m actually writing my first memoir.  No more hiding behind the protagonist in my first novel Love Made of Heart: a Mother’s Mental Illness Forges Forgiveness in Daughter Ruby.  By the way . . . the working title of my memoir is Moon Crone Driving Without a Steering Wheel: How this Writer Journeyed Through Early Menopause, Depression, and Love.

Looking at my own blog posts, I see that the muse for my memoir first appeared in October 2012:


2)      How does your work differ from others of its genre? 

Teresa LeYung-Ryan:   There must be other authors who have written/are writing about being a writer, surviving menopause, and living with depression. Probably my work carries a distinctive voice because I am a female Chinese-American immigrant from Hong Kong with these experiences  – lived with a beautiful mother who suffered mental illness and the cruel stigmas; escaped from violence when I was a young woman; worked in a government agency, a public agency, as well as in the private sector; blessed with a caring community of extended family members, colleagues and friends; use all my literary works (fiction and nonfiction) to inspire adult-children of mentally-ill parents to speak openly about the stigmas and find resources for their loved ones AND to speak out against injustice and violent behavior.


3)      Why do you write the subject matters you write about? 

Teresa LeYung-Ryan:   How can I not write about mental illness, stigmas, rejection, joys and sorrows, the immigrant experience, poverty, and saying NO to everyday meanness, injustice, and violence?  The act of writing is the way I express my memories, observations and intentions.  An artist might employ paint, canvas, wood, and metal to do her/his work. I am a writer; therefore I employ words (choice and placement of words) to do mine.


4) What is your writing process? 

Teresa LeYung-Ryan:   As I tell my friends . . . I am pregnant with a memoir.  I write every day.  At bus stops, on public transportation, in waiting rooms (including jury assembly room). I journal to track authentic details, sometimes at the beginning of the day, sometimes at the end.  With the help of Martha Alderson and her Blockbuster Plots and Plot Whisperer books, I am replotting my story. I’ve begun writing scenes and rereading memoirs (including Woven of Water by Luisa Adams)  [ A note to self and all memoirists:  when writing nonfiction, we cannot change the sequence of events for dramatic effect; we cannot embellish or diminish the details; if we do not follow these rules, then we cannot label our work nonfiction. ]

Also, I write editorial memos for manuscript clients and coaching notes for my fanbase-building clients.  I blog as the 22-Day Writing and Platform and Fanbase-Building Coach Teresa.  I love the act of composing/rewriting/restructuring/more rewriting –  these practices help me to really “reach out, not stress out.”

And, I rewrite/update my presentations.  For example, on June 10, 2014, 4:00-5:00om I’ll be in California at the San Mateo County Fair’s Literary Arts Stage  as a feature guest on “3 Short Plays with 3 Playwrights hosted by Darlene Frank” with the other two feature guests Ollie Mae Trost Welch and David Hirzel. I’ll be performing “What Am I Going to Do Now?” which is a new monologue for my “Talking to My Dead Mom” series.

Then on Saturday, June 21, 2014  I morph into Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan when I present “Build/Fortify Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase” at California Writers Club – Tri-Valley Branch in Pleasanton, California.

Soon, I shall be working on presentations for the San Francisco Writers Conference!

Please click here for more info about my events. Please click here for resources for writers – including links to California Writers Club and Women’s National Book Association.

My darling friends/colleagues give me writing retreats – I get so much done when I’m with dear hearts, especially the past two years with Elisa Sasa Southard, Margie Yee Webb, Vicki Weiland, Mary E. Knippel, and Lynn Scott. Thank you writing-sisters!

Also, in June, I’ll be with California Writers’ Club colleagues/mentors including Winifred McCaffrey, Margaret Davis, Diane Warner, Darlene Frank, Bardi Rosman Koodrin, Laurel Anne Hill, Christopher Wachlin (president of SF Peninsula Branch), Mary E. Knippel, and thirty other talented writers. Click here for schedule of literary events with CWC members at the San Mateo County Fair.

Click here for a list of my appearances/workshops (including June 10, 2014 at San Mateo County Fair’s Literary Arts Stage;  June 21, 2014 at California Writers’ Club Tri-Valley Branch in Pleasanton, CA)

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Now I pass the torch to two fabulous colleaguesMary E. Knippel and Yolande Barial – who will be on the “My Writing Process” blog tour, so, please visit them at their blogs on and after Friday, May 23, 2014.

Yolande Barial

Yolande Barial is the proud mother of three remarkable children. She is known as the sensually spiritual poet/writer/blogger and columnist, and, has performed spoken word in venues (including Starbucks) throughout the SF-Oakland Bay Area from 2003 to present. Yolande is a contributing author in 3 anthologies – If Women Ruled the World; Oakland’s Neighborhoods; More of Life’s Spices: Seasoned Sistahs Keepin’ It Real.  Also, she is playwright and director of “Images of the King: A Child’s Dream” (a children’s play), a Red Room author, and contributor to the “Stockton Motherhood” column for Yolande’s column “Mothers Corner” appears monthly in the Tracy Press newspaper. Visit Yolande Barial’s blog


Mary E. Knippel

Mary E. Knippel, author, speaker and writing mentor, is fiercely committed to guiding aspiring authors and entrepreneurs to polish their words so that they sparkle and shine; her clients come to her to get help when they feel paralyzed about where to begin, what to say, and how to make sense of the life-changing messages. A journal writer since the age of eleven, Mary knows the enormous power of the written word. As a two-time breast cancer survivor, she herself relied on writing in her own recovery. Her upcoming book, The Secret Artist: Give Yourself Permission to Let Your Creativity Shine, chronicles the healing results. Check out her online writing classes, writing tips, workshops, upcoming book, and blog


Cheers from

Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan is the author of Build Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days: Attract Agents, Editors, Publishers, Readers, and Media Attention NOW. Click here for print edition. Click here for Kindle edition. “Reach out, not stress out.”

Teresa’s novel Love Made of Heart: a Mother’s Mental Illness Forges Forgiveness in Daughter Ruby is used in college courses and archived at the San Francisco History Center.

Subscribe to  “Coach Teresa’s blog” Click here to start.


Writing Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan here to wish all writers time to write, read, and support other writers.


I wrote a review for author Mary B. French.  She had sent me the link to her YouTube and Amazon pages.

5.0 out of 5 stars Teaching Children How to be a Good Friend, Go after Their Dreams, and Love Themselves

Mary B. French‘s children’s book about Compass (a teddy bear who has special talents) and his human friend Molly (whose parents are separated) teaches readers (young and old) how to be a good friend, go after our dreams, and love ourselves. Also, I learned a few things about English customs, and, how one would go about meeting the Queen. A sweet story!
Cheers to the author of Bear-ly There With Compass and all the protagonists in the story!
Sincerely, 22-day writing and fanbase-building coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan

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 I am reading entries to “Immigrant Experience Writing Contest” which I am sponsoring for the San Mateo County Fair Literary Arts Division and California Writers Club SF Peninsula Branch. Thank you, Bardi Rosman Koodrin, CWC, and everyone who support the many writing contests. Thank you, Professor Sheryl Fairchild, for being co-judge to the contest I’m sponsoring. Bravo to all contestants, for polishing your pieces and submitting to the various contests.

Advice to writers who will be entering their works to any writing contest:  follow guidelines to increase your chance of receiving an award. If the contest’s theme is battling mental illness, write about that; if the contest’s theme is about adopting a pet, write about that.

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Last performance The Year of Magical Thinking will be Sunday April 27, 2014.

Authors Mary E. Knippel, Lynn Scott and I are going to see the play The Year of Magical Thinking by Joan Didion (based on her memoir of the same title), directed by Craig A. Miller, starring Grace Kingsley.  Thank you, director Lennie Dean, for emailing this message:

“If you have a chance see this incredible one-woman play….so well acted and beautifully written . . . .  Call the 6th Street Playhouse in Santa Rosa, CA 707-523-4185

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SPRING ARTS FAIR — Art show, live music, and refreshments. Free and open to all!
Sunday, May 4, 2014, 3:00-6:00pm
(readings are from 4:00-5:00pm)
Congregation Beth Sholom
1301 14th Avenue (near Clement), San Francisco, CA
Pamela Reitman says: ”I am honored to be one of several readers. My current project is based on the life of Charlotte Salomon, who created Life?or Theater?, according to University of Leeds art critic and professor Griselda Pollock, “one of the twentieth century’s most challenging art works.” Charlotte Salomon was a German-Jewish artist in hiding in the South of France, who struggled with the tragic legacy of multiple suicides in her family, to complete a monument to her life in paintings in a race against time before captured by the Nazis.  Hope to see you there!”
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Co-Creators of San Francisco Writers Conference Elizabeth Pomada and Michael Larsen announce that they will be at Book Expo America  Wednesday, May 28 – Saturday, May 31, 2014 at the Javits Center, NYC.  And, tell your writer-friends about San Francisco Writers Conference February 12-15, 2015  Thank you, Elizabeth and Michael, for inviting me to present every year at your fabulous writers’ conference.
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June 7-15, 2014 Meet California Writers Club members at Bardi Rosman Koodrin‘s Literary Arts Stage, Fine Arts Galleria, San Mateo County Fair. June 7, 2014 Writing Contests Awards Ceremony;
Tuesday June 10, 2014 Teresa LeYung-Ryan with other playwrights will deliver short works, hosted by Darlene Frank.
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Saturday, June 21, 2014 Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan will present “Build/Fortify Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase” at California Writers Club – Tri-Valley Branch in Pleasanton, California. Thank you, Paula Chinick  and Blake Heitzman, for inviting me!


Cheers from


Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan is the author of Build Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days: Attract Agents, Editors, Publishers, Readers, and Media Attention NOW. Click here for print edition. Click here for Kindle edition. “Reach out, not stress out.”

Teresa’s novel Love Made of Heart: a Mother’s Mental Illness Forges Forgiveness in Daughter Ruby is used in college courses and archived at the San Francisco History Center.

Subscribe to  “Coach Teresa’s blog” Click here to start.

For other posts in my blog, please go to:

If you’re looking for my blog posts pertaining to our Beautiful Brains and Neuroplasticity…  look at right side of screen, you’ll see the category “Beautiful Brains Neuroplasticity”.  Please click on that category to get those posts.


MARRIAGE MEETINGS FOR LASTING LOVE book launch February 27, 2014


Marcia Naomi Berger asserts that most couples can make love last; they just need to learn how.

Her book is  Marriage Meetings for Lasting Love: 30 Minutes a Week to the Relationship You’ve Always Wanted

All welcome at this author talk and book signing event.

Thursday, February 27,  2014, 7 P.M.  click on Book Passage in Corte Madera, CA

An enjoyable, informative evening, featuring a role-play to demonstrate part of a marriage meeting.

Marcia Naomi Berger, Lynn Scott, Judith Marshall, and I (Teresa LeYung-Ryan) were a writing critique group; two Sundays each month, we met at Book Passage in Corte Madera.

Cheers to Naomi and all couples!


Teresa LeYung-Ryan   aka  22-Day Coach Teresa helps clients identify their themes and archetypes; she is the author of:

Love Made of Heart: a Mother’s Mental Illness Forges Forgiveness in Daughter Ruby (novel used in college courses)

Build Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days: Attract Agents, Editors, Publishers, Readers, and Media Attention NOW (workbook for all genres),

“Talking to My Dead Mom” monologues

Coach Teresa’s website

To subscribe to Coach Teresa’s Blog , please click here.


Lists of Books Referenced in Teresa LeYung-Ryan’s & Mary E. Knippel’s “Be Your Own Editor” session at SFWC

Tool #1   Grounding Reader with the four Ws (Who? When? Where? What?) “What does Protagonist want?” (in prescriptive nonfiction “What does Reader need?”)

Tool #2   Hooking Reader from first page to last with core themes. 

Tool #3     In Fiction & Narrative Nonfiction (both genres are forms of  “story-telling”) — Who are your protagonist, antagonist(s), and other archetypes?


The Accidental Tourist by Anne Tyler

Lost In Yonkers – a play by Neil Simon

Wordsworth! Stop the Bulldozer! children’s picture book by Frances Kawugawa

Love Made of Heart – mother-daughter novel by Teresa LeYung-Ryan

Frankenstein by Mary Shelley

Charlotte’s Web – a children’s classic by E. B. White

Where the Heart Is by Billie Letts

Husbands May Come and Go but Friends are Forever by Judith Marshall

Narrative Nonfiction:

Woven of Water by Luisa Adams

Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert

The Year of Magical Thinking by Joan Didion

The Secret Artist – Give Yourself Permission to Let Your Creativity Shine! by Mary E. Knippel

The Woman Warrior: Memoirs of a Girlhood Among Ghosts by Maxine Hong Kingston

Wisdom Has a Voice: Every Daughter’s Memories of Mother – anthology edited by Kate Farrell

If You Want to Write: A Book about Art, Independence and Spirit by Brenda Ueland

A Joyful Encounter: My Mother, My Alzheimer Clients, and Me by Lynn Scott

A Dreamer’s Guide to Cities and Streams (poetry) by Joan Gelfand

Prescriptive Nonfiction:

Wherever You Go, There You Are by Jon Kabat-Zinn

Cat Mulan’s Mindful Musings: Insight and Inspiration for a Wonderful Life – photo/gift book by Margie Yee Webb

Break Through the Noise: 9 Tools to Propel Your Marketing Message by Elisa Sasa Southard

My Dreams: A Simple Guide to Dream Interpretation by Angie Choi

Help Me Live: 20 Things People with Cancer Want You to Know by Lori Hope

Build Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days: Attract Agents, Editors, Publishers, Readers, and Media Attention NOW  by Teresa LeYung-Ryan

The Plot Whisperer: Secrets of Story Structure Any Writer Can Master by Martha Alderson

TellTale Souls Writing the Mother Memoir: How To Tap Memory and Write Your Story Capturing Character & Spirit by Lynn Cook Henriksen

Correct Me If I’m Wrong: Getting Your Grammar, Punctuation, and Word Usage Right!  by Arlene Miller

Social Media Just for Writers: The Best Online Marketing Tips for Selling Your Books by Frances Caballo

The Book Reviewer Yellow Pages: A Book Promotion Reference Guide for Authors and Small Press Publishers  by Christine Pinheiro  e-book published by

How to Write a Book Proposal by Michael Larsen

The Power of Memoir by Linda Joy Myers

Marriage Meeting Starter Kit  by Marcia Naomi Berger

Simple Abundance: A Daybook of Comfort and Joy by Sarah Ban Breathnach

The Secret Artist – Give Yourself Permission to Let Your Creativity Shine! by Mary E. Knippel

Also, please refer to the SFWC list of presenters

Mary E. Knippel & Teresa LeYung-Ryan teach 'Be Your Own Editor' at SFWC - photo by Margie Yee Webb


Free Webinars –   register with

3 Top Tools for Editing Your Manuscript After You’ve Written Your First Draft  with Coach Teresa

·         April 10, 2013  at 10:30am Pacific Time / 1:30pm Eastern Time

·         April 25, 2013  at 4:30pm Pacific Time /  7:30pm Eastern Time

Writing Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan cares about helping fiction and nonfiction writers build their platforms and work on their craft simultaneously with ease.  She says: “Wear the dual hats as promoter and writer and be happily published. Reach out, not stress out, to materialize your dearest dreams.”


Judith Marshall was in the Critique Group that Lynn Scott, Marcia Naomi Berger and I were members of.

Judith was building her platform while she was writing her novel; Coach Teresa took this photo of Judith at a critique group meeting; this photo has become one of Judith's favorite publicity shots.

Here’s news from Judie!

“I’ve been asked to speak about my writing process and my screen option for Husbands May Come and Go but Friends are Forever at The Chateaus in Pleasant Hill, CA, on Monday, March 11th, 2013 at 1:30 p.m. If you’re in the neighborhood, please come by and say hello.

“Just wanted to let you know that starting tomorrow, March 3rd, 2013, for one week only my novel will be available as an eBook on Smashwords at a 50% discount.  If you know someone who might enjoy the book and who has an eReader other than a Kindle, please pass the information on.  Here’s a link.  Although not discounted, you can access the Kindle and print versions on Amazon by clicking on the title below my signature.  I’m thrilled that the book has now received more than fifty 5-star reviews on Amazon.

“In other news, I’m expecting the first draft of the script from a new screenwriter next week.  Hope this one is a keeper!

“Thanks for your ongoing support.”


Judith Marshall

Author of Husbands May Come and Go but Friends are Forever optioned for the big screen.


Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan cheering for you!

Writing Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan cares about helping fiction and nonfiction writers build their platforms and work on their craft simultaneously with ease.  She says: “Wear the dual hats as promoter and writer and be happily published. Reach out, not stress out, to materialize your dearest dreams.”

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