Posts Tagged ‘Tory Hartmann’

In California . . . Remember the book festival staged at the Yerba Buena Gardens in San Francisco? And, there was the Oakland Literature Expo produced by Kim McMillon and the Sonoma County Book Festival!

This weekend  June 3 and 4, 2017 in Berkeley, California is the Bay Area Book Festival!

Cherilyn Parsons is Founder and Executive Director!


Look for these authors:

Margie Yee Webb, Barbara Santos, Michael Larsen et al at the San Francisco Writers Conference booth.

Rita Lakin (Sunday 11:30am – 1:00pm) and her colleagues at the Sisters In Crime booth.

Nanci Lee Woody, Elise Frances Miller, Laurel Anne Hill, Audrey Kalman,  James Hanna, Tory Hartmann et al from Sand Hill Review Press  And, congratulations to Margaret Davis and Bardi Rosman Koodrin whose novels will be released soon!

Cheers to all authors, publishers, editors, book sellers, readers, artists, City of Berkeley, San Francisco Chronicle, Cherilyn Parsons and her super team, all participants, sponsors, well wishers!

Cheers to AAUW, AAWAA, CLA, CWC, Gold Country Writers, SFWC,  SF Writing For Change, WNBA

Yours truly Teresa LeYung-Ryan has fond memories of the Los Angeles Times Festival of Books (adventures with Elisa Sasa Southard) and the Arizona Book Festival (thank you to friends and book sellers in Phoenix, Scottsdale and Tempe)!

Programs for writers! June 10-17, 2017

presented by California Writers Club members

and the San Mateo County Fair Literary Stage

San Mateo County Fair website:

Map of Fair Grounds:

“Book Festivals, Fairs – Labor of Love, Writing, Reading,” says Writing Coach / Theme Consultant Teresa LeYung-Ryan








I am Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan who teaches my clients (writers, artists) how to reach out, not stress out, before and after publication — identify themes in their intellectual properties and create scripts for pitches, query letters, press releases, talking-points, one-minute videos, photo slideshows, and the all-mighty blog. Please visit  and for resources.

The workbook:
Build Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days: Attract Agents, Editors, Publishers, Readers, and Media Attention NOW – print edition available at Laurel Book Store in Oakland, CA and on Amazon – print edition and Kindle edition!

Programs for writers! June 10-17, 2017

presented by California Writers Club members

and the San Mateo County Fair Literary Stage


Programs on the Literary Stage are FREE. Cheers to Bardi Rosman Koodrin & Super Team!

Admission prices to the fair  Special promotions

Parking prices

Map of San Mateo County Fair Grounds:





Saturday, June 10, 2017, 12:00-7:00pm 

First day of events for writers and readers at San Mateo County Fair’s Literary Stage in Fine Arts Galleria, Expo Hall.
Programs on the Literary Stage are FREE. Cheers to Bardi Rosman Koodrin & Super Team!

Celebrate Bardi Rosman Koodrin’s book launch of NOVELMANIA 4:30-5:30pm!

Bardi Rosman Koodrin welcomes audience to Literary Arts stage at San Mateo County Fair


Sunday, June 11, 2017 Mini Writers’ Conference



12:30-1:00 pm  Contest Entrants read. Participants to be Announced.


1:00-2:00 pm  “Use Core Themes to Rewrite Your Manuscript and Pitches” with

Theme Consultant and Writers’ Platform-Building Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan

Coach Teresa’s workbook will be available – Build Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days: Attract Agents, Editors, Publishers, Readers, and Media Attention NOW


2:00-3:00 pm WANT TO WRITE A CHILDREN’S BOOK? And Get It Published? Award-winning authors Jill Diamond, Eric Lindstrom, JoAnne Stewart Wetzel and Caryn Yacowitz talk about picture books, middle grade novels & YA novels they have written and give tips on writing your own. Their publishers include Scholastic, Alfred A. Knopf, Little, Brown, plus Farrar Straus and Giroux. The authors’ books will be available.

3:00-4:00 pm Nora Profit, Founder of      Everything You Learned About Writing is a Lie: Here’s the Truth.


4:00-5:00 pm Ask the Editors: Nora Profit, Lisa Meltzer Penn, Laurel Anne Hill, Tory Hartmann and Audrey Kalman.


5:00-6:00 pm Private  Writing Consultations: Nora Profit, Lisa Meltzer Penn, Laurel Anne Hill, Tory Hartmann, Audrey Kalman, & Teresa LeYung-Ryan.



6:00-7:00 pm  Panel of Contest Entrants. Participants to be Announced.

Well-known author and speaker Margie Yee Webb will serve as this panel’s moderator.

7:00-7:30 pm   Contest Entrants read. Participants to be Announced.











I am Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan who teaches my clients (writers, artists) how to reach out, not stress out, before and after publication — identify themes in their intellectual properties and create scripts for pitches, query letters, press releases, talking-points, one-minute videos, photo slideshows, and the all-mighty blog. Please visit  and for resources.

The workbook:
Build Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days: Attract Agents, Editors, Publishers, Readers, and Media Attention NOW – print edition available at Laurel Book Store in Oakland, CA and on Amazon – print edition and Kindle edition!


For Writers and Readers!

Literary Stage events June 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13, 2015

California Writers Club Members – at Literary Stage, Fine Arts Galleria, Expo Hall, San Mateo County Fair 2015


California Writers Club Members – “Writers Helping Writers” panel – at Literary Stage, Fine Arts Galleria, Expo Hall, San Mateo County Fair 2015, San Mateo Event Center, CA

"Writers Helping Writers" panel - Audrey Kalman, Lisa Meltzer Penn, Tory Hartmann, Laurel Anne Hill, Margie Yee Webb - Literary Stage, Fine Arts Galleria, San Mateo County Fair June 6, 2015, 3pm-4pm - photo by Shelley Buck


“Due to illness, I had to miss the ‘Writers Helping Writers’ panel on the Literary Stage with colleagues on June 6, 2015. Dear pal Margie Yee Webb (a panelist) had her friendly camera; she asked Shelley Buck to take photos of the panel. Writers helping writers; friends helping friends. My gratitude to friends and colleagues. Margie even got me a copy of Carry the Light the anthology inspired by Bardi Rosman Koodrin, Literary Director at San Mateo County Fair-Fine Arts Galleria.” Sincerely, Teresa LeYung-Ryan

SATURDAY, JUNE 6, 2015, 3:00-4:00 P.M. Fine Arts Galleria, San Mateo County Fair

Audrey Kalman has been writing since she was old enough to hold a pen. She published the novel Dance of Souls in 2011. Her next novel will be published by Sand Hill Review Press. She edited two volumes of Fault Zone, an annual anthology of California writers, and is at work on another novel.

Lisa Meltzer Penn is the founding editor of the edgy Fault Zone anthology series, worked in New York publishing, and is finishing a novel. Lisa loves to work deep into the bones of a story to help writers make their work the best it can be.

Tory Hartmann, Panel Moderator: Managing Editor, Parenting on the Peninsula; Editor at Sand Hill Review Press; Award-winning author of short fiction and nonfiction. “I’ve always been a writer,” Tory says.

Laurel Anne Hill‘s award-winning novel, Heroes Arise, was published in 2007. Her publication credits also include over 25 short stories, most recently in Fault Zone, Tales of Fortannis, How Beer Saved the World, and Shanghai Steam, as well as various short nonfiction pieces. More at

Margie Yee Webb is author/photographer of Cat Mulan’s Mindful Musings: Insight and Inspiration for a Wonderful Life, co-creator of Not Your Mother’s Book . . . On Cats and producer of FEMME: Women Healing the World. She is VP of California Writers Club and President of CWC Sacramento Branch.

Teresa LeYung-Ryan creator of “Immigrant Experience Writing Contest” and For Theme’s Sake: Edit Your Own Manuscript Before Pitching or Self-Publishing (workshops), is author of Build Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days (workbook) and Love Made of Heart: a Daughter, a Mother, a Journey Through Mental Illness (novel)

For full schedule of events on the Literary Stage orchestrated by Bardi Rosman Koodrin, California Writers Club Members, and the team at San Mateo County Fair –  then click on [ Literary Arts on Fine Arts Stage ]

Literary Stage events June 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13, 2015
Boris Koodrin/ Director
Bardi Rosman Koodrin/ Literary Director
Kayte Van De Mark- Art Sales & Volunteers
Rusty Sterling – Photography
Eva Portillo – Day of the Dead
Sue Barizon – Literary Assistant
Laurel Anne Hill – Literary Stage
David Hirzel – Literary Stage
Tory Hartmann – Literary Anthology











authors Margie_Yee_Webb,_Shelley_Buck,_Margaret_Murray_at Literary_Stage - photo_by_Rose_Wallace



Bardi Rosman Koodrin welcomes audience to Literary Arts stage San Mateo County Fair






Teresa LeYung-Ryan aka Writing Coach Teresa who teaches writers how to transform their email signature-blocks, photos, videos, social media, website/blog descriptions into platform statements . . . to attract target audience/readers/fans . . . before and after publication. and

Author & 22-Day Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan proud of fellow members of California Writers Club – San Francisco Peninsula Branch

California Writers Club - San Francisco Peninsula Branch holiday meeting -- photo by 22-Day Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan


Martin Shane Dowd, Christopher Wachlin, Tory Hartmann - photo by 22-Day Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan


Ray & Margaret Davis - sociologist Margaret Davis is author of Straight Down the Middle (the novel)


authors Wendy Walter & Lisa Meltzer Penn


California Writers Club - San Francisco Peninsula Branch members (Darlene Frank with red scarf) - photo by fellow-member Martin Shane Dowd


playwright Ollie Mae Trost Welch


authors Ida J. Lewenstein, Jo Carpignano, C. J. Noonan - photo by 22-Day Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan


friends with CWC members Laurel Anne Hill, Tory Hartmann, David Hill, James Hanna - photo by 22-Day Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan


CWC members Tory Hartmann, Ann Foster, Jo Carpignano - photo by fellow-member & 22-Day Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan


CWC Peninsula Branch Members Dec 14, 2013- seated: Margaret Davis, Carole Bumpus, Elise Frances Miller; standing: Wendy Walter, Laurel Anne Hill, Lisa Meltzer Penn, Audrey Kalman, Teresa LeYung-Ryan - photo by Winston Bumpus


photo by 22-Day Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan


authors Teresa LeYung-Ryan & Wendy Walter - photo by David Hill


Dorcas Cheng-Tozun & Wendy Walter - photo by 22-Day Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan


Audrey Kalman at lecture - members of California Writers Club - San Francisco Peninsula Branch - Dec. 14, 2013 photo by 22-Day Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan






Look for fun events at the 2013 Literary Arts Stage, Fine Arts Galleria (area #4 on Fair Map), Expo Hall, at the San Mateo County Fair, San Mateo, CA  General Info on the San Mateo County Fair

Bardi Rosman KoodrinLiterary Director

Bardi Rosman Koodrin

Literary Events Schedule June 8-15, 2013


Events hosted by the SF/Peninsula Branch of the California Writers Club 
Click to download street map of the area  Look for space #4 which is Fine Arts Galleria in the building on right side of this map; once you’re in the Fine Arts Galleria, look for the Literary Arts stage and California Writers Club members!

Saturday, June 8, 2013

  • 12-1pm – Carry the Light anthology book sale
  • 12:30pm – Copus, a spoken word rap/jazz/fusion band
  • 1-2pm – Welcome Supervisors Warren Slocum and Carole Groom as they announce the first ever San Mateo County Poet Laureate opportunity — a  2-year appointed position for a poet living and creating in San Mateo County! We’ll celebrate with poetry readings and more music from Copus
  • 2-3:30pm – Carry the Light anthology launch and gigantic autograph party - Learn More
  • 4:00-5:00pm – “Editing Your Writing” workshop with Bay Area Writing Coach Teresa LeYung-RyanLearn More
  • 5-6:45pm – Carry the Light Winners’ Circle: first place contest winners (including Margaret Davis, Sue Barizon, Maria Elena Barr, Bernadine Fornesi) will present their submissions - Learn More

Sunday, June 9, 2013

  • 2-3pm – E-Book Workshop Panel moderated by Laurel Anne Hill with Beth Barany, Sandra Saidak, Troy Paiva, and Max Tomlinson - Learn More
  • 3-4pm – Sand Hill Review Press: Why We Write with Tory Hartmann, Marty Sorensen, Jim Hanna, Lisa Meltzer Penn, Mary Burns, and Elise Frances Miller - Learn More
  • 4-5pm – “Pitching and Query Letters” panel with Laurel Anne Hill, Beth Barany, Teresa LeYung-Ryan, Tory Hartmann, and Audrey Kalman - Learn More
  • 5-6pm – First Page Writing Evaluation Sessions: Bring your first page of story or novel for expert critique – Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan, Laurel Anne Hill, Tory Hartmann, and Audrey Kalman.  NOTE: those who attend Coach Teresa’s Saturday June 8, 4:00pm “Editing Your Writing” workshop will go to the top of the sign-up sheet! Learn More
  • 6-7pm – Carry the Light Winners’ Circle: contest winners will present their submissions - Learn More

 Monday, June 10, 2013

2-3pm Laurel Anne Hill: Build  Your Own  Space Alien (A craft project  for children of  all ages)

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

2-3:30pm  Writer’s Journey Workshop:  Darlene Frank

4-5:00pm Wise Women Elder Poets Panel: Jo Carpignano, Ida J. Lewenstein, Ollie Welch. Host: Darlene Frank

5-6:00pm  Three Short Plays –  by Ollie May Trost Welch, Dave Hirzel, Teresa LeYung-Ryan. Host:  Darlene Frank

6-7:00pm  David Hirzel book launch –  Hold Fast

7-8:00pm  Gus Tjaard book  event – Wind  Jamming to China

Wednesday June 12, 2013 – Fault Zone Anthology Reading

7-9pm – Literary Stage in The Fine Arts Galleria, Expo Hall - click here for more details
Fault Zone Authors
Watch The Fault Zone Video

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Frank A Saunders
David Hirzel
Pacifica Poetry
6:30-7pm - Anna Boothe presents: Job Hunting That Works!

Friday, June 14, 2013
Author Presentation by Cheryl & Ellis Levinson
Author Presentation by Minauti Dave, Len Hodgeman & Lois Young

Saturday, June 15, 2013

1-2pm Author Presentation by Ines Villafane-Leon - Learn More
2-4pm Author Book Day Signing - Learn More  line-up of authors below
4-5pm How to Podcast & Create Book Trailers - Learn More
5-6pm Let’s Talk Steampunk! Writing Workshop by Laurel Anne Hill - Learn More

Saturday June 15, 2013, 2:00 to 4:00 pm –  Chat with Bay Area Authors

They’ll gladly sign your book purchases for you! The Literary Stage in the Fine Arts Galleria, Expo Hall.

Audrey Kalman (PDF Bio)
Cheryl & Ellis Levinson (PDF Bio)
David Hirzel (PDF Bio)
Emerian Rich (PDF Bio)
Ezra Barany (PDF Bio)
Frank Saunders (PDF Bio)
Ines Villafane (PDF Bio)
Jon Cory (PDF Bio)
Latoya Ward (PDF Bio)
Lauren Anne Hill (PDF Bio)
Len Hodgeman (PDF Bio)
Lois Young (PDF Bio)
Mary Burns (PDF Bio)
Max Tomlinson (PDF Bio)
Minauti Dave (PDF Bio)
Sumiko Saulson (PDF Bio)
Tina Gibson (PDF Bio)
Virigina Thompson (PDF Bio)
Winifred McCaffrey (PDF Bio)

Bardi Rosman Koodrin Interview with Arts In the Valley - Listen Here

Meet The Writers Behind Our Sponsored Contests:

Teresa LeYung-Ryan (bio)
Frank Kahren (bio)
Laurel Anne Hill (bio)

100 Artists for Literacy Benefit - View More Info

How to Submit and Entry into a Literary Contest - View Here

Download the complete Literary Arts Galleria Book - Download Here

Phillip’s Wild African Predators and Prey - Click For More Info




Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan

author of:

Build Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days: Attract Agents, Editors, Publishers, Readers, and Media Attention NOW (the workbook)

Love Made of Heart (the mother-daughter novel used in college composition classes; book is archived at the San Francisco History Center)

Answer Me Now  (the award-winning short play)

and speeches advocating mental health and end violence against women and children

Click here for a list of Coach Teresa’s event.  for more resources.

Coach Teresa says: “Wear the dual hats of writer and promoter. Reach out, not stress out.”

Writers at “Pitch-O-Rama: Meet the Agents, Editors, and Publishers”  – San Francisco, CA

Pitch your novel, memoir, biography, autobiography, science fiction, fantasy, mystery, thriller, graphic novel, romance, how to, children’s book, etc.


April 13, 2013 morning in San Francisco “Pitch-O-Rama: Meet the Agents, Editors, and Publishers” – register through Women’s National Book Association (Teresa LeYung-Ryan, Mary E. Knippel and Catharine Bramkamp will be coaching attendees before and after they pitch)

Peter Beren

Nancy Fish

Tory Hartmann

Brenda Knight

Michael Larsen

Linda Joy Myers

Elizabeth Pomada

Lara Perkins

Alan Rinzler

Andy Ross

Brooke Warner

Erin Wiegand


Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan says: "Hook attention with your themes, the four Ws (what, who, when, where) and who YOU are . . . when you pitch to agents, acquisition editors, and publishers."


Coach Mary E. Knippel says: "If you're given only 6 minutes with an agent, use your time wisely. Save 3 minutes for the agent to give you advice."




**April 13, 2013 in San Francisco “Small Press Publishers Panel & Luncheon” – register through Women’s National Book Association (must also register for “Pitch-O-Rama” in order to attend luncheon)

Brooke Warner of She Writes Press and Brenda Knight of Cleis Press & Viva Editions


Betsy Graziani Fasbinder   Fire & Water

Featured Authors: Betsy Graziani Fasbinder and Maggie Oman Shannon

In both her works of memoir and fiction, Betsy Graziani Fasbinder explores the unending complications of people living, working, and loving one another. Her debut novel is a dark love story, lightened with the balm of humor and tempered with the comfort of deep and true friendship. Fire & Water (She Writes Press, March 2013) is Kate Murphy’s story of navigating the treacherous territory of passionate love with friendship and family devotion as the only anchor that can keep her from losing all. Betsy will have her book for sale and signing.

Maggie Oman Shannon is an interfaith minister, spiritual director, and workshop and retreat facilitator. She is the author of five books, including Prayers for Healing. She is serving as the spiritual director of the Unity Spiritual Center of San Francisco. In Crafting Calm: Projects and Practices for Creativity and Contemplation, a D.I.Y. guide to peace of mind, Maggie Oman Shannon explores crafts and creativity as a spiritual practice providing enormous benefits. Shannon takes a rich “potpourri approach” that weaves together interviews, historical facts, “Soul Craft” projects for readers, quotations, and suggested resources with a broad assortment of spiritual practices gathered from crafts communities around the world, as well as from everyday people who have adopted creative forms of spiritual practice.

* * * * * * *

**Many thanks to Committee Co-Chair Kate Farrell (WNBA-SF Chapter VP) and Committee Members Linda Lee (WNBA-SF Chapter Co-President), Linda Joy Myers (WNBA-SF Chapter Co-President), Betsy Fasbinder,  Jane Glendinning, Sherry Nadworny, Susan Pace-Kochand, Catharine Bramkamp, and Mary E. Knippel (Past President) ! Many thanks to WNBA-SF Chapter Membership Chair Ana Manwaring,  Blog Editor Patricia V. Davis,  Social Media Manager Frances Caballo, Secretary Teresa LeYung-Ryan, and Immediate-Past-President Lynn Henriksen too!


See you there!

Coach Teresa

Writing Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan cares about helping fiction and nonfiction writers build their platforms and work on their craft simultaneously with ease.  She says: “Wear the dual hats as promoter and writer and be happily published. Reach out, not stress out, to materialize your dearest dreams.”




I’m so happy for the contributing authors in Fault Zone: Words from the Edge (the California Writers Club-San Francisco Peninsula branch’s anthology). Available at Kepler’s Books & Magazines.

Ann Foster

Bardi Rosman Koodrin

Carole Bumpus

Cheryl S. Levinson

Christopher Wachlin

Darlene Frank

David Hirzel

Diane Moomey

Elise Frances Miller

Eve Visconti

Ida Lewenstein

James Hanna

Jo Carpignano

Laurel Anne Hill

Linda Newman

Lisa Meltzer Penn (also editor)

Lucy Ann Murray

Margaret Davis

Martha Clark Scala

Mil Pribble

Ollie Mae Trost Welch

Tia Creighton

Tory Hartmann

“For writers who want to study the craft and for readers who love engaging stories and poems, the anthology Fault Zone: Words from the Edge fits the bill. How to entertain with humor, suspense, poignancy? All here. Bravissimo, California Writers Club authors and editors!”  Teresa LeYung-Ryan, author, manuscript consultant, writing career coach

Teresa is author of Love Made of Heart

Teresa is author of Build Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days: Attract Agents, Editors, Publishers, Readers, and Media Attention NOW


Coach Teresa, how do I build fame as a writer?

Writing Career Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan here to say: “Use what you know to build fame. Use your three intertwining circles. Be yourself. Have fun.”

Contact me if you would like to invite me to your writers’ club.  My email address is on my website:  Writing Career Coach Teresa LeYung Ryan

I had so much fun yesterday with California Writers Club–San Francisco Peninsula branch members at the San Mateo County Fair.

Mary Knippel, Teresa LeYung Ryan, Martin Shane Dowd (far right in photo) and California Writers Club Fault Zone anthology contributing authors Ann Foster, Darlene Frank, Tory Hartmann, Lisa Meltzer Penn editor, Bardi Rosman Koodrin, Christopher Wachlin



Congratulations to the Writers Who Entered The Immigrant Experience Writing Contest!

Sponsored by Teresa LeYung-Ryan, author of  Love Made of Heart and Build Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days: Attract Agents, Editors, Publishers, Readers, and Media Attention NOW

Patricia Tsang first place winner in 2011 Immigrant Experience Writing Contest created and sponsored by Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan

First place winner:  “My Chinese American Experience” by Patricia Tsang

Second place winner: “Dancing Among the Tombstones” by Ellen Six

Third place winner: “Culture Shock” by Lucy Murray

Honorable Mention: “Message Deleted” by Evie Groch

Honorable Mention: “Caught in the Current” by Uldis Zebergs

Honorable Mention: “The Luck of the Irish” by Martha Traynor



Thank you, Boris Koodrin, Fine Arts Director at the San Mateo County Fair!

Thank you a thousand times, Bardi Rosman Koodrin, Literary Arts Director, for your big-hearted spirit and courage!

“Reach out, not stress out, when building your fame!”


Writing Career Coach Teresa LeYung Ryan

author of Love Made of Heart

author of Build Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days: Attract Agents, Editors, Publishers, Readers, and Media Attention NOW


Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan helps fiction and nonfiction writers build their platforms and fanbases before and after publication.



Even if you missed the writing workshops and author presentations this weekend or can’t attend the upcoming ones, you can go to the presenters’ websites to check out their other events. Use search engines (Google, Yahoo, Bing) to find people & events.

2010 San Mateo County Fair, California


Our stage is located in the Fiesta Hall

Try to park as close to Gate C (where the big white tent is) because that’s closest to Fiesta Hall (the second building from the south end of the fairgrounds)

San Mateo County Fair fine arts stage map for literary events

Literary programs are free. or 650 574-3247 for county fair admission/ticket info.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

12:00 12:45  Entertainment by Red Desert Dance Company, under the direction of Marie

Soderlund: a Bay Area Dance Troupe

12:45 1:30  Fine Arts Dept Awards Ceremony

Tribute to Darlene Harney

Special Fine Arts Awards, Best of Show, category sponsors & winners

1:30    2:30  Creative nonfiction workshop with Geri Spieler: “The Housewife Assassin:

Local Girl Takes Aim,” Or, how a sweet girl from a nice family turned deadly

2:30 3:30  Sci Fi/Fantasy Workshop with Laurel Anne Hill: Building New Worlds and

Creating Compelling Characters:  Writing Fantasy and Science Fiction

3:30  4:15  Awarding the Heroes Arise novel chapter contest and winners’ readings

4:15  6:30   Awarding SciFi/Fantasy short story contest and winners’ readings

Literary Winners Circle readings – short stories, essays, and poems by winners Philip Gin, Yvonne Dechant Lorvan, Roberta Woo (Best of Show, Poetry), Bwawna Panwar, and others

Sunday, June 13

9:00 1:30  Regional youth piano recital

1:30  2:45     Music by COPUS, an indigenous fusion Renaissance funk ensemble

2:45  3:15     Verna Dreisbach’s Capitol City Young Writers literary/musical group

3:15 4:15    Workshop with literary agent Verna Dreisbach

4:15 4:30  Presenting The Why We Ride award and winner’s reading

4:30 5:30  The Power of Memoir Workshop with Linda Joy Myers

5:30 6:00  Presenting the Power of Memoir prize & winners’ readings

6:00  7:00  Literary Winners Circle readings – short stories, essays, and poems by

contest winners Lucy Murray (Best of Show, Essay), Melanie Denman, Philip Gin, Yvonne Dechant Lorvan, Roberta Woo and others

Monday, June 14

12:30 1:30  Teen writer SeanTraynor reading his award-winning children’s short stories

Celeste McCarty: Performance poetry

1:30 2:30  Theater Games: Lead with your Team! for children ages 7-12 with Royd Hatta

2:30    3:30  Shu-Hsien Ho Step into a World of Fantastic Creatures: Creative Writing for Kids 3:30 4:30  Beth Barany 12 Stages of the Writer’s Adventure Workshop

4:30 5:15  Music by Maureen Brennan, Harp Soloist

6:00 7:00  Entertainment by Red Desert Dance Company, under the direction of Marie

Soderlund: a Bay Area Belly Dance Troupe

Tuesday, June 15

3:30 5:00  Open Mic readings: Ida Lewenstein, Ollie Welch, Larry Stewart, Jo

Carpignano, Darlene Frank

5:00 6:00  Joyce Robins Memoir Workshop: “Aunt Lydia’s Trousseau”

6:00 6:40  Open Mic readings:  Sal Zohar, David Hirzel, Margaret Davis

6:40 7:00  Tory Hartmann, President SF/Peninsula California Writers Club Awarding The Most  Promising Writer of the Year & winner’s reading

7:00 8:00  Workshop with CWC member Mary Hanna: How to Write Funny: Tips and

Tricks to Liven Up Your Writing

8:00 9:00  Workshop with CWC member Mary Knippel: Coaxing Creativity

9:00  10:00  Poetry performance by Celeste McCarty

Wednesday, June 16

11:00 4:00  Onsite Painting with Karlene Ryan in the Fine Art department

3:00  6:00              Self-publishing Workshop with Celeste McCarty

Poetry performance

Fiction Genre Workshop with Frank Kahren, “Brand Loyalty,” and Anastasia

Blackwell, “The House on Blue Lake”

6:00 7:00  Performance by Judgement Day, a three piece “string metal” band

7:00 8:00  Performance by singing group Ol’ Blue Genes

Thursday, June 17

3:00 4:00  Blessing Ceremony by the Deeksha Givers

Honoring “Carry the Light” recipient Bob Squeri

4:00 5:00  Stacey Grewal Gratitude Workshop

5:00 6:00  Soldiers Angels presentation

6:00 7:30  Entertainment by Red Desert Dance Company, under the direction of Marie

Soderlund: a Bay Area Belly Dance Troupe

Friday, June 18

2:00 3:00  Performance by Judgement Day, a three piece “string metal” band

Saturday, June 19

Local Authors Book Day with Beth Barany, Anastasia Blackwell, Elizabeth Block, Jo Carpignano, Ellen Chong, Jon Cory, George Cunningham, M.D., Margaret Davis, Darlene Frank, Stacey Grewal, Mary Hanna, Tory Hartmann, Vinnie Hansen, David Hirzel, Kimmelin Hull, Frank Kahren, Mary Knippel, Ines Villafane-Leon, Judith Marshall, Celeste McCarty, Joyce Robins, Teresa LeYung Ryan, Geri Spieler, and others.

12:00 12:45  Author check-in and set-up

12:45 1:15  Roving MC Tory Hartmann introducing book fair participants

1:15  2:00  Audience participation: Guess Who’s the Liar? with mystery writers Vinnie

Hansen, Frank Kahren, and Beth Barany

2:00 3:00  Panel: So You Want to Write a Novel: Four Bay Area novelists discuss

their experiences and offer tips for aspiring fiction writers.  Meet Teresa

LeYung Ryan, Margaret Davis, Judith Marshall, and Jon Cory; moderated by

Geri Spieler

3:00 3:30  Q&A: Author Q&A: Publishing –the traditional route or self-publish?

3:30 4:30  Where Memoir and Fiction Cross Over with Elizabeth Block

4:30 5:00  Q&A: OK, so you’ve written your book.  Now how do you promote yourself?

5:00 and on  Anastasia Blackwell presents: Creative Marketing for Authors: an evening of

collaboration using various artists and art forms to market your book.

Sunday, June 20

Mid-day Entertainment by Red Desert Dance Company, under the direction of Marie

Soderlund: a Bay Area Belly Dance Troupe

Other performances to be announced

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Bardi Rosman Koodrin!

See you there!


Teresa LeYung Ryan

Writing Career Coach Teresa says: “Build your name, beat the game, be happily published.”


Teresa LeYung Ryan uses her novel Love Made of Heart to:

  • celebrate immigrants
  • inspire adult-children of mentally-ill parents to speak openly about the stigmas that their parents suffer
  • help survivors of family violence find their own voices



Linda Joy Myers

Last year on a panel at the San Mateo County Fair/Peninsula Festival,  I had so much fun with buddies Martha Alderson and Luisa Adams and moderator Tory Hartmann.  This year buddy Margaret Davis asked if I would like to be on a panel with her. So, two months ago,  when Bardi Rosman Koodrin at San Mateo County Fair asked me if I wanted to present again, I said “yes!” She’s a joy to work with.

2010 San Mateo County Fair Peninsula Festival logo

How to Prepare for a Presentation as a Panelist

Margaret Davis did a load of work identifying California Writers Club members who have published novels, and would be available on Saturday June 19, 2010 at 2:00pm to be on the panel at the San Mateo County Fair/Peninsula Festival. The four panelists:  Margaret Davis, Jon Cory, Judith Marshall, Teresa LeYung Ryan.

Margaret came up with a fabulous title and description for our talk:

Four Bay Area novelists discuss their experiences and offer tips for aspiring fiction writers.

Margaret also asked us for our bios and photos and she emailed the compilation to Bardi.

Geri Spieler graciously said “Yes” to being our moderator and asked each panelist to provide questions and topics that we would like to cover.  Here are Geri’s questions and the answers I emailed to her:

Geri:  I’ll introduce you so please send me no more than three sentences about you and your work.

  • Author Teresa LeYung Ryan wears two hats.  As a novelist, she uses her book Love Made of Heart to shed light on secret agonies suffered by mothers and daughters in domestic violence.  As a writing career coach and creator of Build Your Name, Beat the Game: Be Happily Published, Teresa helps writers identify their mission statements to attract agents, publishers and fans.

Geri:  Send me two questions regarding writing craft.

  • Teresa, in interviews you’ve revealed that the themes and subject matters in Love Made of Heart are autobiographical.  Did you start out writing a memoir or a novel?
  • Teresa, would you share one trade secret about story-telling?

Geri:  Please communicate with the other three panelists if you don’t already know each other. I know Margaret Davis and Judith Marshall; I will study Jon Cory’s website.

Geri:  Please tell me anything particularly unique about you that pertains to your writing

  • “I am the only Teresa LeYung Ryan (my middle name LeYung was created to honor my mom), but, my protagonists represent the many women, children and men who survived similar experiences that I have.  I was a witness to domestic violence–a girl who felt helpless, ashamed, angry, guilty and voiceless. Decades later, I found a way to help the child-in-my-heart. Through the characters in Love Made of Heart, I encourage survivors of violence and witnesses to violence to find and fortify their own voices through writing.”  Teresa LeYung Ryan


Margaret Davis (Straight Down the Middle) is a sociologist who is also the author of Families in a Working World and A Practical Guide to Organization Design.  Her second novel, Katie Carlisle, will be available soon.

Jon Cory (A Plague of Scoundrels).  Retirement enabled him to return to creative writing after a career in business.  His debut novel received the 2009 Independent Publishers’ Silver Medal Award for popular fiction.

Judith Marshall (Husbands May Come and Go but Friends are Forever) is the owner of Kelso Books, a publishing house.  Husbands has been optioned for the screen and her second novel, Staying Afloat, will be available soon.

Teresa LeYung Ryan used her novel Love Made of Heart to shed light on secret agonies sufferered by mothers and daughters in domestic violence.  She is also a writing career coach and creator of Build Your Name, Beat the Game: Be Happily Published.

Moderator:  Geri Spieler, author of Taking Aim at the President 650 574-3247  for ticket info. Parking lot is on Saratoga, 1 block before the street dead-ends at Delaware (south side of fairgrounds).

Stage is located in the Fine Arts Dept, which is in the Fiesta Building on the San Mateo Event Center fairgrounds. Vendors have the center block of space, we are in our own separate 2 large room type space and the stage is midpoint. (the technology dept is on other side of vendors).

2010 fine arts stage, Fiesta Bldg, San Mateo County Fair, CA

So, after I attend the Saturday June 19, 2010, 10:00am-noon  California Writers Club  meeting with fellow members for our last meeting before the summer ,  Margaret Davis and I will head out to the San Mateo County Fair, Fiesta Hall, Fine Arts stage to meet up with Judie, Jon, Geri and Bardi.  Hope to see you there!  2:00-3:00pm June 19, 2010


Teresa LeYung Ryan

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