Sunday, June 21, 2020, 2:00pm-4:30pm PST





poster created by Shellee Randol of Randol Graphics

Line-Up of POETS on June 21, 2020, 2:00pm-4:30pm PST

Kim McMillon

John Curl

Rafael J. Gonzalez

Peggy Morrison

Raymond Nat Turner

Zigi Lowenberg

Wanda Sabir

Jose Hector Cadena

Eugene Redmond

Iris De Anda

Sonia Gutierrez

Genny Lim


Kathryn Takara

Kim McMillon, Ph.D. World Cultures emphasis on Black Arts Movement and African American Literature; President of the UC Merced African Diaspora Student Association

Meeting ID: 851 8384 7427

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Meeting ID: 851 8384 7427

Kim McMillon, Ph.D. in World Cultures (with an emphasis on the Black Arts Movement and African American Literature)!  Historian! Activist!  Historian!  Educator!  Poet!  Playwright!  Performer!  Book Author!
 1.  Why do you believe the issue of racism is important?

2. Do you believe the individual can make a difference in a racist society?

3.  Have you ever been confronted with racism and how did you handle it?

4.  What do you tell your children about racism in the United States today?

5.  Do you believe it is possible to understand racial oppression if you are not a person of color?

6.  The title of the Poetathon is “Wake-Up America.”  What do you see America needing to Wake-Up from?

On June 21, 2020, 2:00pm-4:30pm PST, I, Teresa Jade LeYung, shall be in the audience listening to Kim McMillon, Ph.D. and her fellow poets.


author Teresa Jade LeYung, mask by Emily O, June 2020 COVID-19 pandemic


Love Made Of Heart ®
Teresa Jade LeYung, American naturalized citizen of Chinese ancestry, is a manuscript-theme consultant, author of Love Made Of Heart (archived at the San Francisco History Center), Build Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days, and Talking To My Dead Mom monologues, and, an advocate for public libraries and public schools.
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One Response to “POETATHON “WAKE-UP AMERICA!” with Black Arts Movement Historian Kim McMillon and 13 Poets, Part 1”

  • admin says:

    Dear Dr. Kim McMillon and All You Awesome Poets,

    YOU were/are ALL Magnificent!

    Thank you for empowerment! “Wake Up America!” 2020
    June 21 and July 12

    THANK YOU!!!!!!!

    I wish you and everyone around you safety, kindness, excellent health, clear water, blue sky, delicious eats, and sweet laughter!

    author Teresa Jade LeYung

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