I am so upset; I don’t get upset often.  I heard words that made me angry for my friend.  Today, my friend told me: “My doctor says I’m demented.”

I could not believe my ears. What happened to “Be impeccable with your word” in The Four Agreements?  Didn’t this doctor read the book?

In that little powerful book, Don Miguel Ruiz gives readers [ Agreement #1. Be Impeccable With Your Word: Speak with integrity. Say only what you mean. Avoid using the word to speak against yourself or to gossip about others. Use the power of your word in the direction of truth and love. ]  http://www.miguelruiz.com Ruiz’s books are based on Toltec teachings.

When I see my friend, I will show her another beautiful book.  Learn to Power Think by Caterina Rando, published by Chronicle Books. The book’s subtitle is: A practical Guide to Positive and Effective Decision Making.  On the back cover, the words “change your thinking change your life” make me smile.

Words are powerful–our using them can create compassion or contempt, peace or war.

May all healthcare providers and receivers (including yours truly) get to practice all 4 agreements in The Four Agreements and the wisdom in Learn to Power Think.


Teresa LeYung Ryan

“My blog is to encourage you to transform your experiences into powerful stories.”

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One Response to “Words Are Powerful”

  • Sherry says:

    The Four Agreements is such a complex, simple book. It’s kind of like a primer for life, if we could only remember this on a daily or even moment to moment basis. Words hold amazing power to create and destroy. I loved the book. I just wrote a post called “Being Impeccable With Your Word” and would love your feedback. Namaste, Sherry
    Daily Spiritual Tools

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