September through October 14, 2012

Platform-Building and Writing Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan says: “My deep gratitude to colleagues who have endorsed me on LinkedIn in September and October 2012.  If other colleagues / clients have endorsed me but I haven’t received notification, please let me know by emailing me or submitting a comment to this post.  Thank you so much! To submit a comment: click on the headline/title bar of this post, scroll down to the end of this post, fill in the boxes, and press the [submit comment] button.”

I thank:

Barbara Toboni  –  video of Barbara reading her poetry

Carol Sheldon, author, playwright, actress, poet, novelist; Carol’s mystery Mother Lode received BAIPA award for Best Fiction

Elaine Webster  President of Redwood Writers; author of multiple books

Kathryn (Kay) Mehl Miller – author of Living with the Stranger In Me: An Exploration of Aging

Kim McMillon – playwright, Arts In the Valley radio show producer, event producer, teaching assistant at U.C. Merced.  Kim is flying to Hawaii to help Vince McMillon, creator of the 1st Annual Hilo Coconut Festival,  Saturday, Oct. 20, 2012 at Mokuola (Coconut Island).  Free to the public.

Linda C. McCabe – author of the historical novel Quest of the Warrior Maid

Mary E. Knippel, founder of The Unleashed Homemaker

Mona Mechling – memoirist; creator of The Fridge Magnet Chronicles

Sandy Baker – author of Mrs. Feeny & the Grubby Garden Gang

Steve (Fredericks) Liddick – author at Top Cat Publications

Thonie Hevron – Suspense stories that navigate the murky waters of right and wrong–on both sides of the law

Here are some organizations that connect these colleagues to me:

California Writers Club – Santa Rosa Branch aka Redwood Writers

California Writers Club – Marin Branch

California Writers Club – Sacramento Branch

California Writers Club – San Francisco Peninsula Branch

Writers Forum Petaluma with Marlene Cullen

Wisdom Has A Voice with Kate Farrell

Napa Writers Network

National Association of Memoir Writers with Linda Joy Myers

Women’s National Book Association

Have you seen Coach Teresa interviewed by Frank Mallicoat on CBS Channel 5?





Cheering for writers and readers and everyone who has a story in her/his heart!


Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan







Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan, what happened on Sunday Feb. 19, 2012 at San Francisco Writers Conference?


Here’s another example on how to help yourself by helping your loyal pals.  It’s the fourth and last day of the fabulous conference.

On the first day  of SFWC (Thursday Feb. 16, 2012) I had arrived at the Mark Hopkins by 12:30pm–saw dear friends; rehearsed with Mary E. Knippel and fine-tuned my portion of our presentation “Be Your Own Editor” (scheduled for 6:00pm that day). What happened? Here’s that post.

On the second day of SFWC (Friday Feb. 17, 2012) My presentation ” Blowing Up Your Balloon: Writing a Tagline That Will Sell You and Your Book” with Elisa Sasa Southard was scheduled for 9:00am and I put on my “Story Consultant/Platform-Building Coach” combo hat and met with over a dozen authors one on one. Here’s that post.

On the third day of SFWC (Saturday Feb. 18, 2012)  I put on my “Story Consultant/Platform-Building Coach” combo hat again and met with over 30 authors one on one.  Here’s that post.

On the fourth and last day of SFWC (Sunday Feb. 19, 2012) . . . here are some highlights:




Sasa Southard checks details for her San Francisco Literary Tour scheduled for 11:00am Feb. 19, 2012 for SFWC registrants


Sasa Southard (wearing blue beret) gives SFWC registrants her signature San Francisco Literary Tour 2012 Feb 19--tour begins in front of Club Fugazi


Sasa Southard makes her SF Literary Walking Tour fun for everyone--photo by Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan



I said goodbye to Tour Director Sasa Southard, Joyce Turley and the other folks at Washington Square. Then I walked to Mason Street to catch a cable car.  While walking up Mason Street toward the Mark Hopkins, I ran into Lori Henriksen and her partner. Lori, I can’t wait to read your book! Happy platform-building!

Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan so delighted to run into novelist Lori Henriksen (right) and her partner on Mason Street on last day of SFWC

I got to the Six Continents room and was delighted to see Rebecca Martin & Lori Noack assisting our pal Martha Alderson.  Mary E. Knippel was there too. Linda Lee had been with them in the morning, while I was with Sasa Southard.


Plot Whisperer Martha Alderson presents at SFWC


Also, I was happy to see Kenneth Ogalvie, Christopher Eng and Joanne Huspek at Plot Whisperer Martha’s enlightening session. Creating plotline is “a must” not only for fiction but also for narrative nonfiction.


Plot Whisperer Martha Alderson answers questions from fans


master-mind members Mary Knippel, Rebecca Martin, Plot Whisperer Martha Alderson, Lori Noack, Teresa LeYung-Ryan at SFWC 2012 (Linda Lee was somewhere in the building helping other writers; Luisa Adams was with her family)


Story Consultant & Editor Teresa LeYung-Ryan happy to see Joanne Huspek at Martha Alderson's breakout session "How to Plot"--photo by Christopher Eng


In the hallway I ran into dear Kathi Kamen-Goldmark (so good to see Kathi!) and Sam Barry (good to see Sam too). I’ll be blogging about Kathi real soon.


Kimberly Edwards & Nina Amir & Margie Yee Webb with Marty Castleberg at SFWC--last day of the most wonderful conference



Practice Aloha / SuperWoman Barbara Santos gets shoulder massage from Plot Whisperer Martha Alderson


Martha Alderson & Teresa LeYung-Ryan & Lolly Winston & Laurie Fox inspire SFWC writers--photo by Tara Farquhar thepennedartist

One of the biggest rewards was having a moment with dear Laurie Fox and Lolly Winston with my pal Martha Alderson. I was overjoyed.

Vicki Weiland and Luisa Adams, how I missed you both.  You both had emailed/called before the conference commenced. I love you gals.

Andy Jones invites Plot Whisperer Martha Alderson to his radio show--photo by Writers' Platform-Building Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan


Just when Martha and I were about to walk out of the Rooms of the Dons (a.k.a. SFWC’s Café Ferlinghetti), Leigh Anne Lindsey of SeaStorm Press entered with a “real” video camera and asked me about the 2 sessions I co-presented on Thursday night and Friday morning. Leigh Anne is a colleague through Women’s National Book Association (WNBA) and California Writers Club (CWC).  Robbi Bryant was with Leigh Anne–always fun to see them.

From reviewing the program, I know there were another 20 WNBA members who were at SFWC but I didn’t get to chat with them.  Linda Joy Myers, co-president of WNBA-SF Chapter and founder of National Association of Memoir Writers (NAMW), had orchestrated the WNBA exhibit at the conference!

Story Consultant & Writers' Platform-Building Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan & Plot Whisperer Martha Alderson at Nob Hill Cafe SF--photo by author Margie Yee Webb


Cat Mulan's Mindful Musings Margie Yee Webb, Kimberly Edwards & Sheila McDonald meet at Nob Hill Cafe after working 4 days and inspiring writers at SFWC--photo by Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan


the end of a lovely conference--lovely food at Nob Hill Cafe--thank you, Plot Whisperer, for the delicious treat.


When the 5 of us got back to the Mark Hopkins, Elizabeth Pomada asked if we wanted the lush centerpieces (garden-in-pots).  I was already schlepping my-show-in-suitcase, so, I didn’t have room for one.  However thank you so much, Elizabeth!  Buddy Martha Alderson gave me a ride to downtown San Francisco; I  walked into Nordstrom, found a quiet spot to unwind, read some pages from Mary Jo McConahay’s Maya Roads: One Woman’s Journey Among the People of the Rainforest (cannot put down this spellbinding read) before meeting with Birgit Soyka to return her camera tripod.

Thank you, buddy Mary E. Knippel, for orchestrating the independent editors program and to all the wonderful volunteers who kept everyone on schedule on Friday and Saturday in the Garden Room!

Thank you, Elizabeth Pomada & Michael Larsen, Barbara Santos & Richard Santos, Laurie McLean, Linda Lee, every volunteer, every SFWC advisory board member and sponsor, SFWC organizational team, Patrick and his team, all fellow co-presenters, speakers, registrants, Mark Hopkins team, and everyone (online, in-person) who played a role in making the conference the most delightful event of the year!

I was “high” going home. It’s two weeks later, I’m still high.  How I love being the Story Consultant & Writers’ Platform-Building Coach.


Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan

“Reach out, not stress out, to materialize your dearest dreams!”

to sneak preview the exercises for Day 1 & Day 2, go to Amazon books


Build Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days: Attract Agents, Editors, Publishers, Readers, and Media Attention NOW

As editor/story consultant, Coach Teresa helps her clients polish their manuscripts by identifying their themes, universal archetypes, front-story and back-story.

Her novel Love Made of Heart is used in college composition classes. Thank you, Teachers & Students!



Coach Teresa, do I really have to blog often to build my platform?

A gracious author emailed me a poignant question after today’s tele-roundtable discussions (sponsored by Linda Joy Myers and National Association of Memoir Writers ).

I will reveal her name if she wishes. For now, I’ll respond to Gracious Author’s concerns in a way that will hopefully help her and other hardworking writers to “reach out, not stress out, while building your platform.”

I’ll paraphrase  Gracious Author’s dilemma:

“Coach Teresa, you said we are experts of our experiences and to make our names synonymous with the themes/subject matters/issues we write about.  I don’t want to blog about my traumatic experiences; and, I’m writing a genre that makes me happy. What to do?”

Remember my closing statement at the tele-roundtable discussions?

“You deserve to make your dearest dreams come true. Wear your 2 hats:  polish the craft; building your platform to help your fans find you.”

If a task doesn’t give you joy, do something else.

Who was the author on the tele-roundtable discussions who said she has written a happy story (growing up in the 1950s)? This author could be blogging about other books, movies, music, art, world events from that decade. Or focusing on that city/town/neighborhood.  Be the expert. Be the resource.

You love writing screenplays or plays?

Who are the screenwriters and playwrights you respect?

What are the themes in their projects?

What are the themes in your project?

What if I blogged about these writers who inspire me and about their protagonists?

What if I blogged about the writers who inspired the writers who inspire me?

Blog about the music or the setting or the historical figures in your work and the works similar to yours.

Example:  I have many books in my library that I want to read. Bastard Out of Carolina (by Dorothy Allison) is one of them. Last year I was a presenter at San Francisco Writers Conference.   A month before the event, I found out that Dorothy Allison was going to be a keynote speaker. So, I started reading her novel. What a page-turner!

At the conference I ran into Dorothy in the hallway and I told her what page I was on. I saw her again when she was on a panel about banned books (moderated by Barbara Santos). Dorothy Allison is someone I wanted to blog about.

In my blog post What to Do Before Hiring an Editor for My Manuscript? under the section “Paying Attention to Language and Rules,” this is what I said about Dorothy.

In Bastard Out of Carolina, Dorothy Allison’s protagonist Bone is a girl.  Bone’s voice is convincing in dialogue and in internal monologue. Brilliant use of dialect.

Then, when author Vicki Hudson told me that she created “I Sent Bastard to School” Fund, I blogged to show support.

Your blog posts, book reviews, movie reviews, stage play reviews, comments on other people’s blogs . . . can be short.  Talk about how the themes hooked you or what you learned from the characters; then sign off with your full name and your mission statement (by Day 9 in my workbook, you’ll have your brilliant mission statement)

A blog is just one of the “venues” for your fans to experience you. Fans can interact with you through your blog (the way you can interact with me with this blog–by submitting a comment). A blog keeps count of number of visitors.

What other venues keep count of number of visitors/viewers?

Websites (a blog is an interactive website)

YouTube !  facebook!   Twitter!  Here’s my YouTube channel:

Name some more venues. . .

Gracious Author who is writing screenplays–perhaps instead of blogging, you’ll invest time creating one-minute videos of your articulating the themes in the screenplays that hook you; write a description for each video. Write reviews on Amazon; publish the same reviews on your blog or YouTube channel. You become a resource center.

More examples – why you want to help your fans find you:

Two years ago I went to see Carol Sheldon’s 15-minute play at Fringe of Marin One Act Plays. I invited friends. Carol’s play was delightful. I blogged about my theatre experience. Two weeks later, I received an email from a theatre goer who couldn’t find Fringe of Marin’s website but she found information about the theatre company from my blog!  She couldn’t find their website because there wasn’t one.  I am happy to say that Fringe of Marin has a lovely website now.

A week after beloved Effie Lee Morris (retired children’s librarian/visionary/advocate/author) died, I received an email from a reporter half-way across the country who wanted to talk to a family member of Effie Lee.   He said that even though he found many websites showing Effie Lee’s biographies and interviews, he couldn’t find anyone who knew how to contact her relatives. He found some of the information he needed through my blog posts; so, he emailed me to get more.  I was a resource.  I knew Effie Lee as the founder-president of Women’s National Book Association-San Francisco Chapter. She inspired the Friends of SFPL to create the annual Effie Lee Morris Lecture–to honor a children’s book author.

So you see how blogs connect people and serve as resource centers? Make your blog whatever you want it to be.  Julie Powell cooked one Julia Child recipe each day–that in itself was already an accomplishment.  Guess what? Julie blogged about cooking a Julia recipe each day.  Publishers found her.  She received a big advance to write the memoir.

Your platform-building style is unique. Developing a new habit though, does require effort/consistency.  That is why I designed a workbook with exercises for at least  21 consecutive days. The 22nd day is celebrations.

To participate in this blog post, submit a comment by: clicking on the blue title bar of this post, scrolling down to get the boxes, filling in the boxes and click on “submit comment” button — so that thousands of my fans will see your name, URL (your website/blog address if you have one), what themes/subject matters/issues hook you, and, what themes/subject matters/issues you want to spotlight.

I wish you joy, light, and a dancing heart.

Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan

Build Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days: Attract Agents, Editors, Publishers, Readers, and Media Attention NOW (the fun workbook)


January 2012 Events for Writers, Authors, Business Owners

Happy New Year to You!

January 5, 2012
6:00-7:30pm Women’s National Book Association SF Chapter members and prospective members welcomed to “Authors Exchange Solutions” discussions with Birgit Soyka, Teresa LeYung-Ryan and Mary E. Knippel at San Francisco Main Library, Latino/Hispanic Room A – free event

January 8, 2012 Writing Career Make-Over with Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan” at California Writers Club Redwood Branch in Santa Rosa, CA  $5 for CWC member; $8 non-member

January 12, 2012 roundtable discussion “Building Your Writer’s Platform with Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan“  free Internet event. Sign up at National Assn. of Memoir Writers

January 29, 2012 10:00am–5:00pm Half Moon Bay, CA  “Create Your Success Story from the Inside Out” with Mary E. Knippel, founder of Your Writing Mentor, sponsored by Women’s National Book Assn-San Francisco Chapter $35 for WNBA member; $55 non-member

February 2, 2012 6:00-7:30pm Women’s National Book Association SF Chapter members and prospective members welcomed to “Authors Exchange Solutions” discussions with Birgit Soyka, Teresa LeYung-Ryan and Mary E. Knippel at San Francisco Main Library, Latino/Hispanic Room A — free event

Arts in the Valley is hosted by Kim McMillon on 1480 KYOS in Merced, CA. Merced County has a vibrant arts community that Arts in the Valley showcases along with local and national authors. Arts in the Valley often has theme shows where topics of health, healing, women’s issues, and topics of interest to our listeners are discussed.

California Writers Club CWC 10 branches in northern California and 9 branches in southern California. CWC shall foster professionalism in writing, promote networking of writers with the writing community, mentor new writers, and provide literary support for writers and the writing community as is appropriate through education and leadership.


Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan

Teresa is author of Build Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days: Attract Agents, Editors, Publishers, Readers, and Media Attention NOW (in print edition and E-book)

During this holiday/gift-giving season, remember to gift yourself or a writer friend  . . . with books to improve your craft and advance your career; workshops; editing services; membership to writers’ organization; money toward attending a conference . . .

Are you rewriting?

Are you starting a new project?

Do you want to meet agents?

Are you being your own publisher?

Want to be associated with other writers who also specialize in your genre?

Help yourself!  Help a friend!

I’m editing a client’s children’s novel and another client’s thriller. Do you or a friend need me to help you transform your manuscript into a page-turner? Email me at  WritingCoachTeresa is my email ID.

There might be  something at Books, Movies, other Writing Tools Recommended by Coach Teresa that will get you closer to your goal or connect you with published authors. Read acknowledgment pages in books–authors thank the people who have helped them succeed.  Look at the names of folks who wrote advance praises for the authors.

There might be an organization or group or an individual at my webpage Writers’ Resources who will help you turn dreams into reality.

Go where my colleagues and I go — click here for Teresa LeYung-Ryan’s events.

  • Meetings at San Francisco Main Library with Coach Teresa and other Women’s National Book Association members
  • Writing Career MakeOver with Coach Teresa at California Writers Club
  • Roundtable discussions “Building Your Platform” with Coach Teresa for Linda Joy Myers & National Association of Memoir Writers
  • San Francisco Writers Conference
  • “Speed Dating with Agents & Acquisition Editors” at Women’s National Book Association

I wish you a joyful winter!

Happy Birthmonth to Margie Yee Webb and Elisa Southard.


Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan

Teresa is author of Build Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days: Attract Agents, Editors, Publishers, Readers, and Media Attention NOW

Teresa is author of Love Made of Heart

Coach Teresa edits manuscripts (contemporary novels; thrillers; children’s novels; memoirs) for authors who want to attract agents  & publishers  OR  want to be their own publishers.



How to submit a question/comment to this post or any post in my blog:

  • Click on the blue header (title bar) of the post
  • Scroll down until you see boxes and fill in the boxes (you do need an email address to submit questions/comments; if you have a website/blog, do promote it  by keying in the address)
  • After you fill in the boxes, you might want to keep a copy of your question/comment before clicking the  “submit comment” button.

Coach Teresa here to announce that I have changed the cover price of the print edition of Build Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days: Attract Agents, Editors, Publishers, Readers, and Media Attention NOW from $22 to $12.96

Why? When the workbook was $22, folks had to pay for’s shipping or buy another item to reach $25 for free shipping.  If you already have my workbook (Thank you! And please tell me how you’re building your platform by submitting a comment to this post!). . . . maybe as holiday gifts for yourself and a friend . . .  get another book on writing (like The Plot Whisperer: Secrets of Story Structure Any Writer Can Master or Blockbuster Plots: Pure & Simple — both books by Martha Alderson or any of the books I recommend click here to see or a movie to study dialogue as I discussed in my post of Nov. 12, 2011) for yourself and Build Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days for a friend who needs to reach out, not stress out, to build platform/fanbase/client-base.

If your friend prefers Ebook edition it is $9.81

A note to folks who shop only at brick-and-mortar bookstores . . .  I support independent bookstores and encourage writers to do the same. Independent booksellers order books through their distributors and if their distributors do not list the book you want, then your independent bookseller can’t order the book for you. BookShop West Portal in San Francisco carries my workbook and my novel Love Made of Heart.

Example:  If you go to (one of my favorite booksellers) and key in my name [ Teresa LeYung Ryan ] in the search box, you’ll see both my workbook and my novel in their database because Laurel Book Store’s distributor lists the titles.

A note to writers:  If there are bookstores near you, do visit them.  Study new releases (front cover, back cover, jacket copy, table of contents, read the first page) whether you are considering self-publishing or not; let booksellers know you support them; attend readings, meet other folks who are interested in what you’re interested about. The feature-author at a reading could turn into a mentor/advisor; everyone you meet could turn into your fans.


Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan helps fiction and nonfiction writers build their platforms and fanbases before and after publication--photo by MKWL

Please tell your friends who live in the San Francisco Greater Bay Area that I will be at these forums (click here for full schedule and details):

Dec. 1, 2011 San Francisco Public Library-Main Branch

Jan. 8, 2012 California Writers Club-Redwood Branch in Santa Rosa  “Writing-Career-Make-Over with Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan”

Jan. 12, 2012 teleseminar for National Association of Memoir Writers

February 2012 San Francisco Writers Conference

March 24, 2012 Women’s National Book Association presents “Meet the Agents/Speed Dating with Agents”  Teresa LeYung-Ryan will coach registrants on how to pitch.


Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan

Please visit my website

If you wish to email me, I’m writingcoachTeresa at

Reach out, not stress out, when pursuing your dreams!

This is a joyful opportunity for those who write memoir and creative nonfiction–no need to struggle writing the truth.

Thank you, Linda Joy Myers and National Association of Memoir Writers. Sign up for the conference here to get a free audio download:


Today October 21, 2011 day-long free Teleconference for memoir and creative nonfiction writers



Teresa LeYung-Ryan “Reach out, not stress out, when pursuing your dreams!” author of Build Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days: Attract Agents, Editors, Publishers, Readers, and Media Attention NOW

September 5, 2011

Dear Lynn Henriksen,

I miss my mom so so much. Your inviting me to guest-blog is a huge gift and I thank you. Today is Labor Day. I salute you, your mom, my mom, and all moms who labor/labored with love and hope for their families.



“What Does Your Protagonist Want?”

By  Teresa LeYung-Ryan, aka “Writing Career Coach & Manuscript Consultant Teresa”

“If you’re writing a novel or memoir, what does your protagonist want?”
“What are your themes and who are your archetypes?”
“If you’re writing a how-to book, what are the issues?”
“Do you want to build your platform to attract agents, publishers, and fans/readers?”

These are the questions I ask when writers hire me as their coach.

For many writers, the first question (“What does your protagonist want?”) is not an easy one to answer. What does your main character want when the story opens? As the story moves forward?

For memoir authors, the protagonist is the Self. You the author lived your story and you know the outcome; now is the chance to engage readers via story-telling techniques and show them what you wanted and how you went about getting (or not getting) what you wanted.

For novel authors, oftentimes the protagonist (or another major character) is modeled after the author; what the protagonist wants is also oftentimes a recurring theme for the author.

In the opening scene of Love Made of Heart (my autobiographical novel about an adult-daughter struggling to understand her mother’s mental illness ), protagonist Ruby Lin asks herself: What have I done? (as she watches police officers escort her mother from her apartment).

Ruby wants her mother to get well; she wants to return to her routines; she wants to forget her past; she wants a wise elder who listens and doesn’t judge. As we get to know Ruby, we find out what her “big wants” are—to find love and forgiveness.

I, Teresa LeYung-Ryan, author of the novel, did not have a maternal grandmother. How I used to fantasize about a kind and wise Grandmama to run to! Writing fiction gave me the luxury to give my protagonist something I never had, so, I created the elderly neighbor Mrs. Nussbaum (embodying the mentor and ally archetypes); she would listen to Ruby and not judge her.

In the introduction of Lynn Scott’s memoir A Joyful Encounter: My Mother, My Alzheimer Clients, and Me, the author reveals: I needed money. I was sixty-seven and living thinly on Social Security… As we read on, we meet the other characters/archetypes and see how they help the author get the “big want” (what money can’t buy) . . .  a spiritual journey to her mother’s love.  Lynn Henriksen’s review of this same book ends with “… Scott’s book made me laugh, cry, and wish I could have my mother back for just a day, even one more hour.”

Aah, to have Mom back for just a day, even one more hour. That is exactly what yours truly wants right now.  I’ve been ill (coping with symptoms from wheat-intolerance) and I yearn for my mom’s hugs and encouraging words: “All will be fine, my darling daughter.” But, I can’t get what I want on a physical level; Mom died over ten years ago of metastasized breast cancer.

My biggest angel is my mom, and, I ask her to help me on a daily basis. “Mom, I want to feel well.”  My muscles and sinuses were hurting; fatigue overwhelmed me; then, when depression moved in . . . I knew that I needed to be an active protagonist. I stopped eating breads and anything made with wheat flour (and that include flaky pie crusts, almond tea cakes, Challah, tortilla that hold a burrito together, Pad Thai, and pasta).

My mastermind colleague Lori Noack reminded me that wheat is in soy sauce (gosh I eat a lot of Chinese food too) and in marinades and salad dressings (yikes).  LN, thank you for your encouraging emails!

Next, I went to see a Chinese Herbal Medicine practitioner. Heather Richmond said “Teresa, the foods you’ve been eating are ‘damp.’ To treat the ‘dampness’ so that you’ll feel better, not only am I advising eliminating wheat from your diet, I’m also recommending eliminating soy as in tofu and corn.” No tofu and corn, in addition to no wheat?  Oh my.  Heather had explained that wheat, soy and corn are the top three most genetically-modified foods in this country.

Mrs. Nussbaum’s voice (my inner Wise Self) stepped into my head.  “Making a lifestyle change calls for perseverance. Go easy. Go gentle.  I’m proud of you.”

I tell my clients “Reach out, not stress out, when pursuing your dreams.” I too have been reaching out—by telling my friends about what I want—to feel energetic again. I will need their moral support (to cheer for me when I turn down a slice of bread, a fresh croissant or homemade pizza crust).

At a meeting, Linda Joy Myers, author of 3 books and founder of National Association of Memoir Writers, gave me delicious rice crackers, wild salmon, and green beans when she found out about my wheat intolerance. Thank you, LJM!

Thank you to all my friends and family members who are supportive of my goals!  My sister sent me a gift card for shopping sprees in “organic produce” aisles.  Thank you, Maria!

These books continue to be helpful as I want to live well in spite of food allergies:

  • Eating Gluten Free: Delicious Recipes and Essential Advice for Living Well Without Wheat and Other Problematic Grains by Shreve Stockton
  • Optimal Healing: A Guide to Traditional Chinese Medicine by Patricia Tsang, M.D.

Heather Richmond is recommending I stop eating rice in the next phase of treatment.  Oh oh . . .

I still want hugs from my mom.  I feel them.  Every morning and every night, in my prayers.  And I give hugs back. “Thank you my Main Angel.”

Lynn Henriksen aka The Story Woman, thank you so much for asking me to guest-blog. You’ve given me a lovely gift—a chance to talk about my mom, knowing what the protagonist wants, and how to reach out not stress out!  I cheer for you, your books, blog, and classes!


Teresa LeYung-Ryan

Author, Writing Career Coach, Manuscript Consultant.

Teresa’s blog for resources.

Teresa uses Love Made of Heart to inspire adult children of mentally ill parents to speak openly about the stigmas and find resources for their families. (the novel is available in libraries, archived in the San Francisco History Center, and used by teachers in college and universities).

She’s also the author of Build Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days: Attract Agents, Editors, Publishers, Readers, and Media Attention NOW (a workbook to help writers of all genres gain a competitive edge before and after publication. Available as ebook too! Customers of the workbook are saying that it’s useful for anyone who has anything to promote.)

Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan says: "Reach out, not stress out, when pursuing your dreams."


Lynn Henriksen wrote: “Teresa – it was my pleasure placing your guest post on The Story Woman blog! Thank you for an interesting piece and for speaking from your heart as you always do.”

Kate Farrell, Wisdom Has a Voice wrote: “Teresa–What a great post that speaks to how writers think, yearn, and write for themselves, to connect and to share in a way that makes the world a community!”

First, what is a writer’s platform? Writing Career Coach Teresa LeYung Ryan here to answer that question–”Making your name stand for something—to attract targeted consumers who are likely to buy what you have to sell.”

” What are you selling? Your literary products—articles, columns, stories, poems, essays, speeches, scripts, books.”

“Making your name stand for something–the something being the subject matters, issues, and themes in your writings.”

“Targeted consumers? They are the readers who read the subject matters that you write about.”

My clients ask me: “Coach Teresa, How long does it take to build my writer’s platform?”

My answer: “When you stick to something for 21 days, you develop a new habit.  Do the exercises in my workbook for at least 21 days. On the 22nd day, you graduate with the tools to build your writer’s platform.”

So, how long does it take to build your writer’s platform? Only 22 days!

May 5, 2011:

Author Joan Gelfand asked me today: “Teresa, what happens after you build your platform?

My response: “After I build my platform, I fortify it, then I retrofit it.  Building my platform and then abandoning it doesn’t serve me.”

Margaret Davis, author of Straight Down the Middle, says: “Instead of the usual pep talks, Coach Teresa’s workbook consists of a series of exercises which are thought-provoking, and always fun.”

Speaking of fun, I had a fun day fortifying my own platform and helping fellow members of WNBA.

Thanks to my pal Mary E. Knippel‘s lending me her Flip camera, I produced 4 short videos today–to share my expertise about platform-building for writers. I’ll post the videos on YouTube next week.

Then, I packed the Women’s National Book Association-San Francisco Chapter (WNBA) membership roster, name badges, name tents, the thank-you gift for our chapter president (Lynn Henriksen),  and went cake-shopping for tonight’s celebration. The event was at the San Francisco Public Library-Main Branch.

What an exciting meeting!  Established members (guiding lights) showed up; talented new members showed up:

Lynn Henriksen will mentor the new incoming chapter president or co-presidents

Kate Britton wishes to stay on as Membership Chair

Christopher Payne wishes to stay on as Treasurer

Teresa LeYung-Ryan wishes to stay on as Secretary, mentor committee chairs, and continue to show members how to build their own platforms with the help of the WNBA platform.

Mary E. Knippel wishes to stay on to mentor committee chairs and help them coax their creativity.

Birgit Soyka wishes to be WNBA Liaison to BookShop West Portal

Elizabeth Pomada, former chapter president, will continue to be a guiding light for WNBA, promoting our chapter through San Francisco Writers Conference, ASJA, and other affiliations.

Michael Larsen, former chapter president, will continue to be a guiding light for WNBA, promoting our chapter through San Francisco Writers Conference, ASJA,and other affiliations.

Leon Veal will continue being our liaison at San Francisco Public Library and San Francisco Project Read

Jane Glendinning is also affiliated with California Writers Club-Berkeley Branch

Patricia Tsang, M.D. is also affiliated with California Writers Club-San Francisco Peninsula Branch (and the Asian Heritage Street Celebration this year)

Janine Kovac is also affiliated with LitQuake (San Francisco’s Literary Festival)

Apala Egan is also affiliated with California Writers Club-South Bay Branch

Claudia Boutote is also affiliated with Harper One, publisher in San Francisco

Joan Gelfand is immediate-past president on national board of WNBA; she recommends our chapter sponsoring smaller events, and more of them, so that members get to co-chair one event in their region. This distribution of duties would benefit all members.

Linda Joy Myers, founder of National Association of Memoir Writers (NAMW), offered to share her expertise in teleseminars.

Linda Lee, our webmaster and cyberspace guru, offered to share her expertise in webinars and make webinars a benefit to members and a revenue tool when we sell the products to non-members.

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We honored Lynn Henriksen; she made the past 2 years fun for us. Thank you, Lynn!

Vicki, Leigh Anne, Kaye, Barbara, Judith, Ricky, Elisa, we missed you at this meeting/party. See you soon!

Cyberspace Guru Linda Lee and I had a chance to chat after the meeting.

Cheers from Writing Coach Teresa!


Teresa LeYung-Ryan, board member, San Francisco Chapter of Women’s National Book Association

Hope to see members in or near San Francisco on Thursday June 2, 2011,  6:00-7:30pm
Women’s National Book Association-San Francisco Chapter MEET UP
Mary E. Knippel (Creativity Mentor) & Teresa LeYung-Ryan (Writing Career Coach) will be present to mentor members and conduct “round-table MEET UP”
San Francisco Public Library, Main Branch, Latino/Hispanic Community Room (you can bring food into this room) at lower level,
100 Larkin St.(or use 30 Grove Street entrance), S.F., CA 94102
RSVP by emailing:







Build Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days: Attract Agents, Editors, Publishers, Readers, and Media Attention NOW Available through   Check out the reviews!   Coach Teresa created the fun workbook to help fiction and nonfiction authors gain a competitive edge.  Whether you want to be your own publisher or sell rights to another publisher, attract readers and more readers now!   After you order Coach Teresa’s workbook, email her to receive an exclusive bonus on platform-building. Teresa’s email address is on her website

May is Personal History Month

AMY GORMAN – Guided Autobiography class

Saturday May 22, 2010
Elders in Action and the Geezer gallery presents:
Grand Works Northwest Art Festival
~celebrating creativity in aging~
Amy Gorman offers:
Workshop in Creative Aging with the film, “Still Kicking”
The Mark Building, 1119 SW Park Ave, Portland, OR
CONTACT: Brenda Morgan

Go to Amy Gorman’s website for other programs. She is the author of book Aging Artfully — about the twelve women aged 85-105 who inspired her work. It’s also about promoting positive healthy aging for the general public, and for advocating involvement with the creative arts in retirement years.

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Post your comment to NAMW founder Linda Joy Myers’s question: Why should I write my memoir?

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Saturday May 21, 2011 Asian Heritage Street Celebration in San Francisco, CA

Teresa LeYung Ryan will be with fellow authors Margie Yee Webb, Dr. Patricia Tsang, Lloyd Lofthouse at the California Writers Club booth at Asian Heritage Street Celebration “AHSC” on May 21, 2011.  Teresa uses her book Love Made of Heart to honor the Chinese immigrant experience and to inspire adult-children of mentally-ill parents to speak openly about the stigmas and gain resources for their families.

As a writing career coach, Teresa uses her workbook Build Your Writer’s Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days to help fiction and nonfiction authors attract agents, publishers, readers, and media attention before and after publication.

Teresa LeYung is the sponsor of “THE IMMIGRANT EXPERIENCE: NOVEL, MEMOIR, OR SHORT STORY” Writing Contest—entries must be received by 7:00 pm, Friday, April 29, 2011 or postmarked by April 25th, 2011. Winners’ names will be displayed at the June 11-19, 2011 San Mateo County Fair Literary Arts Department.

Cheers from Writing Career Coach Teresa


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